Episode 373 – Medical Martial Law 2020

by | Mar 21, 2020 | Podcasts | 175 comments

As the lockdowns go into place and the military takes to the streets in country after country, the decades of preparation for medical martial law are finally paying off for the pandemic planners. Today on this emergency edition of The Corbett Report podcast, James lays out the steps that have led us to the brink of martial law and the steps that are being taken to implement it now. Please help to spread this important information and to raise awareness of the crisis that we are facing.

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Episode 086 – Medical Martial Law

The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act

An Internal Pandemic Document Shows the Coronavirus Gives Trump Extraordinary Powers

Operations Plan for Pandemic Response

Trudeau announces restrictions on entry into Canada

Trudeau announces Canadians abroad will not be allowed entry to country if they exhibit symptoms of Covid-19

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (Lock Step Rockefeller Foundation scenario)

Episode 228 – How to Become a Billionaire (and what to do with it)

The Coronavirus and the New World Order. “War is in the Air”

What Bill Gates is afraid of

Ebola reporting on The Corbett Report

The Next Epidemic — Lessons from Ebola by Bill Gates

Operation Dark Winter Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4

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New CDC pandemic quarantine powers enacted

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel

About Event 201

Prop Report special report Event 201 Agenda

Event 201 Call to Action (7 recommendations)

Facebook, Reddit, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube issue joint statement on misinformation

Facebook “Bug” Blocks News Articles About Covid-19 Pandemic

WHO warns of coronavirus ‘infodemic’ — an epidemic of too much information

Event 201 coronavirus plushies

Politifact “Fact Check” on plushies

Trump taps emergency powers as virus relief plan proceeds

Two temporary hospitals handed over to army medical team in Wuhan

Israeli military enters state of war amid nationwide curfew over COVID19

Italy braces for extended lockdown as COVID-19 death toll surpasses China

National Guard Deployed To Help Contain Coronavirus In NYC Suburb

The #NYCLockdown is About to Begin. Here’s What You Need to Know. 

What is martial law?

War, Martial Law, and the Economic Crisis by Peter Dale Scott

What’s the full extent of Trump’s disaster authority? That’s classified, security expert says

Here’s the latest National Guard mobilizations by state

Coronavirus vs. Constitution: What can government stop you from doing in a pandemic?

America’s national security machine stares down a viral threat

U.S. government, tech industry discussing ways to harness location data to combat coronavirus

Israel Joins Totalitarian States Using Coronavirus To Spy On Citizens

Coronavirus: Thousands of armed forces staff could be put on standby over COVID-19 spread

Coronavirus: How the Emergencies Act could help Canada’s struggling economy

New “Emergency Measures” Will Come From The QUARANTINE ACT!! This Is NOT Looking Good For Canada!!!

James Corbett on Macroagressions w/ Charlie Robinson


  1. James what do you think of Luke Rudowski parroting the main stream media, and saying people aren’t listening there continuing to follow their religious beliefs. Maybe because my belief in GOD is something worth dying for. It’s what keeps me owning my own body and not trusting man. Something the PEOPLE could use right now. I’ll be honored to die for what I believe can people say that about dying for the truth? Have you ever looked into the strange untimely death of Luke’s “friend” James Wallace. I’d really like to know. Thank you.

    • I have to admit…I’ve been a little annoyed with Luke lately, especially when he had that doctor on recently touting a vaccine as a way to prepare for this pandemic.

      A vaccine?? Really?! I felt a little upset because of all the dangers of vaccines and for Bertrand Russel’s comment about them being “chemical lobotomies” to dumb us down and make us sheep.

      I admire Luke and still respect him, but he has been going a little off the rails lately.

      • Promotion of a vaccine is equally dismal as promoting a pharmaceutical drug. Whether over the counter or only available by prescription, check out the side effects. And dont worry, that list is not all encompassing; you’re supposed to report any non listed side effects to your doctor. And I can tell you from experience that the doctor will most likely respond to you that it can’t be from the medication. Huh, just read the whole pamphlet that is handed out with the medication. At least medication offers such pamphlet, vaccines don’t offer anything of the sort. Gee wonder why?
        Time to get back to nature. God has given us plenty of anti viral and anti microbial plants growing at our feet. Work with the body and not against, as nature intended.

    • Hi James, first I want to give a big thank you for the work you do. I’ve been a subscriber for some time and I’ve watched and listen to the information you’ve researched and compiled for years before that. I have a important question to ask about a individual I believe was murdered to take over a movement. That movement is the 9/11 truth movement namely We are change. Please watch this video https://youtu.be/d7G1GutCIoA

      Thank you so much.


    • I consider Rudkowski to be a mole in the “independent media community.” (What a pukey phrase.) His idiotic vid of crashing a ptsb event and walking up to Heinz Kissenger to ask embarrassing questions followed by being escorted out, however roughly (not much) is a dead give away. Does anyone really think a little weasel of a nobody such as Rudkowski could actually enter such an event? COME ON. I have been repeatedly amazed that James has fallen for such a stupid charade.

      Rudkowski also stole $2.5k from the GGC investors. He was supposed to produce some marketing videos with that money. Instead, I’ve been told he pocketed the money and promptly went to Santiago a-whoring. Well, not surprising that he has to pay for sex.

      In my book, anyone who associates with this creepy mole is suspect.

  2. We are 1984n ourselves over some H.G. wells war of the worlds b.s. I knew there was a lot of ignorance out there but this brings a new meaning to sheeple. America has been sold to the banks. Are we as a people going to be free or ruled by technocrats. This is the crisis The NEW WORLD ORDER has been waiting for to subvert the USA into neo feudalism. Delete your Fedbooks if you have them delete your amazon primes and google accounts. Time to put are money where are mouths are and pull out of their centralized control NOW. It already could be to late.

  3. I’ve been running around telling people that we need a global leave your phone at home day. Go into nature and meditate or pray or whatever you want to call it.??

  4. Looking at Italy I’ve voluntarily self isolated to help protect the crumbling health services of the United Kingdom. It seems the way to deal with any future outbreak is to have emergency preparedness as in more ventilators and hospital capacity rather than overpaid useless talking shops like the WHO and the UN. It would be a lot cheaper and less dangerous to your civil liberties.
    I think this was engineered to hide what was quite clearly the death of capitalism, rather than incompetence they can now blame a global virus just like the last time it was global banking crisis (not our fault).
    It seems the Italian deaths are around 70% male and medics baffled. Also a much higher death rate for some reason. Any thoughts.

    • hugh.m says:
      It seems the Italian deaths are around 70% male and medics baffled. Also a much higher death rate for some reason. Any thoughts.

      This link and the link below it’s comment will give some data & STATISTICS about ITALY.

      Also, for me personally, a couple writers pointed out some aspects:

      ~~~ It is very easy to test a dead body.
      Live ambient bodies are more difficult to test broadly, so ratios get skewed.
      Plus, these tests are not really what they are made out to be by the media. I question the accuracy of a “definitive SARS-CoV-2 strain” on a virus test. I am sure that other viruses or antigens could trigger a positive, which they tag as SARS-CoV-2.

      ~~~ It benefits certain agenda groups to have a high death rate count ratio. It makes things into a CRISIS!…aggh!…we are all gonna die.

      ~~~ One writer pointed out an interesting characteristic of the Italian Culture. There can be a lot of drama! Or inflated emotional exaggeration of something. He said, “Get worried when they stop screaming.”

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
      Personally, I can’t speak to the Italian culture, but I can speak to my observations of how some cultures generally respond and react.

      A loud New York Jewish guy and a West Texas Rancher would probably have completely different ways of reacting. God forbid that they be in the same bar.

      In a small town in Texas, back in High School during the late 60’s, Jimmy Joe and some other High School folks were over at the Coach’s house late at night toilet-papering his house.
      The Coach walks out onto the front porch with a pistol, and with only a few calm words, tells everyone to leave now.
      Jimmy Joe, a bit smart alecky, says: “Ahhh Coach…it is only toilet paper….” as he tosses a roll over the house.
      Calmly, the Coach shoots him in the foot.

      That ended the toilet paper brigade.

      Anyway, that’s how I heard it at school the next day.

      • Oh, Italians are terrible drama queens. I do not mean any disrespect, but Italian’s ability to overblow any situation can’t be overstated.

        BTW, that Coach fellow is all right in my book.

        • ha!
          Good to know these cultural things.
          So, then, in the powder room, what the ladies all whisper about Croatian males is true?

          Say mkey,

          Where is that post which you made in response to ManBearPig’s comment?
          It was an incredible piece of English writing, especially coming from a Croatian.

          The whole piece was great. It talked about guys with high IQ’s, but, ironically, who had no depth to important aspects in life.

          A particular line /phrase which really gave me the vivid concept was something like…
          “…brushing it off like a bug on the windshield…”

          Anyway, the comment had a professional writer’s ink on it.

          • It’s back on the Bermas interview.


            I already mentioned somewhere my attempt to pique the interest of one of my colleague regarding this ordeal, one that failed miserably. When I wanted to make a point how the economy (especially in this failed state) is going to sink with this incentive he brushed it off by saying that he doesn’t think we go hungry. As if there is nothing between being hungry and well set. Hunger is, after all, usually a matter of not having the money to buy food, instead of food not being available.

            People are really not thinking even one move ahead. Typically everyone closes shop waiting for the summer and the tourists to start pouring in. There won’t be many of those this year, maybe not even the next. There is basically no industry and almost no food production, monetary policy supported imports and living on credit for a few decades now.

            It’s not that these long term effects are being downplayed, they are simply being ignored altogether. The fact there is an election coming up (if indeed there will be an election) is not helping one iota. The fear porn has put everything on the back-burner.

            Also, we’re nearing the end of the news cycle, when you train people to have a really short attention spans you will have issues sustaining a long term propaganda campaign.

          • CLASSIC

            “… awareness.
            And intelligence, but the two should not be collated.

            I know some really intelligent folk who are completely oblivious and who will stick to what they know is true regardless of all and any outside stimulus.
            They will simply not ask the question or entertain the thought.
            A fragment of information, with unlimited potential to replicate, sent their way will simply bounce off their stream of consciousness.
            It will be brushed off like a bug used to be brushed off from the windshield, back then when that still was an event….”

        • 100db is the base for one individual. With each additional individual you need to add 3db because other will always be incentivized to talk louder than the others.

    • Jon Rappaport has quite a few.


      In short: statistics at this point mean practically nothing. The death rate is completely missatributed. Possibility that they are signing death warrants for older patients by administering ribavirin which may be lethal for patients with coronary diseases and hypertension.

    • More about ITALY and STATISTICS.

      Corbett Report Member d.meg has a wonderful LINK.

      d.meg says:
      “Here a good inside view provided by the, in Europe well respected, Swiss Propaganda Research Project.
      A Swiss medical doctor provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment.”

      Be sure to scroll down the link which d.meg gives us.
      Great Timeline of info.

  5. I haven’t watched the video yet but some VERY big concerns here:

    -Asymptomatic people can be a threat (“invisible enemy”) which creates an excuse for a radical increase in government power

    -Overwhelm people in a short amount of time before they can even think about what’s happening to them. All of a sudden the military is in the streets?!

    -Scare and separate people.

    -Blame economic crash on exogenous event (“it wasn’t the bankers’ fault!”)

    -Forced vaccines (“your actions affect my health!”)

    -Get rid of paper money (“it can spread disease!”)

    -Sea change of daily life. Get used to martial law (“for your own good!”) and central planning (“politicians will protect you!”)

    -During shelter-in-place, who knows what will happen. What if they shut the power down and say there’s a blackout? That would also cause the Internet to be turned off, further isolating people. Also, the restrictions could get progressively tighter over time. Initially we’re being told you can still go outside. Maybe eventually (probably in short order) you’ll need to fill out a form. And after that, maybe you won’t be allowed outside except in very limited circumstances.

    Eventually when people are resigned to this new, depressing way of life, they’ll probably start to turn on each other. At that point, the police state will be looked to to keep the peace (learning to love your captors). Also, the idea of going back to a way of life without a police state will seem “dangerous”, “anarchy” and “not realistic in this day an age” (sort of how, over time, people adopted the idea that they need to rely on government to bail everyone out during downturns)

  6. Interestingly, here in the Netherlands the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak can be clearly seen on the the RIVM Dutch CDC’s website.

    Not crowded cities like Amsterdam, it’s not Rotterdam, not Utrecht, no, it’s outside of the main city in small municipalities of Uden, Landerd and Boekel, surrounding exactly the Volkel Airforce Base located in the municipality of Uden in which the first hospital in the Netherlands on 17th of March to basically collapse under the load of COVID-19 cases, just 5-7 km from the base. The outbreak in the Netherlands appears to have been spreading in the earliest from these municipalities.

    The base has a controversial past as it has been suspected but also admitted by wikileaks and a former prime minister to be the home of US nuclear weapons. It’s basically a US air force base as security and everything there is handled by US army personel.

  7. Oh boy, we are deep in it. And every day more. People are applauding the governments‘ decisions, lockdowns and theft of our liberties for the ‘good’. Alone the suspicions and anxious glares when you sneeze. It‘s shocking to see how sneakily this crept up upon us, from “Don’t worry about it pleb” to “You will land in jail if you are out on the streets without a ‘good’ reason”.

    The virus (should it even exist in this deadly form we are being drowned with) is not the problem. It seems ‘they’ like to chose invisible threats nowadays – deadly gasses that we produce which will boil the planet, or a ‘mutant’ virus, which in its natural form spreads around the world anyway ‘like a virus’ every year repeatedly.

    I’m worried about (us) anti-vaxxers or vax-skeptics. This will make the Frankenstein story look like a pink unicorn fairytale. I see the hay forks and burning torches approach anybody who even breaths a doubt on the vaccination issue. “How dare you!”, comes to mind.

    Full control is knocking at the front door (and back) and I wonder how I personally will react when the doorbell rings in real. Let’s face it: our rfid chips or Neuralinks are prepared.

    • On the egoistic side of all this coronavirus crisis, one of the things that has been worrying me more than anything is what you have just said about vaccines. What could we do if Government decide to set up mandatory vaccines? Because this is not only a thing about believing or not in vaccines. This is about freedom. Our freedom to decide about our bodies and our lives.

      I don’t know how I would react either, but it is sure that we have to start thinking about it, because even if they don’t make vaccination compulsory directly, they will make laws to forbid non-vaccinated people to access to certain services, like traveling, probably integrated in the Social Credit system, in the ID2020 or something similar.

  8. Mr. West or Mr. Corbett,

    We need about a 3 to 10 minute video of this Episode 373 – Medical Martial Law 2020, especially the last part of “Do not Normalize this” where James emphasizes that point.
    Or perhaps a fresh, shorter video with highlighted points.

    It is already being so normalized.
    Mandatory business closures, banning meetings, et al.

    Banning home-based poker games of more than 10 people in parts of Texas is the last straw. Puts a new spin on Texas Hold’em.

    This current “authoritarianism is okay” meme is so, so not normal.

    Anyway, it could be helpful for dissemination purposes to have a shorter video highlighting this aspect of the insanity.

  9. Corbett’s Echoes of World War One…

    Order of the White Feather… …a woman gives a non-military man a white feather (an emblem of cowardice).
    (See Corbett Report’s documentary on the Home Page box to the top right “The WWI Conspiracy (2018)”.)

    All kinds of coronavirus related articles are out now regarding SHAMING.
    Search it, you will see.

    March 19, 2020
    Associated Press
    ‘Quarantine shaming’ sweeps U.S. social media: ‘The time matrix seems to be shifting’

    The chairman of Arizona’s Asian Chamber of Commerce (Ryan Winkle) didn’t see much downside to attending a small dinner at a local restaurant to bolster the business and bring together other leaders to discuss how to help Asian-American eateries devastated by the coronavirus…

    …“I started getting some messages saying, ‘Hey, why are you trying to spread the virus?’ I was like, ‘It’s a small event, and everyone had washed their hands, and they had sanitizer on the tables,’ ” Winkle said of the dinner held Saturday in Mesa, Arizona.
    “My thinking is always about the economics. Imagine when all these businesses shut down. That’s a whole different problem.”

    “Quarantine shaming” — calling out those not abiding by social distancing rules — is part of a new and startling reality for Americans who must navigate a world of rapidly evolving social norms in the age of COVID-19…

    … the divide
    between those who are stringently practicing self-isolation
    those who are still trying to go about some semblance of a normal life has never been more clear….

  10. Thanks Simon!
    Actually, it says Saturday March 21st mid-day as I am watching it.
    Where are all the cabs? and crowds of people?

    Some great options on views, zoom, sound are at the link.

    My granddaughter lives up that way, and normally works in Manhattan, but now works from home.
    I appreciate it Simon.

    • BUMP

      (New York Governor) Cuomo said that starting Sunday, all workers in nonessential businesses must stay home as much as possible, and gatherings of any size will be banned in the state of over 19 million people.
      California likewise all but confined its 40 million residents on Friday, and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced a similar order set to take effect on Saturday for the state’s 12.6 million people.
      The governor of Connecticut, New York’s neighboring state, said he also was poised to issue a comparable directive.

      Exceptions were made for essential jobs and errands, such as buying groceries and medicine, as well as for exercise.

    • Europe will wait for a vaccine, thank you very much. People are being absolutely gutted (not as much as the economy, though) and yaddayaddayadda but if this medicine is good for those easterners, it don’t mean it ain’t no good for European master idiot race.

  11. An Oklahoma jail? for sassing the Sheriff.

    I dunno. I thought the same thing.
    As it gets dark in the States (2pm now), he may show for the Music.

  12. James is spot on about the global nature of this martial law response. Here in the UK we have the fantastic Coronavirus Bill. Let’s look at that little gem.


    1. Enforced Home Detention

    2. Arrest if “suspected” of being ill

    3. Courts to use “video testimonies from custody.”

    4. Enforced medical procedures.

    5. Powers to detain without a warrant.

    6. Powers to make entry into private property without a warrant.

    7. 1 not 2 coroners

    8. Potential Curfew

    The list goes on but I’m sure you get the gist. Then we have the Prime Minister saying it will all be over in 12 weeks but get this, ‘cos here’s the kicker, the sunset clause on this legislation is 2 years.

    That’s right, even when the media induced panic of this fake pandemic dies down (yes it’s fake – see below) the State will retain these powers for two years. It gets better. Most of the clauses stay anyway “pending government review”.

    As for this being fake I think the fact that there appears to be a preventative treatment (chloroquine) that government have known about for more than a month but have done nothing about tells us how much they are focused upon harm minimisation.

    More like excuse maximisation to roll out their fascist state.


    • Excellent summary and a nice timeline. Gary Busey… erm, Boris Johnson appears to be buying time for a vaccine deployment. Along all the tyrannical agenda.

      “Self insulate” for 18 months and maybe best to stay off the internets for duration, you don’t want any unverified information to mess up your blind belief system.

      • “Garey Busey”…lol….I’d never noticed before but he does indeed look like him.

        It’s all about the vaccine so they don’t give a damn about actually treating people and I am glad you saw the same as I did from the timeline.

        What really stood out for me was the French decision to “refuse” to trial chloroquine. Given the clinical trials in both China and France, the lab results in Japan, South Korea and elsewhere, the analysis from Stanford an others, their decision not to even trial it seems to be driven by nothing but commercial reasons, as chloroquine is a generic medicine.

        There’s more on that here if your interesrted:


        • Please be careful with that joke among your friends, I’m sure Gary is stand up guy, he just looks insane. While, on the other hand, Boris’ wits fits his looks.

          I have checked that other link as well, thanks. Later today I’ll prepare a write up and email some of the people in the alternative media scene, maybe they can manage to get some traction through their platforms. These talking points are very convincing in their own right. There is no mention of any of this information in the local media.

          As far as motivation goes, I’d like to exhort you to always look from several angles when looking for motivation. Vaccine is a part of the deal here for sure, but there are certainly may other things at play. The martial law is one great sandbox in itself, they have tried many times to stir up the frenzy during the past decade and this time there’s finally some fruits for them to collect. They know this virus is nothing special, they don’t care about the cures.

          The want to disenfranchise people, to weaken them as much as possible, to make them as tractable as possible and, finally, they want the people to beg for help. To beg these lying psychopathic chronic liars, thieves and mass murderers for help should be below any decent human being.

          • Yes I think the clear reluctance to trial (repurpose) chloroquine demonstrates a lack of care. There seems little reason to delay trials from a health perspective. Something else is behind that decision. Especially in France where they have point blank refused even to consider trials. However, the situation is similar in the UK with the government remaining tight lipped on the issue.

            I hear what you are saying about the motivation and I think there are many possible drivers behind what we are seeing. Obviously there’s direct control of the population itself. Certainly in France it coincidentally brings an end to the mass, year long Gilet Jaune protests.

            As James has stated, this totalitarian lock down delivers on many levels. Cashless society, universal income, restricted freedom of movement, inability to protest, breakdown in social communication and cohesion, and the reams of economic and monetary changes it will undoubtedly usher in are all strong motivations in and of themselves.

            Yet you hit the nail on the head when you spoke of the demoralisation of the population and the weakening of their resistance to authoritarian change. That appears to be the overarching principle upon which all the other changes will be built.

      • You’re most welcome.

        It’s all very concerning. I think James is spot on and it is reasonable to suspect there is at least some elements of this alleged pandemic that are deliberately engineered.

        I can see no other rationale for the hesitancy to trial chloroquine. It seems they don’t want to treat it or reduce it’s impact.

    • Man! That is draconian…and the fact that it sunsets after 2 years is alarming!

      Of course, the UK is closer to the “IngSoc” ideal that 1984 talked about.

      That doesn’t mean here in the US it couldn’t get worse.

      I am shocked that my religion has suspended meetings and are complying with the authorities to an extent that I never saw before in my life.

      I am hoping that it is temporary…but as James skillfully put it, this is but a PR campaign to accept even more draconian measures in the future.

      • Sorry to hear about your church. It seems even observing your faith is verboten.

        I agree with James, there’s nothing temporary about these measures. Once the totalitarian cat is out of the bag there’s no putting it back in.

        In the UK the 2 year sunset clause doesn’t even cover all the powers. I’m still looking at it to figure out which are exempt but detention if they don’t like the look of you is one of them.

        So I suspect once this alleged pandemic has dideddown there will be others meaning the martial law powers stay in force with increasing regularity until everyone accepts them and they have their global dictatorship.

    • I’m really glad that you’ve highlighted the Emergency Coronavirus bill Ian. I’m late to this discussion, as I’ve been out all day (controversial, I know!).

      But one thing that the Guardian missed out of its report (can’t think why!!) is the section on vaccines. This is tucked away near the end of the outline of the bill. The wording is vague, but it seems clear that they are aiming to remove restrictions on mandatory vaccines.


      Search under “vaccination” or “vaccine”.

      The bill also inflates the powers of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (“snooper’s charter”) while cutting back on other things, such as the number of doctors needed to get someone sectioned under the Mental Health Act, or as you mention, the number of coroners required for establishing the cause of death.

      In fact, the number of measures designed to loosen up controls over death, cremation and burial make me wonder if the aim is to inflate the numbers of deaths attributed to coronavirus.

      No parliamentary vote on this bill. No review of it before 2 years. It’s a sham pretence of government and democracy.

      Oh, and I wrote to my MP four days ago about this, and got the usual standard email back saying that he was too busy to respond.

      • Yep that Bill is truly dictatorial, full of little gems like opening the door for compulsory vaccination. Personally I strongly suspect the coronavirus vaccine will be compulsory in the UK. Who but crazy conspiracy theorist “antivaxxers” would oppose it?

        The Mental Health gulag system should be useful when it comes to dealing with lunatics who just won’t see things from the State’s persepctive. I too find the loosening of regulations over death procedures highly suspicious.

        As for no vote, the sunset clause and the fact that your MP is just to busy I believe they call it representative democracy. Representing what is the question because it certainly isn’t us.

        All the best Minnie

        • I think the opposition to mandatory vaccination could be stronger than they think… but we’ll see. I’m fully expecting to be a “social leper” soon. But there are worse situations.

  13. The following from Suspicious 0bservers today’s broadcast

    DoD Says Flu Vaccine Makes You Susceptible to Coronavirus:

    This article says that vaccinations work on the flu and RSV, but it does that interference thing for a certain one its cousins that’s in all the papers these days. That is the flu vaccine makes you more susceptible to the coronavirus. Thanks for that little gem, DoD, and Thanks, big pharma, “you are the gift that keeps on giving”.

    Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference. Test-negative study designs are often utilized to calculate influenza vaccine effectiveness. The virus interference phenomenon goes against the basic assumption of the test-negative vaccine effectiveness study that vaccination does not change the risk of infection with other respiratory illness, thus potentially biasing vaccine effectiveness results in the positive direction. This study aimed to investigate virus interference by comparing respiratory virus status among Department of Defense personnel based on their influenza vaccination status. Furthermore, individual respiratory viruses and their association with influenza vaccination were examined.

    We compared vaccination status of 2880 people with non-influenza respiratory viruses to 3240 people with pan-negative results. Comparing vaccinated to non-vaccinated patients, the adjusted odds ratio for non-flu viruses was 0.97 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.86, 1.09; p = 0.60). Additionally, the vaccination status of 3349 cases of influenza were compared to three different control groups: all controls (N = 6120), non-influenza positive controls (N = 2880), and pan-negative controls (N = 3240). The adjusted ORs for the comparisons among the three control groups did not vary much (range: 0.46-0.51).

    Receipt of influenza vaccination was not associated with virus interference among our population. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.

    Continue reading…

  14. James,

    The original Episode #86 does not seem to be available on your site. When I search or it and play that old episode, what comes up is the updated version with the excerpt that you put out last week.

    • cbmpfi,

      Yeah, I encountered the same problem when I watched the #086 video, so I tried listening to the audio instead. Sure enough, you can catch the entire episode there. For the first 11 1/2 minutes, James gives a rundown of “real news.” Then he launches into the medical martial law material. After we finish listening, we’ll be prepped for the latest MML episode, which sure is jam-packed with show notes, isn’t it?!

      MBP and HRS, generalbottle washer will be touched to learn that you miss him–especially on a Saturday night, huh? I’ll let him know. A week or so ago, GBW told me he needed to take a break from reading comments and commenting.

      Of course, the other possible reason he’s been absent of late is that the chem trails in Tulsa and the resulting gray streaks (feigning natural cloud formations) and rain have been utterly depressing.

      • CQ of the Houston area says:
        “A week or so ago, GeneralBottleWasher told me he needed to take a break from reading comments and commenting.

        Of course, the other possible reason he’s been absent of late is that the chem trails in Tulsa and the resulting gray streaks (feigning natural cloud formations) and rain have been utterly depressing.”

  15. Wow James… Excellent comprehensive report! I unfortunately think you nailed this one. I know you don’t like to put those theories out there (1:01) but I couldn’t help but think the exactly same thing when my mom started dancing for joy because Trump’s going to save us with his new repurposed anti-malaria drug that will mitigate and even “block the virus”. It reminded me of the V for Vendetta scene where “Lockwood” breaks it down “But not long after the election, lo and behold, a miracle. Some believed it was the work of God Himself, but it was a pharmaceutical company controlled by certain party members…” Army reserves will come make sure everyone has the “cure”, food and water and the people will accept their enslavement with open arms. SEE!!!! marshal law wasn’t so bad! it would have been a lot worse without it ?God help us cause we have a very big problem. At times like this I am so grateful for you and the rest of the alternative media sounding the alarm and laying it out rationally. Also I feel so lucky to scroll threw the comment section and read all the excellent commentary from some of the smartest people out there ❤️God Love the Corbett Report and all the Corbetteers! Thank you for a wonderful community ❤️


    • White House YouTube Channel
      Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing
      of Friday March 20th, 2020

      Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (HCQ)
      and/or/or not
      chloroquine (CQ) phosphate

      – HCQ –
      Trump and Fauci lightly ‘spar’ in a sideways fashion under the kitchen table.
      The FDA is praised. Bayer is praised.
      Authoritarianism ranks as king over personal anecdotal observations.

      (Video starts right after Trump poo-poos Share BuyBacks with Corporate Bailouts…which was part of the corporate bubble for years.)

        • An interesting, but long article…

          Published: 08:32 EDT, 20 March 2020 | Updated: 08:53 EDT, 20 March 2020
          Only US company that makes anti-malaria drug touted by Donald Trump as a possible coronavirus treatment DOUBLED the price as the disease was ravaging China (but insists it was just ‘coincidence’)

          ~~ Chloroquine is being fast-tracked as a coronavirus treatment after studies including in France showed positive outcomes in patients
          ~~ Only one US company, New Jersey’s Rising Pharmaceuticals, makes the drug
          ~~ In January, as virus was crippling China, it almost doubled the price overnight
          ~~ Firm insisted that the rise was ‘coincidental’ and it has since reversed it…
          … …
          … But its side effects are still not to be dismissed…

          … If it’s used long-term, the treatment can irreversibly damage the retina, as signalled by trouble focusing, streaks of flashes of light in patients’ vision and eye swelling or color changes…

          …Its side effects can even be deadly.

          The drug can cause strange, bad and vivid dreams and difficulty sleeping.

          Taking hydrochloronoquine can also cause your heart to race, trigger headache, fainting, severe dizziness, nausea, a slow heart rate or weak pulse, muscle weakness, numbness and tingly, anxiety and irritability and low blood counts…

          …Because it is already on the market and FDA approved for other uses, hydroxychloroquine can be more easily used off-label, so long as patients qualify to receive it under the Compassionate Use Act.

          That may mean prescriptions of the drug will only be approved for use in the most severely ill patients, although Hahn did not specify the criteria for prescribing hydroxoychloroquine to coronavirus patients….

  16. I wonder what I am going to do when they come to the door. I tell myself that I won’t comply unless I have a gun to my head but I still wonder. I asked my wife if she would accept the vaccine if she were threatened and she couldn’t be sure either.
    I want to believe that I have the courage of my convictions but my convictions have never been tested in the way I believe they might be soon.
    Not a real upside either way. Put up a pitiful fight standing up for our rights and likely die leaving a widow in her sixties. Or submit like a coward and live a life of shame.
    I don’t have any desire to be a martyr and I have no urge to be an example but I have been thinking that this time might be the now-or-never event.
    I don’t think that there is any going back to normal after this.
    I wonder what I am going to do when they come for my gun.

  17. This message is passing around to people in my area – it may be something to take seriously or could be some joker behind it. Given the nature of what we already know to be the case I thought I share it here. Has anyone else come across this or have any info as to its origin?

    The message is as follows…


    My son just got this from his contact at FEMA. He works for the City of LA Records Management

    Please take heed…
    Homeland security is preparing to mobilize the national guard.

    Preparing to dispatch them across the US along with military.
    they will also call in 1st responders.

    they are preparing to announce a nationwide
    2 week quarantine for all citizens,
    All businesses closed.

    Everyone at home.

    They will announce this as soon as they have troops in place to help prevent looters and rioters…

    they will announce before the end of the weekend,

    within 48 to 72 Hours the president will evoke what is called the “Stafford Act”

    The president will order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation.

    Stock up on whatever you need to make sure you have a two week supply of everything.

    Please forward to your family/friends.


    • i’m sure it’s gonna come like this in the us as well, i dont think though that you have to fear to not get food or medication, i feel like they want you to have a nice experience with this whole thing. in austria everybody went shoping like crazy the last week, but we get ensured from all sides that shops will be open and supplied, and since now thats true, and i dont see it happening, in fact there are actions taken to stabilize those deliverychains, pumping up warehouses etc.

  18. First of all, great work as always James, thanks so much.

    I’m just gonna tell my personal experience so far with this whole thing here:

    I’m living in Wels, Austria. Things got serious around here about a week ago, meaning that many companies (including mine) stopped working, people went to supermarkets and stole toiletpaper out of eachothers carts since they feared soon they might have to wash their butt with water. some areas in tirol (close to italian border) are under complete lockdown, meaning people can go shopping and to doctors etc if they need to, but they have to do so in there own towns and not go somewhere else. military and police are controling the streets, if you cant show via official paperwork that yout trip is totaly neccessary you get sent home right now, we’ll see where that goes… meeting friends and having parties is forbidden all over austria, they blew up some student parties the last week, looks like many of them are getting in real trouble.

    But since the fear of the virus beeing close to italy, with many austrians going there regularly etc. is really big, everybody here thinks its great that our goverment is acting quick and swift. i actually feel like it unifies “our country” again, since “we” have been totaly split up into two parties by refugeecrisis, climatestuff and whathaveyou. and thats where the real danger comes in: that worstcase scenario you dont even want to talk about, its going to come like this in austria 100%, people are feeling great about the goverments actions right now, stay at home semi-voluntarely, and after this emergency state or whatever the official terminology is people will for sure remember it as something positive and bonding

  19. Yes, this is serious.

    No, I don’t think this a good time try and wake the masses to martial law. I have experienced how difficult that is to do on a normal day, now that they are panicked you are wasting your resources and only putting yourself in danger.

    We are out gunned in the infowar.

    A much better strategy would be to try and “flatten out the curve” of martial law with targeted assassinations of the ring leaders behind the NWO. We know their names and who they are (back episodes of the Corbet report lists them). The list could be shorted to about 100 key people.

    We know that revolutions as such are counter productive, but organastions such the CIA have show us that selective, surgical style assassinations do work at achieving their goals.

    • I don’t like the ass word on the boards…it is probably not a good idea, especially considering the cost of insurance against other factors…,
      …but until recent months I did not know what a Thunderbox was.
      Great descriptive…the word Thunderbox.
      Down Under, Australian, has a whole new English language.

    • I agree with you Octium the people have had almost 19 years to wake up and they have choose ignorance now we are heading into the end game. Here they are trying to make the people into the diseased, but in reality the true disease is the minds and psychology of the elite – they are the source of all of the problems on this earth either directly or indirectly.

      On the subject of surgical strikes. This is something that I have had in mind for some years now; but if conducted the individual must know that it would most likely be a kommakazi mission, unless it was well planned through and through; and still it could turn out kommakazi none the less. Then the other thing to consider is also that they could turn it around on the whole research community and use it as an excuse to crack down on the truth tellers. They have the upper hand in so many ways.

      The list of culprits none the less should be made in all its detail because at the end of this night that is setting upon us will be a new day; not as these shithead elites have planned, but towards the day that we as a people of this earth can set up a great council of sentinels and researchers, and set forth the great judgement on these wicked bastards with all of the evidence.

      Also it would be better to take these people prisoner and interrogate them to find out everything we can so as to route out the hidden vampires.

      But for now – I would say patience – when the time comes there are so many guns in America that when they drop the hammer they better be ready for a bloodbath. Sure many areas will be taken but there is going to be an uprising!

      I was hoping to avoid this with knowledge but the people have failed themselves and the rest of us in their ignorance – so it goes – bigger judgement!!!

      Babylon Judgement!!!


  20. Noman,
    I know that you are far south of Delhi, but this Indian physician, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin talks about Ozone Blood Therapy in combination with Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy as a very effective tool to kill the Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2.

    While I don’t speak the language (Hindi??), I grasp some of the concepts he communicates.

    His website is under the video description and has a lot of information about Ozone.

  21. JonQ,

    Scroll to the top of this THREAD to see Corbett Member hugh.m ‘s comment.
    Under it, is a link which links to another link regarding STATISTICS & TESTING.
    There is a SUB-THREAD starting at replies to a comment with the label
    The Math ain’t right!
    SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus COVID-19

    Even Chris Martenson is mentioned on that thread line.

    While sometimes Chris Martenson relays important information, I do not cotton to
    his alarmist perspective
    nor his views of how “technocratic authoritarian controls of society” are a solution.
    Chris also displays a pro-vaccine stance as a solution and seems an advocate towards conventional medicine (which is a failure to American health).

    I want to also point out that Google / YouTube has been feeding Chris Martenson videos to folks as a “recommended”.
    There is a reason.
    It is not because Chris is promoting a cure for the Coronavirus.

    What if there was a cure?
    A simple solution to the Coronavirus?
    Would YouTube promote it?

    Well, in my eyes, there is a simple solution for the virus.
    That can easily be whipped.

    Unfortunately, there is not a simple solution for government and corporate authoritarian control.

    Here is one anecdote of how I reached out to Chris Martenson.

    See Corbett Member mkey‘s comment under hugh.m.
    “… awareness.
    And intelligence, but the two should not be collated.”

    and carry a towel..

    There is an extensive fear reaction on this virus,
    AND to the measures that are taken to contain the virus and us.

    Just stay calm, and understand that the countries like the US
    and the EU have been under martial law for a long time.
    We just had build a society around it.
    Now it gets more visible.

    See this as an opportunity to change things by making people aware.

    Solutions for the virus is simple:
    1. Prevent infections.
    2. Use Chloroquine for serious infections.
    3. Use masks etc. for treating people.

    Link for Chloroquine
    (70 years old anti-malaria medicine / probably no patents)

    You can make your own mask, using salt to disinfect the droplets..
    Indeed it is like a fine threaded towel that was in salted water.


    1. Help people to move away from panic.

    Most people who are in fear, want to know about Chloroquine.
    That takes away the deep fear for death.
    Suggest people to stop smoking, eat healthy etc.
    Don’t overdo it.

    2. Make people aware of draconian and permanent measures.

    Most people understand that the measures dont need to be permanent.
    It may be harder to understand why the measures are draconian,
    but you can talk about censorship and spying.
    And the limitless use of military in other countries.

    3. Make people aware that they can still do work and do a business.

    Working at home can be fun.
    Grow your own food in your garden.
    Teach your children.

    4. Help people so you can build a community
    Make it clear that you want to have a small support
    group in the community.
    A small community does not get infected, as long
    there is no outside physical contact.
    Get local food.

    Help old people that need assistance.
    Maybe they are afraid to go to the shop.

    Any other suggestions?

  23. Hours ago, I came here just to make one comment of an ANECDOTE.
    Now, I finally will, so I can go to bed. 😉

    Friday – March 20th – I got fired from my job

    Even though I was relatively slow at my job site, a donation drop-off point, the grocery store in the parking lot was packed with cars again.
    Shoppers and Clerks seemed more stressed, worn and almost irritable than in previous days.

    All the schools are out, so I would occasionally see Mom or Dad pull up with kids in the car. The McDonalds 200 feet away had the sitting area blocked off – no dine-in. When I cashed a personal check at the bank Friday morning so I would have more cash on hand, the teller and I exchanged stories about people wanting cash and how sometimes the banks run short of bills when it is out-of-the-norm withdrawals.

    Before work, I had texted by boss and her boss that I would be in late to my location. I waited for the Opening Bell on Wall Street, so I could make some judgment calls on buying/selling/maneuvering gold/silver mining stock funds in my small Brokerage account via my home computer.
    Then I headed to work.

    Mid-day, while I was boxing up some donated items and stacking the pod, I see by Boss’s Boss pull up. He comes over.
    I am cheery and give him a happy greeting while I am working.
    He enters the pod.
    Which lets me know, something is up…I could be in trouble, perhaps for chiding a donor who mixed steak knives with urine soaked clothing…or whatever else this ole curmudgeon will sometimes say to donors who don’t respect the safety of others.
    I’ve been known to say to a donor: “What’s that smirk on your face for?” in response to a look I am given after explaining safety and contamination guidelines on how to bring donated goods.

    The Boss’s Boss finally said:
    “I have some bad news. Effective today you are no longer employed.”
    He goes on with details and that all of us grunts at different locations around the Dallas area are being let go. He wanted to come by personally for a face-to-face, not by phone.

    I knew the layoff would be coming. The economics, because of the authoritarian mandates, will kill the revenue stream of this private billion dollar a year company which stretches across North America, from both coasts, and from Texas to Alberta, Canada.
    (Money can be made from used goods across the re-sale and recycle streams.)

    Later, my Boss calls me at home. She did not know about the layoffs, until a fellow worker called her complaining “Why didn’t you warn me?”

    I am fine with it. I expected it eventually.
    I have been pretty busy lately. More busy now in many ways.

    • Unemployment Benefits

      I should say something about these. Different States have different rules on obtaining unemployment benefits. Having been an employer who once had to let employees go, I know a few things.

      In Texas, and likely most other states, employers are required to purchase insurance via the state. The insurance is the fund from which the state makes these unemployment payments.
      Basically business are required to put money into a big pot.
      From that pot, the state pays out unemployment.
      Texas has a formula on how to derive how much money a person gets, and for how long.
      Unemployment payments from the State eventually dry up…they don’t last forever, and in fact, don’t last all that long.

      Fired, Furloughed, or Hours cut down – even Part-Time Workers
      More often than not, even a person who finds their hours are cut can possibly qualify for some type of unemployment.
      I know…When as an employer, I once cut the hours of a very part-time employee.
      I spent a few hours on the phone with the Texas Workforce Commission about the whole ordeal after finding out about the unemployment claim.

    • I somewhat appreciate the face to face approach. Not many people would do that today, especially without heavy use of euphemisms and PC bullshit. I have never been “let go” but I can certainly envision companies shutting down. My previous company shut down, I resigned preemptively so that experience is under my belt.

      The current company I’m currently working for seems to be in a decent shape, but these IT companies can flop rather quickly. When economy really starts to contract, everything will contract with it. As value stored in everything goes down everyone will feel that. But that’s just a perk that comes with globalism, isn’t it?

      Oh yes, unemployment benefits over here. Firstly, it’s not like the employer pays the insurgence, you pay for it 🙂 Anyway, the average pay here is something like 850€. You have a right for 9 months benefits (I think it was 9). First three months you get max 70% of the average (or your pay if yours was lower, capped at 70% of the average) and for the remainder of the duration you get a max of 35%.

      The monthly insurance is something above 20€.

      • Globalism Benefits

        mkey says:
        “When economy really starts to contract, everything will contract with it.
        As value stored in everything goes down everyone will feel that.
        But that’s just a perk that comes with globalism, isn’t it?”

    • Knowing you, your absence will be sadly felt at the organization but I have a feeling you are destined for greater things these days ahead. Your neighbors are lucky to have you.

  24. Question: Here in the U.S…what can we do if the government – either federal, state, county, or municipal – decides to do mandatory vaccinations?

    Is there any report or documentation on how we can push back on that?

    I know under normal habeas corpus “rights” we can push back…but if habeas corpus is suspended under martial law…what can we do?

    Also, just wanted to share James Jaeger’s new documentary on Agenda 21 that is in two parts…and features some good ole greats that are familiar in the alternative media such as G. Edward Griffin, Rosa Koire, Mark Passio, et. al.

    The links are as follows…check them out! The editing is not bad and the presentation is fascinating…the only down points I would say are some of the cornball music moments and sligthly right-leaning (from a U.S. standpoint) political flavoring…other than that a good doc!

    Part I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX0Kv_ndftc

    Part II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=104NuFnnaEk

    • “Question: Here in the U.S…what can we do if the government – either federal, state, county, or municipal – decides to do mandatory vaccinations?”

      You have to decide what you are going to do for yourself but consider the vaccine may very well be the new nazi gas chamber designed to kill. When bill “hells” gates made the comment that they have a solution for “overpopulation” and that one of those solutions are vaccines. You better realize that with this vaccine they have coming that the culling of the population is what they are planning on doing.

      Think about it – there is all of this climate change bullshit retoric going on while they are spaying the sky all over the planet, which is why the weather has gotten crazy, it is just another planetary problem-reaction-solution senario; none the less — they are talking — we have to do something and they have a plan in place: see spiros report here:

      Then you see the controlled created exstinction rebellion which is nothing more than the creation of a modern death cult, see truth streams report on this:

      This is it my brother and you and everyone else has to make the decision for yourself – you better know that they are coming to kill us. Are you going to lay down because there is no so-called legal route to take here, no judge or police to call to help you.

      In the end we all pass away and as far as I am concerned there is no death life is eternal — who we are at the core – our spirit — lives on.

      None the less – when one realizes that we all die and that those in power are coming to kill us – then one comes to realization that in this situation we really have nothing to lose. Stand up I would say and never bow to tyrants or the fools that follow their orders, but again that is your decision to make and yours entirely.

      This isn’t some movie we are watching – this is the agenda that has been reported for all these years now – unfolding before our very eyes. Agenda 21, the geogia guidestones and so on…

      Cursed are those who push a peaceful man towards violence…

      Steel Pulse – Tyrant:

      Babylon the Bandit:

      Mass Manipulation:

  25. Dear conspiracy realists

    It ist always a good idea to check additional voices from directly affected people.
    Here a good inside view provided by the, in Europe well respected, Swiss Propaganda Research Project.
    A Swiss medical doctor provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment

    According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old.
    read more at:


  26. Why choose to believe anything? Look at presented facts and ask yourself, what’s missing. What do they expect to believe and why?

    Maybe we have to choose to believe things that are beyond our ability to comprehended (what is mass, how large is the universe, where do we come from, etc etc) but there is no requirement for belief here.

    There’s a bunch of lying psychopaths out there and they are ready to do things you or I would never do. If you need to believe something, start from there.

  27. Rappoport is wrong if he really thinks this is nothing burger. This virus can be really really nasty, first hand experience, I’m not surprised people are dying.

    Martensen according to what you are saying is propaganda believer or pusher. Number of deceased doesn’t support comparison with Spanish flu.

    What to believe?
    Mkey’s last paragraph provides good advice. My experience last times is people can’t get the essence of this advice.
    You said coincidence…way to much coincidences last times, in this inflation the word itself lost its meaning.
    All this shit might well be a perfect storm, James’ did excellent job, but the topic could expanded…. it is just Big.

  28. India
    India Report
    via Noman

    March 19, 2020
    EXCLUSIVE: Telangana Offered Its Own 360 Degree Citizen Tracking System To Modi Govt
    After the Supreme Court restricted the use of Aadhaar, documents show the Telangana government offered to help the Union govt build an intrusive citizen database modelled on the state’s Samagram system.

    See Noman’s link above

    • I hold that statistic as suspect.

      It is almost as if China is WHO’s poster child for pandemics.
      A model to follow.

      Time and again on the comment boards, I have mentioned that this China “draconian quarantine measures” set a precedent, a model for the world.
      And, of course, China’s actions rippled into a global economic scenario.

      Something smells. I don’t think it is the Wuhan fish market.

  29. With an IQ over 80,
    ANYONE can figure this out…
    Anyone can project the restrictive government quarantine consequences.

    Think about it…

    One authoritarian extreme is to have EVERYONE completely self-isolate for 2 or 3 weeks to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
    So what happens after 3 weeks of quarantine?
    The Authorities give the “All Clear” and folks return to their life routines of being in contact with others.

    Did the coronavirus completely disappear?
    It is silly thinking to believe that the virus is now suddenly ‘gone’ from the planet.

    The whole contagion will start up again once the gates open.
    It could be this year or next.

    It is very evident that “quarantines” are not going to stop people from getting sick. Quarantines may slow the momentum of contagion, but the “virus contagion potential” will linger.

    I encourage folks to view
    “Burn Rate
    A Government’s Outline for “Burn Rate” and Herd Immunity
    From ‘no quarantine’ to ‘strict quarantine’”


    • Failure of Conventional Medicine has helped create this ‘CRISIS PANIC’

      I contend that if there were effective, well known health methods to combat COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 / Coronavirus, then all the hoopla and panic would not be occurring.

      The problem is that Conventional Medicine has never had any great tools with which to combat a virus.
      In the past, if you had a viral cold or the viral flu, Doc would tell the patient to stay at home and get over it.
      At times, the Doc might prescribe antibiotics in order to prevent any type of bacterial infection. Doc might prescribe drugs to help make the patient “feel more comfortable”.
      But Doc doesn’t have an anti-viral weapon. Not conventionally.

      I contend that Conventional Medicine has failed for decades when it comes to viruses.
      Yet, still, during this CRISIS, the vast majority of the public are relying upon conventional medicine and the government to solve COVID-19.

      Conventional Medicine. Look at the health stats of Americans…ugly.
      And so now, “Conventional Medicine” is going to “bail out” Americans from the juju coronavirus?

      In the alternative health arena, and with Grandma’s common sense, there are all types of methods which an individual can do which authentically address viruses.
      A no-brainer is for a person just to keep the immune system in good shape. But you don’t hear this from Trump’s Health Task Force.

      Anyway, the alternative medical camp has long been addressing viruses and with great success.

      • I agree.
        It is a great anti-aging protocol.

        Typically, I never eat lunch.
        I eat a light breakfast, work my day (usually rigorous physical labor), then dinner which usually has a wide variety of foods.

        Ben Swann (News Person on “Boom Bust”) does it.

        Once a person gradually adjusts to the routine, it is easy.
        A clean energy of lipids (oils) for cell energy.

  30. First post on CorbetReport.com, so nice to meet you all. I have been reading for a long time your comments and I am happy to see, in general, a little space of sanity in the internet world.

    James has said in at least a couple of videos that people would be delighted to see confinements in their country to solve this crisis and he ABSOLUTELY nailed it. I am Spanish and we have been in a quarantine for a week, and today the president has prolonged this mesure for two more weeks (added to the remaining week, so 3 weeks more in total). I am not lying: I don’t know a single person who don’t see this measure like an attack against our freedom. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Also Corbett was right on saying that people would shamelessly point with their finger (or their cameras) to anybody who is against the narrative: many people upload pictures to internet of this people begging the Police/Government to fine them as hard as they can.

    I find this situation very difficult, and I am sure that many of you too. It is like a direct war between “We” and “I”. There are three books which come to my mind right now, which explains quite well some of the problems we are facing, apart of the most obvious dystopias: “We” by Yevgeny Zamyatin, “This perfect day” by Ira Levin and “Anthem” by Ayn Rand.

    The problem is that we are not fighting (at least in our minds) against the Government: we are fighting against friends, family and even against ourselves. Just think about it: what will happend when they set up mandatory vaccionations and we don’t want to be abused in that way? In the eyes of these people we will be the crazy ones which will put everybody in danger.

    To finish this post, I would like to put the link of a video I found months or years ago in this website, because it has great points, and maybe you haven’t watched it or you had forgotten about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuf9d3sci-w


    PS: confiments are much worst when you have a neighbour playing 24/7 the same song Pirates of the Caribbean!

      • Hola, HRS!

        I almost feel that I know you a little after reading so many of your comments :).

        I am glad that you chuckled at my comment. Two days ago I was feeling happy because he started to play Bohemian Rhapsody but it was a false alarm: he came back to the song I mentioned.

        I’m from Spain and I live here. We can only get out to supermarkets, pharmacies, hospitals and places like that. There are people complaining (and this is not a joke) about others going to buy bread everyday. Maybe they prefer to stay home forever and just die of starvation…

        And where are you from? I think you are from USA, but I might be wrong.

        • Spain

          Yep, I am down here in Texas, currently living in the Dallas area.

          Well I never been to Spain
          But I kinda like the music
          Say the ladies are insane there
          And they sure know how to use it
          They don’t abuse it
          Never gonna lose it
          I can’t refuse it

          Well I never been to England
          But I kinda like the Beatles…

          …Well I never been to heaven
          But I been to Oklahoma
          Well they tell me I was born there
          But I really
          do remember…

          My era.
          And I still like the hair style.

    • You are so right about the “divide and conquer” strategies Haros. I usually use Facebook for light relief – only for my hobbies, but recently it’s become unbearable, with people using vitriolic language against the “idiots” they see “daring to walk the streets” etc.

      Either that or they’re describing all the wonderful virtuous things they have done to help the suffering, or that they’ve seen others doing, but in such a way that implies everyone else is just selfishly lolling around ENJOYING themselves!

      People on social media have become smug, patronising and neurotic. Yes, I should have got away from it years ago! Though I think part of what’s happening is that the smug and patronising ones are making the most comments, while there are many more who are just distancing themselves from the whole thing. Like a friend I met today, who James might usually describe as a “normie”, but who was suddenly saying the whole virus was probably produced in a lab, and why should we have to change our whole lifestyles anyway?

      And the friend I met last week, another “normie” type, who was saying similar things.

      I think this could be the great hope. I don’t know if you’ve ever had a really big panic attack. I once did – I got into such a state of panic, that I kind of went through the fear barrier. All the panic suddenly evaporated and I felt really calm!

      I think this will eventually happen to many people. They’ll get to a point where they kind of panic themselves out, and hopefully they’ll suddenly think, “What the hell are we doing?” like my friend today. If this could reach a “critical mass”, we might be able to save this situation.

      It’s really hopeful that you don’t know a single person who doesn’t see the extended quarantine as an attack on their freedoms.

      • Oh, I absolutely understand you about Facebook. In fact I completely deleted it a week ago because I was astonished of what I was seeing (the same that you have described). It is a pitty that you can’t even enjoy your hobbies without reading “coronavirus” everywhere.

        I totally agree with you on the second point: it seems that we do everything to be thanked, liked or praised. And also as you have stated, if others don’t behave as we think they should, then it is like a witch hunt. The “funny” thing is that there is competition even in this: if someone “helps” more than us, we don’t feel good or we feel even jealousy (I use “we” as humans in general).

        Before continuing, just let me say that I expressed myself in a wrong way (my English writing skills are rusty!), and what I wanted to say is that all the people I know, believe in the MSM narrative… even if they can have doubts about some aspects of the story.

        There is something that you have said which I hadn’t realized, and is how patronising people has become. For some reason, everybody wants to be in the frontline of the war against the “virus”… On this side, I have to say that Pedro Sánchez, the President of Spain, clearly and deliberately spoke about the virus as if it were a terrorist, a killer machine or, using his words, and enemy that we must all fight UNITED (this word is being promoted even more that “conspiracy”).

        About these “normies” that you know, let me ask you something: how do they behave?. I ask you this because I have seen at least two cases of what Orwell named doublethink. They believe that there is something strange about all this story, but then they act as if the virus was worst than an atomic bomb. There is this dangerous thought in the air: “if everybody does/says the same, it must be true”.

        Oh, it sounds that your “True self”, as some psychologist/philosophers name it, handled your panic situation :).

        But I am not so positive like you about others. Take into account that you have already chosen the path for the truth (your words and the fact that you are here are proves of that), but most of the people don’t even have a clue that other paths exists than those in which we have been adoctrinated. In fact, when I try to search for solutions for these situations that we are facing, I realize how hijacked my mind have been.

        The clear example is 9/11: no matter how many researchers like Corbett are in the world showing the facts, most of the people still believe in the narrative and almost everybody nowadays finds normal to be treated like criminals in the airport (for example).

        • Regarding your comment:

          “if someone “helps” more than us, we don’t feel good or we feel even jealousy…”

          I call it “virtue competition”. There’s a lot of it going on!

          The two “normie” friends are actually not panicking too much now. One of them was panicking a lot until recently, but since she started talking about biowarfare theories, she’s become much calmer about the virus.

          Many of my friends have just disappeared from social media recently, which is a good sign, as I think they are doing a bit of “indoctrination distancing”.

          There are different levels of indoctrination. I think we just have to be welcoming and not too forceful with people who are just starting to question things. Gently encourage them!

          • “virtue competition”… I like that name. Let me improve my English by introducing it in my vocabulary!

            I am glad that you are having a good experience at least with two friends. It is good to find a little bit of light in the darkness. In my case I can’t say that I have had such a good experiences, since even my family is panicking, but I keep trying.

            The worst part of this (I mean, explaining this kind of “”conspiracies””), is that when we make some people believe that there are things in our world that are not as we have been told, then another event happens which make us start again with them.

  31. James, fresh air is both protective and curative. The National Guard in every State must be called up to build open air Field Hospitals to treat the overwhelming #s of patients. The Pentagon has a stockpile of 20,000 Ventilators and gave us Plebes 2,000 of them.

  32. @ robert.t

    “I’ve just renewed because the number of skeptical/alt sites which have suddenly gone full-consensus on this scare is overwhelming.”

    I am interested in who is going full-consensus?

    Could you give us names?

    I myself am certain that Alex Jones is an agent and has been one from the beginning, controlled opposition for sure.

    So if this is the end game which is what it seems like to me – then the mask are going to start coming off of all of the wolves in sheeps clothing to galvanize everyone into the current psy-op narrative. But then again the first poster here in this thread is reporting Luke Rudowski of doing this as well which is most likely because the fear is getting to him. Fear is certainly a mind virus that can become highly contagious especially in city areas where these lock downs are setting up first.

    I think fear of what was/is coming is what caused alot of people to fall for the trump psy-op that he was some kind of savior who was going to advert this global agenda, but surely trump is nothing but a bullshit artist casino man and has been selected long ago to do just what he has done to weaker minds of those who were aware of the conspiracy. I call it the savior complex – that some savior is coming to rescue us. When in reality our only savior is ourselves freeing out own minds – it is the individual who is the savior of humanity.

    Anyway – glad you made it here to Corbett’s site because James is one of the real news men of our times, along with Ryan Christian, Whitney Webb, Spiro Skouras, Dan Dicks, James Pilato, Aaron and Melissa Dykes and so forth… I am extremely grateful for the work of these upstanding intelligent men and women of our time; and all of the true researchers who dedicate their time and effort for the benefit of themselves and upliftment, towards true freedom for all of humanity. They are the true sentinals of our time manning the watchtower of the human psyche!!!

    • “Here’s the funny thing: the media coverage stopped…but right at the end of the panic we actually got a fire, in state forest right along my boundary, threatening other properties as much as mine! What did the neighbours do? They went calmly to bed, their homes threatened by real fire, because the TV had changed the subject. Really!”

      This just goes to show that television is a mind control device for the weak minded.

      If there was a fire around my property I wouldn’t be sleeping. I’d be out cutting fire breaks until there weren’t any more fire breaks to cut… Utter Madness!

      Thanks for the reply I appreciate it!

  33. Well, I missed your Saturday night tunes, mbp! Great picks!! And I’m going to miss GBW as he takes a break.

    The Beatles’ “Come Together”: LOVE that one!! But I’d never seen the lyrics until you posted them! I feel so much better that my own mondegreens, while hilariously non-nonsensical, make about as much sense.

    Great pick, Fawlty! I do so love the 60s, and that live performance was great!

    As cabin fever intensifies, we mustn’t let them turn us against one another! So in keeping with that sentiment, here’s my musical contribution:


    Love is but a song to sing
    Fear’s the way we die
    You can make the mountains ring
    Or make the angels cry
    Though the bird is on the wing
    And you may not know why
    Come on people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another
    Right now
    Some may come and some may go
    We shall surely pass
    When the one that left us here
    Returns for us at last
    We are but a moment’s sunlight
    Fading in the grass
    Come on people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another
    Right now
    Come on people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another
    Right now
    Come on people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another
    Right now
    If you hear the song I sing
    You will understand (listen!)
    You hold the key to love and fear
    All in your trembling hand
    Just one key unlocks them both
    It’s there at your command
    Come on people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another
    Right now
    Come on people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another
    Right now
    Come on people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another
    Right now

    • pearl,

      One of my most favorites! The entire Youngblood’s album is great. When I hear this song, it tends to well me up a bit.

      I always thought it odd that they were never a very popular band, you know? Not all that much, really. And yet, this song ought to have become a national anthem for peace!

      Thanks for posting it.

    • Yeah, I had a taste of that last week (“I don’t know everything like CORBETT apparently does…”). If I got an eye roll that would piss me off royally; unable to take a long walk, guess I’ll just have to scream into my pillow. I learned a few years ago when debating religion that learning the way things really are is a solitary journey. It’s got to come from within; no amount of arguing will prompt a desire to learn more. Only if something specific happens to them personally will a dying ember of curiosity stand a chance. I’m a loner at heart so I pretty much keep things to myself unless I’m specifically asked about something (which is hardly ever).

      Here’s a portion of CQ’s comment regarding GBW:

      “MBP and HRS, generalbottle washer will be touched to learn that you miss him–especially on a Saturday night, huh? I’ll let him know. A week or so ago, GBW told me he needed to take a break from reading comments and commenting.”

      So, what on earth did you say to drive him away?! 😉


      About that keyboard, ya gotta mind those home keys!!

  34. Ontario residents who are well but worried putting pressure on emergency rooms

    “This is a volume of patients that do not otherwise need to be in the emergency department. They are not sick. Some of them have runny noses, slight coughs, mild fevers, that are concerned about the virus, many without any risk factors,” O’Connor said.

    “They have not travelled and they have not been in contact with a positive case.”

    According to Toronto Public Health, people will be tested for COVID-19 only if they are showing symptoms, they have travelled outside of the country within the last 14 days, and they have had contact with a person who has a confirmed case of the virus.

  35. Wanted to let everybody know that our family in Baguio Philippines already has to have permission for only one person for every household to go to the store.

  36. James, someone told us about our personal tracking devices about a decade ago. You said at the time he was a Deep State fraudster. Hint, currently he is in a Maximum Security prison in the UK and is slowly dying awaiting extradition to another Super-Max Security Prison in the US where he WILL DIE after a Show Trial like Stalin’s Show Trials.

  37. The biggest consequence of this “pandemic” is the popping of a huge asset-bubble on the worlds markets. I think the important people were tipped of in advance (in Davos in january 2020) that this stockmarket-imploson was planned. Some people managed to sell off their stocks and bonds just before the indexes plummeted.

    I guess the COVID-19 virus is real, but the hype and the globalist powerplay are a psy-op, just like the ISIS-beheading videos and the Viagra-dispended-by-Gadafi-myth.
    Lets see in three months what the actual fallout of this psy-op will be.

  38. As requested, another NorCal anecdote:

    Even with the governor’s self-quarantine order not much has changed thus far.
    More people at home barbecuing and more kids playing outside in front of their houses than I’ve ever seen.
    Stores have per-household limits on various things that were being scalped/overbought such as toilet paper, top ramen, ground beef and canned pet food, so they don’t run out any more.
    Ammo sales are higher than usual but the stores have been able to keep it in stock.

    Traffic on the road is still high (music bumping as usual) and I haven’t yet seen any police stop anyone to ask them about their destination.
    Most of the non-essential businesses did indeed close in compliance with the governor’s order though.

    There is absolutely no increase in the number or severity of illnesses whatsoever.
    Almost no one is wearing masks. Almost no one is expressing fear about the virus. Nearly all of my colleagues are still coming to work.

    Personally, if the shit hits the fan, I have no escape plan yet and little means of physically fighting back. I’m anchored here at the moment. Coincidentally, I was in the middle of putting all that together when this sham started. Just needed one more year. 🙁
    I did manage to get more than 18 months worth of essential non-perishable supplies and a generator though.

  39. If you look closely at Eric Zuesse’s statistics, what you find is that Iran, who is under the ‘Crippling Sanctions’ of Trump and Pompus Minimus, is doing far better than the US. Iran’s cases increased by 3500 in the 4 days and the US’s TRIPLED.

  40. Here is something everyone must go see and listen to.

    This is a project avalon report from 2010 in regards to a secret meeting that took place in london in 2005 that was a planning meeting. Where the plans for what we are seeing happen right now were reported on — “a race specific bio-weapon would be released in china.”


    The part about china starts at 14:57

    • What a mess!

      Do you have yourself fairly squared away amidst all of this?

      You guys just got through putting out one big fire there in Australia.
      Now ya got more fires going.
      What a mess!

      • Safe at the moment, but like James says it’s hard to protect yourself against the whole world going insane.

        Will probably start self isolating soon, not from the virus, but from sheeple and their attitudes, I don’t find them good for may wellbeing to be around.


    I went to the bank today here in Germany, to inform myself about gold sales. The customer service checked his computer, made some calls and told me “The state banks froze all sales of precious metals. Due to the Coronavirus, the supply chain has been stopped.” No more gold, silver, platinum, palladium!

    The price dropped in the last days quite a bit, now I’m sure it will skyrocket.

    I hope you are prepared.

    • Physical Gold & Silver shortages
      Thanks Len Zoo!
      I appreciate hearing these anecdotes.

      Also, I have noticed that the premiums often are much higher over the spot price compared to what they charged in the past.

      I have been hearing these type of anecdotes on gold/silver YouTube Channels. Here are some channels which I often listen to when I have time…

      MiningStockEducation.com (one of my favorites)

      Kitco News

      Cambridge House International Inc.

      Silver Bullion TV

      The Morgan Report

      GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney)

      • Fascinating interview with the CEO of First Majestic Silver Mining Company, Keith Neumeyer in relation to current events
        Kitco News – March 23, 2020
        Interviewer: Daniela Cambone is the Editor-in-Chief for Kitco News.
        She is pregnant with twins coming soon.

        First Majestic Silver has some silver mines in Mexico.
        Keith Neumeyer was voted mining company CEO of the year by the broad public.

        In this interview, Keith gives us insight not only about the current weirdly low price of silver, but also how his company is coping with the entire situation of the coronavirus and the economy.
        He points out how some countries have mandated halting all mining activity.

        It is interesting to note the methods that his company is taking to ensure that operations continue without risking the spread of the virus into the working community.

        He tells the story of one Mexican village which turned away a tour bus, because they did not want to risk the virus spreading into their village.

        One previous YouTube interview of Keith Neumeyer impressed me.
        He was telling the story of how his company will hire recent college graduates of engineering. One day, the company was having a staff briefing, but some of these recent college graduates were focused on their personal phone activity. Well, they no longer work for First Majestic Silver Mining Company.
        I’m saying to myself: “Yea! I want that guy to run my company.”

  42. The President of South Africa has just announced national lock-down from Thursday for at least 21 days.


    Confirmed cases rose from 61 to 402 in the last 8 days, in a population of about 50 million. Testing has been scant so many undiagnosed cases are likely.
    People will be allowed to to leave home only for groceries, medicine and banking.
    The army will assist the police in enforcing the lock-down.

    • NZ about to go into total medical martial law. Citizens begged for it…petitions asking the PM Jacinda Ardern to “raise the alert level”. It’s unfathomable what this will do to many small businesses and we are a nation of many small businesses. Can’t help but feel the next thing everyone will beg for is UBI and it will be a complete obliteration of the middle class. I am so fed up of seeing “Stay safe” drift across the top of my phone everytime I use it…courtesy of Vodafone. We have to queue to go into the supermarket…one in one out. Crazy times folks but at least the sky was clear today and a gorgeous shade of blue.

    • Cheryl,
      You have brought links to several good articles which underscore some points I have been harping about on the comment boards.
      These are also “common sense” points, easily observable aspects to this whole scenario which mainstream is ignoring.

      Modelling by Imperial College London (Professor Neil Ferguson) is something I have linked and talked before (“Burn Rate”).
      I don’t care if his models are correct with their figures, it is the fundamentals of common sense outcomes which are important.

      Article QUOTES : The world is shutting down…from lockdowns and school closures to…
      …It is an unparalleled global response to a disease.
      But when will it end and when will we be able to get on with our lives?…

      …Boris Johnson has said…12 weeks and the country can “send coronavirus packing”.
      But even if the number of cases starts to fall in the next three months, then we will still be far from the end.

      It can take a long time for the tide to go out – possibly years…

      the coronavirus is not going to disappear….

      My take on things below.

    • An ANARCHIST bent, common sense, and good long-term health of society

      I am completely opposed to authoritarian mandatory quarantines or any mandatory restrictions upon the individual.

      Conventional Medicine has failed. This is ignored by the mainstream. They never have had effective tools to combat viruses. Never. They could have, but chose to throw the effective tools away in favor of Big Pharma and the Corporate Complex.
      (EXAMPLE: One totally effective tool for viruses was used in the 1930’s and 40’s… “Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy” (UBI or BioPhotonic))

      So…Is Conventional Medicine going to bail-out the health of the world with this virus? No. They never have and never will.

      What is wrong with being sick? !
      What human has never been sick? This is part of the human condition. Most of us have experienced, at one time or another, a pretty tough illness, a real doozy.

      I would like to see the virus move along through society.
      Let’s face it.
      It will.
      Now or later.
      Let’s bite the bullet and move on.

    • James Corbett talks about “Being Sick”
      James Corbett talks about “Being Sick”
      VIDEO (5 minutes)

      HRS says:
      When James was ill, Corbett Members, including me, were giving out all this advice on how to handle his illness. The threads were full of good remedies and advice, but…

      On Being Sick – Subscriber Exclusive #073

      • James Corbett’s “On Being Sick” came after the
        OPEN THREAD of January 28, 2018.

        Corbett writes at the top:
        “A nasty flu bug has made this week a write-off.
        So what did I miss from the news?
        Keep me updated with all the latest in the comments below!”

        This OPEN THREAD is full of natural remedies and health advice by Corbett Members.
        It contains some wonderful information.

        After all…
        The Corbett Report is “Open Source Intelligence News”.
        James has always said that the comment section is what you make it.
        James just “let’s us loose” on the playground.

        I gotta pat ourselves on the back…all these Corbett Report Members from all over the globe bring a real community here.
        I learn so much.
        I keep evolving.

  43. In late February the Taiwanese government passed the Special Act on Covid-19 Prevention, Relief and Restoration. This Act primarily sets itself up as a measure to ensure the income of workers. However, it’s little more than a list powers the government has granted itself and the punishments they are allowing themselves to deal out to those who disagree with them. Most of these far reaching “temporary” powers extend (at least for now) until June 2021.

    An article from the Taipei Times gives a rundown on the Act:

    The government has given themselves the following rights:

    For anyone who breaks quarantine or is confirmed to have Covid-19, the government can
    -film, photograph and publish personal information or take any other means necessary to contain the spread of the virus

    If anyone spreads what the government considers “rumours” or “disinformation” about the virus:
    -They can face up to 3 years in prison
    -They can face a fine up to NT$3 million (around 92,000 euros)

    The CECC has the right to demand the government confiscate the following:
    -private land, buildings, medicine, equipment, transport, waste processing facilities
    If people refuse to comply, they can face a fine of up to NT$1 million (around 30,000 euros)

    People who have supplies in a quantity the government considers “hoarding” can face:
    -up to five years in prison
    -a fine of up to NT$5 million (around 150,000 euros)

    The government has already put some of this into practice. People have been taken to court over spreading “disinformation” when they shared a post and opened a digital dialogue with friends and neighbours discussing the accuracy of the information in the post. The message is clear – don’t even discuss the narrative.

  44. Since this crisis hit, I’ve been trying to keep a record of articles (in Microsoft Excel but you can use a similar program, of course) that I’ve been seeing that relate to potential power grabs by “The Powers That Be”. See my post above “doublek321 says: 03/22/2020 at 12:26 am” for some things I’m looking out for (e.g. “Get rid of paper money”, “Forced vaccines”, etc). I mention this because I suggest others do the same and we all compare notes.

    To give one example of how I’m using this, see below. Currently, I have an Excel file with 5 columns: URL, Article Title, Date, Tags, Notes. Note that the date is important because it will reveal a timeline of events (and how the propaganda gets rolled out) The “tags” are there to make searching easier for when the list grows larger (I add multiple articles every day). Note that in Excel, you can filter by column and use the “Contains” option to choose a tag.


    Opinion: A Big Problem for the Coronavirus Economy: The Internet Doesn’t Take Cash


    Economy, Financial, Cashless society

    Is a public digital wallet really the only solution here? And wouldn’t it cost money for the government to create and maintain a public digital wallet for everyone as well? Plus what if you’re poor and don’t have a device or reliable internet access?

  45. I doubt that will make any difference, Alexandre. Peolople won’t read regardless of language.

    Good work, John. That two person reference is a bit dated now, however. The latest figure was about 12% of the total death toll related to covid-19. They increased the estimate 10x and it’s still 10 times smaller than the offical stats.

  46. Happening in Ireland as we speak… (Gardai is police btw)

    “The law allows that a person who refuses to comply with an instruction by a garda who is seeking to impose the social distancing rules, is guilty of an offence that can lead to a prison sentence of up to six months.

    The new law also allows for the shutting down of gatherings or events, including religious gatherings, and for ordering groups in certain areas to stay in their homes, or other places, if necessary.

    A person who refuses to self-isolate after a medical recommendation that they should do so can be convicted of an offence that will have a maximum penalty of three months in prison.

    Gardaí may also, working at the request of health or other officials, take a person to a particular place, or break and enter a particular property.”


  47. Sent this through my email contact chain. How old school. I mean, how every business and government really communicates for important stuff. Like the Hillary emails (33k indicates a lie) that can be easily found through copies of every recipient and backup servers all over the internet, but it won’t happen, no no no, you can’t do that. See Mark Kulacz’s great channel / website housatonicits.com, he’s been doing great work on the current situation too, his current 28th series being the longest to date and he’s someone who knows how to analyze, he abandoned 100k+ jobs as analyst and even, whatever it is, competition analyst for big corps but he woke up someday.

    Great job as usual, now waiting for that “Who is Bill Gates?” Well, according to an old gif I found online back in 1999 on linux enthusiast sites, a gif of Gates’ face turning into Hitler. So ideology? Definitely fascist or maybe the real national socialism (nothing to do against jews), it’s corps taking control of government, while fascism is the government taking control of corps, as Mussolini mused, so the former definitely.

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