Interview 1829 – Geopolitics and Empire with Hrvoje Morić

by | Aug 29, 2023 | Interviews, Videos | 59 comments

Joining James today is Hrvoje Morić, the host and producer of the Geopolitics & Empire Podcast. They discuss Morić’s background, the work he does at, his guiding philosophy and motivations, what he feels to be the most important issues facing us today and where he stands on the black pill / white pill spectrum.

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Genghis Blues

Hrvoje Morić biography

Yves Engler: Canada’s Key Role in the Russia-Ukraine War

Francis Boyle: Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon

Edwin Black: The Algorithm Ghetto, Cashless Society & Newgenics


  1. Great that you guested Hrvoje Morić for a quick interview James. I often pop onto Podbean for his chats with prestigious people and I like his laid back perspective on these important matters. All part of building the infrastructure.
    So thanks once again JC.

  2. One of my favorite books is Dune, written by Frank Herbert. Mr. Herbert touches on SO many prescient topics in his books, topics that the new movie Dune was careful not to mention, such as AI basically enslaving man. But one part of Herbert’s book should be closely paid attention to: “Missionary Protectiva”. The Missionary Protectiva was part of the Bene Gesserit order, where by they would go to privative cultures on numerous planets and plant seeds, myths and prophesies that they could then use in the future to manipulate those same masses. That is precisely what we are seeing with the Abrahamic religions, the use of “prophesies” to manipulate the masses. It is no coincidence that the biggest proponents for support of Israel are Christians. The “End of Days” nonsense is the perfect cure for what ails the world, typical Hegelian Dialectic. What we really need is “universal laws”, like maybe Noahide Laws. Christianity, like the Muslim religion were introduced and supported to destroy polytheism and pave the way for the Noahide Laws. This is all a scam, and like everything the powers that should not be do, it starts out basically beneficial and constructive, but in the end is used to corrupt and destroy us. The Abrahamic Religions are just another tool of control, and while THEY make the “prophesies” THEY WROTE, come true, the masses just go along as if this is all the work of some imaginary deity. Far better place our hopes on some mythical God, then people actually taking responsibility for their own future and destiny.

      • Rexleo doesn’t seem to be answering your question so I will take a stab at it. 🙂

        This is a “singular ‘they’” 😉 – the God of Israel – the One who told the Jewish prophets what to write, and who knew what would happen before it happened because He is all-knowing. The creator of heaven and earth, and all that in them is. The One who chose Israel to record, guard, and relay His message to the goyim, and through whom He sent the Messiah.

        There is another “they” – evil ones working behind the scenes to undermine everything that is good and right. The ringleader of this gang is none other than the enemy of God and mankind called the Adversary, Lucifer, ”Satan,” or the devil. Although not all-knowing, he has been manipulating and finagling for thousands of years, using whichever humans were willing to participate, to do harm, wreak havoc, and cause chaos for humanity, trying to get people to defy the God that made them and follow him and his wicked ways. He has many followers from the spirit realm – demons – as well as many humans that are willing to implement his evil plans.

      • Who is “THEY” precisely, that indeed would be quite the trick to KNOW. We can’t be sure of anything that we ourselves to not personally witness. I believe they do hide within the Jewish community, though there is no guarantee they themselves are truly Jewish, likely not. They do seem to believe in a Satanic type god, as they follow a pattern of sacrificing humans with fire, Maui being the most recent example. They seem to love the use of numerology, obelisks, scape goats, and they do hate EVERYTHING natural.

        Studying the actions of those who are invisible to our eyes, reminds me of how scientists study the universe use deduction, patterns and ques to understand what they can not observe for themselves, but concoct theories based on these signs.

        It seems they need managers of their NWO, and they have worked VERY hard to keep Jewish people separate, insuring a dutiful population to do their bidding. They seem to be pitting the West vs the BRICKS, but once done with us, they will pit the BRICKS against each other and so on…It also seems they are making Trump out to be some prophetic character, one that will lead to America’s demise. They control the voting system, they just need to make Trump SEEM electable, like they made COVID SEEM like it was dangerous, even though it was most certainly not.

        • Thanks for replying.

          So you’re saying, and please correct me if I’ve misinterpreted, that there was/are a group of humans who believe(d) in a evil god and who eons ago concocted a plan to manipulate corrupt and destroy humanity.
          A plan that promoted the belief in the (scam) God of Abraham and which continues to this day.

          This group, THEY, wrote end-time prophecies which THEY are currently causing to come true. (By which I assume you mean the cashless society, ie mark of the beast etc etc.)
          The result of which is the manipulation of mankind in order to bring about the destruction of the humanity that they are a part of.

          Have I got that right? Or does this group, your “Missionary Protectiva”, consist of aliens from other planets as in the novel that you referred to?

          • I have answered what I understand to be true, anything more, you can figure out yourself.

            Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a good bit about how religion was created simply to control the masses, my opinion is nothing new, I have just lived long enough to see the fruits of their control.

            I would ask you to speak in terms reveling your intent, instead of relaying on mine. I enjoy discussions, not interrogations with loaded questions. Are you saying “THEY” are not fulfilling their own prophesies…

            Reality is, if you don’t see the truth, you simply don’t wish to see it, and I am only here to share a particular perspective, I know all too well people only hear what comforts them.

            • “Reality is, if you don’t see the truth, you simply don’t wish to see it,”

              “ I have answered what I understand to be true, anything more, you can figure out yourself.”

              THE truth being what YOU believe to be the truth. A truth that you are unable to even articulate coherently.

              Thanks anyway, I’ll pass.

              • Spoken like a true Christian, as if the rest of the world needs to prove something to you, we don’t. I avoid obstinate people as a rule, as you so eloquently put it, I’ll pass.

                Though I would warn you to watch your head as those 3000 year old Noahide Laws get implemented…people don’t make long term plans, so you have nothing to worry about, lol.

                End of line.

        • @ Rexleo et al….Lilac too
          I know one of the they. Larry Silverstein. Outside of that without waterboarding him 99 times
          we couldn’t find out who a few more of ” they” are.

          • I have to think the Larry Silversteins of the world are not the so called “theys”, but their representatives.

            Like all these cults (Covid, Global Warming, Christianity, Masons…) they have their hierarchy, and this is no different.

            At this point, I would believe just about anything, even entertain the idea of them being “lizard people”, that would at least explain their inexplicable inhumanity towards man.

          • No way in hell Larry would need more than a few waterboardings to spill the beans.

            The question being what of substance would he even have to spill? I never even saw him as one of the key overt players.

            Chaney could maybe know something more. And Bush senior.

    • RexLeo

      I really liked the 1st Dune book- Myth of the 20th Century did one of their Long form things on it and one of those guys said, kinda Correctly IMO, that the sequels were not so good since Dune was the ‘Perfect Novel.’

      “…What we really need is “universal laws”, like maybe Noahide Laws….”

      NWO LIKES Noahide Laws because they have been trying to create their own One World Religion to replace the old ones for over 100 yrs.

      They HATE Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Islam.

      The Lucis Trust is a Theosopy group that sits on the UN Council of churches and trust me, those guys are all good with Pre-Christian ‘Olde Wayes’ and the New Age BS

      “……. That is precisely what we are seeing with the Abrahamic religions, the use of “prophesies” to manipulate the masses….”

      Religious Engineering IS a thing, true. But the NWO types appear more Gnostic in outlook, trying to do the Book of Revelation as a spell or playbook.

      “… It is no coincidence that the biggest proponents for support of Israel are Christians….”

      True, Jews spend the Big Bucks making THAT happen, but Christianity is
      a)HATED by Jews

      b)Hated by the NWO (not QUITE the same thing but close…)

      c)Traditionally been against allowing Jews to do bad things jews like to do (hence ‘a” in this list)

      d) Not much of a political force anymore and was under control for most of the time that it WAS, in the USA

      “….. THEY make the “prophesies” THEY WROTE, come true…”

      Lol, if they are coming true it makes MORE sense to think that God makes it so then that a multi thousand year long conspiracy across cultures and races.

      “…. Far better place our hopes on some mythical God, then people actually taking responsibility for their own future and destiny…..”

      Actually, the NWO is ALL ABOUT “man” ‘taking control of his own destiny’…..Transhumanism being the newist flavor.

      • They do not HATE Christianity, they CREATED Christianity to bring their one god to the masses. They could not beat Rome with military actions, so they went to work corrupting that empire, from the inside out. As we understand more and more of how these individuals work, the easier it is to see how they created Christianity as a weapon. Like America, it took about 2oo years, once Christianity was created to destroy Rome. Christianity, with its belief that THIS life is meaningless, it is the “afterlife” that has real value, is the ideology of a slave.

        They HATE paganism, polytheism, thus THOSE religions are classified as “myths”, while Judea Christianity is “religion”.

        • RexLeo
          “….They do not HATE Christianity, they CREATED Christianity to bring their one god to the masses…..”

          Bit of an “own Goal if they were jewish, eh? After Julian the Apostate jews LOST a lot of their power in the Christian Empire

          “…. They could not beat Rome with military actions, so they went to work corrupting that empire, from the inside out….”

          1) Pantheism is a weak sauce religious worldview when it comes to “real world” politics-a few thousand British ‘Christians’ lorded it over the Pantheist Indian Subcontinent for GENERATIONS.

          2)Do you hear much about HINDU suicide bombers or Crusaders???? Nope, because Pantheism is by its nature DIVIDED AND WEAK which is why the NWO Theosophist types saw Hinduism as the basis of the One World Religion.

    • Rexleo

      Speaking of Dune…did you like the new movie? I got to see it free and found it was so bad that it made the OLD version (1985…??) Look “not so bad after all” to me

      • I HATED the new movie (though enjoyed the 1984 version, always enjoy David Lynch), only lasted about 15 minutes before I had to turn it off.

        Frank Herbert’s Dune had a profound appreciation for family/ancestry, Paul’s father being MOST central. The movie ignores that dynamic and instead, as per usual, makes Chani the focus on Paul’s attention, blasphemy.

        Another telling omittance of the new Dune movie was its total avoidance of the primary foundation of the Dune universe, AI. Dune is a warning against the creation of computers that think like men, AI. It is not surprising that Hollywood would omit this most important aspect of Dune, as they are working to make AI acceptable.

        Dune is prophetic in so many way, not unlike 1984.

        • I have the book, so I’ll check it out. I saw the original movie that I really liked. The other one was pretty good IMO. But because I’ve never read the book couldn’t compare how the story has changed from the original.

        • I had conniptions with the first movie because it was so lacking in depth….but your right,compared to the new one it was a masterpiece.

          I think that Dune kinda tells the story that, as a kid, I found depressing- Man will never change.

          As an adult I find it lifts my mood to think that human Nature will be the same in 10.000 years.

          Its sad that, being a riff off of the rise of Islam we shall never (or not for a long while) see another book that handles religion and religious engineering as well. Did you like the follow ups? I liked it upto “Children of dune” but then it got kinda meh and I treat the ‘new’ books like the “new starwars’ and refuse to acknowledge they exist. lol

    • I’ll have to read the book. It sounds more complex than the movies that I did see and actually liked. I’m a huge sci fi fan. I have the book but had a hard time starting it because I thought it would be ruined by having seen the movie.

  3. Being a Christian, and therefore by definition completely “white-pilled”. I can relate Hrvoje. I am grateful for his work.

    In my heart I don’t believe that there is really much that can be done to alter the course of the Godless totalitarian takeover of the world. Though I do think that by human actions it might be slowed or postponed.
    I believe that as a Christian I am obligated to do whatever is in my power to fight against the evil forces that are working to bring about the dystopian future that seems to be their goal.
    Both the evil forces in human form and the ones from the unseen realm.
    That is why I am a supporter of James Corbett and others like him.

    But if the Bible is truly the word of God which I believe it to be, then it is inevitable that the world as we know it is going to end. Sooner than later it appears. And humanly speaking, that end won’t be a happy one.

    But spiritually speaking, the end of this world will be the beginning of God’s perfect world. The Edenic world that He had in mind for His created intelligences when the whole thing was set in motion.

    In that respect, for those who have trusted God, it is something to anticipate with great joy.

    Certainly not joy in the suffering and death to come. No one in their right mind looks forward to the death and suffering of anyone,
    No one should be happy that the earth will be devastated and innocent creatures will be destroyed.
    God certainly isn’t.
    He doesn’t desire that any should perish. Not even those who freely choose the path of death by willfully rejecting the way of escape that He has provided for everyone.

    So I, along with Hrvoje and countless others implore anyone who hasn’t believed in and accepted the sacrifice of Jesus, Yeshua, the Jewish messiah as the atonement for their sins to do so without delay.

    Christ, God incarnate, was crucified for the sins of the world according to the scriptures. He was buried and rose from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures.
    He defeated death and appeared to hundreds of people to prove it.
    Many of whom went to their own deaths as martyrs swearing to these truths when they could simply have denied Him and lived.

    “behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

    Matthew 11:29,30
    Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

    • “In my heart I don’t believe that there is really much that can be done to alter the course of the Godless totalitarian takeover of the world.”

      And you are entitled to your beliefs, however I strongly disagree with this. This is the only way they could win if people believe there is nothing that can be done and they count on this belief and promote it with their propaganda. And because they are using propaganda and not going door to door, I know they require it.

      This is a very well constructed psychological operation that is hitting the masses in all directions.

      I do think that solidarity to resist though is extremely important and that religious beliefs is secondary. Of course you may disagree and that is your right.

      But I hope that young people will not despair and believe there is nothing to be done. I am so glad that JC is an optimist and keeps continuing to promote solutions.

      If there is a test of some sort by divine intelligence I would guess that it is to put real effort into resisting what one opposes. The courage and strength to do that is tough but actions are what life is about, doing stuff and risk. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” essentially.

      • Did you neglect to read the two sentences following the one you quoted?

        “Though I do think that by human actions it might be slowed or postponed.
        I believe that as a Christian I am obligated to do whatever is in my power to fight against the evil forces that are working to bring about the dystopian future that seems to be their goal.”

        • “Slowed an postponed” no I just frankly disagree here. The system they are trying to build is just too cumbersome. It just won’t work. Sure they will try to foist it on us but it’s a flop.

          On top of that, it’s too expensive. They have to get people to comply to win. It’s the only way and what they are selling sucks and eventually people will reject it, like foul tasting food. There’s only so many bites a person can take.

          If people disagree with me, I’m fine with it. I’m not offended but I think I’m right and if I were a gambler, I’d wager a lot of money on my position.

          • You seemed to have had formed the opinion that I was not doing anything to combat the tyranny.
            I just wanted to be sure that you read and understood this sentence.
            “I believe that as a Christian I am obligated to do whatever is in my power to fight against the evil forces that are working to bring about the dystopian future that seems to be their goal.”

            “The system they are trying to build is just too cumbersome. It just won’t work. Sure they will try to foist it on us but it’s a flop.

            On top of that, it’s too expensive. They have to get people to comply to win. It’s the only way and what they are selling sucks and eventually people will reject it, like foul tasting food. There’s only so many bites a person can take.”

            I’m glad that you’re optimistic about humanity’s chances of defeating the powers that are implementing this evil plan. And while I see little evidence that would justify your optimism. I nevertheless would be delighted if you were proven right. And, as I clearly stated, I will continue to do whatever is in my power to fight them.

            However, even if every illegitimate government was overthrown and every wealthy elitist eugenic obsessed globalist was neutralized. Even if their evil plans were somehow stopped in their tracks.
            It still wouldn’t change what the Bible says will come about eventually. Just slow or postpone the inevitable.
            Yet I would love to see that happen. I’m not necessarily in a hurry for the end to come. I probably won’t be around much longer anyway.

            “This is the only way they could win if people believe there is nothing that can be done and they count on this belief and promote it with their propaganda.”

            Learned helplessness is absolutely part of their agenda. But the PTSB are most certainly not promoting Christianity to instill learned helplessness in people. Quite the opposite in my opinion.
            Christians have in large part been a thorn in the side of those who tried, and mostly succeeded in foisting the scamdemic on the world.

            I believe that the ones responsible for the tyranny would like nothing better than to see all TRUE Christians eradicated.
            They love the fake ones though.

            • I have no doubt you will go to a good place and that you have done very good things to help others and fight against evil.

              My disagreement is that I believe they will fail and they are failing and they know it.

              It’s simply a matter of lack of resources to implement what they want to do and more importantly though is that the tyranny they want to impose is unsustainable without full compliance. They can never get that. It’s just impossible.

              Anyway, I hope that you are around long enough to see that I will be proven right. Have a wonderful rest of your day and enjoy as much time as you can. Everyone’s time is limited on earth, even theirs.

            • Also, the belief that they will win and that we can only stave off tyranny and hell on earth is self defeating. That was my other point and I am in no way attacking you or trying to offend you or in any way make you feel bad. I just have found that if people think they will lose they don’t try as hard.

              I’ve seen the first hand in health care. If you’re really trying to save someone’s life and there’s even a chance of a good outcome, you give everything you have because someone’s life in your hands. And I have seen a few times where lives have been saved when things looked really bad. But the intention I believe is important and affects the outcome. How this all works, I don’t know, but I believe it does.

              Some may disagree with me and that’s fine. Experience tells me otherwise.

              • Just the other day, I started reading Hazon/Revelation (written by a Jewish man named Yohanan) again – the last book in the Messianic Writings (incorrectly labeled the “new testament” by early translators). This is a prime book to read to get an idea of what to expect at some point in the future. If you’d like some interesting reading to find out, and prepare for, what’s coming down the pike, I recommend it. (Warning: Not for the faint of heart.)

  4. I was quite impressed with this short interview and will definitely be checking out his work.

    One point: the Bible (Tanach and the Messianic Writings) is not a Christian book. It is Jewish through and through. Jewish people (with a few exceptions primarily as they interacted with Jewish people), Jewish history, Jewish kings, Jewish prophets, Hebrew/Aramaic and Jewish Greek writings, Jewish messiah, coming King of Israel, the God of Israel, etc., etc.

    To remove the Bible from its Jewish context leads to distortion of the meaning.

    I, for one, embrace the Jewishness of the scriptures. I don’t understand all of it, but I am confident that it is true.

    • “To remove the Bible from its Jewish context leads to distortion of the meaning”

      That is a true statement.

      As a well respected Old Testament Scholar is famously known for repeatedly telling his students:

      “when it comes to the Bible, “I want the Old Testament Israelite and the first century Jew living in your head” so that you understand Scripture the way it was meant to be understood.“

      • It is a valid point … except for the terminology.

        Part of the reason that even needs to be stated is because of the misnomer “Old Testament.” The compilation of books already had names in their original context: Torah (law), Nevi’im (prophets), Ketuvim (writings) – or the acronym TaNaKh. It is in large part due to the renaming of the texts (with a title whose words aren’t even anywhere in the books themselves – there are actually no testaments mentioned anywhere in the Bible except for in mistranslations of the text) that people must be reminded of the historical reality and admonished to be aware of it when reading. If the Hebrew/Jewish identification had been retained, it would be a given that people need to read it with its context in mind, as they presumably would any text written thousands of years previously by people in a different culture and place.

        But yes… trying to understand it in its own actual context will be much more beneficial than reading one’s own culture, religion, biases, preconceptions… back into something written thousands of years ago. 🙂

        • “It is a valid point … except for the terminology.”

          I am thankful that God that is far less concerned with terminology and errors of inconsequential doctrine than He is in us being faithful in sharing the gospel.
          A gospel so simple that it can be understood no matter what language its translated into.

          1 Corinthians 15:1-6

          1Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 5And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.

          • God is very concerned about Truth. The terms people use promote truth or error/misinformation.

            For example, what does “gospel” mean? I’m sure there are various definitions floating around, and no doubt dictionaries have some definitions. It is a word that, if people are familiar with it, it is most likely in a religious context – specifically Christianity. Different varieties of Christianity no doubt have different interpretations and explanations of the term, but the fact is that the word is not generally used or understood, and there is no universal definition or use.

            The word translated into English from Jewish Greek as “gospel” is (transliterated into English) euangelion which actually means “good news” – like a messenger bringing news of a successful outcome in a battle. When the Septuagint was translated, the word translated as euangelion from Tanakh was “besorah” or “mevasser” meaning a good report or to proclaim the good report. “Good news” (or a good report) is something people can understand; “gospel” is not, and the word obscures the meaning. God wants people to understand it. He doesn’t want religious words to obscure the meaning of what He has to say, yet many words in Christian English translations of the Jewish Greek text do exactly that. They give the impression of a different world, a different reality – an ecclesiastical system.

            In actuality, the ecclesiastical system (whichever one a person may pick) is a distortion of what God intended and it only exists apart from or outside of a biblical framework, while claiming to derive its existence FROM the Bible. Translators of this important text have chosen to use words that cloud the meaning of the text when words we DO use and understand could (and should) have been used. Instead of clear translations, many common, understandable words were transliterated into English, leaving us with words that have no meaning to the average person and that give the impression of something new and different instead of a continuation of what God had been revealing through the writers of Tanakh all along.

            This is part of the reason that Duck apparently believes and can state, “…the Jewish religion ended with the destruction of the Temple and anything claiming to be jewish now is a man made artifact” despite the fact that it was Jewish men who wrote what he claims his faith is based on and that God claims He never changes and that His promises to Israel are forever. The Jewish reality of the Scriptures has been washed out, obscured, stolen – partly through mistranslation, the terminology that was chosen.

            I’m reminded of a recent interchange I read between HRS and lisab about “semantics.” Semantics, terminology, words … they carry and convey meaning – etymology, dictionary definition, connotations… and often, baggage. Semantics and terminology (word choices) are how we communicate and they matter. Legal documents must be precisely worded because word choices (semantics, terminology) matter – even word placement matters in such documents.

            [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

          • God is very concerned about Truth. The terms people use promote truth or error/misinformation.

            For example, what does “gospel” mean? I’m sure there are various definitions floating around, and no doubt dictionaries have some definitions. It is a word that, if people are familiar with it, it is most likely in a religious context – specifically Christianity. Different varieties of Christianity no doubt have different interpretations and explanations of the term, but the fact is that the word is not generally used or understood, and there is no universal definition or use.

            The Bible is not a religious book. God doesn’t like religion. He’s pretty obsessive about truth.

            The word translated into English from Jewish Greek as “gospel” is (transliterated into English) euangelion which actually means “good news” – like a messenger bringing news of a successful outcome in a battle. When the Septuagint was translated, the word translated as euangelion from Tanakh was “besorah” or “mevasser” meaning a good report or to proclaim the good report. “Good news” (or a good report) is something people can understand; “gospel” is not, and the word obscures the meaning. God wants people to understand it. He doesn’t want religious words to obscure the meaning of what He has to say, yet many words in Christian English translations of the Jewish Greek text do exactly that. They give the impression of a different world, a different reality – an ecclesiastical system.

            In actuality, the ecclesiastical system (whichever one a person may pick) is a distortion of what God intended and it only exists apart from or outside of a biblical framework, while claiming to derive its existence FROM the Bible. Translators of this important text have chosen to use words that cloud the meaning of the text when words we DO use and understand could (and should) have been used. Instead of clear translations, many common, understandable words were transliterated into English, leaving us with words that have no meaning to the average person and that give the impression of something new and different instead of a continuation of what God had been revealing through the writers of Tanakh all along.
            (Continued in next comment)

            • I’m curious to read the continuation of your comment.
              But in regard to this. “ For example, what does “gospel” mean?”
              The KJV translation is exactly what you say.
              euangelion: good news
              Original Word: εὐαγγέλιον
              Transliteration: euangelion
              Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-ang-ghel’-ee-on)
              Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
              Short Definition: good news
              Meaning: good news

              So, according to the fellow that is commonly, if inaccurately referred to as The Apostle Paul, the good news, (gospel) is what I quoted above, 1 Corinthians 15:3,4.

              Also defined in Romans 1:1-4
              Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,
              2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,)
              3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;
              4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:

              According to a Bible scholar

              “The content of the gospel—the good news—emerges clearly in these passages. Here are the elements:
              God sent his Son . . .
              Who was born in the line of David . . .
              As the man Jesus Christ . . .
              Who died for our sins . . .
              Who was buried . . .
              And who rose from the dead . . .“
              “These items are the content of the good news. Let me describe them again here in light of the bigger picture of the story we talked about earlier:

              The Son of God became a man. He suffered and died on the cross so that our sins would no longer keep us out of God’s family. He rose from the dead so that we could also overcome death and be with his Father, our Father, the only true God, forever.”


          • (Continued from previous comment)

            This is part of the reason that Duck believes and can state, “…the Jewish religion ended with the destruction of the Temple and anything claiming to be jewish now is a man made artifact” despite the fact that it was Jewish men who wrote what he claims his faith is based on and that God claims He never changes and that His promises to Israel are forever. The Jewish reality of the Scriptures has been washed out, obscured, stolen – partly through mistranslation, the terminology that was chosen.

            I’m reminded of a recent interchange I read between HRS and lisab about “semantics.” Semantics, terminology, words … they carry and convey meaning – etymology, dictionary definition, connotations… and often, baggage. Semantics and terminology (word choices) are how we communicate and they matter. Legal documents must be precisely worded because word choices (semantics, terminology) matter – even word placement matters in such documents.

            JC would not appreciate it if someone twisted his message to mean something other than what he intended. If we are going to quote him or try to relay something he says to another person, we need to do it accurately and not put words in his mouth or distort what he says.

            Accurate transmission of God’s message is infinitely more important. There are warnings in the writings many of us believe are from God against adding to or taking away from what God has said, yet that is what Christianity has done from the very start.

            The messianic writings, especially the records of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (Yohanan), show how the coming of the Messiah is a fulfillment of the prophecies to Israel in Tanakh. Without Tanakh – the history, the prophecies, the context, the setting – the messianic writings make little sense, if any. The setting, the history, the context, the prophecies, the genealogy, are all necessary for the fulfillment to have any meaning or logical explanation.

            The context was Jewish. The context is still Jewish. The God who identifies Himself as the God of Israel chose for it to be that way. That is how He chose to reveal Himself to humanity and to bring about His salvation for the world. It is impossible to take the writings and make them Christian. Well… it has been done, but only by distorting what was actually written.

            Gentiles (non-Jews) are welcome to believe the good news of a way to be forgiven and accepted by the God of Israel and to be part of the kingdom He will one day set up – to be grafted in to Israel’s olive tree by believing in the Messiah – but those who believe are GRAFTED IN to ISRAEL’s olive tree. They don’t become some other thing that the Bible doesn’t talk about or explain. They don’t take over, replace, displace, or change God’s plan. They become participants in what God has already designed and planned.

            I recommend the book Copernicus and the Jews: The Separation of Church and Faith (where this is explained in much more detail) and the website where, besides other interesting and useful information, there are lectures further explaining each chapter in the book Copernicus and the Jews. The same author has also written several other books including one entitled Law Without Authority or Limits: Kelsen’s Dilemma, which many CR readers would find quite interesting. It explains how many legal philosophers justify their Orwellian legal systems, yet how circular, distorted, and contorted their reasoning is.

          • (Continued from previous comment)

            This is part of the reason that Duck believes and can state, “…the Jewish religion ended with the destruction of the Temple and anything claiming to be jewish now is a man made artifact” despite the fact that it was Jewish men who wrote what he claims his faith is based on and that God claims He never changes and that His promises to Israel are forever. The Jewish reality of the Scriptures has been washed out, obscured, stolen – partly through mistranslation, the terminology that was chosen.

            I’m reminded of a recent interchange I read between HRS and lisab about “semantics.” Semantics, terminology, words … they carry and convey meaning – etymology, dictionary definition, connotations… and often, baggage. Semantics and terminology (word choices) are how we communicate and they matter. Legal documents must be precisely worded because word choices (semantics, terminology) matter – even word placement matters in such documents.

            JC would not appreciate it if someone twisted his message to mean something other than what he intended. If we are going to quote him or try to relay something he says to another person, we need to do it accurately and not put words in his mouth or distort what he says.

            Accurate transmission of God’s message is infinitely more important. There are warnings in the writings many of us believe are from God against adding to or taking away from what God has said, yet that is what Christianity has done from the very start.

            (Continued in next comment)

          • (Continued from previous comment)

            The messianic writings, especially the records of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (Yohanan), show how the coming of the Messiah is a fulfillment of the prophecies to Israel in Tanakh. Without Tanakh – the history, the prophecies, the context, the setting – the messianic writings make little sense, if any. The setting, the history, the context, the prophecies, the genealogy, are all necessary for the fulfillment to have any meaning or logical explanation.

            The context was Jewish. The context is still Jewish. The God who identifies Himself as the God of Israel chose for it to be that way. That is how He chose to reveal Himself to humanity and to bring about His salvation for the world. It is impossible to take the writings and make them Christian. Well… it has been done, but only by distorting what was actually written.

            Gentiles (non-Jews) are welcome to believe the good news of a way to be forgiven and accepted by the God of Israel and to be part of the kingdom He will one day set up – to be grafted in to Israel’s olive tree by believing in the Messiah – but those who believe are GRAFTED IN to ISRAEL’s olive tree. They don’t become some other thing that the Bible doesn’t talk about or explain. They don’t take over, replace, displace, or change God’s plan. They become participants in what God has already designed and planned.

            I recommend the book Copernicus and the Jews: The Separation of Church and Faith (where this is explained in much more detail) and the website where, besides other interesting and useful information, there are lectures further explaining each chapter in the book Copernicus and the Jews. The same author has also written several other books including one entitled Law Without Authority or Limits: Kelsen’s Dilemma, which many CR readers would find quite interesting. It explains how many legal philosophers justify their Orwellian legal systems, yet how circular and distorted their reasoning is.

            • “Gentiles (non-Jews) are welcome to believe the good news of a way to be forgiven and accepted by the God of Israel and to be part of the kingdom He will one day set up – to be grafted in to Israel’s olive tree by believing in the Messiah – but those who believe are GRAFTED IN to ISRAEL’s olive tree. They don’t become some other thing that the Bible doesn’t talk about or explain. They don’t take over, replace, displace, or change God’s plan. They become participants in what God has already designed and planned.”

              I agree with that as far as it goes but it is important to remember that God isn’t ONLY the God of Israel. He is the God of the whole world. The God of the universe.

              Israel was the nation He chose to use to reclaim and redeem the nations that were dispersed in Deuteronomy 32:8.
              Thats why Abraham was told that all the nations would be blessed through him.

              Today, the playing field is level. Paul wrote in Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
              Everyone is saved the exact same way. By believing the gospel.
              Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

              The church hasn’t replaced Israel any more than Israel has become has become the church
              But in terms of the message of salvation there is a real sense that we all, Jews and Gentile believers alike are one body of Christ.

              There is still a eschatological debate about the role of the modern nation of Israel in the end times which is interesting but somewhat irrelevant to what is the important thing. And that is the salvation of as many people of every color or nationality that exists today.
              Redeeming the lives of His imagers, His created intelligences is what is most important to God.

              2 Peter 3:9
              The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

              “I recommend the book Copernicus and the Jews: The Separation of Church and Faith”

              Having read this book I can attest that it contains a lot of good information. Definitely worth reading.
              But the book that I would rather see people devote their time to in these troubled days is the Bible.

  5. That is interesting that Hrvoje lived in Kazakhstan, I wonder if he ever got to pick some fresh wild apples (Malus sieversii) from the apple forests near Almaty (Kazakhstan).

    I am growing those ancient (progenitor) apples in my young urban food forest and I just had my first substantial harvest from our trees (which were grown from seed). If anyone reading this knows Hrvoje personally and thinks he would appreciate some Kozakh apple seeds to grow in his garden, I have appreciated his great interviews on G&E over the past year or so and would like to reciprocate.

    I feel like food forests and resilient and nutritious crops like wild apples are becoming more valuable than ever in the context of the expanding and tightening CBDC/technocratic control grid as they represent something that has inherent value and it can expand exponentially (especially when we share the seeds).

    For anyone that is curious, more info on wild Kozakh apples (Malus sieversii) can be found here:

    • Gavin, interesting article about apples. I also love apples and I am a believer in “an apple a day will keep the doctor away…” I hope you get some of those seeds and manage to grow them in your cold climate. Isn’t Kazakhstan a hot climate? Although I am not sure if the original wild apple of Kazhaks would taste any good, perhaps like a sour-bitter crab-apple? I think good tasty fruit requires breeding and cultivation, in other words human intelligence creativity and ingenuity. (No monkey has ever bred and cultivated any fruit.)

      As you say, Almaty or Alma-Ata means Father of Apples and the contested origin of the name Alma or ‘apple’ is also very interesting,

      It is also interesting that the fruit in Genesis, which Eve offered to Adam (the First man), is associated with and apple (Young woman in Hebrew).

      Perhaps people like Rexleo, who are enthralled with crazy confusing imperfect scifi mythologies, will rather try to ponder the real “mythology” of mankind ?!? Perhaps Rexleo can ponder the role and symbolism of the snake in that story. Perhaps people like him, who believe in the poison of Marx and the evolutionary nonsense of Nietzche, will eventually realize what the REAL mythology of the Bible is trying to tell them.


      BTW, it is not Kozakh apples, but Kazakh apples, Kozaks being Ukrainian/Russian Cossacks. See warning at the top of wikipedia page:

      • @hpete

        Thanks for checking out my article 🙂

        We did manage to get seeds (5 years ago) and managed to get 2 of the 10 seeds to take in our garden. We also found a nursery in Quebec a couple years ago that had grown out a thousand or so seeds and was selling third year bare root seedlings so we purchased a couple of those too and they are coming along well. We had our first harvest from one of the trees we grew from seed last year (it blossomed for the first time and produced about a dozen apples). We are in our second harvest for that tree now and this year it is loaded with well over a hundred fruit.

        I did a first harvest of some that were early to ripen up a couple days ago and extracted the seeds to send out in the mail to a bunch of permaculture designers, food forest creators and passionate gardeners who expressed an interest in giving them a place to spread out their roots and achieve their true potential. I am pretty excited to have shared second gen (“Turtle Island” grown) malus sieversii seeds to people all over Canada and the US. It makes my heart glad to imagine towering wild apple trees growing in varied forest climates, nurturing many future generations and providing habitat and food for non-humans too.

        I have a few projects in mind locally for food forests and helping breed new apple varieties for orchardists with a large portion of the remaining seeds that will be extracted from the apples that are part of this year’s harvest but I can likely spare a few if you have a spot where they could set down roots and have a chance at achieving their true potential.

        Much of Kazakhstan is quite arid/hot, but it does get cold in some regions as well and there are also mountainous forested regions that have an analogous climate to parts of the U.S. and small areas of Canada.

        Researchers have found that the genetic diversity in malus sieversii apple trees allows them to adapt to mountainous, near-desert, and cold and dry regions. The trees can resist strongly fluctuant temperature, going from -40°C (-40°F) degrees during winter to 40°C (104°F) degrees in the summer. Most sources say they can tolerate Zone 4-8 but I think with some encouragement, larger plantings and close observation that range could easily be extended. That being said, I may have to reconsider my open offer to send Hrvoje some seeds (considering I just realized he lives in Mexico and many regions in that country do not provide enough ‘chill hours’ (winter conditions time) for apples to survive/produce).


      • (..continued from above)

        RE: “Although I am not sure if the original wild apple of Kazhaks would taste any good, perhaps like a sour-bitter crab-apple?”

        Actually, while there are indeed a great many sour, bitter and wacky tasting (and shaped/sized) apples in the wild apple forests of Kazakhstan, there are also many accounts of a large portion of wild trees that produce big, visually appealing and delicious apples as well.

        As was stated in my article linked above, Philip Forsline was the curator of the apple collection at the USDA-ARS Plant Genetic Resources Unit at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station since 1984. For over a decade he visited the apple forests of Kazakhstan every couple years and brought back with him seeds from every new type of Malus sieversii he found growing there. As of 2010, he had about 2,500 varieties of apples growing in his collection in Geneva, New York, and had tasted every single one.

        One visitor to his wild apple tree collection in Geneva said “At least eight varieties tasted hauntingly of roses. Several surprised me with the distinct taste of anise or fennel. There were aromas of all kinds. Flowers and spices and nuts, including coconut. Lots of other fruits: orange peel and lemon, strawberry, pineapple, green banana. Rhubarb. Occasionally, popcorn, and potatoes. Some apples seemed to suffer from confused genus identity and tasted like pears.”.

        I find the flavor of our first ‘new apple variety’ (the fruit being produced by the malus sieversii tree we grew from seed that I am harvesting from now) to be tangy, bright, vibrant with a sweet background flavor and a hint of nuttiness. The fruit are fist sized and bigger with a light blush color on about 30% of the skin. I also find that is has a refreshing crisp and dense texture similar to Fuji apple flesh. My wife says it has subtle notes reminiscent of Macintosh, Ambrosia and Granny Smith and she thinks it pairs great with white cheddar, swiss cheese or monterey jack. She also finds that it goes well diced up in a pecan salad and/or enjoyed with white wine. I think they would make great hard cider due to the rich tannins and organic acids and would also make for a lovely pie apple.

        I have noticed that our new apple variety has very pronounced lenticels (the small white dots on the skin of the apple that allow for the apple to breathe) and they remind me of when the star filled sky is transitioning into a blush colored sunrise. So we have decided to name this new variety Starlight Blush.


      • (..continued from above)

        Your notion that “good tasty fruit requires breeding and cultivation, in other words human intelligence creativity and ingenuity.” is not accurate in my experience (and not just with regards to malus sieversii apples, but also with regards to a large number of other fruit I have harvested from the wild, that were both delicious and nutritious). I think you may have fallen victim to a very effective corporate agriculture PR campaign with regards to that black and white line of thinking with regards to what makes a fruit taste good.

        Correct me if I am wrong, but would that line of thinking not be accurately boiled down to a line of thinking that sees humans as being better at making fruit than God is?

        I am down with breeding cool varieties of fruit, veggies and herbs (using traditional methods, not lab gene splicing methods) but thinking I can do a better job than Creator is not something I can get on board with.

        I mean, don’t get me wrong, humans can indeed use their intelligence, creativity and ingenuity to create tasty new varieties of fruit, veggies, berries and herbs etc (I have done that my self a number of times and very much enjoyed the results). However, more often than not, when that process becomes industrialized, standardized, institutionalized and becomes the focus of corporation dominated university grants etc, the results may or may not be more tasty fruit (though they are often actually less tasty and just more uniform and easy to mass produce/ship) and they certainly are not more nutritious (in general). The industrialized genetic contamination (aka gene splicing), hybridization and breeding (with profits as a priority) has led to a great diminishment in the diversity, flavor and nutrition of our food crops (as a general trend). There are exceptions to that rule, rogue heirloom beyond organic open pollinated breeders and seed savers, prioritizing flavor before uniformity, nutrition before ship-ability and resilience of the crops to diverse growing conditions rather than making them depend on chemical inputs, but they are a tiny minority.

        It is estimated that 16,000 apple varieties existed four centuries ago. By 1907, that number was whittled down to 7,098. Today, just 15 varieties compose 90% of all apples sold in grocery stores. By narrowing the commercial apple gene pool to 15 varieties, we have set ourselves up for a catastrophic event on a scale much larger than the Irish potato famine. Our modern apples have almost no disease resistance left. Thus, besides being a fun way to discover new apple varieties with great flavors, appearance, higher nutrition (and other favorable attributes) that is one of the reasons why the wild Malus sieversii apples from Kazakhstan are so important.

        Thanks for your input on the spelling of “Kazakh apples” and thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

    • For anyone reading this thread that is interested in knowing more about Malus sieversii (but you do not feel like reading my long article linked above) here are some key points worth considering:

      The wild apple trees Malus sieversii seeds produce have the potential to live to be 300-years-old, becoming up to 5 feet across at the base of the trunk and 60 feet tall.

      Each seed will can grow a tree that produces a completely unique apple variety.

      Malus sieversii is also a valuable resource for its ability to grow without pesticides also in harsh climates. With recent erratic manipulated weather patterns, the industrial apples aren’t set to cope with the extremes we face as we strive to grow food for ourselves and our communities, which makes it even more relevant to preserve robust species such as this ancient apple.

      Key points on the importance of preserving Malus sieversii for future generations:

      – Gathering, saving and growing wild seeds from the progenitor species of our favorite domesticated crops is critical in protecting our food supply from crop diseases, insect pests, and catastrophic weather.

      – The apples now on the market are subject to apple scab, cedar apple rust, fire blight, powdery mildew, and the exit wounds of coddling moths.

      – Consumers are put off by the slightest imperfection, so growers spray their apples an average of 10 times a year.

      – The native apples of Kazakhstan have an incredible amount of disease resistance.

      In addition to the cultural, agricultural and botanical imperatives for protecting the wild apple from extinction there are also nutritional and medicinal arguments for the importance of protecting this ancient ancestor of the modern apple (more on that in the article linked above).

      These ancient wild apples are a living genetic database that contains the potential for countless new apple varieties to be developed that would be resilient to pest and disease pressures and offer a wide diversity in flavor, nutrition and form.

      • Gavin — Wow !!! Thank you for your excellent reply. You are a dedicated expert apple grower! You know your stuff! Your arguments for preserving old native apple varieties are very convincing. Compared to you I am just a mere amateur grower. I would love to try the Kazakh apple, I can’t imagine rose flavor and taste apple. However, honestly, I cannot promise success.

        During the last 5 years I have filled my small yard with fruit trees – 3 plums, 3 cheries, and 2 combination apple trees. Half of them are doing OK. Cherries were great last year, poor this year. My plums so far are not producing, one tree had about 8 plums. Many other people in the area have had poor plums during the last few years, experts say it is likely due to the pollination problems. One 5-year old apple tree is doing OK, it had about 35 pounds of apples last year, about half this year, mostly very poor quality yellow mushy apples on lower branches. The taste is not great, and apples immediately turn brown, cannot be stored and rot within a week or so. I turned them into apple sauce. The upper branches produce less apples but much better quality and these are very nice & tasty. The other apple tree is in a poor location and had only 10 apples this year. My general problem is that I am in an area with huge mature trees in the neighbourhood. In fact, 10 years ago my yard looked like a dark depressing jungle and I had 5 large dying trees cut down, and 3 smaller ones, to allow maximum sun in the yard for growing.

        So I am not sure if you want to take a chance with me for the succesful survival and production of the Kazakh apple. Would a graft instead of the poor quality apples on the good apple tree be a good idea? I could also ask some of my relatives and friends, their yards are sunnier. How large will the tree grow and how many years before it starts producing apples?

        You may be correct about some native fruit being tastier. I remember when I was a small child in Europe, my gradma and great-grandma used to take me into the woods and mountains where we picked wild blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, mushrooms, and various herbs which my great-grandma used for medicinal teas and the like. I wish I could remember what she picked and how she used all those herbs – she lived a very healthy active life, never went to a doctor, never took any prescription medication, and died at 97 at home! But I remember the great taste of wild blueberries and especially the fantastic taste of wild strawberries! They were very small but extraordinarily fragrant and tasty. They were a real gem and a real treat whenever we could find a patch.


        • @hpete

          Gonna have to be an expedited reply tonight (so please forgive any sloppy grammar) as I have a lot of garden crops to preserve, a flooded basement with moldy floorboards to remediate and a pallet full of books arriving tomorrow that I have to plan for.

          Thank you for the kind words, I was blessed to grow up on an apple orchard and have some great teachers along the way (the greatest of which is the living planet Earth and her interconnected ecosystems teaming with elder species to learn from of course! 😉 )

          Ya I know right! a rose flavored apple, sounds pretty far out haha. I dunno if I would like that or be disgusted. Though, a hard cider with a hint of rose does sound interesting now that I think of it. I am excited to see how the fruit taste on the 11 seedlings I have going from last years harvest (in a few years when they produce fruit).

          I admire your efforts to fill your yard with fruit trees. The wild apple trees I have seeds for would have been the canopy trees in their native ecosystem, so they would not likely do well in shady areas.

          Have you ever tried Saskatoon Service berries? I have some on the north side of my house and they only get maybe 4-6 hours of sun but they produce beautifully.

          I could send you a list of veggies, herbs, berries and medicine plants (that I put together for a client with a shady yard who was looking to maximize productivity for food and medicine) if you feel this info would be helpful?

          RE: “Would a graft instead of the poor quality apples on the good apple tree be a good idea?”

          Grafting is great in certain situations (IMO), it is just that grafting (in general) is essentially cloning (no natural reproductive processes involved, and thus no natural adaptation to changing growing conditions or disease/pest pressures). One could theoretically grow some wild apples from seed and then graft their favorite varieties onto the adult tree once it matures (that way the genetically stagnant grafted varieties would at least be benefiting from the genetic adaptability, resilience and disease resistance of the tree’s roots, which they are grafted onto).

          I take hard wood cuttings for propagating new trees and bushes sometimes when i am looking to grow a mass planting of something that has the same characteristics (and in an expedited time frame), though when I do that I also consider that this means a less resilient plant in the long term, so I simultaneously grow those same crops from seed so I have some resilient/adaptable members of that species in my garden to replenish the other plantings of cloned/grafted trees/shrubs should they fall to disease or extreme weather fluctuations.


        • (continued from above..)

          The wild apple trees I have seeds for can grow up to 60 feet tall and become 5 feet in diameter at the base of the trunk (they are a full forest canopy tree in their native habitat). That being said, each seed will express a different genetic potential, and some may be shorter, wider, even taller perhaps.

          Thank you very much for sharing your memories and experiences with your gradma and great-grandma. I had similar experiences in this life with my grandad (my fahter’s father). He and his wife ran a bed and breakfast / seasonal restaurant and they had 16 raised beds where they grew most of what went into the dishes served to their customers. They would also take me foraging and I think those experiences were very formative in influencing what I chose to place as a priority in my life today.

          Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspectives on natural/wild God made fruit vs manmade and trans-humanism, GMO, AI etc.

          “The question is could you breed fruit, say a strawberry for commercial production, which would taste just as good as the tiny wild strawberry I remember, and have all the health qualities, good size, durability, and shelf life?”

          It is theoretically possible (IMO) but that depends on how you define “commercial production”. There are many variables that influence the vibrant flavor and nutrition of wild berries vs typical store bought berries that would need to be accounted for.

          One of the most important variables is all the symbiotic relationships that the strawberry plants have with other plants, trees, fungi, insects and soil organisms in the wild which allow for them to achieve their highest potential (and therefore be capable of more effectively combining, sunlight, water and minerals to create the complex molecules that are, in part, responsible for that amazing flavor you remember from your childhood). No monoculture of strawberry plants can create that flavor. For a monoculture of one plant puts that plant at a handicap (when compared to her wild cousins that have a give and take relationship with so many kin around them).


        • (continued from above..)

          “Or, another question, could you naturally breed herbs with new potential qualities which would be more effective & safer, with no side-effects, for treating whatever illness?”

          Well first of all, “potential qualities which would be more effective & safer” than what exactly?

          Can one breed herbs with new qualities and medicinal compounds in them? Certainly. Most medicinal herbs will react (genetically adapt and produce new attributes and compounds) in response to specific stimuli. Cold, physical injury, drought, proximity to other plants/fungi etc). One can intentionally attempt to speed up that process via direct stimulus or one can just plant out a thousand or so seeds, closely observe the naturally occurring genetic adaptations/mutations that naturally occur and then choose the best plants for saving seed. When it comes to the specific compounds in herbs, one would need access to Mass Spec equipment so they could test out each new generation of the herb and detect when new genetic variations are producing the favored compounds in order to know which one they should save seeds from to breed for future generations. Or one could just use their senses/intuition as measurement instruments and perhaps also get favorable results (this is the method I often end up using).

          Thanks for the comments.

          • Gavin, thank you for your long thoughtful reply!

            I agree that it certainly would not be easy to breed herbs for medicinal properties. You are correct that we would have to deploy all sorts of hi-tech science methods. There have been such attempts but I am not sure if anything concrete has been accomplished due to the complexity – herbs/plants contains hundreds of compounds, there are some with more medicinal activity, but many people agree that there is also a synergistic effect of various compounds, so it makes any such effort very difficult.

            I know this must be a very busy time for you, so we can resume later. Take care of your house and produce first! I also have a few jobs lined up before winter.

      • As far humans creating apples better than God — they don’t! This a rather subtle theological argument. Only God can create out of nothing, according to Plato the idea of apple is created by God, no human can think apple into existence. Humans-artists form and shape whatever material they choose, so they rather “make” than “create”, especially apples and fruit. But you have a point and I will give this more thought as far as growing, breeding and cultivating.

        The question is could you breed fruit, say a strawberry for commercial production, which would taste just as good as the tiny wild strawberry I remember, and have all the health qualities, good size, durability, and shelf life?

        Or, another question, could you naturally breed herbs with new potential qualities which would be more effective & safer, with no side-effects, for treating whatever illness?

        However, this also an excellent argument against trans-humanism, GMO, AI, etc. — all that is wrong with world today. Also the difference between natural breeding which will produce tastier nicer and perhaps healthier fruit, and DNA or CRISPR modification, which I think can only mess things up and produce degenerate monsters harmful to our life and reproduction.

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