Interview 1674 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Nov 19, 2021 | Interviews | 68 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4

Story #1: Worldcoin, Now Valued at $1B, Has Grand Plans to Get You to Gaze Into the Orb

Gaze Into the Orb to Collect Your Worldcoin

Why Everyone Is Mad at Sam Altman’s Worldcoin

Internet Freaks Out After Trump & King Salman Pose At ‘Magic Orb’ In Weird Moment (May 21, 2017)

“The Orb Is Our Leader Now.” (May 21, 2017)

Trump Posing With Glowing Orb Is Comedy Gold (May 22, 2017)

What They’re Not Telling You About The Saudi Arms Deal (May 29, 2017)

I’ll Bet The Orb Knows Where MBS Is! (May 29, 2018)

Return Of The #Orb: Why Are Netanyahu And Macron Clasping Glowing Globe? (Jun. 10, 2018)

What’s Behind Israel’s Growing Ties With China? (Jun. 22, 2018)

Does this count as another #orb?

Trump, Putin Exchange Soocer Ball At Helsinki Summit (Jul. 17, 2018)

One Orb, Slightly Used: MBS Book Reveals Fate of Trump’s Saudi Sphere (Mar. 4, 2020)

Saudi Orb That Trump Touched Was Given to US, Then Hidden (Mar. 4, 2020)

Story #2: Show Your Papers As Austria Locks Down the ‘Unvaccinated’

Austria Orders Nationwide Lockdown for Those Not Fully Vaccinated Against Covid

New German Coalition Mulls Lockdown for Unvaccinated, Selective Vaccine Mandates

Austria Today: Police Stopping People and Checking Their Papers To Make Sure the Unvaccinated Are Not Hiding Among the Vaccinated. 2021. Unbelievable.

How Recent Vaccine Mandate Laws In Lithuania And Throughout Europe Have Upended My Family’s Life

Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna Making $1,000 Profit Every Second: Analysis

Gene Simmons Rips Anti-Vaxxers: “If you’re willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy”

Story #3: Israeli ‘Wargame’ Sees Kids Suffering Vaccine-Resistant COVID Strain

Episode 346 – 9/11 War Games

Terrorists Will Try And Use Smallpox As A Biological Weapon – Bill Gates Warns

FBI, CDC investigating Several Vials Labeled ‘Smallpox’ Found at Vaccine Research Facility

Episode 388 – False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism

MIT: Covid Skeptics Champion Science

MIT researchers ‘infiltrated’ a Covid skeptics community a few months ago and found that skeptics place a high premium on data analysis and empiricism. “Most fundamentally, the groups we studied believe that science is a process, and not an institution.”

PDF: “Viral Visualizations: How Coronavirus Skeptics Use Orthodox Data Practices to Promote Unorthodox Science Online”

Freaky Patent Where Vaccination Dose Will Be Determined By “Social Credit Score”

US11107588B2: “Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals”

The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

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  1. JC: “we are heading into total hellscape”
    some are “heading in”, while others see swarming blooms of parasitic blood suckers & the odd patch of quicksand, mix 1 part complicity with 2 parts pathetic demonic-duggery and ipsofacto we get hungry ghost hell realms trying to ingress into heaven on earth.

    It has no power here. the literal “line in the sand” is a charged orb that surrounds ones body. There are countless ways to strengthen the charge (psychic protection). One is “right action” and “right speech” which can be a refuge or even a conditioner to help release from the pain of entanglement.

    we are smelling the putrid rotting chrysalis.

  2. Damn, what a great but also depressing episode. I never ever would have imagined that 2021 would look like this…

    Sic transit gloria mundi.

    Really looking forward to the “good news” episode, also keeping my eyes open for a potential contribution. Stay sane, strong and hopeful everyone!

    • The Good News is Jesus Christ is returning soon, and all will be set right.

      Be sure you’re on the Right Side when He does.

      The last effort of the Satan/”Humanist” Partnership is coming to a close.

      • At the moment the vax mandate in Austria is a threat. We will have to wait whether it is a ruse to distract people from the fact, that the measures failed. Despite media claiming that the mandate will come effective by the 1st of February, the original statement said, that the process towards the mandate is being started. And even if such a law is passed, it will most likely not hold before the Constitutional Court. – The enemy is time, because Austrian Constitutional Court have no expedited procedure.

      • True words, don’t rely on dogmatic hopium – find serenity and happiness in your free self expression and the communion with real human beings (if you can still find some).

      • LastHumanist

        “..Part of the psyop is to make this look like Christian end times so that the evangelical maniacs are placated…”

        I do not understand how if you desire people to be passive and accept your world wide control grid making them think that its the literal work of satan would help you…?

        “..There are people who believe in some literal dark force on both sides of this but they are equally deluded and irrational….”

        That would mean that at the very least some of the people DOING these things to the world DO work for Satan… as Chris Knowles over at SecretSun points out IF a person believes they are possessed by an entity does it make any difference to their victim if its true or not?

        “..It’s the product of a poor mental state. …”
        Funny… the mental health of Europe has declined directly in line with the decline in religious belief. A tiny minority can live satisfied by philosophy without a God… thats why the christianty took over rome rather then Platonic philosophy which had no mass appeal

      • “The Great Reset” is aimed for 2030. Kurzweil and other technocratic maniacs are telling us “The Singularity” arrives in 2029. Interestingly, 2029 is the likely year of 2000 years since Jesus Christ’s Resurrection (based on His birth in 4 BC).

        The hand being played is unprecedented. The “vaccine passports” are clearly the final prototype for the Mark of the Beast.

        What’s happening in Australia and now Austria is just the start. Things will get bad beyond anyone’s comprehension next year.

        Humanity will not survive – at least as human beings – this world revolution. Just as the Bible warned would be the case save for Divine Intervention: Matthew 24:22. The damage from the “vaccines” is just the beginning. As more “transhumanist” tech is deployed, Hell on Earth will be unleashed.

      • The usual suspect tells us we’re “deluded and irrational,” while he believes that wooden-door “gas chambers” existed in WWII.

        “Save yourself” is the standard line of the Devil since the Garden of Eden.

        “The Great Reset” is not a product of human minds, and the Solution is not the product of human minds or will.

        • If the faith you chose (or were brought up in) gives you strength, courage and determination in your life without confining others I will be the last one to deter you from this path. Just want to suggest you keep a healthy skepticism before swallowing any kind of canon wholesale. I don’t believe that any kind of scripture holds entirely noble teachings from some higher entity (quite the contrast for some lengths – human words for human social engineering – ancient world style). No hard feelings!

          • You’ve already determined that spirituality is subordinate to feeble human reason.

            I’ve found that the dogma that has been most deadly in modern times is materialism and all its derivatives.

            The end of humanity we are currently facing is the product of the mentality that “Truth” is unknowable and “religion” is but fables.

          • Being an agnostic, I haven’t determined pretty much anything. My view of the wolrd is an ever changing and expanding experience. I don’t think that a personal brand of spirituality is problematic, I also think that many religions offer a good sense of community. However I also see, know and experienced the detrimental points (historically and currently), where religion with a fixed set of rules and beliefs functions as a tool for the subjugation of people, excusing crimes and keeping people passive and docile. I (personally) will not yield the responsibility for my own actions in life to a higher power or “truth”

          • And maybe adhering to the term “agnostic” isn’t the most favorable thing (considering the alleged coinage by T. Huxley), but the key message remains: I have found no meaningful access to any organized spiritual group and therefore neither deny nor advocate for spirituality but warn from the danger of subsuming oneself under the groupthink of some fixed gospel.

          • wolfgang

            “..Being an agnostic, I haven’t determined pretty much anything. My view of the wolrd is an ever changing and expanding experience…”

            Not having a fixed sense of the world makes a human easily controllable.. the mind in such a state of flux is as easy to “update” as a windows 10 computer.

            Also, while YOU might find such a life satisfying most people do not… that is why the work of the New Atheists has left the latest Generation much more apathetic, mentally unstable, or depressed and open to ‘Woke’ politics

            It is 15 or 20 years too late for most western nations to avoid disaster now.

          • Duck

            I did not really find myself caught up in any woke ideology and am anything but apathetic. I have strong ethical and rationalistic guiding tools for my journey through life. Without the confines of a preset belief system and in full awareness of my mortality and the immense value and responsibility it bestows, I feel I can give my life meaning and fulfillment. But I am really, truly curious what actually keeps you from becoming apathetic and obedient?

          • Wolfgang

            “…I did not really find myself caught up in any woke ideology and am anything but apathetic…”

            Sorry if I was not clear, but I was referring to you personally. I was referring to the rise of Nihilism, apathy, and mental illness in the young, which is why they seek meaning in bizarre new religions like Extinction Rebellion and BLM.

            I was making the point , which I have made to others before, that the vast majority of people DO NOT find satisfaction in a philosophy of uncertainty.

            Philosophy and introspection DO NOT provide mental comfort and meaning to “most” people.

            “..I feel I can give my life meaning and fulfillment…”
            YOU may feel that, your great intellect or self love may even make it true FOR YOU.

            It is, however, NOT TRUE for MOST people… as CS Lewis said in the ‘abolition of man’ the most trite patriotic song is FAR FAR more useful in strengthening the resolve of a man in danger then any number of arguments as to WHY he should risk his life.

            Ask yourself how many atheists are willing to strap a bomb to themselves and die for an idea the way Muslims do for their false god?

            “.. But I am really, truly curious what actually keeps you from becoming apathetic and obedient?..”

            Me personally?
            I try to be obedient, but to the ACTUAL Being worthy of following rather then people.
            If there is no higher power outside of the human then the Ruling Class takes on the role of god in the mind of most people…THAT is why they spend so much money trying to replace religion with something more to their taste

          • Duck

            You may be right about that. The void in many people’s lives currently gets filled with nonsense and quasi-religious substitutes/causes.
            However I think this is not a problem of spiritualism vs atheism or agnosticism. YOU might not be swayed temptations and guidance of what you conisder “false” religious/spiritual leaders. But there are plenty of people who commit their lives to firm religious beliefs and profess to follow the truth of their deity, who fully buy into every measure of the tyrannical structures that are nailed into place right now (because they are told so by some kind of authority they confide in).
            Therefore I absolutely commend YOU personally for the choices that brought you to your skeptical conclusions (with the help of your spiritual guidance and cornerstones). It probably doesn’t make sense to draw the distinctive line between non-spiritual and spiritual people. If gullible people choose a fake religious cult or deity or some substitute of that in the shape of “wokeness” or whatever doen’t make much of a difference. You will find critical, skeptical people (as well as sheepish followers) in both camps. However having been raised in a deeply religious (catholic) household, freeing myself of (in my opinion clearly) false or hypocritical statements from the priests or my interpretation of the scripture was the first step towards critical thinking and a world view/concept that more and more fits to my experience of this world.

  3. Just looking at Sam Altman is creepy… he looks like something slithered into a human skin and then soaked in Soy for a month to stop it cracking when it moved.

    • LOL!

      I wouldn’t let him babysit any children.

      One of those specimens that gives weight to what David Icke’s been saying about “reptiles” working against us.

  4. Here is a good news story for you James & James.

    In the new US bipartisan infrastructure law, known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the government has made it law that, “advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology” has to be implemented in new vehicles no later than three years after the bill’s enactment.

    So, by 2024, new vehicles will have breath or touch sensors to ensure that one has not consumed any alcohol or drugs before allowing the car to be operated.

    Oh wait, that is one of the worst dystopian stories and invasions of privacy I have read in a long time.

    People, it is time to get the pitchforks ready.

    Does anybody ever wonder what the world would be like if they did not assassinate JFK all those years ago?

    Want to know who blew JFK’s brains out?

  5. A few articles, like the one linked below, claiming that

    58% of the French population are for locking down the unvaccinated

    were circulating in the MSN news feed yesterday along with a couple of others stating that enacting such a measure in France was “not excluded” as a possibility by government officials.

    They seem to have since been taken out of the feed and replaced by the message that “such a measure is not (currently) necessary or being considered in France” where “pushing the vaccine is preferred” as “the presidential team does not wish to arrive at the same point as the Austrians”. Indeed, locking down “the anti-vaxxers” is currently unnecessary… during this time where the Presidential election circus is in full-swing.

    Buried in a lot of rhetoric that seems to be claiming the contrary is this little phrase:

    “… we are not yet at that point but we are not ruling out any course of action…” -Christophe Castaner, ex-Minister of the Interior, head of the LREM party

    “… nous n’en sommes pas là mais nous n’écartons aucune piste…”
    -Christophe Castaner, “le patron des députés marcheurs”

    anyhow, just sayin’ that it seems it’s Coming to a covid circus near you!

    very soon…

    • Europe seems to be in a real mess. High energy costs, supply chains, and this damn Covid narrative.

      This Nov 18th, brief article mentions Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria.
      Italian Governors Call For Unvaccinated To Be Put Under Lockdown

      I think most Americans are oblivious to the tyranny that is going on around the world.
      In fact, when I ask people: “Did you see all the protests going on in ______ (country)?”, every person says “No”.
      By the way, in America, that is a smooth casual way to open a conversation while waiting in line at a store or talking to a neighbor.

      The other day as I was driving by the shopping centers, the parking lots were pretty packed with people spending money. Of course, I’m poor, which by default, disjoints me from that “must buy stuff” mindset…but it seems so surreal with plastic people straining to purchase normality amidst a world falling apart.

    • Oh, really? Gee, what happened? Just two months or so ago, fully 85% of the French had said “no, thank you”, along with, I imagine one of the twenty plus ways they have of saying “fuck you”. Very creative.
      Did you see them lobbing those canisters right back at the goons? Next day, a guy was out there doing it with a tennis racket!! New sports!! Like eating a picnic in front of the restaurant that has gone stupid.

      The French paid for the “American Revolving Union”, and then threw one of their own, a little more extreme. From those I met internationally, and they were many, I can’t quite imagine these “stats” of 58% coming from anyplace real.

      To quote Percy Shelley: “The French have as much fun in one day as the English have in one year. ”
      Don’t count on France to go under. They have retained a strong civil society, unlike tv nation. They were brilliant enough to use lasers, simple lasers, many of them, to get an entire squad of goons to goose step backwards as their eyeballs were being burned. The French have no moral compulsions against fighting “dirty”.
      Keep an eye on Spain, also. Those folks are hella radical. I saw bicyclists in mid Barcelona, more than once, whip right up in front of a moving bus, forcing it to stop and allow the pedestrians by on a walking light. They desire nothing but the end of the rule of Madrid, from where the Inquisition of course made its searing mark widely felt. The subjugation of Spain by the Romans can be seen and deeply felt in the regions south of Barcelona.

      Oops, there we go again, Rome, the holey seat of christian officialdoms.
      “We’ll take over with the human sacrifice deal now, we have the perfect crucifixion theme park. You all go back to smearing lamb’s blood on your front doors now. Yes, of course we’ll be glad to coordinate our holy ceremoneys with yours so that they appear distinct. Don’t mind if we decide to say our martyr is also a god? No, no no, we are not trying to “one-up” you, it’s just easier to keep control of separate “interest groups”, see? ”
      “Interest groups? ”
      “You’ll understand someday. The Liberals are coming, and for some time they will prosper and rule through “interest groups”. It’s just a more sophisticated version of divide and conquer, see? ”
      “Ah!! Brilliant!! It’s a deal. “

  6. thanks for that Sam Bailey vid. I’ve been wanting to find a description of the fraud that calls itself virology that a 10 year old could follow. She down dresses a few suppositions, and-but I’ll bet there are more; her syntax is a bit dense and fast and her lovely kiwi accent may be a distraction for “general public consumption”. great content but. In the one viewing, I struggled to keep up.

    I’m guessing the germ theory and virology are on the same thin ice.

    and then theres the problem of smells like looks like tastes like but still people are convinced or simply choose to disbelieve/deny that it IS shit. and their bosses, are so lacking in self awareness that they cant see their own reflection in a mirror.

  7. Solutions watch idea – In a speech by Catherine Austin Fitz around the 17 min mark, she mentions a “solution watch” idea by Bill Binney. “We need to teach the kids how to make encryption systems” (integrate this to both to homeschooling and other type of curriculum’s) “if we have hundreds of people in a community making new encryption systems and turning them over, they will not be able to deal with it and it will drive “them” crazy”.

    I`m not “tech savvy” myself, but this seems like a very good decentralized idea in order to create many new systems for the future. Thanks for what you do James, The NERD VIKING.

  8. Result of recent survey at my workplace in Australia;

    ‘79.9 per cent of respondents reported feeling uncomfortable working in the office with unvaccinated co-workers’

    Makes me feel so much warmth inside homeremedysupply.

    Proposed Phase 3 return to work from 30 Jan 2022 involves;

    ‘Hybrid working: no capacity limits, flexible working, no permission required to attend office and all staff required to be fully vaccinated or provide medical contraindication.’

    Proposed Direction is;

    ‘Direction from the Secretary –
    To meet its legal health and safety obligations, the Department’s key proposal in the reopening plan is a direction from the Secretary that from 1 December 2021, all corporate staff … must not perform duties at Departmental schools or offices unless:
    – They have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine; or
    – They have been issued with a current medical contraindication certificate.

    Staff must provide evidence of vaccination via the VACS attest app and to their manager upon request to perform a business-critical function in the office. This must be done no later than 30 January 2022, so that they are prepared to return to the office. All new staff will be required to be vaccinated before commencing work for the Department.’

  9. In the U.S., there is somewhat Good News on the Vaccine Mandates which should last through the end of the year at least.

    OSHA is the enforcement arm of President Biden’s September’s Vaccine Mandates for companies employing over 100 people.
    According to Biden, OSHA ‘has the power’ to make the ‘rules’, inspect and then fine companies. In actuality, under normal sane application of OSHA regulations, this could never ever occur…it wouldn’t pass the smell test.

    Many States and entities have filed lawsuits.
    There has been a strong legal win in the courts.
    For now, OSHA has been stopped.
    On November 12, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted a motion to stay OSHA’s COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard, published on November 5, 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 61402) (“ETS”).
    The court ordered that OSHA “take no steps to implement or enforce” the ETS “until further court order.”

    As I and others have repeatedly pointed out (see OSHA Sub-Threads), President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for companies employing over 100 people is a bluff tactic…using the Narrative, the Story to coerce company compliance. That is what Biden is utilizing.
    His administration knows that OSHA enforcement will be a long-shot in the legal arena.

    • Oh, really? Gee, what happened? Just two months or so ago, fully 85% of the French had said “no, thank you”, along with, I imagine one of the twenty plus ways they have of saying “fuck you”. Very creative.
      Did you see them lobbing those canisters right back at the goons? Next day, a guy was out there doing it with a tennis racket!! New sports!! Like eating a picnic in front of the restaurant that has gone stupid.

      The French paid for the “American Revolving Union”, and then threw one of their own, a little more extreme. From those I met internationally, and they were many, I can’t quite imagine these “stats” of 58% coming from anyplace real.

      To quote Percy Shelley: “The French have as much fun in one day as the English have in one year. ”
      Don’t count on France to go under. They have retained a strong civil society, unlike tv nation. They were brilliant enough to use lasers, simple lasers, many of them, to get an entire squad of goons to goose step backwards as their eyeballs were being burned. The French have no moral compulsions against fighting “dirty”.
      Keep an eye on Spain, also. Those folks are hella radical. I saw bicyclists in mid Barcelona, more than once, whip right up in front of a moving bus, forcing it to stop and allow the pedestrians by on a walking light. They desire nothing but the end of the rule of Madrid, from where the Inquisition of course made its searing mark widely felt. The subjugation of Spain by the Romans can be seen and deeply felt in the regions south of Barcelona.

      Oops, there we go again, Rome, the holey seat of christian officialdoms.
      “We’ll take over with the human sacrifice deal now, we have the perfect crucifixion theme park. You all go back to smearing lamb’s blood on your front doors now. Yes, of course we’ll be glad to coordinate our holy ceremoneys with yours so that they appear distinct. Don’t mind if we decide to say our martyr is also a god? No, no no, we are not trying to “one-up” you, it’s just easier to keep control of separate “interest groups”, see? ”
      “Interest groups? ”
      “You’ll understand someday. The Liberals are coming, and for some time they will prosper and rule through “interest groups”. It’s just a more sophisticated version of divide and conquer, see? ”
      “Ah!! Brilliant!! It’s a deal. “

    • Sorry about that doubling, the wifi was in and out as usual, what I want to point out about OSHA is that it was created by the legislature at the demand of the citizens to ensure the safety of the WORKPLACE, not the workers. They have absolutely no authority to address anything but the workplace structures, chemical and industrial processes, etc. and provide mitigation standards for protective gear to be worn ON THE OUTSIDE of a worker’s body if necessary.

      OSHA has never had any authority to legislate regarding the work force.

      • I studied OSHA regulations and law.
        Employers face fines and penalities when they do not comply with OSHA regulations. Employers go to great pains to comply with OSHA. Employers end up being the enforcement arm.

        You may want to read my previous posts which highlight OSHA’s authority over the workplace, which reference consultants for industry.

    • A *good news* item to consider.


      The FDA has proposed to produce 500 pages per month which, based on its calculated number of pages, would mean it would complete its production in nearly 55 years – the year 2076

      Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, requests that the Court enter an order requiring the FDA to produce all documents and data submitted by Pfizer on a rolling basis such that all of it shall be produced on or before March 3, 2022, which is 108 days from today.

      What’s interesting about this case is that either Pfizer is going to have to admit they’ve been working on this for – oh I don’t know – 10 years or FDA is going to have to comply with the FOIA in 108 days. Either way, the truth will come out that (1) the shot is an experimental treatment, not a vaccine, and is known to be deadly; (2) these folks are criminals and legally need to be held accountable; and (3) the pandemic and all associated restrictions are based on fraud.

  10. Not sure if this counts as a contribution to “Solutions Watch” or as a bit of good news, since the article is a 2015 relic. All the same, here’s a tiny little blurb from an Oklahoma local paper about a man founding an heirloom seed-saving network ( ). It’s a tiny story, admittedly. But, for heirloom gardeners like me, it’s a very human-based, non-store-depndent, potentially self-sufficient way to maintain a local seed supply for those wanting to grow their own food.

    I’ve longed for a group like this in my local area, but the folks ’round here think growing and saving heirloom seeds is something Grandpap did “back in the day.” The only seed bank relatively close to my area has no funding and no gardening network to keep the seeds viable. The closest Seed-Savers Exchange group is in a city where my dirty meatspace face is likely unwelcome. So I’ve been building up my own seed bank.

    But we can do better, if we try. If folks could get themselves organized in small, local pockets of gardening know-how, localized, stable collections of site-specific seeds could be shared, hand-to-hand, and keep people fed in very direct ways.

    There’s a great book on on how to educate yourself in growing and maintaining your own bank of seeds ( ). I know, in the face of the hellscape, talking about saving heirloom seeds seems trite. But for those of us being ousted from engaging in the economy, growing our own food and maintaining our own sources of seeds is actually a Really Big Deal. I hope this can be a useful contribution.

  11. Austria has the highest testing rate probably in the world. Only 3% of the tests turn up positive. Scientists say that at such a low prevalence, most of the results are most likely false positive. So it is a testing-pandemic.
    But wait for the weekend. Austria is awakening and large protests are due. Even a military workers union and police groups have declared to join the protests.

  12. [On a previous NWNW, I believe that the farmer protests in INDIA were mentioned, but I can’t locate it. Regardless of the source (which may have been from Corbett Members), I remember seeing videos of the protests.]

    Some recent Good News…
    How the Farmers’ Movement Brought the Modi Government to its Knees
    At every stage of the agitations, the BJP-led government attempted to crush the farmers’ movement. And failed.

    [The article estimates 600 lost their lives. Other articles ( estimate it at over 700.]

    New Delhi: In what will be hailed as a great victory for the year-long farmers’ movement in the times to come, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday morning announced his government’s decision to repeal the three controversial farm laws. The Union government until now had been unrelenting, with none other than Modi himself scornfully calling the protesting farmers “andolan jeevi (those who live off agitations)” on the floor of the parliament. The BJP machinery attempted to brand the farmers’ agitation as one led by Khalistani separatists and funded by terrorist groups.

    The farmers, however, remained unwavering in their commitment to their call for a complete repeal of the farm laws, which they believed were “pro-corporate” and “anti-farmer”. Contrary to the Union government’s claims that farmers were consulted before the laws were passed, the protesting groups reminded people that the laws were first brought in through Ordinances in June 2020, akin to what they believed was a backdoor imposition of the news laws on them.

    At every stage of the agitations, the BJP-led government attempted to crush the farmers’ movement, the most ghastly episode being the way agitating farmers were mowed down in Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh, by a convoy of cars allegedly involving junior home minister Ajay Mishra’s son.

    More than 600 protesting farmers died during the agitations. Several were booked under harsh laws. The government used its police machinery to disrupt the movement. The Singhu and Tikri borders of Delhi, where the farmers had been staging demonstrations, were practically turned into open prisons. Following the Republic Day march by farmers early this year, the police came down heavily on some of the farmers’ leaders. Yet, the farmers remained steadfast in their resolve to continue with the protests. Such was their determination that the crackdown on Bharatiya Kisan Union leader Rakesh Tikait after the Republic Day march at Ghazipur border of Delhi gave a fresh lease of life to protests, taking the demonstrations across poll-bound Uttar Pradesh….

    (P.S. I got “The Wire” & news source from a previous Corbett episode shownotes.)

    • In 2011, a documentary film called “Bitter Seeds” showed the destruction of native farmers through the forced introduction of gmo seeds, as well as the unavailability of native seeds. Same old cruel cruel story, but a necessary background to understand this movement.

  13. The measures were declared today!
    Many people still believe that 2 shots would suffice and they still accept unvaccinated as a scapegoat. And at the moment there ist still a 3G (vaccinated, recovered, tested) rule for work places.
    Since the vacc mandate for health workers last Friday (!) people have started to mobilize. Until then nobody believed that the government would go that far. I hope the threat holds. About 25% of the health workers are unvaccinated. If they put down work as threatened the system will crash.

  14. James Corbett has repeatedly talked about Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS).
    MBS must be hooked up to Elon Musk’s brain wires or have been Tron’d Meta-style by Mark Zuckerberg. His pipe-dream ideas just keep coming…

    Nov 18th – By Irina Slav at
    Saudi Crown Prince Unveils Net-Zero Industrial Hub In Smart-City Neom

    ~~ Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince has unveiled another element of the NEOM megaproject, a floating industrial complex dubbed Oxagon
    ~~ NEOM: Oxagon presents a radical new model for future manufacturing centers
    ~~ Oxagon will focus on advanced technology such as space and robotics

    Saudi Arabia recently came under attack for allegedly trying to block negotiations on climate action, and it has been named among countries that have tried to downplay the urgency of such action. It is not the poster boy for net-zero ambitions. And yet, the Kingdom has some major ones in that respect.

    Saudi Arabia announced plans to become a net-zero economy by 2060. This is a decade later than most economies have set as a deadline, but given its dependence on fossil fuels, it is quite understandable. In the meantime, however, Riyadh has signaled repeatedly that it would use its oil money for some ambitious projects, chief among them the $500-billion Neom smart city.

    Neom is the flagship project of Vision 2030, Prince Mohammed’s brainchild aimed at reducing Saudi Arabia’s reliance on oil revenues. A smart megacity powered by wind and solar, and producing green hydrogen at a $5-billion facility, the project has often been questioned as perhaps a little too ambitious. The questions normally tend to rise when oil prices go down, but now that prices are high enough for Riyadh’s comfort, news about Neom is once again hitting headlines.

    The latest: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince has announced another element of the megaproject, a floating industrial complex dubbed Oxagon. Oxagon, according to Neom’s news release, would represent a radical new model for future manufacturing centers.

    “OXAGON will be the catalyst for economic growth and diversity in NEOM and the Kingdom, further meeting our ambitions under Vision 2030. OXAGON will contribute to redefining the world’s approach to industrial development in the future, protecting the environment while creating jobs and growth for NEOM,”
    Prince Mohammed said in comments on the news…
    “ a seamless integrated, intelligent and efficient supply chain,” made possible by “the adoption of the most advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), human-machine fusion, artificial and predictive intelligence, and robotics, all of which are coupled to a network of fully automated distribution centers and autonomous last-mile delivery assets.”….

  15. well, repression is kinda normal to them. It’s Austria! It’s just not the same culture everywhere. Take Sweden. “Social distancing” is part of the character already.
    When folks haven’t traveled out of their own culture, and met many from other cultures, they just don’t understand.
    Also, history. So very much of the truly sadistic “medical” practices originated in Austria. Austria and Sweden are very very wealthy nations. Europe has been sucking the blood of the Americas for centuries, and profiting well. Europeans live well, but it’s a US passport and residency that most of the world dreams of and desires. The US, established by British barristers…lawyers..has been Europe’s military arm for long. As in any patriarchal family, “obeying” keeps you in the money deal. Rothschild and friends are not happy with the US soldiers who decided to end the Vietnam slaughter…war is slaughter, human blood sacrifice…by “fragging” their superiors. Like women, we’re not allowed to fight back.

    I’m willing to be a bit envious, I suppose, of anyone who actually has not experienced all of this in their close intimate lives.
    How very shocking to view all the “hidden”, secret tactics of daily domination and control enacted on the world stage, in full view, undeniable….one would think.

    Welcome to the Inquisition, folks. One little four hundred year part of history that has been “conveniently” ignored, as it carries on it’s agenda of blood sacrifice, necessary to feed our beloved techno ghouls/gods.

  16. Jeremy locke . The end of all evil

    Law is a weapon. It is used by evil to attack its prey. Whether
    in the name of duty to king, loyalty to state, or rule of law, law
    is the weapon used to extort and control. Culture upholds the
    nobility of law. Culture teaches that law is proper and good. It
    never questions who wrote the law; tyrant and brother are the
    same. Culture never questions whether or not the law is right.
    You are to obey no matter what it says. In this fashion, law is a
    powerful weapon to be used against you. All principalities
    create volumes of laws that take lifetimes to understand and
    armies of lawyers to manipulate. All of these things are weapons
    in the hands of the powerful, which they will use at your

    • When cultures break down and the authorities they protect are
      threatened, violence grows. Violence is a necessary component
      of control. Violent enforcement is necessary to ward off
      sedition. Violence changes the dynamics by making the cost of
      freedom death.

      Every time the pattern of liberty has progressed throughout
      history, violence has increased. The future will be no different.
      As people learn about freedom and see what is possible in their
      own lives, evil will clamp down. Authorities will employ
      greater degrees of violence as they lose their grip on power. This
      is the death of a culture. This is the meaning of war.

      As the pattern of liberty reaches its final step, the most
      oppressed cultures on earth will lose adherents the quickest, and
      those cultures will produce the most violent crackdowns.

  17. Fantastic broadcast, thank you both. Lots of good stuff to read in this quiet time.
    Up here in the northern hemisphere, winters have always been dark, but perhaps they are planning on upping the charge in all those smartly hooked up homes when they know folks are in them for sure, eh? And got to have those smart phones on all the time, so they can “check on you”.
    Can’t wait to read up on this very funny globe trip. Strange that a few days ago, looking over the past year and half of my life, I wished for a short bit there that I had a “magic ball” to see and change course. I let it all go when the initial motivation and intent was all that was left, beating strongly like a living heart.
    Call it what you will, I’ve always lived in a caste/class society. I’m voluntarily staying as far away as possible from the shot up ones. I’ve seen enough.
    The difference between how the city folks are behaving, and how the rural folk are flipping this off,… many, not all of course,… is extraordinary to experience around here.
    Is the “globe” just a white, rather than black, scrimming mirror?

  18. You know why scanning eyeballs don’t you?
    VR headsets, metaverse can’t afford smurf accounts.
    Better run and get myself some fake irises…. ( Or start producing ?)

  19. This is going to be word salad.? Great episode fellas! The orbs are definitely spooky, sure give you Saruman’s Palantir/Eye of Sauron vibes. Can’t tell me these people don’t dabble in the occult. The Austrian people need to WAKE UP! Screw Gene Simmons! I’ll never forget a video of him talking to his son about his car breaking down. He tells his son, “just get a gentile to fix it.” That’s how the guy feels about the plebs.

    Great shirt by the way James, one of my favorite historical photos! Was always fascinated and inspired by the people at protests in Tiananmen Square. Those people had grit!

    Bring on the NWNW “Good Vibes” Thanksgiving Special!!! I’m down! Though I suppose we completely glossed over Canadian Thanksgiving ?

    To anyone out there reading this, may “good vibes” permeate your life!!! To hell with the doom and gloom!

    • PS. I’d also like to point out something JC brings up when referring to vaccine mandates. Many people I talk to who question the “scamdemic” think it’s ALL about money. Sure that’s one aspect of it, but that’s not everything. When you think about it, these Big Pharma corporations have already been paid for every single dose of these jabs with tax payer money. They’ve already been paid! A lot of money I might add! So why are governments still pushing this shot so hard! Because there is something in it they want to inject into your body. Whether it’s going to make you more susceptible to disease or illness in the future or cause sterility throughout the population, we just don’t know yet!? But one things for sure, they’re pushing this lethal injection way too hard for my liking.

      End rant.

  20. I think this is GOOD NEWS regarding Africa and India:

    The country with the highest percentage of citizens expressing vaccine skepticism was Kenya, with 54 percent of respondents saying they believe the statement about the harmful effects of vaccines being hidden from the public.
    Nigeria came in second place, with 50 percent of respondents saying they think this is true, followed by 49 percent in South Africa and 41 percent in India….

  21. Good News? …because it is the Joke of the Week.

    New South Wales, Australia – Singing, dancing, and consuming alcohol
    Consuming alcohol indoors
    Unvaccinated people must be seated to consume alcohol in indoor areas.
    Alcohol may be consumed by fully vaccinated people who are not seated.

    Singing and dancing indoors
    Singing and dancing indoors is permitted for fully vaccinated people.
    Unvaccinated people must not sing or dance in indoor areas.
    Exceptions apply to:
    a place of residence
    an educational establishment
    a performer who is performing or rehearsing
    a person who is instructing, or being instructed, in dancing
    a small funeral or memorial service or a small wedding service

    Via Twitter IMAGE

    (H/t ClintTorrez)

    • This is a WONDERFUL SIGHT!

      The Video camera is in one location as crowds of demonstrators march by! The crowds were still coming at 29 minutes.

      Posted Nov 21st
      Sydney’s march for freedom! The MEDIA will never show this! FULL HD
      (29 minutes)

      Sydney is the capital of New South Wales.

  22. Stephanie
    You really should try to take control of your own computing… Linux is still good for security…. if you dont want to switch over you can run it off a USB stick, or better a USB harddrive, until you find a distro you like.
    Pop OS is my personal choice… its kinda mac like I guess and Linux Mint is kinda Windows like.

    Check out the switched to linux guy
    Privacy in general playlist’

    Getting started in linux playlist

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