Interview 1689 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jan 21, 2022 | Interviews | 34 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Davos Agenda 2022 Brings Together World Leaders to Address State of the World

This Is What a New Model of Governance Could Look Like

“He Has an Incredible Knack to Smell the Next Fad”: How Klaus Schwab Built a Billionaire Circus at Davos

President Xi Jinping’s Message to The Davos Agenda In Full

Bennett to Davos forum: Do Not Invest In ‘Octopus of Terror’ Iran

Kishida Vows to Push for Green, Digital Transformation

Story #2: Visa Launches Platform to Test Out Central Bank Digital Currencies

Wikipedia: Joseph Lubin (Entrepreneur)

From eNaira to eHryvnia, Caribbean Fintech Develops CBDCs Around the World

The Bitcoin Psyop

China Wants its Digital Currency to Reach Greater Use

Malaysia Is Assessing Potential Benefits of a CBDC Adoption

Iran to Reportedly Pilot Central Bank Digital Currency Soon

Video: Remy – “Dogecoin Rap”

Story #3: Taliban Weed About to Attract Millions In Foreign Investment

This Guy Wants to Invest Millions In Taliban Weed Factory

More on CPharm Mistaken Identity: The Taliban Enters Cannabis Market

Starving Afghans Use Crypto to Sidestep Sanctions, the Taliban

The New World Next Week Store

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  1. 10 Ideas for the Corbett Report

    1. A contest! Corbeteers put in a drawing for an interview with James himself?
    Why? It gives a chance for members who have been Corbeteers for years to put a face to their awkward names…like Home Remedy Supply, Duck, ManBearPig and others. Also, we get to tell our stories of how became fans of this wonderful website.

    2. New Film, Literature, and New World segments! The Covid narrative is crumbling and running dry, new material is hard to come by…why not resurrect this series and similar ones like it…perhaps an analysis of portents of the transhumanist future like William Gibson’s Neuromancer…just an idea.

    3. Positive Mind Viruses! We all know the mind viruses such as overpopulation, Malthusianism, and other banes of human cognition that have infected the body politic for some time…but how could positive memes and mind viruses such as creativity, innovation, and other ideas such as The Ultimate Resource by Julian Simon infect this same body politic…a recent examination of Elon Musk’s pushback on the overpopulation narrative is a step in the right direction, no?

    4. Oh For Humor’s Sake! Analysis of clips from comedians (like JP Sears) that regularly poke fun at “the narrative”. Example:

    5. The Positive Technocrat. Were all technocrats bad??? An examination of R. Buckminster Fuller’s life seems to point to no. He was an outstanding critic of the military industrial complex and belived technology’s mission was to do more with less resources…which meant not needing to reduce the population.

    6. The Medium is the Message – an examination of Marshall McLuhan

    7. The Machinery of Freedom – a second look at David Friedman

    8. The Good/Bad/Ugly of Crypto

    9. A synopsis of History of Media course

    10. Debates with Normies! A live, lively debate with those who have been bought into the narrative.

    Just ideas…what ideas do others have??

  2. [Folks who enjoy mischief, please apply for a job at the WEF.]

    Story #1: Davos Agenda 2022 Brings Together World Leaders to Address State of the World

    In late November 2021,
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced that its public ‘Open Forum‘ set to take place in Davos in January next year has been canceled due to death threats.
    The union of elite globalists under the leadership of Klaus Schwab has caused such a wave of anger from populations worldwide that security measures of the other WEF events have also been increased, reports Swiss news outlet Südostschweiz…

    Yann Zopf said,
    “We receive dozens of threats every day on social media and by email. But it also happens that employees and attendees of the forum are approached personally.
    Even the application form for jobs at the WEF on its homepage is misused for insults of all kinds.

    Then in December, the narrative’s justification changed in the light of continued uncertainty over the Omicron outbreak.

  3. “I have a dream about a crisis” voiceover… absolute brilliance. I had to step back to watch it again. Schwab is a clown, a buffoon. And possibly a baboon.

  4. Schwab sells nuclear weapons to apartheid South Africa, and then goes there to rub it in with his nightmare speech. Lovely.
    The Great Reject Himself.
    Schwab sells nuclear weapons to apartheid South Africa out of deep love and concern for the ecology of the planet.

    Some really weird stuff is coming through this scrimming mirror lately.

    • Brad Skistimas of Five Times August and his family live in Texas. He has been involved with music since 2001 when he was 18 years old.
      He does graphics also.
      You gotta admire his independence-type mindset and down-home gentle ways.

      I thought the very end of this video was cute.
      From April 2020
      “My Mask Will Go On” Celine Dion Titanic My Heart Parody Covid19 Quarantine Coronavirus

  5. Published Friday January 21, 2022

    I love this song! (4 minutes)

    Heart of Freedom
    Listen to our new rally cry to join the movement.
    Lyrics by: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. • Music Produced by: Dicky Barrett • Performed by: Grant Ellman, Prezence Music • Video Produced by: Children’s Health Defense, Brian Burrowes, Dicky Barrett, Aimee Villella McBride • Footage Courtesy of: Oracle Films, Matt Veligdan, Souls of a Movement

    European Parliament Members call on people: Join Protest for Freedom and Democracy in Brussels on January 23.
    “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming” on January 23 in Washington, D.C.
    [Evidently, in D.C. one cannot eat from a Food Truck unless Vaxxed, nor get a room in a Hotel.]

    In Washington D.C.
    Speaker highlights include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Richard Urso, Attorney Tricia Lindsay, Kevin Jenkins, Rev. Aaron Lewis, Rabbi Epstein, Tramell Johnson, Jo Rose (Jo Speaks Truth), Lara Logan, Angela Stanton King, Chris Martenson, Kwame Brown, Trahern Crews and many more!
    Comedian JP Sears will emcee the event.
    Musical performances will also be a part of the event, featuring Jimmy Levy and Hi-Rez the rapper, Five Times August, and Matt Brevner.

    • Other workers are worried about thousands of unmasked, unvaccinated protesters descending on the city. –says The Washington Post

      Oh no! Read the headline!…”It’s a Kennedy!”

      Friday January 21, 2022 – The Washington Post
      The anti-vaxxers are coming to D.C., and their leader is a Kennedy

      As anti-vaccine activists from across the country prepare to gather on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, they are hoping their rally will mark a once-fringe movement’s arrival as a lasting force in American society.

      That hope, some public health experts fear, is justified.
      Almost two years into the coronavirus pandemic, the movement to challenge vaccines’ safety – and reject vaccine mandates – has never been stronger. An ideology whose most notable adherents were once religious fundamentalists and minor celebrities is now firmly entrenched among tens of millions of Americans.

      Baseless fears of vaccines have been a driving force among the approximately 20 percent of U.S. adults who have refused some of the most effective medicines in human history:
      the mRNA vaccines developed against the coronavirus by Pfizer, with German partner BioNTech, and Moderna….

      [I’m sorry…I gotta stop there on that last paragraph. I’m laughing too hard. –HRS]

    • Press Release: On The Eve of Washington March, COVID Declaration
      Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Around the World

      Following Dr. Robert Malone’s appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience, more physicians and medical scientists have joined with their colleagues from around the world in signing the Physicians Declaration. Now with more than 17,000 signatures confirmed through a rigorous validation process, these physicians and scientists are represented by Dr. Malone as he speaks at the march to Defeat the Mandates on Sunday, January 23 in Washington, D.C.

      The over 17,000 signers to the declaration have reached consensus on three foundational principles:

      ~~~ Healthy children should not be subject to forced vaccination: they face negligible risk from covid, but face potential permanent, irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage.
      ~~~ Natural Immunity Denial has prolonged the pandemic and needlessly restricted the lives of Covid-recovered people. Masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions have caused great harm especially to children and delayed the virus’ transition to endemic status.
      ~~~ Health agencies and institutions must cease interfering with the physician-patient relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, as a result of institutional interference and blocking treatments proven to cure at a near 100% rate when administered early….

    • January 27th – Variety
      Marvel and ‘Lost’ Star Evangeline Lilly Protests Vaccine Mandates

      Evangeline Lilly, best known for playing Kate Austen in ABC’s drama series “Lost” and for her role as Hope van Dyne/Wasp in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, took to social media to confirm her attendance at a Washington D.C. protest over the weekend in support of “bodily sovereignty.” The actress went on to explain that she stands in opposition to government-mandated vaccine policies.

      “I believe nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will, under threat of violent attack, arrest or detention without trial, loss of employment, homelessness, starvation, loss of education, alienation from loved ones, excommunication from society…under any threat whatsoever,” Lilly wrote in a post published on her Instagram page.

      “This is not the way,” Lilly added about vaccine mandates. “This is not safe. This is not healthy. This is not love. I understand the world is in fear, but I don’t believe that answering fear with force will fix our problems. I was pro choice before COVID and I am still pro choice today.”

      Lilly made headlines at the start of the COVID pandemic in March 2020 after she posted about refusing to social distance and quarantine, adding, “Some people value their lives over freedom, some people value freedom over their lives. We all make choices.” The actress faced backlash and eventually apologized…

      …Lilly is set to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a role in the upcoming “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania,” which is slated for a 2023 release….

      [IMAGES in article.]

  6. RE:Story #2: Visa Launches Platform to Test Out Central Bank Digital Currencies
    Replacing the Real with imitation has been a trick of the evil bastards for thousands of years. I can think of many examples of world changing Cons just in my life time. The Original UNITED STATES (before it became a corporation) issued Honest Money, but after the Bankers Con which created the Federal Reserve System in 1913, they abused the trust given them and created the Great Depression whereby they bankrupted the original Government and replaced it with a Corporation which would serve the Bankers as it became more and more indebted to them. After creating so much paper as to devalue the Dollar from $20 per Oz to $35 per Oz by 1934, they were able to make it the World Reserve Currency in 1944, and then created so much paper that in 1971 Nixon was forced to announce that it would no longer be converted to Gold. It was Real Money and now it is not.
    We can say that Youtube was once a Real Platform for posting without censorship. Now it is not.
    Bitcoin and many Cryto Currencies were created to provide free exchange without Government Control, yet it looks like the Bankers have found a way to ruin it as well.
    Well, I guess we just have to keep on trying to stay one step ahead of them because if we don’t, they will own us if they can.

  7. Some general ideas and experience: What I wonder often is how to deal with half-sheeple such as e.g. my father. While he is a conspiracy theorist through and through, he still hangs on the needle of the MSM, thus becoming infected with crippling fear which bogs him all the way down. He is also a self-defense nut doing a lot of karate and shit. Maybe we should start educating our half-sheeple friends and relatives on this basis.

    What strikes me as crucial is that while we know instinctively how to defend physically, when it comes to psychical self-defense, we are completely clueless. Still, in our times, the latter is much more important. Because in our society one is very rarely physically attacked while the psychical attacks usually happen on a daily basis. Why is this imbalance between the mind and the body? I guess the reason is that these mind-attacks do not register as such. On the contrary, slow and careful conditioning made us believe in the necessity of being constantly fed with mind-cookies – good or bad – on a daily basis. Therefore, instead of an attack, it does register as something we need, it does register as helpful – as a guidance, information or news. Or, on the contrary, it does register as bad information and propaganda but still necessary information because one needs to know his enemy, non? Of course, this is the addiction talking. In such a way, the instinct of psychical self-defense in the general populace is sent to sleep.

  8. Here is the good news even for full-sheeple: If it cannot be helped that I am a gullible person and a hopeless follower, thus craving guidance from authority on a daily basis, I can still use the MSM as a powerful and authoritative guide in my life. I can use it in a way which, for a change, really does lead to good results. What I can do is ‘inverted following’ and it works like that: If the MSM says do this, you do that. If the MSM says buy bitcoin, you buy Monero. If the MSM says that your neighbor is an evil person you go and give him a hug. Of course, better would be to not listen at all to government propaganda but it is a good start for those of us who are clinically addicted to inner or outer guidance. Non?

  9. James is my secret weapon. A fellow I used to work with and a hard Trump supporter that never communicated with me on Facebook ( yeah…I know ) so I had ignored following his tribal rants, out of the blue sent me a PM with video attachment of some topics James has covered long ago. I responded with yes I had heard of this and he sent more. We seemed to have some common ground so I sent him the documentary page link and all PM’s stopped.

    This is my last post to my acquaintance:

    “I’ve found that when I send my sites to those who send me their sites, it stops. Hoped it wouldn’t be the case, seems we have learned from some common sources. I’ve been following Corbett’s open source material for 10 years and like his non political outlook. His eye is on this push to have world authority to operate where ever the “world emergency” exists. WEF and the carbon scam, etc. Oh well. Have a good one.”

    Success and failure ‘At one fell swoop’.

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