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Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: Oops, Science Was ‘Settled’ Until It Wasn’t – Plants Absorb 31% More CO₂ Than Thought
Mysterious Record Methane Surge Since 2020 Was Not Fossil Fuels But ‘90% Due To Microbes’
‘Gaps And Inconsistencies’: Up To $41B In World Bank Climate Handouts Unaccounted For, New Report Finds
Story #2: BRICS Just Dropped A Manifesto For The New World Order
Would You Like To Know What BRICS Just Declared?
Kazan Declaration
Phony Opposition: The Truth About the BRICS
Story #3: Police Searching For Person Who Set Ballot Boxes On Fire In Washington, Oregon
As U.S. Election Looms, Biden Aides Struggle With Middle East Wars
Gold Prices Hit Record High Amid Election Jitters, Rate Uncertainty
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store
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Yup, same as it ever was.
Attention: All American Christians
Do not neglect to vote for your favorite Antichrist.
Did Whitney Webb grow a mustache and lower her voice?I’m in the haunted house report from the morning morgue – icky and corpse rig amortize report.
Have the most unhappy day of worship to the devil you can possibly have.
You too Bloke East. best video snuff artist ever.
Maybe a little music to juice up this day of the devil. Tulsa has so much to offer. Johnny Mullenax with Sam Bush at the Vanguard.
It’s not the pumpkins it’s space- grass. Johnny plays every Sunday at the Mercury Lounge at 18th and Boston, Tulsa Ok.
31% ohh that’s why all trees are being ‘clear cut’ and all plants extinguished by chem-agro.
When humans stopped abdicated their common sense & knowledge to AI’s modelling
irose, Oh, I think only a minority, even here in California, still believe in the CO2 BS. Personally, I’m not a big fan of trees. I grew up on the Great Plains. Fields of Bluestem grass are a more efficient use of energy and nutrients than most trees. Put some cattle on that grass, and boom! Lots of food energy for us and the biome.
Trees do wonders for water collection. But, as you rightly put it, it’s always a very delicate balance.
I don’t give a fuck whether you are a “fan of trees” or not. Trees are beautiful.
zier, Maybe you should visit the Amazon rainforest. I saw a tree there 250′ high and 6′ in diameter at the base. The trunk was covered in 1″ triangular thorns. If you’d been thrown against the trunk of that tree, you’d stick to it like Velcro.
Uh, huh. what’s the point?
Or do you just have some weird kind of vendetta against trees?
zier, Hug the Amazon Thorn Tree and let me know how much you love you love them.
And may you somehow experience life without any trees.
Link to the transcript of this show and more. Will update monthly.
James Evan Pilato says:
“Because as the joke now goes, they told me to follow the science, but all I found was the money.“
New World Next Week is so much fun! I just love this show.
Hear hear!
Yep, I’d not heard that one either. Will be using that one again for sure! 😂👍
BRICS: “Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.”
Leave the Old World behind. Fix the New World. Screw their orders.
You just seem to love to show everyone just how big of an asshole you can be.
Wow, talk about the pot calling the kettle black…time to take a look in the mirror.
I thought a Took was the name of a hobbit.
I somehow managed to figure out the tshirt thing by listening to audio. What’s up with that? My imagined design was better (according to me) than the actual design on the shirt.
Anyway, I wish the best to Brock and his family. May their children grow up in an uninsane world. I likely won’t notice he’s gone (due to reasons stated above) but it’s always good to catch a break.
I’d SMASH Dat! with pumpkin visual T-shirt worn by James Corbett on 10/31/2024 New World Next Week.
QUEUE video to just before the 27 minute mark.
Jun 25, 2012
James Corbett says:
“…if they (people) are interested in seeing Billy Corgan of The SMASHING PUMPKINS on the Corbett Report. It has come to that time when Billy is doing his media appearances for his new album and is doing some touring.
The Smashing Pumpkins will be coming to Asia later on this summer, so if the possibility is there to schedule some sort of interview, I would certainly be interested in that. …for example listened to his very interesting interview with Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols a couple of years ago where they talked quite openly about chemtrails and genetically modified foods and various ways we are under biochemical attack….”
From Episode 232 – AIG Exposed – https://corbettreport.com/episode-232-aig-exposed/
James Corbett on 06/03/2015 at 8:30 am
”Thanks for the contribution, Bart. I appreciate it. I hate to be that guy, but as a die hard Smashing Pumpkins fan I’m going to have to point out (as I always do) that the Pumpkins beat Radiohead to the “multi-platinum artist releasing an album for free on the internet” prize by seven years:”
SOURCE – ~~WWW corbettreport.com/truth-music/#comment-25509
William Patrick Corgan Jr. (born March 17, 1967) is an American musician, guitarist, songwriter, and professional wrestling promoter. He is best known as the co-founder, lead guitarist, primary songwriter, singer, and only constant member of alternative rock band The Smashing Pumpkins. Corgan is credited with helping popularize the alt rock genre. He has also been the owner and promoter of the National Wrestling Alliance since 2017.
Corgan formed the Smashing Pumpkins in Chicago in 1988 alongside guitarist James Iha, with bassist D’arcy Wretzky and drummer Jimmy Chamberlin joining soon after. Strong album sales and large-scale tours propelled the band to commercial success and critical acclaim throughout the 1990s. – WIKIPEDIA
Those are some very interesting tidbits. Corgan seems to be one of those people who do not put all the eggs in the same basket.
and as usual the whole declaration in Babbel w no facts, in fraudulent conveyance of language, in one word a lie or fiction or fairy tale, Banksters beloved deception
They try to sell you shit w cream on top
Thanks James C. for your Phony Opposition: The Truth About the BRICS. Aug 19, 2015 and this version from Slavsquat.
We Voluntaryists need to call out these True Believers in Multi-polarity BRICS like Matthew Ehret which I have been doing and will continue to do along with his wife Cynthia Chung, both of whom are not only condoners but aiders and abettors of the CCP (and Putin).
Here is a quote from Ehret/Chung co-authored book “Breaking Free of the Anti-China Psyops”
“THEY [anyone not obeying the CCP—such as the thousands murdered around
Tiananmen & tens of thousands of Uyghurs and Falun Gong murdered ] HAVE BEEN FOOLED INTO PROTESTING SOMETHING THAT IS ACTUALLY TO THEIR BENEFIT. They are played by the prejudice that has been fueled by foreign agents in their education system, media and government, to hate and remain distrustful of WHAT IS ACTUALLY A BETTER OUTCOME FOR THEM.”
Here is one of my Substacks on this topic:
Moral Schizophrenia must be treated with Moral Culpability
I am asking all Voluntaryists/Anarchists/Libertarians to call Ehret and Chung to a moral accounting and black list them if they will not renounce their Useful Idiocy.
Attorney Michael Connett interviewed by Jefferey Jaxen about THE FLUORIDE TRIAL and Health Issues – 10/31/2024
You really don’t want to miss this.
There are aspects which most folks do not know.
In detail, Michael Connett Esq. addresses a variety of health issues caused by water fluoridation.
Connett covers some very interesting historical context.
The trial’s deposition video testimony is eyeopening.
BEWARE: Your brain may no longer be the boss.
James, James, Broc – please watch this:
Andrew Paquette: Rigged! Mathematical Patterns Reveal Election Database Manipulation
The Evidence Trail
1. Multiple States, Multiple Algorithms
Paquette has identified distinct algorithmic patterns in New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, parts of Ohio and Texas, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. The complexity varies by state:
“New York has still the most sophisticated algorithm that I’ve seen… New Jersey has not terribly complex, but an extremely well hidden algorithm… Hawaii is the most obvious of all of them… Wisconsin has something, Ohio has something, Texas does. Texas and Ohio both are limited in range or scope… they seem to only affect a few counties as opposed to the whole state.”
Great shirt, Corbett!! Makes me laugh!
Excellent stories this week, gentleman.
Corbett’s T-Shirt
Me too. I was grinning when I saw it.
Congratulations to Brock and his growing family!
Every time I comment on this site, I attract my own personal troll. This time it’s “zier”. This is getting old.
Timmy, I don’t think it trolls.
Sometimes, what you say comes out like a testy old man.
Not that you are alone on that count. 😉
Synonyms for TESTY: irritable, fiery, peevish, snappish, petulant, irascible, crotchety, grouchy, cranky, perverse, grumpy, crabby, cross;
According to the “Old Codger’s Handbook”, testy conversations are a Rite of Passage for us old men.
HRS, Thanks for the comment. Being an old man means I have no patience for fools and do not suffer them gladly. Personal attacks on me by trolls are not a debate. I can handle witty repartee in a disagreement, even a quick jab, but when the debating opponent gets personal, that’s a troll.
I have no patience for idiots and I am not (that) old man.
🙂 That’s funny. I’m laughing.
“TimmyTaes”, you are not alone in your perspective, when I first started commenting on the Corbett Report web site, I noticed a similar thing, some of the people responding to my comments were not adding to the discussion, rather were cherry picking aspects of my comment to “troll” me, to sideline the discussion and distract.
Someone who comments a lot on here was supportive of my initial efforts, foolish as they may have been to engage with the trolls, he/she told me, a number of commenters here think a whole lot of themselves, and rarely respect others opinions who differ from their own. I took that advise to heart.
Now, I say my piece and only respond to those who make an attempt to honestly debate, or discuss, I simply ignore the trolls. You never know who is on the other end of a comment, could be an Israeli hasbara sock-puppet for all I know. What I do know is that I have no time for those looking to insult others or waste time with distractions, best not to give them the time of day.
Good luck
Thank you, Rexleonum. “King of the Lions”?
Ten seconds in and the intro music is MUCH better! Just my personal opinion, but the NWNW usual intro music is really boring.
Venn Diagrams are an essential tool to seeing the face of our diabolical, psychopathic, genocidal, supremacist, omnipresent rulers (See: Zionist). In every case, it is their overlapping interests and agendas that gives them away.
Democrats and Republicans (along with their corresponding media outlets faux news and cnn-msnbc), may disagree on the issue du jour (issues carefully selected and promoted for their intractable divisive nature), but you can bet they all will go along with the psyop and agenda of the Zionist NWO. You can have an opinion on abortion ala Trump, but if you color outside the lines and don’t support THEIR genocidal Israel, you are a NAZI! You can think as you will on immigration, but if you don’t believe in “global warming” or “vaccines’, you are a terrorist…Always two sides of the same shekel.
And you may be a Muslim, Christian or Jew, but you better believe in God, and that there is only ONE God, the Jewish God, less you be a soulless Neanderthal Pagan. There is zero evidence for any of the organized religions, they are all based on (top down propaganda) culture and faith, yet we see some faiths are more real/acceptable than others. In essence the simplest reasoning is often the best, they are just tools of control (external locus of control that create SELF-POLICING) some just being VASTLY more destructive in how they achieve that control.
And now it seems they are creating the means of a new level of control, the BRICS, and we see the SAME zionist globalist overlap of agendas, with window dressing differences.
System after system after system, all hierarchical, all creating the illusion of credibility, based on endless psychological manipulation collective self-delusion. Non of these systems are valid, non work for the betterment of anyone but themselves, and non of them arose organically, but were planned and created to control and eventually destroy us.
Mass formation psychosis (a most useful term, the establishment works very hard to discredit) is a term coined to explain the phycological societal response of people during the Covid scam to endless establishment propaganda and restrictive actions. But that term applies to much of the delusions they have constructed around us, Covid was simply the most obvious and easiest for the somewhat awakening masses to digest.
James Corbett has shared how much backlash he received when he started dismantling the “global-Warming” scam, people do have their sacred cows, if you will, to be sure, that is not even the 800 lb. Rabbinical gorilla in the room.
I live in Arizona, we are told we have a state of the art voting system, and historically have received quick results, but last cycle, it took two weeks to hand “liberal” Katie Hobbs the governorship over conservative challenger Kari Lake. I don’t vote, but I still am interested whom the choose to install, as it gives an indication of the agenda they will be rolling out.
For many months we were told Arizona was going liberal because of the the Californians moving to the state (the powers that be often establish the reasoning behind the stolen election. That is to say, if they give the election to a liberal in a conservative state, they like to lay the groundwork for how this could happen, less people get suspicious), which I would counter to my friends, how that made no sense, sure California is more liberal (See: Communist), but then why would it be liberals leaving, logically, it would be conservatives. Maybe not only conservatives would be moving to Arizona, but certainly a plurality, certainly not so many liberals that it could swing a conservative state.
When the government is involved and a situation is devoid of logic, I assume Zionist conspiracy, and over time I am usually proven right. I often say the difference between historical fact and conspiracy theory, is time, time for the truth to get out and prove the veracity of that conspiracy theory.
I have thought, a Trump win means world war, a Biden/Harris win means civil war…who knows, other than they have aligned this match up for a specific reason.
Harris could not have won a primary, so they needed to steal it to insure she would be the candidate
The installing Harris as the Democrat candidate could not have been done without Trump being on board, having the unorthodox pre-convention debate made no strategic sense from a republican standpoint, yet he did it anyway…launching the faux Biden is unfit psyop, like when was he fit for office. All theatrics.
All this to say, Trump v Harris is what they wanted, why they want it, we can only speculate.
I love Halloween, because it is the time of year we get to give back to our ACTUAL community.
I live in a gated community, sorry to say, but during Halloween our community goes all out, and hundreds and hundreds of kids get to have a small slice of the childhood I enjoyed. The community if full of kids with their families, enjoying each other and having fun. It is near impossible to have this in our (purposely) fractured society today.
When we first moved here it was a bit of an irritation, but as the socialized selfishness about such activities wore-off, we started to embrace this area’s Halloween celebration. We spend many hundreds of dollars on costumes, music, fog machines, lighting, animated characters (dragons and other fantasy giant figures, we avoid anything macabre, there is enough death in the world) and of course the candy. Kids are often so entertained, their parents have to remind them to get the treats, and that is saying something. We often have parents and young adults shake our hands in gratitude, people are so polite and well mannered. It is a safe and fun environment, enjoyed by kids/families from every socio-economic level.
I am not a fan of how many holidays are celebrated in America, but Halloween, as our community celebrates it is highly commendable, and beneficial to that part of childhood the powers that be hate the most, a true sense of common unity.