A nasty flu bug has made this week a write-off. So what did I miss from the news? Keep me updated with all the latest in the comments below!
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A nasty flu bug has made this week a write-off. So what did I miss from the news? Keep me updated with all the latest in the comments below!
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This is actually Friday the 19th, but what little reporting on it happened this week – Mad Dig Mattis makes US Military shift official – away from Terrorism and toward Russia/China
And the paper of note has said China upstaged the Trumpster at Davos
Oh, and as Turkey invades Syria, almost everyone of note is now getting involved in that area … what could possibly go wrong?
Sorry to hear that James I have found curcumin as well to be a great helper with colds and flue just for functionality.
Don’t forget ecinacea! and passionflower! both things i find readily along the bike trail where i live…eat your environment. Respectfully, of course.
You missed the highly likely fake news story in the Washington Post dated January 26, 2018 in which they claim that the Dutch intelligence agency AIVD had access to the Russian hacking group Cozy Bear for at least a year starting in mid-2014. According to the reports, the Dutch goverment alerted the United States to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election after Netherlands-based officials WATCHED THE HACKING OF THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE and other operations by the Russians, including a 2014 State Department hack.
The link is:
I also nominated this story for the real fake news awards because it claims to have the ‘smoking gun’ the Ruskies did it, and to much things don’t seem to add up (but what do I know?)
Two articles that debunk (or at least seem to debunk) this story are:
I hope you get well and feel better soon!
Did you get that multi-page advertising supplement from China that appeared in the Washington Post? I’d like to get y’alls take on it…especially in light of Mattis’ speach.
I highly recommend spoonful’s thoughts on moving forward in the healing process, oregano oil and colloidal silver are highly effective. Although with the oregano oil, some people’s digestive system has a negative reaction and subsequently after, it could be wise to rebuild your stomach flora with fermented foods or supplements that replant “good bacteria”. In addition, Elderberry decoction or syrup will help rebuild your body’s immunity and resilience. Cheers to happy healing. It is swirling pretty hard around these parts too.
Sorry, no help on the news front. Making the news, not consuming it very much as of late ;).
Get well, James, quick! This year’s flu is supposed to be a mean one.
Don’t know if you saw that phys.org had an article saying that humans ‘may’ have to spray the skies to control global warming, but stopping could be disastrous. Rediculous!! May be begin spraying?! They just take us for fools.
It is to scare the sheeple to get their flu shots so they can make more money. It has been shown to be overblown. https://www.facebook.com/HighWireTalk/videos/542134319495898/
Elderberry extract shown to cure 10 different flu strains according to journal of international medical research.
Licorice root and green tea also help.
Thank you James, for all the news we get from you. You’ve moved to my top news source and hovered there… stable as a rock. Hope whoevers got you will let go.
I say “whoever” because I’m seeing a lot of the same things happening to people. A pain in the right side of the neck is one of them.
It wasn’t until I began reading “Chemtrails Exposed:A New Manhattan Project,” that I began to see correlations to people’s woes. https://www.amazon.com/Chemtrails-Exposed-New-Manhattan-Project-ebook/dp/B007JDN7EM/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1515079976&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=Chemtrails%2C+the+new+manhaten+project
Eat chicken soup already…
Hi James. Really hope you will be fully recoverd soon.
There have been a the World Economic forum this week, where ther is dark clouds coming. They spoke about if the coming economic crises will come in 2018?
and they spoke about the fractured world of 2018.
So it is not a uplifting discussion.
Took me two weeks to recover, but I guess you are a lot younger.
Get plenty of rest.
James, in a book called “Food Pharmacy” by Jean Carper, published 1988, you see that there is a reason why grandma’s chicken soup works for relieving cold and flu symptoms.
Science behind chicken soup https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11035691
Time to take grandmother’s advice. Get well soon.
Received this in an email from Joe Plummer’s Tragedy and Hope 101 website. My old eyes appreciate not having to read.
“Hey everyone,
I’m happy to announce that the audiobook version of Tragedy and Hope 101 is done! Anyone interested can listen, for free, at the link below.
This new format will make the information more accessible to those who struggle to find the time to read, so feel free to pass it around. The audiobook is also available at Amazon / Audible for any who want to purchase a copy.
It will come and go…..just let it be
Hi James,
old German herbs: Take a tea of Camomille (Kamille) every hours and just stay in bed. That usually works, at least for me.
As for the Russia/China narrative:
Something seems to pile up here.
And American troops spotted via Fitness-Trackers.
Thats’s hilarious!
All the Best for your recovery!
Hi James,
Last year, my lab-results were all over the place and I was sent to various specialists who pressured me into taking medications. They related alarming stats on my condition, saying that I needed meds for life. They even reported me to my doctor with their ‘consultation reports’, asking him to force me onto meds, in their subtle, medical way. Even the insurance-company refused to approve sick-leave because I was not on meds, even though I had paid into the system for many years. I was disgusted at this medical-deception and took my health into my own hands through good food, plenty of good water and regular walks. I went on a vegetarian diet consisting of vegetable soups sprinkled with nutrients as fresh herbs, leafy-greens, some grains, nutritional yeast, spices, nuts, ground seeds etcetera and, in a few months, my blood-work normalized. Last week, I obtained the PCRM kit (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) from the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii and I will be reading it soon. They can be reached at http://www.vsh.org/videos.htm or at the PCRM’s main website at /home/aureola1/Downloads/PCRM Vegetarian Starter Kit.pdf. If all else fails, they can be reached at info@vsh.org). The kit does not include flu-remedies, of which I know very little, but the info may be of help to others.
All the best for a complete recovery. Get plenty of rest. Thanks again for all you do.
Flu and viruses
One treatment ($300 cost) of UV Light Blood Therapy and Ozone Blood Therapy fixed my viral pneumonia within an hour or two earlier this month.
It once saved a friend of mine’s foot from being amputated by an infection which Doctors had spent 7 years trying to eradicate.
HIV (AIDS), Herpes, Polio, and other viruses are treated with amazing results.
Read a brief on the history here…
UV Light Therapy – Diseases Treated
Basically, the Doctor or nurse extracts blood from a person. The blood passes through a UV Lamp which kills viruses, bacteria and parasites. (Now the body can recognized the pathogens and fight them.) Then with a bag of my blood, the nurse injects some Ozone and shakes the mix. The blood turns bright red. Then she puts the mix back into me.
Then I dance to the car for the drive home.
As someone who has worked in the Vitamin/Supplement department for 3 years talking to over 100 people a day, I was thrilled to see some of the supplement and food recommendations on this thread (e.g. Elderberry, lots of Vitamin D, chicken soup, garlic, alkaline system, Oregano oil, olive leaf (I am growing Olive trees just for the leaves), colloidal silver, curcuminoids – turmeric, good diet, etc.)
These are all good virus fighters.
Oscillococcinum by Boiron is excellent, almost miraculous, for flu symptoms. I once had a customer buy over $250 worth when it was on sale. https://www.oscillo.com/
This is a homeopathic remedy.
So it is completely safe, even for children.
Homeopathic Remedies actually ‘never’ expire. Ignore the expiration date. Throw it away when the package rots.
Homeopathic Remedies will not adversely affect any other medication which a person is taking. So, it is okay to take it with other medications.
Homeopathic Remedies are “specific”. If it is the correct remedy for the symptoms, then the symptoms will attenuate. If it doesn’t help, then it is probably not the correct remedy.
Here is a layman style description of how Homeopathic Remedies are made…
ha! I drive with AFLAC.
(For those that don’t know, Aflac has corny commercials with a duck.)
Calgary News – January 28, 2018 (Corbett’s old stomping grounds)
Fluoride is not only pointless, it’s a health risk
Man I hope your feeling better.
To put my 2 cents in on your health, stay hydrated with clean water, no refined sugar, stay warm and eat only when your hungry and eat veggies, fruits and good fat’s, vitamin C. If it gets into your chest I have seen some cool stuff lately, that’s around 10 years old or older, on inhalation H2O2 3% food grade from a spray bottle, I tried it and I’m still here. It worked extremely well for me. Lot’s of excellent free thinking advice in the other posts!
To the news there is your normal everyday run of the mill the republic is collapsing because the US inspection services are watching the congress, the president, themselves and everything else that’s going on, writing it down, giving it to someone, loosing it when they are asked for it, finding it before they lost it and I am sure the next episode will be even more exciting than the last. You know a clown show..weeee.
If it’s true people emulate what they see in their media, then we better watch out because there is going to be a lot more incompetence, malfeasance and insanity in the near future:)
To the real news, it was a beautiful day here sunny and mild in North Texas, I hope it was where you are, and I hope you get to feeling better fast. Peace and love. Al Soto.
I am in North Texas also (north of Dallas in the suburbs around East Plano – Murphy.
There are a lot of Corbett followers here in Texas. A lot!
Our Meetup Group https://www.meetup.com/9-11-249/
Currently, we are making great strides on the Fluoride issue.
In January, we had four articles run in a respected local newspaper which targets the Black population. (North Dallas Gazette)
Call Regina on the website. We could use your help. She will be thrilled.
Other Corbett followers (even living in Europe) have helped with our Fluoride campaign.
Anyone, anywhere can help.
Cool I’ll check it out. Sounds like good work.
FLUORIDE (inside news from the Pro-Fluoride Camp) ~January 20, 2018
Harvard Medical School
It starts to get juicy around the 8 minute mark.
Listen to “…communities that want to end water fluoridation… …our counter-efforts have not been as effective as….”
For years I flew with an airline, transcontinental every 10 days. I had bronchitis an average of 2-3 times a year. I took all the medications, did as the doctors told me and sure enough, within months was sick again.
It was a doctor at Kaiser (who did as much harm as good) who finally took me into his confidence, told me it was advice I would never be given by another doctor, but that there was one thing I could do that would significantly improve my situation: Gargle with warm salt water. Fill a glass with water salty like the sea (table salt with iodine is not a bad thing in this case) and gargle from start to finish. Do this in the morning when you wake and 20-30 minutes before you go to bed. You have to allow a little time to continue decongesting and blowing your nose. It will help with your breathing, clearing nasal passages as well as help to loosen congestion clinging to your wind pipe…
The other advice about spicy things and anything that makes your nose run normally is also good and should be in conjunction with gargling. Even taking medication, this helps.
He said this to me in a whisper, admitting it was dying information, because there is no money in it for doctors.
A Kaiser doctor told me this.
Since taking the advice in the 20+ years since, I have had bronchitis a handful of times, all due to construction I was forced to endure as unscrupulous landlords used the construction to force me out.
i hope you feel better and no one in your family gets sick!
Good post. Thanks.
– Salt Therapy –
I have one of these Himalayan Crystal Salt Inhalers.
(one minute)
The mechanics of salt are kind of interesting.
It has anti-microbial properties (remember how folks in the Pioneer days would slat their beef to keep it from rotting).
It tends to put out negative ions which in themselves are excellent to inhale.
– Negative Ion Study in Japan – (4 minutes)
I can believe it. It’s not the same without the salt. I mean, you get the decongesting aspect, but the salt seems to cut through it better, also seems to help with irritation.
All I know is I hate being sick, and the MOMENT I feel any congestion, any inkling of something not right, I start gargling.
Should have added, if you want to be REALLY on top of it, gargle after eating, because eating also loosens congestion. The more you do it, the more you are taking a burden off your body to produce muccous to expel these things.
At times, when irritants are the cause, it has an immediate curative effect. Maybe a great idea for all allergy sufferers. The start of so many bad things…allergies.
One for the Technocracy department…
Artificial intelligence to enhance Australian judiciary system.
“Sentences handed down by artificial intelligence would be fairer, more efficient, transparent and accurate than those of sitting judges, according to Swinburne researchers…”
Hey, James-hope you are feeling better by now! Looks like you got some good health advice in this thread already by knowledgeable, holistic peeps.
I don’t have much time to add anything of vital interest, and probably don’t have much to share along those lines even if I did 😉 Oh, I did receive your Data DVD(s) you mailed sometime in December. Thank you very much for getting those out to me. Only a few more annual compendiums, and I may be the first kid on my block to have the entire Corbett archive collection!
I don’t know if you or JEP (your Oregon friend) are discussing Q Anon phenom in NWNW yet, or if you all ever will (or if you may address it, or already have). That topic (and stateside MAGA train madness, generally) seems to take up a lot of interest and brain activity on CT forums I traffic in.
Along those lines, do you think you might ever discuss or opine on forums, message boards and these particular communities that have developed to a large extent, post 9/11 false flag awakening in the earlier aughts? I always thought this would be a good topic to at least address, but perhaps that is my bias as a forum dude. What are the means folks utilizing the interwebz get their alternative viewpoints: alternative media sites, pod and webcasts like the Corbett Report? Are forums and other such communities an important part of the emerging consciousness of the NWO, globalism counter-coup faction?
Anyhow, take care and I hope the whole family doesn’t get sick at once over there in the sunny climes!
its like burping up crappy italian food where they used dried oregano to cover up the greasy cheese…but it feels much better later
Trump promised to make all of our dreams come true.
I happened upon a video of Frank Abagnale speaking at the Google. He speaks of something very interesting at the end. Have you ever heard of Trusona? (check out the leadership team)
Watch from about 56 minutes in if you don’t have time for the whole thing.
I came across an interesting article in the Hays Daily News the other day. I have not had time to submit it until today.Hope you will find it as interesting as I did, for all the comparisons to all current goings on in the sky and elsewhere.
Wednesday January 24, 2018. By Maria Taylor, Kaiser Health News:
University under fire for off-the-grid herpes vaccine experiments.
Southern Illinois University’s medical school has convened a panel
known as the Misconduct in Science Committee to investigate the unethical practices of professor William Halford. Apparently Halford was experimenting on Americans to developed a herpes vaccine. Sound familiar? The Department of Health and Human Services asked the University to determine if Halford’s activities violated the institutions pledge to HHS that SIU, a state university, would follow human-subject protocols for all research, even if privately funded.
Another mad scientist gone off the reservation. The funny or not so funny part of the artical was this. The University is required to have such a committee to assure the federal government that it will examine allegations of research misconduct.To keep the federal funding clean and flowing. Any university that does research, especially with human subjects, wants to be trusted by the federal government and the public. Too bad it doesn’t apply to the feds and universities trust on behalf of the American people.
I just watched a video that says chemtrails are reducing the amount of Vit D we get, that ties in with both of the posts directly above! Vit D increases immune function!
Do you really mean inflation, or perhaps inflammation?!?
RT founder commits suicide by throwing himself on the floor and into things repeatedly until he dies.
I don’t know how large an issue this is, but I’m sure MS with good ol’ Bill at the helm will act to secure freedom and rights for all of these people born out of bondage. We should be so lucky, how is one to know all of his papers, shots, licenses, certificates and the likes are in order without a dedicated blockchain?
Great article on blockchain. The section on Blockchain Security & Scalability was most enlightening, especially the ‘Immutability Myth’ and ‘Malware’ parts.
Since this is an Open Thread…
I will refer to Corbett Report’s Episode 299 – Solutions: Guerrilla Gardening https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-299-solutions-guerrilla-gardening/
…and this queued video at the 4:36 mark…
NEWS – Feb 6, 2018 Reuters
Chiquita settles with families of U.S. victims of Colombia’s FARC
I agree john.o. I love “Open Thread”, because I can rant.
Rant about Fabreze and dryer sheets
I detest these synthetic chemical scents.
Their toxicity is insidious.
The scents are designed to “cling” and “stay active – not decompose easily” using such things as Phthalates and other chemicals.
They are designed to be “volatile aromatic hydrocarbons” (VAH) or “volatile organic compaounds” (VOC) so they are easily airborne.
Inhaling toxic chemicals is the rapid-fire method of directly putting a substance into the blood stream.
(I remember making synthetic scents in Chemistry lab…Geez! Barium and other toxic stuff.)
In the neighborhoods on a windstill day, the air is putrid with dryer sheets. Going for a walk becomes a gag exercise. And I often smell fabreze on objects and clothes.
I can’t believe people buy this stuff. Fabreze even had a Super Bowl ad.
Surely James will want to rant about this story?
The Japanese Armani primary school uniform debacle?
That’s right $700 US a pop Armani uniforms for the young kids. 🙂
I can’t load that site, but what you’re writing there is certainly interesting. Here we have the neverending saga with school books, which “change” each and every year and need to be “updated” all the time so parents have to buy a new set every year. It isn’t $700, but it is about 300€ per kid per year in a country where the jacked up average income is some 900€, but vast majority has to make due with below 600€. So people get in debt to get the books, it’s the same deal now for the past 20 something years, the total sums publishers made must be something.
I heard the story yesterday on the radio while driving.
The first thing I thought of was James and that life must be good in Japan.
Real good!
The story finished with the reason the school principal had decided to choose Armani uniforms. He said he chose them because there is a store close to the school!
Makes perfect sense to me now. 🙂
My “Thought for the Day”:
North and South Korean Athletes Unify on the Ice for Women’s Hockey Team
The Korean hockey team (South and North) is playing together and getting along, laughing, and being friends. This is not surprising, because we are all just people at the end of the day. This story made me feel really good, and it reminded me of the WWI story where both sides came out and enjoyed Christmas Eve together.
So my thought is, most of the drama and hatred that goes on in the world is a result of the political control freaks who just want to exploit us and divide us for their purposes. Without them, without government, we could truly have peace.
Hear, hear!
People will be just people. What possible reason could have two neighbouring nations to kill each other en masse? Two nations separated by thousands of miles will have even less.
I urge everyone to really think about it, what would one have to do to yourself or your own for you to be ready to open fire on them? Vast, vast majority would restrain themselves till the bitter end, a sizeable proportion would never do it. But, when the war is on, grazing fire and reactionary action work like a charm.
Beautiful story! Thanks scpat! This reignites my faith in the fundamental humanity of mankind.
The story tells another story also…
It tells a story of how stories (the Media) shape our outlook on the world.
A story can help to build a better world or can work towards destroying it.
We have folks like Olivia Salon and Twit Sulome Anderson who inject snake venom into people’s outlooks…inevitably bringing about destruction. They foment conflict.
FLUORIDE – Feb 14, 2018 Press Release –
Study Reveals More Proof Fluoridation Can Damage Human Thyroid Gland
– Scientific Study –
Impact of Drinking Water Fluoride on Human Thyroid Hormones: A Case- Control Study
“…It was found that fluoride has impacts on TSH, T3 hormones even in the standard concentration of less than 0.5 mg/L…”
(*NOTE: 0.5 mg/L = 0.5 parts per million — In the United States, water fluoridated cities are now recommended to be at 0.7 mg/L. Prior to 2015, the levels were recommended to be higher in many northern cities and some still use the higher levels.)
“…Some studies have discovered the relation between dental fluorosis and thyroid disease. The effect of thyroid hormones on learning memory was investigated in rats by Basha et al. They found that fluoride reduces the T4 and T3 levels, and has generational and cumulative effects on the development of the offspring….
You wouldn’t think that one would have to hammer so hard on this Thyroid-Fluoride aspect.
Read this LONG list of studies about Thyroid and Fluoride here…
Send an email to the Dallas Mayor and City Council.
Scroll down the webpage past the first video to the yellow arrow for the link. It is quick and simple to send them all an email.
Regarding the recent shooting in Texas, I stumbled upon this article on Antimedia
Who else has a distinct feeling this woman is lying through her teeth? Hint: psycho smile.
Why exactly are you saying she’s lying? I doin’t think she’s lying at all.
Here we have proof that Nikolas Cruz didn’t do the shooting FROM A MAINSTREAM SOURCE.
Please spread this everywhere. I don’t know who did the shooting. But I do know Cruz is just the one easiest to convict instead of the actual shooter.
He was talking with that blond girl while he was walking out of the school and she heard shooting AFTER she started talking to him. Therefore it had to be someone else that did the shooting.
Is Nikolas Cruz innocent?
Here is a video where a fellow student describes Nikolas as one of the nicest people he’s ever met.
‘He was probably one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life’
Here is the video of the girl who was talking to Nik Cruz and who said shots were being fired even after she talked to him.
Parkland School Shooting Was It Nikolas Cruz?