Happy Birthday, fiat currency! What, you didn't know that the fiat dollar is 50 years old this month? At least, according to the bankster class and their media lapdogs, it is. Observe: On 15 August, the United States marked the 50th anniversary of the birth of fiat...
Results for "cashless society"
2020: Our Annus Horribilis
by Corbett | Dec 20, 2020 | Newsletter
Welcome to the year-end wrap up! You know, the annual end-of-year stock-taking editorial I write before we all go off to enjoy our Christmas and ring in the New Year? Now, if this were any other year, I'd make some light-hearted joke about all of this. You know, "Oh,...

Interview 1571 – James Corbett Discusses The Technocratic Coup
by Corbett | Aug 24, 2020 | Interviews
via HoweStreet.com: James Corbett joins Jim Goddard on This Week in Money for a wide-ranging conversation on COVID-19, the coming technocratic biosecurity state, and the economic ramifications of this Brave New Normal like the coming cashless society. SHOW NOTES:...

Episode 380 – Meet Bill Gates
by Corbett | May 24, 2020 | Podcasts
There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in...

Episode 379 – Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
by Corbett | May 17, 2020 | Podcasts
The takeover of public health that we have documented in How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health and the remarkably brazen push to vaccinate everyone on the planet that we have documented in Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World was not, at base, about money. The...
Who Is Bill Gates?
by Corbett | May 1, 2020 | Articles, Documentaries
Who Is Bill Gates? Video player not working? Use these links to watch it somewhere else! Watch on BitChute / Odysee / Minds.com / Rumble / YouTube or Download the mp4 video or mp3...
This IS The Global Reset. Prepare Accordingly.
by Corbett | Apr 6, 2020 | Newsletter
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the...
The Rollercoaster Ride Has Begun
by Corbett | Mar 8, 2020 | Newsletter
Last week in this column, as you might recall, I noted that the coronavirus panic had already produced "the worst week in the markets since the financial crisis, including the worst two-day point drop in Dow Jones history." And I also warned that "the economic effects...