Results for "cashless society"

Who’s Afraid of Decentralized Currency?

I've noticed an interesting phenomenon in my 12 years of watching the news headlines for a living: Stories often pop up in mirror image pairs. Take these two recent stories, for example. One from the US Department of (in)Justice: "Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces...

Law and Disorder: Even Tyranny Has Cracks

As Corbett Report members who have watched the latest subscriber-only video will know, I spent the last two weeks in Vietnam visiting Corbett Report video editor Broc West for some fun in the tropical Asian sun. As you will also know from the video, it was a hot and...

Good News This Week!

It's summer! Let's turn off the 24/7 doomporn newsfeed and tune in to some good news for a change. From game-changing legal decisions to the turn away from zombie tech, here's all the news that's actually fit to print. Watch this video on BitChute / DTube /

How to Evade Sanctions

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here." That, famously, is the inscription above the gates of hell in Dante's Inferno, and, if Uncle Sam gets his way, it will be the first thing that comes to mind for any company seeking to skirt the sanctions on Iran that are snapping...

The Coming Bitcoin Clampdown

We all know the old dictum: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" Well, governments have their own version: "If you can't beat 'em, use your jackbooted thugs to go out and steal their idea and outlaw all competition." Case in point: bitcoin. As I pointed out in my Tech...

The Biometric ID Grid: A Country-by-Country Guide

by James Corbett January 31, 2017 In last week's report on India's demonetization disaster I began to connect the dots between demonetization, the push for a cashless society, and the biometric identification schemes that will eventually tie...

Episode 313 – Demonetization and You

Episode 313 – Demonetization and You

Demonetization. Cashless payments. Biometrics. Can you connect the dots? Join James today on The Corbett Report as he uncovers the truth about India's recent demonetization and follows the trail to the coming cashless biometric control grid. For those with limited...


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