Results for "china"

The Greatest President of All Time Is…

Well, another cycle of (s)election hysteria has come and gone in the disUnited States of Amerikkka, Inc., and, as you well know, everything in the world has transformed overnight. Now that the Demopublicans are in control of the House and the Republicrats have kept...

Interview 1395 – James Corbett on Howe Street Radio

Interview 1395 – James Corbett on Howe Street Radio

James Corbett joins Jim Goddard for his bi-monthly appearance on This time they discuss the IMF's attempts to put the crypto genie back in the central bank bottle; drug money and the banksters; the latest on the trade war; and the strange, sudden...

The IPCC Prepares to Release More Hot Air

The IPCC is preparing to release a "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC." That sentence alone should be enough to make everyone within earshot duck for cover from the coming barrage of climate-related doomporn. But, sadly, half of the public will actively cheer...

Is the Korean War Over Yet?

So the Korean War ended this week. Or so you would believe if you scanned the headlines of the British tabloids. "North and South Korea have finally ended the Korean War after 65 years!" blares The Mirror. And reading from the article: North Korea's williingness to...

False Flags Over Syria

. . . As you can imagine, the gaggle of bloodthirsty neocons that infest Trump's war cabinet are unhappy about the prospect of their golden boys in Syria—those lovely child-beheading terrorists that they have been supporting for the last seven years—being vanquished...


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