Results for "china"

Interview 1238 – New World Next Year: 2017

Interview 1238 – New World Next Year: 2017

Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This year: Media Monarchy’s 2016 Story: Mass Movements and the Madness of Crowds The CIA’s...

2016: The Descent Into Chaos

"Now this is not the end," goes the famous quote from false flag conspirator and Rothschild family friend Winston Churchill. "It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Churchill's quotation, of course, comes from a speech...

The TPP is Dead. Long Live the TPP.

by James Corbett December 14, 2016 The National Diet of Japan made a very strange move this past week: They ratified the TPP. Strange, that is, because the TPP is dead. President-Elect Trump has already said he is committed to pulling...

The Case Against Kissinger

Heinz Alfred "Henry" Kissinger may not be the devil himself, but he sure acts like his emissary. Seemingly everywhere there is death, destruction, carnage, criminality and cover up, you can bet old man Kissinger won't be far behind. Which is why the Nobel Institute's...

Nomi Prins Explains The Central Bankers’ Game of Thrones

Watch this video on BitChute / YouTube Today James talks to Nomi Prins, author of books like All The Presidents Bankers, about her recent article “The Central Bank Power Shift from West to East, Game of Thrones Style.” We talk about the changing economic and monetary...


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