Interview 1905 – FAANG Goes Nuclear (NWNW 569)

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How to Survive Regime Change

As is turns out, the regime change string-pullers are not so omnipotent after all. In fact, sometimes they’re a bunch of incompetent, bumbling, ivory tower buffoons and I have the receipts to prove it…

States of Emergency (video)

As we enter the Age of Biosecurity, we find ourselves living in a state of emergency. But what does this actually mean? And what does it imply about our way forward? Find out more about this vital topic on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

Episode 411 – States of Emergency

Episode 411 – States of Emergency

As we enter the Age of Biosecurity, we find ourselves living quite literally in a state of emergency. But what does this mean? And what does it imply for the future of the resistance to the killing machine that is being erected by governments around the world? Find out more about this vital topic on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

You’ve Got covAIDS! – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: Klaus Schwab says the quiet part out loud when it comes to the Young Global Leaders program; you’ve got VAIDS! and the Fukushima disaster remains exactly where it was 11 years ago.

Interview 1698 – James Corbett Lays Out the Biosecurity Agenda

Interview 1698 – James Corbett Lays Out the Biosecurity Agenda

via (RECORDED FEBRUARY 3, 2022): James Corbett discusses where his head is at after all these years of doing what he’s been doing and what’s most pressing on his mind at the moment. He agrees that the COVID1984 biosecurity state is one of the central problems facing humanity today. The Digital ID system is being implemented in the very near-term and will then be forwarded through social credit scores and CBDCs. James warns against hopium and that although we’ve won some battles, we are not winning the war. He discusses how he views the elite global power structure and their visions of the future such as eugenics, transhumanism, and technocracy. He gives his thoughts on the prospects of future war, how to think about deep politics, as well as solutions.


Is the Korean War Over Yet?

So the Korean War ended this week. Or so you would believe if you scanned the headlines of the British tabloids. "North and South Korea have finally ended the Korean War after 65 years!" blares The Mirror. And reading from the article: North Korea's williingness to...

False Flags Over Syria

. . . As you can imagine, the gaggle of bloodthirsty neocons that infest Trump's war cabinet are unhappy about the prospect of their golden boys in Syria—those lovely child-beheading terrorists that they have been supporting for the last seven years—being vanquished...

Trump’s Pivot to China

by James Corbett January 4, 2017 Happy New Year, everyone! Remember 2016? Remember Brexit? And Pokemon Go? And the (s)election circus? And the Russian propaganda hype? How could you forget? These stories, along with the usual mix of...

2016: The Descent Into Chaos

"Now this is not the end," goes the famous quote from false flag conspirator and Rothschild family friend Winston Churchill. "It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Churchill's quotation, of course, comes from a speech...