What’s Your Endgame? – Questions For Corbett #045

by | Jun 7, 2019 | Questions For Corbett | 134 comments

So what’s James’ endgame anyway? And what’s the deal with the Lord of the Rings? And can you be pro-freedom if you’re for mandatory vaccines? Good questions! Find out the answers to these and other burning queries in this edition of Questions For Corbett.

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Netanyahu admits 9/11 was good for Israel

Hayek quote on “The curious task of economics”

The Lord of the Rings – FLNWO #07

Escobar article mentioning INSTEX

The Death of SWIFT and the (Engineered) Death of the Dollar

Corbett Report Radio 234 – “Mandatory” Vaccinations (and how to avoid them)


Strange Bedfellows: The India/Pakistan/China Triangle

Ian’s website

Corbett Report IPFS mirror


  1. What makes you think you have the right to allow someone to do something you don’t have the right to deny them in the first place? You don’t have the right to tell other people how to live and you don’t have the capacity to abrogate that right you don’t have to anyone else on “higher” position.

    If people would realize this simple fact of life, we would be on our merry way to a better tomorrow. Mass rapist tropes aside.

    Empires don’t fall overnight. The Roman empire was going down for half a century. People adapted.

    The strongest source of criminality is the government. There is no other entity (past an occasional comet) responsible for such slaughters government can provide. Not even by a long shot. In a “normal” society, you’d need about one person to kill one person in combat, on average. Good luck finding three million volunteers who’d be willing to travel thousands of miles so their lives could cancel out three million Iraqi lives. Mass rapes notwithstanding.

    All of this is really simple. Live by two laws: don’t cause harm to others and honour what has been agreed upon. If you abolish taxation, 90% of “criminality” goes away.

    • I wasn’t talking about financially driven criminality nor am I advocating for moneyless sociaties. Money is not am issue in itself, the issue is who’s controlling the printing press.

      There are people who like young kids and there are people who would like to kill people who like young kids. Which one of these groups, do you reckon, is in the majority?

      Is it your contention that we need governments to keep rapists and molestors in check? If that’s the case, how come there are as many rapings and molestations going on as they are?

      We have psychopaths now,too. Most of them are in the government.

      So unless you believe that these people should fill there “fetishes” as they seem fit
      Are you serious? Do you really, I mean REALLY, think this is the point I’m making? Oh just let “these” people do what they want ladida. No, that’s not the point I’m making. I’ll spell it for you – t-h-e n-o-n-a-g-g-r-e-s-s-i-o-n p-r-i-n-c-i-p-l-e.

      You may believe whatever you wish, that’s fine. Find me one example in history where governemnt wasn’t bound to the moneychangers while you’re at it.

      everyone loading up on guns and shooting down everyone we see fit, because no one is there to tell us not to.
      Seriously, come on? Other people with guns are telling you not to.

      You really need to think this through, your points are completely off the charts. These are not questions for Corbett, these are questions for Cosby’s show.

    • Thanks for the update tg.
      It’s very sad news.
      Apparently the third time in jail now in just recent months.
      They’re just going on a fishing expedition against him.

    • Thanks travelinglass.

      (May 2019) Alan Phillips says: “I’m being required to produce information and documents that I literally can’t or legally can’t produce, leaving me feeling like I’m being set up to be put in jail.”

  2. joseph I’ve been trying to find out any information I could about Indira for years, to no avail.
    I just hope and pray that she is alive and well somewhere.

  3. On Christchurch…

    I’d just like to add a few points about the attack in Christchurch, NZ.
    I’ve done some painstaking analysis of the 17 minute shooting video.

    There are incriminating pieces of evidence in the video that reveal Tarrant was not acting alone in the mission.

    He had accomplices/handlers working with him on that day. One can count a minimum of three in the video.

    So the official narrative that a lone white supremacist was responsible for the shootings is just plain nonsense.

    This was undoubtedly one of the main reasons for the banning of the video in NZ.

    There were probably multiple purposes for the attack. James mentioned one; a crackdown on information available to the public.

    Another would be more gun regulation in NZ.
    Another of course would be the furthering of the terrorist meme that is essential in keeping the ‘war on terror’ alive and well.
    Also bolstering the newly added layer of the divide and conquer meme, the ‘white supremacist’. So now we must beware of not only evil Muslims but also ‘crazy white supremacists’.

    • In the UK governments recent Online Harms White Paper, which literally proposes the establishment of the Ministry of Truth at a governmental (rather than private corporate level) they stated the following:

      “Terrorist groups place a huge premium on quickly reaching their audiences. A third of all links to Daesh propaganda, for example, are disseminated within an hour of upload, while in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attack in Christchurch, there was a co-ordinated cross-platform effort to generate maximum reach of footage of the attack. It is therefore vital to ensure that there is the technology in place to automatically detect and remove terrorist content within an hour of upload, secure the prevention of re-upload and prevent, where possible, new content being made available to users at all”

      I think this indicates clearly how the attack is being used in this regard.

  4. On ‘The Endgame’…

    James as a voluntaryist stated:
    “I want a world of voluntary interactions where people can voluntarily congregate or disassociate as they please.”

    What if one of the many voluntaryist communities you mentioned wanted to be built upon a democracy that was later usurped by a deep state (like we have in the U.S. today) or wanted to be built upon a dictatorship, and in each of these cases the leaders were bent on attacking and going to war with all the outside peaceful voluntaryist communities of the world and taking them over?

    Then it would be, “So much for the worldwide voluntaryist communities!”

    • Voluntaryists still have the right to defend themselves against those who are not respecting the voluntaryist principle. They have the right to defend others if they wish to be defended. They can also choose not to associate with others (Boycotts etc)

      Government is like having an enormous toilet that is blocked and filled to the brim with crap. Some people are too afraid to unblock it as a clean toilet might encourage others to use it to take a dump.

      • Octium states a colorful metaphor:

        “Government is like having an enormous toilet that is blocked and filled to the brim with crap. Some people are too afraid to unblock it as a clean toilet might encourage others to use it to take a dump.”

    • Voluntarism as a principle for social organisation (an oxymoron I know but this response will unavoidably be full of them) could work very well if it were based upon universal (another one) agreement of a constitutional framework (and again).

      That constitution, agreed as a fundamental principle underpinning all voluntary interactions, could be based upon the overarching establishment of natural and common law. Natural law, God’s Law, Universal Law (call it what you will) could be used to inform Common Law, establishing transparent contract law as the basis for all voluntary exchange. No initiation of force nor causation of harm being its founding ethos.

      I’m from Britain so I would suggest our codified constitution, the Great Charter of 1215 (the Magna Carta) provides the form of ‘government’ (there I go again) that could enable voluntarism to work across society while protecting against dangers of the initiation of force you highlight.

      The reason for this is that the word ‘government’ and ‘democracy’ are widely used today in completely the wrong context. The Hellenic Athenian Constitution established ‘democracy’ as ‘government by trial by jury.’ That is to say any ‘legislation’ can be annulled by unanimous verdict of a jury. A constitutional framework, voluntarily agreed by all, would allow voluntary communities and individual to live, exchange and act in peace no matter what ‘legal system’ they choose to enter into, because the Common Law of ‘government by trial by jury’ would always take precedent.

      Under such a constitutional arrangement a ‘deep state’ could not emerge because it would rely upon the deception and coercion. A voluntary ‘deep state’ could but it would have no reach because those who oppose it could annul any of its machinations if they contravene the Common Law constitution.

      I realise this is full of contradictions and many anarchists will vehemently oppose the notion but, in reality, if we seek to establish an agorist society I do believe this could be this could facilitate it.

      You may find these posts interesting.


      • Ian, I was checked out the month of June and July and just today discoverd your comment, your words warmed the constitutional cockles of my past thinking. The volentary buy-in to this idea you propose may be difficult today, which may carry into the future. The spirit for such things seems to be missing. Seems to me, there is no fire left in 9 out of 10 young people I encounter . Worries me to no end. I never inquire about patriotism, and here is where the meaning of words can take hold. There was a line in Hamilton that bugs the devil out of me . “Smile more, talk less, never let them know what your against or what your for.” I don’t think they are voluntary in answering any question i ask them , its just that they haven’t a clue, no reference for they have never heard of it culturally. The fire to organize an idea for something greater or other than themselves is inconceivable to them.
        The statistic 9 out of 10 may be just my own and you know what they say about statistics. But im sticking by my pole here in the mid-west.

    • More on ‘The Endgame’…

      A story broke recently in the Canadian MSM about seasteading.
      I hadn’t heard of the term before.

      Basically it is homesteading at sea, or setting up a home in the ocean.

      Why would anyone in their right mind want to make a home out of the ocean?
      Well for starters it sure beats traveling to the moon or Mars!

      There are basically two movers and shakers behind seasteading:
      a non-profit that came up with the concept 11 years ago (The Seasteading Institute) and a company that will be building the seastead structures for the time being (OceanBuilders).

      What’s so special about seasteading?
      Well first of all having a permanent home out at sea is not something that many in this world have tried.

      One of the goals of the seasteading movement is to free the inhabitants from nation states and their governments.

      Seasteading aims to be a marriage between voluntaryism, new forms of government, blockchain technology, new countries on the ocean, floating cities etc.

      Unfortunately the first single family seastead unit hit some turbulence.
      The couple who bought their unit are currently drowning in sorrow.

      You can listen to their story at this link.

      Fast forward to the 17:45 minute mark.

  5. On Protecting online content, censorship/suppression…

    James: “Currently I’m most excited about the IPFS mirror of Corbett Report.com which Ernie Hancock has put together…
    It is not lightning fast at this point, but it is up there forever, as long as you have the hash…
    and how you can set up your own node to help preserve the Corbett Report forever and always and nothing they can do to take it down…”

    I would be extremely hesitent to utter those words “up there forever”.
    Heck even Google and Microsoft routinely give just a few months notice before permanently pulling the plug on web spaces that had lasted years and people thought would last ‘forever’.

    • Hello, hello, Fawlty Towers,

      Yea, nothing is up there forever. Nothing lasts, for sure. So, no need for any hesitation. At least, I don’t believe there’s anything on this planet that would come close to lasting forever.

      Though, here is one definition of ‘forever’ I’d like to offer – call it eternity, if you wish: Think of a mountain 10 miles high and 10 miles wide, and every ten thousand years a little bird stops a few seconds to sharpen her beak upon this mountain; and when that mountain has finally been worn down by that little bird sharpening her beak, then one day of ‘forever’ shall have passed.

      You, nor me, nor James Corbett, nor his website, nor its mirror, nor anything else you know, or I know, or we know, or have experienced, will last forever.*

      Speaking of other things, James, through the years, has offered tremendous, gargantuan insight into so many topics that would make a normie’s head spin. James’ insight is deprogramming at its finest. Though, it reminds me of the roadrunner cartoon. Legs spinning a hundred miles an hour, kicking up dust – but getting absolutely nowhere.

      I can’t put my finger on it, but at the risk of framing my thoughts negatively, there does seems to be something fundamentally wrong with his website, or the website’s format. Definitely the Corbett Report scratches beneath the surface, yet it seems nothing is explored terribly further than initially presented. Plus, there’s this feeling of a repetitive churning. May I dare opine, a lil feeding of the beast, eh? Lol

      Perhaps, with regard to certain topics, workshops could be set up among subscribers to go further in-depth, before jumping on to the next proffered topic, which acts, to a certain degree, like a distraction of sorts.

      Also, what happened to the Michel Chossudovsky’s of the world? It would be nice to get some interviews with the old heavy hitters, once again.

      PS: I’m sorry to express even further irrelevancy, and/or be further off topic here (not that there is one), but, as far as the fellow who designed the rEVOLution signage, whatever he throws into the ascribed 5 hour Corbett DVD, he must include “911 War Games”. Hands down!


      *Philosophical, or even religious discussion wanted/recommended.

      • Candlelight I understand where you are coming from with your thoughts about James’ site.
        It is undoubtedly one of my favourites, I stop by each day.
        Having said that, it could certainly be improved…

        I too would like to see more offered in the way of practical solutions to all the issues raised, rather than descriptions of the problems with little advice for hands-on, grass-roots participation by the masses.

        One weakness for me with this website is the way it is set up. Perhaps it is by design?
        For the most part, it is a one-way flow of information.

        Sure we have this comment section, but it is not very user-friendly.
        For starters, if there is a flurry of comments posted, your eighth or ninth post will probably no longer be visible in the list.
        And if you posted to a topic that is not current, then chances are, very few readers will see it.

        A comment/forums section that was readily available and easily accessible for all topics covered on the site would be great!
        Most forums using software such as vBulletin etc. offer much greater flexibility for users to post their thoughts and engage in discourse/debate.

        General forums and sub-forums could easily be constructed to cover all of the material on this site.
        And users would see the most recent posts in each sub-forum at all times.

        • Hey There Fawlty Towers,
          I like your thinking…we TCR community would need to take ownership of at least some of the work towards what I see as a laudable goal.
          There does exist another website that meets some of the forums that your idea encompasses and that is Tragedy & Hope community website; but I like your idea none the less.

  6. My endgame is coming in a story I’ve been working on for almost 2 decades on and off – now full time. It will be written in several formats – a novelette, a screenplay, a storyboard, and eventually cleaned up as a graphic novel. Hopefully it may even become a feature film, animated or live action.

    I’ll be publishing it in chapters/scenes on SaidIt.net and eventually on other social media platforms with crypto and/or rewards (recommendations welcome).


    I do not see any good outcome for most of humanity – unless something like what happens in this cautionary tale comes to pass.

    To keep that story mainstream accessible, relatively free of conspiracy theories, I’m also developing an animated comedy short mockumentary series to purge me of preachy impulses. Years ago I tried to entice Corbett to collaborate for animated projects to no avail (he even ignored a little limited animated Question for Corbett. Here’s a frame: https://infogalactic.com/info/File:James_Corbett_Animation_01_Rough_Test_Intro_Pop-Up_v01_Final_1920x1080_h264.mkv_snapshot_00.04.png). I also tried with many other established YouTubers. Some were interested, some not, all of them too busy. So I’m going it alone, for now:


    It may be years before either of these is ready to be published at large, but you heard it here, second, after Saidit, and can follow developments and even participate. There’s also an open source online worker coop project, Glossed And Profound, to manage production and other related stuff that’s not explicitly about the creative projects.

  7. I do have one question which my brother asked me and I couldn’t answer. He asked why it was that the oil industry doesn’t seem to challenge, particularly, the CO2 global warming narrative, when you would think it would use its considerable resources to promote alternative explanations, such as solar influences on weather.

    How do you explain this?

  8. I love these “Questions for Corbett”.

    The community interaction along with Corbett’s direction of the dialogue and his answers to questions help to being me a lot of insight.

    There are some really sharp folks who hang out with Corbett.
    I continue to mature just by being a member of this community.

  9. Wait, you think laws prevent child molestros from molesting children? Or that police prevents them?

    Hurt my family and I’ll put a bullet right between your eyes.

    Or I’ll hire someone to do it for me.

    Or, if you are part of a large child molesting collective (which is nothing but cartoon vilainry at its finest) and have hired some goons to protect you, then I’ll make sure to get other people whom are interested in protecting children (about 99.9% of adults) to pitch in so that we are sure that our gang of hired goons can kill your gang of hired goons along with the whole child molesting lot.

    Or, if me and other adults whom are interested in protecting children are stuck in an area in which child molestors prevail, then we’ll simply move to another area instead of clammoring for the gubmnet to sort the issue for us.

    When I say “you” I don’t mean you personaly, of course.

  10. DuckDuckGo TWITTER Feed

    The DuckDuckGo Twitter Feed has some very interesting articles relating to privacy and other matters.

    I would bet that Gabriel Weinberg, co-founder and CEO DuckDuckGo, has some insight as to how Google / YouTube / certain browsers and other factors filter search results and access. Example: One article noted that a user’s tracked location might bring up bias results.

  11. If you are in the Austin, Texas area around July 2nd, 2019…
    …Tuesday, early evening, at the Alamo Drafthouse Theatre!

    This is a warming clip from Aaron and Melissa Dykes.
    (8 minutes)
    BIG NEWS! Please Join Us for the Austin Theater Premiere of “The Minds of Men”!

    Regarding the film, “The Minds of Men” , Amazon says: This title is currently unavailable.
    Our agreements with the content provider don’t allow purchases of this title at this time.

    On Corbett Report’s Episode 356 – Top 5 “Conspiracy Theories” That Turned Out To Be True, there is a great excerpt from “The Minds of Men”.

  12. Regarding questions on 911 and Bollyn and Wood.

    Despite spending too much time (according to my family) researching 911, I never came across these two names (though I think briefly Dr. Wood who was disparaged by ‘official’ 911 truth sites, bad on me I never looked into her until last summer).

    My lesson, 911 truth community is partially controlled, at least sticking to a certain narrative and not allowing some information to be freely shared. Needless to say not good, and I felt naive to this manipulation.

    Both Bollyn and Wood have well documented and interesting facts to share and leads to pursue. I looked up James’ QFC#001 as he mentioned addressing Dr. Wood back then in 2013. I didn’t know of her then, so I’m in no position to critic James for his skepticism. That said, I disagree with James’ opinion and agree with a comment left by a CR member on QFC #001 in 2018 on Dr. Wood and how the Jenkin’s interview was more a hit piece interview than anything else. Although I think the truth is elusive, I do think it is very illustrative that Bollyn and Dr. Wood have been marginalized from the discussion/debate on 911. It raises the question of why?

    • I met Christopher Bollyn when he delivered a slideshow to our Dallas 9/11 Truth Group in February of 2015.
      The video can be seen on YouTube.

      I thought he gave a good presentation.
      Perhaps, the reason his message is often marginalized by some of the “authoritarian 9/11 groups” is because of the over-emphasized, out-PR anti-Semitic behavior of some of the online community (and that community likely includes government trolls).
      Statements like “Jews did 9/11” automatically lump the 9/11 event as an oddball conspiracy theory.

      Judy Wood
      I well remember Judy Wood and watched how events unfolded with her.
      Our Dallas 9/11 Group has had many discussions about her.
      Personally, I think she is disinfo, and that is why her stuff stays around.
      Most folks do not thoroughly research her stuff and counter-perspectives.

      Steven Jones thoroughly nailed her. I remember when she came on the scene with Fetzer…what a mess. Jones has a good scientific paper on her stuff, but the time line history of Judy Woods and Fetzer and CIA operative Morgan Reynolds would make a person puke at how they tried to hijack the movement and how they caused a big mess.
      Morgan Reynolds jumping on board is an easy-to-spot give-away as to the disinfo agenda.

      911blogger.com has a good timeline, especially when you read the comments.

  13. I’m not satisfied with Endgame answer, because it is kind of “political” answer.

    It sounds good, one can imagine things might work this way, but….
    there is no details, not even bigger ones. When people ask these questions they expect details, reasonable person doesn’t expect minute details, still they are looking for real answers.

    On the other hand I understand and respect James’ answer. Providing a real answer is enormous task and, more important, sooner or later inevitability comes to very very hard and polarizing questions.

    Local communities can solve many problems and fulfill many needs we have in everyday life but not all of them. For example, we are all using electronic chips in one way or another and they can’t be and won’t be produced locally. It’s complicated, hard, expensive….
    More examples could be found with no problem.
    Therefore some bigger society structures will be needed, the question is how they will be managed/governed. System that can be used in communities is not good for bigger organizations.

    Let me provide one detail in my vision of endgame.
    About property, of course, my favorite topic.

    With personal property, things you need for surviving, I see no need for radical change.
    On the other hand private property, things connected to your business activities, should be completely publicly known. Almost no secrets allowed in business, particularly financial ones. Certainly no secret ownership.

  14. I have repeated more or less the same comment for a number of posts on varying topics on this thread. Broadly they all relate to how a voluntary society could work while still protecting against violence, sexual exploitation, financial abuse, border conflicts and so on. In absolute terms I don’t think a large voluntary society, incorporating various communities, groups and individuals could ever ‘stop’ the initiation of force from happening. It is inevitable I believe.

    However, though it is somewhat unlikely, I do think it would be possible to create a voluntary society where the likelihood of the initiation of force would be far lower than it is in the society we are currently compelled to endure. But this would require law and a form of governance. I accept this appears to be an oxymoron to many but I would like to explain why it isn’t.

    A voluntary society could emerge if, post political revolution (which does not have to be violent) all agree to abide by an agreed constitution. This could perhaps occur through the exercise of democratic universal suffrage. Thereafter people and communities would be free to voluntarily self organise and, as James said, could choose to continue ‘democratic suffrage’ and decision making if they chose.

    I suggest that constitution could be based upon Common Law. I don’t want to bore you again with my explanation of how I think this could work, please read my comments above if you are interested.

    I am still trying to figure this out myself and have undoubtedly missed numerous pitfalls and problems. So I would really be interested in your opinions, criticisms and especially the highlighting of potential problems.

    I have written a couple of posts on ‘governance by trial by jury’ which I suggest could underpin this voluntary society which highlight why I think it would be possible if anyone is interested.

    I look forward to any response you care to make.


  15. With regard to Ian’s question of protecting your content,

    I speak as a IT Systems Engineer (my paid work).

    1) There is NO SUBSTITUTE for off-line multi-location backup.

    I’ll unpack that a little. For every piece of important data, you need a copy of it on some media (DVD, hard drive, whatever) which is not connected to a power supply and is many kilometers away from the source data, and which is in a “safe” location (define “safe” for yourself; fire proof, theft proof …).

    2) Do not trust anything which you do not control. Blockchainy things are nice, and may survive. Centralized platforms are stoopid. But, using many of them may help. But, I think the effort outweighs the benefit. I like IPFS, but it may never take off. Its resilience is its size, and currently that is small.

    So, how do you achieve the above as easily as possible?

    You need two computers, both with external drives, and a friend (to run the “remote” computer). (The friend can be you, but it is to look after the content on the remote computer). You use Git via some repository replication/management mechanism. Github.com is okay, but you dont control that. This is not a killer (read on). Or, you could set up your own FOSS version using gitlab with help from some IT knowledgeable individual if you dont have the skills.

    With whatever Git repository platform you choose, create a blank repository, and then “git clone” that to both of the computers onto their external drives. Into that top level directory on one computer put all the files. “git commit” and “git push”. This gets the content up to the repository platform. Then ask your friend to “git pull” from the other computer and then TURN THAT COMPUTER OFF and DISCONNECT THE EXTERNAL DRIVE.

    You then continue to “git add”, “git commit” and “git push” your content from computer one to the repository management system (github, gitlab, whatever). Every now and then, you ask your friend to do the “connect external drive, turn on, git pull, turn off, disconnect external drive” routine.

    With this routine you have your data in three places, your computer, the repository manager (github or wherever) and the computer your friend is looking after. In all cases, the data is under control of git which does integrity protection (SHA-1 hashes of the content of the repository at each commit). If you used a repository manager which someone else controls and it becomes unavailable (for whatever reason), you find another (build your own or whatever) and you replicate one of the two repositories you still have to the new repository manager, and configure the other computer to also use that. This is mildly annoying but eminently feasible.

    The repository manager is serving as a content distribution system. Indeed, if you want to publish all this stuff, just hand out access to the repository on the repository manager to whoever you want and ask them to “clone” the repository. This creates even more backups.

    Git is smart. It only replicates over the network that which it does not already have. Lets say you have a 100 GB repository. The first clone has to clone all of that. But, if you add another 2 GB and “commit, push” that, then the other repositories only need to “copy” (pull) that extra 2 GB. Git also compresses things when that makes sense.

    Git is a Linus Torvals GPLv2 project. It is used by millions of developers world wide and will never (TM) disappear. If it does, it will be replaced by something else and there will be instructions for conversion to the new thing, at a minimal. Millions of people depend on Git.

    I run a course on using git. I could screencast a version of that. It would be about 30 mins. The class is 2.5 hours, but that’s because you need to give time for learners to learn 🙂

    If I were doing content generation and distribution, this would be my strategy for backup. Publication is another matter entirely. And this is where “multiple centralised non-controlled by highly used” platforms come in, exactly as James does (ThemTube, Steemit, D-Tube, whatever). But, NEVER treat one of them as a backup.

    My two cents.

    PS: You can extend this strategy. Have two repositories, one for published content, and the other for your “internal” records. Your friend replicates both, and you hand out access to the “published content” to anyone you wish.

    • Many thanks, really helpful and will certainly act on it. I guess my question was more about security of distribution, in light of the coming censorship grid. I use multiple platforms (Steemit, Gab, Bitchute, D-Tube etc) but all have centralisation (prone to censorship) problems. I hope IPFS does scale and they resolve the naming issue because, it seems while it may ‘protect’ the content, it isn’t conducive to spreading information to others at the moment.

      So I’m currently trying to post content to Steemit, then link to it via Pocketnet. I hope, as the censorship rolls out demand for secure distribution and sharing will grow, attracting more developers to finding solutions.

      Fingers crossed.

  16. I don’t believe you can ‘stop’ paedophilia or violence in a society. No matter what form it takes, there will always be ‘bad’ people. However our current model seems to actively encourage or protect these criminals.

    I think a voluntary society could reduce the likelihood of these crimes occurring. Voluntarism doesn’t necessarily mean ‘no law.’ For example, I wouldn’t choose to live in a community without law, though others may.

    This could be achieved if there existed a overarching constitution based upon Natural and Common Law:


    Such a constitutional arrangement would mean, even for ‘lawless communities’ crimes against any and all ‘individuals’ could be prosecuted by any and all ‘individuals.’

    For example the lawless community could exist within the constitution but, should Natural Law (our innate sense of right and wrong) be contravened (eg. paedophilia) then those whose human rights are violated would have access to remedy under the constitution.

    In effect, the Constitution could enable communities to self organise along any lines they wish, while still providing Lawful protection for all.

  17. I have not been able to verify that the earth is spherical. I would be required to believe it to be true. You use the spherical earth in your logo for corbettreport.com, have you chosen to believe the earth is a sphere or have you discovered it to be true?

    There are so many things to be researching and studying in the world today.
    Quite honestly, this would be the last, or near last thing that would pique my interest.

    If for no other reason, it is simply intuitive that the earth is spherical.

    Look at the moon one night. Do you see a linear object or a circular one?
    Look at the sun one day. Do you see a linear object or a circular one?
    Look at some planet photos one day. Do you see linear objects or a circular ones?

    Why should the earth be any different from those cited above?

    And if they are all circular, would it make more sense that they are circular discs or spheres?

    • Because reasons, would be the short answer, I guess.

      I personally tend to go with what’s simpler – some spheroids rotating one around another duebto unseen forces? Check. Disks resting on … something or levitating, I guess, with other disks following gnarly trajectories? Not so much.

      One would be quicker to sell me a simulation and/or a stuck-in-a-giant-lab hypothesis than the flat Earth model. But I don’t mind the investigation, it’s the association fallacy that ticks me off.

    • Re: Why should the earth be any different from those cited above?

      Why should it be the same? Your assumption is that the Earth is the same as the circular in appearance objects.

      Originally planets were interchangably referred to as stars. Only later did people start to confuse the Earth as a planet.

          • How thick this disk is? What materials is it composed from? Are there layers to the disk? Is the disk in open space (vacuum)? Is the disk spinning on one ore more axis?

            These stars, are they disks as well? Are they orbiting around the Earth disk or just above?

          • ddave, colin786 seems to have been researching this too so these questions go out to both of you.

            These are not simply probing questions, I’m going somewhere with this. 🙂

            1. For the earth, are we talking a perfect circle disc/pancake?
            1a. If not, is it close to a perfect circle?

            2. Can you tell me the diameter of the earth disc, approximately?

            3. Are the sun and moon flat as well or are they spherical?
            3a. If they are spherical how do you know that?

            4. Is the earth circling around the sun or vice versa?

            • 1) I believe it is a perfect circle.

              2) and 3) I really don’t know, and to be perfectly honest, do not really care. I am not saying it is not important, but that for my purposes, it does not matter to me personally. I leave that to those who should/can calculate it on the real facts. The assumptions made affect the outcome of such calculations, and those assumptions may be false. As far as “modern” physics is concerned, they are false in my view.

              4) There is a video simulation on Gootube that describes the movement, and I say it is circling above the Earth, leaving one part illuminated and another in the dark. It is by or is used by Eric Dubay, if I remember rightly.

            • Thanks colin.

              “4) There is a video simulation on Gootube that describes the movement, and I say it is circling above the Earth, leaving one part illuminated and another in the dark. It is by or is used by Eric Dubay, if I remember rightly.”

              I’ve seen several ‘video simulations’ and just watched one by Eric Dubay.

              In all the models I have seen so far the sun makes circles around parts of the earth, giving off light as if it were a flashlight, sending a focused beam of rays on selected parts of the earth.

              Perhaps if the sun was very close to the earth it could give off light in a focused ‘flashlight’ manner.

              But the sun is millions of miles away from the earth, and if it is illuminating a flat surface such as the earth at that distance, then it could not possibly selectively illuminate one part of the earth and not another.

              Now if the earth was a sphere, that is a completely different kettle of fish…

  18. James, I love your work and it’s something my partner of 16 years and I used to watch together. He passed in August so I cry through most of your videos, but it’s getting better.

    Could you do an episode on jury nullification? As far as I know, it’s still a right that juries have to vote on whether it’s a bad law, and throw the case out. That would be a fantastic addendum to our limited rights these days.

    Thank you!!

  19. Regarding Pocketnet, it’s a brand new, completely decentralized, social networking platform without any leader, owner or corporation, preventing censorship. It’s a blockchain program, just like Bitcoin. It can be accessed with either a browser companion, or better, a desktop Windows app which bypasses the DNS system, preventing it from being blocked. A Linux desktop version is almost ready.

    Pocketnet is still in beta with significant new features being added regularly. Very soon, content will be able to be uploaded like: videos, audios, documents, etc. It will be accomplished in a manner that should be much more responsive than IPFS which is still very slow. At this time posts may include images which are saved within the Pocketnet decentralized platform. The other content listed above is still a link for a short time longer. After that, uploaded content will not be able to be censored or blocked.

    This is HUGE in the battle against censorship and blocking of information the powers that be want to suppress.

    To learn more, visit https://pocketnet.app . If James Corbett would like to contact Daniel Satchkov, founder of Pocketnet, he can be reached at [no email addresses in the comments, please – JC].

    • I’m just starting to get to grips with Pocketnet and it seems really encouraging. Even in Beta it is pretty intuitive. The open source, decentralised, local node infrastructure seems to offer real censorship resistance. If something like Pocketnet was intergrated with IPFS (assuming the naming problem will one day be cracked) do you think, short of turning off the internet, this would be pretty much un-censorable?

      • Ian, the Pocketnet team has evaluated several possibilities for content uploading, including IPFS. A decision was made to move forward with some open source torrent code incorporated in Pocketnet’s open source code which will be activated soon. Each user of the desktop app can elect to provide an amount of disk space for the community to use in a decentralized manner for content uploading that will be harder to attack and faster. Many of us are planning to provide a lot of space for the community and providing instructions on how to optimize the use of that space.

        The uploaded content will be addressed by the hash blockchain which is decentralized with a code like bitcoin operating on nodes, aka miners. Posts and associated images reside in a decentralized manner on the nodes also, accessed by the hash blockchain.

        Desktop application users and nodes are un-censorable and independent of the DNS system which can be used to block certain domains. Those using the browser companion will be interfacing through the DNS and possibly subject to domain blocking, as I understand it. I’ve not used the browser companion. The only way to stop Pocketnet users with the desktop app will be to hit the kill switch for the entire internet which would be a painful proposition for the powers that be.

        For more details, check out the information available at pocketnet.app

  20. #QFC

    As you have stated before, I share your view that there isn’t really a single, cohesive global power but rather an interconnected global network of competing interests and globalist power brokers, who are just as likely to stab each other in the back as anyone else.

    However, in your recent New World Next Week episode with James you spoke about the seeming peculiarity that, unlike recent historical precedents, current geopolitical moves appear to be pushing Russia and China together as a trading block.

    Given the focus on Eurasia, in keeping with Brzezinski’s doctrine over the last 40 years, and in light of the apparent tensions within the transatlantic ‘deep state partnership’ (the Council for National Policy behind Trump for example), is there any evidence that the ‘old world order’ (I guess I mean the Rhodes’ round table Pilgrim Society alliance) is shifting focus? Or is it waning?

    Who are the new players, if any? Or are the traditional power brokers now starting to see the Russian China block as the primary vehicle to establish its one world government, and is there any evidence that may point towards one or more these possibilities?

    Many thanks.

  21. Just from an observational perspective…

    Like a drop of water, it seems that particles of mass tend to attract each other.
    When particles freely clump, spherical shapes make sense.
    Pizza shapes don’t.

    I can just picture this huge pizza floating in space, gathering more and more crust on its outer edges (not toppings). Eventually the Universe becomes threatened by the Super-Sized Pizza ready to pizza-ize-disk anything near it, until finally the Universe ends with the Big Gulp.
    It is the Law of “7 Eleven”.

    • The Law of 7 Eleven ” & Recent Events in China

      Just this week, thousands of Hong Kong protestors used “The Law of 7 Eleven” as an umbrella to protect themselves from the police.
      They were protesting the China extradition bill.
      I am glad that I did not sell books in Hong Kong when I was in the book business.

      7/11 IMAGE

      Maybe the world is flat.
      It sure is weird sometimes.

      • Homey and M; I knew the universe was in good hands as I left this cosmos on the 13th of June. In my absence the world was adequately cataloged and defined ! Wow the things you miss when you try to duck out. 7-11 new universal law in physics… You will be nominated so pack your bag for Oslo HomeRemedySupply. A shoe in!

  22. Dear James,
    To change the subject completely, please can you tell us about the 5G roll out in Japan? Is there any public opposition and is the government showing any sign of monitoring the effect on public health or setting research based exposure standards? Have you read the BioInitiative Report 2012?
    If not please do, you will find it fascinating and chilling. It can be found at https://bioinitiative.org. It details all the most up to date research on the risks of ELF and RF radiation.

  23. Hi James,

    I have a question for you, or anyone else here:

    My question is about the war games that were planned on 9/11. Many believe that elements in the government planned these war games to make their false flag attacks on 9/11 easier. – But Let’s assume that Al Qaeda actually did entirely plan and execute the attacks on 9/11. Isn’t it possible that Al Qaeda somehow knew these war games were being planned on/near 9/11, and then because of that they decided to attack at this vulnerable time? How do we prove that Al Qaeda did not have any foreknowledge of the war games?


    • I was asked this very question by an autist “…. Isn’t it possible that Al Qaeda somehow knew these war games were being planned on/near 9/11, and then because of that they decided to attack at this vulnerable time?…”
      simple answer is that for them to know such a thing would require HUMAN interaction between a bunch of dudes in caves and a bunch of dudes in offices. Unlikely at the very least… its about as likely as YOU knowing what the Queen of ENgland likes for a snack….unless you know the same people as the queen knows it inst a viable thing. This makes more sense when you see an organization in action and watch how infomation passes around, or when you see that while YOU know info from the internet most people do not even know what your talking about. Information passes thru very clear channels, even informally, in that there has to be a link and no one passes on ifo thru a third party that has zero interest in it.
      example traffic controller talks to buddy about drill….. what are the chances the buddy will pass that info to any one else? Will they know a terrorist that has interest in it? Information must pass thru channels that can be see after the fact

    • “But Let’s assume that Al Qaeda actually did entirely plan and execute the attacks on 9/11.”

      It is not necessary to answer the questions that follows your assumption.

      That is because WE KNOW Al Qaeda did not plan and execute the attacks on 9/11.

      It would probably be worthwhile for you to spend more time learning why we know this, rather than posing questions such as the ones you did.

    • Why would that be a vulnerable time? If military and police are running a drill why would it be an opportune moment to attack the very targets which were targetted by the drill itself?

      If cops had a bank robbery drill going on and bank robbers knew about it, would they rob the same bank in which the drill was being conducted? This is a plot for an Ocean’s sequel, not a plan for a terrorist attack.

      • It sounds like he’s a goner mkey.
        He believes Al Qaeda did the deed and that whenever the U.S.
        engages in war games exercises, by default they pull all their forces to one side of the country so that the other side is completely exposed to a possible attack.

      • Maybe I should have said this to begin with, but I don’t think Al Qaeda entirely planned these attacks by themselves (this is pretty obvious when you compare WTC7 falling to controlled demolitions). I am just trying to figure out what evidence we can use to prove “U.S. involved inside job” versus any of the other options (like say Saudi Arabia did 9/11, and the US govt just let it happen).

        I see your point about the robbery situation. But the 9/11 attacks were different. In James’ 9/11 War games documentary, he shows that the air traffic controllers were confused about what were false radar injects, and what were real hijacked aircraft. It could be possible that a terrorist group like Al Qaeda may predict this confusion and take advantage of it.

          • I should have put this in my first message, but I honestly am not trying to be argumentative or trying to prove people wrong just for the sake of proving people wrong. I’m in my 9/11 research phase now, and I thought this was the best place to go to get some good counterpoints to the idea I mentioned.

            I know there is evidence to show the 9/11 attacks were a US-involved inside job (WTC7, etc). With regards to only the 9/11 war games, I used to think they 100% proved a US-involved inside job. But then I thought there could be some other possible scenarios were the US govt did not necessarily need to be on the inside (but perhaps just negligent, and not actively planning the attacks). Here is one possible scenario like that:

            Say the US govt planned all these 9/11 war games purely for drill purposes. I would imagine that all these drills are not highly classified, and that the US govt would let our allies (like Saudi Arabia and Israel) know about some of these war games ahead of time. It is possible that the Saudi royal family (who has closed ties to the Bin Ladens) in conjunction with Al Qaeda planned the 9/11 attacks during the US’s war game scenarios because they knew (possibly from past experience with this type of thing) this would be a good time to attack. As the “9/11 War Games” documentary shows, air traffic controllers were confused about what were false radar injects and what were real hijacked air craft, which prevented them from doing their jobs effectively.

            —So the above comment/question is my final QFC question (was not clear enough with my original).—

            • It seems that you are in the early stages of serious 9/11 research knightsr?

              I’m not trying to be flippant, but it would serve you best to continue with your research for at least a couple more years before asking the questions you have posed here.

              I have studied 9/11 for years, and it takes time to get to the bottom of the crime.
              We can’t give you a satisfactory answer in one or two paragraphs.

              First pay your dues, then if things still aren’t clear come back with your questions.

              While you are doing your 9/11 research, it would be helpful to also do some research into statistics and probability.

            • Note that the drill thing is a common, recurring theme. 9/11, London metro “attack”, Paris, probably more than I’m aware. The drill is a cover, not a foot in the door for terrorists with boxcutters.

  24. In case anyone missed it, today was the day Brendon Tarrant, alleged Christchurch killer, was assigned his trial date.
    Arrested on March 15, 2019, he will stand trial on May 4, 2020.

    Why wasn’t Bin Laden, alleged 9/11 mastermind, arrested on May 2, 2011 and brought to trial for 9/11?
    Why did the U.S. government (a government that takes pride in its democratic justice system) choose to kill him when they had the perfect opportunity to arrest him and show the world just how democratic they are?

  25. Hi James,

    A personal and honest note-

    I find your answer regarding getting along with friends despite them not being on the conspiracy research camp very inspiring. Perhaps, we each have our own strengths and weakness and what is easy for one person may be difficult for another. And you sure seem to have a strength regarding this matter that I can learn from.

    I must confess, although the phenomenon of being ”The guy at the party who keeps talking about 9 11” did not occur often for me, it did sometimes, not quit in parties, but a similar kind of thing.

    It seems you found an easeful and reasonable approach, giving videos which promote a sense of urgency and need and yet knowing not to impose this clearly important stuff on others in day to day situations. And I guess there is a fine line between making something available to others and imposing it on them. And I am still looking for how to be good at it. I do think that as someone who does not run a website it may be reasonable to offer investigative explorations for others at times. But one should seek to do it in the right proportion and manner and timming. Else, hmmm….It can be kind of lacking in tact and social reasonability.

    Thanks a lot,


  26. #QFC

    Hello James,

    I had this question for quite a while now. Why is the state of Israel so important on the geopolitical chessboard? Why the US is funding it so heavily and every politician in the US and in Europe as well have to support it if they want to have a chance to progress their careers? You often call it on NWNW with Pilato “the third rail of geopolitics”. Why does it have that kind of power in fact why did it had to be created in the first place? I’ve tried to answer this question “myself” but all I got was in the lines of “It’ s the Jews!!” or “Nothing to see here”, which are both lets say unsatisfactory and/or bias.
    So to sum up: Why is the state of Israel so important?

    Thanks for taking the time and sorry for the long question
    Recommendations on well sourced books and documentaries will be appreciated

  27. alexandre I’m with you 100% on “Where’s the beef?” with AI?

    I know exactly where you are coming from and what your frustrations are with the whole topic.

    The MSM seems to get on a ‘flavor-of-the-year/decade(s)’ kick with any number of topics.

    Terrorist boogeymen, Gobal warming (morphed into Climate change), AI etc. etc.

    Personally I have seen no evidence of true intelligence in any AI device to date.

    Despite all the computer power we have today, all the miniaturization, I have yet to see anything come even remotely close to making intelligent independent (as in unprogrammed) decisions.

    Specific tasks sure: if this isn’t here, do that, then if this isn’t here, do that… etc. If you want to call that intelligence… Puh-lease!!!

    For goodness sake, they still haven’t even been able to come up with a simple ‘intelligent’ automated telephone answering system that doesn’t make me pull my hair out, curse and throw my phone on the floor! 🙁

    • I would call a spade a spade and simply call it
      ‘fake intelligence’ rather than ‘artificial intelligence’.

      If it can’t do basic thinking and reasoning then it’s not intelligent.
      A computer/robot regurgitating programmed information is not thinking/intelligent, no matter how many ‘if thens’ it has processed.

      Let me see a computer/robot write a novel on par with ‘Crime and Punishment’ or piece of music on par with Sibelius’ Violin Concerto
      and then we’ll talk A.I.

  28. James, I have a question.

    Some of us have been discussing the connection between Silicon Valley and pension funds in the comments for Episode 359 – The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know, and I am wondering if that is an aspect you’ve looked into.

    It seems to me that the wealth of information that was provided in The Great Pension Fund Hoax, the documentary I’d linked to that sparked the conversation, could be just the thing to reach a mainstream and global audience, since so many now seem to be noticing something is wrong with the world.

    In the comments, Corbett Report member CQ provided us with a great overview of the documentary, and HomeRemedySupply added to it all with some current news on this “insidious timebomb of incredible magnitude.”

    Have you looked into this? If not, would you please? Thank you!

  29. The world has gone crazy. When ? I can only speculate. I would guess the start was after WWII . Most certainly as pre-supposed and
    for-knowlegded and foreshadowed in Stanley Kubricks film ” Dr. Stranglove”. Certainly a biopic of Dr Edwin Teller.
    This prelog to my question for Corbett came to me on the most charged of occasions, the 4th of July.
    Sitting in an amphitheater before a large stage on a clear sunny morning, the National Repertoire Orchestra was performing for 3000+ people tunes from Broadway and all the patriotic standards. Above the portable pavilion covering the stage came the very high altitude jets spraying chemical trails in an otherwise clear sky. The mountain range that made this bowl of an amphitheater blocked the horizon to the front so one could not see how far away the chemical trail started. I say this because the spray ended at the mountain range to our backs, very high in the sky. I got the impression it was a skywriting spectacular event at 60,000ft.just for our benefit or as I openly opined to my fellow spectators an direct insult to our sacred day and obvious F.U. Americans, in your face you useless eaters kind of thing. By the end and before we could walk back to the car the blue sky turned to a silver soup of gray haze.
    Question for Corbett; does the space fence extend around the world, America to Russia to Eurasia to China to Pacific, at the behest of the global banking cabal, or at the behest of each sovereign crazy ( keep up with the Jones’s) Dr.Teller type paranoid Generals and Admirals? Either way we the people are the ones getting F’ ed.

    • …on a clear sunny morning… …By the end and before we could walk back to the car the blue sky turned to a silver soup of gray haze.

      Man! I hate those kind of days. Gorgeous, blue, sunny skies deliberately mucked over.

  30. So James, is it reasonable to expect a special feature from you in the next few days on the 50th anniversary of the (cough) world famous moon landing?

    Rather than a small NWNW footnote?

      • Maybe NASA surprises us with a secret you’re-50-only-once surprise mission to the Moon (and back), hopefully after 50 years (several technology leaps and all) they have managed to recover some of that advanced 60es technology they lost (especially the advanced flight computer) and weren’t able to reproduce even since, but I’m betting that wherever it’s lost it must be sitting with all of those tapes and flight recordings (you know, those same tapes acting as the eternal proof to the most notable human accomplishment in modern history if not of all time, at least as far as we know it; not counting some fine lost and forgotten civilisations which may have had a feat or two of their own) behind a fridge somewhere.

  31. For the next Questions for Corbett edition:

    Have you or has anyone looked into the Russian side of such questions as to whether the FSB was or was not involved in the Moscow apartment bombing, or whether the Internet Research Agency is a Deep State operation?

    I have observed that lots of people opine on these matters but have not seen anyone, especially from within Russia, who has actually investigated and ‘debunked’ these questions either way.

    The issue of who financed the Internet Research Agency would be key. I did see one Russian journalist wheeled out to speak at the CFR, but that did not convince me either way that the operation was backed by the Russian State, whereas there is plenty of evidence that Russiagate was a Western intelligence agency operation.

  32. Questions for Corbett

    Mr. Corbett,
    I am curious as to some of the cultural-societal-economic changes you have been noticing in Japan with the declining population.

    For example:
    (Steve Mollman article excerpt)
    …Less noticed is another alarming figure that’s been growing. According to the latest government statistics, the number of abandoned homes in Japan reached a record high of 8.5 million as of Oct. 1, 2018, up by 260,000 from five years earlier. As a proportion of total housing stock, abandoned homes reached 13.6%.

    I enjoy the “backdrops” of different places and/or cultural aspects around Japan in many of your videos.

  33. Short note: There will be no update on Tavistock. Apologies.

    Ever since QfC 44 (two ago) came out, where somebody asked about activism (and I have long since forgotten what his question was), my question lingers:
    Should We Do Activism At All?

    Might it not be better to develop skills in which we are great in and then embed our developed ethics or character and knowledge that we would otherwise use for activism and combine these two for enterprises or foundations?

    Problems I see with activism:
    + we often bring to people something they didn’t ask for (instead of people coming to us or we making people curious of something and then they buy from us or contract us)
    + I have seen too many activists contributing little value to people and sometimes even rather wasting their potential doing activism
    + There are so many professional activists sponsored by huge organizations, astroturfing etc. Our activism usually doesn’t compare to that, is a joke, little successfull
    + Impact/effective altruism (yes, hated Peter Singer) – maybe rather first become big and influential: wouldn’t it be great to have someone as huge as Peter Thiel on our side?

    Maybe “the solutions” will be technical or business offers anyway and have nothing whatsoever to do with activism and/or increasing awareness and consciousness, e.g.: https://urbit.org/primer/
    (I would actually really like opinions of knowledgeable people on that one.)

    or http://freeprivatecities.com/

  34. Hi James, Here is a question for you. Environment Canada has just erased 100 years of climate data from 1850 to 1950 probably to hide the fact there was a mini ice age. They justified their decision by saying that their computer models using temperatures recorded from 1950 to 2005 are more accurate, something I know you debunked. Do you know if this data is totally lost or are there any international repositories of historical temperature data? I watched your presentation at the 5G Crisis Summit and wondered if have you ever interviewed Claire Edwards who used to work at the UN and tackled the Secretary General about the risks of WiFi to staff health before leaving to work for the Stop 5G in Space and on Earth Appeal? If not please could you do so or Dr Erica Mallory Blythe of PHIRE. Keep up the good work if is much appreciated.
    We don’t all just sit and watch. I have been campaigning locally to stop 5G and watching channels like yours has fundamentally changed my life in every way.

  35. Hi James, I have a question concerning the Corbett Report and crypto. I seem to remember there being a QR code for various crypto payments on the website, but cannot see it anywhere, and am wondering: are you no longer able to accept crypto for DVD and subscription payments due to some government regulations (I live in Japan, too) or am I just not looking in the right place? Anyway, I was hoping to be able to buy some DVDs and transfer payment for my subscription over to Monero or Bitcoin Cash.

  36. Q4C: Your philosophical help would be greatly appreciated. The question that God-Smacked me was; What does it look like when the dialectic argument ends. Does it look like what we, (Americans) are witnessing and what we are awaking to?

    Does hope end if the dialog stops between two opposing realities? Is that when War ends? The point where War begins?

    It came to me when I heard the remark ” for the sake of argument” and the thought of ” for the forsake of argument” .

    Do we have a dialog with TPTSB or have we moved to the next paradigm shift, to a current flowing only one way?

  37. Q4C: I’ve been recently reading about Ali Mohamed, al-Qaeda’s “9/11 hijacking trainer.” He supposedly trained the alleged hijackers while working for the U.S. Special Forces, CIA, and FBI. National Geographic made a documentary on Mohamed in what appears to be damage control, where they paint a story of the clumsy government that had no idea one of their own was a spy for al-Qaeda.

    My question is, is this all a 4-D chess limited hangout? The Arab hijacker part of the official government story is so murky, with little to no proof they actually hijacked and flew any of the planes. Could the “slip” of information about Mohamed training the hijackers be part of an effort to bolster the official story of Arab hijackers being the ones really responsible? Or is Ali Mohamed really a key to 9/11 truth?

  38. Mindboggling.

    “working together with homeless people”… that sounds incredibly ominous.

    “empower homeless people with their own identity data”… a lot better than giving them some sort of a dependable and reliable shelter. They don’t have anything, but their data is secure as can be on MyPass servers.

  39. Thanks for this news manbearpig!
    I can’t help but to think of Aaron Russo (circa late 2006/early 2007) when he is interviewed and talks about the RFID Human Implant Chip as part of the New World Order and its financial system.

    Aaron Russo certainly had the general idea of where things were headed.
    Perhaps, he stumbled about some things.
    For example, I don’t think Nick Rockefeller was from a direct lineage of the big boy Rockefeller club.
    CORBETT REPORT Who Is Nicholas Rockefeller? – Q4C #038

    • Shortly after I watched the Aaron Russo interview I looked up Nicholas Rockefeller. On a Rockefeller Web site a Nicholas Rockefeller was named as the director of a fund or foundation, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, or one of those. Later as I was looking for the same site to forward to someone, I found that his name had been removed, possibly because of the Russo interview? In any case, there seems to be strong reason to believe that Nick Rockefeller was who Russo said he was.

  40. Seriously creepy. Looking into ID2020, I learned that actress Lucy Lui is one of its co-founders. She directed a short film called “Meena”, a true account of a young Indian girl, aged 11, who was forced into sex slavery. Apparently, this ID thing is meant to protect vulnerable citizens like refugees and the homeless, and Texas being a hot spot for both, I guess is why Austin is implementing this cloak of compassion. I’ll bet San Antonio, Houston and Dallas won’t be far behind:

    “Founded in 2014 by fintech entrepreneur John Edge in conjunction with the actress Lucy Liu, ID2020’s advisory board includes financial innovator Blythe Masters, former New York Solicitor General and General Counsel to the Office of Management and Budget Preeta Bansal and Ethereum CTO Dr. Gavin Wood.

    “People’s inability to prove their identity, either with paper documents or digitally, facilitates or deepens human suffering. It feeds the trade in human trafficking, hinders relief agencies’ ability to manage refugee crises, and renders massive populations of minorities stateless. It is also a major contributing factor to financial exclusion, which affects an estimated 2 billion people worldwide.”

    Source: https://archive.fo/alpeb


    “We are in the midst of a worldwide crisis of identity exclusion. A lack of identifying documentation — the inability to prove who you are — feeds some of the great tragedies of our time: human trafficking, disenfranchised refugees, stateless “non-citizens,” and billions of people in both the developed and developing world denied access to the basic services that are needed to progress in life. Armed with the promise of technological innovation, these are the challenges that ID2020 is seeking to tackle. Consider a situation like that portrayed in the film Meena, which was directed by Identity 2020 co-founder Lucy Liu. Based on a true story, Meena tells the story of a young girl sold into sexual slavery by her uncle. As an adult, she works with an anti-slavery organization to free the son and daughter she bore in captivity. But she’s up against an almost insurmountable barrier: A person without a formal identity document — a child or adult with no record of where they were born, where they live, who their parents are, or where they belong — is so much more vulnerable when sold into sex or labor slavery. A person without identity, according to the trafficker’s reasoning, is a person no one will miss and that no one is likely to find. These undocumented people make up the bulk of the estimated 20.9 million men, women and children trafficked for commercial sex or forced labor around the world today.”

    Source: govserv.org/US/New-York/873379779376324/ID2020

    • So insidious. Given all your findings, MBP, someone needs to write a more comprehensive report.

      “funny how they neglect to point out that government insiders are among those running those sex trafficking and slavery networks. Not surprising they have intimate knowledge of a sex ‘trafficker’s reasoning’.”

      Exactly. All the motives and mechanisms of this orwellian world are built on false premises.

    • “and renders massive populations of minorities stateless.”

      Oh no, we can’t have that, can we. Statelessness leads to anarchy, chaos, death, confusion, hunger and rape.

      “It is also a major contributing factor to financial exclusion, which affects an estimated 2 billion people worldwide.”

      Unlike mass bombing campaigns and prohibition which lead to happy bunnies, colorful flowers, merry-go-rounds and rainbows shooting across the skies.

      Nothing builds infrastructure like a chip forceully implanted in your flesh. Damn the Nuremberg convention, I say. It’s so post-mass-starvation-and-mass-slaughter-20th-century kind of thing. We need new solutions for the new century. And we need to act now!!!

  41. MBP; I have been on a “comparative ” bent lately. I don’t know if it works for learning anything but to me it is informative . It does take some time however. The THC and alcohol saturated liberal minds around here see it as a waste of time. They generally fail to remember the contents of the presentations they were trying to compare. So I was hoping you wouldn’t mind using ( comparing) your great find “tallbloke” and the recent interview by Claudia at Cabin Talk with Marvin Herndon. Causal science of discoverers and historians. Hope its not a waste of time.
    ps I found a dozen new English words I must look up in your tares of late, thank you.


    Plus News

  42. That’s a really good mashup of current events accented by Midsomar brainwashing/normalization, but it has one fatal flae – doesn’t fit on a meme.

    I wish I could better appreciate intricacies presented by Midsomar but I could’t force myself to watch that film. TSM did a good jod dissecting the damned, esoteric is right up their alley.

  43. MBP, do you think you are immune to this poison?. Im referring here to a paper Rupert Shelldrake or possibly Ervin Lazlo spoke of. The memory of water. They described the experiments of gradually diluting water containing a drug to a point where it had no affect on mice and their endocrine system. The point of dilution was infinite it seems.
    Can you dilute this visual drug, which I agree with the Dykes, is a poison of sorts, so you will nolonger suffer its poisonous effects? Or are you doomed to carry this around with you, haunting you the rest of your life? Happy Hallow eve.

  44. Buck up kiddo, MBP : Its a ghost story ya know!
    A homoapthic French immunologist named Jacques Benveniste. I believe he had diabetic mice and diluted insulin in water many times until the mice finally went into shock. What I remember was the perceived threat to big pharma and all the implications it had. He got many years of funding to duplicate the experiment. DOD,was one, sound familiar. Wiki says they were unable to replicate the original findings.


    You don’t worry about passing any germs around the Corbett report . I would say they know cinema has a way of bypassing our defenses and going straight into our subconscious. It will be dealt with there so long as you keep producing those Joan of Arch tares that build our mental { conscious } mussels. They give strength to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Your students are the luckiest frogs on the planet, next to TCR readers.
    Marvin Hendon, Clifford Carnicom are two very smart old, twinkle eyed, white haired scientists of integrity. Most of the discoveries came on their own dime. They battled corruption and payed a price. Men like this are rare in science today. Ann Broach, I hope I spelled it correctly, type drive, empathy and character. Scientists we need to know of before they are gone. They know the risks and plow ahead exposing the grand game that is afoot.
    No apologies needed you keep matadoring those bulls and I will think up some new ghost stories.
    Have you heard the one about a tri-chimera monster created by a mad scientist who weaponised the cinema. A young corporate English teacher at a local atomic nuclear power plant entered a movie house in Lyons to watch an environmental documentary movie and was transformed into… A man/ bear/ pig!!!
    May the spooks be with you.

  45. Extend the meaning of gorgeous in various ways and that’s Sophie.

    Musk is selling fairy tales with his interface device.
    I’m pretty sure about it, but with small reservation.

    Similar interfaces helped some quadriplegics to control devices in a rudimentary way. I’m not sure is this just the ability of the interface system or neuroplasticity of brain was also involved in solution.
    Extensive training is needed for such systems to work, interface must be adjusted for every person. I haven’t seen any information whether brain also adjusts itself during the process. If that is the case, mmmmm, not good, Elon might be right, at least to some extent.

    “…taking a coca-cola ad as a real event”

    Science and technology are new God for them. They are almighty.
    Never mind that it is proven they have limits, proven fundamentally and in many concrete situations.
    Of course, new priests won’t tell it to its congregation.

  46. I’m absolutely certain they already have it.

    When I first saw Boston robotics mule in action years ago, my mind immediately added a galting-gun on top of it, it’s a military-logical progression.

  47. Yes, yes, blame it on vaccines.

    “I don’t know officer, first they took a needle to my arm and thirty years later I wake up at the wheel of this bloody lorry after running over both the democratic and republican assembly. By accident, of course.”

  48. MBP ; I was gone to the mountains during this educational period. Step away for a minute and a vital piece of the puzzle gets missed.
    Today is Thursday April 16th, 2020. Time 10:54am CST US .
    From the Tulsa World; by Kevin Canfield.
    TULSA Mayor G.T. Bynum. Is in lock step with Globalist Agenda. Lock step is now defended as Stack Step.
    Mayor Bynum is part of a weekly conversation with experts on Coronavirus . The Mayor speaks to former Presidents Bush and Obama. For the last few weeks Bynum has participated in Bloomberg Philanthorpies
    ‘ Coronavirus Local Responce Sessions Weekly Teleconference with John Hopkins latest public health analysis. Moderated by Harvard professors to direct the different management aspects of It.
    [It,,, being the key word here.] The article continues with; two weeks ago Presidents Obama spoke. ‘” Bush really focused on the importance of being able to give people hope about the future. Bynum said” Reminding people of what this looks like – not just what we’re dealing with right now- but what the future can hold when we get get though this.
    Obama spoke about the importance of speaking the truth and not spinning things…if you have good experts and you are not afraid to look dumb by asking them questions and then following their guidance and their advice, you are going to get through this just fine.”
    What the Fμ©% ?! This is just like a slimy Machiavellian Prince. Get these Billionaires out of the public’s business. You let one in and he builds a mega theme park for the public then the next thing you know all the public parks are deemed surplus and are to be sold off to select private parties for development. Same ol’same ol’. This is in cities all over the country and are at odds with Statehouses all over the country. Gridlock, Lockstep and stackstep.

    Today’s agenda– death certificates? Nope , then its golf and the show in the sky, freely given here for our weekly solar dimming ballet and our future breathing comfort.” No ‘D’ for your future COPD.”

  49. Alex could you finish orchestrating Misty while MBP summarizes the Stack Step.
    You didn’t miss a lick. This guy needed to be the asshole of the NWO. Seems its a competition and he won. Question is how do we remove his ilk from our local communities.

  50. Somethings are better left undiscovered. Stacks may be another form of art that flames out at 300 feet. To be civilized to the point of a singularity, then to progress to a nothing. Hope is eternal.

  51. MBP . you got me there. Titanic idea that can’t hit an iceberg soon enough. Molecular indigestion that will take an antacid the size of Paris.
    Im going to give you a hug and agree with you on being fried. This has consumed the last of the free RAM I was saving for that utopia promised by Mayor Bynum. Only a cinder remains now, that will be ground to dust by stacks of stacks stacking.

    …stacktegery? Oh MBP you need a ant colony to manage.

    What’s wrong with that?

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