What’s Your Take on Assange? – Questions For Corbett #044

by | Apr 19, 2019 | Questions For Corbett | 53 comments

What’s your take on Assange? Have you heard of Unit 731? And just who is Percy Corbett, anyway? Get James’ answer to these and other important questions in this edition of Questions For Corbett.

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    • Thanks for your response to “Troy” which answered questions about your “climate change” perspective that have nagged me.
      Although this was good, I would appreciate a video breakdown about your views on planetary preservation/restoration of health and habitability while leaving possible questions about projected co2/hoax agendas unaddressed and unanswered.
      A matter-of-fact, non-confrontational “here’s our planet, here’s how it works, here’s how & why it’s going wrong, here’s what can help/change/restore/preserve.” (ALL broken-down with references, like you always so professionally do. And ‘words’ can’t thank you enough…)
      After hearing about GMOs, HAARP? fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, all the way to suicide, those who still ask “what about co2, carbon-credits and global warming?” we can respond with “Oh, that?” leading to your debunking videos.
      Your work and perspective has convinced me to raise my monthly donation.

    • Hello, James.

      I was wondering if you could provide an extensive reading list (some, perhaps, necessitating caveats)—set on a separate page—of all the works you deem worthy of one’s time (I’m well aware that you’ve listed several volumes to tackle, in previous podcasts). One book that I can’t stop thinking about, is the blue, hardcover book (sans dustjacket) on the second shelf from the top, on the left side of your bookdhelf, which contains a double helix, on the spine—I’m just drawn to it.

      Thanks in advance, if you decide to indulge my OCD inclinations regarding such matters.

      Keep up the excellent work.


    • To reciprocate, in advance, for my previous request re book recommendations from yourself: Judging from your hyperlink to Frederick Lewis Allen’s book, The Great Pierpont Morgan; might I suggest The Lords of Creation; penned by the same author? It was once prohibitively expensive; but, Mark Crispin Miller has made it available at an affordable price, & while I haven’t finished The Great Pierpont Morgan, it’s quite clear that this earlier work is superior.


  1. 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory was at a slower pace than the more recent Conspiracy Theory videos. I like the former’s delivery speed better. It just seems unnecessary to rush it that much, and it doesn’t add to the comedic value. Just my two cents.

  2. Unit 731 had a book about 25 yrs ago with that name by Peter williams… my cat threw up all over it so years ago i dont have a copy but its on amazon.
    ONLINE SECURITY… is actually pretty easy unless you have the NAS after you… get an old PC (pref not intel…but an one from some years ago is prob ok) it should have 3 or four gigs ram but you can get by with 2
    Take OUT the Hard drive… you can just unplug them if you like.
    Burn a CD of Puppy linux which runs in RAM
    Boot computer from the CD (or YOU COULD USE A “LIVE usb.. YOUTUBE SHOWS HOW)
    Connect to intenet and if you want to be super paranoid change the password (prob not worth the bother TBH)
    surf and save what you want to a USB stick
    when you turn off PC everything in it will be gone… no virus no spyware no passwords no history… its back to the origional PC every time
    it is a PITA to need to reconnect to VPN’s or whatever… you CAN use Parrot linux in RAM from live USB too and it has a built in IP anoymizer but I dont need all the stegography and crypto tools and i just like puppy better.
    The only way to leave long term spywaer on your PC would be Intel Manegnmnt engine or something like that…. its not NSA proof but it will save you from google and it is pretty easy.
    you just need to write your longins in a pad….. h and always turn power off at wall for any PC

  3. Hi James, thanks as always,

    On the point about JA, there’s no doubt the Intel complex has sought to use him as a cut-out as a strategy to discredit him,… so in your indulgence of continuing skepticism about him & WL, I propose you’ve taken Brzezinski’s bait. In your tolerance that Assange may be a theatrical player, please illustrate which of the 5Eyes Intel Services it is that would have tolerated any of the following in order to honey-trap its opposition: The Collateral Murder Files, US Diplomatic Cables, Panama Papers, DNC Server Mirrors, Podesta Email Hacks, Sony Pictures Hack, TPP Exposure, and, most importantly, Vault 7 & Vault 8. From where I sit, WL has offered the ONLY whistleblower protection mechanism known to work effectively (enough) to date. In other words, what is the hypothetical strategy that would have entailed exposing the family jewels in order to achieve intelligence end-goals? (I offer my own far-flung conspiracy hypothesis in a follow up post.)

    That said, I’ll totally concede the theory that the TOR Project was a honey-pot AND a means of cloaking field intelligence work, that Jacob Applebaum was selected exactly because of his charisma and sexual abusiveness for the role of gatekeeping the resistance (in similar fashion to how Weinstein, Saville or Cosby were given powerful roles), and that MANY people around Assange have been either clandestinely on intelligence assignments or flipped to turn against him without too much trouble, be it Applebaum, Poitras, Chomsky or John Perry Barlow. For more on the illustration of TOR’s dubious virtues I direct you to Yeshua Levine’s recent book Surveillance Valley about the history of the internet.

    And that takes us to the question of “how to encrypt one’s self and be incognito on the internet” provided by Jason. The short answer is “You can’t.” Certainly don’t give the farm away by using any BigTech software/social networks, but if and when you do, you must accept that – if you are conscious of the risks – it is as an act of civil disobedience to use it at all, as audacious as standing on a soap box in the agora and screaming at the top of your lungs all of your taboo political opinions. The Internet is a weapon, was designed as a weapon, and will always be a weapon before it is anything else. As soon as you attempt to hide yourself you get red-flagged and become a automatically tracked target. Again, read Levine’s book; it’s good. The best thing you can do is to limit your reliance and addiction to the internet, to accept that using it is a conventional convenience that comes with treacherous risk, and implies consent that you forfeit the 1st and 4th Amendments (if you’re a USA State Citizen). James’s warning that only the NSA or CIA can really track you is aspirational; as time goes by those abilities will trickle down to every branch of law enforcement and corporate security service. So cover your camera lenses and only look at porn you think the agents tasked to follow you will enjoy watching themselves.

    • On the point of Assange’s 9/11 concessions to mainstream groupthink, my assumption has always been that it was a tactical decision, as a publisher seeking an audience, to allow Chomsky’s Party Line (which also includes JFK group-think) as the low bar for entry to public dialog. And if you measure the take in whistleblown booty, it was a compromise worth making. Vault 7 & Vault 8 for gods’ sake! We know that Langley has no trouble mimicking foreign aggressors, ala the Guccifer 2.0 narrative nonsense, in addition to watching every single one of us at all times without fail, unless we actually build our own hardware. <— And if you've done that, however much I sincerely appreciate Duck's advice above, you've automatically enslaved yourself and become VERY interesting to your pursuers.

      Skipping back… so this is my Question For Corbett for next time: James, I’m curious how much you've read of Assange's own writing. As philosophers, you and he appear not too distant. As journalists with fairly common missions, however, I can understand why you might be inclined to distance yourself from him, both rhetorically and in the public eye. He's certainly a polarizing figure with many daggers pointed his way. …WL has revealed much First Source resources to the public benefit. Have you utilized much or any of it? If not, is this a conscious decision? (The film the Spider's Web is a great example of revelations stemming from WL's publishing, for instance.) Are there points of Philosophy about which you can say you disagree with Assange, from his professed statements and writing?

      *Now for my totally woo woo theory: The only way for Assange's exposure of the near entirety of the establishment's dirty laundry would be to have intentionally installed Trump as the Last President by some cabal within the 5Eyes, as a 60+ year long conspiracy plan by those who took possession of Tesla's papers upon his death, centered around Trump's uncle John G. Trump. It would entail a super-hi-tech breakaway secret society so advanced (at this point) that nothing in the current historical narrative would be even remotely true or authentic. And even then, that only answers the question of why would 5Eyes show their dirty laundry (because very soon it will be obsolete, irrelevant information), not "is Assange, wittingly or not, controlled." (More likely he's a true antagonist who has gained much ground, and the establishment he hounds wants it to appear that they were in control the whole time.) And on this totally insane theory, I'd say the litmus test will be the arrival of the virtual "Alien Invasion," which you've discussed before. And, I'd say, for it to be true, the invasion would have to happen before Trump's 3rd term is completed… There you have it.

      Apologies, James, for abusing my 3000 character bandwidth allocation. I'm my own worst editor.

    • Skip
      “…The Internet is a weapon, was designed as a weapon, and will always be a weapon before it is anything else….”
      The times when people have been freest is when good weapons have been avilible to the mass of regular men…. without the internet THE POWERS WOULD NOT need TO WORK SO HARD TO distract people because 99% of people who distrust them today would still be believing the corperate media.
      The danger of the net is that millions are entertaining themselves to death and porn-ing their energies away. Just like you point out the TOR is set up for them I think its like the allies in WW2 where they set up a radio navigation system in the Med… AFTER asking if such a system would be more useful to the axies or the allies and deciding that they wanted one EVEN IF the enimy could use it too….or like the printing press printing books that people in power liked AND ones they did not.

      “…As soon as you attempt to hide yourself you get red-flagged and become a automatically tracked target….”
      In the doc 1971 about the time the FBI field office got `broken into and it came out what they had been doing tit was clkear that the FBI had a deliberate planto make peope think there was “a fed behind every mailbox” … its the fear that makes a panopticon work. If everyone is scared because they are on a list then really they have already lost whatever freedom they had… to be honest anyone NOT on some kind of list for thinking the ‘wrong thing’ by now is probably a worthless human being who has no values anyway. Really the whole point of letting people know that the government can watch is is to make them self censor and be scared to speak out. If we wait until they are jailing people for disagreeing with the government then it will already be too late to do anything anyway.

      “….The best thing you can do is to limit your reliance and addiction to the internet,..” its the addiction that saps people thinking power you are 100% right.

      “… convenience that comes with treacherous risk…” very true

      • “… its the fear that makes a panopticon work.”

        I love this. You’re totally right. We’re not that much more advanced than chickens when it comes to organizing us and tricking us.

        I haven’t seen “1971.” I look forward to checking it out.

        Levine’s book is a must-read. (Unexpectedly to me) It is a book of great scope. It references Douglas Valentine at one point, which I took as a sign of level-headedness, candor, and sober sourcing.

        The unconsciousness-yet-sentient machine is kind of alive. And even the children of the powerful are scared shitless, having no idea what to expect.

        Exciting times.

        I mean really, …

        Who are the happy children of Henry Kissinger?

        (It’s a trick question.)

        There’s no enemy and there’s no winning.

        But don’t get mad at people who entertain themselves to death and get lost in the life of the internet, thoughtlessly even, and pawn their psyche to the Borg. That’s like victim-blaming. Be kind, no?

        The radio nav system, printing presses, machine guns, directed energy weapons, the television, the phonetic alphabet, indoor plumbing, – as the Other Great Canadian (OGC), Marshall McLuhan observed, the dominance of one society over its neighbor always hinges upon the upper hand in coping with and manipulating some new technology. And the technology is always some novel externalization of our nervous system that disrupts established social form, as we can see daily with these machines before us, as dynamic as the software. ‘If you don’t adopt – and adapt – you die,’ as it were. Or at least your way of life is transformed. It’s a fascinating conundrum, how to participate in the singular exo-mind, without compromising what we feel and perceive is self-hood. Even as a Catholic, I don’t think McLuhan would have been so proud to herald that there’s something eerily “Catholic” about it in its potential for unity and drive to universality.

        Even if one rejects the habit with the hardware and software and you have the audacity to go entirely without the screen, you’re still awash in electromagnetic flux as has never been known to the planet… ever …Not in any kind of homeo-stasis, at least, as far as we know. We’re all right there with the bee colonies, man, awash in Monsanto juice and Pharma Water. It makes the psychic cold war paralysis created by Mutual Assured Destruction look like child’s play. But it’s all of a kind. A form of negative advertising, tailored to a purpose and it might even be true.

        Taking the long view, if it doesn’t break every single psyche, it’ll result in a planet full of zen monks. And that’ll be like our “all the hebrews returning to Jerusalem” Moment, because on that day, we’ll finally MAKE CONTACT with our Red Panda Brothers and Sisters, toward whom we’ve been evolving ever since the adoption by Human Culture of “the High-Five” and the celebration of the arch of triumphant bodyslam by WWF’s Jimmy SuperFly Snooka.

        I think we’re in agreement, no?

    • Assange’s comments on 9/11 (are much like Chomsky’s. The events are not “particularly important”. Never mind they changed the course of history, (dramatically altering the rules of war and civil governance at home and abroad)are incompatible with what and who he claims to be. It is that simple. So, he is smart enough to hack into secure networks as a teenager but not smart to see the Twin Towers could only have been blown-up and Building 7 could only have been imploded? Does that seem even remotely plausible to anyone? Because it doesnt to me. The list of releases you list is a kind of strawman bc no one is denying those things have not occurred. The question is, who benefits the most, overall, in the long term? 9/11 was not just another event, or is what hap’d to those buildings a matter of opinion.

      • I believe the reason Chomsky, Assange, Amy Goodman, et. al, will not touch the topic of 9/11 is because they know it would be career suicide to do so. The costs outweigh the benefits, in their eyes. They would immediately be smeared, discredited, and called “conspiracy loonies”. I think that they figure it’s more worth it to keep doing what they do with some credibility, than to be laughed off the world stage by the established.

      • Philosophy and Critical Reasoning is not taught in our school system except as an optional subject, at the post-secondary level, while, in ancient times, the understanding of ourselves and our surroundings began at an early age. Religion and science have imposed their doctrines upon us while we were also denied a proper education in Economics and History. I think it is time we understand the power of Philosophy and not leave it solely in the hands of the Intellectuals. We need to do some research on their politics. Too bad that Chomsky denounced Slovaj Žižek and his legacy in such a snobbish, demeaning and dismissive manner, in what appeared an attempt to provoke a show-down as Chomsky has the playing-field, the upper echelon-connections and numerous awards. Wonder if he is controlled opposition, under the guise of a social activist, as he provides generalities but not specific information for public education and discussion.

        Noam Chomsky’s knowledge in relation to linguistics and philosophy is enlightening. He has worked for many years as a Linguistic Professor for MIT which is funded by the Military and the Corporate Sector and he could have contributed to the weaponisation of English and other languages. He was instrumental in aligning Linguistics as a branch of Psychology, which then allowed its entry into disciplines such as journalism, education, medicine, law-enforcement, religion, among others. Noam stays away from controversial issues as 911 and the Palestinian-Issue, among others.

        Slovaz Žižek’s expertise is mainly in philosophy and psycho-analysis while his knowledge on geopolitics, history and social events is reliable and based on publicly accessible sources. His trilinqual skills in German, French and English allow him to directly access information-sources instead of relying on translations. He is outspoken on human rights and other controversial issues and has been banned from the Guardian and some other news-outlets. He is giving us an opportunity to understand ourselves and our predicament; unattainable via corporate-academics or their pro​té​gé. I believe Chomsky’s works are over-rated while Žižek is not being given proper recognition.

        Regarding Assange, what did he gain by being imprisoned for so long and being deprived of his family, friends and community? He is in poor health and his reputation and legacy is on the line. Most importantly, the issues are on the ‘Freedom of Speech’ and the ‘Protection of Journalists and their Sources’ which is not debatable. Will he be protected while in custody or will he meet the fate of Slobodan Milošević?

  4. Unfortunately, because of the sanctions on Venezuela Abby Martin is no longer funded by them but still making Empire Files with her own funding.

    On Brazil, I’ve been dying for someone to translate the book Como Nascem Os Monstros…

  5. Hello, a good source for Latin American and South American news is Antiwar.com.
    The website provides a whole range of countries you can access
    manually for more detailed information.
    Hope this helps.

  6. Just thought I’d chime in briefly on how to “push back” against the tech/social media slippery slope of getting everyone to “give up their power” (and health) and all their personal data to boot.

    I made my living in tech (software engr) and have dramatically shifted gears… not about tech itself but wresting control of it for our own personal purposes. My objective is no/minimal Cloud or Wireless.
    My “push back” started by not feeding the beast (FAANG) and going all open source. Dropped all my FAANG accounts plus (YouTube, Twitter, etc.) and replace with ; BitChute, Duck Duck Go, Brave browser, going to host websites vs. YouTube, NextCloud personal cloud, my own VoIP phones (FreePBX), my own MediaServer (Kodi).
    Switched to all Linux, and used devices to extend network thru house wiring and shutdown wireless in the home.
    Bottom line… it is not easy! But you truly appreciate how much the slippery slope is greased when you try to push back. We need more people willing to even consider such a pushback… Amen.

  7. I always thought assange was controlled opposition. If he was real deal, msm would ignore him.
    Second, wikileaks was responsible for Arab Spring. Way to get rid of dictators the cabal didnt like.
    Third, see the picture of him with UN Human Rights book? Is his purpose to make UN look good? UN is run by the cabal.
    Fourth, Manning became a transvestite. The cabal is promoting transvestites….Want to destroy the family unit and our morals.

    • Joris ; I have a question that I have not seen addressed any where . Did the diocese have any insurance? Can a 900 year old building be insurable? Did the original contractor for the restoration insure his liability to the site?
      It just reminds me of the scam to package triple A rated unsecured mortgage liabilities and pawn them off on unsuspecting German pensioners and the true malfeasance getting lost in the weeds.
      Can anyone comment on how that market works?

      • Joris, the news cycle has caught up with the questions in a double speak way. I remember full well Mit Romney and the Olympics in Salt Lake City.
        Now, Macron and now Paris. ” A catalyzing event!” “An underfunded project gets new life” Follow the money just over the horizon. A win-win!.Now enter Hollywood and Madison Ave. publishers and A list actors and authors and circus clowns and mimes viola, a Trifecta! Proceeds in the Billions. All from an underfunded, behind schedule cluster-f#€& restoration.
        Just an accident.

        • Q4C. How has the Olympic Games played into the hands or played by the hands that shouldn’t be, into the modern history narrative? Seems like a perfect vehicle for long range ” stratigery ” funded mostly by the intended targets for the benefit of invisible perpetrators.

  8. Regarding the request for South American coverage. I use and recommend the following site


    written in English by a Spanish speaking Brit living in Peru. Concentrates on mining but does stray into South American politics, elections and Geopolitics.

    His blog has links to other recommended sites – some on South American issues.

    I subscribe to his news letter which is more orientated to Gold equity investing.

  9. Hi James, what is your take on the attack in Christchurch, New Zealand? When I heard about this attack, I thought the whole thing stunk like an intelligence operation. Jacinda Ardern, the NZ prime minister wants to take the guns off the people and this was the perfect reason to do it

    • ‘I thought the whole thing stunk like an intelligence operation.’

      Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Is there any to support this claim? The guy filmed himself shooting and wrote a moronic rant about it ahead of time. Its probably safe to say they got the right guy, but Im sure there will be a trial.

      People in power will never let a good crisis go to waste. Global warming is a perfect example, but that doesnt mean everything is staged (or the planet isnt warming) by the government to manipulate the masses, even if that does also happen,, we really need solid evidence to make those kinds of claims./

  10. Alexandre ; I want to complement you for this very well written piece of communication. The ideas are presented clearly and accurately with such authenticity and heart.

    ” -does freedom matter if their is no one left to perceive it? Or was it something about a tree?”

    You have mastered the esoteric of a second language and deserve recognition for the hard work that English poses. I speak of these same topics to groups of people and you would think I was speaking Portuguese. I do understand how you must feel. I hope people will read what you have written carefully and grasp just what you are expressing and appreciate the complex ideas you present, in a second language. Bravo!

    • Alexander: don’t you worry about those ” Doesn’t it shows…” Im telling you from the English language perspective it shows your counties blood coursing through your veins. That gives you authenticity. You have a strong voice in your writing for what you believe. You should be listened to. If I may I really want anyone reading this in America, to take note of what you mean, what it means to you, most importantly what concerns you is what concerns me. You have conveyed what concerns you with passion and compassion. Its happening in this country too Alexandre, its becoming permanent, and I don’t know quite what to do about it.

      • Alexander: that’s beautifully stated . I had a similar conversation with CQ the other day. This picle, and I know your meaning, which is way more important than the spelling, but for CQs sake it is spelled ( pickle), moving on.
        This is something that the choir can share with the prelates in the pews and even push it out through the doors of the church and into the streets without the peons throwing up their defences against anything upsetting.
        Its much like Christian Science, until you have a white hot religious experience, and experience a metaphysical transformation of physics and matter in the form of a miracle and witness it first hand , its damn near impossible to explain it in words, measurements and laws without discovering or inventing new words and laws to define it. People will be sceptical. Its a picle.
        We need a new way of interpreting old dogma into the reality of today. Much like Mary Baker Eddy did to the dogma of old world religion. It carried the message out into the street where the possibilities could blossom. I recognize the spirit in your voice , the power of what’s possible is there. Throw something at the open thread Im sure it will stick.

      • CQ here, gbw and alexandre.

        Figured I should weigh in, since I happened to see a comment from you, gbw, on the Corbett home page, and couldn’t resist opening it to read what you had to say. (It didn’t come as an email, because I wasn’t subscribed to this thread, though I am now.)

        alexandre, gbw is right that you speak from the heart. Since gbw mentioned Mary Baker Eddy, a woman he and I both think highly of, I’ll quote something she wrote that reminds me of how you moved gbw to respond the way he did (and me as well): “When the heart speaks, however simple the words, its language is always acceptable to those who have hearts.”

        I sense that all of Corbett’s admirers are solution-seekers. That’s why we’re here. Some of us bring beauty to the world through music (you), others through painting landscapes (gbw), others through writing and speaking (Corbett), and still others through editing (yours truly). (I had to smile when I saw you correct your own grammar then gbw helped you out — for my sake, he said! — with the correct spelling of “picle”: “pickle.”)

        Probably the “solutions” that overcome the imposed crises in the world are as individual as each of us is. But I submit that all the solutions, diverse though they may be, come from one source: the only-good, higher-than-human Mind that made and maintains the universe. And these solutions must be more than theoretical; they are inherently practical, meeting every human need and right desire.

        More another time. Have to run now, as mbp would say.

      • CQ says: “…alexandre, gbw is right that you speak from the heart….”

        I agree!
        Thanks Alexandre.

        (Sidenote: As a friend, just to let you know… James Corbett prefers that comments not go over 500 words.
        When you find that the length is going to surpass 500 words, just split your writing up by replying to the first part. In other words, you can split your writing up by replying to your own first comment.)

      • Counting the 500 word limit per comment

        Here is how I do it…
        I open up “Word” or whatever you use to write a printed written document.
        I copy and paste what I wrote in the comment. After I paste it, “Word” will tell me how many words are on the page.
        For me, the number is near the bottom left of Word.

        I keep a saved/labeled “Wide Margin” Word doc on my taskbar, so I can pull it up when needed.
        I am sure there are other ways to count words.

      • Alexander: welcome to The Corbett Report. Take any idea that you perceive to be happening and which contains an element of injustice, inhuman cruelty, opprestion, lies, hypocrisies, evil, wars and destruction for the benefit of few and the determent of the many, the con job deemed by folk as criminal. These things need to be tacked up in the village square for all to see. So it can be fairly determined if it be balanced, overall healthy for the minority as for the majority. Most all patterns of destruction can be found in history where a small group, set out to hoodwink humanity for their psychopathic lust for power.
        These ideas were uniquely American and only held together for less than a century, up until the civil war. But the seed had been planted and could not be contained. It is in our past that we find ways to control the outcomes of our future. And here is where the rubber tire meets the road. I hope you appreciate the colloquial idioms, they may already be in Portuguese and Brazilians vernacular, I have already learned picles. That is one of the open thread ideas that can be thrown up on the village notice board. See what I mean? It happens when the moderator and editor in chief goes away for 3 weeks and the gates to the asylum are flung open. Go to the OT now to incubate the many ideas you have stirred in my dusty old brain. Thank you Alex.

      • Alexandre,
        No. James won’t be mad. Not at all.
        Normally, he will just “snip” the comment off at the 500 word count. But it is a pain, and he doesn’t always get to it, or sometimes he will just let it slide.

        James is like most of us. He don’t like being boss.
        (“Don’t” is Texan for “doesn’t”)

        “The comment section is what we make it.” Corbett has mentioned this aspect before.

        The header on the webpage reads “The Corbett Report: Open Source Intelligence News”.

        We, as Corbett members get to contribute.
        I learn a lot from our fellow Corbett members.

        As that ole’ Oklahoma fellow, GBW, says: “Lets talk pickles”.
        Here is the “Open Thread”. (Or you can click on the “article box”)

  11. In response to Skip Tomalou and the “TOR is a trap” crew.

    Anonymity on the net is possible, but is only really possible with a high latency. That is, time is needed to mix your traffic up with other traffic. These are known an “mix nets”. Tor is not a “mix net”.

    TOR is the best commonly available, source code published, *low latency* anonymity technology. Yes, it was developed in the beginning by the US Navy’s Research Lab. However, it has been a public project for a very long time now. Much academic research into internet anonymity has come out of and been incorporated into the Tor network and the Tor Browser. I know that the people behind Tor are committed to the project and its goals — a high quality, low latency, anonymity preserving (as much as possible(*)) network.

    Now, if you wanted to do a code audit to look for vulnerabilities, you could. And, I posit that if you did, the Tor developer community would say “if you want us to be involved, we’d love to. Or, if you think it better that we’re not, then go for it. we’d really like to see what you find so that we can fix anything that you find dangerous/poor etc..”

    Isn’t a VPN better? No (but a VPN is better than nothing, if you can trust your VPN provider, see below). One of the core attacks that Tor tries to prevent is called a traffic correlation attack. That is, you watch what traffic goes into and out of the VPN node and you can deanonymize people that way. Tor uses 3 hops which means that no single node (apart from you) knows where you are *and* where you’re going. As 5eyes has such a huge vantage over the internet it is really hard (almost impossible) to have an entry and exit node that are not under their watch. But, at least by using Tor (or a decent VPN, see below) you make it *harder* for them.

    Modern VPNs tend to allow for choice of exit country, which means that they are minimally using a 2 node setup (in at country A, near you, and out at country B, where you want to emerge).

    Do they publish the code/setup behind the VPN? Do they delete their logs? Or more precisely, how long is their log retention policy? Do they publish a privacy policy? These are important questions for you to ask to establish any trust in your VPN provider.

    If you want to learn a little more about Tor, here’s a recent talk by Roger Dingledine (lead architect): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsWe1pI7kas

    My two cents.

    (*) I participated in the Internet Engineering Task Force standardisation of reserving the .onion domain for the Tor network. One of the reasons that this succeeded is that Facebook wanted it. Why? Because in some countries you cant get to Facebook except via Tor (or other distributed, encrypted transports). I dont use Facebook other centralised platforms, but their support of this proposal lent sufficient weight that .onion is reserved. And that is a nice outcome for Tor. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7686

    Note that if you use Tor and then log in to some service, you have obviously just given up your anonymity to that service. Behaviour matters.

    • hugo.c,

      Thanks for your two cents.

      I have no reason to doubt your desire to support an anonymous internet. I hope you understand my criticism is not aimed at the idea of TOR, nor its exoteric intent.

      As a participant in TOR’s construction, I’d be really curious what you’d make of Levine’s criticisms of TOR and of the internet in general, described in Surveillance Valley. It contains substantial, novel subject matter gleaned from FOIA-requested-content not presented elsewhere concerning TOR’s continued un-publicized funding, and it’s very thoroughly end-noted. Dingledine is discussed at some length in the book, I don’t think unfairly.

      I propose you give it an honest read and a fair shake. (I concede that you probably ought to purchase it through a proxy in person using cash at a highly trafficked brick and mortar bookstore.) 😉

      As a Corbett subscriber, I trust it won’t fall on defensive ears, and might be a great resource for you.


  12. Some tips for Jason:

    • Windows 10 is essentially a lump of spyware masquerading as an OS. Switch to a Linux OS (such as Ubuntu, Mint or Lubuntu) and/or an older version of Windows, such as Windows 7. If you absolutely must have Windows 10 for running certain software or games, install it on a different computer, or put it on a separate encryption-isolated drive/partition in a multiboot configuration.
    • Yes, you should use file encryption. At the bare minimum, you should have one or more encrypted folders for your most private/sensitive files using the operating system’s built-in encryption (n which case, any file you add to the folder will automatically be encrypted, quickly and seamlessly).
    • If you opt to use portable browsers (or portable versions of your current browsers), you can very easily have multiple copies of a browser that are self-contained and isolated from each other. You can have one for logging into accounts related to business & shopping, one for logging into forums or social media, one for entertainment, etc)
    • Use third-party firewall software that prompts you to pass judgment on incoming and outgoing connections (especially outgoing connections).
    • Use connection monitoring software like Wireshark, or, if you prefer, just any software that will provide a visual indicator (eg, a flashing light or meter near your tray icons) any time there’s Internet connection activity so that you can catch your OS (or programs/trojans/rootkits) trying to phone home.
    • Consider setting up your VPN on your router instead of your computer, using OpenVPN. This a more reliable way to ensure that everything you do on the Internet goes through the VPN. You’ll likely want to buy a router with a more powerful CPU for this (and, of course, make sure it has OpenVPN support, or can run custom firmware such as DD-WRT).
    Install a physical A/B switch that disconnects your external USB drive whenever your Internet is connected, then keep all of your most sensitive/private files on that external drive. I built my own switch but an easier way you can do this is to buy a USB A/B 2:1 switch (2A 1B) (about $15) and a USB network adapter (another $15).
    • If you’re using a smartphone without some very significant modification, you should assume that everything you do and say on it is being recorded (probably permanently), and that the camera & mic on the phone are active even when the phone is powered off.
    • Sites like Google use browser/system fingerprinting to track you, so don’t assume you’re not being tracked just because you’ve got privacy add-ons like Privacy Badger installed (those add-ons do help though).

    There’s many more tricks you can learn as you go. I’d post all my tricks/tips for you but most of them are complex or can’t be posted out in the open.

    Keep in mind that, it’s not just about keeping you and your sensitive data safe. Data in general is power. The more data you provide to the psychopaths in power, the more powerful they become; the better they become at predicting and manipulating human behavior.
    Also keep in mind that you don’t have to be 100% anonymous & secure to make a difference. Anything you do to make things more difficult for the powers-that-shouldn’t-be makes a difference.

  13. President Moreno of Ecuador (and CIA-asset according to former British ambassador Craig Murray) handed over Julian Assange so he could get a 4.2 billion dollar loan from the IMF:


    Furthermore, Julian Assange was holding a copy of “Gore Vidal History of the National Security State”, as he was snatched from the Ecuadorian embassy:


  14. ok if you want easy anoymity (in that it will anoy the tec corps) you can do what I wrote above OR you can go install TAILS to a thumbdrive (or better a CD) and just boot into that… i just did it now and its kinda ok and very easy to do…. took me about an hour to look up how. Just go grab the ISO (“CD image” type file) from the website and burn it to CD…. if you use the thumbdrive you can plug it into any PC and boot into it rather then the main OS (you must get into “startup” which is usally shown on the boot screen realllllly fast…. mostly either escape key or one of the F1-12) and use the onscreen menu to get to BOOT and change order to CD (or USB if thats what you have…) most PC’s will boot stright to CD anyway.
    Look at Youtube Switched to Linux channel vid “Introduction to the Tails Linux Distro” for better info then I can give.
    Its mainly for email n stuff but real easy to use and get set up… I would hesitate to think it will give protection agaiinst the NSA or even the cops if they got really interested in you… but how many folks have THAT serious kind of issues?

  15. Qs4C:
    Do your parents, or other family members, know about your work and what you discuss on this website? Do they have a mainstream view of the world? Have you ever tried talking to them about your points of view? If so, how does that type of conversation go?

  16. Hi James

    thanks for everything you do. Really appreciate your work. I’ve also submitted this question via speakpipe. Unfortunately I said Pocketbook instead of Pocketnet in that question.

    Given your response to Jason’s question about how to secure your computer against the coming global censorship grid, and your recent discussion with Ernest Hancosk I would like to ask your thoughts about how content creators can possibly protect their content.

    Here In the Uk we’ve recently seen the horrific Online Harms White Paper:


    We’ve also suffered the passing of the EU Copyright Directives into UK law:


    Further announcements from the Home Secretary Sajid Javid state that the UK government intends to ban people travelling to ‘designated zones,’ punishable by up to 10 years inprisonment and a single click on a ‘terrorist video’ will potentially be puinishable by up to 15 years imprisonment. So obviously the UK state at least consider that watching videos warrants a higher punishment tarrif than actually going to war zones to kill people. Which says a lot.

    All this legislation is clearly part of the much anticipated censorship grid discussed widely on the Corbett Report. The purpose of designated zones appears to be to stop independent journalists, like Vaness Beeley, Eva Bartlett and others, reporting back their findings to the public. It will become increasingly difficult to share or discuss any of this content and severe punishmenst, including incarceration, are preposed for those who do. The need for an uncensorable Internet is urgent, it would seem.

    With that in mind, as an independent blogger, I have been looking into ways to shift my content onto the bloickchain and wonder if you would care to offer your opinion?

    From what I can tell IPFS appears to offer some promise and Steemit seems to be the best blockchain based blogging platform, though it is still centrally controlled to some degree. I am really inetrested in the IPFS Pocketbook.app, as recently highlighted by Dan Dicks, but have noticed the problem in uploading any larger articels or video, though I recognise this should improve if Pocketbook.app scales up as more users join.


    So my current plan is to transfer as much content as possible to Steemit and the D-Tube video offshoot and then set up a page on Pocket Book linking to that blockchain based content.

    Do you think this would work in terms of protecting content? Are you aware of any alternative, hopefully better solutions?

    All the best

    Keep up the great work.

  17. What are your thoughts on the Brazilian Dictator, Jair Bolsonaro?
    That guy gives me the creeps, he has a lot in common with Adolf Hitler as well as Benjamin Netayanhu, who is also very similar to Hitler. Here’s some info on the EVIL Fascist Dictator of Brazil, Jaire Bolsonaro.
    Another extremely disturbing thing is that there is even a Pro-Bolsonaro video game on Steam, called Bolsomito 2K18, if I remember correctly. even though I absolutely LOVE video games, but I find it depply terryfying to see Far-Right Propaganda video games being made, I feel deeply insulted as gamer & also an otaku/Weeaboo (Japanese Anime & Manga fanatic) to see so many gamers, Otakus/Weebs, & other types of nerds now submitting to Far Right Fascistic social engineering, which I find very deeply disturbing. I hope James Corbett will do a #propagandawatch video exposing the EVIL Jair Bolsonaro & that stupid BS Pro-Bolsonaro video game that is extremely insulting to the culture I come from, which is gaming. I absolutely LOVE Beat’em Ups & many other various kinds of video games, but Bolsomito 2K18 is a game that I will rather BOYCOTT completely, & now, here’s a PCGamer article about it:

    • Here’s a few more thoughts, although Nazism & Fascism may have great aesthetics, but are absolutely evil ideologies. Communism/State Socialism also has good aesthetics too, but also equally despicable. There’s many reasons why the overwhelming majority of the world deeply despise both Fascism & Communism, specifically the horrid oppressive regimes of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, The Polish are known to be victims of both regimes.
      We all know that Nazi Germany & Soviet Russia have been funded by American Big Business, especially Wall Street funding Adolf Hitler & Vladimir Lenin, who both actually played a chess game in an extremely rare painting from 1909.

    • Additionally, I hope there are others alongside me who will need to meaningfully guide my fellow Gamers, Otakus/Weebs, Nerds, Geeks, etc. far away from both the EVIL Fascistic Alt-Right Nazis & the Dumb, Illiberal Fake Left ‘SJW’ Identity Politicians. I sure bet that saidit.net will help out with that. When will the Divide & Conquer BS ever stop. I wonder if James Corbett allows Corbett Report members can be contributers as in wiritng articles, submitting solution videos/podcasts/articles, etc.
      I’m just curious, that’s all, & Mr.James Corbett is absolutely right that just because the Mainstream Corporate Media is DEAD WRONG (they can be right sometimes) absolutely does not mean that the so-called Alt Media is always truthful (especially the EVIL MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL CULT called QAnon, which is nothing but Rightwing Tyranny New World Order Propaganda!) I hope James Corbett collaborates with Derrick Broze to expose QAnon for what it truly is, nothing but BIG FAT LIES!
      I badly want to do some questions for Corbett for quite awhile now.

  18. I’m happy and glad to be a Corbett Report member since March 2019.
    Dear James,
    How often do you plan on making more Solutions videos, articles, podcasts, etc.?
    the reason why I am anxious to ask is because I want to offer ideas for expanding already addressed solutions P2P economy (which was how I got introduced to your site) + agorism & create your own media.
    I want to expand those specific solutions like adding Free Market Anti-Capitalism to build upon the P2P Economy & Agorism solutions, & add DIY Pop Culture + Free/Libre Art, Music, Film, Culture, etc to the Make Your Own Media Solution, and I also want to add some new solution(s) to fight the anti-natalist/fascistic population control menace that has hijacked & perverted environmentalism along with the so-called mainstream feminism, which is obviously fraudulent. People really need to realise that abortion is anti-feminist by design, & the fact that the Racist Conservative Republican Nazis are actually Pro-Abortion, & are the ones behind Roe vs. Wade, which is designed to discriminate against Poor Unwed Mothers, especially pregnant ones.
    That new solution I badly want to share with you & the rest of the Corbett Report community is the Secular Pro-Life Movement and Pro-Life Feminism.
    I will need to explain that I have autism, I’m Left-Wing, I’m Pro-Life, & I’m not even religious. There’s obvious secular reasons why babies deserve to live both inside & outside the womb. Its a biology fact that life begins at conception, clear & simple. Now, here’s some links to Secular & various Pro-Life Feminist groups like Rehumanize, for instance. I’d sure love to see you interview Kelsey Hazzard, the lady behind Secular Pro-Life, as well as some of the Pro-Life Feminist ladies behind Rehumanize Intl., such as Aimee Murphy.
    One last thing, I’ll even share a grreat video of Kelsey Hazzard explaining how there’s secular reasons why babies deserve to live both in & out of the womb.

  19. I agree with you about having a flip phone, Thomas.

    I’ve never owned a smart phone, I’m happy to say.

    Question #1: When we talk on our flip phones with people who are using smart phones, how are we protected from having our own privacy invaded? I’ve always wondered about that but never asked anyone who might know the answer.

    Question #2: Is it possible that when 5G is ubiquitous, the wireless giants will phase out flip phones? Could landlines also be phased out?

    Thanks for your good advice and (in advance) for your answers.

    • CQ
      i suspect that your metadata of who you call and text is being fed into the machine by the network they travel on rather then your phone itself… if it a dumb phone without GPS or web browsing its ability to spy on you is limited but it most likely can still be turned on to listen to you (they used to be able to modify old land line dial phones to do that back in the old days..i thin it was called an ‘infinity’ bug or something like that) and the last flip phone i had still had a camera and simple web browser.

    has anyone ever found a similar weird bump in futures trades or insurance policies on the buildings before the 1993 WTC bombing that mirrors the one before the 911 attacks?
    I tried to duckduckgo it but cant find anywhere with that kind of historical market info available to regular folks and wondered if a journalist had ever looked into it

  21. Thomas
    i am not sure that using Skype or something like that is in anyway more secure then using landlines … I am pretty sure GCHQ and the NSA already admitted they can listen in to them and legally it “””may””” (not really sure) be easier to get a warrant to monitor voIP then it was to get one for phones.
    I dislike tablets and even PC’s being left online all the time because its prob possible for smart people to get into them and turn on any attached mic’s or camera or whatever… i connect using either a cable or a wi-fi dongle and PULL IT OUT when i dont want to access anything online.

  22. Well, ain’t this one interesting?
    It’s like a free mess with your minds session . The laughs keep coming.

    What’s really interesting to me, tho, at this time, is that this was aired thirteen years ago, and probably close to fourteen. And here we have Assange in the news again.
    Watch those seven year, fourteen year, twenty one year, and twenty eight year cycles.
    Berlin Wall stood for twenty eight years. No coincidence. Saturn structure, Saturn cycle.
    Time rules all. They think they can tweak it. We’ll see about that.

    I love it when they bring some retired govt dude out and make him “tell them straight out what we’re doing. They won’t believe it. “Frame it like a sociology text, with lots of may, mights, and coulds. hobbit sociology
    It’s funny.

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