Teaching Children About History – #SolutionsWatch

by | Jun 29, 2022 | Solutions Watch, Videos | 46 comments

As concerned parents know all too well, the revolution of the mind is an intergenerational project. It is more important than ever that we take back the responsibility of educating our children about history and about the way the world really works. There are many tools we can use to help us in that task, and today Connor Boyack introduces us to another one: a Tuttle Twins story-based American history textbook called America’s History: A Tuttle Twins Series of Stories.

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Teaching Children About Liberty – #SolutionsWatch

America’s History: A Tuttle Twins Series of Stories


  1. The most important observation I can make is that despite pressure, the American political system has never been copied anywhere in the world. Despite the bill of rights it so obviously leads to vile inequality, oppression and the gangsterism that characterises American relations with each other and the world. See the Biden family for details.

    For me the secret to the American project is in the declaration of independence where Jefferson rages against King George and merciless savages (those who were native to North America). A clip I saw of Joe Rogan declared that parliamentary democracy was invented in America when the trouble between the colonists and Britain was with the British parliament. Prime Minister Lord North tried to resign several times. He eventually succeeded after the final loss at Yorktown.

    A British academic book I wrote gives a fascinating insight into the war. There was a lot of unease among the ruling class and the military about fighting British subjects and many took the side of the colonists. It claimed that there was evidence that skulduggery (the non appearance of reinforcements) lead to the loss at Yorktown.

    It is my view that Jefferson’s plan was to get independence in order to expand across the continent which the crown had forbidden (hence the hatred of the King). In fact Britain benefited from the success of the colonists through an expansion of trade after 1776, particularly the west coast.

    • A quick take on our history

      In 1604, a group of leading UK politicians, businessmen, merchants, manufacturers and bankers, met and formed a corporation called the Virginia Company in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans into the North American continent. The Virginia Company comprised of two branches, the London Company and the Plymouth or New England Company.

      The former was responsible for the first permanent colony in America at Jamestown on May 14th 1607 and the latter were the so-called ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ who arrived at Cape Cod in the ship the Mayflower, in November 1620, and went on to land in Plymouth Harbor on December 21st.

      After the original American colonies won their ‘independence’ and an ‘independent’ country was formed after 1783, the Virginia Company simply changed its name to… the United States of America.

      You see there are two USAs, or rather a USA and a usA. The united states of America with a lower case ‘u’ and ‘s’ are the lands of the various states. These lands, as we have seen, are still owned by the British Crown as the head of the old Virginia Company.

      Then there is the United States of America, capital ‘U’ and ‘S’, which is the 68 square miles of land west of the Potomac River on which is built the federal capital, Washington DC and the District of Columbia.

      The United States of America is not a country, it is a corporation owned by the same Brotherhood (Illuminati, NWO, etc.) bloodlines who owned the Virginia Company, because the USA is the Virginia Company! Hence the President is the “Chief Executive.”

      When Americans agree to have a social security number the citizens of the united states surrender their sovereignty and agree to become franchisees of the United States (the Virginia Company of the British Crown).

      Thanks to the great David Icke for this info

  2. The Mud Flood information is another step in the awakening process of humans but also is prone to shills attempting to take over the direction as was done in the 60’s and the recent Mandela Effect.

    Jarid Booster / Streets of Tartaria / Stolen History / Jon Levi and others are offering historical perspectives of a high order. Questioning the logic of the great cathedrals and buildings built when there was no electricity or internal combustion trucks, power tools, etc.

    As big a mystery as the pyramids.

    • “…As big a mystery as the pyramids….”

      The pyramids are not a mystery… they crews cutting the stone wrote their tags on the many stones…. they built earth ramps to run them into place and floated them to site down the nile. They used sleds or rollers to get them from the river.

      People in the ancient world were not as stupid as modern people who have come to depend on high energy technology to do things

      • These ancient people were building with blocks of hard stone in excess of 1200 tonnes. A large convetional crane lifts up to 200 tonnes. There are/were really large cranes in modern times that can lift up to a few thousand tonnes with a few hundred feet reach.

        When cutting really large blocs, another logistics issue is the material imperfection somewhere underneath. If there are cracks one is likely going to waste a lot of time to cut and then have the block break upon lifting.

        There is the issue of transporting these stones in desert areas for hundreds of kilometers.

        There is also the issue of cutting millions of tonnes of stone blocks used in what is now known as Egypt alone. They supposedly did it with copper saws, something that is laughable and invokes incredulity of the highest order.

        The dry construction methods allowed for incredible accuracy as the blocks fit together so well that you can not get a tip of a credit card in between. These tight fits are plentyful and involve up to 4 poligonal stone blocks. They were often cut in such a way to make the fit even more incredible.

        There is ample evidence of very accurate drilling in very hard stone.

        There is ample evidence of unfinished cuts that have gone awry so the large blocks were abandoned. These cuts show that the method used for cutting was a LOT faster than cutting with copper tools would be.

        If you were cutting a stone with dozens of circular copper saws for days or weeks you could hardly go astray and do an improper cut that would takes days or weeks to progress.

        Of course, such crass tools would not allow for even remotely the accuracy that was required.

        People often don’t understand that the most massive structures above ground also involve having even a more massive structure below ground. These are usually off limits to peasants.

        Ancient poligonal masonry is a global thing. There are incredibly large structures around the globe that have been cut in place, directly in the mountain.

        • Mkey
          “…These ancient people were building with blocks of hard stone in excess of 1200 tonnes. …”

          Where? Do you have a source for that sized stone in a pyramid?

          I was talking about the pyramids and the largest stone I can find mentioned online is 60 to 80 tonnes. I do not know of any stone that big in the pyramid but I am not an expert so if you do pls say.

          The Great Pyramid wikipedia says
          “..The Great Pyramid consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks. Approximately 5.5 million tonnes of limestone, 8,000 tonnes of granite, and 500,000 tonnes of mortar were used in the construction.[81]…” which gives an average limestone block weight of 2.4 tonnes. Limestone is pretty easy to cut…unlike the Granite.

          “….A large convetional crane lifts up to 200 tonnes. There are/were really large cranes in modern times that can lift up to a few thousand tonnes with a few hundred feet reach….”

          Herodtus says
          “… This pyramid was made like stairs, which some call steps and others, tiers. When this, its first form, was completed, the workmen used short wooden logs as levers to raise the rest of the stones; they heaved up the blocks from the ground onto the first tier of steps; when the stone had been raised, it was set on another lever that stood on the first tier, and the lever again used to lift it from this tier to the next. It may be that there was a new lever on each tier of steps, or perhaps there was only one lever, quite portable, which they carried up to each tier in turn; I leave this uncertain, as both possibilities were mentioned. But this is certain, that the upper part of the pyramid was finished off first, then the next below it, and last of all the base and the lowest part. ,,,”

          While others say earthen Ramps were used.

          “…cutting millions of tonnes of stone blocks used in what is now known as Egypt alone. They supposedly did it with copper saws, something that is laughable and invokes incredulity of the highest order…”

          Limestone is easy to cut. Cutting Granaite with copper might be a PITA but I’ve cut and polished railway balast granite with a dremel tool running off mains power so it cant be that hard.

          “…The dry construction methods allowed for incredible accuracy as the blocks fit together so well that you can not get a tip of a credit card in between. …”

          I saw a demo of them doing that with various methods in (I think) a doc on Inca stone work- a right angle guide to cut the stones to fit or dropping chalk and lifting the stone so you can see where you need to cut both worked ok. The later method is how they make used to hand make Gauge Blocks or the perfectly flat engineers Tables.


          • Where? Do you have a source for that sized stone in a pyramid?

            Not in a pyramid but yes elsewhere. One example is the ancient Baalbek temple in lebanong. Some 500 km from the temple there’s a quarry where a large monolithic stone was left partially cut.

            While others say earthen Ramps were used.

            I’m not sure if you are aware of the dimensions of these ramps, the projections I have seen are beyond ridiculous. To get a workable angle, the ramp would need to get quite long. Which only further exacerbates the issue of hauling millions of tonnes of stone. And that’s just one pyramid, what about all the other pyramids and other megalithic constructions, which are very plentiful in Egypt?

            Limestone is easy to cut … so it cant be that hard.

            I don’t think you understand what you are talking about. Millions of tonnes of large stone blocks, with precision cutting and drilling. People tried to cut limestone with copper tools, mind you. It can be done, it’s not very precise and you can cut something like an inch per several hours. Multiply that with with several thousands of millions of cuts and you get the picture. Of course, when you would be done with that, you would realize you would have to polish all the surfaces because they would not fit anywhere.

            • mkey
              “….Which only further exacerbates the issue of hauling millions of tonnes of stone…”

              How many tonnes of ballast went into the Roman road system?

              How many tonnes of stone did the Romans move with muscle and water power?

              Have you seen the amount of stone left over from Roman times? and thats despite them stripping marble and granite from Rome for CENTURIES after the Empire fell.

              “..The outer wall is estimated to have required over 100,000 cubic metres (3.5 million cubic feet) of travertine stone which were set without mortar; they were held together by 300 tons of iron clamps….”

              The Biggest stone in the great Pyramid was marked at 60 to 80 tonnes, but moving an average Pyramid block of 2.5 to 3 tonnes is really not all that hard…you just need unlimited labour (as in the peasants had nowhere else to run off to in a land that was a River with desert each side) and organisation.

              As to polishing stones… the OUTER skin of the pyramids (mostly burnt off for Lime by the present) might need to be fine fitted but the rest are rather roughly cut from what I see in pics online.

              As to lifting a 3 tonne (I think 2.5 was average in the great Pyramid) rock up a layer on a pyramid … as Herodotus suggests… not that hard. AFAIK most stones were under 3 tonnes… you can handle that with a bunch of coolies.

              I cant speak to other old sites, but amounts of stone the Egyptians moved was very UNIMPRESSIVE in terms of tonnage moved over distance compared to the Roman Empire.

              People today over estimate how hard such things are because we outsource building to a small number of people who use machines. That was not always so.

            • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_obelisks_in_Rome

              “….Tallest obelisk in Rome, and the largest standing ancient Egyptian obelisk in the world, originally weighing around 455 tons.[1] From the temple of Amun in Karnak,map and brought to Alexandria with another obelisk by Constantius II, and brought on its own from there to Rome in 357 to decorate the spina of the Circus Maximus.map Found in three pieces in 1587, restored approximately 4 m shorter by Pope Sixtus V, and erected near the Lateran Palace and Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran in 1588 in the place of the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, which was moved to the Capitoline Hill. Current version weighs around 330 tons.[2]….”

              Did Romans have magic tech we dont know about to move Obelisks to Rome??? This is way heavier then any stone in the Pyramids

              No.. just a few skilled dudes and a bunch of slaves

        • Mkey


          “…There is the issue of transporting these stones in desert areas for hundreds of kilometers….”

          They would have used water transport when they could and then sleds or rolers…. now, if you can find a single block they had to move of “..1200 tonnes…” it might be hard to move, but AFAIK no such stone exists in the pyramids.

          Moving even 60 tonn stones is pretty easy if you have lots of people…. I saw a UK show “Time Team” move blocks for a stone circle using honeysuckle vine as rope and a bunch of people.


          • And moving hundreds of millions of such stones? How many people would that required? Hundreds of millions times a lots, I guess. I can’t foresee any logistics issue a exploit of that girth would endeavor.

  3. Today I learned some gruesome details on how Grace Schara was, with very high probability, murdered in a hospital. The family has collected quite a lot of evidence showing that the order following staff and the hospital profited nicely of Grace’s untimely death.


    Grace Schara, a beautiful 19 year old young girl with Down Syndrome, died on October 13 at a COVID hospital – a hospital following the government treatment protocols that continue to fail at preventing COVID deaths. Many hospitals are committed to following what the government dictates, and receive financial benefits by doing so. Grace’s case highlights many abuses, along with the dangers of financial temptation. This is a tragic story that can help wake us up to what’s happening in many hospitals today and turn us to the only One who can truly fix this mess.

    This family’s conclusions are this: Once the hospital realized they would not convince the family to give the hospital authority to put Grace on an unnecessary ventilator at the doctor’s discretion, it’s probable that Grace was worth more dead than alive; perhaps there were patients, who would better facilitate their goal of profitability, waiting in ER for a COVID bed to open. On the final day of Grace’s life, after the doctor proclaimed how well Grace was doing, he unilaterally labeled Grace as DNR and then a combination of IV sedatives and narcotics were administered over a short timeframe that no one would survive, especially if already in respiratory distress. After reviewing the details, you be the judge.

    • https://ouramazinggrace.substack.com/p/numbers

      After receiving 948 additional pages of medical records (mind you, Scott originally requested ALL of Grace’s records) through the assistance of an attorney, revealing information was discovered. The “smoking gun” of the records show that Dr. Gavin Shokar, M.D., administered a maximum dose of the sedative Precedex (Grace didn’t medically need to be sedated) to Grace at 10:48 a.m. on her last day. At 10:56 – a mere eight minutes later – Shokar wrote the fateful DNR order on her. Why the rush to write a DNR unless you think the patient will die? It’s clear that he believed Grace would be taken out by Precedex, so Shokar rushed to create the DNR to ensure she would not be resuscitated.

      But Grace was a fighter. Her will to live and love her family was greater than the effects of Precedex on her body. She was unconscious, but survived the attack. Next, Shokar ordered Lorazepam – an anti-anxiety med – that was administered to her three times over the next six-and-a-half hours. In the span of 29 minutes, starting at 5:46 p.m., Grace received two more doses of Lorazepam (Grace was still knocked out from Precedex during this time, so why the anti-anxiety drug was given at all makes no sense), followed by a Morphine push (not a drip) at 6:15 p.m. that would cause her to take her final breath.

      An hour and five minutes later, at 7:20 p.m., Grace’s body began to fail. For the next seven minutes, Jessica (Grace’s sister), who was in the room with Grace, was begging medical personnel to help while Scott and Cindy were on FaceTime with Jessica shouting at the staff to help their daughter. Because of the DNR, no one helped. The DNR that wasn’t authorized. The DNR that should have been ignored by their verbal commands. The DNR that wasn’t matched with a bracelet on Grace’s wrist. The DNR that Shokar covertly wrote under his own volition. At 7:27, Grace died.

      What else presented itself within the 22 doctors’ reports in Grace’s medical records was the fact they referenced Grace had Down Syndrome 36 times. This is odd because whether a person has Downs or not shouldn’t matter in terms of medical care. Why mention it so often? Equally disturbing is referencing the family’s Christian belief three times, Grace being unvaccinated six times, and the family following “the Frontline Doctors misinformation campaign” four times. Where’s the science in all of this?

      • I couldn’t find a link to all of the medical records. It would be interesting to see that. I do know that doctors aren’t able to write DNRs independently of the family, not in CA or in any state I’ve worked in.

        Also, a DNR does not mean that there is no treatment provided. They could have provided oxygen or bagged her until a reversal agent could be administered. I find it odd precedex was used for sedation in her case.

        A DNR means no intubation (sometimes) and no CPR (chest compressions). Chemicals can be used to save lives even in the strictest DNRs (no intubation or CPR).

        If I were the family, I would consult an attorney and the medical and nursing boards in that state.

        I would have to actually see the medical records before concluding that they deliberately killed her.

        Did the court step in and relieve the parents of authority? It’s weird the parents didn’t take her out AMA.

        • It just dawned on me the family said no ventilation meaning that they don’t want incubation. Its unusual to intubate a patient and not put them on a vent after.

          Precedex is usually used for people already on ventilators or for DTs in alcohol detox.

        • I have a lengthy comment below waiting in the queue. It should be below the 500 word/3000 character limit, but it’s there for the time being.

          There are many details in the below linked article. Precedex is administered because the room is upgraded to ICU, thus yielding more “money” to the hospital and a sedated patient is not allowed to leave the hospital.

          The combination of three administered drugs (Precedex, Lorazepam and Morphine) to someone who is in respiratory distress was, for all intents and purposes and based on available documents, a premedit(c)ated murder carried out by order following scum protected by a nice fat liability immunity.


      • “…. (Grace didn’t medically need to be sedated) to Grace at 10:48 a.m. on her last day. At 10:56 – a mere eight minutes later – Shokar wrote the fateful DNR order on her. Why the rush to write a DNR unless you think the patient will die?…’

        I dont know the case but a relative got does with Opiates while suffering covid…. no suprise that breathing suffered and they died

    • Back in April 2022, “The Highwire” had a feature and interview…
      (32 minutes)

      I was telling a relative of mine over the phone the story about Grace.
      I was trying to relay how corrupt the medical system can be.

      His son and daughter-in-law had a baby with Down Syndrone.
      There were all kinds of complications with the pregnancy and birth and early times as an infant.
      The parents knew that their future child would have this condition.
      The medical staff repeatedly urged an abortion, but the parents were dynamically resolute that they wanted to bring this child into the world.
      And they did.
      The parents and grandparents are so joyous with this child.
      I call it the “Love Gene”…the child emanates love.

      Down syndrome or Down’s syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is usually associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features.

      • It’s the people like your relatives that are the biggest enemy of the priest class. People like these will weather all storms and endure for what they know is right, no matter how hard it is. While for them, doing the right thing is the easiest thing in the world. It’s probably not even a matter of choice for them.

    • https://uncoverdc.com/2022/02/15/scott-schara-pfizer-drugs-medical-malpractice-killed-his-daughter-grace/
      A lengthy article with a lot of big picture details. A note of caution, much of this is absolutely infuriating.

      > Grace had some respiratory issues and was taking Ivermectin
      > When her oxygen saturation dropped to 90% the family decided to go to the hospital
      > The staff initially did not want to allow the father to join his daughter, but after insisting he was allowed to join but was not allowed to leave the room (?)

      > On the second day the staff wanted to put Grace on the ventilator based on some off blood pressure and heart rate readings. After father’s insisting on retaking the measurements, they dropped the ventilator route
      > The staff wanted to prevent father from feeding Grace due to her supposed 85% oxygen saturation. Father took out his meter and measured 95%. After insisting, the “nurse” is quoted as saying: you should be thankful you caught this

      > Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is mentioned in the context of the “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care for people older than 50. This criteria is apparently expanded to also include the disabled of any age and peasants.

      > Head nurse comes in with an armed guard to escort the father out of the hospital because: the main thing is the last three shifts of nurses don’t want you in the room. In other words, murderers can’t have their way with Grace. Were it not for the father she would be well ventilated already. Cha ching.
      > Once back at father’s truck, the order following guard tells him: you’ve got to take this to a higher level.
      > They managed to get Graces sister with her as a replacement advocate. 5th day at the hospital Grace is doing great, even the “doctors” said so to the parents. The 5th day at the hospital was also Grace’s last day alive.

      > Firstly the staff put Grace in restraints because she wanted to go to the bathroom.
      > Then the staff administered a maximum, 14 times higher than the initial, dose of Pfizer’s Precedex.
      > Then the staff administered three dozes of Pfizer’s Lorazepam
      > Then the staff administered a dose of Pfizer’s Morptine
      > Pfizer’s Morphine insert states life-threatening risk of “profound sedation, respiratory distress, coma, and death when combined with drugs such as Precedex and Lorazepam

      > Once the patient is put on sedative Precedex, the room is “upgraded” to the ICU and hospital gets more blood money. Once sedated, the patient will be denied the right to leave the hospital
      > Depending on the dose, Precedex can induce coma level sleep. Each of the three drugs given can cause life threatening breathing problems and cardiac arrest, with an additive effect when used in combination.
      > These drugs were administered to Grace who came into the hospital due to a respiratory distress. The cause of death was a respiratory arrest and hypoxia.

      A lot more in the article.

  4. … the idea of kids discovering the joy of tasting “Continental cookies”? Of course, made with “13” (secret) ingredients. It’s an innocent child’s question, but why 13? History tells us that from the late 18th to mid-19th centuries, the Freemasonry behind the great seal of their country was not unknown to the denizens of the original 13 United States. Crudely redundant, it included an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 berries, 13 arrows, 13 stars and 13 stripes, inscribed with “New World Order”, Novus Ordo Seclorum… “One, Forged from Many”, E Pluribus Unum, which is also 13 letters… “Our Undertaking is Favored” by an encapsulated Cyclops, the one-eyed pagan deity of light ensconced atop a 13-pedestaled pyramid, Annuit Coeptis… again 13 letters. Given this ideological zeitgeist, what better way than Continental cookies could there be… to teach kids about Freemasonry and the founding of the Federal Reserve Bank, as well?

  5. James, I’ve been a listener for several years and a paid subscriber for almost 2 years.

    I have so much respect for your work. The Big Oil Series, Rockefeller Medicine and Who is Bill Gates. I have shared out to thousands and will continue to do so.

    Several years ago the Mud Floods and Tartaria subject burst on the YouTube scene. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to look into these subjects. It CHANGES EVERYTHING! Especially with regards to American history.

    The other subject that can no longer be “Hand Waived” away is that of the Flat and Stationary Earth.

    I have heard you repeatedly use terms such as Planet, Globe, Global, Globally. I’m Honor bound, Truth bound to bring this up.

    We know that the governments (Mind Controllers) have Lied about Everything. What are the chances that damned near the first thing they hammered into ALL CHILDREN over the last 75+ years was not a Total Lie as well?

    Rather than muddy the waters I want to challenge you to have David Weiss of the web site ( flatearthdave.com ) come on you show and present his stunning fact based information. In my opinion based on logic, reason and Common Sense observations his presentation destroys the false programming. We are NOT living on a spinning water ball careening through the infinite black vacuum of space at millions of miles per hour in multiple directions simultaneously.

    The Public “Fool System” indoctrinated us all before we had any ability for critical thought and the Rockefeller’s made sure a Toy Globe was in every classroom we ever sat in during our “Formative Years” when they formatted the virgin hard drives of our young minds with a “Foundational Lie !” This Lie has made it impossible to build any True Knowledge if we are building upon a spinning, curving, wobbling foundation while BeLIEving we live upon a Nonsensical Globe Earth.

    I can guarantee the most controversial show of your long history and it will bring together so many of the WHY’s behind these Whirld Events.

    • So true, that we need to examine EVERYTHING that we have ever been taught!! For any one truly interested in the Level Earth, I would suggest the website “Cosmic Vibes”.

      For any who are aware of Phil Godlewski, he did a 3 hour presentation about a Level Earth which was very thought provoking. Why would NASA lie??? How about this….$$$$$???

        • I agree with you about the flat earth thing. Even just the basic tests with shadows and watching a ship go over the horizon are enough for me and also that my grandpa was a pilot who told me the earth was round. He was a very smart man, self taught for the most part and had iron clad common sense in many areas.

          I also remember my college physics class, learning how to show the earth was round and it was enough for me to think it’s round. I don’t remember all the particulars, but you mentioned shooting and having to account for the rotation of the earth, or something like that. I remember learning about that.

          Not every single thing we learned in school was a lie. Being able to discern truth from fiction is where critical thinking comes in. The ball earth thing was favored thousands of years ago with basic science.

  6. Posting this again as a Primary Comment. James, please acknowledge reading this. It’s challenging and seems crazy,…until you actually look into it for yourself.

    James, I’ve been a listener for several years and a paid subscriber for almost 2 years.

    I have so much respect for your work. The Big Oil Series, Rockefeller Medicine and Who is Bill Gates. I have shared out to thousands and will continue to do so.

    Several years ago the Mud Floods and Tartaria subject burst on the YouTube scene. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to look into these subjects. It CHANGES EVERYTHING! Especially with regards to American history.

    The other subject that can no longer be “Hand Waived” away is that of the Flat and Stationary Earth.

    I have heard you repeatedly use terms such as Planet, Globe, Global, Globally. I’m Honor bound, Truth bound to bring this up.

    We know that the governments (Mind Controllers) have Lied about Everything. What are the chances that damned near the first thing they hammered into ALL CHILDREN over the last 75+ years was not a Total Lie as well?

    Rather than muddy the waters I want to challenge you to have David Weiss of the web site ( flatearthdave.com ) come on you show and present his stunning fact based information. In my opinion based on logic, reason and Common Sense observations his presentation destroys the false programming. We are NOT living on a spinning water ball careening through the infinite black vacuum of space at millions of miles per hour in multiple directions simultaneously.

    The Public “Fool System” indoctrinated us all before we had any ability for critical thought and the Rockefeller’s made sure a Toy Globe was in every classroom we ever sat in during our “Formative Years” when they formatted the virgin hard drives of our young minds with a “Foundational Lie !” This Lie has made it impossible to build any True Knowledge if we are building upon a spinning, curving, wobbling foundation while BeLIEving we live upon a Nonsensical Globe Earth.

    I can guarantee the most controversial show of your long history and it will bring together so many of the WHY’s behind these Whirld Events.

  7. The best education you can give your kids is to teach them how to live outside the system… people needing to kiss the ass of a corporate boss can not possibly be free.

    The 2nd most important thing is to teach them that those who are too lazy to learn and think for themselves are disgusting.

  8. For seventh grade I was plucked from the public school into a private school. I’d spent the two previous years in an elite public school where we focused on special projects, which were fascinating, though we’d barely covered the core curriculum. To be placed in the highly regimented private school my entrance exam was used. There were 4 ‘graded’ classes “at the top” and 3 ungraded classes beneath. I was placed in the ungraded mob. There we learnt woodwork rather than Latin.

    As a good student I was misplaced, asked difficult questions, regularly topped the assessments and was bullied for it. My way out was the first term exams. Among those I topped history for the entire grade. I can inform you that Charlemagne had 5 wives and 20 children and was crowned Emperor of the Roman Empire on Christmas Day 800 AD.

    History has been an emancipation for me, both mentally and physically. Funnily enough my elevation to the 2nd “top” class merely invoked ire from the knuckle draggers in the 3rd class and in the end physical violence was required to secure the peace. I sat happily in detention feeling I had secured my place with study and fortitude. When I said ‘graded’ I meant it. I was 6th in the 2nd class, and desks and seating were arranged to reinforce this structure.

    With apology for the extended biographical introduction, I am inspired by Connor’s efforts to move history from “about” to deeper topics of causes and ideals. He himself reflects on developing compassion for his bullies, and seeing the opportunities rather than the oppression. This is classic cup half full thinking. I believe compassion to be one of humankind’s most powerful capabilities; it facilitates cooperative society and also enables a deeper understanding of history.

    Aside from the book itself, the most nourishing efforts that Connor related were that he and team had performed “test readings with families”. This describes a dedication which deserves acknowledgment.

    I wish his venture all success.

    If history matters, how it is taught matters even more.

    Peace be with you,


  9. James –

    At around the 1:30 mark in the interview, you discuss the idea of how to teach children how to think, and not just teaching them dates and names to memorize and regurgitate. The Tuttle Twins are a good teaching tool for children, but, ultimately, the history will be simply another, alternative narrative – perhaps more accurate to the actual historical facts, but just another story.

    A better method to teach children (and all of us older children 😉 is to use the collections of liberal arts subjects commonly referred to as the Trivium and the Quadrivium. The Trivium is the collection of Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, and the Quadrivium is the collection of number, geometry, music and cosmology.

    These collections can be found readily on Amazon, and websites like , and are really the foundation to all critical thinking skills. If the populace were fluent in understanding logical fallacies, would we be facing the same current challenges? Would we be so easily hypnotized/brainwashed if we could simply laugh at the absurdity of an argument that a politician, pundit or advertiser proposed?

    I realize that you’ve discussed the Trivium in the past on The Corbett Report (https://www.corbettreport.com/trivium-conspiracies-and-alt-media-james-corbett-on-breaking-the-set/ / https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-234-jan-irvin-paul-verge-richard-grove/), but I think that the current times present a new opportunity to discuss this information to a newly receptive audience.

    Thanks for all of your efforts to help us see/think accurately about our world!

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