Picnic Protests Sweep the World! – #SolutionsWatch

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Solutions Watch | 93 comments

This week we look at yet another way of protesting the incoming vaxx passport agenda: picnicking. Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch where he looks at how we can render the vaccine mandate debate moot when we stop begging for scraps from the would-be ruler’s table and build a table of our own.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4


Fight Vaccine Passports

How can we use the law to challenge the global Covid response?


TMR 268 : Diny Fielder-van Kleeff : Vaccine Control Group

Red Balloon

Dutch protest against COVID-19 vaccine pass to enter bars, restaurants

OHRC policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates

Fair Work Commission – Appeal of decisions Jennifer Kimber v Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd


Police Bust Gang Members With Car Trunk “Full Of KFC” Takeout Breaching ‘Strict Lockdown’

Picnic protest

Swiss Citizens Revolt, Install Tables Outside in Front of Bars, Restaurants to Ignore Vax Passports


  1. Hi James. I am unaware if you have covered this before but wanted to let you know about a UK movement that takes place in public parks across the Country every Sunday morning from 10-11am. It was born out of Lockdown when all we could do to have human contact was to, literally “stand in a park”. I’m not sure what other Stands do but I just started one locally (Leith Links, Edinburgh – Home to the Rules of Golf). Only one person showed this first week but I am not discouraged as that is now one more person I know who is awake to what is happening. Having lost my whole family to the agenda I feel finding like minded people and building a parallel society is vital and strengthens our resistance for what is to come.

    Anyhoo, just thought I’d share in case you had not heard of it. Kindest

    • Well done you! I signed up with them to start a Stand in Aberfeldy but as it turns out, I’m now in St Andrews (Home of Golf) every other week and we have a very well attended Stand here already. I do hope that your Leith Stand grows and grows. I’m in the same place as you with regards to having very few people (almost none) with whom I can talk about these issues, and hang out with. Sometimes it can be lonely….
      Anyway, if you’re ever up in St Andrews, and you’d like to get in touch, let me know and we can figure some way to touch base.And if you’re here on a Sunday, head to Craigton Park 10-11 am.

    • As a long time listener and fan of your work, I just love your Solutions Watch episodes. There are many work arounds. I remember when I just plugged in my AMEX card number to send you support, then they shut that down so I moved to Patreon. Now is looks like I’ll be sending a check or cash to James in Santa Fe soon.
      A little background. I live in New Mexico. I’m 72. Grandmother. Retired. World traveler. Second generation America. Probably have too much time on my hands. I obey the laws I agree with. Marched for Women’s rights and the ERA in the 70’s and 80’s.
      And here’s my thoughts. I think this is something you and Catherine and James and many others will enjoy. Maybe even promote. Let me start by saying I don’t use social media. Never have and never will. I worked for the federal government and I have always been aware of how the government tracks and surveils everyone. Having said that.
      I grew up in rural Illinois. During the 60’s, civil rights was a huge issue in my community. To support the cause I helped set up and promote flush times. Hundreds of us would agree to enter a bathroom in the city proper and at the appointed time, would in unison, FLUSH. Sort of what you might call today a Toilet Rave. But thinking this through, and keeping with the rave theme, what if 200 people just sauntered into a big box store, anywhere USA or the world, and at the appointed time just removed their masks. Maybe every Friday at noon every cash shopper would remove their mask. Not a violent act. But as a statement of protest. Just like cash Friday. And the worst thing that could happen is that people would be asked to leave the store. Of course denying the store a loss of business. We used the good old rotary dial telephone to communicate in my youth. I’m going to pass this along to my friends. Maybe it will catch on. Let’s call it a Mask Rave.
      Keep up the good work. Love you. Love your work. Wish I could contribute to the cause with more that just a little money.

    • Yes, Stand in the Park is great. It was actually started by just one person in Sydney, Australia, who stood alone in his local park every Sunday for about three months before he was joined by other people. It has since spread across the world, and for some reason has particularly caught on in the UK, which is where I live. I got to know about this only a couple of weeks ago, but as soon as I went to my nearest Stand in the Park, in Stroud, I realised that this is a fantastic way to meet new friends and connect with like-minded people. James, this is definitely something you should cover in Solutionswatch, because it’s such an easy and simple thing, yet so incredibly important and powerful. Thanks for your sterling work – always informative and inspiring!

  2. Hi I’m from the Netherlands and have a little addition to the news reports about the dutch in M5M media.
    They always report “hundreds” or “thousands” when in fact there is a ten fold and sometimes even bigger groep of protesters on the street. October 3 there were at least 25.000 people marching for freedom in the Amsterdam and the main stream said it were thousands …

    Keep us informed – I’m a fan of your work ( and a monthly donor off course )

  3. I just watched an Episode of USAwatchdog where Greg Hunter interviews Clif High (see link below). There is a lot of interesting predictions made by Clif starting in what he calls “Red October”. The Federal Reserve System/Oligarch’s control system, is expected to fall apart by the end of this year.


    With a little knowledge of history, we should know that Australia was set up as a Penal Colony by the British Empire (which was controlled by the Banking Oligarchs of that time). Back in those days an Irishman could be exported there for simply not being a good slave, (after the Banksters stole their land).
    I think we are seeing a recurrence of the heavy hand of the Oligarchs playing upon Australia, only this time they work through the Federal Reserve System. The reason we are seeing the most outrageous Lock-downs in Australia and New Zealand is that they never were set free from the Oligarchs. Instead they were sold a strategically controlled “Democracy”.

    That said, “the Shots heard around the world” in 1776 when the American Colonies joined together in defiance of the British Oligarchs abuses of power is the best example of what we are about to experience.
    THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE signed on July 4, 1776 by the unanimous Representation of the thirteen United States of America during the Second Continental Congress specifically states the abuses and essentially says we are now free from the Oligarchs who wheeled their power through the British Empire.
    Indeed, the price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance, but the People failed to be vigilant, and over time, the Oligarchs were able to take control of the Money supply, and thus the Central Government (which was created to protect Free men). The Federal Reserve System has been the Oligarchs replacement for the British Empire for the last 100 years, and it’s abuses of power can be listed by a new DECLARATION OF STATE SOVEREIGNTY from the “Democracy” created by the Oligarchs to replace the Republic.
    Joe Biden is a CCP Puppet put into power as a result of massive Voter Fraud. Not that Trump would have been any better, but I think we can now see the problem with “Democracy”. It is, as Joe Stalin once said, “not who votes, or how they vote, but who counts the votes”.
    Actually, in a “Democracy” the Vote can be skewed in so many ways that it is absurd to think that an ignorant majority swayed by mass media propaganda can take the Rights away from those who do not agree with them.

  4. October 4th
    Insane Video Show Australian Cops Battering Grocery Shoppers
    (2 1/2 minutes)
    Footage out of Melbourne Australia this past weekend shows a squad of riot police harassing and beating grocery shoppers attempting to buy food and coffee before returning home, while a second video captured angry protesters fighting back, chasing the police away and loudly chanting “FREEDOM”.

  5. October 2, 2021
    NYC Restaurateurs: Business Down 40-60% Due To Vaccine Mandate
    New York City restaurateurs are complaining that their business has been slashed severely by the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, which requires people 12 and older to show vaccination proof for indoor dining, indoor fitness, and indoor entertainment.

    Pre-pandemic, O’Donoghue’s Pub and Restaurant was a successful business that has been open for 10 years in Times Square, Manhattan. Fergal Burke, the owner of O’Donoghue’s noticed that his business has seen “a massive drop,” since the vaccine mandate came into effect.

    “We don’t have the money here to survive without the help of our landlord, [who] has been very supportive and has been giving us breaks on the rent, but without our landlord, we would not be in business,” Burke told The Epoch Times. He said that he needed to hire another person to be at the door checking for vaccination proof, which increased his expenses.

    Comparing the clientele from pre-mandate to when it kicked in about two weeks ago, “Our business is definitely down 50, I’m going to say 60 percent,” Burke said with a somewhat downhearted tone. “There’s just not people coming into the restaurant, they have the fear of being asked for vaccines.”…

    …“I mean how is that fair in New York City, that the trains are jammed with people with a silly mask on and they’re not being mandated to show nothing, and yet they’re coming against the heart of the city. We’re the ones that’s trying to keep 20 people employed here,” Burke said….

    • Restaurant Recovery Fried As “Business Conditions Worse Now Than Three Months Ago”
      The National Restaurant Association (NRA) penned a letter to Speaker Pelosi, Leaders Chuck Schumer, Kevin McCarthy, and Mitch McConnell about the restaurant industry’s dire situation heading into the fall season.

      NRA said the “struggling restaurant industry is of grave concern to us.” The association included a new survey of the industry’s economic conditions and they “state a recovery from the pandemic will be prolonged well into 2022.” They warned: “the majority of full-service and limited-service operators say business conditions are worse now than three months ago.” …

      …The findings below are on the heels of soaring food inflation, labor shortages, and logistical nightmares that have made some restaurant items nearly impossible to obtain.

      ~~~ 78% of operators say their restaurant experienced a decline in customer demand for indoor, on-premises dining in recent weeks because of the delta variant spike.
      ~~~ 63% of operators said their sales volume in August, historically one of the busiest months for restaurants, was lower than it was in August 2019.
      ~~~ Costs are up – 91% of operators are paying more for food; 84% have higher labor costs; 63% are paying higher occupancy costs, but profitability is down – 85% of operators reported smaller margins than before the pandemic.
      ~~~ Although the industry has added back many of the jobs lost during the pandemic, 78% of operators say their restaurant doesn’t have enough employees to support current customer demand.
      ~~~ 95% of restaurant operators say their restaurant experienced supply delays or shortages of key food or beverage items during the past three months….

      • On Thursday Sept 30th “The Highwire with Del Bigtree” (Episode 235: AGAINST THE WALL), Del interviewed a New York City restaurant owner.
        Only vaccinated people are allowed to enter restaurants.

        This is the full 17 minute segment.
        It is a sad story of ordinary people struggling to survive in the realm of Authoritarianism.
        I want to highlight the 5 minute mark. The restaurant can face lawsuits if someone feels discriminated.
        The mandates have created a dangerous business environment for workers.

  6. Exactly, excellent proposal! Eating outside in the streets is probably a protest and non-compliance too, but I guess it has the strongest level and sends the message the best way. Basically, it makes the establishment’s rules obsolete and that is what the people need right now!

    Making the rules of the Great Reset obsolete and building back something even much better by completely ignoring the corrupt rules. As the rules of the corrupt secret club members are just as good as the depth of their corruption. I think this kind of unity can go a long way and when the time comes people will be able to show, that they can live without their obsolete system.

  7. Hi James

    My own strategy to resist one of the scamdemic-related mandates, namely wearing a mask at work, was a blend of legal and non-compliance techniques. But to put it simply, it was about following what Prof. Cahill’s advised in the interview she gave you last January (https://www.corbettreport.com/freedom-airway-solutionswatch-video/), a strategy in which I have much faith: personal accountability.

    I had been remote-working during the lock-down and by the time I was asked to come back to the office, wearing a mask in the workplace had become mandatory.
    A dissident physician had granted me a certificate that exempted me from wearing a mask and sending a copy of the document to my employers, I told them I would not wear a mask at work.
    My supervisor let me know that he wouldn’t accept it so I asked him to sign a paper stating so.
    He answered that it wasn’t actually really his business and added he would leave the head of HR deal with it.
    The latter came back to me, also letting me know and this time in a harsher manner that she would not accept my exemption either.
    Again I asked for a signed paper, this time by herself, that stated she rejected it.
    This time again, after a few back-and-forth she eventually said it didn’t have anything to do with her and she didn’t even want to know anything anymore about my exemption, nor its reasons, “in order to preserve all information confidential”.
    She just asked me to get in touch with their medical advisors, a private entity working as a service provider, and send them my medical history for them to decide if I should or not wear a mask – they were in copy of that mail.

    I never did contact those people and never did they chase me up on this matter either. I guess opposing the verdict of a doctor in medicine would have been quite a pickle even for them. They have all since completely forgotten about me and left me remote-working for nearly a year now.

    Although I am well aware in my case this victory won’t last forever, I strongly believe to hold one personally accountable – not the entity he or she is representing – clearly gives an edge in this kind of dispute. You end up climbing the ladder of the hierarchy in the dialogue with the entity your fighting against until you come across someone who can’t really pass on the hot potato anymore and has to face the music, or just ignore you.

    Definitely something to keep exploring.

    • Calling a wanna-be dominator’s bluff can work (as you describe) until you break the aggro-threshold where the darker daemons hold court, that sort will fine, imprison or like the japanese did in china, decapitate on the spot. But in the mean time lets hope that the try hard obiediencia arent so far down the drain that they cant be easily scared out, or off (to the side).

      As the power of this con is based on floating even just the notion of a narrative, which transfers into divided perspectives, the only way I see to extract the species from this web is by person to person connecteed discourse. All of the investigative journalism has probably saved alot of most-of-the rules-followers lives; But the big work is now at hand, up front, personal, and the tock is ticking.

      uncle high says “critical mass” for big social change is 30%
      others say the “tipping point” can occur with 5% to 20% change
      but the monkeys needed only 1 out of 100 before the herd began to,,,

      maybe there’s no formula, or maybe they’ve practiced fake pandemics so many times they know the exact proportion required and are making all moves based on that?

      As a drummer that strives to inspire people to dance, I’ve witnessed people will follow “another follower”: the band is playing, nobody is dancing. After a while a brave one rises and gets loose; the mob still stares, mostly in a pleasantly bemused boredom (with themselves); but when a second rises to join the “nut-job” first person, it seems to burst the fear/hesitation bubble that is suspending most on the pointy end of a stockade. the dance floor then goes from 1 or 2 to hundreds in minutes.

      Facing the norminess of friends and family, can be like a training best suited to psychologists and detectives, who have to stay cool in the face of personalities that are professional deceivers or deniers. I’ve worked hard at it with minimal success, though some people have gotten pretty upset, it makes me think I’d make a shit psychologist, but I aint givin’ up.

      • In the interest of entering a conversation where ones position can be backed up with study or report,,(after we spoke, I handed the guy a sheet with links to sources,,) please share best links that deconstruct the questions (there maybe better questions, but these just rolled off the assembly line):

        #1 what do we really know about the microbiome?
        #2 why are the jabbed so desperate for others to also get jabbed?
        #3 how many “excess deaths” occurred in 2020?
        #4 whats the best way to verify “natural immunity”, to anything?


          • “…And I seem to always worry
            About missing the next chord…”

            So how many languages do you speak exactly?
            How did you know that I spoke Janis Ian?
            Speaking of stars, I was looking out for the Draconids, the meteor shower taking place currently in the early evening northern sky when I read your comment.
            My dilemma is how to use my classes to edge people painlessly toward critical reflection on crucial matters while making them happy to be alive in their lives all under the pretext of teaching business English.
            Thanks for the kindness of your reply…

            • Je vous en prie hommeourscochon,
              The meteors have been pretty busy in the southern sky too, “they come fast and slow,,”

              A mentor once told me: “The best teachers are the ones who can incite/inspire the student to ask the difficult question”; when the very question that the teacher is wanting to ask a student can come from the student then le souffle est monte.

              thats also a big topic, and i gotta get back on the tools,,, all the best.

  8. Yes, Peaceful solutions are only short term solutions. You can try and build up alternative systems as much as you like but any solution that even looks like being a threat to the establishment will be outlawed and heavily policed.

    Perhaps if you are old enough (>70) you might be able to hide out in the wilderness for the remainder of your life, but if you are younger than that, or want children, technology will catch up to you.

    Wake up the brainwashed masses? Yes maybe, but you will have to disabled the brainwashing machine first and that is going to require weapons and violence. Trying to wake up someone while they are still being brainwashed is like applying burns first aid to someone while they are still on fire.

    Solar EMP, Yellowstone eruption, Rescue by Aliens from outer space? Well all that is possible but putting a convenient time frame on it is just hopium.

    Only practical solution would be targeted assassination of the criminals elites.

    But Who will bell the cat?

    Maybe the terminally ill, made that way by the criminal elite?

    • What a bunch of right wing domestic terrorist extremists, all of them. Who these people think they are, living self sustainably and prancing around with their chickens and family unity?! This video should be rated PG13.

  9. One can take themself out of the Bankers system by not using their fiat Money. This means refusing to take it for any service or commodity. When the Bankers Money becomes no good any more they will lose all power to control others with it. The police thugs in Australia and New Zealand do what they do because they are paid in fiat Money which they think they need to sustain life. Fact is, that paper Money has no value at all unless other people agree to except it in exchange for something real.
    By trading only with those that are good, we can build an alternate society for the good.

  10. More on the missing Biden EO and the missing vaccine mandate

    Jon Rappaport’s take on the “mandate”. His crackpot loony conspiracy theory is that there is no Emergency order (as if there were one that would mean anything in the real, insane world) and the the good old FEDs guys just want more compliance, disease, weakness and freedom and less health over all.

    Where does that guy get this type of nonsense?! Feds? More control?!

      …This Biden directive is operating under what’s called an ETS—Emergency Temporary Standard.

      Three things to understand here, in my opinion.

      ONE: Since OSHA has not yet issued any regulations, there is no binding legal reason, at the moment, for private-sector employers with more than 100 employees to mandate the vaccine to those employees. Unless those employers are federal contractors.

      TWO: As I suggested yesterday, this whole operation smells like a stall on the part of the feds. The stall is already occurring, since OSHA hasn’t issued any regulations, and it will continue after OSHA acts, as various state governments and other parties file legal actions against the government.

      Meanwhile, on the ground, companies are folding up and following Biden’s “decree.” They’re falling in line. This fait accompli is exactly what the White House wants.

      Legal challenges to the OSHA ETS could take months, even years. If enough companies voluntarily go along with the decree, the feds will win.

      The feds aren’t looking for 100% compliance. The mechanics of enforcement alone could be a logistical nightmare. The feds just want MORE. More compliance. More employers ordering their people to take the shot. More needles in arms. More fascism. More tyranny. More power. More control.

      THREE: It seems to me that not issuing an EO, and instead going the OSHA ETS route, is less direct, more muddy, and easier to wrangle about in court for a longer period of time. Which is what the feds want….
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
      OSHA – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a large regulatory agency of the United States Department of Labor. OSHA’s mission is to “assure safe and healthy working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance”.

      • However, take a look at this Forbes article following when Biden got the Booster.
        Biden’s Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000?
        …On Saturday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House quietly tucked an enforcement mechanism into their $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill, passed it out of the Budget Committee, and sent it to the House floor.

        Buried on page 168 of the House Democrats’ 2,465-page mega bill is a tenfold increase in fines for employers that “willfully,” “repeatedly,” or even seriously violate a section of labor law that deals with hazards, death, or serious physical harm to their employees.

        The increased fines on employers could run as high as $70,000 for serious infractions, and $700,000 for willful or repeated violations—almost three-quarters of a million dollars for each fine. If enacted into law, vax enforcement could bankrupt non-compliant companies even more quickly than the $14,000 OSHA fine anticipated under Biden’s announced mandate…

        OSHA has already published a rule this year claiming Covid-19 is a workplace hazard, and the agency is using this provision of law to assert and enforce its authority. It is likely the new rule to enforce Biden’s mandate will also use this authority, and by extension use the fines upon enforcement….
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

        The $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill in Congress has been a tennis match. Back-n-forth.
        As far as I know, nothing has hit the President’s desk for finalization.

  11. New York City

    October 6, 2021 – Wednesday
    Led by Blacks, NYC Rises Up Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines
    [VIDEO montage]
    As mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandates took effect this week in New York City, many teachers and others suddenly found themselves out of work as the Supreme Court refused to step in and stop the mandates last week.

    Teachers, educators and many others took to the streets of New York this week to protest, led by Blacks. Less than 30% of the Blacks in New York City have given in to mandatory shots, and Hispanics are close behind in their refusal to obey government mandates for COVID-19 shots.

    Angela Stanton-King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, and a former NBA #1 draft pick were among those who took to the streets of New York this week to protest and warn others about the abuse of civil rights with New York’s mandatory vaccination mandates.

    Many of the protesters in NYC carried flags of Australia, showing their solidarity with their Aussie brothers and sisters who are suffering the most under tyranny right now.

    Here is a video report of the protests….

      • Late October 2021
        Floyd Mayweather Jr. to Kyrie Irving :”I hope your actions encourage many others to stand up and…
        (one minute)

        Kyrie Irving is a top-grade player for the Brooklyn Nets of the National Basketball Association (NBA).

        Floyd Mayweather was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in the class of 2021.

    • News via “The Highwire”

      CBS New York
      As COVID Vaccine Mandate Takes Effect, Approximately 8,000 Dept of Education (DOE) Employees Out Of 148,000 Remain Unvaccinated
      New York City’s mandate requiring all public school employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 took effect Monday.
      Mayor Bill de Blasio said 95% of full-time workers have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

      “As of today, all the employees in our 1,600 schools are vaccinated, and that is unprecedented,” said de Blasio, who added he is confident in how the city is handling the mandate.
      “Ninety-five percent of all full-time DOE employees are vaccinated, 96% of all teachers, 99% of all principals,” de Blasio said.

      Approximately 8,000 out of all 148,000 DOE employees, 3,000 out of 78,000 teachers and 12 out of 1,600 principals are unvaccinated. Most were replaced with substitutes, CBS2’s John Dias reported…

      …Unvaccinated teachers who were turned away at their schools joined a rally against the mayor’s vaccine mandate. Thousands marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to City Hall with a message. As other anti-vaxxers joined the march

      Large New York Health Care System Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers
      A large New York health care system on Monday said it fired 1,400 workers because they declined to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

      Northwell Health terminated approximately 2 percent of its workforce, which spans across New York City, Westchester, and Long Island.
      The workforce across the 23-hospital system is now 100 percent vaccinated, the system told news outlets in a statement….

    • Many down to earths truths have been spoken on that protest:

      – people’s willingness to understand the truth is predicated on not getting the paycheck if they do

      – people own their bodies 100%, till the day they leave it

  12. Last lines in article:
    …Employees will be required to sign an “attestation” form giving their word that they have been vaccinated. Anybody who signs the form can at any time have their vaccine status “audited” by their managers, who will then seek proof of vaccination.

    Bottom line: if you’re a federal worker affected by this order, and you decided to lie about your status, definitely don’t tell anybody.

    Wednesday October 6th
    Canada Unveils Vaccine Mandate For Travelers, Federal Employees
    After managing to preserve Canada’s political status quo during last month’s “snap” federal election, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has decided to use whatever political capital he gained from the experience to finally roll out his government’s vaccine mandate, which resembles that of its southern neighbor while going a step further in some important respects.

    In part to try and jump-start stalled vaccination rates, Trudeau and his government are demanding that all public servants either get vaccinated, or face unpaid leave. This includes all federal workers “in the core public administration” and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Federal contractors including cleaning staff must be vaccinated to gain access to government buildings. The government is also asking all employees in federally regulated air, rail and marine transportation sectors must establish vaccination policies for their employees that effectively require vaccination.

    What’s more, after Oct. 30, all travelers boarding planes, trains or any marine vessels will be required to have their shots. The above-mentioned workers have a few weeks to apply for exemptions – either religious or medical – but otherwise, they will be forced to choose between the jab, or losing their job. This travel mandate also applies to everyone over the age of 12.

    Per the statement, “travelers will be responsible for declaring their vaccination status and providing documentation prior to boarding.”

    Until Nov. 30, some exceptions will be made: “For travellers who are in the process of being vaccinated, there will be a short transition period where they will be able to travel if they can show a valid COVID-19 molecular test within 72 hours of travel.”

    But anybody hoping to use public transit this holiday season will need to get the jabs. Any Canadians who aren’t comfortable with the vaccine won’t be able to fly to visit relatives who live outside driving distance (and they wouldn’t be allowed in the US, leaving them effectively trapped in the country)….

    • Hey HRS. Great! Vax the government goons. They will die! (mad cackling laughter). Good riddance to them.
      I guess the folks on Vancouver Island are stuck there as they can’t use the ferries anymore unless they get the jabs. How those folks gonna eat? Truckers no longer going on the ferries?
      Good luck Canada. Trudeau is nuts.

    • I listened to the House on Cbc this morning and they had the minister of transport and he said what they will do is arrange with air line and you will have to upload your vaccination passport when you purchase your ticket. So you just won’t be able to buy a ticket period if you are not vaccinated.

  13. Legal schmegal. Boycott the businesses. Do sit ins like Martin Luther King JR. and his followers did back in the 1960’s. Who needs to travel anyway? Do a Zoom call. Do you really want to see your relatives and in-laws in person? Our town’s city council still meets on Zoom. What a bunch of pussies and commies they are. Screw ’em.
    Make your boss fire you over the forced jab. Make him do it in person. Make a stink. Boycott the jabbed.
    You don’t need a haircut or trip to the gym or bar. Stay home and work out. Beer is cheaper at the liquor store. Grow your hair out for money.
    The most important vote you have is in your wallet. It’s always about the money.

    • We should go back to doing these kinds of things, like sit ins, and like when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. That’s the power of non compliance and one person can make a difference.

      Although, back then the media was less corrupt so MLK used this to his advantage, by showcasing the violence of the other side.

      I think boycotting these cowardly business who go along with this Gestapo shit is an excellent idea. I have eaten out once during the whole fiasco and I have saved a ton of money. No way I’m going to buy an overpriced meal at some business who’s making me show papers at the door.

        • Arghhh!

          Oh, don’t mind me….

          It’s just these dastardly instances when an interesting and well written post gets its wings (or an ear) clipped just by virtue of the number of words employed by the writer who has diligently and singularly expressed their thoughts and views, perhaps so overwhelmingly, that the writer temporarily excludes – or fails to keep – one extraneous, albeit, annoying, fact in mind, that of the highly disruptive “500 words or less per post” rule.

          At times, I sense there may be bias on the part of the moderator. That not all posts are treated alike. That is, there seem to be, here and there, some rather long, rambling posts that go unmolested. As if the “500” rule, as it were, was nothing other than a subtle, under-the-radar, form of censorship.

          Though, perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps there are posts that seem long and rambling, yet are in actuality, 500 words or under. I don’t know, I never have counted these questionable, yet unadjudicated, posts.

          For your post – because I did sense a sudden and immediate feeling of procecutorial censorship and bias – I did do a brief word count.

          I do not know how accurate I was being, because some of the hyphenated words I counted as one; and others, perhaps as two. It’s hard to remember now how many of each were treated in one or the other way. But, I tried my best in as briefly a time as possible. After all, who really wants to spend their limited time here on the planet counting words?


          Surprisingly, I came up with four hundred ninety eight (498) words.

          Yes, that’s correct. In my estimate, your post was two words shy of 500.

          So, unless you had but a one or two word sentence, such as, say, “No “we”!” following the ‘censorialship’ of the “500” rule, you would have been brutally cut off in mid-sentence. [[So, thank goodness for keeping sentences whole, eh, James?]]

          I mean, just the idea of getting cut off in mid-sentence…oof.

          Be that as it may, getting back to your post – at least, the first 498 words of your post, the ones we know about, and not the ones that were slashed by attenuating circumstances, carried out within the letter of the law, i.e., the “500” rule – I wish to say you make some excellent arguments, most of them highly plausible, but, not necessarily impossible to deny(if that makes any sense?).

          Okay, for instance: Is it likely, were the Deans to get wind of cu.h.j.’s call for a sit-in, that they would ship one of there family members out to join in? Unlikely. Very true, or in another parlance – true that! But, FC, not impossible! There could, however implausibly, be a “we” here.

          I contend there are no absolute “Zeros“!

          However, there is one suspicion of yours with which I can fully concur: The young’un with the very mischievous smile, sporting the “Dance your heart out” shirt? Yeah, she may have been the culprit. But, even still, she may have had co-conspirators, most likely the rest of her family. 🙂

          • By word count estimation, my foregoing post above contains 511 words.

            As such, after moderation – where the post now lays – it is conceivable that its last sentence may get chopped, all or in part. It’s also conceivable, that the post’s last paragraph could be on the chopping block, too, who knows?

            So, just in case, I made the effort to copy the post’s last paragraph prior to submission:

            However, there is one suspicion of yours with which I can fully concur: The young’un with the very mischievous smile, sporting the “Dance your heart out” shirt? Yeah, she may have been the culprit. But, even still, she may have had co-conspirators, most likely the rest of her family. 🙂

            I’m actually curious to see how the above moderation goes.

            Maybe the whole post may be moderated out of existence?

            In any event, to continue:

            I cannot agree with your opinion in branding the ethical agency of the Dean family nil, wherein you disregard the purported potential consequence of incarceration the family faces due to a most minor, trifling act imaginable of so-called vandalism, on the part of one or more members of the Dean family. Also, that the family may be protecting the identity of a minor facing criminal charges, is not unethical, or unchristianlike.

            I cannot distinguish such a mismatch of crime and punishment as being anything other than a trampling of due process and of their civil rights, and if this is truly the case, that one or the other member of the Dean family is facing jail time over such nonsense, then I think it is within their right to call it out as unconstitutional persecution.

            And, to that effect, you say it succinctly:

            Uncle Sam is going to make an example out of the whole family.”

            There is one thing, though, that’s curious. I find it hard to imagine that it would take anything close to $50,000 to defend such an egregious rap. You would think for a grand or two, with any half-ass lawyer, they could easily plea bargain the damn thing down to a $50 dollar fine.

            Oh, well.

            C’est la vie.

            Thanks for your post.

          • Hey, your Blaise Pascal quote made the cut! Then again, your entire post was well under the “500”.

            Quite a quote. It’s quite negative, like a salve put on a wound to make it susceptible to infection.

            Pascal might have been quite at home in an age which faces nuclear annihilation.

            I’d love to know how he would express himself in the current era of the bomb, and other weapons of mass destruction?


            FC, if you don’t mind first sharing your posts within another website designed to count words, you can use this utility to draft your comment on its website, and then simply copy and paste it here.
            I just tried it and it works in reverse, too.

            Pretty nifty!


            “wordcounter” informs me that your above post is comprised of 291 words and 1,810 characters; not that we need to know that information…yet.


  14. Just watched Derrick Broze’s recent video called “Thousands of Nurses and Teachers Fired – Can The Counter-Economy Save Them?” He mentions that if you have been/expect to be fired and are looking for a new job that won’t mandate vaccines, you can reach out to his email address and he will use his network to help try to find an employer for you. Derrick then hits on the point that if mainstream society no longer wants us, why should we be trying to get back in to it? Why not create a society of our own? He made a very important point that there will be people from various professions (nurses, teachers, police officers, etc.) who refuse to partake in the mandates and the new normal who are the very people who could help build new institutions that respect our freedom. James, if you are listening this could be part of your #SolutionsWatch series, where you interview some of these people or interview employers/professionals who hold these beliefs. This would be a win-win for those looking for work and for employers who want employees that are fighting for freedom as well. Something to think about. Below is the queued section of the video where Derrick gets into these ideas.


      • Last week I asked my mailman about that.
        You are correct in that the USPS (US Postal Service) is a quasi-Federal entity, and so they did not have to follow Biden’s orignal mandate for all Federal Employees.
        However, when Biden mandated that Employers with more than 100 employees had to have everyone vaxxed, then this applies to the USPS.

        My mailman is vaxxed. No bad reactions from the jab. He never tried the magnet thing, and thinks the idea is silly conspiracy theory.
        Here is the anecdote:

        EXCERPT “The Biden mandate affects employers collectively employing an estimated 80 million workers.

        (But the OSHA fines are currently in limbo.)

        • HRS: Biden has never written down his vax mandate because the lawyers told him, “YOU DO NOT HAVE the Authority to do this.” So Joe went back to sleep. It’s all Biden hot air. OSHA is a bad joke. Full of bureaucrats who just want to watch porno on their computers and collect their pay.
          Your mailman is lucky he had no adverse reaction to the jabs, yet.
          PS: Define “quasi federal agency”. I had a girlfriend once who said she was “quasi pregnant” and needed some money for a “quasi abortion.”

            • mkey; I tried giving her monopoly money. She took it to the doctor, but he wouldn’t accept it. She named the kid “Quasi”. He/she/Q, I’ve forgotten which pronoun I’m supposed to use, works for a company in DC that builds quasi Oval Office sets for the White House, Pentagon, and CIA. Quasi is working on one now for the CCP.

        • It appears that my Mailman doesn’t know the FULL story about the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and Biden’s Vaccine Mandates.

          September 21, 2021
          How Vaccine Mandate Applies to USPS Still TBD
          [TBD = To Be Determined ]
          FULL article
          The Postal Service has said that because of its semi-corporate status, the impact there of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for federal employees is still unsettled pending guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on a separate mandate issued at the same time for larger private sector employers.

          Said a statement: “We appreciate the urgency with which the administration is moving to implement new measures to stem the further spread of COVID-19 and its Delta variant. Because the Postal Service is an independent federal agency that operates under a private sector collective bargaining model, modifications to working conditions are mandatory subjects of bargaining.”

          It added that “we are working closely with our union leadership so that once OSHA’s COVID-19 Vaccination Emergency Temporary Standard is issued we can move quickly to determine its applicability to our employees and how best to implement.”

          Due to the Postal Service’s status it has been largely setting its own pandemic-related policies. For example, it kept stricter safety protocols in place after the White House eased them for other agencies after the downturn in infections in the spring, and then was slower to reimpose restrictions after the upturn in the summer.
          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
          NOTE: OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard
          This aspect is important to make a mental note of.

          • September 30, 2021 – AP Associate Press FACT CHECK
            List of federal vaccine mandate exemptions is inaccurate

            …In addition to the mandate for federal workers, Biden also issued separate requirements for businesses with more than 100 employees. Such businesses will have to mandate vaccinations or require weekly testing of employees, as enacted through a forthcoming rule from OSHA that carries hefty penalties for violations. Those rules have not yet been finalized.

            Because the Postal Service is an independent federal agency that functions under a private-sector collective bargaining model, it is not included in the federal employee mandate, according to a Sept. 16 statement from the agency.

            However, the service is still subject to OSHA regulations, which means it may need to comply with Biden’s large business requirements. The Postal Service said in a statement that once OSHA’s rule is issued the agency can “move quickly to determine its applicability to our employees and how best to implement.” …

            • HRS: Thanks for supplying the gobbledygook bureaucratic illogical language from the AP. These fact checkers are suspect, especially AP. Lysander Spooner proved years ago that a private mail service is cheaper and more efficient than the government one. He was hounded out of business by the government of course. Spooner was a great Libertarian. Years ago UPS offered to buy the USPS. I think the Postal Union blocked the deal.
              Thanks for the info.

  15. President Biden’s Vaccine Mandates for Corporations Employing More than 100 People
    “Is it a bluff?”

    This White House narrative may not be what it is pumped up to be. –HRS
    If you want to cut to the chase, see the EHS article.

    On Thursday September 9th, President Biden addressed the Nation with some vaccine mandates. Furthermore, on Monday September 27th during the public presentation of “President Biden getting a Booster Shot”, Biden stated ”…one thing for certain: A quarter of the country can’t go unvaccinated and us not continue to have a problem.” The following day, Forbes had this article Biden’s Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000?

    All links to Biden’s public statements are here, including the Forbes article. I strongly encourage people to read the article and to also follow some of the OSHA & Federal Register links within the article. https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-vaccinemandates/#comment-118766

    There has been confusion about the OSHA enforcement arm of the Biden vaccine mandate.
    Here is a SUB-THREAD on the U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
    Here is a SUB-THREAD (MagicBullet & mkey) regarding Jon Rappaport’s Questions about OSHA and ETS—Emergency Temporary Standard and Federal Register

    For Reference (as you will see later), here are some OSHA related links…

    COVID-19 Healthcare ETS (OSHA)
    The ETS was officially filed in the Office of the Federal Register on June 17, 2021, and it became effective when it was published on June 21, 2021.
    NOTE: This applies mainly to healthcare workers and is a result of an (EO) Executive Order by Biden on January 21, 2021.

    This is interesting to note…
    Frequently Asked Questions –Vaccine Related (OSHA)
    … OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022….

    Here is the pdf of the OSHA Directive effective June 28, 2021
    Click N. Vaccination EXCERPTS
    Employees may decline vaccination for a number of reasons, including underlying medical conditions or conscience-based objections (moral or religious). There is no requirement that employees who decline the vaccination sign a declination form.
    [U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)] (workplace anti-discrimination laws)
    The EEOC provides guidance on COVID-19 vaccination as it relates to equal employment opportunity laws. See EEOC, December 16, 2020 [LINK] https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/eeoc-issues-updated-covid-19-technical-assistance-publication-3


    • (…continued…)

      September 20, 2021 – EHS Daily Advisor
      [EHS stands for Environment, Health & Safety.]
      How Can OSHA Even Require Vaccines?
      [NOTE: This is an in-depth read. Excerpts will not capture the full picture.]
      How is it that President Joe Biden can order the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to establish an emergency rule that requires employers to vaccinate all their employees or test them for COVID-19?

      Is this normal? How does OSHA even have that kind of authority?

      Like much since the COVID-19 pandemic was first declared on March 11, 2020, none of this is normal. The president’s private-employer vaccine mandate relies on OSHA’s emergency authority created by a provision of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) of 1970 (29 USC §655(c)). Before an emergency healthcare COVID-19 rule in June, however, OSHA hadn’t issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) since an asbestos ETS in 1983 that was struck down in federal court.

      The OSH Act authorizes OSHA to issue an ETS when “employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards, and such emergency standard is necessary to protect employees from such danger.” Once an ETS is published in the Federal Register and becomes effective, OSHA has six months to establish a permanent standard.

      An ETS must meet that two-part test—evidence of a grave workplace danger and the need for a temporary rule—to survive judicial challenge. Given the agency’s experiences in the 1970s and ’80s, it rarely uses its ETS-setting authority.

      Right after taking office, Biden issued an Executive Order (EO) on January 21 directing OSHA to issue a COVID-19 ETS. The EO gave the agency a March 15 deadline to issue an ETS. OSHA released text of the pared-down rule on June 10, covering only the healthcare sector. It was published June 21 in the Federal Register—months after the president’s deadline. The June 21 ETS applies to health care and healthcare support services, as well as emergency medical services, home health care, and skilled nursing homes…


      • (…continued…)

        …The rule becomes effective immediately with its June 21 publication in the Federal Register, but the agency set July 6 and July 21 compliance deadlines for the provisions of the emergency rule. The healthcare ETS required employers to provide workers with paid time off to get vaccinated and to recover from any side effects. It also required them to conduct a hazard assessment and develop a written plan to mitigate virus spread, including the use of respirators and other personal protective equipment.

        To satisfy the OSH Act’s two-pronged test, OSHA justified the healthcare COVID-19 ETS by citing the health consequences of COVID-19, elevated risks of transmission in the shared spaces of healthcare facilities, and risk of transmission where patients with known or suspected infections receive treatment. The agency also argued that the inadequacies of protections under existing guidance and standards and the OSH Act’s General Duty Clause necessitated the creation of an ETS.

        OSHA assesses the ongoing need for the ETS, reviewing the latest data and guidance for and scientific understanding of COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the disease. In consultation with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the agency determined in August that the ETS remains necessary to address the grave danger of COVID-19 in healthcare.

        September 9 announcement
        The Biden administration now intends to add a second ETS compelling employers to require employee vaccination or conduct weekly testing for infections. When Biden unveiled the new federal COVID-19 response plan on September 9, he also announced vaccination orders for federal employees and contractors and that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) would require COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in healthcare settings that receive Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement.

        Other elements of the White House strategy include a vaccination requirement for teachers and staff in Bureau of Indian Education-operated schools, Department of Defense schools, and Head Start programs; booster shots of authorized vaccines for those already vaccinated; the doubling of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) fines for passengers who refuse to wear face coverings; a small business loan program; additional shipments of monoclonal antibody treatments; and the deployment of additional federal COVID-19 Surge Response Teams.

        The bulk of the plan’s intent to increase the number of vaccinated Americans hinges on OSHA’s use of its emergency rulemaking authority. The agency has had that authority from the beginning but rarely uses it. Did Congress intend for the agency’s workplace safety and health mission to include addressing public health crises?


        • (…continued…)

          The regular process for setting permanent standards is very different. Establishing an OSHA rule takes an average of 7 years, and the process has ranged from 15 months to 19 years between 1981 and 2010, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported to Congress in 2012. At the time, OSHA had not issued an ETS in nearly 30 years, according to the GAO. Between 1971, when the agency was established, and 1983, OSHA had issued nine ETSs. The agency has struggled to gather sufficient evidence of grave danger and the need for a temporary rule to withstand court challenges…

          …The OSH Act’s requirement to replace an ETS with a permanent standard within six months also creates a logistical challenge for the agency: The research, analysis, public consultation, and Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) review cannot practically be completed within six months. Agency officials admitted to the GAO that Congress intended for OSHA’s ETS-setting authority to be used only in very limited circumstances…

          Regular rulemaking process
          OSHA’s usual process for developing permanent workplace safety and health standards is a complex one full of economic, feasibility, and technical research, along with seeking public input, which can often last years…

          No permanent administrator
          OSHA currently lacks a political leader. The agency is led by Acting Assistant Secretary James Frederick. The White House announced the nomination of Doug Parker, chief of California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), to lead OSHA in April. The U.S. Senate has yet to confirm Parker’s nomination…

          …Will OSHA succeed in creating an ETS that extends beyond healthcare facilities and services, requiring employee vaccination or testing? The OSH Act does grant the agency that authority, but it must pass the two-pronged test, proving a grave danger exists and that an emergency temporary rule is necessary to address it. [END]

    • October 13 Wed – Reuters
      UPDATE 1-Biden’s vaccine mandate for companies nears as proposed rule sent to White House

      WASHINGTON, Oct 13 (Reuters) – The U.S. Labor Department on Tuesday submitted to the White House the initial text of President Joe Biden’s plan to require private-sector workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or get tested regularly.

      The department’s (OSHA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration submitted the proposed rule for review. Some details could change, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.
      The move indicates the proposed standard could be released soon.

      The mandate will apply to businesses with 100 or more employees and will be implemented under a federal rule-making mechanism known as an emergency temporary standard. It would affect roughly 80 million workers nationwide.

      Along with Biden’s order last month that requires all federal workers and contractors to be vaccinated, the orders cover 100 million people, about two-thirds of the U.S. workforce…

      …Several other large U.S. employers such as Walmart, have yet to issue broad requirements. The Labor Department’s standards will require many such companies to introduce mandates.

    • UPDATE – Oct 14, 2021

      Linking Episode 237: THE TURNING POINT of Thursday October 14th at “The Highwire with Del Bigtree”.
      Starting at the 7 minute mark until the 40 minute mark, OSHA and Biden’s Vaccine Mandate is discussed.
      It was an excellent in-depth presentation. OSHA experts Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan are interviewed. Corbett Members will remember them from 2020 and the Mask issue. These two professionals go over the OSHA standards for safety in the workplace. The Biden-OSHA narrative falls apart legally.
      An important pushback note: Twentyfour States (Attorney Generals) are filing suit against the Biden vaccine mandates. They are citing the unlawful manipulation of OSHA in their complaint.
      24 States out of 50 are opposing Biden’s Vaccine Mandates.



      Oct 22, 2021 – The National Review
      An OSHA Cover-Up Feeds Vaccine-Conspiracy Theories

      Anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories are not something the government can successfully control, but the government can absolutely make them worse by acting as if it has a bias toward covering up the side effects or adverse reactions to vaccines. OSHA is doing precisely that by announcing on its website that it has suspended reporting requirements that normally would cause employers to report adverse reactions to the vaccine. From the FAQ section of OSHA’s website:

      Vaccine Related
      Are adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine recordable on the OSHA recordkeeping log?
      DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.
      …[Article continues]

      …it says right there in black and white that the federal government is afraid that people won’t get the vaccine if the usual rules for reporting side effects and other adverse reactions are followed. We’re all familiar with government coverups, but normally, one does not announce them formally in advance….

      ~~~NOTE: See first top post of this Sub-Thread:
      “This is interesting to note…”
      Frequently Asked Questions –Vaccine Related (OSHA)

    • Thursday November 4th, 2021 – EHS Daily Advisor
      [EHS stands for Environment, Health & Safety.]
      OSHA Issues COVID-19 Vaccination or Testing ETS
      By Guy Burdick
      ~~WWW ehsdailyadvisor.blr.com/2021/11/osha-issues-covid-19-vaccination-or-testing-ets/

      The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) November 4 issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) requiring employers with 100 or more employees to implement a program of COVID-19 vaccination or regular testing and face coverings to protect unvaccinated workers but not requiring employers to pay for testing.
      The emergency rule is scheduled to appear in the November 5 Federal Register and requires employers to implement a vaccination or testing program by January 4, 2022.

      The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) issued an interim companion rule requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for staff at Medicare- and Medicaid-certified healthcare providers and suppliers. Facilities receiving Medicare and Medicaid funds must develop and implement programs to ensure all staff are fully vaccinated.

      “COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on workers, and we continue to see dangerous levels of cases,” Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh said in a statement.
      “We must take action to implement this emergency temporary standard to contain the virus and protect people in the workplace against the grave danger of COVID-19.”

      The ETS requires employers to:
      ~~ Determine the vaccination status of each employee, obtain acceptable proof of vaccination status from vaccinated employees, and maintain records and a roster of each employee’s vaccination status.
      ~~ Require employees to provide prompt notice when they test positive for COVID-19 or receive a COVID-19 diagnosis.
      ~~ Remove infected employees from the workplace, regardless of vaccination status, and not allow them to return to work until they meet required return-to-work criteria.
      ~~ Ensure each worker who is not fully vaccinated is tested for COVID-19 at least weekly if the worker is in the workplace at least once a week or within 7 days before returning to work if the worker is away from the workplace for a week or longer.
      ~~ Ensure that each employee who has not been fully vaccinated wears a face covering when indoors or when occupying a vehicle with another person for work purposes.


      • (…continued…)

        The rule also requires employers to provide up to four hours of paid time off to receive each vaccination dose and reasonable time and paid sick leave to recover from side effects experienced following each dose.
        The rule does not include an exemption for “natural immunity” resulting from a previous COVID-19 infection
        or a face covering requirement for fully vaccinated workers, but an employer may not prevent any worker from voluntarily wearing a face covering.
        The rule defines a face covering as a covering that is made with two or more layers of a breathable, tightly woven fabric that completely covers the nose and mouth and is secured to the head with ties, ear loops, or elastic bands that go behind the head. Face coverings may not have slits, exhalation valves, visible holes, punctures, or other openings. If neck gaiters are worn as face coverings, they should have two layers of fabric or be folded to make two layers. The rule has no specification for face covering efficacy like ASTM International’s F3502 standard barrier face coverings.

        Infected employees removed from the workplace must follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) isolation guidelines, resuming contact with others 10 days after symptoms first appear and 24 hours if they have no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms have improved. Employees also may return to work if they have received a return-to-work recommendation from a licensed healthcare provider.

        The rule relies on a handful of controls—face coverings, vaccination, testing, and medical removal—to protect workers from COVID-19 in addition to its recordkeeping requirements.
        It does not require the employee training or controls, such as barriers, air filtration and ventilation, and social distancing, contained in some of the emergency or permanent COVID-19 rules in California, Michigan, Oregon, and Virginia.

        OSHA has requested comment and information about other COVID-19 controls. The agency also is seeking comment and information about applying the ETS to employers with fewer than 100 employees; prior workplace COVID-19 infections; experience with COVID-19 vaccination policies; testing and removal; face coverings, including whether the agency should include a specification for face coverings that meet ASTM F-3502; and education materials.

        Any emergency rule must satisfy a two-part test—evidence of a grave workplace danger and the need for a temporary rule—under OSHA’s emergency rulemaking authority in the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
        Several emergency rules issued in the 1970s and 1980s were successfully challenged in federal courts.

        • This document is scheduled to be published in the
          Federal Register on 11/05/2021
          Occupational Safety and Health Administration
          29 CFR Parts 1910, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1926, and 1928
          [Docket No. OSHA-2021-0007]
          RIN 1218-AD42
          COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard
          AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Department of Labor
          ACTION: Interim final rule; request for comments.
          SUMMARY: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is issuing an emergency temporary standard (ETS) to protect unvaccinated employees of large employers (100 or more employees) from the risk of contracting COVID-19 by strongly encouraging vaccination. Covered employers must develop, implement, and enforce a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, with an exception for employers that instead adopt a policy requiring employees to either get vaccinated or elect to undergo regular COVID-19 testing and wear a face covering at work in lieu of vaccination.

          [Lots of details in this pdf]

      • Nov 5th – EHS Daily Advisor
        13 Questions and Answers About OSHA’s New COVID-19 Vaccination Standard
        By Albert L. Vreeland, Attorney, Lehr Middlebrooks Vreeland & Thompson, P.C.

        What does ETS require? Employers must adopt a written vaccination policy requiring all employees to be fully vaccinated unless they can’t get the shots for medical reasons or because of a sincerely held religious belief.
        The policy may offer them the option of (1) being fully vaccinated or (2) providing proof of regular testing for COVID-19 and wearing a face covering while at work. You can find sample vaccination and testing policies at osha.gov/coronavirus/ets2.

        What is acceptable proof of vaccination? To comply with the ETS, employers must require—and maintain records of—one of the following types of vaccination proof:
        ~~ Immunization record from a healthcare provider;
        ~~ COVID-19 vaccination card;
        ~~ Medical records documenting vaccination;
        ~~ Medical records from a public health immunization information system; or
        ~~ Other official documentation specifying the type of vaccine, the dates it was administered, and the healthcare provider’s name…

        What records must be kept? As noted above, you must maintain copies of the employee’s proof of vaccination as well as a roster of each person’s vaccination status. Both are considered medical records and must be maintained as confidential.

        What are the testing requirements for unvaccinated employees? If employees who work at least one day a week opt for testing in lieu of vaccination, they must undergo testing once a week and provide documentation of the result within seven days of their last test result…

        …Given the short lead time for compliance, employers should prepare now for the December 5 deadline.

  16. On the KFC one I read a couple of news reports.

    First, “officers noticed a suspicious-looking vehicle traveling on a gravel road”
    What, exactly, constitutes a “suspicious-looking vehicle”? Sounds like they were pulled over without probable cause. Oops, I forgot, the cops don’t need that anymore.

    Secondly, they also found $100,000 in cash and a bunch of “one ounce bags”. Yeah…I think that there was a bit more involved than an “illegal” KFC run.

    Still the insanity stands. Another day in clown world.

  17. Freedom Flyers
    We are a group of transportation professionals representing the air, rail, and trucking industries who are spearheading efforts to protect medical health freedom. Our goal is to push back against the US government’s threats of vaccine mandates for private businesses. We know this effort is not simply a matter of employees versus companies, but citizens opposing illegal and tyranical mandates by the US government.

    Short Video in article
    Freedom Flyers: Airline Industry Workers Fired for Refusing COVID-19 Shot Fight Back

    • Monday October 11, 2021
      Sickout? Southwest Airlines Cancels 1,000 More Flights As Disruptions Increase
      Southwest airlines canceled nearly 2,000 flights between Saturday and Sunday – blaming the FAA and the weather for problems that didn’t seem to affect other airlines. According to FlightAware, Southwest canceled over 1,000 of the flights on Sunday…
      …About 800 Southwest flights were canceled on Saturday, according to flight-tracking website FlightAware. Other major carriers, including American Airlines and Spirit Airlines, appeared to have significantly fewer disruptions…
      …needs to comply with President Joe Biden’s September vaccine mandate for federal employees and contractors. That prompted a lawsuit from Southwest’s pilot union, the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association, which is seeking a court injunction against the mandate.

      On its website Saturday, the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association blamed the cancelations on “a number of issues, but we can say with confidence that our Pilots are not participating in any official or unofficial job actions,” in an apparent reference to speculations about employees calling in sick.

      “Our Pilots will continue to overcome [Southwest Airlines] management’s poor planning, as well as any external operational challenges, and remain the most productive Pilots in the world,” the statement continued. “They will continue to be focused on their highest priority—safety.”…

      • October 10, 2021
        FLORIDA NIGHTMARE — Federal Air Traffic Controllers conduct ‘mass sickout’ to protest Vaccine mandate…

        [This article full of social media images/videos also covers Southwest Airlines.]
        …Air Traffic Controllers In Jacksonville, FL Staged A Walkout Yesterday In Response To The Vaccine Mandate

        It’s Being Reported That All Flights In & Out Of FL Were Cancelled As A Result

        Mainstream Media Chose Not To Report On This As Of Yet….

      • Via Alex Berenson about October 10th (late night)

        A Southwest Airlines pilot explains why you will not hear anything about vaccine mandates from his union – and why Southwest has more flexibility than it admits to stand up to the White House

        URGENT: A Southwest Airlines pilot explains why you will not hear anything about vaccine mandates from his union – and why Southwest has more flexibility than it admits to stand up to the White House
        Alex Berenson
        17 hr ago

        The pilot emailed following the first Southwest post today (and provided his SWA ID to prove his identity). He asked that I paraphrase the email.

        Essentially, the union cannot organize or even acknowledge the sickout, because doing so would make it an illegal job action. Years ago, Southwest and its pilots had a rough negotiation, and the union would not even let the pilots internally discuss the possibility of working-to-rule (which would have slowed Southwest to a crawl).

        But at the moment the pilots don’t even have to talk to each other about what they’re doing. The anger internally – not just among pilots but other Southwest workers – is enormous. The tough prior negotiations notwithstanding, Southwest has a history of decent labor relations, and workers believe the company should stand up for them against the mandate. Telling pilots in particular to comply or face termination has backfired.

        Meanwhile, Southwest has more flexibility than it has acknowledged. Federal contracts represent about 3 percent of its revenue, but even the Biden administration CANNOT alter existing contracts (please note, I have not checked this, though it seems reasonable); Southwest is only at risk of losing future contracts.

        This pilot believes that the fact that the airlines received $25 billion in no-strings-attached cash for “payroll support” last year (as well another $25 billion in loans) has made them particularly reluctant to stand up to the Biden administration. Southwest’s CEO, Gary Kelly, may be in an especially tough spot since he is the head of the airline lobbying group.

        Finally: This pilot says he loves Southwest and finds the crisis painful but feels that if this is the only way Americans can stand up to these mandates, then let the chips fall.

    • Monday October 11th, 2021
      [WATCH the short video by a Pilot in the article.]
      As Southwest Cancels 100s More Flights On Monday, Ron Paul Opines On The ‘Great Rebellion’ Over Vaccine Mandates

      On Monday, Southwest was once again at the top of the cancellation list, according to FlightAware – which lists 356 cancellations as of this writing (23% of the day’s 1,539 total cancellations), prompting Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to tweet: “As a loyal Southwest customer who has been flying safely throughout the pandemic and is utterly opposed to vaccine mandates, I’m asking, stop the madness before more damage is done.”

      Former US Senator Dr. Ron Paul may be on to something in a Monday op-ed via the Ron Paul Institute, when he calls it a rebellion.
      The incredible cruelty and folly of forced vaccines finally came home to roost. The vaccine mandate backlash has been bubbling just under the surface, but now it has spilled out into the open, threatening to completely derail an already crumbling economy and to obliterate a deeply unpopular US President and Administration.

      Seemingly out of nowhere what appears to be a Southwest Airlines rebellion has taken flight this weekend…

      …The mainstream media is doing its best to keep a lid on the expanding rebellion against the vaccine mandates…

      …Will other pilots, such as at American Airlines, follow suit? Rumors are circling that this is only the beginning.

      … The nursing crisis is not caused by “Covid” – cases have been in decline in the US for weeks. It is caused by the firing of medical personnel who refuse to take the experimental Covid shots.

      The stupidity of adopting a policy of firing healthcare workers while at the same time claiming that there is a raging pandemic gripping the country has not been lost on Americans. President Biden’s polling numbers have unsurprisingly been in freefall, with major Democrat candidates like Virginia’s Terry McAuliffe openly complaining that the deeply unpopular Biden is threatening him in a tight race for governor.

      While Biden Administration lackeys like Fauci are telling Americans they can’t celebrate Christmas again this year, more and more of America is finished with this “public health” terrorism. Here in Texas, a hundred thousand unmasked Texas A&M fans poured onto the football field on Saturday after a last minute surprise victory over Alabama. In Texas and elsewhere, the Administration is losing the fear factor.

      History may record this weekend as the turning point against the Biden Administration’s Covid tyranny.….

    • Tuesday October 12, 2021
      Texas Governor Issues Executive Order Banning Vaccine Mandates By Any Entity
      No entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine by any
      individual, including an employee or a consumer, who objects to such
      vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious
      belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19.
      I hereby suspend all relevant statutes to the extent necessary to enforcethis prohibition


      Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday issued an executive order that bans vaccine mandates by any entity, including private employers, in the state.

      “The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and our best defense against the virus, but should remain voluntary and never forced,” Abbott said in a statement upon issuing the order…

      …He also added the issue as an agenda to the third special legislative session which is currently convened until Oct. 19, to give lawmakers the opportunity to pass a law to similar effect.

      “The executive order will be rescinded upon the passage of such legislation,” Abbott wrote….

  18. well this week Trudeau announced the deadline for Government employees to get vaccinated and if they do not comply they will be put on leave without pay until they do comply. PSAC their union is wishy washy about wether they will support the workers who do not want to be vaccinated. The Rcmp’s union said they will support any members that will refuse the jab. Now it dawn on me this morning that the judges are paid by the federal government and are they going to have to comply as well and if not will they be put on leave without pay as well? I send an email to their association to try to find out. But you could see that this would be way to get rid of any judge that would be on the side of those who refuse the vaccination. So in a round about way they will rig the justice system and no matter what Charter of Rights court claim you can set up you will have little chance of winning your case.

  19. I watched this video this morning: https://rumble.com/vneuld-breaking-news-shadow-government-is-being-taken-down-maria-zack.html

    I have never heard of Mary Zack before. I don’t know if what she says is true or not. But she is saying that the truth will be coming out soon as a whistle blower who has a lot of information will bring the whole Covid Scam. I am keeping on open mind as to what she said but I not holding my breath either. If any of you guys know her, and whether she is a credible source or not please let me know.

    • the truth will be coming out soon

      I’m afraid this song’s as old as the hills. (which is just a little older than I am)

      But then again, what do I know? Nothing about Mary Zack at any rate.

      • All that anyone would need to know has been out there for months.

        This morning, I was going to post what I flattered myself as being a short and impactful post to that effect. As I was rereading it before punching “submit comment”

        my daughter wrote me a texto saying “Bad News!” that her wife had broken her leg badly and so they were both forced to take the vaccine to access the hospital.

        I tried as hard as I could to reason with her, I told her that I knew a doctor who was what they call “anti-vax” who would write them prescriptions for PCR tests (which the unvaxxed only must pay for now in France) but I realized after a while that in fact their decision had already been made which, ummmmmm…

        made me forget to post my not so clever post…

        Now I’m going to try to find comfort in the watery embrace of the Mediterranean. I don’t know what else to do.

          • Thanks. They’ve now got 2 of my 3 (adult) babies. The third is opening a food business in about 6 weeks and he’s afraid he’ll also be forced to become a victim of the scam though he vowed he would never let that happen… France has become… I can’t find the words…

            I’m hoping some of the poison vials contain something innocuous. I’m rationalizing, hoping that “they” don’t want too many people to get blood clots too quickly because then everyone will be wary and hesitant of all the other injectables they’ve got hanging out in the wings.

            • update: So my daughter went with her limping wife to get injected with the poison BUT! Moderna had been taken off the shelves for safety reasons so the pharmacist told her to make another appointment and come back later SO!

              She decided that it was a sign

              NOT TO GET THE POISON!!!!


              Thank you God.

  20. Tuesday October 12, 2021
    Judge Overrules NY Governor – Says Employers Must Grant Religious Exemptions To Healthcare Workers

    A federal judge in New York ruled on Tuesday that State Health Officials must allow employers to grant religious exemptions to a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers while a lawsuit challenging the mandate proceeds through the courts, according to the NY Times…

    …”The answer to this question is clearly yes. Plaintiffs have established that § 2.61 conflicts with longstanding federal protections for religious beliefs and that they and others will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of injunctive relief,” reads the 27-page ruling, which offers a reprieve for thousands of unvaccinated doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers who would have otherwise been fired or prevented from working on Tuesday if the ruling had gone the other way.

    Hurd issued a preliminary injunction preventing the NY Department of Health from acting against any employer who grants religious exemptions, adding that the plaintiffs were likely to succeed in their case.

    “The Department of Health is barred from interfering in any way with the granting of religious exemptions from Covid-19 vaccination going forward, or with the operation of exemptions already granted,” reads the ruling.

    New York Governor Kathy M. Hochul indicated that the state would appeal.

    “My responsibility as governor is to protect the people of this state, and requiring health care workers to get vaccinated accomplishes that,” she said. “I stand behind this mandate, and I will fight this decision in court to keep New Yorkers safe.”…

  21. October 12, 2021 – Alex Berenson
    Guess which Fortune 50 company won’t make employees get vaccinated?

    Hint: It’s arguably the most science-driven of all.
    Not only that, vaccinated employees cannot say they do not want to work with unvaccinated employees. (Policy 8.4)

    Not only that, Intel FORBIDS managers from asking for vaccination status. (Policy 8.13)

    Not only that, Intel ACCEPTS antibodies as a full substitute for vaccination for people who must quarantine after a Covid exposure or for travel requirements. (Policy 1.2)

    True story.

    Source: https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/central-libraries/us/en/documents/coronavirus-communication.pdf

  22. October 13 – Epoch Times via Zero Hedge
    Approved Version Of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Still Not Available In US
    The lack of availability means vaccine mandates based on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval are unlawful


    …A Pfizer spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email that there are no doses of Cominarty in the United States as of Oct. 12.

    The lack of availability means vaccine mandates based on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval are unlawful, lawyers representing clients challenging the requirements say.

    “Under the emergency use authorization, everyone has an option to accept or refuse the product. And that means every person, military and civilian. So this is critical. All of the mandates, from the military to the civilian population, are violating federal law,” Mathew Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, a Christian legal group, told The Epoch Times.

    The situation would be different if Cominarty was available, he said.

    Contact with state and federal officials and pharmacies revealed widespread confusion regarding the differences between the approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the version that received emergency use authorization (EUA) in December 2020 and continues to be administered under EUA now.

    A number of officials were unaware of any differences and others insisted they were the same for all intents and purposes, including several officials with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which handles distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

    “It’s the same thing,” an HHS official told The Epoch Times…

    …The approval triggered vaccine mandates across the country, including for the Department of Defense. Many officials said they were waiting for the approval to impose mandates.

    In the letter extending the EUA, Denise Hinton, the FDA’s chief scientist, said the vaccines are
    “legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.”
    The letter is no longer available on the FDA’s website, though the same language is used in an FAQ on the approved vaccine, known as Comirnaty…

    …[Mathew Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, a Christian legal group said]
    “You cannot interchange BioNTech’s Cominarty with Pfizer’s [shot] from a legal standpoint. They are legally distinct,” ….

  23. Oct 12th
    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Outlines Objective to Protect Workers From Being Fired Over Vaccine Status
    [VIDEO 6 minutes]

    DeSantis also mentions the “show me your papers” agenda, and that this agenda of “controlling people” will not stop with the President’s recent vaccine mandate.
    He covers a lot of points in his brief.

  24. About this vaxx control group:
    I listened to this interview with this representative from this “project”.

    I find this very suspicious. She can’t answer important questions, e.g the legal part, and the purpose of the payed for card is more than questionable. It won’t effectively help nothing in the coercion situation we are facing right now, since it is not an officially acknowledged study and thus of no importance to any state representative.

    nwhat is it about this “false address” to hide behind, while she shows her face and name for this interview? Further, what is it with this “ethical advisory committee” or what it is called? Why don’t they show themselves on tgd page and explain who they are, which backgrounds they have etc.?

    And the most cconcerning ofrme is that regarding the data they ask for and its security. The mandatory data you have to give for this platform (and she isn’t even 100% sure about some data being mandatory or not) is enough to come down on an individual these days.

    Haven’t listened to the Hugo talks, but I would agree that big abuse seems possible here, not to forget they earn money through selling this “ID”.

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