Truth Art – #SolutionsWatch

by | Apr 2, 2022 | Solutions Watch, Videos | 17 comments

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then it stands to reason that truth art can be as good as a podcast for waking people up to the bigger agenda. On this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James explores the ways the visual media can be used to communicate ideas, from the cerebral to the satirical to the emotional. He also explores how creative play in the visual arts can be a highly effective way to de-stress, to focus the mind, and to foster habits that don’t rely on screen time and electronic devices.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4

How Do I Wake Up My Friends and Family? – Questions For Corbett #065

Truth Music on The Corbett Report

Episode 278 – Truth Art

Interview 1713 – James Gets His Portrait Painted

Flip City Magazine GooTube channel / Odysee / Gab / Minds

Coloring is Good for You: 13 Reasons to Color Daily

Coloring Book Digital Download: Journey of Colors (use the coupon code “CorbettReport” for free download)

Antiganda – #SolutionsWatch


  1. First thought that came to mind when I saw this title, “truth art”, was David Dees.

    I wonder….truth/artifice. Does this art show the truth behind artifice? Or does the truth show what is artifice?

    Daedalus was said to be the first artificer, and his statues were so life like they “had to be tied down” so they wouldn’t move.

    Interesting nexus on the Mercury influenced Revati New Moon. Venus rules art, and Venus is exalted in Pisces. Piscean realm of illusions/disillusion. Loss of boundaries. Mercury shape shifts.

    “Wasteland” by Vic Muniz is a fabulous film about art.

  2. Goodness, I was looking for Mad Magazine yesterday!! That was the first part of my early sixties education, at a tender age.
    Fabulous!! A better Mad!! Yes!!
    Dang, just yesterday I thought we need a new Mad mag, wow. Wish fulfilled!!

      • Truth
        …is the title of an upcoming July-long invitational gallery show in Colorado!

        Like a freedom fest for art.

        Blo Back Gallery in Pueblo will be the place to be.

        Artists can RSVP and view the prospectus at

        I’m helping to find more artists, musicians, and podcasters to spread the word.

        “truth is an unlimited mine of possibility” says gallery owner Jeff Madeen:
        The vision is that this could turn into a traveling show, a coffee table book, an annual event….

        James, perhaps in a Truth Art follow-up in an upcoming episode you could help get this thing really rollin’! Give these amazing artists a venue and place to connect <3 Would love to connect you with Jeff (truth artist himself).

        Blo Back has a handful of people in the alt media, truth art, & music realms signed up so far to perform and attend at Truth.

        I'm really looking forward to it <3

    • Hi James,
      I recently passed a Rebels on Roundabouts protest near me in Birmingham UK. As i passed i was Handed a newspaper free paper. I intend to purchase 50 for £15 and leave them in public places.
      Thought you may be interested in this.
      Kind regards

      • There are some great publications circulating here in the states, too!

        New and old.

        Freedom’s Phoenix, Druthers, and The Flame come to mind.

        Such an excellent idea and totally in line with the need for physical media and hand-to-hand (uncensorable) transmission of info these days.

  3. I too got hooked on mad magazine in the late sixties; but james I had the same thought back then as you,, “this might not be as edgy as it used to be,,” perhaps thats an auto reflex handed down from age to age?

    There were others less popular, (likely because even edgier), The “freak brothers comics” comes to mind. France has a huge range of this kind of stuff: printed as mags or softcover tabloid style books on many fronts of satire

  4. I agree that art touches, moves and inspired people to action. I am an artist and activist. I have had an art activist exhibit for 4 years that is in Universities, and will be in aa museum exhibit in early 2023. This exhibit is the catalyst that bridges polarities into conversation, and conversation leads to community. The exhibit is entitled, Intergenerational Conversations of Consequence Inspired by an Artist’s Brush. It can be seen at
    There is also aa discussion guide for creating conversations that can change the hearts and minds. The art is beautiful, colorful, thought provoking and has an embedded message in every one of the 24 pieces of global government overreach, corruption, technocrat elitism, and philanthro-capitalism. I hope you enjoy.

  5. This is from my “7 tools for health and happiness.”

    Music and Art

    Music can heal

    Minstrels of centuries past would be hired to play songs that would get people dancing so as to ward off melancholy.

    Art can make me happy

    Art helps release my inner visions so that I can achieve clarity of purpose. As I understand myself better, I am better prepared to make the choices that are necessary for a fuller and happier life.

  6. Hi James! If you ever get any urge to merch stickers for Corbett I’d be super interested in investing in a few. I filled out the contact form at the New World Next Week site as well with the same request.
    I know you don’t condone vandalism per se, but there is an individual in my town putting up Infowars stickers around town. Not vandalizing, just decorating. I’d like to counter decorate with your information for those who would prefer a more tempered and intellectual type for their truth telling needs. The sticker trend is hot right now. Let’s go Brandon.

  7. – Attention –

    I appreciate Corbett telling us the anecdote about the family coming in and Corbett sits down to color. The kids soon voluntarily join in when their attention goes to Dad.
    That was a smooth way of directing attention towards a calming endeavor.
    And by example.

    There is a lot that could be said about “attention” and “interest”.

  8. Thanks to all the authors who have made contributions for this episode. If there is, however, one pragmatical lesson in all of this, that would be: choose a more sensible domain name. I’d probably go completely nuts having to spell out “ZieBee” a few thousand times 😀

  9. I don’t think this one is getting enough love! Personally think art is great way to get your message across. Also in your personal life, as a hobby it can be very therapeutic. Parody comics and animations can be a great way to go after these globalist monsters using comedy to win people over. I did a ton of drawing, comics and animation, throughout grade school, junior high, and high school. I kind of fell out of it over the years. But ever since covid/lockdowns, Ive picked it up again. Dabbling in it whenever I find some time. Ever since I started drawing again, Ive wanted to make a big project, maybe an animation. Idk sky is the limit! If I could make a living doing this stuff, I would!

    Have an amazing day,

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