Auditing the Police – #SolutionsWatch

by | Nov 9, 2022 | Solutions Watch, Videos | 59 comments

The agents of the government claim the right to audit you, right? But they’re our “public servants,” aren’t they? So surely we can audit them to make sure they are doing their job, can’t we? And if not, why not? Join James for this important edition of #SolutionsWatch as we dive into the wild and wooly world of sousveillance, copwatching and public servant auditing.

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Asking Cops The Same Silly Questions They Ask Us – Arizona Cop Gets Flustered (short version)

Webster P.D. ruins my dinner and violates my 4th Am right

Call Me A Muppet Again And I Will Arrest You!

Episode 272 – Solutions: Sousveillance

Interview 448 – Carlos Miller on Filming the Police

Non-compliance at Travel Checkpoints – #SolutionsWatch

FBI Pleads “Stop Filming Police! It’s Making Them Look Bad!”

FBI Director James Comey blames citizens with cameras for increase in violent crime

Top 10 Crooked Cops Caught on Camera

Cop Gets Fired And Arrested After INTENSE Altercation

Officer fired over dashcam video

The Free Thought Project

Police The Police: Facebook / YouTube / Insta / Twitter / Minds / MeWe / Telegram / Flote

San Joaquin Valley Transparency

The Free Though Podcast interview w/ San Joaquin Valley Transparency

James Freeman

The Free Though Podcast interview w/ James Freeman

News Now South Carolina

Joshua Martinez Arrested, Held on $1M Bond Over Entirely Legal Facebook Posts Criticizing Gov’t


    • Funny you say that because I was wondering the same thing. There are some very talented writers/bloggers though. So the quality is good. However, I don’t think people should only post on Substack and should also have their own blog/website and perhaps even print as a backup. I don’t know much about who made the platform. It allows me to make donations on my credit card which I thought was better than paypal here. I have a credit card via a credit union so I think it’s a bit better. I was going to mail a check to JEP’s PO box, but sometimes the mail is kind of iffy.

  1. The police state will be televised! Or at least should be, by US. Let’s acknowledge that police work is stressful, and tends to foster a “us vs. them” attitude. That said, I think that being calm and assertive without being confrontational would be the best approach. But why should we stop with the police? With modern technology it should be cheap and easy to monitor ALL public servants. Not only city counsel meetings, but all meetings. All public office spaces, too; many private companies do that now, but civil servants work for us, right? I think that if there were cameras that you could access online they would tend to behave better. I know, they would insist that large areas be off limits (for security reasons, I say sarcastically) but force them to defend such claims. After all, they have nothing to hide, do they??

  2. This is an excellent solution and should be more wildly implemented. In fact when filming it should be uploaded immediately to preserve it. I think the police have forgotten who pays their salary and who they supposedly work for. And a lot of the officers (not all) are shady and corrupt and break the law too. I’ve witnessed many moving violations by cops when I’m driving and there sirens weren’t on. But if I make a moving violation, I’ll be pulled over.

    There could be a seminar on citizen rights and how to perform audits on cops and politicians. Many people join politics and PD because they are authoritarians and get off on exerting power over others.

    I liked how the detective in the video was asked if he’s been drinking. As far as I know asking a question isn’t illegal. A calm question, “have you been drinking, are you intoxicated?” if you’re ever questioned. I really loved that part in particular.

    Also knowing what rights a person has if they are ever questioned is critical. Most people don’t know that they don’t have to talk to the police. One can ask “am I being detained and if so, I would like an attorney” If they say no, the next statement should be “I am ending this conversation now and drive or walk away” Also, never allow a search, ever. They aren’t able to search without a valid warrant signed by a judge.

    • “I liked how the detective in the video was asked if he’s been drinking. As far as I know asking a question isn’t illegal. A calm question, “have you been drinking, are you intoxicated?” if you’re ever questioned. I really loved that part in particular.”

      If you enjoyed that part of the video, you really should see the rest of it!

      The ‘auditor’ has the officer retreating from the scene, totally embarrassed with his tail between his legs. 🙂

  3. I must say that this conflicts me… while such videos have had a good effect on teaching people that the Police are not Magic you really should have reasonable expectations for cops.

    I was once sitting in the back of a car, drunk off my face, outside a bar with some other guys when the cops came up and dragged us all out and started asking what we were doing.

    The bar has plenty of girls visible thru the window (so i’m told, I could barely see a yard at that point) so the cops actually did have a point when they ran us off…. if your daughter was in that bar would you want cops to fear chasing off a bunch of creepy looking drunk guys away???

    We really had no bad intentions, and the Driver was sober, and no one had done anything illegal. They really had no legal justification to run us off….but its kinda a good thing that they do such things

    During the Floyd riots i was amazed that normal people were scared to say that he was habitual criminal who , if you watched the body cam video, (WHICH WAS NOT WIDELY SHOWN BY THE US NEWS) was totally out of it on drugs as well as being a habitual criminal of the worst kind. Honestly how anyone who saw the whole video convicted the cop of murder is beyond me.

    Is anyone really thinking that THIS guy should be allowed to decide he’s not getting arrested?? Because if we get cops or if we do it ourselves a guy like Floyd can not be allowed to just do as he pleases.
    “…Floyd was accused of being part of a home robbery by six men and holding a gun to a woman’s stomach. He was convicted of aggravated robbery, according….”

    A lot of why you are allowed to see cops more thuggish behavior these days is so they can be Federalized in some way, which will mean that they TOTALLY work for the State rather then your local government. They will always be thuggish (how could they do their job otherwise), but they will be MASSIVELY worse when they are thugs under Central Gov control.

    • Flyoid had an extensive rap sheet for armed robbery/home invasion which is bad. He sounded like a slime bag. However the cops failed to call an ambulance when he complained of shortness of breath which was unprofessional and I thought stupid to be honest. I thought PD had some basic training in medical emergencies. I know when I’ve worked in CA emergency rooms any person who complains of chest pain or shortness of breath has to be cleared my a doctor prior to jail.

      Regarding treatment of other people during arrest some of the other cases are equally shameful like arresting the elderly lady for not wearing a mask. That was very bad and disgraceful. They also sprayed and tazed someone who was having a seizure who had run through an intersection for resisting arrest. That is equally disgraceful and I was shocked that they couldn’t discern a medical emergency.

      People do have a right to assemble at a bar irrespective of how they look. This is why they have bouncers and pocket pistols. There are some nice holsters that increase safety when carrying a pistol.

      • cu.h.j

        “…People do have a right to assemble at a bar irrespective of how they look. This is why they have bouncers and pocket pistols. There are some nice holsters that increase safety when carrying a pistol…”

        While WE were just talking about where we should go next I do not believe that we should have an absolute right to make other people feel unsafe.

        Should I be able to hang around a school yard and take photos of your kids??

        Do I have the right to go into the women’s toilets, or the changing rooms at the swimbaths?

        YOU may be a dab hand with a pistol, but I suspect that most women, or men, do not carry one, or a knife, and most people that DO treat them as a security blanket. But that aside, do you really want to live in a town with drunk or drugged up weirdos living in tents on the road outside your house???

        It is a good way to buy up the town cheep after your drive out the people though 😉

        The “let people do WHATEVER” they like trap is a tool Oligarchs use to make people weak and unable to resist when they do such property scams

        • Assembling at a bar is an adult activity, not a school yard, nor a woman’s bathroom. So these are completely different situations.

          Bars usually have bouncers, the one’s I’ve been to anyway who handle the creepy guys and gals. If they want to ask someone who looks suspicious what they are doing, fine. If a police officer looks suspicious can a citizen also ask a question?

          And maybe people should start taking their own safety into their own hands by learning to carry a knife, pepper spray or a pistol (in a holster). People assert their rights by using them. It’s not that hard to learn how to use a pistol pretty effectively really. If I can do it anyone can. I’ve learned how to use a shot gun and rifle too. It’s empowering to be able to defend yourself and use common sense to keep oneself safe without giving agents more authority over general comings and goings of regular citizens.

          Unfortunately there are too many police officers who are untrained and lack skill and also use their little bit of power to harass people.

          I think filming police could be very helpful if someone finds themselves at the end of something shady and that can happen. If I ever get pulled over, I plan on having a camera or some type of monitoring device. I don’t break laws when I drive so there would be no cause to be pulled over to begin with.

          I much prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery myself and when I go out to a bar, I am prepared to defend myself. I know where all the vital organs are and how to deliver a man stopping groin kick which would be my go to before the liver.

          And, of interesting note there are some people who have dressed as police officers and pulled women over and killed them after sexual assault. So a person in a uniform is not guarantee of safety. There were a few cases as well as actual police officers killing women. I watch a lot of true crime and it’s happened more than once.

          • I’m also not saying all police officers are bad and acknowledge some of them really just want to help people. I’ve met some of these and I interact a lot with police working in the emergency room. Some of them do face substantial stress, like working child abuse cases and murders and with the general public which is stressful (someday I want to stop doing this myself). I’ve had police go check on my grandma to make sure she was okay when she wouldn’t answer the phone and they were very nice to her. I’ve had police officers give rides to patients and try to find shelter for battered women. So there are some people who are really trying to be professional and use minimal force with people.

            Some of them are more like social workers in the cities and there have been improvements with dealing with mentally ill people and also making sure to have enough basic medical training to discern when someone should be sent to the hospital for evaluation even during an arrest. Any chest pain has been followed up and shortness of breath (since it could also be a heart attack). There’s also de escalation training for health care staff and police officers to use words and empathy during their interactions with the public.

          • cu.h.j

            “…Assembling at a bar is an adult activity, not a school yard, nor a woman’s bathroom. So these are completely different situations…..”

            NO, they are not.
            The idea that its OK for a bunch of hoodlums to just hang out on the street is saying that you have no right to feel safe walking the street…. how is that working out in California??? Count the turds and needles the zombies leave laying around?

            “…. It’s not that hard to learn how to use a pistol pretty effectively really. If I can do it anyone can…..”

            Watch this….

            I actually DID this test with a blackbelt who carried daily AND had the training gun in an OPEN CARRY holster with no retention or clothing in the way. Do not imagine that a gun gives you any protection from somone who wants to kill you.

            “…. common sense to keep oneself safe without giving agents more authority over general comings and goings of regular citizens….”

            TRUE…but I also do not want to be in “Escape From New York”
            Parents also do not want to provide an armed guard to stop druggies eating kids on their way to school

            • Can you explain

              “…Assembling at a bar is an adult activity, not a school yard, nor a woman’s bathroom. So these are completely different situations…..”

              NO, they are not.

              Why are they not? I don’t understand your reasoning here, how a bar and a school yard and a woman’s bathroom are the same.

              A bar is a alcoholic beverage establishment where a school yard is typically for kids and parents and a bathroom is to poo and pee in private.

              • They are both public places… a BAR actually has MORE right (as private biz) to keep people out then a Public service like toilets or school.

                You did hear about the Trannies in the UK shoving their way into Lesbian Bars???? they actually had the law against discrimination on their side

                LOL…the bars are ‘evolving’ acc to article ( ALSO look up on Wikipedia ‘Cotton ceiling’ …the revolution always eats its own)


              • Loitering at a bar with no intention of going in a bit odd and usually private security staff/bouncers monitor this kind of thing. I think less laws against private citizens from defending themselves would be a better way to foster safety. I think JC mentioned this, having decentralized neighborhood watch type groups and also people just being able to defend themselves. I don’t frequent a lot of bars anymore unless I’m out with friends because I don’t drink that much and bars can be a magnet for seedy characters and can be a kind of a “den of vice”

                I think allowing and normalizing police intrusion into the comings and goings of citizens aren’t a good idea because it’s a way of centralizing protection. There are also some police officers who like to harass people because they enjoy it. Not all but some. Protection services could be decentralized and allow competition and improved quality.

                Bars are private and do have a right to say who comes in or out. The claim that the state uses by saying they are protecting rights is only to expand it’s control and destruction of freedom. They are duplicitous.

                Bathrooms and school yards though they are public spaces are typically reserved for people who are using the space for a designated purpose. Intentions matter as well. I do think individual stalls are much nicer for bathrooms with it’s own sink and a door that closes and locks. And some women are just as weird in the bathroom and I don’t like using public toilets if I can avoid them.

                I also don’t go to playgrounds unless I have my niece and nephew because there’s no reason for me to be there without them.

                However, what if I just liked the park that also had a playground and I just wanted to be there and had no ill intentions, do I have a right to be there if no one is offended by my presence? Can I ask, is it okay if I sit here? If the parents were okay with it, is that wrong?

            • Cu.h.j

              1) Bouncers who are even LESS accountable than cops should have people off a Public street where they are parked?? ….I guess we can chase off blacks for black too?????

              2) If you really need to ask if it’s OK for a lone adult to hang out in a park where kids are playing I really do not know what to say…. lol

              I know you said you don’t have kids but ask someone who does what they think of that. 🙂 got to go

              • Voluntary interactions sound good to me. I listened to this libertarian guy who’s also black who talked about how economics can take care of racism and stuff like that. People can chose not to support a racist business without the government coming in. He said he preferred hanging out with other black folks in general because he felt more in common, except for politics, but that it was based on the person more than race.

                I think what I’m try to say is that context matters and intentions matter and the way someone interacts matter.

                Maybe someone had a bad day and just need to sit down for a minute and collect their thoughts.

                I think that it’s our basic beliefs about people and not always thinking that people have bad intentions, or that man is inherently evil in need of authoritarian guidance that often lends itself to corruption.

              • I asked my husband if he thought adults without children should be banned from playgrounds and he said if a playground is enclosed with only a play structure then its reasonable, but that a city wide ordinance is not appropriate. He said when rules are established locally, he feels more comfortable about that.

                I think this goes back to centralization of power, and how it can lend itself to corruption.

                But as far as parks go if it’s just a large park where people can go jogging and stuff and exercise in and kids happen to play there, the adult has a right to use the park. I’ve done yoga in a park where kids happened to be playing. I have also gone to playgrounds at night when no one is there with some friends hanging out when I was a bit younger. We’d sneak some beer in and go down the slides and swing on the swings because it was fun. We didn’t leave garbage or beer cans or anything else behind, so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this.

              • Cu.h.j

                I am assuming your husband does not have kids either. The flip of the switch in one’s brain is quite astounding….tell him to dress a druggie and approach someone’s kid in the park so he can observe a normal parental reaction in the wild. lol, 🙂 just kidding

                I rather think that’s why the Ruling class keep pushing the anti natalist propagnda so much….sterile worker drones are way easier to control since they lack that protective instinct

              • I think you are really assuming that an adult in a park is necessarily a threat to children and that an adult would approach a child. People in cities and even towns share parks and if they have lots of open spaces, kids don’t really have ownership of the entire park just because they are playing there. That’s absurd.

                You see JC’s video’s of him walking in park all the time, does he duck out if he sees a kid playing there? Oh no, I better leave now.

                People have a right to exercise in a park even if kids happen to be playing there.

                And before we get into more straw man arguments, I’m not talking about an enclosed play ground. That definition of terms important when trying to discuss and illuminate points, rather than argue for the sake of arguing.

                If a park is public, I have a right to use it and do yoga or jog or meditate or twiddle my thumbs if I want to.

                I have never had a parent approach me in a public park with children playing in it to leave because that’s absurd. If it was an enclosed play ground and I was approaching children, that is a different matter. Or if it’s someone’s private park, that’s also different. But I think you are aware of that.

                Having children does not give a parent ownership of public spaces, especially if another person wants to use the space to exercise.

              • Cu.h.j

                Ok, that’s fine. If I cant be clear today best for me to stop trying g 🙂

                Let people do whatever the yoke around you and in your area….just do not be surprised when your area is no longer very pleasant or safe to live in. If you want to live where people are free to drop their turds and needles California style it does not bother me. Different strokes for different folks….

  4. A few experiences in dealing with police:

    #1 some twenty years ago I’m walking down the street, headphones on my ears. At one point in time I feel someone grabbing at my shoulder, it was one of those street regulars. He’s threatening me with “measures” because I didn’t stop. I explain that I’m wearing headphones. He proceeds to threaten with more measures. I inquire whether he was ready to shoot me in the back. It was very obvious this guy’s IQ was, much like that TV show, stuck somewhere in the eighties.

    #2 a guy walks into my friend’s bar. He asks for “beer” and the waitress gets him a beer. He apparently didn’t like the brand, so he says he ain’t gonna pay, then proceeds to smash the bottle and breaks a lot of glass in the bar. Turns out the guy was not only drunk, but also aggressive. He proceeds to leave the premises, while the waitress, distressed, calls the police. They get there and issue her a fine because she served an alcoholic beverage to a drunk individual.

    Note: proprietors are not allowed to do random urine tests for alcohol contents. Even if they were, doing so would not be very compatible with their business model.

    #3 some friends got in trouble due to some alleged “football fan violence”. The police people obtained some “evidence” via less than legit methods. When their date came in the kangaroo court, the highly placed police official who served as a witness, instead or offering his testimony used the indictment to read out the “facts” of the matter. The lawyer objects, the judge throws out the “case”.

    #4 about ten years ago an ex colleague of mine had been robbed. His wallet was picked clean from a locker in a medical establishment. A guy took credit cards and some cash. One of the cards was used to purchase an item at a local jewellery, even if the card was supposed to be protected with a pin. The total damage was something like 3x more than the semi official minimum where one can expect the police to investigate. Basically, they tell you that for something like 400 USD they won’t investigate at all, the robbed amount was around 3 times that.

    My colleague got in touch with the medical establishment owner who had clear video evidence of the offender and could guess his identity. Based on the bank statement, he knew the exact time and place when the card was used, obviously. He even had some solid connections down at the police station. The medical establishment proprietor had some connections of his own. This guy is quite notable in the area and didn’t like the fact that a regular customer was robbed at his place. He was embarrassed about that and wanted to matter to be investigated so he prodded the police from his end.

    Nobody from the police at any point in time even went to pick up the video evidence nor tried to determine the identity of this thief nor checked with the jeweller regarding his strange business practices.

    • TLDR:

      If you think you need the police, think again. If you call for ambulance of firefighters, you will probably get police instead. There is a good reason why people of a certain profile are hired into “service”. Foretold is forewarned.

  5. I should put forth the disclaimer that one should not put much stock in my advice.

    I am also a criminal of the State, a breaker of laws, and often my activities move into the gray-zone of unorthodox morality…
    (Short list)

    Regarding the list point about going to jail:
    Unfortunately, I had knocked on the door of a police officer’s apartment that sunny Fall weekend. After eating grass when I was thrown on the ground with handcuffs behind my back, I was later placed in the back of his squad car.
    As he drove me to jail, I deliberately introverted him.
    By the time we got there, his face had lost color. Pale.
    It was a calm, but authoritative verbal barrage of character evaluations and invalidations designed to put his attention inside his head.
    I am certain that it haunted him that night when he went to bed.

    I must have been a big fish in his book, because my cell was next to someone in jail for murder. The guards took my glasses and belt so I wouldn’t kill myself.

  6. Surprising no one here can see this psyop. What is the psyop? Hmmm, lets see. How about we defund the local Police, always paint them in a bad light, make saints out of thugs like George Floyd and Brionna Taylor but portray the FBI, DEA, ATF as your knight in shining armor. Kind of scary but the tool the deep state is using to remove policing powers from local governments and turn it over to the federal government. The new East German Stasi police coming soon to your neighborhood!

    • Logj

      That’s what I think.

      The Libertarian impulse normal people feel to be left alone and leave others alone is weaponized because people first believed the lie that police are there to protect us and when they see it’s not true believe the new lie that police are their sworn enemies or something.

      • Duck

        There are problems with the current system but what the cabal envisions will be much worse. I doubt the 87,000 new armed IRS agents will be watched over by a civilian review board. You’ll be thrown into the federal gulag with the Jan 6th “insurrectionists”.. no bail, to deter any future wrong think. The corrupt MSM won’t care and Perry Mason’s out for lunch.

        Grimm times ahead.

    • Interesting analysis and when the George Floyd issue happened, I saw this polarizing psyop in full force, to cause chaos and in fighting among people.

      So one side said police are bad and should be defunded and the other side said they are our hero’s. And this could be used to centralize policing or implement the social credit/surveillance state that exists in China.

      I’d much rather interact with a person than have cameras everywhere. But there’s already camera’s everywhere. CCTV is in most cities around the country.

      I think better training can help with decreasing excessive force. At any rate, I think you have a point about how this issue is being used as a divisive tactic in order to implement something much worse.

  7. My sister’s rape and murder exposed me to very malevolent, corrupt police and also very rigorous, professional and benevolent police.

    The point of becoming more constructively active and not letting yourself be trampled on and abused is well taken.

    But I’m afraid that this “auditing the police” tactic could, if more widely generalized, become

    an ultimately divisive force exacerbating conflict and antagonistic tensions within the population.

    I have trouble understanding how taunting police with “you punk-ass” can be helpful unless this is highly customized treatment to give a particular cop a taste of his own medicine, which it may well be. But even so, an innocent bystander might be somewhat shocked as they misunderstand the intention behind the aggression of the insult.

    My reticence is based solely on the podcast presentation and I have not read the clarifying show notes yet.

    • Wow, I’m sorry to hear about your sister. That’s awful. I can’t imagine what that must be like. I hope they were able to catch the monster who did it.

      That was a bit insulting “punk ass” part and he probably could have omitted that part. I suspect that this particular detective has had some complaints. Did you notice how he seemed a bit defensive about the drinking though? I thought that part was funny to be honest.

      I think auditing centralized organizations would be a better idea perhaps, like the FBI, DEA or even CIA. Go into CIA at Langley and ask if they are still importing cocaine and if they still have the presidential kill list on file. Also auditing the the CDC would be good. People are probably more afraid of these agencies though. Local police tend to be pretty low on the totem pole.

      I once had a patient family try to film me and I told them not to and was a bit offended. But, I suspect they may have had negative experiences in hospitals. I personally don’t every treat patients disrespectfully or in an unprofessional manner.

      • So, I felt that the family was being presumptuous with me, to try to film what I was doing. I certainly have never filmed or photographed a patient.

        Police have body cam now in many places, so citizens filming to me is fair play.

        I think the lock-downs and random shakedowns of ordinary citizens have made a of people suspicious and angry.

        I do think auditing central organizations would be very interesting if the video ever got out.

      • A good Sunday mornin’ to ya cu.h.j.!
        Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

        For openers, with regards to your treating patients in a respectful manner, I have absolutely no doubts about that.

        As for them filming you, I wonder where all that rhetoric about consent to one’s filmed or even photographed image and blurred faces went? such scrupules forcibly drowned in the Baudrillardian tsunami of pixel representations paving the way to ubiquitous facial recognition I imagine. Now we’re all in the panopticon where everyone is supposed to see the other as a potential threat and tattle on their neighbor who’s at once precisely identified and anonymous to us.

        As for the ‘auditing’ (harassing?) of the police, a phrase comes to mind, a question Mr. Corbett articulated (quoted?) more than once I believe;

        “What if there was a war and nobody went?”

        It doesn’t apply here it seems? Why should ‘we’ play that game and debase ourselves by stooping to that level of aggression? What do we stand to gain in contrast to what we stand to lose? An honest question for any takers.

        Now on to more gruesome matters, my sister was sadistically (over hours at gunpoint) tortured and assassinated a long time ago (in 1990) so ‘the pangs’ (for lack of a better word) of rage and excruciating pain have been mercifully dampened by (illusory?) time. As an aside, I’ll stipulate that my views on gun control did an immediate about-face as I will always regret that she didn’t have her own handgun that might have given her the shadow of a chance at defending herself. Though, rather hypocritically (fatalistically?), I don’t own one myself.

        And as for catching the monster that did that, I strongly tend to believe, according to the elements at my disposal (that I did attempt to maximize as well as I could under the circumstances (living in a foreign country not being the most daunting circumstances among them) that the monster machine has locked up still another black man for life who was innocent of that crime in lieu of the Westchester county commissioner’s nephew, as indicated by a couple of detectives who were the first on the case and then promptly removed (within 48 hours of her horrifying demise).

        And to loop back to the unbridled use of photos and names on the net in the name of vigilante justice (as exemplified by this podcast page), I will refer you to those of a certain Patrick Baxter, who, I reiterate, I consider to be innocent, and in a futile and feeble gesture of setting the record straight I’ll post a more precise though erroneous reference (in my opinion) pandering to the ‘masses” fascination with televised gore:

        • I would like to hear your follow up post and why you think he is innocent. Having a gun can be very helpful force multiplier for women in certain circumstances, but anyone can be caught off guard and end up in a bad situation.

          Your other question:
          “As for the ‘auditing’ (harassing?) of the police, a phrase comes to mind, a question Mr. Corbett articulated (quoted?) more than once I believe;

          “What if there was a war and nobody went?”

          It doesn’t apply here it seems? Why should ‘we’ play that game and debase ourselves by stooping to that level of aggression? What do we stand to gain in contrast to what we stand to lose? An honest question for any takers.”

          I think this is a good question and point. Is this the same thing as playing their game? I’m not sure. I think it depends on the department you’re auditing. I think knowing how to interact with a representative of the state is useful, like knowing laws and how to assert your rights in case a person finds themselves interacting with police. I’ve never been arrested or anything so haven’t ever faced any negative interactions with police other than traffic stops.

          In the audit video with that detective, I think he could have handled it better and seemed pretty defensive but also didn’t break the law because it was on film. That panopticon phenomenon you mention.

          I think auditing could work by just making citizen presence known to some of these agencies, showing that people are paying attention.

          • What I meant with respect to the detective is that I think the detective could have handled the questioning better. He became defensive and a bit authoritarian rather than trying to discuss the underlying issues.

            I’ve met some really nice police officers who actually have a kind demeanor and it’s disarming. Active listening and non violent communication are very useful skills. I worked as a crisis counselor for years and this technique using empathy is very helpful and I speak with patients this way who are upset and frustrated.

            I always try anyway until someone starts to cuss and call me names which happens sometimes. People who come to the emergency room are frustrated by long wait times and many come on a very bad day when they are sick and in pain, so are not always in a good state of mind. I try to put myself in their place and acknowledge their frame of mind.

            There was an elderly lady a week ago who was pissed off because she waited for 4 hours in the lobby after a fall and no one addressed her concerns and pain. I helped her go the bathroom and explained why she was waiting (sicker patients are seen first, not who comes in first) and that I would try to get her in a bit faster, which I did. She got pain medicine and a bit of empathy and interaction from someone who was not frustrated (the other nurse who triaged her was a bit gruff because of the tone of her voice).

            I think police should try to put themselves in the place of who they are interacting with and pick up on the frustration of the other party and act in good faith. I believe this can work to diffuse situations. I also think the purpose of police should be remembered, “to serve and protect”. Police have guns and authority granted by the state, but many believe that they are acting for the benefit of the community, which is the (supposed) moral purpose of what they do. I think some police “shake down” people because they have quotas and need to justify their paycheck so they try to entrap people, which is unethical in many situations.

          • Good evening cu.h.j.!

            This morning before my classes, I started writing as concisely as I could, a reply to your question as to why I think the guy rotting in a NY jail is not the guy who tortured, raped and murdered my sister. I thought it was a great question that no one had ever asked me but it was impossible to keep it short so I gave up.

            On another note, as I’m a paranoid conspiracy theorist, and having listened day after week after month after year after decade to countless English students describing their daily professional lives, I tend to think there is as much of a campaign in companies to keep people as stressed out as possible as there is commuting and at home via the media. Objectives and deadlines that are impossible to meet, indifferent, even malevolent hierarchies, difficult and humiliating office politics, open plan panopticons, disappearing profits and lay-offs on the horizon… In fact, now, in some major pharma companies, no one even has their own desk! You have to show up early enough to be sure to get a desk, like musical chairs. Welcome to 2030, I own nothing, have no privacy and I’m forced to love it or leave it. Habituating people to not having their “own space” in addition to not having enough time…

            So, people are live wires, looking for outlets, reasons to be offended, pick a fight, feeling convinced they’re not worth anything, not even of having a semblance of a desk, never mind an office or a raise or even a bit of recognition… or even a nurse who comes to see how they’re doing at the Emergency ward…

            Which must make your job and attempts at empathy very difficult.

            As for auditing the police, have you seen that movie The Circle? At the end, the heroine was victorious not because she had abolished the ubiquitous, perpetual surveillance system SeaChange, quite the contrary; because everyone thought they were going to be able to spy on their authority figures, politicians, celebrities, police, just as much.

            Auditing the police seems like a way of saying we agree to being audited ourselves and to living in a world of constant auditing of everything and everybody. It’s like we’re saying Yes to the panopticon as long as everyone is in it! But I’m certainly missing the point.

            anyhow, autumn is forcing my burning eyes shut, gotta hit the hay…

            • I tend to think there is as much of a campaign in companies to keep people as stressed out as possible as there is commuting and at home via the media

              While this immediately rang the bell for me, I am really not sure what would be the mechanism to enable this in the working place, especially ubiquitously. Higher up managerial positions could attract psychopaths, I can totally see that happening, and so that could be one common fixture, but generally I don’t think an unwitting (or otherwise) conspiracy of this kind really holds water.

              In my experience the impossible expectations are coming from impossible stupidity and people’s readiness to lie to themselves and anyone who’s willing to listen. Too many people are just too eager to start working without fleshing out the ideas or doing any common sense checks.

              What I can recognise on daily basis is an all pervasive culture of lack of candour and open, bald faced lying and bluffing. Their pokerface is just as cool as my explosive-diarrhoea-2-in-the-morning face.

              Often I get the feeling of being surrounded by a pack of really lousy gamblers who would get busted really quickly on any table, but in the business world it seems like so many people are bluffing as a norm that they do not dare call someone else’s bluff for fear of retaliation at a later date, at a time that would be less than fortuitousness for their cause.

              There is also something that can be said about building a house of cards that would be in immediate danger of being seen through if some rays of truth would protrude and cast light from embarrassing angles. So they just keep lying, bluffing and kicking the can down the road. Jesus, this can I see them kicking around daily has been kicked more times than a Manhattan curb side at a busy monday noon.

              There is also something that can be said about abject cowardice, lack of guts and willingness to do the right thing. These people are soft bellied, thick cheeked, bald faced, self defeating liars, but they aren’t psychopaths. It’s a game, and they are playing it. They are also getting high on their own supply.

              The open floor thing is certainly something that should be shunned; the constant buzzing, whirring and chatting takes a great toll on concentration, wearing one down more than necessary. To that extent one has to wonder who would opt for something like that if it almost guarantees lower performance, with only a few potential, best case minor, benefits (rudimentary knowledge sharing, awareness derived from odd fragments of information being picked up from the air).

              But I guess people will have their ideas and do what they do if for no other reason but because they get to say what happens and how the things get done. Or don’t get done, which incredibly often seems like a distinction without a difference.

  8. It’s SO refreshing to see your interviews devoid of all the time wasting small talk! Thank you for getting and sticking to the point. It also makes the interviewed person shine, when we can see right away the meat of what they have to offer. I hope more interviewers will follow your fine example.

  9. Utilizing the public speaking platforms directed at local officials can be very productive in a number of ways.
    For example: It can disseminate a message to the broad public, but also change the behavior of public officials.

    Dallas City Council
    Dallas has live video feeds of their City Council meetings.
    They offer an ‘Open Mic’ for people to present their concerns before the Mayor and Council.

    Some Texas cities have already done away with this ‘Open Mic’ platform, which of course, takes away from the people’s power over their public servants.

    Recently, the Mayor of Dallas has pushed the idea of doing away with ‘Open Mic’ and also with cutting the video feed on speakers.
    The Mayor certainly did not like the fact that on City TV he was exposed for violating City Council voting protocol, and exposed for verbally railroading in 11 seconds the approval of Fluoride while suddenly cutting out other Council Members’ concerns about the deceptive phrasing of the Agenda Item. That Fluoride vote occurred on September 14th.

    The loud pushback against threats of ‘Open Mic’ censorship by Fluoride activists is contagious.
    If one watches all the ‘Open Mic’ speakers, other speakers have joined the chorus.
    Behavior on the City Council does change as a result of ‘Open Mic’ speakers on TV. It is noticable. I have seen it time and time again through the years.

    Anyway, my point is that there are opportunities to audit public officials other than the police. We can use their tools or platforms. And sometimes, we can get results.

  10. I witnessed some pretty grotesque police corruption and brutality in my time living in BC, never had a camera on me to try and record their misdeeds though. One of the worst instances I witnessed was when I saw 4 big RCMP go after, take down and pin down a 16 year old kid (the kid was lipping them off, calling them pigs etc). They cuffed him, then with one of them pinning the kid on the ground with the RCMP’s knee on his back (while he was cuffed and fully subdued) he pulls out his baton and smashed the kid in the mouth. I got the impression from those cops that if I was to have filmed them, they probably would have reacted like the mafia does when someone films them doing some enforcing.

    Another time I was going to apprentice school for stone masonry in Surrey (its near Vancouver, BC) and I was on my way home from watching a movie with some friends. After we had gone our separate ways I had an RCMP sneak up on me and out of the blue demand I submit to a search. He was a big guy, it was dark, I was alone and he was reaching for his taser, so I complied. He pulled out my wallet pulled out a 50 dollar bill and said “that’s drug money” threw the wallet on the ground and walked away.

    It was like your classic Mexican police shakedown, but right here in Canada. Ever since then I do not allow police to approach me when I am alone and I do not comply if I have an effective exit vector available.

    Thinking back on it, again, I got the vibe from that guy that If I was to have pulled out a camera and started filming him, he would have probably tazed me, beat me down, took the camera and smashed it (so that situation probably falls into the type which is the kind that you wisely cautioned people to exercise discernment before filming/confronting corrupt cops in).

    While I suppose having a hidden type camera might have been able to help bring some kind of justice to that thug with a badge that mugged me, hindsight is 20/20. Plus those hidden cameras were expensive back in the early 2000s (and I was a broke apprentice stone mason going paycheck to paycheck). It was disheartening and humiliating, but in any case I did use it as a valuable life lesson, and I am more careful about thugs with badges now, so there is that.

    • ‘Gavinm’ ~
      “I witnessed some pretty grotesque police corruption and brutality in my time living in BC”

      Goodness, what harrowing experiences. It’s interesting to note how the policing has changed here in England too, some were always power crazed bad apples so to speak, but now there is a whole new breed of police being trained in Israel and bombarded with ‘Common purpose’ training in how to ‘think’ differently, a shift has happened, the ‘constable’ is officially still there under the guise of a policy enforcer, but many refuse to stand on their oath or even produce a warrant card when asked (confirming they’re a constable so called and under oath)…the war is now at home, policing is hardcore, legislation is the only thing they are interested in upholding, and it would seem at any cost. I’ve seen police go from carrying a mere baton, to tasers to full body armour along with tasers and guns now as standard kit, which i’m sure is the same in all Crown Corporation owned countries.
      I have a an absolutely no contact policy, I don’t engage with thugs or criminals of any kind where I can help it, hired or otherwise…so why would I ever engage with a government hired thug, uhhh uhh no way.

      • @NewWhirlThisWeek

        I appreciate the thoughtful comment and you sharing your observations of how police have changed where you are.

        Here in Ontario, I did not see as much police abuse from 2012-2020, but once they initiated the injection mandates (thinning out most of the free thinking and honorable officers) I saw a sharp increase in abusive police behavior. Here is a pic of one expression of that which I captured near where we live earlier this year. People were on the streets holding signs after the “Freedom Convoy” and border blockades (where people protested losing their jobs over the injection mandates). These police had just been called in (and given bonus pay) to kettle the protestors and open up the ambassador bridge (that goes from Windsor, Ontario to Detriot) near where we live. After they stormed the peaceful people blocking the bridge (with APC-s and snipers on the rooftops near by) they started progressing down the street into town harassing other people nearby. The people they went after were doing their own thing, peacefully voicing their views, holding signs, the police charged them, with military gear, gas grenade launchers, automatic weapons in hand. The image linked above was taken at a Tim Hortons drivethrough. Right after the image was taken RCMP started smashing people on the sidewalk on the ground and dragging them off to who knows where.

        Then there are these images

        (not mine, captured from a livefeed in Ottawa when the gestapo were called in to smash the peaceful protestors of the Freedom Convoy)

        For me, those images speak a thousand words and pretty much encapsulate how I see the cops here now (which is as you say “government hired thugs”).

  11. Being a small town gal, we’ve got to know our local Policy Enforcers/Officers pretty well…so they changed them, they moved the most popular to traffic control, and brought in a new system so now the policy enforcers come from further afield. No matter how nice they may be as a person, the job they’re doing is immoral. Policy enforcers work for the global cult and not for us….this is something I’d always keep in mind. I have a no contact policy. The Sovereign Project UK (Sovereign Fraternity on FB) is a very useful group. Pete Stone is a great teacher in helping people understand how to interact with people who work for these private government contracted corporations… this is the GAB link if anyone wants to find them

    • “…we’ve got to know our local Policy Enforcers/Officers pretty well…so they changed them, they moved the most popular to traffic control, and brought in a new system so now the policy enforcers come from further afield…”

      As an impertinent aside, I’ve often thought that’s why bank advisors, in addition to being well-compensated, are often and regularly transferred up, down or otherwise to other branches; so they don’t start getting attached to their clients and thus deviate by wanting to serve their real best interests or by trying to understand and communicate on how the whole schmilblick functions which might be costly to the institution.

      • ‘nosoapradio’ ~ “I’ve often thought that’s why bank advisors, in addition to being well-compensated, are often and regularly transferred up, down or otherwise to other branches; so they don’t start getting attached to their clients and thus deviate by wanting to serve their real best interests or by trying to understand and communicate on how the whole schmilblick functions which might be costly to the institution.”

        Absolutely just as relevant, in fact I suspect any corporations or institutions used by the ‘cult’ seem to follow a rather similar pattern. You make a good point. 🙂

  12. Brian Rose, of London Real, insists that one of the ways of reducing police brutality is to teach them better self-defence techniques. Therefore, instead of just attacking, they learn how to control a suspect without hurting them. Now, I know this doesn’t eliminate bullying or intimidation, but what I do know is that some officers just don’t know how to restrain a real suspect.

    Here are videos from a jiu-jitsu school that teaches cops, and although I didn’t verify any stats, the techniques shown really are meant to reduce unnecessary violence.

    • Annies

      He is not wrong.

      Part of the issue is the “warrior cop” mindset where they get taught to think more like soldiers and are inculcated with fear like their gonna be arresting Jason Bourne or something.

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