The Government Will Not Protect You From Tractor Trailers

by | Jul 16, 2016 | Videos | 25 comments

As the Problem-Reaction-Solution (Nice edition) plays out as expected, it is time to remind ourselves: The government is not your daddy and it will not protect you from the boogeyman. The government creates the boogeyman to scare you. Giving more power to the government in the wake of every tragedy only incentivizes them to terrorize you further.

France: Hollande declares state of emergency in light of Paris attacks

French state of emergency to be lifted July 26, Hollande confirms

President Hollande Extends France’s State of Emergency After Nice Attack

When False Flags Don’t Fly


  1. Yes, but not with this particular video. I’ve had the WORST time attempting to listen to various alt-media information over the last two weeks. Sometimes I have to restart my computer 2 or 3 times in a day to clear out whatever is corrupting reception. It doesn’t always work. This video came in very well. Many other sites’ videos do not. The problem seems to be originating in the internet reception and transfer–likely satellite transmission. I am computer savvy and I agree this sucks.

  2. I understand the concept of Problem:Reaction:Solution in order for so called “Free” societies to introduce and thereby implement certain legislation that would have been otherwise impossible, however Hollande never said the government can protect its civilians 100% of the time.

    In fact a few French politicians have said the opposite, basically saying that we (France) unfortunately must live with terrorism in order to be an open and free society, we must not become an enclosed isolationist xenophobic society, because that’s want the terrorists want us to become.

    –Sen Goulet remarked “The question is: are we able to prevent it. And my answer would be, unfortunately no.”

    –Prime Minister Manuel Valls, said that France must “learn to live with terrorism”.

    There are some real bad guys out there, these ISIS people are real, they actually do really exist, they aren’t figments of our collective imaginations, and no matter how much some of you might hate governments and everything they stand for, part of their mandate is to protect their citizens best they can. Can they stop every single terrorist attack? Of course not, but that doesn’t mean we should just capitulate and let ISIS win, whether or not these brainwashed ISIS morons are controlled by Saudi Arabia or the right wing lunatics that currently run Israel.

    • Just to be clear VoiceOfArabi, although I’m new here, I’m no spring chicken, and most of all of this ISIS stuff does make sense if you know who is doing what, and why they are doing it, and my comments aren’t so much “concerns”, as they are more about pointing out the obvious by simply using mainstream news and common sense to piece things together, but I do appreciate your feedback.

  3. – Method to fight back –

    One of a variety of ways to EFFECTIVELY fight back against this fear inciting, covert government-control and induced terrorism, is to GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT THE 9/11 COVER-UP.

    As a movement, we have lost sight of that… …that ACTION.
    That action to inform others about 9/11.
    After all, 9/11 is foundational. Expose this lie, and the other frauds start to collapse.

    The esprit and activity by activists to expose the 9/11 lies was prolific between the years 2006-2009. Then it started to wane.

    Where are all the “truthers”?
    Where are all the activists who are trying to wake up others about 9/11?
    Where are the alternative media reports about 9/11 activists and their accomplishments?

    Is it a coincidence that we see more and more “terrorist attacks” while we see fewer and fewer 9/11 Truth Activists?

    Read that last sentence again.

    We see many people typing and chatting hidden by their virtual reality keyboards about all the corrupt, covert World Order agendas and terroristic activities.
    But where are the real world interactions?
    Where are real people in the real world holding 9/11 signs or giving out 9/11 information? …or putting up street signs? …or writing Letters to the Editor? …or mailing Ae911truth brochures/DVDs to officials, business leaders, etc? …or putting flyers on doors? …or writing “Letters to the Editor”? …or leaving flyer stacks in colleges and libraries? …or placing ads in the newspaper?

    …and only a fool would try to “wake up” a new person to “The Powers That Shouldn’t Be” without first talking about the 9/11 lie.

    I advocate being VISIBLE on the streets and wherever we can with 9/11 Truth. I advocate giving out DVDs and Ae911truth brochures. I advocate Letters to the Editor or newspaper ads. I advocate signs by the road.

    This is the way to fight against the insanity and covert government agendas.

    The 9/11 Lie is foundational.
    When people wake up to that, the other lies start to fall like a house of cards.

    Please be visible about 9/11. Please get the word out to NEW people (not the choir).

    • So, if I understand your statement correctly, you’re basically saying that the Nice terrorist attack was a false flag, fabricated by Hollande, in order for him and “The Powers That Shouldn’t Be” to be able to extend the state of emergency in France for another 3 months?

      • What I am saying is that what really counts is what we as individuals do.
        “Solutions” as Corbett often mentions.
        And part of that “do” includes the action of helping to wake up others about 9/11.

        And that solution of getting the word out about 9/11 is not being done by 95% of the people who are aware.
        A person can just be an erudite chatter about the World’s mess while doing no action to help wake up others, doing no action to wake up the unaware.

        That last statement just accelerates the objectives of “The Powers That Shouldn’t Be”.

        As someone who is involved in doing ACTIONS to wake up others…
        For every one hundred people I run into who are aware of the New World Order, I might see 4 or 5 of them who have the balls to actually do something, to visibly help inform new people about the frauds. In exposing the frauds for a new person, 9/11 is the first foundational step.

        And so “the fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves….”

        Across the globe are millions of people who are aware of the New World Order deceptions.
        But the biggest failing, the one that sinks the ship, is that only a small percentage of the aware are willing to get out there and wake up the unaware.

        Talking the talk is fine.
        But few walk the walk.

        There are those who will actively do something, and those who don’t.

        Ultimately, it is our inaction to wake up others which will lead us down the dark road which is happening now.

        Read my first post again.

        • HomeRemedySupply, no doubt a big piece of the puzzle is 9/11 truth, however, this can easily be co-opted, and I believe James and Sibel Edmunds kicked started NewsBud precisely for this reason.

          Now, lets play connect the dots.

          .Trump .Brexit .Nigel Farage .RNC .Bibi Nethanhyu .9/11 .Hillary Clinton .Bill Clinton .Oslo Accords .Yitzhak Rabin .Yasser Arafat .P5+1 .Iran

          I don’t think it was a coincidence that Trump was in the UK on the day of Brexit. Here’s what he said about the UK leaving the EU ‘Brexit a great thing’.

          Now I’ve recently learned that Nigel Farage will be in attendance at the Republican Convention to support Trump.

          Since you know all about 9/11 and who was behind it, this may surprise you to know, but Trump endorsement Netanyahu for Prime Minister in 2013.

          If Alex Jones is right about the left vs right paradigm, then why is Netanyahu so afraid of Hillary Clinton becoming the next US President?

          Could it be because her husband Bill tried to negotiate a peace deal between the Palestinians and Israel, known as the Oslo Accords, and doesn’t want another knowledgeable Clinton pushing peace?

          After signing the Oslo Accords, left leaning Yitzhak Rabin wasn’t assassinated by some Palestinian terrorist, no, he was gunned down by a right wing Israeli extremist.

          What else scares right wing Israelis like Netanyahu if Hillary gets elected President? She will uphold the P5+1 Iran agreement, something Trump promised to rip to shreds.

          Now, after reading some of my comments, some of you may think I’m anti-Israel, and nothing could be further from the truth. I am, in all definition of the word, a Zionist. Meaning, I believe the state of Israel should exist, but what sets me apart from other Zionists its that I also believe in a Palestinian state (a two state solution).

          See how 9/11 can be manipulated to herd “truthers” to support people that more than likely orchestrated it?

          • Let me expand on my thoughts in regards to Israel.

            There are about 2 million Arab Israelis living inside Israel, and there are about 6 million Jewish Israelis living inside Israel, with the Arabs Israelis populating at a faster rate, the Jewish population will loose its majority within 60 years or so.

            Unless Jews all over the world (only about 6 million reside outside of Israel) start immigrating to Israel soon, there will no longer a Jewish state in 100 years or so.

            Jews around the world won’t immigrate to Israel in mass unless peace is achieved between Israel and Palestine. This is the only possible solution for Israel.

            Whereas right wing extremists like Netanyahu only want wars. War with Gaza, war with Lebanon, war with Iraq, war with Syria, war with Iran…how is this making Israel safer?

      • barry2, I fully agree, James is right in pointing out that the premier of France was declaring this to be an act of terrorism and extending the state of emergency before any inquiry into the event had taken place.

        However, if we are to play devils advocate, we are told the perpetrator had a gun and shot first prior to getting into the truck. Also, keep in mind, there is no 2nd amendment in France.

        Secondly, France had been attacked twice before just months ago…and this happened on Bastille Day.

        Given that knowledge, I would argue that we have 3 possible scenarios at play here.

        1- This could have all been faked, just like Sandy Hook or the Boston bombing seemed to have been faked…maybe, but I doubt it, however, you just never know.

        2- Or maybe, it really did happened, just like 9/11, and Hollande was behind it all, all along…I believe this is a less plausible scenario than the first, however, again, you just never know.

        3- So we are left with, this was a deranged individual, that may or may not have ties to ISIS…I believe this is probably closer to what really happened than the other 2 scenarios, but if I was to choose, it be between scenario 1 or 3.

        Regardless if it was scenario 1, 2 or 3, what else was Hollande supposed to do? Wait weeks of months, until the investigation is complete, then press charges, only to wait months more for the wheels of justice to deliver its verdict?

        Honestly, I don’t think people would go for that.

        I’ll say this thought, the timing of it all is very suspect, with the state of emergency set to expire on July 26, seems kinda fishy, however he didn’t have much choice did he?

        Hollande was caught in choosing between damned if you do, or damned if you don’t. So, might as well do.

    • – Problem, Reaction, Solution –
      One method of combatting this government ploy is to wake up others.
      9/11 is the entrance point.

      And if we are not waking up others, then we only aid the government in its “Problem, Reaction, Solution” ploy.

  4. I left these comments on youtube, but I’ll leave them here as well… cuz I am really interested in the answer.

    “stop suckling” OK… but how? Hollande has extended the state of emergency. what would your practical advice to the people of France be in response to this. Stop suckling is too vague…I understand the problem reaction solution… but right now the suspension of the freedom of the French people has been extended. so now what? What can French citizens do to get their freedom back?

  5. “I think they’re looking for a fight because they are sure they will win on their terms, and maybe they’re looking for something soon.”

    — Assuming you’re right, then why not extend the state of emergency indefinitely until the war on terror is won…why only extend it 3 months?

    — And assuming you’re right, assuming the populace is on the verge of a violent uprising, a la revolution francaise, because the populace is getting sick and tired of being attacked, then why don’t these “evil” socialists like Hollande and Merkel follow Trumps rhetoric and declare war on radical Islam if all they really want is … “looking for something soon”?

  6. I have a terrible Internet connection where I live, so I always download the videos first and then watch them off-line later.

    To play back videos after downloading you could use a program such as VideoLAN. It Supports most video and audio formats and is available for many different types of devices.

    There are add ons and plugins available for you web browser that allow you to download videos from sites such as Youtube.

    The one I happen to be using at the moment on Firefox is called “1 Click Youtube Downloader”

    There are lots of ones available, so it might be best to have a look around for one that you like.

    Also James puts a direct link for downloading the videos under each video – however I usually use the downloader plugin to download it from Google’s servers, may as well make the NSA pay for the download if you can!

    The added bonus is that you can share the downloaded videos with other people as well.

  7. It is really to early to know what happened. But I had some thoughts, that I want to share.
    For me – as a person who is interested in Art – the whashed out black-and-white photography of the 31 years old French-Tunesiean Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel has already become iconic.
    Weird: A female neighbour of him has been cited in the Mass-Media that Mohamed used to gaze at her doughters!
    His father denies, that he had connections to ISIS, but he recently seems to have had a nervous breakdown, became a little depressive and then aggressive, too. And he started to destroy some things in the apartment of his parents.
    Just let me speculate a little: Could the truck have been remotely driven into the crowd? Like the airplain that crashed headon into the French Alps.
    Or the Tezla Car that crashed… you get the idea.

    • “Could the truck have been remotely driven into the crowd?”

      — You know what, I think you’re probably closer to the truth than you might realize. Reports are now coming out that this guy had no links to ISIS and that fake guns and grenades where found in the truck.

      Seems like he was just some low level petty criminal, and the Mossad or whoever framed him for this.

      Bibi seems to have it in for the French.

      Speculation? Sure, however it is probable.

  8. I don’t usually watch the Lamestream media’s performance shows, so I haven’t heard. Have they announced that the terrorist (or agent) was a Muslim yet? Im sure it’s coming. They have to stick to the script. You know, lone wolf Muslim freedom hating fundamentalist /sigh.

    • Matter of fact, is full name is Mohamed Bouhlel, goes without saying he was Muslim, however not religious. He was known to the police as a petty criminal, but was “totally unknown to intelligence services… and was never flagged for signs of radicalization.

      I’ll tell you what you need to look out for in the next few days, its the Republican convention in Cleveland that runs from July 18th-21st.

      Why? Cleveland is an open carry state, and thousands of armed protesters will clash in the streets.

      Tensions are already high on both sides, from recent controversial police shootings and racial tension, and Trump threatening that his supporters will riot if he comes with the most delegates but leaves without the nomination.

      If the “Donald” is really anti-establishment *cough* and if the globalists are really anti-gun, you think they’re gonna let loud mouths like Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones go on air after the convention is over and let them spew 2nd amendment nonsense, like 10’s of thousands of armed protesters were in the streets of Cleveland and not one shot was fired, not one fatality. PROOF! that guns save lives!!!

      If people actually believe the globalist are evil scumbags, hellbent on destroying the 2nd amendment, experts at conducting false flags and framing unwitting patsies, but somehow aren’t gonna pounce at this golden opportunity to go after gun rights and further demonize Trump?

      Guess we’ll have to wait and see if the “globalists” are really as bad as Alex Jones makes them out to be.

      • Man, those evil “globalists” had the perfect opportunity to initiate a race war in America, declare martial law, put millions in concentration camps, and break up the country, deport all those brown people, and blah blah blah…well just listen to Alex Jones for the rest of this fear mongering diatribe of …its the end of the world if Hillary wins in November.

        Cleveland is an open carry state, and thousands of armed protesters and bikers protested in the streets for 4 days during Trumps convention, and not one shot was fired. Not one cop was ambushed, not one Black Lives Matters was handcuffed and shot by a cop.

        Seriously, these “globalists” that Alex Jones refers to are Eee-vil aren’t they? I mean, they can carry out Maidan in Ukraine, shoot a few protesters and blame it on Russia, but they just can’t seem to get things done in America, man that George Soros really is Emperor Palpatine isn’t he?

  9. Hi James,
    Why does it seem more “terrorist” labeled events seem to occur outside the US?
    Is the US’s “security” “better”?
    Do the globalist limit false flags in the US for some reason?
    I live in the US so maybe my worldview is skewed?

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