The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

by | Oct 21, 2024 | Newsletter | 3 comments

What do you call someone who identifies as a “vegetarian” but who consistently chows down on veal, mutton and ribeye steaks? Whatever you call that person, it’s not “vegetarian.”

And what do you call someone who identifies as a “libertarian” but who has spent his entire career actively collaborating with governments, militaries and intelligence agencies in an effort to enrich himself and to grow the power of the state? Again, whatever you call that person, it’s not “libertarian.”

Why, then, does every mainstream biography of Peter Thiel bend over backwards to stress his “radical libertarian ideology” and baselessly insist that Thiel is part of a gang of Silicon Valley renegades who are seeking to overturn the state?

In reality, Thiel couldn’t be further from the “radical libertarian” that he has claimed to be or from the anti-government crusader the establishment media outlets insist he is. Indeed, after spending decades equipping the intelligence apparatus and the military forces of America, Israel and their allies with the most high-tech surveillance and targeting systems known to man, Thiel is now on the verge—thanks to his bought-and-paid-for lackey, J. D. Vance—of taking over the White House.

The truth, of course, is that Thiel is not a libertarian at all. He’s not even the uptight Silicon Valley nerd who features in the occasional Wall Street Journal interview or New Yorker profile or Joe Rogan podcast. Instead, Thiel—like Bill Gates—is an increasingly important wheeler-dealer in the global oligarchy, a hub from whom one can trace many spokes of the globalist agenda and discern the contours of the coming technocratic prison state.

This is The Strange Story of Peter Thiel.


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  1. “But that is the trouble with the world ain’t it? Just when you got it all figured out, you’re wrong gunny”
    From “Shooter”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    For decades now it has never really surprised me when alerted to the lies, misdirection, and hateful behavior by people in power, from the Assistant Manager at some store to the Government, it is an endless Kabuki theater of nonsense out of ignorance or agendas of greed and power. From parents lying to children, ministers to parishioners, etc.


    • BTW James, I really enjoyed seeing the I, Pencil story here again.
      Getting away from the main stream agenda of good/bad stuff and offering something more for “thinking” about then reacting was sweet.

  2. Thank you James. Was waiting for a deep coverage of vastly uncovered PT for a long time. Love it and look forward to reading what you were able to find …

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