The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

by | Oct 21, 2024 | Newsletter | 34 comments

What do you call someone who identifies as a “vegetarian” but who consistently chows down on veal, mutton and ribeye steaks? Whatever you call that person, it’s not “vegetarian.”

And what do you call someone who identifies as a “libertarian” but who has spent his entire career actively collaborating with governments, militaries and intelligence agencies in an effort to enrich himself and to grow the power of the state? Again, whatever you call that person, it’s not “libertarian.”

Why, then, does every mainstream biography of Peter Thiel bend over backwards to stress his “radical libertarian ideology” and baselessly insist that Thiel is part of a gang of Silicon Valley renegades who are seeking to overturn the state?

In reality, Thiel couldn’t be further from the “radical libertarian” that he has claimed to be or from the anti-government crusader the establishment media outlets insist he is. Indeed, after spending decades equipping the intelligence apparatus and the military forces of America, Israel and their allies with the most high-tech surveillance and targeting systems known to man, Thiel is now on the verge—thanks to his bought-and-paid-for lackey, J. D. Vance—of taking over the White House.

The truth, of course, is that Thiel is not a libertarian at all. He’s not even the uptight Silicon Valley nerd who features in the occasional Wall Street Journal interview or New Yorker profile or Joe Rogan podcast. Instead, Thiel—like Bill Gates—is an increasingly important wheeler-dealer in the global oligarchy, a hub from whom one can trace many spokes of the globalist agenda and discern the contours of the coming technocratic prison state.

This is The Strange Story of Peter Thiel.


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  1. “But that is the trouble with the world ain’t it? Just when you got it all figured out, you’re wrong gunny”
    From “Shooter”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    For decades now it has never really surprised me when alerted to the lies, misdirection, and hateful behavior by people in power, from the Assistant Manager at some store to the Government, it is an endless Kabuki theater of nonsense out of ignorance or agendas of greed and power. From parents lying to children, ministers to parishioners, etc.


    • BTW James, I really enjoyed seeing the I, Pencil story here again.
      Getting away from the main stream agenda of good/bad stuff and offering something more for “thinking” about then reacting was sweet.

    • Fate is a strange thing hey James?
      You are going to be up in my area of the world for the conference that I would really like to attended but I will be having a Mohs skin cancer operation on my scalp on the 2nd in Show Low :-/ After all these years and no chance to meet. Then again you might not want to meet 🙂

      Have a good time. The 80 degree weather will be dropping to the 60’s that weekend which is perfect there.

  2. Thank you James. Was waiting for a deep coverage of vastly uncovered PT for a long time. Love it and look forward to reading what you were able to find …

  3. Great story with lots of source links. Looking forward to the next part! Thank you.

    • He is a capitalist and fascist by his own admission: “Democracy and economics are incompatible” he stated.

      He needs to be expropriated like all the capitalist class.

      Libertarianism is just another form, in these people’s minds, of fascist economics and society.

      Neoliberalism and neo libertarianism = fascism

      • weilunion,

        that’s a lot of expropriation! Who do you consider IS the capitalist “class”? The people with $ that invest in others who have ideas? All business owners? or?

    • Ilija,

      According to your source, Dejacquo was not the first person to use the term, but “was probably the first person to use the term ‘libertarian’ as a synonym for ‘anarchist.'” in 1857ish. The word had been used differently in the 1700s. By your standards doesn’t that make Dejacquo a hijacker also?

      Do you agree with your source that private property is a symptom of an authoritarian system? I want to be free to produce something and exchange it for something else. Where does the authoritarianism come into that?

      • Glad you asked. I hope the answers below satisfy your curiosity.

        “Private property” is a legal term, thus maintained and enforced by way of an authoritarian system called government. “Property rights” is not about the right to have your own business, a home and belongings; it is about the “right” of capitalists to enclose and appropriate the commons, as well as the products of other people’s labor.

        You are free to produce anything and exchange it for anything else. Authoritarianism comes in when an absentee “business owner” claims ownership of that which you produced, including the right to exchange it as they see fit. It is what Peter Thiel habitually does. A workplace is the most authoritarian environment one can think of.

        • Ilija Prentovski,

          I like the way that you expressed this concept of ‘ownership’ by comparing it to Peter Thiel.

          You are free to produce anything and exchange it for anything else. Authoritarianism comes in when an absentee “business owner” claims ownership of that which you produced, including the right to exchange it as they see fit. It is what Peter Thiel habitually does. A workplace is the most authoritarian environment one can think of.

        • Ilija,

          “Private property” is not only a legal term. Legal terms differ from place to place and are subject to change. Private property is, at bottom, the concept that you have control over how a good is used.

          Call the concept whatever you want, do you think that an individual should have control over how this or that good is used? An apple?–yes. A toothbrush?–yes. A coat?–yes. Iron ore? Some sheep? A factory? And your answer is “no” to these last three, correct? But, if an individual can’t control whether this iron ore is made into steel or not, who does make that decision? Someone has to make the decision. Or, you don’t want a world with steel and cars and toaster ovens (which, btw is fine with me.)

          “You are free to produce anything and exchange it…” You don’t believe this, do you?

          • Why can’t ore be owned by an individual? Private ownership as in a family that has exclusive access to an ore mine (by land on which they are staking their claim; rights of usage via making use of an area and being responsible for it) and are selling said ore on the market.

            • @mkey

              Of course they can. In fact, ALL mines are already privately owned by individuals. And John D. Rockefeller homesteaded the oil fields.

              • Excellent !!

                No offence intended to anyone but Americans have been programmed to believe everything they don’t like is communism.

                One of the reasons for my negative attitude to America is that centrist UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson resigned. Having been accused by the CIA of being a Soviet agent, he feared a military attack on his home by MI5, thinking he might be the next JFK. Wilson refused to send British troops to Vietnam.


              • So, what’s the problem with the concept of private property? Trying to squeeze information out of people can be very tiring.

            • mkey,

              how would you interpret this from Ilija: ‘Authoritarianism comes in when an absentee “business owner” claims ownership of that which you produced, including the right to exchange it as they see fit’?

              According to this, there is the business owner (the one who owns the land and machines) and there is you “the producer” (ie the physical laborer). And, if the business owner claims ownership of the extracted ore including the right to sell it on the market, THAT is “authoritarianism.”

              • That’s the communist way of interpreting caitalism. However, caitalist ideals are far removed from capitalist reality. It’s a zero sum game.

                Corruption quickly converts the ideal capitalist system (which in the real world lasts for about 0.1 seconds) to corporatism, then to crony capitalism, then to fascism.

                In the final step, communism (built up on the ideal of socialism and the diabolical concept of the common good) and fascism meet on the horizon under the same common denominator – authoritarianism.

                The sad part is that, so many people, even here, do not understand this. And get extremely upset over private property and “lack” of equity. At the same time, most are quite hypocritical and would hold completely opposite views if they would, overnight, be somehow converted from “producers” to “owners”.

          • Me: “Capitalists are stealing from you.”

            Some guy online: “But what about toaster ovens?”

            • IP

              How does a capitalist steal from me?

  4. Citizenship in NZ, the zio globalist get away from all the crap they are instigating in the West.

    I first heard of Thiel was during the 2016 selection and his financial support for Trump, along with the use of his technology which helped target certain demographics for political manipulation.

    Thiel is one of many made men in the Zionist global system, this link is a great example of the type of like Thiel leads, where everything goes in his direction, and you see his part in the ever tightening global control network.

  5. At first glance I could have sworn that picture was taken from the Sopranos. Just look at all those butch good fellas.

  6. Brilliant article. Looking forward to episode 2.

    Successful and talented players will inevitably be drawn into the system. Offers that cannot be refused will surely come their way.


    The papers describe the remarkable scope of a previously undisclosed snooping operation which gave the NSA and the FBI easy access to the systems of nine of the world’s biggest internet companies. Includes Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Skype

  7. Like to make a point about the reading material and Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson, like Alex Jones and Trump, to a great degree are psychological tools, positioned to endlessly corral the masses into the ever tightening Zio Global Matrix.

    Prior to Trump, an ever glowing number of Americans were moving away from the Democrat/Republican paradigm, seeing both as corrupt and serving the “bankers”. So, the masters of manipulation in Israel started hatching a plan to corral these wayward citizens, can’t have any part of the matrix weakening, especially as they were entering both the Trump and Covid phase.

    The way to corral in stray minds is to give them leaders who look like they are at odds with the so called “Deep State”. They started with Trump, he was the catalyst. If they can make a person like Trump, who made their money in Gambling and Real Estate, from NYC, whose circle includes Bill Clinton, Jeffery Epstein, Sheldon Adelson, Roy Cohn and Peter Their, is against the Deep State, then they can convince you of anything.

    Back to the point at hand, Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones, both Deep State operatives who, nevertheless had some respect with the newly branded “alt-right”, were positioned to lead the alt-right, right into the hands of the Trump/MAGA/Q-anon scam. They went to work creating the deception that Jones and Carlson were at odds with the establishment, carefully cultivating their anti-Deep Sate street cred if you will.

    I go back to Trump a lot because he was the archetypal template for creating the idea of someone at odds with the deep state. I remember some nonsense about Trump groping a black woman, the MSM ran with the story hard. For 24 hours it was “Trump gropes black woman”, than, the very next day, magically, a well placed video exonerating Trump was released, HOW CONVIENT. Less we not forget the “MAGA kids”, who were smeared as racist against a “Native American”, again, the media and “influencers” ran hard with the story, and as soon as the story had reached saturation, suddenly a video exonerating those MAGA kids was released, whom were all so conveniently wearing MAGA hats…This was all to paint Trump and MAGA/Alt-Right as being unfairly targeted by the media/Deep Sate. Those who control us know how to manipulate public opinion, they have been doing it for thousands of years.

    As for Carlson and Jones, they were simply maneuvered, sheep dipped in you will, as to be the new influencers of the alt-right movement. They are given talking points, and fake controversies, their Zionist handlers have cleared as OK to say.

    All part of the Zio Matrix.

    • I’m so glad Dr. Ulrich has finally put the Covid vaccine fear to rest. Now I’ll be able to sleep better.
      Oh wait a second, Dr. Ulrich are these clots just harmless lipids too?

      • Those are love clots. Black people get them, too. Are you also against black people? What are you, a racist?

      • You did not watch the video.
        Ulrich explains that everything is bad of the vax, especially the mRNA.

        But they do not contain objects from science-fiction.

        • I did watch the video.
          I did not watch all of it, because I did not want to spend my time watching any more of her.

          She gives her explanation of what the objects are in the jabs.
          She could be right. She could be wrong.

          I’m not here to debate that.

          All we need to do is agree that the jabs are bad.

          It’s as simple as that.

        • Which jab (product) doses wuold that be, exactly?

          Even if we zero in on a particular manufacturer, is there any guarantee that billions of products supplied are all the same?

          If not the same, how many product tranches are there?

          Is there any guarantee that billons of these products are exactly the same as those that were used in the so called trials?

          It is documentable that products used for trial purposes were obtained from a much different (more complex, more costly) process.

          Are there any guarantees regarding shelf stability of the product?

          Knowing that the inverse operation is always more complex than the initial operation, safe to assume that it is (a whole lot) more difficult to count and describe every particle in a product than it is to put the product toghether.

          With obvious sampling issues and these many moving parts, I find every discussion on the product contents laughable, at best, and a money making scheme in a more realistic scenario.

  8. James, to your first two (rhetorical) questions: Manipulative Hypocrites, that’s what you call them.

  9. Love the chart showing the different characters and smiling Elon Musk, another made man with ties to South Africa, what’s that about, and now does what NASA should be doing. Musk would be nothing if not for his endless government contracts, riding on the back of government funded (See: Tax Payer) infrastructure and engineering, to do what NASA should be doing. Privatization of government is just handing over tax payer investments to Zionist oligarchs.

  10. The logo with the all-seeing eye radiating the earth made me laugh out loud. These people are like comic book villains. It’s so pathetic.

    But, we live in a system that rewards psychopaths, tolerates people who are obedient and spineless, and seeks to destroy anyone who genuinely wants to do the right thing.

    Your work is brilliant, James, and I mean that literally. It shines like a light. Looking forward to the next part.

    This needs to be a documentary.

  11. You definitely confirm my suspicions. However…..I’m a Christian who Loves Israel. This Land is God’s Thumb print on the world. I truly believe it’s where Eden possibly was in the beginning of time as we understand time. Eternity is a time word so I don’t believe God is outside of time. God Is Time. God Is Love GodISrael. For God is real. Lucifer along with Adam and Eve were removed from Eden. Adam being created in the Image of God and not Lucifer though man created lower than the angels as order for man was created last is actually above all for Christ entered this dark world in the womb of a Virgin at conception. Jesus is the GodMan in the flesh the Savior of this world. Satan thru Globalism seeks to mimic the very One World Kingdom that will be ruled by Israel’s King of the Jews. Christ is coming however the Lord in his brilliance delivers the ultimate Grand delusion by allowing Satan aka AntiChrist to believe and deceive mankind who do not love the truth to reach Peace&Safety apart from him. Peace&Safety then Sudden destruction as a woman with child. The tribulation is upon us. Known as Jacobs trouble. Believers in Christ during this dispensation of Grace the fullness of the gentiles will be raptured out prior. Believers are appointed to suffering but not to Gods Wrath. Covid or ControlUSVirus was the clear announcement or unavailing of the AntiChrist infrastructure .

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