The UN’s “Pact for the Future,” Translated From the Globalese

by | Sep 23, 2024 | Newsletter | 3 comments

Have you ever heard an establishment mouthpiece, a political puppet or a globalist gopher say something like: “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge. A new era, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace”?

Or: “As our world becomes more complex, more uncertain, and more dangerous, we have an even greater responsibility to strengthen the multilateral system”?

Or: “The constructive contributions by INB relevant stakeholders were incredibly valuable. Together, we must sustain this progress during the coming months to realize our shared goal to forge a pandemic agreement that guides future global responses to pandemics”?

Yes, those are English words coming out of their mouths. But they’re not speaking English. They’re speaking Globalese.

You see, Globalese sounds like English and it employs English words, but it has its own dictionary, in which certain words have a completely different meaning. If you think you can understand terms like “sustainable development” or “international law” by looking them up in your standard English dictionary (or, even worse, Wikipedia), you’re sadly mistaken.

Thankfully, after decades of listening to these globalists speak, I have a fairly good grasp of Globalese. Today I offer my services to help you translate the Globalese gobbledygook in the United Nation’s new “Pact for the Future” into plain English.

Sorry, and you’re welcome!


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  1. My translation is “Eat ze bugs”! But yeah, no thanks. I will not comply.

  2. Don’t panic! We are in God’s hands, right?
    “We will end hunger, eliminate food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition”.
    That is a pretty tall order, unless… The human population is drastically reduced. I think we can handle that. High tech war, bio-warfare, famines are well-versed plays that are pretty quick. But the long haul is also covered by our PRIDE in stylish impotence and abortion. Less people equals less hunger; simple technocrat math.
    “sustainable agrifood systems” I reckon this involves centralized control of food production, which will involve high-tech lab grown food sources instead of farms.
    What’s not to love?

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