Have you ever heard an establishment mouthpiece, a political puppet or a globalist gopher say something like: “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge. A new era, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace”?
Or: “As our world becomes more complex, more uncertain, and more dangerous, we have an even greater responsibility to strengthen the multilateral system”?
Or: “The constructive contributions by INB relevant stakeholders were incredibly valuable. Together, we must sustain this progress during the coming months to realize our shared goal to forge a pandemic agreement that guides future global responses to pandemics”?
Yes, those are English words coming out of their mouths. But they’re not speaking English. They’re speaking Globalese.
You see, Globalese sounds like English and it employs English words, but it has its own dictionary, in which certain words have a completely different meaning. If you think you can understand terms like “sustainable development” or “international law” by looking them up in your standard English dictionary (or, even worse, Wikipedia), you’re sadly mistaken.
Thankfully, after decades of listening to these globalists speak, I have a fairly good grasp of Globalese. Today I offer my services to help you translate the Globalese gobbledygook in the United Nation’s new “Pact for the Future” into plain English.
Sorry, and you’re welcome!
“You do not represent me. I do not consent to your plans. I do not cede my authority as a sovereign individual to the UN or to any other body to make decisions for me and my family. I do not participate in your systems of control, and nothing you say, no compact you make, no treaty you sign, has any relevance to me. I am a free human being, and I make my own choices in life in cooperation with others in my community as I see fit.”
What a wonderfully concise yet comprehensive statement of individual sovereignty. I agree with every word of it, in principle.
God grant me the courage to stand for my principles in the face of violent coercion.
I have to admit that so far in this life there have been many occasions where my principles have taken a backseat to practicality.
I do believe that taxation is theft and makes me a slave in a real sense. Yet I’ve payed it all my life.
I don’t believe that I should have to seek permission from the state to drive a car. But I’ve always maintained a valid license.
So many ways that I’ve compromised my principles, I couldn’t list them all.
Will I have the fortitude to be a martyr when the red line is crossed?
Will I even know what the red line is when I’m facing it?
Hope I don’t have to find out.
Steve says, “a wonderfully concise yet comprehensive statement of individual sovereignty”
James Corbett writes:
“You do not represent me.
I do not consent to your plans.
I do not cede my authority as a sovereign individual to the UN or to any other body to make decisions for me and my family.
I do not participate in your systems of control, and nothing you say, no compact you make, no treaty you sign, has any relevance to me.
I am a free human being, and I make my own choices in life in cooperation with others in my community as I see fit.”
Hey HRS, I meant to ask you earlier:
Do you know Tom Nolan, who wrote this Dallas Express opinion piece that James featured in his “Recommended Reading” list last Sunday?
Or maybe you are Mr. Nolan, HRS?
If you aren’t, you have a double in Dallas who knows as much about James Corbett as you do!
Every one of us that has learned the truth about these things has given our principles a backseat to just be able to exist in society. I’m glad that you were truthful about not knowing if you’ll be able to stand on principle in the face of martyrdom when the time comes IF you’ll even know that that line is. That’s brutal honesty that I can relate to and it really does have to be a greater strength than we’ve ever recruited before. I’ve set my “line in the sand” at Revelation 13:15-18 (KJV) when we will no longer be able to buy or sell without having one of three separate forms of securely identifying ourselves, likely as the corporate assets that are associated with the certificates of live birth, registered with the state. When cash can no longer be used.
My intention and hope is that I’ll be able to resist the next evilution of identification security and currency exchange. In truthfulness, I know that unless the Lord grants me the strength to stand, I will not be able to.
Thanks for your input
“In truthfulness, I know that unless the Lord grants me the strength to stand, I will not be able to.“
Few are honest enough with themselves, much less others to admit that.
There is not a man or woman alive who can predict how steadfastly they will adhere to their principles, even their most sacred ones, in the face of the violently evil.
I figure it this way, death isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a person. Unless it’s spiritual death.
Pain is probably the worst thing. Whether its the pain of watching someone you love mistreated or tortured. Or the pain of one’s own physical coercion and suffering.
I am pretty sure that I would fold like a wet towel if someone threatened a loved one. Or probably any innocent for that matter.
I have done my best to “withdraw my consent”. But I’m not going to kid myself. I often have and undoubtedly will continue to compromise my principles in the name of practicality and convenience.
I have a hunch that a lot of other “principled” folks could say the same.
Perhaps its just that I’ve outlived my idealism. But I really don’t believe that mankind is ever going to shake off the shackles of those who would violently impose their will on others. Governments, Globalists or whoever. Maybe I never really did.
Its still a good thing to try of course. Any monkey-wrench in the gears of the workings of TPTSB is a tool well used.
I just think that it isn’t very realistic to think that man will be able to rid himself of “rulers” and be able to live in harmony with himself.
I’ll still call myself an anarchist till the day I die though! 😊 I’ll embrace every workable alternative the freedom community comes up with to replace government systems and organizations.
And that said, I admire those who have the confidence to say that they are sure that they will be able to stand up to the global authoritatives when they come a-knockin.
I just kinda have my reservations.
the test: we will end hunger, eliminate food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition by ‘eat ze bugs’, for sure, and and any kind of chemical gunk we choose to fabricate to make a little pocket money and pretend it will be so much more sustainable than any kind of natural food growing all by itself in your backyard.
Thanks, James, also for making me laugh in my despair over the stupidity of it all.
Does this sound good to you? Private assets are resources that we own individually. Housing, RETHINKING land,� personal wealth, educational vouchers, smart tablets, and solar rooftops are all examples, but so are stocks and bonds and even savings accounts. Given the massive inequalities of the present, it’s clear that we need to widen access to and distribution of private assets. Strategies range from redistribution of income via progressive taxes and a universal basic income to creating more equal access to opportunity—
My translation is “Eat ze bugs”! But yeah, no thanks. I will not comply.
Sounds like the right translation for a “resilient” food supply. How will these bugs feed the peoples living near the arctic circle who get the tiny creatures for 3 months a year? Will they be moved off of their ancestral lands for their own good? Same for the desert dwellers and the in Mongolia, Australia and central Russia.
They’ll probably breed bugs in warehouses. As long as those folks are within the safe walls of a 15 minute city, they’ll have plenty of cricket legs and and lab grown human meat to munch.
Don’t panic! We are in God’s hands, right?
“We will end hunger, eliminate food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition”.
That is a pretty tall order, unless… The human population is drastically reduced. I think we can handle that. High tech war, bio-warfare, famines are well-versed plays that are pretty quick. But the long haul is also covered by our PRIDE in stylish impotence and abortion. Less people equals less hunger; simple technocrat math.
“sustainable agrifood systems” I reckon this involves centralized control of food production, which will involve high-tech lab grown food sources instead of farms.
What’s not to love?
Another brilliant article. Possibly your best. Thanks.
I remember Alex Jones way way back, screaming about globalists and agenda 21. I really couldn’t understand why globalists would want to destroy America (their biggest source of income) like he claimed. I get it now.
To me this is in many ways about elitism. The more socially elevated someone is the more likely they are to want to save the planet from the plague of eight billion peasants (as David Attenborough believes).
The Rockefeller Club of Rome had many of royal houses of Europe as honorary members. The British royal family have always been outspoken environmentalists.
How do these few globalists plan to live off the abundance of world taxpayers when we all are pit on a limited guaranteed income?
They plan to own everything and make us think we’re happy. It’s not about the tax money, it’s about having totalitarian control of every slave on their global plantation.
James has published quite a bit in regards to their agenda being about control. Here’s one great documentary
It’s the sequel to “How Big Oil Conquered The World” : How Big Oil Conquered the World (video)
“The drive . . . is to create a one world government … Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope . . . .”
– Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976
In 1979, McDonald helped found the Western Goals Foundation, with the aim of combating world communism. At the time, he also sponsored a House resolution, originally adopted at an American Legion national convention, calling for a congressional investigation of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.
9/01/1983, McDonald, along with 268 others aboard Seoul-bound Korean Air Lines Flight 007, perished when a Soviet Su-15 interceptor shot down the Boeing 747-230B airliner with a missile near Sakhalin Island.
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Senator Paul Wellstone, Congressman James A. Traficant, Congressman Sonny Bono, Senator John Heinz III on April 4, 1991, and two days later his partner in investigation John G. Tower. JFK Jr.
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The powers that shouldn’t be who didn’t hesitate to assassinate JFK, RFK, MLK, Wellstone, McDonald, Webb, Hastings, Dr. David Kelly (whistle blower Iraq WMDs), the entire Polish executive branch, and countless others & pulled off 9/11 and false flags around the world, can take out anyone they want.
As the forces aligned against us become ever more apparent, Thank you James Corbett for your outstanding ‘Declaration of Independence’ and for your increasingly fierce condemnation and rebuttal.
what “equitable, resilient, inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems” means in English?
A determined amount, for each member in good standing, of industrialized food-like substances will be provided by your governing body of expert administrators. Bon Appetit or should I say bon voyage?
About as clear as you have ever been James, Thanks. And a fully referenced Read More quotes for anyone to catch up. This is as current a response as we can have to the globs plan, to inform ourselves, and provokes an instant ‘Hell No’ response…. and yes all the nervous twitching before i have to put my own body in the way of the grunts who will be their first line of coercion,… who wont be in listening mode…
Some of us are ‘pitchfork ready’ I have an image in mind of Grant Woods painting American Gothic, the farmer holding up his ready pitchfork, his missus holding up her flaming torch… in truth farmer was the artists dentist, his wife was his sister.
Such as can understand you James are fairly useless at defence against grunts.
equitable: All food systems shall use approved food sources such as bugs, bioreactors, nano food enhancers, etc.
resilient: The approved food systems have to be covered with a narrative to explain why they are developed to combat the polycrisis of our times.
inclusive: Everyone have to use the approved food systems, and no one is allowed to develop any other food systems outside of it.
sustainable: The food systems have to be financially sustainable to the global government. They have to be designed such that resources are circulated without the need for the global government to inject new resources into the food systems.
“They have to be designed such that resources are circulated without the need for the global government to inject new resources into the food systems.”
A.k.a. Soylent green
“equitable, resilient, inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems” means in English?
Equitable: we decide who deserves to get what.
Resilient: a bountiful and controllable source.
Inclusive: something easy to manufacture and distribute.
Sustainable: nothing alive that can’t be grown in a factory.
Agrifood: something that eliminates agriculture.
Systems: totally controllable and managed by those chosen.
I’m a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!
“equitable, resilient, inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems…..”
Equitable = lowest common denominator, such as zero 0.
Resilient = likely to remain at zero.
Inclusive = everyone can have a seat at the empty table.
Sustainable = this level can be maintained for an extended period of time (0)
Agrifood system = industrial FEED.
Although the Pact was passed, not all member states are in agreement. Here is one leader that is opposed:
Javier Milei Denounces Globalism and Defends Freedom in His First UN Speech
“1. «I am not a politician; I am a libertarian liberal economist who never had the ambition to enter politics.»
2. «This is my first speech at the United Nations General Assembly, and I want to warn the nations of the dangers if this organization fails to fulfill its original mission.»
3. «Trade guarantees peace, freedom guarantees trade, and equality before the law guarantees freedom.»
4. «The United Nations model, once successful, has been replaced by a supranational government of international bureaucrats.»
5. «The 2030 Agenda, despite its well-intentioned goals, is nothing more than a socialist supranational government program.»
6. «Global lockdowns in 2020 should be considered a crime against humanity.»
7. «In this very house that claims to defend human rights, they have allowed bloody dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela into the Human Rights Council.»
“He concluded by stating that Argentina will no longer maintain its historical neutrality and will take the lead in defending freedom. His speech received a standing ovation.”
Here’s how the Rockefellers put it:
By The Rockefeller Foundation ● Sep 25, 2024
” September has shown us the magic of convenings. The heart of the action came during the 79th annual U.N. General Assembly, where we shattered silos and sparked collaborations between unlikely allies to drive meaningful conversations, especially focused on fighting climate change.
We’re excited to share stories of powerful transformations born from gatherings like these, including the inspiring journey of a woman who found her purpose at one of our convenings, and a man who emerged as a fierce climate champion.
And we took a bold step forward in announcing our support for Mission 300, an ambitious initiative to electrify 300 million Africans by 2030 and unlock new opportunities across the continent.”
So what’s Mission 300 I hear you ask?
“Big challenges need bold solutions. That’s why The Rockefeller Foundation, joined by The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet and Sustainable Energy for All, announced support for Mission 300, an ambitious initiative by The World Bank and African Development Bank Group aimed at connecting 300 million Africans to electricity by 2030. ”
So in 6 years they are going to connect 300 MILLION Africans to the matrix. The cost has already blown out from 30 Bn to 90 Bn dollars. Might be a good time to invest in solar panel makers as this should push the price up quite a bit. Gee I wonder what upright African governments will benefit from this?
The US Constitution was ratified by state conventions of elected representatives, and the US Constitution is the longest lasting constitution in the history of humanity.