What is the WHO? – Questions For Corbett #066

by | Aug 21, 2020 | Questions For Corbett | 65 comments

John writes in to ask about the founding, the funding and the true intentions of the World Health Organization. Join James as he lays out some of the information connecting the WHO to big pharma, Bill Gates and the Covid World Order agenda.

Watch this video on BitChute / Odysee / Minds.com or Download the mp4

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

WHO Constitution and other basic documents

WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee

Newsweek reports on NATO intervention in PHEIC

Archive of WHO’s “influenza pandemic” definition April 2009

Archive of WHO’s “influenza pandemic” definition May 2009

The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed

WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”

WHO ‘Swine Flu Pope’ under investigation for gross conflict of interest

WHO chief yet to be vaccinated against swine flu

Insult to Injury: Why We Must Oppose the WHO Global Tax Proposals

How is the World Health Organization funded?

Who Is Bill Gates?

WHO Results Report 2018-2019

Who is WHO’s Tedros Adhanom?

WHO declares coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency

Michael Ryan – Go into homes and remove sick family members

WHO’s Chan: Public’s Obedience to Health Officials “May Be Fading”


  1. The take over of the WHO is very well expressed in this interview to German Velasquez, who worked 20 years there.

    He talks about how Bill Gates seats his people in the committees in order for him to put the money. How the money is given only if it is used for Gates purposes, how there were people of big pharma who participated in declaring the pandemic, and how there has been threats about using the red book rights to avoid paying big pharma:


    (there are english subtitles available. I added a LBRY mirror in case youtube censors it)

  2. there is something particularly gross with the rot inside the old school European leech class. a reek. a horror show of maggots and stench barely under wraps or London fog flasher coats. instead of getting a glimpse of some sad old pecker i suspect you’ll find intestines and gore. i mean you can see it with a Pilosi or a Trudeau but it’s bush league when compared to their peers across the water. the Stink.

    • We are being controlled and influenced by organizations that have been taken over by ethically and morally bankrupt people. The stench is from them and the sickness and death they are creating. Predictions from Oxfam say up to 122 million people dying from starvation because of Covid lock down insanity migrant workers not being able to travel to harvest. We aint seen nothin yet! The stench will be getting much worse. Makes me wonder if the rumors of some of these power brokers involved with the WHO and UN are in fact practicing Luciferians and Satanists. A topic that has been fully investigated by James and others and is way more prevalent than most know. We are in war against humanity but the public is asleep and don’t see their nightmare unfolding.

  3. LOL there is so much in this video to make fun of. Case in point: It took paying people 14 MONTHS to come up with tax ideas! It would take the slowest minded person reading this 15 minutes to come up with those suggestions, and then some! >.<
    If you’re looking for things that you personally can do to scale back the influence/wealth of the powerful (In the US, Russia, China or anywhere else.), AND at the same time increase your own, start with these 3 things:
    1) Save at LEAST 10% of all you earn. If you are not saving at least that amount you are no better than a slave living for what your master gives you to eat! (Get yourself a free PDF copy of “The Richest Man in Babylon”: http://horizonspeakers.com/wp-content/uploads/ebooks/the-richest-man-in-babylon.pdf Easiest book you’ll ever read on personal finance and is taught in parable so enjoyable to read as well.)
    2) Keep your uninvested money in physical form. Either in Gold, Silver or, more pragmatically, physical currency (Remember in the most recent financial panics in the US (2008), Cyprus (2012), Greece (2015), etc. people were trying to get physical cash, not Gold or Silver.). If you must use the banking system only use Credit Unions or Savings and Loans. Keep only as much currency in it as you need for expenses over the course of a couple of weeks or a month tops (Business owners will need more because of tax and logistical reasons.).
    3) Read “The Politics of Obedience”. It will open your eyes to more possibilities of action than I couldn’t possibly list here. It is very easy to read (Half hour if you read REAL slow. 1 Hour, also if you read slow, if you include the forward by Rothbard).: https://cdn.mises.org/Politics%20of%20Obedience.pdf

  4. I think the more important (but rhetorical) question is:
    Who is the WHO?

    An aside.
    I know there are a lot of computer savvy people here…
    A couple of days ago I was following a link to a controversial YT video.

    The video started playing. I switched tabs briefly and when I returned to the video it had stopped playing with a YT message saying the video had been removed for violating yada yada etc.

    Now here’s the thing.
    My browser is Firefox.
    I have two profiles I use. One main one and one occasional one.

    The YT video stopped on my main profile.
    Since that time I have been blacklisted from Youtube!
    I cannot see, let alone watch any YT video now.
    Even if I try following a YT link, it won’t show anything
    at YT. The entire page is greyed out. No videos show.

    However if I open my second FF profile I can watch YT videos.

    Anyone know what’s happening and how to fix it?
    I guess I could save all my settings, and create a new profile and go from there.

      • Thanks HRS.
        Yes very interesting and also very troubling.

        To my mind it means that Google is not only censoring videos (the one I was watching and was taken down) but also messing with people’s computers!

        After working on this for a couple of days I’m inclined to think that one of the following is taking place:

        1. Google is somehow implanting an invisible cookie in Firefox that is profile-specific (or somewhere else on my computer) to remember to block me from YT.
        2. Google is implanting some other type of code on my computer that is profile-specific to remember to block me from YT.

        How else would they know to block me after a re-boot?
        I have my cookies set up to delete all cookies when I close FF.

        • It could have been triggered by a YouTube update or Firefox update that isn’t playing nice with a setting or add-on you have on your main profile.
          To see if it’s related to a normal cookie or temp file, press Ctrl+Shift+Del and clear everything.

          • Thanks AAF.
            I tried the Ctrl-Shft-Del method but YT still blocked all of their videos.
            Nothing is functional at their site. All their videos are greyed out. Can’t see any images at all.
            Even the top left three-line menu doesn’t work.

            • After pressing Ctrl+Shift+Del, make sure you check all boxes and select ‘Everything’ from the drop-down menu), then reopen the browser.
              If you already did that, the next thing to try is disabling all add-ons (type about:addons in the address bar then disable all of the extensions listed).

              I run bots on YouTube for spreading truth so I know each of the shady methods they use for preventing/limiting access. The problem you’re having with your main profile doesn’t sound like something YouTube is doing. It certainly could be something brand spankin’ new but it doesn’t fit their M.O.

              They prefer to use methods that interfere with your use of the site without you knowing any interference is occurring.
              eg, omitting videos from search results, ignoring your up/down votes while making it appear as though your vote counted, making your comments appear for you only (no one else can see them), ordering the comments so that positive & politically correct comments appear near the top, etc, etc.

              Whatever the case, thanks letting us know about it.

              • “After pressing Ctrl+Shift+Del, make sure you check all boxes and select ‘Everything’ from the drop-down menu), then reopen the browser.
                If you already did that, the next thing to try is disabling all add-ons (type about:addons in the address bar then disable all of the extensions listed). ”

                Thanks AAF.
                Disabling the add-ons did the trick!
                It removed a nasty numbered cookie that always re-appeared at start-up without visiting any site (despite deleting all cookies on exit).

                YouTube came back to life, so it is most likely that numbered cookie, one add-on and the YouTube block were all related.

                Do you think it’s worthwhile loading each add-on one at a time to find the culprit?

              • Fawlty Towers said:
                “Do you think it’s worthwhile loading each add-on one at a time to find the culprit?”

                Absolutely. Good thinking.
                If it turns out to be a useful add-on (such as an ad blocker, Javascript blocker or privacy protector) that was only blocking YouTube because of a setting triggered by a misclick/mispress, then try clearing that add-on’s settings or just uninstall and reinstall the add-on.

        • Thanks for helping out suzt.
          I did try a virus scan as you suggested but it didn’t find anything.
          You will see that AAF above helped me solve the problem.
          In this instance Google was not the enemy, unless they own that add-on company. 🙂

  5. Renowned EU Scientist: COVID-19 Was Engineered In China Lab, Effective Vaccine “Unlikely”

    Covid-19: Spanish doctor “there is no emergency” – Madrid

    Listen to THE WHO here

    Listen to THE HU here

    • Yeah, this is something I think James might need to dig into in a big way.
      The more I look into viruses, the more possible it becomes that contagious viruses don’t even actually exist, and that something else has been responsible for the illnesses attributed to contagious viruses.

      It’s no good trying to determine the full truth about ‘covid’ and ‘vaccines’ if we’re starting with an assumption about a foundational element.

    • You can trace a lot of the viruses under the microscopes.
      Some are as big as a normal cell, but for most they use special
      tracers or a deadly electron microscope scan at different times.

      And with a lot of effort we can isolate them to see what they are made of. And how they work.
      With special laboratory experiments we can extract RNA, and rebuild the virus data. From this data, which takes a long time to build, we have a database of all kinds of viruses.

      Based on the database, the SARS-Cov2 virus has all kinds of features that are only possible when the virus is from a laboratory, like a bio-weapon.
      This should be known by all mainstream scientists. But the specialists that are writing in journals that this is NOT a lab-made bioweapon, are involved themselves in such laboratory experiments.

      I think that the natural viruses are the cancer versions of a natural communication system.
      A cancer can spread through the body, and in a similar way the virus can spread itself in and outside the body.

      To reach other bodies, the viruses must be compatible with them.
      So it often only transfers between species.

      The question in your post, is whether the virus actually causes the disease Covid-19. Or maybe it is the side-effect of something else. Or maybe it is only dangerous in certain rare conditions.

      And in a way I agree with that.
      I think that SARS-Cov2 is a FAILED BIO-WEAPON

      And this is important to know, because this means that the
      Dr Faustus at the hell Gates will work on a new more dangerous
      BIO-WEAPON to make us follow the technocratic dictatorship.

  6. hey a favor. can anyone send me a link to the UN’s plannedopolus. it was a wee video from the UN. i may have the spelling wrong. i CANNOT find it. i know its in james archive but his search blows

  7. Great video James ! I did some digging on Tedros,very evil man. Amazing how these so called health officials feel they have a say in our medical choices. Here in California , there are so many people asleep to what’s really going on it’s actually terrifying . Wearing masks in their cars , on the beach , it’s utterly ridiculous.

  8. Excellent stuff from James again.

    To see the direct link between the corruption and WHO decision making here’s some additional info on the H1N1 influenza pandemic.

    The only people who benefited from pointless vaccines and unnecessary medication were the manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Novartis. Each of these pharmaceutical corporations were among the largest voluntary contributors to the WHO in 2008/2009 financial year.


    With an $84 million investment, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche were the largest single corporate contributor into the WHO’s coffers that year, and second only to the BMGF as non government contributors. Luckily, as it turned out, they could afford it because sales of their unnecessary Tamiflu H1N1 medication rocketed to more than £3 billion following the WHO’s declared H1N1 pandemic. Which was just a coincidence.


    During the hearing held by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), investigating the issue of a “falsified pandemic,” the epidemiologist Dr Wolfgang Wobarg said:

    “The WHO basically held the trigger for the pandemic preparedness plans, they had a key role to play in deciding on the pandemic. Around 18 billion dollars was spent on this pandemic worldwide. Millions were vaccinated for no good reason. It is not even clear that the vaccine had a positive effect, because it was not clinically tested.”


    When the British Medical Journal and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism investigated the apparent conflict of interest they found that the WHO had prepared their Infuenza Preparedness Plan in collaboration with European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI). The ESWI were entirely funded by Roche and other influenza medication and vaccine manufacturers. None of which the WHO publicly declared.


    Nor did they declare that the lead author for the 2004 guidance issued to governments, Professor Fred Hayden, was in receipt of consultancy fees from Roche at the time. As were his co authors Dr. Arnold Monto and Professor Karl Nicholson. It seems the researchers acted in good faith and openly declared their conflicts of interest to the WHO, but the WHO forgot to record those declarations.

    When investigators asked if the WHO had privately informed purchasing governments of these conflicts of interest, they declined to answer. As James said, the WHO also refused to name the members of the “emergency committee” who had advised then Secretary General Margaret Chan to declare the H1N1 global pandemic in the first place.

  9. What’s in a name?..
    The World Health Organisation is an ambivalent name, and maybe many such body names are but I think it important or interesting that the name WHO is not clearly aligned to good health or bad health.
    The name could have been the Healthy World Organisation (HWO) or the World Good Health Organisation (WGHO) but rather WHO relies on the optimistic presumptions of most that such bodies would promote positive outcomes.
    What if WHO is less interested in a healthy World and more interested in control through health related mechanisms?
    Today the answer to that question is outside your window…

    • Isn’t it assumed viruses alter our genetic makeup? I don’t see it as a giant leap from there to vaccines, containing all sorts of iffy crap, doing the same. Of course, understanding this matter is a completely different subject.

  10. Question for Corbett:

    You’ll have to set your modesty aside for a moment so we can address the fact that you’re no normal human.

    I started to list all of the ways in which you’re notably extraordinary but the list was getting ridiculously long.
    For the sake of brevity, let’s just say you’re cognitively superhuman.

    The only other person I know of who possesses a similar arsenal of extraordinary capabilities is Graham Hancock. No one else even comes close.

    My question is:
    Do you have any thoughts on the possible, or likely, source of — or major contributors to — your superhuman abilities?
    Have you always had them to some degree? Do you recall when they really started to kick in? Are any other people in your family similarly superhuman? Were you abducted by aliens? Have you struck any deals with horned supernatural beings?
    If we can get to the bottom of this, maybe there will be something that can help other conspiracy/truth researchers become more capable.

  11. People frequently reference the “way back machine.” Who controls it? My son has been using it to document statistics on hospital capacity here in Michigan, along with charting changes in COVID cases, deaths, other illnesses, etc. But several times he has found pages are vanishing. Past information on number of available ICU beds vanished. Then, recently, info from specific hospitals vanished. He has not reported a case of changing info, just vanishing entire pages. The vanishings always seem to involve manipulating or hiding statistics to puff the level of COVID fear. Never the other way.

    • That is definitely interesting.
      I have seen pages fail to save properly many times but not disappear after they’ve been saved properly.
      For really important pages, I’d recommend also saving on archive.is
      Additionally, you can try to save the page for offline viewing (File –> Save Page As) and you can install browser add-ons & virtual printers that will allow you to print the page to a PDF file or ‘screenshot’ the entire page to an image file (png, jpg) with a single click.
      The most reliable method is still manually taking a screenshot (using the PrScr key) then pasting it into Paint (or another image editor), then scrolling down & repeating the process, then, when done, piecing all of the screenshots together into a single image by enabling transparency and aligning them (note: make sure each screenshot you take contains a small piece of the prior screenshot or there will be nothing you can use for aligning).
      Obviously, with a page saved offline/locally, you won’t have that Wayback Machine (or archive.is) credibility when presenting your case to others in the future, but it’s better than nothing.

  12. Wanted to give you my scoop from the Anti Mask/Lockdown protest outside customs house in Dublin today.
    It was a fantastic turn out, young and old. The vibe was relaxed and people were smiling, laughing and hugging.
    There were a few Antifa lads there acting the bollix, why do they all have those hungry ghost eyes? Where do they get these young lads from? And what drugs are they on? It’s coordinated for sure, I saw first hand an older bloke in the crowd who looked like a handler, the puffed up chump was trying to fit in while some of the young puffed up ones would greet him as they passed.
    The first few speakers were great but then A candidate for the Irish Freedom Party spoke and that was buzz killington for me.
    How I wish this wasn’t anything to do with any political party because we all know where that gets you.
    I was keen to see how the MSM portrayed this anti mask/lockdown protest. True to form they stated that there were 500 people there, it’s was more like 2k. They also noted that the protesters weren’t wearing masks and were not practicing social distancing, I don’t think they got the memo?
    One last thing Sinead O Connor song was played, she tweeted that the selfish protesters are not allowed to use her music.
    The good vibe of the protest is fading as the News creates an inaccurate narrative, here you can see carefully staged pictures of Antifa with tha caption ‘anti-mask protesters’ and the fun friendly respectful thousands of others that were there.

    • Wow about Sinead.

      Thanks for the report lizzy.

      I plan to go to our protest next week. I expect the same shenanigans. Ours is against mandatory flu vaccines for every student/childcare from 6 mos – college by December 31.

      I think we might be the first state to mandate like this so I hope we get a good crowd as all eyes will be upon us.

      • Good old Sinead, she is generally thought of as a mentally unstable loose cannon speaking crazy but now she’s on the PTSB side of the debate she is the saintly voice of reason. Jedward are also against the lockdown protests, how will this movement survive without their blessing.
        Good luck with the protest, the world will be watching so go represent!

  13. Hey Free Thinker. There are different threads you can comment on, like the summer open thread. I hope HRS
    or someone can provide the link to it because my way of doing it is a bit backwards. If I feel something is important I will post it on the most current thread even if it is off topic, because more people are likely to see it. Not sure if that is totally cool but I chance it.

  14. Hi James. In the “top 20” list you cite on page 82 of the PDF, we also find GAVI, which, of course, receives money from Gates, Rotary International, which also receives money from Gates ($1,285,210,000 in 2009 alone) and has partnered with his foundation. In addition, below quote taken from The Rotary website:

    “The grant challenges Rotary to raise $100 million, which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will match. Two years later, the Gates Foundation pledges an additional $255 million and increases the amount Rotary must raise to $200 million. Rotary’s partnership with the Gates Foundation helps both organizations improve lives around the world”

    We also find the European Commission, which receives money from Gates ($45,178,000 in 2019 alone), the National Philanthropic Trust (which has received about $3.3 million 2013/2016 from Gates)

    Two different branches of the UN also feature in the list and the UN, of course, receives money from Gates too.
    In short, not only does Gates fund the WHO directly, he also funds other organisations that fund it.

    Regarding the individual countries, I did a bit more digging in the Gates grants historical DB to see how many Universities/public bodies in my home country had received money from Gates over the years and here are just the ones I could find. The number below are in $Millions (total is approx. $1.4BILLION)

    London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 292.3
    Imperial College London 291.4
    University of Oxford 243
    Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 177.1
    University of Greenwich 73.4
    University College London 65
    St George’s, University of London 45.4
    The University of Edinburgh 31.7
    University of Cambridge 29.7
    University of York 29.6
    University of Dundee 25
    University of Bristol 13.8
    University of Nottingham 12.8
    University of Birmingham 11
    Cardiff University 11
    The University of Southampton 8
    University of Warwick 5.8
    University of the West of England, Bristol 4.2
    University of Liverpool 4.1
    University of Glasgow 3.6
    University of Leeds 3.3
    University of Sheffield 2.4
    University of Newcastle Upon Tyne 2.3
    University of East Anglia 1.9
    University of Reading 1.1
    SOAS University of London 0.9
    Oxford University Press 0.89
    University of Manchester 0.6
    Middlesex University 0.3
    University of Strathclyde 0.2
    National University of Ireland Galway 0.2
    Trinity College Dublin 0.2
    University College Cork 0.1
    University College Dublin 0.1
    University of Kent 0.1
    University of Essex 0.1
    University of Surrey 0.1
    Royal Holloway, University of London 0.1
    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College 0.1

    Keep up the great work James!!

      • Hi James and all. I want opinions on a timeline for these plans to start taking shape. Is there any evidence to suggest a Biden presidency in the US starting a chain of events to further the agenda? Also wonder best options to further schooling with this messed up system.


    • Wow, tricky, that is some report.

      And that’s just one country!

      It makes me think that Catherine Austin Fitts has to be on to something when she questions just who’s billions people like Soros and Gates, et al are spending.

      Thatsa lotta money!

  15. Hey FreeThinker!
    We are glad you are on the comment boards.

    One can always post any type of news or information or personal opinion or anecdote or joke on the “Open Thread”.
    You can find the most recent “Open Thread” by typing that term in Corbett Report’s SEARCH BOX.

    On 7/11/2020, James started the “Summer 2020 Open Thread”.
    This “Open Thread” was again linked to under his very important article of August 8th, Why We Must #ExposeBillGates, which was the only article I have ever seen which did not have its own comment section.
    Rightly so.

    However, I want to point out that there are no carved-in-stone rules for what thread that you place news and information.
    If it is current, breaking news or information, most folks place it under Corbett’s recent works.
    If the information is most appropriate to a previous Thread topic or Sub-Thread, that might be a good place to put it because it references with other data better.

  16. I doubt anyone is messing with your firefox installation. The first step is to clean the cache and disable the addons.

    Press CTRL+SHIFT+DEL and proceed as follows i.imgur.com/iIRl05a.png

    Press CTRL+SHIF+A to open the addon page. There you should disable all addons for starters and after figuring things out you can proceed to enable one by one, but only what you need. Ex. i.imgur.com/E7vjzfb.png

    • Oh man!…”circus” is the right word.
      Mega-rich Leon Black’s Apollo stock price took a hit recently, because he had been in Epstein’s circle before.

    • Thanks for the link, Steve.

      You have to wonder just how many in D.C. are in fact blackmailed.

      After hearing Attny Dan Sheehan talk about Federal judges and how they get appointed – it gives one pause.

  17. Ohayo gozaimasu James,

    I was reading some of the comments on a Jason Bermas video the other day and came across a comment that suggested that there was a link between the 2019 flu jab and Covid19. Unfortunately there was no link to any evidence of this.

    This got me thinking as I had the flu jab back at the end of November and my very next blood test in December showed that my tumour markers were elevated for the first time since my operation (I had bile duct cancer back in September 2017). The tumour markers have continued to rise despite no tumours showing in my CT or PET scans.

    I did ask my Doctor wife if the two could be related but she didn’t think this was possible.

    Have you heard anything on this link between the 2019 flu jab and Covid19? Do you have any thoughts on the matter?

    Ja mata

  18. thank you for compiling that Logan!

    WHO Fueling the Opioid Epidemic
    The WHO is unambiguously recommending that highly addictive opioids should be
    available to children
    WHO whistleblowers
    conflicts of interest

    The Goal is Universal Vaccination
    The Immunization Agenda 2030 envisions “A world where everyone, everywhere, at
    every age, fully benefits from vaccines for good health and well-being.”

    many important points

  19. James, I’m sure you likely pointed it out somewhere. But even if the Trump administration cuts its direct funding of the WHO and GAVI becomes the #1 funding body…the Trump Administration funds Gates’ GAVI…it’s just political theater from the gameshow host again.

    “And in a rare show of multilateralism, United States President Donald Trump sent a video message of support after Johnson personally reached out. Although Trump did not specify the US pledge amount in his message, the United States Agency for International Development had announced in February a pledge of US $1.16 billion.”



    The CNP and Le Cercle who manage the Trump administration are just a very right wing side of the NWO that hadn’t been in such power since Reagan, when the CNP was created likely from help from Le Cercle in Europe, the right wing counterpart to Bilderberg that’s a step up from the CFR. No surprise to me at all.

    Such showmanship that Donald…

    • All through USAID if somebody didn’t make out how the US will still finance the WHO by financing GAVI, it’s the agency that was rarely written as a non-acronym when I read this, but of course, USAID = CIA, CIA will be giving the money that the White House Treasury or whatever more direct “Trump administration stoppage of funding to WHO”. Which is even scarier when you think about it.

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