Who Is Behind The #StopZika Fear Campaign? – Questions For Corbett #032

by | Oct 13, 2016 | Questions For Corbett | 34 comments

Do you wonder if the Chinese are secretly planning to stick it to the west? Question how a free society would work? If you should give your kids the red pill? Who’s really behind the #StopZika campaign? Never fear! James answers these and all your other burning questions in this edition of Questions For Corbett.

For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

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The Myth of Natural Monopolies (from QFC #028)

Government, the Market, and Environmental Protection

Nature Unbound: Bureaucracy vs. the Environment

Externalities, Public Goods, and the Role of Government | Peter G. Klein

Mises “Human Action”

Pareto Optimality, External Benefits and Public Goods: A Subjectivist Approach

What Anarchy is Not

Gary Chartier on The Corbett Report

Anarchy and Legal Order: Law and Politics for a Stateless Society

Limited Hangout: Why The Osama Story is Being Resurrected Now

Exposed: The Timing & Orchestration Of Seymour Hersh’s “Bin Laden Kill”

Newsbud Roundtable on Turkey and Multipolar Chess

Modern Money & Public Purpose 1: The Historical Evolution of Money and Debt

How Lend-Lease Helped the Soviets Defeat the Germans

Phoney Opposition: The Truth About The BRICS

SDR World Order

Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri

Illinois receives $500,000 federal grant to fight Zika virus

Birth of the Zika Industry

Florida Governor Has Financial Ties To Zika Mosquito Company

Raja Calls on Congress to Pass Anti-Zika Funding Now

Congress Ends Spat, Agrees To Fund $1.1 Billion To Combat Zika

Jon Rapport Dissects the Zika Hype

Planned Parenthood Exposed

History Commons


Wayback Machine

TV News Archive

September 11 TV Archive

What Is Planet 5250?

Documents For Your Info Arsenal

Derrick Broze on Agorism and Counter-Economics

Episode 309 – Solutions: Agorism

Dear Government, Deliver Us From Freedom

Corbett Report Federal Reserve documentary and pamphlet


  1. I am quite interested in this Zika virus theme because I think it has lots of elements to be disturbing.
    People get nervous about a virus, how much more nervous can they get about the idea of once again “saving the children” as we are used to be taught. I can see some divide and conquer potential of highly sulfuric nature.
    Then again, I sent you an email, after the contagion FLNWO, I always think this is a great opportunity to go against everything that seems logic and common sense, that is glorify the act of giving vaccines to pregnant woman. It seems quite dangerous, because, even before being born children are already being showered with things they shouldn’t be showered with with all the consequences it can bring. Always remembering that this type of campaign is great to some speeding ups in the process of testing medicines, considering that a mass vaccination process always is a trial in of itself. A very expensive one, like the marketing of any medicine.
    I see Eugenics, i see socialism and the usual medical drama of fear, and maybe some opportunities to keep advertising WHO and CDC as global health authorities.

  2. On the outsiders point of view I would like to give my experience and tell how did I came to think the world was not I was led to believe.

    I studied pharmaceutical sciences in Portugal, my country of origin, around the second year of my studies you’re supposed to study statistics and the application to pharmaceutical sciences. I think my political person was born around that time, because before that I wasn’t even interested in politics whatsoever.
    For me the idea of deciding something about the toxicity of anything based on numbers that represent people made me feel that something was really wrong about my studies and the way we saw health there. It was years before I came in contact with the history of Rockefeller and everything we now know about health. And the ramifications of it to social sciences, to everything, started to wake up a very different person.
    Also some music started to ring some bells with my senses, I was always interested in lyrics so Gil Scott Heron came like some help.
    I worked in Portugal and decided to go to live in England where I found out different realities and my adventure as an outsider started, it’s easy to understand your own prejudices, at least some of them, if you get to see them in different clothes. I saw some familiar things but with other cultural context, and I started to get interested in social control. But it was not until I found a book called “The role of women in the structure of society” that I started to see some more subtle nuances to what I thought I thought specially about philanthropy.
    Currently I live in Barcelona, I am still an outsider, and I can say it really helps me to get detached to some prejudices, maybe adopting others in the way but always trying to get loose.
    Also my important moment of getting to know the Corbett Report around the Ebola scare was very important, somehow I had it easy, anyone studying health with a bit of critical sense and not being nurtured by the academic or industry system, with the bias of those jobs and status will easily see the charade.
    I was happy to discover that are other ways to see health, some more individualizing ones, impossible to put into a protocol, less toxic too, and happy to know people start to give them some space.
    Even though the authority argument is still very heavy, Thomas Szasz has some very interesting ideas around the substitution of the figure of the priest for the figure of the doctor. And some interesting parallelisms between witches and mental health patients.

  3. Another great QFC and interesting questions. Particularly first one, but Sam’s question (52:30) gave me drive to write this comment.

    Regarding the first QFC, as an anarchist and economist I have to disagree that Mises and Austrian economics can provide answers for future voluntarist/anarchist society. Solution they propose for common goods and state property is privatization and they would most probably find a way to privatize the air also.
    Privatization provides the answer who will manage the property and we can assume to some extent that owner will take care of property and this should provide best results for society. Well, not necessary, because owner can do with his property what ever he wants. The worst that can happened to him is bankruptcy, but society will be left with his mess. Overstretched?
    Austrian economics supposedly support voluntary interaction and freedom. Far from true. Dictatorship on workplace majority of people are experiencing is light years from freedom or voluntary. Austrian economics see no need to change anything here.
    Someone might argue that I went away from subject. Not really, things in economy are connected, one pulls the other.

    But maybe all of the above is hard to comprehend and Then comes Sam’s (52:30) question. I’m from ex-Yugoslavia, grow up in socialism (actually it was very soft-handed Party dictatorship) and start to work in capitalism. That gives me a bit different perspective. Frankly said, no one can bullshit me about socialism nor capitalism, I know both. Austrian economics tries to provide some patches for capitalism, but that cannot end up in free society.

    In my opinion, for managing resources, environment, for preventing monopoly, some mechanisms of control by people should be invented. It’s not ownership that matters. Who has control matters. Now, both is embodied in one person.
    Well designed organizational structures, well designed decision making procedures… something like member Parrhesiajoe proposed once, could be a solution. Excellent article.

    • I have to add an example where un-holistic approach of Austrian economics can lead.
      On Mises institute site there is an interview:
      Privatizing Rivers, Voluntary Slave Contracts, Environmentalism.

      Yes, at (10:20) you can hear that Voluntary Slave Contracts are just fine. Well, argumentation goes like this: Father sells himself for a slave to a wealthy man to pay for medical treatment of his seriously sick son. Father is “owner of himself” and transaction is “voluntary”, no problem whatsoever. Really?
      What is underlying reality? Father definitely tried Everything and out of his total desperation, he sells himself to slavery. How is it possible that someone preaches Freedom and Voluntarism and is at the same time just fine with fathers decision that will deprive him of both.

      If you still could support “voluntary slavery” then you might re-think what empathy, one of the basis for healthy human relations, means to you.

      “When goodness is lost, it is replaced with morality” (Lao Tse)

  4. Regarding “When did I wake up”, I’m a relative newbie. It was the MH370/MH17 incidents happening so close together in time and from the same airline which raised my suspicions. Subsequent internet search suggestions led to doubts on the official story of Sep 11. Then my world turned upside down….

  5. This note is for Elizabeth who asked “I’m Sick of my tax money funding wars. What do I do? How do I practice counter-economics?”
    Minimizing your tax exposure:
    1. For money coming in, or income tax, read “Cracking the Code” by Peter Eric Hendrickson, I have fact checked this book and am practicing it, this book will change your life.
    2. For money going out, or sales tax, buy used goods. There are no sales taxes for person to person purchases.
    Good Luck!

    • @rob.w I am not saying you have not been successful thus far at avoiding an attack from the IRS using CTC strategy, but I do seriously question your claim “I have fact checked this book”. Would you like to elaborate?

      Whether or not Hendrikson’s arguments are correct, he has not been successful in court defending himself against attacks from the IRS, nor, more recently, appearing as a defense witness in a case where an individual using CTC was ultimately found guilty of filing fraudulent income taxes (see below). The IRS has specifically classified the legal arguments offered in CTC as a frivolous argument and has a designated place on its website found here https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/the-truth-about-frivolous-tax-arguments-section-i-a-to-c (Please see section C, #4) Filers using the CTC strategy are not always flagged as frivolous claims initially, and are processed with refund checks being issued where applicable. But there is ample evidence, including Hendrickson himself, where the IRS launches an attack to get the money back, and there is no evidence that I have seen to this date demonstrating a successful CTC argument defense thereafter. It’s simply an argument over the interpretation of the code, and the men and women calling themselves government and the IRS will not lose that argument.

      Here is an interview of Pete H. on the No State Project show, just prior to Hendrickson’s trial. http://marcstevens.net/radioarchive/nsp20090912.html It’s worth a listen if you are intending on filing a zero income return as instructed by Cracking the Code. Please consider other options before going all in with CTC.

      Personally, if I were to defend myself against an IRS attack, I would use the Marc Stevens Socratic method of asking questions of fact and holding the prosecution to its burden of proof regarding jurisdiction and applicability rather than arguing legal interpretations of the tax code. Here is a recent success story http://marcstevens.net/successes/another-success-irs.html The “Marcratic Method” is detailed in the book Government Indicted found here: http://marcstevens.net/articles/government-indicted-believing-governments-worship-psychopaths.html

      For your consideration:
      OCT 27, 2009, Peter Hendrickson, 54, of Commerce Township was found guilty today of making false statements to the IRS by a federal jury in Detroit, United States Attorney Terrence Berg announced today.

      [SNIP: Comment exceeds word limit. Here’s the link to the Hendrickson article for those interested in reading further: https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/tax/legacy/2009/10/28/phendrickson.pdfJC]

  6. My wake up call?
    I was bored one day and clicked on the link to loose change on you tube. When they talked about the collapse of the towers – which I remember on 9/11 thinking, as a physics teacher, that shouldn’t happen but then I just forgot about it – so I wanted to find out why they collapsed. So I saw the link to Popular Mechanics (which I respected at the time). I always find it ironic that watching the PM video woke me up to the fact that we were being lied to. When they talked about planes being vaporized I just shook my head an thought “what the heck are they talking about” but with more colorful language. Then I clicked on the link to AE911Truth Experts Speak Out and the rest is history.

    I had always thought that JFK assassination was a conspiracy, but I researched it as a detective story, trying to figure out who done it. But in the movie JFK, Donald Sutherland’s character (which we all know was based on Fletcher Prouty) says it best that I was asking the wrong question – the who and the how are a distraction keeping the public from asking why. So after realizing we were being lied to about 9/11, I started going back and rewatching JFK info and looking for patterns of deception and asking the why this happened.

    After watching the Corbett Report 9/11 in five minutes, I found my way to catching up on Corbett podcasts from 310 and worked my way backwards again looking for patterns of deception and asking the why. I realized that the questions of how the three towers fell and what hit the pentagon were distractions keeping people from asking why.

    And now I see the patterns of deception in the MSM all the time and I find myself asking why all the time. When the Hillary email leaks came out last Friday followed by Trumps “grabbing the pu$$y” video, before I looked at the details of what they said, I asked why are they being released now. And it made so much sense when viewed through that lens.

  7. An addendum to my earlier post about waking up – the video Incontrovertible about Tony Rooke’s court case against the BBC is a great source for showing how the media has been involved in shaping how we see things and goes though the MLK shooting to 9/11 and the 7/7 bombings and much more. It really opened my eyes to how we are influenced by the MSM propaganda.

  8. When asked about the effect of moving to and living in Japan upon his work, James suggested there was no way to know how his work might be different had he stayed in Canada; he could not run a controlled experiment.

    Believe it or not, there is a technique that can be used to explore this. It’s neither difficult nor time consuming but may require some initial persistence (Warning! The first time I tried this technique I experienced a significant alteration in consciousness that lasted for several days and extended into the dream environment.)

    The concepts behind the techniques are probable selves and probable realities; these will be familiar to readers of science fiction (for example, Worlds of If or even the more literary tale The Garden of Forking Paths). These concepts are also somewhat similar to certain current ideas in physics.

    The Technique is excerpted from The “Unknown” Reality — Volume One of a Seth Book Copyright © 1977 by Jane Roberts as 2. Preliminary Probable Self Exercise found at the hopelessly-in-need-of-updating RealityTest website here.

  9. To answer the question, how did people wake up?

    In early 2003, I was handed one of those dollar-bill-style “funny money” info sheets at a public event, with all kinds of 911 conspiracy links on it. At that time, I thought “here’s another nutty conspiracy nutjob with some weird axe to grind”. I found it odd and humorous, and saved the thing in my desk drawer, just because I’m fascinated by weird stuff.

    After the US government invaded Iraq, nothing we were doing made sense to me anymore – after all, Iraq didn’t attack us on 911, and it was really obvious that the neocons were trying to make a connection between al Qaida and Saddam that just wasn’t there. The world was turning upside down, the “peace dividend” never arrived, and now we were invading countries for trumped-up reasons.

    I read in a local independent rag about a lecture on 911 coming up locally, and I sensed that it might contain something that might help me make sense of things. I asked my girlfriend if she would be interested in going with me, and she said yes, which kind of blew me away – I didn’t expect that.

    The meeting had about 30 people, in a rented bit of office space. The presentation dealt mostly with the physics of the collapse, introduced the concept of controlled demolition, and how this might have been achieved (means and opportunity). We walked out of that meeting with our heads spinning – the arguments seemed plausible, and the implications were profound.

    In the coming months I began doing my own research online, and we began to attend more gatherings of this sort. We saw Richard Gage speak at a local college, and his presentation was very good. Moreover, when I began to understand that a rogue element within our government had planned the event for multiple reasons benefiting the “powers that shouldn’t be”, everything that had been confusing about the government’s foreign exploits began to make sense again, from the perspective of these evil minds, anyway.

    I discovered the Corbett Report about 6 years ago through a blog a friend of mine was doing, and began eagerly catching up on all of James’ research, comparing it to stuff I had already learned and learning new things in the process.

    I no longer run around trying to “wake people up” – I didn’t have much luck, and lost some friends over it – but I do speak my truths when asked and do not shy away from confronting people’s beliefs in the proper settings.

    During this year’s election cycle, I have written across the back window of my car “If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you’re still voting for evil” (thanks for that, James!), and have gotten a lot of thumbs-ups from people – I take those as small wins, and confirmation that there are still some folks out there like me who refuse to buy into the bullshit. Another slogan I came up with is “Kill your TV and elect yourself”, although I haven’t put that one on my car yet.

    I went from being a tree-hugging liberal democrat to a libertarian to a voluntarianist anarchist in the space of nine years (although I still hug trees). I’m 54 and my girlfriend is 67, so I can tell you people can change at any age – remember that, kids.

    I’m grateful that this community exists.

  10. Hi James and listeners,

    this is an answer to the question from Ben asking for websites similar to yours in German.

    Of course the German speaking population is so much smaller than the English speaking one, so that you cannot expect to find as many good sources, journalists and websites in German as in English. And there is really no journalist or website like James Corbett and the corbettreport, at least not that I know of.

    That said, here are some websites in German I regularly visit for getting less biased information:

    (very good website with lots of articles commenting on certain issues and on mainstream media articles and broadcasts uncovering the mechanisms of manipulation)

    (also available as printed magazine)

    (online newspaper “Telepolis”)

    (lots of great interviews with people usually ignored by mainstrem media, e. g. with Daniele Ganser)

    Of course I would be eager to see if other listeners have more interesting sites in German.

    Kind greetings from Germany


  11. There are many ways to generate electrical power off the grid. My main conundrum to do with getting off the grid is property taxes. There doesn’t seem to be any way to avoid them in the US–other than by becoming a nomad, which would surely raise other problems.

    • You can live on the water. You may still pay a slip fee, electric and septic pump out fee, but there are no “property taxes.” Renting is another alternative. Another is to not pay taxes and see how long it is until they confiscate your property, then move on to the next location and do the same.

  12. How I woke up in reference to 911…..

    In 1985 at the age of 21, pre-internet of course; I was telling my college roommates that, “by the year 2000 half of Manhattan would be taken out by a hand held nuclear devise for political purposes…” 17 years ahead of the actual event; within 9 months of accuracy. I understood pre-911, the political advantage the turn of the century held for the oligarchs as a time to shift the world power mechanisms.

    My political awakening happened when I was 15 years of age, in 1979. I watched a DOD video of the navy dumping 55 gallon steel drums of nuclear waste off the coast of New Jersey. No other containment; just raw steel dropped off a smallish navy tender. At that moment I fully understood the basis of the political machine is mass murder.

    When the 911 event happened and I was called to be informed of it about 10:30 am…. I got rid of TV in 1991 after the propaganda of the first gulf war sickened me; I went back to my work of the day, knowing exactly what was taking place…. a false flag event. There was never any time lapse of awakening for me concerning this event. I was fully expecting it.

    I waited 4 days to venture out into public, never having seen the seminal brainwashing pictures of collapsing towers and talking heads linking the Osama myth. The public was zombified, like walking dead…. completely PTSD. All had changed psychologically and sociologically. I walked into a pizza place to grab a slice and the TV was blaring the propaganda. I kept my head turned away until I new the picture was flashed of the collapse sequence; watched for 2 seconds and turned away again. The visual confirmed in that brief moment the obvious controlled demolition.

    From that point on, any mention of the truth about these events or our world geo-strategic realities has been a cause to alienate me from the general public…. as it is for all of you here in this forum.

    The breaking of ones cognitive dissonance is a daily chore, strategically; one of the most influential and revolutionary acts of political dissidence. There are truths that exist in our world and our lives. To engage them is to carve a path of intellectual freedom and integrity no authoritarian can disrupt or confiscate.

  13. Darryl – FLYERS or BROCHURES or Handouts –

    Something which is inexpensive and professional as a handout is found here. Click to see inside the brochure.
    I use “Did you know a 3rd Tower fell on 9/11?”
    Our Texas group has given out thousands.

    Actually, now-a-days flyers can get costly to make copies of.
    In fact, often these newspaper inserts which you get in the mail or with the paper often cost literally less (delivered) than what it costs to make copies of a flyer for. I know this because I use to buy lots of advertising.

    Sometimes a business card can be cost effective.
    You could print CorbettReport business cards “For news without the lies”.

    Targeting your audience or “the season of interest” is good.
    For example: January is a good time to print up flyers which tell about the 1999 trial which proved that the government conspired to assassinate Martin Luther King, Jr. The trial transcripts are on the King Family website.

    If you make a flyer, try to have a graphic or image. Black-n-white. Color is too expensive.
    People tend not to read. They might spend only a few seconds to glance…interest needs to be stoked in those brief moments.

  14. — How I woke up —

    In 2005, I was a strong Bush Republican. A friend of my wife, a woman who I had known since 1977, lightly mentioned to my wife that “9/11 was an inside job”.
    I was “ears red” livid when I heard about this. I went to the internet to research and to prove this lady wrong.
    I was shocked by what I found!
    The lady was right.
    My world crumbled apart.
    (And remember, during this time there were not the research resources which are available today.)
    I literally could not sleep for months.
    I cried.
    I was incredibly disturbed.
    This is all I could think about.
    I could not even tell my wife what I had discovered until many months later. By then “9/11 Mysteries” had come out and so this was a great way to also wake her up.

    I burned thousands of DVDs and made flyers and distributed tens of thousands in the following years.

    In 2011, an Associated Press reporter called me from Florida. She wanted to fly to Texas to interview me. I told her to forget me…I am just a regular guy. She insisted. So, I insisted that she also interview some prominent people in the 9/11 Movement, along with members of our North Texas group.

    The article went around the world in literally thousands of publications from New Zealand to Europe to “you name it”.. My wife saw my picture on the computer’s front news story of AOL and said: “Now, you will never get a good job.”

    Here is the article. (Click the photo to see more photos)

    JAPAN – Here is the article in Japan.

  15. — ENERGY — Make moonshine —
    …and feeding the world and cleaning the environment with the process.

    — Agorism —
    Here David Blume gives an agoristic approach to ending the petro-dollar.

    ~~ How Homemade Moonshine Could Conquer the World ~~

    Moonshine is mankind’s second oldest profession.
    Anyone can make moonshine (alcohol, ethanol, ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH ) at home, in the backyard or on the farm from inexpensive or free materials. People can scale the production and share the benefits by forming co-ops or alliances, …even “producing scrip” among themselves to exchange for alcohol or its by-products of production or the ingredients for its production.

    The cost per gallon can range from 40 cents to $1.50. By utilizing the many side products from alcohol production the net costs drop dramatically. Some examples of side products for alcohol production are wastewater cleanup, garbage cleanup, fish and animal feedstock, plant fertilizer, pest control applications, accelerating the growth of plants in a greenhouse, etc. By taking advantage of tax credits one can “get paid” to make alcohol fuel.

    Alcohol can run your car.
    The exhaust is cleaner than the air going in.

    This is a short list of substances which can used to make alcohol:
    A vast variety of plants adapted to your specific part of the world. Trashed donuts and baked goods. Trashed produce (weekly, many grocery stores throw away produce worth thousands of dollars). Cattails or Duckweed from sewage cleanup. Seaweed. Cactus. Different desert plants. Grass. Plantation or farm waste harvests (not viable for the food marketplace). Molasses. Fruits. Sugar beets. Sugar cane. Corn and other grains. Soft drink bottlers who must dispose of left-over syrup not used before the expiration date is also a source. The paper industry has a similar slurry, called black liquor.

    David Blume WEBSITES

    This is one of David Blume’s many video presentations.

    On the internet, there are abundant resources about alcohol production for fuel.
    This is a “Wiki-how” graphic – http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Ethanol-Fuel

    People can make their own still or very easily purchase one designed for making alcohol fuel.
    Here is an average guy who made a still which produces about 100 gallons a day.

    • Aron,
      At the link, several great resources are named with links. Follow the links.

      Use the search function at 911blogger. You will see scientific papers and also the history.

      Search Jeremy Rys (alien scientist)along with the keyword “Judy Woods”.

    • Aron,
      Look at the scientific papers on 911blogger.

      Steven Jones and others have some great stuff that show that Judy Woods was pushed into the limelight in order to discredit and divide.

      …or choose not to… whatever you want to do.
      The evidence is there.
      You don’t have to study it.

  16. Russ, do you really believe the crap of “How They Financed Communism”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Soviet regime was not extremely horrible. But “history” presented in this “documentary” is full of exaggerations and omissions and this is not in the best interest of Truth.
    Can’t you see that there is deliberate intention to get emotional impact with all horrors presented. Propaganda works this way. What are they trying to achieve? Well, my guess is that they are trying to discourage people to actually go and look what are underlying source ideas of communism. Slaughtering definitely isn’t one.
    I don’t promote anything except, maybe, that the path of wisdom is somewhere in the middle in between (false) dichotomies.

  17. Here is an election question:
    As the MSM media brings up the question of electrion fraud, they never mention even the possibility that Bush stole the 2000 or 2004 elections. I notice that after Gore challenged the Florida vote in 2000, he pretty much disappeared from politics. When Kerry didn’t challenge the 2004 Ohio results, he was allowed to continue playing the game. Is there anything to this? Did the powers that shouldn’t be reward Kerry for playing nice and punish Gore for publicly challenging the results?

  18. How I woke up to the NWO, the short version:

    I used to believe the news and say things like, “Anyone who supports the republicans must be either poor and dumb, or rich and evil.” I spent all my time playing video games and getting high.

    Then one day around 2008, I stumbled across Aaron Russo’s “Freedom to Fascism”. From that day, I knew the NWO was real and the TV was full of shit. I became obsessed with finding out as much as I could about 911 and government conspiracies. I lost all interest in video games and fiction. I watched “The Money Masters” and so many other documentaries I can’t even remember. I found out about volunteerism and an-cap philosophies. I read Mises and Hayek. I started eating healthy and juicing, etc. I handed out thousands of flyers and 911 dvds on street corners. Everyone thought I was crazy for several years, but little by little, anyone who listened to what I had to share could no longer deny the truth.

    Eventually, (probably through activist post) I discovered James’s work and was thrilled to find someone out there who’s assessment of world events paralleled my own. Of course, he is much more well researched than I am. There is still an unlimited amount of information that I don’t know. But I try to observe the world with a skeptical eye and question everything, especially the unending lies from the pigs in government.

    • There was some reporting out of the NY Times a few years ago that in fact, US troops did find WMD’s in Iraq. The Times gives a few possible reasons for the cover-up, namely that they were essentially made in the USA (so to speak) before 1991, and didn’t fit into the Bush/Cheney administration’s causus belli for the war.


      My personal thoughts are, when waging war for power and profits, if you have to set conditions for victory, no reason to be in a big hurry to fulfill them…

      • Huh, wow.

        Sometimes I think they WANT us to know/think they can get away with anything nefarious and they see us as powerless to bring about a change in this.

        • Okay, I’m going to ask one more a bit similar.

          Why do people in a position and have a motive to expose 9/11 not do so?

          An example: I saw Muammar Gaddafi addressing the UN, I’m not sure how close it was to when we took him out. But, lots of criticism about US foreign policy. One was that we illegally invaded Iraq which of course is true. But when he was saying that Iraq didn’t have anything to do with it he said it was Bin Laden, AQ, and other things to thr point where he just related the “official story”.

          Doesn’t it seem like he would have knowledge of the truth? And obviously he has motives to at least insinuate some 9/11 truth.

          I just don’t get why non-allies won’t bring it up. They have to be in a position to know, right? Even Russia says the the official story is the story without any hint of truth.


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