Episode 140 – Requiem for the Suicided: Terrance Yeakey

by | Aug 1, 2010 | Episodes, Podcasts | 18 comments

Running Time: 52:10

Description:This week we turn the focus of our open source investigation to Sgt. Terrance Yeakey, one of the first responder heroes at the scene of the OKC bombing who discovered something that conflicted with the official story of the bombing…something that cost him his life.

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Why did this cop turn up dead? (Archived CNN report)


Documentation – Who Killed Terry Yeakey?
Time Reference: 15:12
Description: Overview article on Yeakey’s death from 1999.
Link To: APFN
Documentation – Interview with Tonia Yeakey
Time Reference: 20:39
Description: An interview with Terry Yeakey’s widow from Oklahoma City radio from 1998.
Link To: Archive.org
Documentation – We Are Change Oklahoma mini-documentary about Yeakey
Time Reference: 35:49
Description: Released in May of this year, it features information about Yeakey’s life and death and interviews with his family members.
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – We Are Change Oklahome homepage
Time Reference: 40:03
Description: Find out more about We Are Change Oklahoma
Link To: WeAreChangeOklahoma
Documentation – Terrance Yeakey Truth
Time Reference: 40:07
Description: Preserving the memory of Sgt. Terrance Yeakey
Link To: TYTruth.com
Documentation – Terrance Yeakey Truth Legal Fund
Time Reference: 48:21
Description: Donate to help fund the investigation into Terry Yeakey’s death.
Link To: TYTruth.com


  1. First I’ve heard of Terrance Yeakey who obviously would not back down to the threats. People such as Terrance Yeakey are far and few between as most would have taken the warning and stopped trying to gather evidence. A brave man who was really up against much more than he probably knew.

    As an aside Catherine Fitts, another person who ended up in the cross hairs of, in her case, government bureaucracy covering up corruption including an attempted hit (as a warning?), stated that the entire Watergate files and perhaps other Clinton sensitive files were completely destroyed in the OKC bombing(s). Her advice to government workers was that if there were “sensitive” files being kept in the building you are working at seek a transfer asap. When I heard this in an interview of Ms Fitts this filled in the blank under prime motive, which until then I was scratching my head on.

  2. Hey, Kirk,

    I’d be interested to hear more about your project and then decide if it was something I could contribute to in a meaningful way. I get what you’re saying about contacting others. I wonder if Mr. Corbett would consider emailing contact information between his subscribers if both parties gave the green light?

  3. Well that was depressing. In 1996 I had two children and was very busy being a young wife and mother. I barely watched the news at all. Sigh. I’m so tired of being lied to by the government and media.

  4. Welcome to the site Kirk. There is a great difficulty in these times to find people who are activists beyond keyboard commando efforts. Apathy, laziness, fear of “big brother” and more all play into it I’m sure.

    If you have been in the alternative activist movement very long you will probably agree that most of us have harvested or accumulated enough facts and information to have a sufficient understanding of the dark agendas of the various controller groups…world domination, reduced population, etc.

    I’ve been an activist for well over 50 years. Been shot at, tailed, phone tapped (old school land lines) and more. Seems those days of united efforts on the front line are long gone.

    At 81, living far off the grid I use my essay and song writing skills to help wake others up or inspire, but even with excellent songs and well written essays very few people of the 35+K who have gone to my site even comment let alone are seeking to create any common effort at taking down the controllers. A world of audience members, not actors.

    Check out my site for some Brain Food, not ear/eye candy…
    My best to you in your quest for sanity in a mad world.


  5. What I feel is happening is they’re trying to re-spin or “recreate” the narrative to make it look like the government and media have always been “investigating” this “mystery” all along — for the last soon-to-be 28 years. Then they can “arrive” at THEIR truth and broadcast that to the world. A few unimportant lackets may take the fall by having their faces plastered all throughout the media while the ACTUAL crime and criminals remain unsolved and untouched — exactly what I believe to be happening with the COVID plandemic. They know the truth will come and they want to make it appear as though they’ve been staying ahead of the curve the whole time.

    • I agree. I also heard Richard D Hall, of Richplanet TV, say that the UK government is now encouraging people to investigate events on their own, but only to later castigate them for “false information”.

      Richard himself was a target of the BBC, after his investigative journalism into the Manchester Arena Bombing got way too close to the truth. See his excellent work at http://www.richplanettv.net.fg

  6. Can’t imagine why CNN would be bringing this up now, unless they can somehow spin it into being part of a white supremacy narrative. Maybe they will find a way to say that he was about to expose white supremacist elements in the state that were complicit in the attack?

    • That’s a good theory. We cant put anything past these effers. I am watching Jame’s “Future Food False Flag” and a bunch of crazy people are sitting around their zoom screens calmly talking about how their biotech mad scientists can put nanobots in romaine lettuce to TRACK THE LETTUCE “from farm to fork”.

  7. Hm..maybe CNN is “helping” to re-write our Western “History” and, they sure want to be part of “The Western Fairy-tale”….?

    Am I the only one I wonder, to have lost my respect, not just for the US but, for the entire Western world – lost my respect 100%….??

    • Its not the people, its the gangbanksters who are running the countries.

      Another great content provider is Sage of Quay, aka Mike Williams. Dont dismiss him because he is known as the Paul is Dead guy. (That conspiracy theory is true also, btw.) On his blog he posts daily, content that he finds, or other critical thinkers send him. One post is a doc called Europa, the Last Battle. It follows another very long doc called Documenting Deutschland: The Suffering and Genocide of the German People, in which some of James’ WWI and WWII work is cited. Between the two of these very long docs, I am beginning to believe that Hitler may have been a good guy, more or less.

      Before you shoot me down, let me rephrase that. The true story of how he rose to power, the attacks on Germany by an organized JEWISH media and mostly JEWISH BANKING SYSTEM, led him to do whatever he did. We cant be too sure about anything we have been taught about Hitler. As a child in the late 1960s, I was herded into the “all purpose room” at my elementary school to watch WWII newsreel of the allies liberating the camps. It was traumatic for 9 year old child. I cant help but wonder, why they would show such horrors, the walking and nonwalking skeletons, etc., to children, except to get the “hate Hitler, hate Nazis, hate Germans” meme laid in our subconscious GPS systems early. It looks like WWII, was Hitler V Rothchild.

  8. Thank you for this great vid James, as usual. This is important work to honor those who have fallen in this battle of good against evil, as HomeRemedySupply says above.

    On the topic of important work, left to independent journalists like yourself, Mark Crispin Miller is honoring weekly, those who have Died Suddenly as the cull continues, in his substack posts.

    To tell you the truth, when I saw this man, a black cop on the thumbnail for the show, I thought it was another cop, also black, whom his fellow officers turned on. I dont remember his name or the year. It was a cop in California, who went rogue for some reason and was burnt to death in a cabin in the woods somewhere. THAT story always smelled bad to me.

    Here it is on Wikipedia: Christopher Jordon Dorner, who, according to him, was fired for reporting his fellow cop’s excessive force on the job, and then reportedly went on a shooting spree, demanding that the LAPD admit that he was fired for doing the right thing. He killed 3 or 4 officers, possibly those that he knew were bad news, and fired on the daughter, (a police officer), of the lawyer who failed to put forth his case, that resulted in his dismissal from the force.

    Then the cabin he was holed up in was set on fire. The cops hunted him down with a vengeance, as they always do when one of their own goes off the reservation. After they set the place on fire, he put a bullet in his own head.

    If you read the entire wiki page, you can see that like Terrence, this was a good man, who was driven nuts by the evil around him. The LAPD are well known for brutality and criminality.

    • BTW, I couldnt download this MP4 in Firefox, but was able to in Chrome. Im not sure what that’s about, but that info may help someone. I really wanted a copy of this video, and even if I couldnt download it, I would eventually own it when I get to the Year 2017 in the Corbett Report Flashdrive Series. For a full year of stellar Corbett Content, $50 is a bargain. See http://www.mediamonarchy.com‘s online store.

  9. James, why 27years? That is a Saturn cycle….they plan everything with sidereal astrology. That’s why they don’t want people to “believe” astrology. They know how to allow the planets’ positions to assist their agendas.
    Loving catching up with many of your previous, and well as reviewing documentaries, as we approach this third Mercury retrograde through a gandanta zone. An interesting Mercurial year it’s been.


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