Interview 293 – Aidan Monaghan

by | Feb 23, 2011 | Interviews | 1 comment

9/11 researcher Aidan Monaghan joins us once again to discuss his new paper examining the observed in-flight turns of United 175 shortly before hitting World Trade Center 2. We discuss the likelihood that the turn could have been done unassisted by an untrained pilot and look at some more likely possibilities.

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  1. Several eye witnesses that day in New York stated that they thought the planes might have been military because of their lack of markings. Of all the videos showing the planes going into the towers there is one that shows the entire right side of that plane just before going into the 2nd tower. Sometimes in certain light the markings on the fuselage can be harder to see. Was that the case that day? Don’t know. What I do know is the markings on the tail of a Commercial Airplane are very easy to see. What I also know is the 2nd plane that flew into the 2nd tower HAD NO MARKINGS on the tail. That 2nd plane was not a commercial airplane. Was it a military plane? I don’t know but I do know that our military has had the remote control technology since the early 1960’s. But again that 2nd plane was not a commercial airline plane.

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