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Field McConnell of AbelDanger joins the program today to discuss his life, background and investigation into the Octopus that connects Serco, the Senior Executive Service, Barry Soetoro, 9/11, MH370, MH17, the Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot and much, much (much) more.
As mentioned in the interview, Corbett Report members are encouraged to compile show notes for this interview in the comments section below. Please post any links to any information that corroborates any of the information presented in this interview.
Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot – 66 page document referred to in the interview with information on patents:
ZoomInfo on Field’s sister:
The link confirms she is a “Charter Member of the Senior Executive Service and An Elected Fellow” of the National Academy of Public Administration.
Independent confirmation of the relationship of Kristine (nee McConnell) Marcy to Field:
Zoominfo also confirms she is an “Executive Consultant” for McConnell International, founded by Bruce McConnell:
Bruce McConnell is also a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration:
Serco website:
Report on Serco stock plunge last month:
Details of “tagging scandal” ostensibly behind the stock plunge:
And here is info posted in comments section of this interview on F. McConnell’s website
SERCO and US Gov’t contracts
(links obfuscated and shortened)
Total Dollars:
Top 5 Prime Award Recipient Locations (States)
1. Virginia $2,749,775,513
2. Colorado $871,431,605
3. New Jersey $315,064,972
4. Unknown $18,120,340
5. Unknown $3,670,718
Top 5 Prime Award Major Agencies
1. Department of Defense $3,027,639,638
2. Department of Health and Human Services $492,553,143
3. Department of State $176,198,309
4. Department of Transportation $176,025,724
5. Office of Personnel Management $40,439,461
Top 5 Prime Award Sub Agencies
1. Department of the Navy $1,216,522,255
2. Department of the Air Force $979,040,305
3. Department of the Army $836,543,191
4. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services $440,151,746
5. Department of State $176,198,309
List of Gov’t agencies as SERCO clients
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS)
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Department of State (DOS)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Department of Labor (DOL)
US Coast Guard (USCG)
OTHERS: North American Aerospace Defense Command Headquarters (NORAD HQ), Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation, U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Air Force, Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, Department of Health & Human Services, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Interior, Department of Justice, Department of Transportation, Department of Treasury, Department of Veterans Affairs, General Services Administration, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Central Intelligence Agency, Congressional Commission on China, Congressional Research Service, Director of National Intelligence, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Energy, Government Accountability Office, Government Printing Office, International Trade Commission, Library of Congress, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Smithsonian Institution, U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Social Security Administration
More on SERCO, formerly a UK division of Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
List of 38 Subsidiaries and 106 Shareholders
A short sampling…
FMR LLC via its funds
DEUTSCHE BANK AG via its funds
BNP PARIBAS via its funds
BARCLAYS PLC via its funds
One more for today, sorry to clutter it up.
SERCO Group PLC Annual Report 2011 (7.15mb)
Regarding scrambling of jets to Whiskey 386 on 9/11, see this:
Interesting confirmation of flight path crossover between Quit 25 and Venus 77 from 9/11 Commmission researcher Miles Kara (who predictably claims this detail is unimportant):
Interesting (if tangential) paper about the radar anomalies of 9/11 and Miles Kara’s handwaving over these “coincidences”:
Reddit’s own hivemind investigation into the BUAP idea (predictably anti-conspiracist in nature, but a lot of interesting links and details):
An investigation from a very different perspective on this information from the PrisonPlanet forum:
Senior Executive Service (SES)
The Senior Executive Service (SES) is comprised of the men and women charged with leading the continuing transformation of government. These leaders possess well-honed executive skills and share a broad perspective of government and a public service commitment which is grounded in the Constitution. The keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the SES was designed to be a corps of executives selected for their leadership qualifications.
Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal work force. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) manages the overall Federal executive personnel program. OPM staff provides the day-to-day oversight of and assistance to agencies as they develop, select, and manage their Federal executives.
I found the emphasized part mildly humorous.
Wikipedia notes that members of the SES are analogous to the rank of general or admiral in the armed services.
Thanks for that Richard-Fitzwell. Does anyone have any good overviews of this organization from an alt media source or are there any examinations of specific ways the SES “transforms government”?
Looks like they get nice bonuses on top of the handsome salary (capped at same pay as the Vice President)…
by Martin Tolchin; New York Times; June 24th, 1980
The Senate Appropriations Committee today approved $15.9 billion in supplemental appropriations for the current fiscal year, $200 million less than the House voted last week.
The committee approved $484 million for Cuban and Haitian refugees, as against $200 million in the House-passed bill. Unlike the House bill, the Senate committee voted not to freeze the pay of the 30,000 highest-paid Government workers, or to limit severely the $20,000-a-year bonuses to which 7,000 top civil servants in the Senior Executive Service are entitled.
Senior Executive Service Announcements
Release No: NR-287-15
July 20, 2015
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has announced the following Department of Defense Senior Executive Service appointments:
Debbra M. Caw has been appointed to the Senior Executive Service and is assigned as the deputy regional director, Central Region, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Irving, Texas. Debbra M. Caw previously served as supervisory auditor, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Kenneth J. Saccoccia has been appointed as deputy director, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Kenneth J. Saccoccia previously served as the regional director, Mid-Atlantic Region, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
James H. Baker has been assigned as director of net assessment, Office of Director, Net Assessment, Washington, District of Columbia. James H. Baker previously served as principal deputy director and strategist to the chairman, Joint Staff, Washington, District of Columbia.
Sibel Edmonds on how CIA shut down FBI terrorism cases.
In this interview Sibel talks about how the CIA and State Dept. would exert pressure on FBI terrorism investigations to get them shut down. She specifically mentions that the people who were leaned on, and who subsequently pulled the plug on the cases, were SES level employees.
Going back to the idea of “stovepiping,” or funneling intel up the chain through a narrow and tightly controlled channel, SES employees who sit just below the executive-appointed positions of 74 federal agencies, would seem to be the perfect position for an agent to filter any intelligence going to the top.
“Members of the Senior Executives Service are represented by the Senior Executives Association.”
Check out who’s on the front page of the Senior Executives Association – former Fed chairman Paul Volcker:
“The Volcker Alliance and Senior Executives Association to Engage Award-Winning Public Officials to Help Government Work Better”
“The Volcker Alliance President Shelley Metzenbaum noted … ‘The Volcker Alliance is proud to include the Senior Executives Association among our growing network of government, educational institutions, business, and public interest enterprise partners we are working alongside to promote effective execution of public policies and to rebuild public trust in government.'”
A bit about Paul Volcker’s current work, from Wikipedia:
“As of October 2006, he is the current chairman of the board of trustees of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty, and is a member of the Trilateral Commission. He has had a long association with the Rockefeller family, not only with his positions at Chase Bank and the Trilateral Commission, but also through membership of the trust committee of Rockefeller Group, Inc., which he joined in 1987. That entity managed, at one time, the Rockefeller Center on behalf of the numerous members of the Rockefeller family. He is former chairman and an honorary trustee of International House, the cultural exchange residence and program center in New York City. He is a founding member of the Trilateral Commission and is a long-time member of the Bilderberg Group.”
SEA’s own history says they started as a lobby group.
Links submitted by a listener:
Serco Group stock data indicating dip;range=1y
Government Contractor Galore A La UK: Serco
Obama Administration Defends Serco
Report: Obamacare contractors (Serco) paid to do nothing
Agreed mostly. The interesting stuff I plucked out of there:
the SES – Interesting little program I hadn’t heard about. From what I have gathered so far, sounds like they sit at the top of 74 federal agencies just below the executive-appointed posts. I suppose from a purely theoretical view, if you were seeking to control an agency through ‘stove-piping’ then this could be a way to inject your people in there. However, from what I have read, they seem to have high turnover and get shuffled around with a fair amount of frequency.
Serco – Never heard of them but I watched the video and they sound pretty big, especially in the UK. However I’m not sure how exactly they stand apart from other large MNC’s, and the speaker never really explained exactly how he came to the conclusion they were the “shadow gov’t”, except for the fact that his sister works there (who he seems to have a vendetta with).
Other than that, the guy seemed super-excitable. Maybe it was his first interview or something? His website is sort of confusing and its hard to extract information from the posts there. He made a lot of bold claims, threw out a bunch of catchy words you usually see in the “SMOKING GUN PROOF” videos, but went fairly light on the supporting details. He also hit on Casolaro, that was a nice touch, although I have a copy of ‘The Last Circle’ by Cheri Seymour right here and Serco doesn’t come up in the index at all.
Hopefully next time he can slow down a bit and flesh out the information a little better.
I wonder if it would be a better way to interview him off-air, summarize his responses, with important quotes taken out. Kind of like a newspaper reporter would do in writing a story.
I can’t imagine that even having a set list of questions would help for another radio interview because you’d only get to the first question. I would love to hear more in depth information, though. I can see that he poses no danger to the establishment because he can be immediately written off due to his personality/style, which is where a community like this one can come in to verify and flesh out and add credence to some of his claims, if true.
James you are by far the most gracious host I’ve ever listened to. That introduction went in every single direction possible. Very hard to listen to. Maybe a future pod cast about some of the information presented in this? Most intriguing, the documents that refer to this auto pilot technology. How many other pilots are aware of this? I am, as you said, flummoxed! I have to sleep on this one and analyze tomorrow.
Although there were many interesting tidbits in Field McConnell’s speech, I agree with Jangaboo that it was rambling and hard to keep track of. We need some of the falsifiability approach here, to nail down what his claims are and then evaluate them critically.
His claims about 9/11, starting at 30:00 in the audio, as I hear them, are:
1. The 9/11 targets were struck by remote-controlled drones, that were converted airliners, not by the officially-reported commercial flights.
2. The drones had an appearance such that they were “eye-candy” for Americans, to believe that they were normal commercial airliners.
3. The drones were not Boeing 757s.
4. The drone that hit the Pentagon would have been instantly recognized by the 3 fighter pilots as being a drone, instead of a normal commercial airliner.
5. American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, and American Airlines Flight 77 were “vaporized” in W386-A airspace.
6. The Senior Executive Service and Serco were responsible for destroying the aforementioned 3 flights.
7. The Senior Executive Service scrambled 3 fighters to W386-A airspace, before a drone struck the Pentagon. The 3 fighters were redirected to Pentagon airspace, but did not arrive until after the drone struck the Pentagon.
I have a few questions and observations about these claims (please correct me if I have misinterpreted anything he said):
1. There seems to be a contradiction between the idea that the drones looked like commercial airliners and at the same time did not look like commercial airliners.
2. If AA Flight 11 and UA Flight 175 were vaporized in W386-A airspace, they would have had to travel from Boston to Washington DC, significantly farther than to New York City. Were the published flight paths inaccurate? What paths did these flights take?
3. Why were fighters scrambled to W386-A airspace if the 3 commercial flights were also directed there? Were the 3 airliners there before or after the fighter jets (or at the same time)? Did the jets “vaporize” the flights before they headed back to DC? (This seems unlikely because Field McConnell stated that the fighter pilots would have reported seeing a drone hit the Pentagon had they made it back in time.)
4. How were the 3 flights “vaporized”?
5. How were the 3 commercial flights driven to W386-A airspace? How was communication to and from the planes blocked? (There were cell phone calls from the planes before their alleged crashes into the WTC towers.)
6. If the 3 commercial flights were remote controlled, why was there any need to replace them with drones? This seems to complicate the plan infinitely for no benefit.
7. Why didn’t anybody find any wreckage or bodies from these flights wash ashore in the Washington DC area? These were huge vehicles.
8. Why were the SES and Serco especially suited or motivated to carry out this attack, compared to other agencies or factions? Were the whole organizations involved, or just certain individuals within them?
Thanks too near (or toon earth?), for responding to my questions. The one that sticks out most to me is: why was there a need for drones, if commercial airliners were remotely controllable?
Even if the official trajectories were physically impossible for commercial airliners, that doesn’t answer why the attackers didn’t use commercial airliners, in trajectories that they could accommodate.
Also, this is a strange rebuttal, if one also makes the claim that the official trajectories were inaccurate. If they are inaccurate, then maybe the actual trajectories were entirely compatible with commercial airliners.
Also, Field McConnell made the claim that the drones were converted airliners, which means they would have the same physical limitations as commercial airliners.
So, within the reality of Field McConnell’s claims, it makes no sense whatsoever to replace the actual commercial airliners with drones, since it complicates the plan immensely, for absolutely no benefit.
johnd.japser, thanks for your addition to the discussion.
Field McConnell’s claim was that the drones were converted airliners, not military drones. If the converted airliners were somehow reinforced to withstand the stresses of the officially-reported trajectories, in such a way that they would not be easily differentiated from normal airliners, why wouldn’t the attackers have simply reinforced the commercial airliners in such a manner?
If the uninterruptible autopilot can be circumvented in the manner you describe, then that also defeats the claims in his 9/11 and Malaysian flights scenarios. After all, once the pilots realized their planes had been remotely hijacked, they would have dumped their fuel to prevent their being used as a weapon. But according to Field McConnell, they didn’t, since they flew all the way to W386-A (outside Washington DC), where they were “vaporized”. In other words, the potential circumvention of the autopilot system makes the drones scenario equally as unlikely as that of using the commercial airliners themselves, since in both cases the control of the airliners is a necessity.
Long story short, Field McConnell’s claims seem to be self-defeating. Let’s look at the risks to the attackers of using the commercial airliners to conduct the attacks:
1. The uninterruptible autopilot might be circumvented by the pilots (something the system was expressly designed to prevent, and which would also equally disrupt the drone plan, since it also relies on remotely controlling piloted planes).
Now the risks of using drones for the attacks and redirecting the commercial airliners to W386-A:
1. The commercial airliners would leave wreckage in an unexpected place, which could be found by many people since the area would be too large to effectively control.
2. Experts looking at the drones could spot modifications and identify them as drones.
3. The commercial airliners could be detected in flight, as having deviated from their flight paths.
4. The expected wreckage from the airliners would not be present at the WTC and Pentagon crash sites and would have to be fabricated.
5. Instead of coordinating 4 airborne vehicles, they have to coordinate 8 vehicles.
6. The scrambled fighter jets could have made it back to DC in time to spot the drone that smashed into the Pentagon.
Given the disparity in risks, why would the attackers choose the drone scenario? I think a comparative risk analysis serves to clarify this issue, not just relying on what is possible, since many things are possible that may not be probable or desirable.
We can’t really know someone’s motivation, so it’s not fair to label him as a “disinformation artist”. But, it’s fair to ask whether he makes coherent claims and whether those claims can be tested. His style of speaking is not very coherent, so we’re still left asking basic questions he never answers, like what does “vaporized” mean?
Agreed, I don’t believe it is fair to label him a “disinformation artist”. He clearly is passionate about these topics, and it seems they really hit home. After all, his own sister is apart of the deep state that orchestrated 911.(According to Field). I`d enjoy listening to him again, if we could parse through the forest of tortuous information, while narrowing and pinpointing some of his interesting claims. What say you Corbett report members, would it be worth trying to have him back on
I have listened to Mr. McConnell a few times and re-listened to the interview again today.
I believe he is spot on with his information and analysis.
Just like the professor in Groenigan introduced James as a “one man research and information synthesis agency”, Mr. McConnell’s unique qualifications and experience provide him the understanding to piece together data regarding how drone planes actually DID hit the twin towers and Pentagon on 9/11, and where the actual flights were shunted to another area and disappeared or vaporized.
I also believe his information regard Mr. Soteoro is spot on. I would LOVE to hear more about where Barry was during his formative years, his college years, and how and by whom he was groomed and ‘handled’ to become the manchurian candidate we all know and love. 😐
Please have Mr. McConnell on again soon; his information and insight is critical to the 9/11 (and MH17) truth.
Keep up the good work James.
We know where Barry was during college, the whole weed smoking ‘gang’ he was in sporting a 70’s afro and all. It’s the part before that. Also I remember hearing on CBC Radio that his grandma died the day he really became President, Jan 19h or 20 or 21st (I forget the exact date), grandma from the black side of his family, because again, ‘Obama’ is a excuse the allcaps, a MULLATO, he is not black. Look up at Obama in western africa(when he went there, surely before Ebola got around there (and is it still there, it’s disappeared from the media now, that must mean it’s over, even Guinea has not many cases anymore and it all seems concentrated in Liberia and Sierra Leone), the people with him are really blacks, he looks as white as bread in such pics/videos.
My head hasn’t spun like that since Project Constellation.
James, as always, a wonderful job. Kudos to you for remaining so gracious while McConnell ran every which way but loose and used 45 minutes to introduce himself.
I’d love to hear a follow up interview, delving into these topics a little more.
Keep up the excellent work… so many of us count on you to expose the truth!
Cheers, T
Is there any independent evidence of SMACTANE turning into a 5,800 degree plasma when ignited? My brief Google search did not turn anything up – maybe you have more luck.
I’m very skeptical of this claim, short of independent experiments verifying it. SMACTANE is used in extreme environments such as spacecraft launches and F1 racing, where unexpected ignitions and explosions are very much a risk. It’s hard for me to believe that this material would be chosen for these applications if it indeed has the properties claimed by Field McConnell.
“In space, special SMAC materials are used to reduce pyrotechnic shocks – basically, the explosions that jolt a satellite when it’s launched atop a rocket or when explosive couplings release.”
Read the damn pdf Field provided James with.
9/11 Unmasked, Part 2: A Coversation with Dwain Deets about Able Danger