March Open Thread

by | Mar 7, 2021 | Articles | 130 comments

It’s the first weekend of the month, so let’s open the March Open Thread. You know the drill by now: Corbett Report members are invited to log in and use this comment thread to talk about news, share your latest research, ask questions of the community or simply vent as needed.

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  1. “How come pro vaxxers, pro maskers don’t pop up on the Bit Chute feed?”

    Perhaps because the type of people you described swallow the mainstream establishment narrative whole, so they congregate on establishment websites, rather than alternative ones. One of the major thrusts for alternative media sites like Bitchute, Odysee, Minds, etc. popping up everything and growing rapidly is the nonsense of the mainstream media. Those who see through that garbage built those platforms and congregate on those platforms. Give it time, it may balance out more in the future.

  2. The GRAPHIC for the “March Open Thread” is pretty cool.
    Notice the Dr. Seuss books and the Monopoly Money.

    Here is the backstory on the “terrible” and “revolting” Dr. Seuss books which we had never noticed before. Thank God for book-burning authoritarians who will protect our future generations with mandates.

    Scroll to the bottom of the Thread to see how the stock market casino with its Monopoly Money was steamrolling towards a crash last week.

    Yesterday (Saturday), I was on the phone with my younger brother, a High School Math teacher in Los Angeles. Bill Gates has mandated that math is racist, and so my brother is trying to figure out how not to be an example of “white supremacy” and to have gender inclusive assignments. (See scpat‘s comment north-side at the link).

    Anyway, back to Monopoly Money… My brother gets to be a High School Teacher from his kitchen table. This has afforded him the ability to trade options in the casino markets on a daily basis.
    We both were laughing at the obvious, blatant, loud manipulation on Friday around 11:30am Central time.
    Stocks were headed south fast. Then, suddenly EVERYONE, all at the same exact minute, became bullish…or at least that is the cover story.
    Can we say: “Plunge Protection Team”.

    It is my contention that we should profit from those “cancel culture idiots”. If they make it scarce by mandate, then milk it while you can.
    Here is a March 4th update…

    EBay will delist ‘banned’ Dr. Seuss books being resold for thousands of dollars
    … And a copy of “Mulberry Street” alone was being hawked on eBay on Thursday for $1,500. On Amazon, hardcover copies of “If I Ran the Zoo” start at $789 and climb to $5,000…
    …Indeed, while an eBay spokeswoman told the Wall Street Journal that the company is “currently sweeping our marketplace to remove these items,” hundreds of sellers could still be found selling editions of what they described as the “banned” or “canceled” Dr. Seuss books on eBay for hundreds of bucks on Thursday afternoon. One was offering all six of the books for $1,110, which had several bids…

    …And even if eBay does manage to delist all of the discontinued Dr. Seuss books, you can probably still find them on Amazon and Mercari….

  3. Remember way, way back when Corbett said, “Data is the New Oil.”
    At the 1:40 mark from this 5 minute video, a rendition of James’ quote is used.
    Feb 1, 2021 U.S. officials tell “60 Minutes” that China is trying to collect Americans’ DNA

    Broc West had this story on his twitter feed…
    Bill Gates Foundation Funded Genomics Firm ‘Mining’ DNA Data Through COVID Tests.

    March 5th, 2021 by Natalie Winters

    BGI Genomics—the Chinese Communist Party-linked genomics firm flagged by U.S. officials as “mining” the DNA of Americans—has collaborated extensively with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The National Pulse can reveal.

    The company has recently come under fire following a 60 Minutes exposé on the company’s use of COVID-19 tests to “collect, store and exploit biometric information” on American citizens, according to former U.S. intelligence officials.
    What’s more, a recent Reuters article linked the firm to the Chinese Communist Party’s military.

    In addition to the Obama administration enabling the firm to gain a foothold in the U.S., the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation played a critical role in BGI’s American expansion.

    In September of 2012, the Microsoft founder’s foundation signed a “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to form a collaboration on global health and agricultural development with the goal of achieving common objectives in health and agricultural development.”

    The co-founder of BGI praised the agreement, celebrating the forthcoming “scientific breakthroughs in the areas of human, plant and animal genomics.” He also revealed that the collaborative efforts focused on sequencing genomes—the precise activity flagged for national security threats in the 60 Minutes segment:…

    …As they toured the BGI headquarters, the two men were stunned by the ambition of the scientists working at the biotech company.
    Inside, more than 150 state of the art genetic sequencing machines were analysing the equivalent of thousands of human genomes a day.
    The company is working towards a goal of building a huge library based on the DNA of many millions of people.
    BGI executives see this not as the end-game, but as the springboard for new drug discoveries, advanced genetic research and a transformation of public health policy…

    …The Gates Foundation has also funded BGI projects relating to genome sequencing alongside Chinese Communist Party bodies such as the Ministry of Science and Technology and Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

    Similarly, Dr. Tadataka Yamada, the former president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s global health program, serves as the Chairman of BGI’s Scientific Advisory Board….

  4. Sorry to hear that your mom died under those circumstances. That’s rough. I’m in the US so the restrictions haven’t really been enforced for me anyway. I’m going to move to a rural area so am looking forward to that. I also have pets and they help with mood.

    I try to enjoy the moment and not dwell on things I can’t control and do what I can to find solution. I’m going to work as long as possible unless they got away with mandated vaccines. I would probably try to build some wealth if I were you like land where you could grow food.

  5. htin says:
    I’d be interested to hear any tips people have for staying positive and hopeful in this crazy world?

    Beer, drugs, and porn come to mind.

    Just joshing… James, I think it has been tough on anyone who has some awareness.
    You are not alone. You are young, and I, an old crusty codger, have a hard time staying “positive and hopeful”.
    We gotta have some laughter, because, after all, the system is a big joke.

  6. When I was in my early 20s I seriously thought I would never see my 30th birthday, because there was so much talk of nuclear war (this was in the 1980s). A few years later, I thought that AIDS would eventually kill everyone who ever had sex (non-stop TV fearmongering). Then I read in an excerpt from the book The Hot Zone that ebola could arrive on the next plane flight, and we would all die horribly. Then we were warned of the Millenium Bug which would cause computers everywhere to malfunction and planes to fall out of the sky. By that time I was starting to be a bit sceptical of these global panic waves. But I had already taken tentative steps towards breaking out of the “matrix” and becoming more self-reliant, only I kept going back onto the treadmill out of fear.

    I’m finally getting round to buying land and building my own natural home (which I’ve been planning to do since 1994!) and I’ll be growing my own food at last, having done a permaculture course in 2006. It’s really awful that your mum took her own life. I’ve managed to escape the sick and twisted society by leaving my sick and twisted job, going out into nature (and retraining for work that takes me there) getting rid of the TV, shopping at independent shops, avoiding supermarkets as much as possible etc. It has taken me several decades to learn this!

  7. Probably because they are inherently lazy. Using a keyboard to type into their web browser is too much work for them.

    Also bitchute is not one of the apps pre installed on their Telescreens so they don’t see it.

  8. htin

    Sorry about your mom. You cant control or be responsible for other people. Just yourself.
    Advice for negativity that works for me is

    a)large muscle exercise- squats, pushups, plank, or weight bearing of some kind… our bodies are made to get stressed by danger and remove that stress thru physical work.
    b)Stay off sugars and carbs which mess with blood sugar.
    c)Read your Bible, pray and read any kind of positive book (lit or fact) and make sure you learn something every day.
    d)LIMIT time listening to any internet media…the music you choose will also affect your mood.
    Most important DO SOMETHING that improves your situation every day…even a tiny step like getting an extra can of beans or some rice or planting a tomato plant or eating healthily that day.

  9. bob
    I went on amazon ( a ‘normie’ friendly place to buy) and checked- processors and desktop PC parts are still available with only a few items listed as out of stock..newegg looked the same, so I would suspect that its specific chips made for specific things that are in shortage.
    Perhaps desktop hardware is just stockpiled in larger quantities then chips used in autos and such??

  10. I like the cut of your jib Jeffa. That’s a very insightful and thoughtful question and I wish I had an answer for you. I personally wish there was more content on important life issues in a debate form with two opposing viewpoints, instead of one sided conversations. Better yet, instead of a moderator, get a good therapist to reconcile the enormous gap that exists between. I don’t know who would sign up for that, but I wish it would happen. The polarity in viewpoints and opinions bother me greatly.

  11. The Ultimate Solution?

    One of my favorite Corbett reports is the podcast that dealt with the Revolution of the Mind.

    Malthusian thinkers are the bane of the body politic that make up the current oligarchy, leading to this obsession with eugenics, population reduction, and other narrow-minded appraisals that fortify their hatred of the “cannon fodder that unfortunately populate the earth”.

    Yet, I wonder…can more positive ideas infect in a good way the body politic or even replace and replicate faster than the slow plodding pace of globalist implementation of the Malthusian virus?

    Two thinkers that come to mind that may be able to offset the grim and dim outlooks of Malthusian oligarchs are the following people:

    * R. Buckminster Fuller
    * Julian Simon

    Why Fuller? One of Fuller’s most precious insights is that if human beings use their creative thinking faculties, they end up coming up with innovations, technologies, and solutions that do MORE WITH LESS, MORE WITH LESS. Like the ancient lever “idea” that when implemented the ability to move more weight with less effort, if human beings creative abilities are nurtured and released then the new technologies and ideas with enable us to utilize less resources and multiply our productivity and efficiency.

    Fuller was not just some armchair philosopher when it came to these concepts. He had his own inventions that were light years ahead of their time to demonstrate that we did not need to reduce the population, rather we needed to increase the development of new ideas and technologies. I recommend the following videos:

    Then Julian Simon. Fellow Corbeteers will be familiar with him already, but in brief he echoed similar sentiments that Fuller brought out but backed it up with economic data showing that when the population is allowed to increase, so is the probabilities of gifted individuals amongst the population that invents technologies and better methods of acquiring and utilizing resources. The book he wrote, The Ultimate Resource bears this out. For a refresher, I recommend the following Corbett Reports:

    Yet, how can we individually apply this information? The Rockefeller/Carnegie funded Prussian education system systematically whittled out of our being individual willpower and creative thinking.

    Restoring creative thinking is no easy task…but we can exercise our individual ingenuity and creativity – especially with our present work and service.

    A practical way that we can do that was suggested by success guru Earl Nightingale in this Lead the Field program. The exercise that he suggests is something we personally can do on a daily basis to start focusing our mind on SOLUTIONS rather than fretting constantly about problems. I have enjoyed remarkable insights with this method described, and maybe, in this small way, this can be a way individually that we can contribute to the ultimate solution…the revolution of our own minds.

    The exercise is described here:

  12. I’ve been thinking a lot about microchips, as I think this could be the next step in this global medical coercion racket. When I woke up this morning, it occurred to me that maybe our dear leaders have already been microchipped. This might have taken place at a high-level meeting like the upper levels of the Bilderberg conference, “for security reasons”. What ambitious politician with their eye on the main prize would refuse? And if they did refuse, maybe their career would not progress much further and they would slide into obscurity.

    Electronic chips can be used as homing devices for drones to find their targets. They could probably be put to a myriad of other malevolent uses, such as causing pain or illness, so it’s not difficult to imagine how they could be used to control people if inserted into the body. And this could have been going on since the 1980s, maybe even earlier.

    It could explain many of the bizarre decisions and copycat policies enacted by “western” NATO type leaders recently.

  13. “Fortunate Son” by John Fogerty.

    Chapter 16 and Chapter 19 are the chapters to read if you want to know about the finances of Creedence Clearwater Revival. John Fogerty explains how he was betrayed by his bandmates and Saul Zaentz at Fantasy Records.

    Most of the book is pretty boring. JF talks about how he makes his music (interesting for musicians) and how his second wife Julie saved him (interesting for psychiatrists and folks at Alcoholics Anonymous); but I was interested in John Fogerty’s relationship with his band and Saul Zaentz. I’ve had dealings with Zaentz.

    “I don’t care about the music. Just give me the money.” Was how Stu, one of the bandmates, explained it to John Fogerty. Stu, Doug, and Tom Fogerty (John’s older brother) sold out CCR to Zaentz for money and left John, who wrote all the music, arranged it, played lead guitar, sang lead vocals; “twisting in the wind.” as Stu put it.

    It’s no wonder John Fogerty was angry for a decade or more. He still doesn’t own the rights to CCR’s songs. Fantasy Records still owns those rights.

    Saul Zaentz died in 2014. Today I watched “Kong, Skull Island” which is a good movie made in 2017. It’s about some Vietnam War guys who go to Skull Island and have a helicopters vs. Kong encounter. Sure enough two CCR songs are on the soundtrack; “Bad Moon Rising” and “Run Through the Jungle.” All the money paid for the rights for those two songs in the movie, went to Fantasy Records, not John Fogerty who wrote the songs. Saul’s heirs are still getting rich off of Fogerty’s music.

    John Fogerty learned to handle Saul’s betrayal, but John never got over how his band had betrayed him. They were a band. Fogerty gave them equal rights to his music back when they started. They’d all share in the royalties. Stu, Doug, and John’s own brother Tom; sold him out.

    “I don’t care about the music. Just give me the money.” Well, they, Stu, Doug, and Tom; didn’t write the music so why should they care?

    A sad story of betrayal. Saul took the money and is still laughing in his grave no doubt.


    My own story with Saul is for another day, but it does make me slowly smile to know that Zaentz lost $25 million on that fiasco of a movie in the jungle back in 1990. That hurt him badly in his pocket book and his ego.


    • Ooooh things like this annoy me so much! I have a podcast ( and sometimes I like to include mention of poem or song lyrics in my ramblings. If those lyrics are from famous pop songs I could get sued, and I would certainly consider paying the artist, producer etc for the usage rights (funnily enough I was looking into this last night). But if you have to pay some agency like Getty for these rights and the artist gets nothing – this is another reason why people like me become anarchists.

      A couple of years ago I stumbled across a 180-year-old photo that I wanted to use in a blog post. The photo was part of a collection that had been found in an old mill that was being demolished in the 1960s. The photographer was the mill owner, who had died in the 1890s. The photos were put in a museum, and they are now under copyright of a Scottish “quango” (non governmental agency) which demands money for their use.

      I drew this case to the attention of the Open Rights Soc and they said they were going to do something about it, but I never heard anything more about it.

        • Thanks Luci and Minnie for your comments. I will not sigh for my fate. I will rail against it and fight it. For I do not believe in fate. My situation is what it is. Minnie, copyrights are bullshit in a Libertarian society. Saul Zaentz and his heirs are bullshit artists of the copyright. They also own the rights to Lord of the Rings. Ha!
          Take care,

  14. Hello!
    would like to share about a global event taking place on 20th of March:

    I think there are already 50+ countries (needs to be verified) participating.
    I am co-organizing for Uruguay where I am currently building up a Freedomcell.

    There is already the idea being discussed if such a demonstration might be repeated regularly.

    • Thanks pyoneer, or as some folks in the United States say: “Gwaciaus!” 😉


      On March 20, 2021, we will stand side by side with people from all over the world for our freedom!
      One day – all together!

      We will make it clear that the government’s attempts to divide us have been unsuccessful. Together we will ALL demonstrate against the current Corona measures!

      We have at least ONE COMMON GOAL!
      With live streams from different countries, together we will form the biggest demonstration of the current time! Because #wearenotalone.

      Be there and let’s make a statement!

      Information can be found on our channel:

      We would like to thank you in advance for your great support!
      It would not be possible without you!

      A large list of countries and cities follows.

  15. htin,

    ever hear the one about the half of ‘something’ in the glass? Full or empty, is how it goes. Some sort of test for optimism or pessimism, I think.

    Everybody pretty much focuses on the ‘something’ instead of the ‘nothing’.
    How much is in the glass?

    … more quantity is better.

    This assumes that what is in the glass is the thing that you want, or need.

    What if we really need more space in the glass, the ‘nothing’ as it were, for the better stuff to have a place to eventually be … and the emptiness is okay.

    Clear out a spot for something good to have a place to show up.

  16. All of us here know that the vaccines do not, even by the psychopaths own admission, prevent anything. The companies involved already have vast fortunes & governments can print or compute any amount of ‘money’ into existence at their whim … so I do not buy (pardon the pun) that it is about profits.

    So why do they seem so damn DESPERATE to get everyone to take the needle?

    ~to cover their ass for the crime against humanity that was a fake pandemic?
    ~a “submission to authority” test?
    ~conditioning to future biosecurity measures?
    ~something in the shot that we do not know about yet?

    Something just does not add up about the frenzy to bully everyone to take the jab.

    • The people on the top don’t do it for “money”. “Money” is a carrot for the uninitiated, the “elite” know better. In my opinion, the main driving factor is understanding. The priest class understands they need the uninitiated to clamor for measures and shots; not only to accept them willingly and crave for them, thereby removing the responsibility for these actions from themselves.

      It would also be rather organizationally difficult to command the large number of uninitiated with the amount of order followers they have at disposal.

      Ultimately, the leading motive for what we are seeing going on is abject hatred toward the unthinking masses. Considering the things that we learned during the past year where the real state of affairs became very evident and got in our face, I think we can understand the priest class’ position a bit better.

    • “..Empathy and compassion are the keystones of humanity…”

      Too much empathy and compassion are bad…we should all cultivate distrust and suspicion instead.
      The psycopath uses empathy and compassion to control you… (“Your killing Grandma”…”Your Free speech makes me uncomfortable and scared”…(or as the creepy Thunberg says) “how dare you”… )
      The eugenicist will tell you how he’s going to make life better for ‘everyone’ by protecting the inferior from themselves.

    • Yes, I believe all of those are good reasons. One other one is that they are testing the mRNA and DNA/adenovirus technologies because they want to use them for other purposes and see what side effects these might cause. They have a large sample of research subjects now. It’s probably like a dream come true for them.

        • BUMP
          BUMP – BUMP
          Geert Vanden Bossche, Phd DVM –
          World Expert Warns of Coming Covid Vaccine Disaster

          “The Highwire with Del Bigtree” – Thursday March 11th

          Start watching at the 57:45 minute mark in the link which studiotwoseven provides above (

          Quick coffee shop summary: The Covid vaccines have compromised the natural immune response to the coronavirus, both at the individual level and also on a general population level. By vaccinating people during the pandemic, it is causing more sturdy renditions of the virus, much like antibiotics & bacterial infections. In the future, those who have had the vaccines will have an unnatural, weaker immune response to future renditions of the virus, and thus much more likely to succumb. We may see more severe outbreaks in the future.

          LINK to letter by Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD
          Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Immediately (Open Letter to the WHO) — Vaccine Research Expert

        • Update***
          Guys. I have been watching and reading Geert’s proposals and I am not sure it is the best thing since sliced bread anymore.
          He says that a natural pandemic will run its course in 2-4 years and if we don’t interfere the strain will remain the same and will be relatively harmless. He says that by vaccinating against it we will create an affect similar to the way we create a resistance to antibiotics. Then he says the only way to get rid of the virus quickly is to develop a NK (natural killer) vaccine that will work against all variants.
          This is an excerpt from this PDF

          “Last, a section will be dedicated to the scientific rationale for using NK cell-based vaccines that could provide sterilizing immunity and hence, wipe out Covid-19 and related variants all together”

          So now I’m not sure if he is wants to promote a new type of vaccine or if he genuinely has a solution to stop pandemics.
          I will keep looking into this and once again I berate myself for getting carried away and thinking a saviour has come.

            • It is a big question mark. I have a gut feeling that he is a good man, he has a nice face not like the others. Another thing that makes me trust him is that it’s not posted everywhere like other Psyops, it has a natural feel to it.
              I’m not a pro vaccer but….!!!!
              It’s such a shame that the stigma around vaccines is so awful that even if there was a good one I would be reluctant to take it.
              Big Pharma went ahead and blitzed the baby with the bath water.

              • Still looking into Geert’s statements.
                What strikes me as odd is that it has received little attention across the board, given his credentials and the gravity of what he is saying.
                Del has spoken obviously and
       have a go at bashing him.

                Perhaps they are taking the time to research properly.

                Also his narrative doesn’t sit well on either side of the debate.
                He goes against the mainstream by saying that the natural virus is relatively harmless and the vaccines don’t work.
                He talks about variants being dangerous and that we may need to develop a NK vaccine to combat all strains, which may not fit in with some of the alternative views.
                Due to the level of censorship recently, perhaps this has slowed the spread of this.
                Or maybe “they” are trying to brush this under the carpet by not even trying to debunk it because that would give it attention.
                I will keep looking at this because I think it is important.

            • Geert will tear us apart again….
              In his latest interview, he spends time brown nosing the Doctor Peter McCullough by praising his successful use of treatments like hydroxicloroquine, Ivermectin and and steroids. Going on to say how awful it is that these treatments aren’t being given any funding. They both seem to be in agreement that these treatments would reduce hospitalisations by 80%.
              Then speaks, then speaks (double
              speak) and as if by magic, he says the only way out of this is a different type of vaccine that everyone needs to have.
              It’s amazing that he is still on YouTube given that he is spreading medical information in the first degree, it’s a miracle. Or maybe he is allowed because he is addressing the concerns that we have been screaming from the roof tops and getting some of the opposition to follow him towards this new vaccine, but his one is going to brilliant.
              It’s very sly and it’s very creepy.

          • UPDATE
            – Thursday March 25th –
            The Highwire with Del Bigtree
            Del Bigtree & Rosemary Frei have a firefight regarding Geert Vanden Bossche, Phd

            Show entitled:
            IN THE HOT SEAT
            Del Takes on the Vanden Bossche ‘Fallout’ – Special Guests: RFK, Jr. & Andy Wakefield
            (The Geert Bossche controversy starts at the 51:49 minute mark and goes until the end 2:12. So, it is a long show)
            BITCHUTE: ~~WWW

            In the first part of this segment, Del Bigtree gives a backstory. It includes a previous week’s promotion of the Geert Vanden Bossche. Then he addresses an article by Rosemary Frei which criticizes Bigtree for promoting the Geert video with her description of ” this has all the hallmarks of a drug-company astroturf campaign” .
            During the last part of the show, Del interviews RFK, Jr. and also Wakefield. Also, mixed in are more recent video clips of Geert Vanden Bossche. The immune system is discussed and how vaccines can compromise immunity by creating a more potent specie of microbe or virus. Measles was one example given.

            • Clips from the following VIDEO were shown during the Highwire show…

              3/25/2021 – The Defender
              Interview With Vanden Bossche: Should Mass COVID Vaccinations Be Stopped?
              After several hours of discussion, Rob Verkerk, Ph.D., of “Alliance for Natural Health International” concludes it would be “scientifically, socially and ethically irresponsible” to dismiss Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s concerns about mass vaccination.

              • Update: Del Bigtree triples down on his statements on Geert Vanden Bossche. Rosemary Frei politely declined an interview with Del.

                This happens towards the latter half of the episode but I’d recommend the whole episode, it
                is packed full of wonderful guests like RFK Junior and Dr Andy

                I’m still flip flopping but I guess time will tell.

            • BACKSTORY

              March 16, 2021 – Rosemary Frei, MSc (Her website)
              The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche
              His Open Letter, Video Interview and High-Profile Supporters


              …Then Gary Null put me on the air. But he wouldn’t let me talk about the letter. Instead, he repeatedly interrupted my efforts to do so and he insisted I only discuss the new variants. So I hung up. And I’ve been edited out of the archived broadcast of Null’s show.

              I’m going to be interviewed live today (March 16) starting at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time by Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond. We’ll talk about the Vanden Bossche letter and McMillan interview. Apparently Ryan’s on the same page as me.

              Meanwhile, my tweets about the open letter and the Null interview have gotten a lot of reaction…

              DEFENDER article March 16th (virtually much the same as above)
              Rebuttal: The ‘Not-So-Hidden Agenda’ Behind Bossche’s Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination
              In her rebuttal to Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s open letter to the WHO, Rosemary Frei, MSc, outlines what she says are “a few of the dozens of clues” suggesting that Bossche’s argument “is a continuation of the overall COVID deception.”

  17. Hi,

    here are some thoughts that sooth me:

    Thought is born of failure.
    The book: The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
    Nature is the shortest description of itself.

    Thought is born of failure: I do not remember the name of the book, but it was about the human evolution. The argument was, that the brain and thought developed, because of an evolutionary failure to adjust to our environment.
    For me this sentence puts thinking into a different perspective. It is comparable to a muscle. Thought is just a trick in your survival tool back. The comparison of the brain to a muscle is also helpful, because it visualizes how slowly thoughts can change. It is real body tissue, that needs to transform.

    Problems arise, if you identify with your thoughts. During meditation or whenever you “forget” to think you might experience different types of consciousness. You might experience that you are not your thoughts.
    Well, read the “Power of Now” for more on that :).

    You might start to feel compassion with people that are trapped in their repetitive thinking.
    The phrase “lost souls” comes to my mind.
    The thinking thing in us, is tremendously afraid of dying. Since it knows nothing but itself. There is a widespread belief, that thinking and emotions are two separate processes. But one triggers the other. It has many wants and will never be satisfied.

    So the practice would be to observe your thinking and not to engage.
    It works better in nature 🙂
    If you can witness your own thinking, you will be able to see the same chatter in others. And suddenly the conflicts around you become a joke.

    Once you are aware of the “thinkingness”, you will identify it everywhere in the human endeavors.

    Nature is the shortest description of itself: Well, as a student I was fascinated with artificial intelligence. My thinkingness wanted to play god. But luckily I came across this revealing tautology: Nature is the shortest description of itself.
    If you try to describe nature, you must create a model of nature. Not with a million pages of paper could you completely describe a single molecule. Science is just a simplification of reality, a model. Every honest scientist should automatically become a humble saint instantly, since with every move he makes, he is confronted with endlessness and eternity and his thinkingness would whither away with awe.

    Well, but that is not the way it goes, is it? The thinkingness does not like to be diminished. The defense mechanism is self illusion and hybris. The model is mistaken to be the reality.

    Transhumanism and many other ideologies and doctrines are just born of thought, a failure, an illusion by taking the model for the real thing, which cannot be described, of which we are a part of and will never be separated from.

    It is just a joke.
    Is it dangerous? Yes!
    But still it is a joke.

    Ghosts disappear if you laugh with them with compassion,
    because they don’t know what they are doing 🙂

    Cheers Christian Bumba


      I bit of irony in that your words here, in particular, are not a failure at all, but wonderful food for thought.

      You remind me of my own truth: A rose is more than the sum of its parts…. In all things.

      Thank you for your post.

  18. I strongly recommend watching this 26 minute interview…
    “Stand your ground !”

    March 7th /8th – Sun/Monday release – Spiro Skouras – New Mexico | U.S.
    It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination — Attorney Interview

    In this interview, which was initially banned by YouTube before it was even published (but now reversed), Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico. Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy for first responders to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or face termination.

    Attorney Garner explains the significance of this case and what is at stake, as it is the first of its kind and may set a new standard for legal precedent regarding mandatory vaccination. Garner says she is prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court if necessary.

    Spiro and Ana Garner also discuss another case of hers that is ongoing currently. A case that challenges not only the Governor of New Mexico, but the emergency itself.

    • RELATED…
      Wednesday March 10, 2021 – via “Glassdoor” (an online job site)

      70% of employees believe vaccines should be required before returning to office:

      It’s no secret that people have an array of opinions when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine. According to a recent survey from online job site Glassdoor, a whopping 70% of employees believe that they should be required to get a vaccine before returning to the office.

      Glassdoor found that age and gender play a role people’s opinions on the vaccine. According to survey results, those aged 18-34 are less likely (58%) than those aged 35-44 (84%) to agree that employees should be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine to return to the office. Men (74%) are more likely than women (64%) to agree that employees should be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine to return to the office.

      Overall most surveyed plan to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Over 3 in 4 (76%) intend to get inoculated when a shot becomes available to them. Those aged 18-34 (66%) are less likely than those aged 35-44 (81%) to say they intend to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available to them, and nearly 1 in 4 (24%) do not plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available to them.

      Glassdoor Chief People Officer Carina Cortez notes that employers are taking the health needs of their employees seriously…

      …Another key finding of the report shows that most employees want an incentive from their employers for getting the COVID-19 vaccine: 68% of those surveyed said they would receive the vaccine if their employer offered a cash bonus and/or more paid time off.

      When it comes to the work-from-home environment, 86% of those surveyed said they would like to continue working from home on a part-time basis even after their offices reopen. Some folks have gotten accustomed to the “new normal,” with some 23% saying they’d consider quitting their job if they were required to return to the office before all employees were vaccinated. Seventeen percent of those surveyed even said that they would consider quitting their jobs if they were required to return to the office five days per week….

      **Survey Methodology: This survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Glassdoor from February 16-18, 2021, among 2,072 adults ages 18 and older, among whom 1,149 are employed and 571 are currently working from home due to COVID-19.

  19. Coincidentally, with a host of states now NOT mandating masks, the CDC comes out with this…

    Monday March 8, 2021 – Zero Hedge
    CDC Says “Fully Vaccinated” People Can Stop Wearing Masks, Distancing In Private

    …For the record, according to the CDC guidelines, an individual is considered person is “fully vaccinated” two weeks after receiving the final dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna jabs, or the single-shot vaccine from J&.J. Fully vaccinated people should continue exercising standard precautions while in public, the agency said.

    “While the new guidance is a positive step, many more people need to be fully vaccinated before everyone can stop taking most COVID-19 precautions,” the CDC wrote in its report. “It is important that, until then, everyone continues to adhere to important mitigation measures to protect the large number of people who remain unvaccinated.”

    Summarizing the contents of the report, those who are fully vaccinated are now allowed to…

    Visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing.
    Visit indoors with unvaccinated people from a single household who are considered low risk for severe disease without needing to wear masks or practice social distancing.
    Vaccinated individuals no longer need to quarantine or seek a test following a confirmed exposure to the virus (unless symptoms develop).
    However, they should continue to avoid large or medium-sized gatherings, though the CDC didn’t offer specific gathering-size numbers.
    Individuals should continue following all guidance from employers, whether vaccinated or not.
    Even those who have been vaccinated should still get tested if experiencing COVID symptoms.

    Read the full report below:….

    • Well, well, does this mean they have finally acknowledged losing impetus? Or are they simply preparing for the next wave in some 5 months time? If we just somehow manage to maintain our fear on a sufficiently high level throughout the summer.

      • I’m thinking that this Pandemic will “officially” end by July 1st, 2021.
        Add in the fact that many U.S. states are now lifting the mask mandates. Thus, the CDC is trying to save face as COVID numbers decline.

        AstraZeneca has pledged to make no profits from its COVID-19 vaccine during the pandemic — but that pledge could expire as early as June 2021, according to an agreement with a manufacturer.

        • That could be a pretty good signal. They’ll probably have a few more months of “low availability” and then the price ramps up during the summer.

          No free vaccines, let these suckers pay for it.

        • In Germany it is planned until march 2022

          “Die Bundesregierung übersendet dem Deutschen Bundestag bis zum 31. März 2022 das Ergebnis der Evaluierung sowie eine Stellungnahme der Bundesregierung zu diesem Ergebnis.
          – Pandemierelevante Verordnungsermächtigungen und Rechtsverordnungen
          knüpfen nur noch an die Feststellung der epidemischen Lage von nationaler Tragweite an und treten nicht mehr spätestens mit Ablauf des 31. März 2021 oder, im Fall einer Verordnung auf Grund des § 5 Absatz 2 Satz 1 Nummer 10 IfSG, spätestens mit Ablauf des 31. März 2022 außer Kraft.”

          also we had opposite stories of
          “Fully Vaccinated” People Can NOT Stop Wearing Masks, Distancing In Private.
          e.g. there was a case were the parents still had to get into isolation/so called quarantine at home after their child got a positive test

          it will be interesting to see, a divergent path from the USSA to EUSSR.
          hardly imaginable?
          but then again South Dakota didn’t take any measures as far as I understand it.
          So in the USSA the remnants of a federation are still functioning.

    • rueckl1b, I am not experiencing any difficulty with downloading The Corbett Report podcasts. I get both the videos and the audio as of a couple days ago.
      I’m using iTunes I think.
      You might want to check things on your end.

    • I was having the same problems with Castbox too. Episodes not appearing. Listen direct from web site now. Then all episodes appeared after a week. Still listen from web site.

  20. Good to see Joe Dispenza and Wim Hof get a mention. You Are The Placebo changed my view of my place in the world. In a very circuitous route is probably responsible for finding my way to The Corbett Report!

  21. Hello everybody! Long time listener first time poster, I’m glad to now be officially part of the family! Keep up the great work James ? (bref, un gros bonjour de la belle province! ?)

      • Thanks! Attempts at understanding, discourse and dialogue far outweigh any shape or form of a message in any language… Hell, I even accept speechless smiles and cursory nods ? cheers!

  22. 8Gc58 says:
    “I’m on the hunt for high-grade books on symbology.”

    Be sure to use the Corbett Report SEARCH BAR.

    I remember finding this interview to be fascinating…
    Freeman Fly of joins us to discuss the signs, symbols and sigils of the secret societies and occult practitioners who haunt the corridors of power.”

  23. I’m not sure if it’s legal to make an experimental drug required. They should seek legal help in that case.

    Here’s some information from another site that I was provided asking for legal information or attorneys who may be able to help if my employer tries to mandate this drug:

    “Greg Glaser is an attorney who has been heavily involved in the
    medical freedom movement for a long time: 1

    Christina Hildebrand, Founder of A Voice For Choice Advocacy, sent the
    following e-mail in February:

    Educating Employers, CA Public School Districts and Private Schools:
    Over the past two months, A Voice for Choice Advocacy has sent letters
    to many employers, at the request of employees who have faced employee
    COVID vaccine mandates, educating them on the legal, scientific and
    religious reasons vaccines cannot be required of employees, as well as
    the possible financial consequences of doing so. In the past week,
    AVFCA also sent a version of this letter to over 1,100 CA public
    school district superintendents and their board members and to over
    3,200 CA private school principals and their board members, outlining
    the same, as well as why schools cannot require the COVID-19 vaccines
    of students without legislation. You can view our letter to School
    Districts here:
    Vaccine-Requirements-020121.pdf. If your employer is requiring the
    COVID-19 vaccine and you would like a similar letter set to your
    employer, please send us the name of the CEO and other key personnel
    involved with COVID-19 vaccine policies, as well as their email
    addresses to, and AVFCA will send it

    COVID-19 Declination and Religious Exemptions: If your employer is
    requiring the COVID-19 vaccine as a requirement for employment, our
    first recommendation is that you “JUST SAY NO!”. You are not alone in
    saying no. Across the country and the world, there are significant
    numbers of healthcare workers declining the vaccine. If your employer,
    will not take no as an answer, then your options are to get a medical
    exemption, a religious belief exemption or find another job.

    AVFCA has successfully helped over 300 employees and college students
    get their religious accommodation requests approved. If you need help
    with writing a religious exemption or would like us to review it
    before you submit it, we would be happy to. Please send the written
    vaccine policy, including exemption options, a description of your
    religious beliefs and any other information about the accommodations
    you are requesting, to

    We have sent the below a couple of times, but for reference it is
    copied here it again for those looking to request a religious

    While organizations may just ask for a statement that vaccines are
    against your religious beliefs and you hold those beliefs sincerely,
    they have the right to ask for more a detailed explanation to
    determine that those statements are true. They will also deny your
    religious exemption if they do not believe your beliefs are sincere,
    or if they are moral, ethical or personal beliefs, rather than
    religious beliefs. For employees, the questions must be consistent
    with the guidance from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
    Commission (EEOC)
    answers-religious-discrimination-workplace 1. The following are
    examples of what may be asked to support a religious exemption:

    [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

  24. I like to be outdoors in nature. In the woods or on the beach.
    I have a small garden where I grow vegetables, potatoes, fruit and flowers.
    Growing your own food is like printing your own money. You can trade your veggies and flowers for other stuff: beer, eggs, coffee and so on. Just barter, without any money changing hands.
    Winter is depressing for me, nothing grows. But the rest of the year you can find me outdoors or in my garden

  25. It boggles my mind: the ease with which new money is created.
    The FED created trillions of dollars in the last 12 months.
    The ECB created trillions of euros.
    When you do this trick in a game of Monopoly you will be thrown out of the game, you cheat.

  26. Jeffa, what you are looking for is a debate. And you will have a very hard time finding any. People are trained to overreact emotionally in outbursts that are more fitting to petulant children. Or shall I say petulant brats.

    One thing that comes to mind is Steven Crowder’s “change my mind” series, one episode of which was done on the topic of Cocrap.

    The COVID Death Count is Inflated | Change My Mind | Louder with Crowder

    He may have more similar public debates available to subscribers.

  27. There are a few factors here. I think there is just one or two factories that are manufacturing chips and there is supposedly major discruption in their processes.

    Even prior to cocrap, they had technical issues, what with the process getting so fine that processor elements are a few hundred atoms large.

    Another issue is that people are spending more and more time online and are therefore creating PC parts demands where none/less existed before. In my area it became very difficult to find laptops, for example. A year ago you had several models every 50 bucks or so, now if you find anything even remotely in your price range, you’ll be happy to purchase it.

    GPUs will always see an uptick in prices when bitcoin gains ground. This has been the case for years now and can be expected to continue, with some crashes here and there.

    • mkey
      Putting this here since this is the ‘Computer thread’
      Anyone needing a cheep computer can get going for about a hundred bucks with a Pi4 single board computer… you can use a TV as a monitor and the Pi400 is built into the keyboard and looks pretty slick. You can even do podcasts,graphics and make videos if your not in a hurry. I use a pi4 but the 400 looks cooler

      Only thing is that the default OS is now cucked by microsoft so I run Manjaro or Ubuntu (for Arm) on it…there are a million videos on YT on how to set up whatever Operating system you like on it on the YT… TOR is a bit hard to get working on it right but I know you can do VPN’s if thats your thing
      Just dont use Raspberian on a Pi (RaspberianOS pinging microsoft)

      Interesting what you say about laptops being in short supply 🙁 there does not look like much growth in power over the last 10 years as we gt shunted into online services and tools. I worry that in the future finding an almost free PC and turning it into a Web PC with Parrot OS or at worst Puppy linux will not be easy…. I got a 10 buck XP machine that works like a champ.

      • I’m not a big fan of pie for a desktop, especially since I have the old 1GB version, but it is very versatile bit of kit. The initially low price is offset quite a bit by a decent power supply, a SD card and any aditional shields. But still a good product.

        In my area there are quite a lot of refurbished boxes and laptops to have for a decent price, but I can see that going down in the long term, as hardware ages and especially if availability will stay where it is currently.

        • mkey
          “… especially since I have the old 1GB version…”
          LOL…. I can see why you dont like it as a desktop 🙂
          Using it is like being back in 2000… works ok as long as you only want to do one or two things at a time….Lol, though I have recorded stuff with audacity and cheese and then slapped it together with openshot on a pi 4 (4 gig) and it went about as fast as my POS 2010ish laptop to render it

  28. I have NOT read it but it looks like what you want this one appears to be illustrated, not sure how in depth it goes…. you need to get a free account to download. I’m on the wrong computer for that THIS looks like a good start…again you need to get an account with the internet archive.

    I like Jay Dyer (he is mostly on YT for video, he puts his stuff out as a podcast too and has a site and covers sybology sometimes as well as other stuff )

  29. seeds for sprouting store small and pack more nutrition then eating the seed itself… plenty of videos and pages on Sprouting microgreens…. I ‘read’ that one family survived a winter on nothing but Alfalfa greens but I have never tried anything like that.
    You can buy sprouting lids and jars cheep (or make them from old jars and fine mesh …but that kinda sucks…) and seeds from healthfood stores and stuff…just dont buy it from anywhere like a garden store where it may have been soaked in pesticide or something weird.
    Not a total solution but something. 🙂

  30. I saw many years ago a Mark Dice video where he read a pamphlet by “File and Claw” who broke into Skull and Bones club house maybe a hundred plus years ago and , if I recall right IT said that there was a memorial from the mother lodge to “lodge 322 of the illuminati” in the US…. I have not too hard for the original but this guy (of whom I know nothing) talks about it fo what its worth
    “… It should properly be called the Skull and Bones chapter. General Russell, its founder, was in Germany before his senior year… But the Bonesman has a pleasing fiction that his fraternity is a descendant of an old Greek patriot society founded by Demosthenes, who died in 322 B.C….”

  31. Has there been any proof that swabs are contaminated? I have not seen anything to back up this hypothesis. Though doing that would be very effective for them to achieve their goals, I don’t think those claims are supported.

    I could obtain a swab and have it tested if someone knows a lab where it can be analyzed, I will send a few. It would be interesting to test that hypothesis.

    I have had one swab for a medical procedure and have not had any ill effects so am inclined to think the swabs aren’t contaminated, at least the ones at my work place appear to be safe.

      • The swabs are dry though. They come in a sterile package. They would have to saturate the swab with virus particles and then put it in a sealed plastic container and ship it to various health care centers. Wouldn’t the viruses deteriorate on the surface of the dry swab though?

        Many viruses, except for HEP C are pretty fragile and become inactivated outside body fluids.

        I would’t put poisoning out of the realm of the possible for our psychopathic “rulers” but I am not inclined to be afraid of being poisoned by a swab. However, having had this done once, know it’s very uncomfortable and causes trauma to nasal tissues so isn’t something I would be willing to do on a regular basis.

        People need to start putting their foot down and saying no.

  32. Not sure if you’re aware – Some Sad news. Alan Watt died 4th March.
    (From his website)

    Alan Watt

    Our hearts are broken. We grieve the loss of Alan Watt
    who left this world on 4 March 2021.

    His tireless work to share his knowledge of this System
    we are born into and how it has wrought the horrors
    we are living through now, is his priceless gift to us.

    Hear this:

    “Truth is Eternal and cannot be compromised…
    Hearing and understanding TRUTH leaves one with a dilemma, for it DEMANDS change, beginning with You
    …and even your closest relationships may
    go down the drain, yet that is the price demanded
    in the past, to-day and for always…

    We are spirits descended into matter for a purpose. Understanding this is the meaning of the term
    “having life, and having it more abundantly.”
    This does not mean accumulation of products.
    It means “doing that which is true.”
    Truth is eternal.
    It cannot alter.

    Only TRUTH Will MAKE You Free.”

    Quote from Cutting Through, Volume 1 by Alan Watt

  33. I expect the eruptions to be blamed on Al Qaeda infected with 57th wave Covid giving them superpower and making them superevil and superbad, leading into a volcano related catastrophe, right after CIA used them for some jobs in the area once known as the EU.

  34. This IMAGE of Grand Solar Minimum SYMPTOMS really brought home to me the increase of volatility which we may see during the coming seasons. (seismic/volcanoes, wind, droughts, flooding, growing seasons will change,…)

    At the link, north on the SUB-THREAD is where…
    Ice Age Farmer (Christian Westbrook) gives a good overview of the Grand Solar Minimum in a 30 minute video entitled:
    “SOLAR LOCKDOWN: Plandemic & Grand Solar Minimum”
    (At the 10 minute mark, Christian list the SYMPTOMS of a Grand Solar Minimum)

    South on the SUB-THREAD is a “Grand Solar Minimum” Paper published at (National Institute of Health)(Dr. Fauci’s turf)
    Published online 2020 Aug 4th by Valentina Zharkova, entitled:
    Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling

          • The entire archive of emails at our Meetup Group had been suddenly expunged.
            I sent a message to MEETUP CORPORATE and CC Joe S and Hanky. Hanky’s humor was this reply:
            ” Thanks,
            We can’t process your request at this time, as our investigation indicates that you are a white male, and we hate you.
            With Sincere Love, Anonymous”

            Friday I was on the phone with Joe. There’s talk of dissolving the “North Texans for Truth” Meetup. I agree. The cost is not worth it…over $200 yearly.
            It’s unfortunate in some respects, because many historical images are linked to other forums, (like 911blogger), and those will disappear. The images go back to 2006.

            One proposal I have in order to retain some semblance of connectivity with members, is to pick a few other Meetup Groups, and then join those groups. Not ‘hijack’ them, but ride their coattails (like we did on 9/11 truth promotion with the progressive party during the antiwar era.) It is an easy, no loss action, because everyone already has a Meetup profile.

            Joe has been going to one of the local FREEDOM CELL groups. Despite the high head count on the local map of Freedom Cell sign-ups, Joe says that there is very little live person-to-person participation.
            I know about this from years of experience as a past group Organizer. It takes lots and lots and lots and lots of energy to rally folks together (unless you are a celebrity). It is a huge strain, with an incredible workload and expense falling on the backs of just a few people.

            • White males are way too privileged, we need to be brought down a few pegs.

              There’s a big difference between signing up to a site and taking the time from your day, going to an event or a meeting and actually doing something instead of just clicking a few buttons. When people need to be rallied, you know the situation hasn’t gotten bad enough.

  35. 8Gc58
    Im encouraged by your enthusiasm for the subject matter. Are you a visual artist?
    I would like to suggest Alan Watt’s work at
    He has lectured on this subject for years. Also I recently, on an academic challenge read two versions of the bible. The chapter of Matthew in the new testament. Full of literary visual symbolism of the occult. Matthew lays it out who rules earthly reality. Which as we all can guess is the illusion of the prince of darkness. Alan has put several books together. Worth a look.

  36. That was interesting.
    The meat and potatoes start around the 10 minute mark.

    Bill Gates-istan – Achieves the status of a nation.
    Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger gives a brief summary of how Bill Gates has co-opted W.H.O. and international organizations.
    The bit about Gates achieving the same status as an entire nation was insightful.

  37. About twenty years ago, I read Hilaire Belloc’s The FREE PRESS. It encouraged me to treat the internet the way Belloc treated newspapers, that is look for small, mildly cranky operations that are sometimes narrowly focused, but usually good at unearthing information not told by the MSM. That is how I found the Corbett Report.

  38. When I was a professor of politics, and students would ask me this question, I would put Corbett in one loop. Then, other “chambers” I would point to or now think of: 1. Leftist: GlobalResearch, Counterpunch, the Jacobin, Consortium News. 2. Not Leftist: American Affairs, Sohrab Amarhi, the Josias Report, Kevin Barrett (False Flag Weekly News), Tim Kelly Our Interesting Times (interviews various authors), 21st Century Wire, Front Porch Republic,, Shiva Ayyadurai, Kevin McDonald and the Occidental Review 3. John Rao:, E. Michael Jones (Culture Wars Magazine), The American Proposition, Catholic Alt media:,, Sensus Fidelium, The Remnant, Restoring the Faith.

  39. When I was a teacher, I had to teach an introduction to University life to Freshmen. The University asked me to divide the course into three parts, Mind, Body, Spirit. I have thought often about that course during the last nine months, what I would hypothetically teach if ever I had the chance again. These are sources I think I would now put in the course, if I were to teach it again:
    Body: Wim Hof Method, and some sort of Calisthenics workout.
    Mind: Mindfulness, as shown by those who operate this YouTube channel: OptimalWork (how to get meaning out of your work).
    Spirit: I’ve known several men in their 20s who were helped by the story that starts this video: a man who helped a woman from despairing during the Lockdown last May/June:

  40. Excellent idea. I would love to meet other members IRL to discuss solutions and build community.

    How can we know if they are real or if they are an agent of the state or a serial killer or something.

    That’s the main reason I haven’t joined a freedom cell because I was worried that it might get infiltrated with by the FBI who would then set us up in some way.

    • “…How can we know if they are real or if they are an agent of the state or a serial killer or something….”

      maybe they are both…?
      Even if the local groups have FBI agents you dont really need to worry unless you discuss doing illegal things. At this stage they wont put you away for growing food or legal political action


    this gave me some thoughts
    on the question: Why a cancer research company like biontech gets to make vaccines (the Pfizer one)?
    (“…since many studies have shown that the regulation of modifications to RNA is important for the development of cancer.”)

    Second video in the article
    that is a bit making the rounds

    2017 Ted Talk featuring the current Moderna boss Tal Zaks
    Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure in the Making

    the article basically quotes
    Eyrun Thune of the University of Oslo

    Of course most of the stuff I don’t understand.

  42. Because they are stuck on youtube and facebook and twitter. They heard that tin foil hat “conspiracy theorists” or “right wingers” or “anti vaxers” are on those other platforms and so they avoid them. They rely on fact checkers to tell them if their opinions and thoughts are valid or not. Many of them lack the ability to think outside of their echo chamber or even realize they are in an echo chamber. Or, if they do realize they are in an echo chamber or that some of their beliefs might be debatable are too worried about what their “peers” might think. Or confronting their beliefs seems too daunting because they have already formed an identity within their echo chamber.

  43. I think they know, but are too great of a coward to speak up.

    The only proper response to the statement from the first paragraph is: they are projecting. They are replacing what they don’t and can absolutely not know with what fits their narrative and justifies their actions.

    To entertain such a discussion with projections of our own is a vicious circle, howering juat an inch above mental illness.

  44. Tanzania’s Covid-denying president, John Magufuli, dies aged 61

    Guardian says he was a covid denier. That sounds like a lethal affliction. The article is plain garbage, of course. They sure try very hard to make it look like a covid “victim”. Are there any more countries that aren’t onboard with this hysteria? Tanzania is surely going to find a way to proceed forward in a democratic fashion.

  45. anyone in the EU (EUSSR) has heard of HERA yet?

    comment by German altmedia on this was (translated):
    In short, HERA is something like a European central health system that, under the current conditions, allows all states in Europe to be disempowered and something like a superordinate health policy dictatorship with the associated health police to be installed.

    von der Leyen, Schinas, Kyriakides etc promote it

  46. Good post 8Gc58 !

    I saw that here too…
    Here is ZERO HEDGE – Thursday, Mar 18, 2021
    Norwegian Doctor Claims To Find Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine And Rare Blood Clots

    “The reason for the condition of our patients has been found,” chief physician and professor Pål Andre Holme announced to Norwegian national newspaper VG today.

    He has lead the work to find out why three health workers under the age of 50 were hospitalized with serious blood clots and low levels of blood platelets after having taken the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine. One of the health workers died on Monday.

    The experts have worked on a theory that it was in fact the vaccine which triggered and unexpected and powerful immune response – a theory they now believe they have confirmed.

    “Our theory that this is a powerful immune response which most likely was caused by the vaccine has been found. In collaboration with experts in the field from the University Hospital of North Norway HF, we have found specific antibodies against blood platelets that can cause these reactions, and which we know from other fields of medicine, but then with medical drugs as the cause of the reaction,” the chief physician explains to VG.

    Though he acknowledged the theory was just that – a theory, Holme insisted there was nothing else that could have triggered such an intense immune response in all three patients. The vaccine was the only common factor.

    When asked to clarify why he says “most likely” in the quote, Holme confidently responds that the reason for these rare cases of blood clots has been found.

    “We have the reason. Nothing but the vaccine can explain why these individuals had this immune response,” he states.

  47. Wow indeed, instant share material. I would be interesting to see how many people were on board with this lunacy. It would also be interesting to hear what the people who walked out have to say about mask wearing.

  48. you might have heard of Thomas Cowan in the last past months
    he is often together named with Andrew Kaufman
    as he wrote a book on the NO VIRUS subject together with Sally Farron Morrel of the Western A Price Foundation (for them e.g.

    I have here now another interview with him from 2019 where he talks about another book he has written
    Heart May Not Be a Pump: Thomas Cowan on Cardiovascular Disease
    He mentions another author and his book Branko Furst The Heart and Circulation (some Rudolf Steiner people are into it)

    anyway I time tagged his answer to the question in the interview

    ‘what’s the most important message on a societal level that folks can take away that maybe we can influence some policy to improve health?’

    ‘I don’t have much faith that government or politics have much to offer us…

    I would just point out that any form of coercion is the opposite of freedom.
    Anytime you coerce somebody to do anything which includes going to school, paying taxes, getting vaccinated, joining the military.

    If you do that you might as well say we decided we are not interested in freedom. …
    I don’t see any healthy society using force-based coercion to make their citizens do anything and call that a free society.’

    I think that would be good to know for many here

    • “…I don’t see any healthy society using force-based coercion to make their citizens do anything and call that a free society.’….

      Society is built on coercion…the attempt to get totally away from it totally is why we have ended up with such a lumpen proletariat who cant regulate themselves. The issue is who is doing the coercion and how much they are doing it.

      You presumably coerce your kids into going to bed on time and not eating refined sugar by the handful.

      I hope you WOULD coerce a teen son into not looking at porn or other drugs and coerce a teen daughter into NOT staying out all night partying and drinking with older men.

      I hope cops coerce people into paying their bills, not murdering me, etc … if they dont I am forced to coerce people that way myself.

      • I think this is true, some coercion in specific contexts are natural, like you mentioned with children to encourage healthy habits like with food choices. I was “coerced” into eating Brussel sprouts as a kid and I hated it but in retrospect I appreciate that she made me eat a healthy diet that consisted of home cooked meals. As a result I have a healthy body as an adult.

  49. I think this is more related to price gouging. If indeed the “pandemic” is to be declared “over” in a few months time, it would greatly benefit the gubernment … what a faux pas lol, I meant the “vaccine” manufacturers. 5th wave in the fall and the vehemently lethal new RAMBO-21 strain should be sufficient to make a killing. Pardon the pun.

  50. I recently came across this company named Deloitte and it instantly reminded of the QFC

    Deloitte is a company that provides professional networking, audit, consulting, tax, legal and private company services globally. On their website, they say “Building on more than 175 years of service, our network of member firms spans more than 150 countries and territories. Together, Deloitte’s more than 330,000 people worldwide make an impact that matters.”

    Hmm. As i continued to browse the site it didn’t take long to understand how connected they are globally. Period. Of course this company is not the only company but it does an amazing job showing how seemingly unrelated things can fit together perfectly in the eyes of globalists and technocrats.

    On their page titled “Future Of Government,” they layout their vision of an automated technology driven government (which we know is technocracy). How could that work?

    “Everything that is rule-based in government can be digitized and automated, creating a series of automated actions with minimal/no human input.”

    “Government by simulation: From infrastructure management, to city planning, to disaster management, governments use digital twin technology to help with scenario planning and modeling, which can improve precision and accuracy.”

    “Life events: No more navigating an alphabet soup of agencies and regulators across local, state, and federal jurisdictions. Services ranging from business permits to passports are joined up around life events and customer needs.”

    “Self-correcting government: Using unprecedented data sharing and analytics, organizations build a collective “memory”—an understanding of past failures and successes—and the ability to learn from that information.”

    I could go on but i want to finish up on this last point which is one of the first things i found on the site, “Deloitte’s 2020 GLOBAL BLOCKCHAIN SURVEY: From Promise to reality” One page 15 of the report which you can find here, they state in their section on Global Digital Identity “Until the general population develops a greater understanding-and acceptance-of digital identity, however, the full benefits provided by this technology will likely remain untapped.” Did you catch that? We must develop understanding and ACCEPTANCE towards their global digital identity.

    Oh and Deloitte is also the company that the CDC awarded a no bid contract to develop VAMS: Vaccine Administration Management System to organize US vaccine rollout.

  51. *****Sunday Service*****
    James Delingpole’s latest podcast warms tha very soul.
    It features Reverend Jamie who is a Church of England curate, a lockdown- and vaccine-sceptic, and co-host of the Irreverend podcast

    I especially liked the points they made about how we simply need to stop playing the game. They also speak about how they have been able to connect deeply with people during the last year. I have never connected this deeply with people before, it seems that the good hearted people are more clearly illuminated. I hope that all the good hearted people who are still following the narrative but know deep down that it’s wrong will find the power to come to the light side.

  52. BUMP
    CANDID CAMERA Prior to Year 2000 – MASKS in Restaurant

    Unsuspecting victims felt uncomfortable or viewed the mask scenario as “strange” when the waitress and other restaurant patrons wore masks.

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