Climate Myths Debunked

by James Corbett December 9, 2013 Myth #1. The earth is warming! On what time scale? 16 years? 2000 years? 10000 years? 420000 years? 65 million years? (Answer: None of the above) Myth #2. This year was the hottest year ever! Was that before or after...

10 Climate Myths Debunked (in 60 seconds!) Play in new window | Download | Embedby James Corbett December 9, 2013 Myth #1. The earth is warming! On what time scale? 16 years? 2000 years? 10000 years? 420000 years? 65 million years?...

10 Climate Myths Debunked (in 60 seconds!) Play in new window | Download | Embedby James Corbett December 9, 2013 Myth #1. The earth is warming! On what time scale? 16 years? 2000 years? 10000 years? 420000 years? 65 million years?...

1984: Warning or Conditioning? (video) Play in new window | Download | EmbedWATCH ON ODYSEE On this edition of Questions For Corbett, James rolls up his sleeve and answers your burning questions, from Arafat’s polonium poisoning to land ownership...