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A listener writes in to ask whether the pyramid of control that the would-be rulers of the world want to impose on us applies to them, too. James supplies an answer on this edition of Questions For Corbett.
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Interview 1875 – James Corbett Breaks The Spell of the Global Conspiracy
Episode 261 – International Law?
September 11, 1990: Address Before a Joint Session of Congress
“The discourse of anarchy in IR” by Jack Donnelly
“Do We Ever Really Get Out of Anarchy?” by Alfred G. Cuzán
The Road to 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Transcript of Testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
With thanks again from your ancestral home – Newcastle 🙂
Look, we all know that “government” is just a euphemism for an armed gang that extorts, imprisons, and murders us. People who don’t realize this are called “normies.”
I’m fed up with gangs and their normy followers.
The governments also create divide amongst the population and make people turn on each other. “Unity” is a hard concept for people to grasp nowadays.
SB, I hate Unitarians.
Okay. I read the article “Do We Ever Get Out of Anarchy.” It is very good. Yet, most Libertarians believe in minimalist government. Madness! You can’t limit the Devil.
I agree with TimmyTaes’ take on Alfred Cuzan’s article. And I ditto James’ recommendation that we all read it. Heck, I even read the end notes. This one particularly interested me:
“3. Of course, the rulers of any government have as their power base interest groups in and out [Cuzan italicized “out”] government. The leaders of non-governmental interest groups often hold the key to the political survival of even the mast powerful politicians. Hence, the strict dichotomy between governmental and non-governmental members of society breaks down. Around the edges of government, many private individuals live in a state of anarchy vis-a-vis government officials.”
What Cuzan says above reminds me of today’s global public-private partnerships (G3Ps). I think Iain Davis coined that term. In any case, Iain created a chart that shows how G3Ps operate. And he first wrote about the subject in this October 2021 article on his website: https://iaindavis.com/what-is-the-global-public-private-partnership. It, like Cuzan’s brilliant article, is well worth a read (or a re-read). [The chart is featured in the article.]
CQ, You make excellent points. Here in California, the government unions (teachers, prison guards, police, etc.) run the state. These government unions support the politicians in Sacramento. It’s a self-reinforcing circle where the politicians tax the people. They then give the government union workers raises and generous pensions. The Unions take union dues and donate (bribe) the politicians.
There is no way to break this circle of power.
I misquoted Cuzan’s note #3 in two places.
(1) There should be an “of” after my bracketed note: [Cuzan italicized “out”]. If I could remember how to do italics in these comments, I wouldn’t have goofed.
(2) Also, when I copy/pasted “the most powerful politicians,” the PDF of Cuzan’s original article is so blurry that “most” came out “mast.” Sorry about that.
TimmyTaes, thanks, and I agree with your point. I’m thinking that G3P refers to partnerships between government and corporate entities. That collusion is deadly; it’s like a noose around the neck of everyone who doesn’t participate in these globalist conspiracies.
So, what James is saying is, “You can’t herd fat cats.” You know. You can’t get the Big Boys to fall in line. It’s the Magna Carta. The English nobles told King John to stuff it. They’d had enough of the bugger. Peons like us can’t be herded, either. Sure, a lotta folks are stupid suckers, but they wake up eventually.
James, you confuse me. While you decry , correctly, the new world order, you seem to not understand that evil is a real force, not just a concept. Evil is the tangible thing behind all the people trying to build the new world order. This concept is easy to see every day in humans but it also exists in the hidden, supernatural, meaning extra-natural, plane that is right outside of our consciousness. (When you have the Holy Spirit, you become much more conscious of it.) God ,the eternal creator of all things, is real and so is the embodiment of Evil, the devil, the anti-Christ. The anti-God/anti-Christ opposes God and desires to be in control of the world. Do you believe in good and evil? Or, are you a humanist who believes that humans are perfectible, like the globalists ? Have you read the whole Bible , using cross references to help you understand the meaning of the prophecies ? The new world order is simply the increasing power of Satan over this world. Followers of God/goodness, fight this evil , as you do. But you need to do it from a position of truth . Stop acting as if God doesn’t play a role in this battle. Stand up and state what you really believe! Otherwise you’re no better than these atheist globalists . Anarchy opposes the order that comes from a perfect authority, God himself. As a libertarian I believe that order is the natural state , corrupted by rebellion against God. I don’t seek control by governments or authority. God is my authority. If you read the Bible you see that was how it was supposed to be. Humans chose to rebel while in paradise . They had the perfect world you are seeking and they still wanted to be free from Gods authority! Wisdom comes from recognizing Gods rightful place in your life. He’s not like human kings or fathers. He’s always fair, right, and yet merciful! The new world order is an attempt by these humanists to become gods. Read your Bible with new eyes. You’ll see that this battle has been raging since Genesis. God bless you , James. I’m praying for you and your family. Peace is in submission to God, not becoming your own god.
Ok, PK Adams
James what have thou wrought?
If the bible was authored by the hand of man is it falable to all of mans weaknesses? The origin and meaning seem as suspect as a Hollywood script. Teaching and propagandizing.. Children who don’t know how to read have a better understanding. God blessed the beasts and the children.
*hast thou… 😉
Hami, yes thou hast. Seems the comments are a bit harsh. Had I hinted in hind sight the headlines less harsh how could I hasten my observation of those hard observations? However, it could be a test of our half hearted hatreds formed by propaganda.
I suggest we listen closely to the children who have the open line to God.
Give em both barrels boys, don’t shoot till you see the whites of there Hammurabi anharkest hardware.
Seemed pretty clear to me and had nothing; absolutely NOTHING to do with spirituality. But since you bring it up……
Adam and Eve (translated ‘man’ and ‘life’) rebelled against the wisdom and authority of the Creator of their whole world. Sound familiar? We still are doing it. Jesus (Joshua / Yeshua) finally was the one to reach his human potential, and unfortunately was also the one whose lot in life was to be obedient unto death on a Roman execution rack. Now we all have a way and can know the way to reach our full human potential, what God (Yahweh) put us here for to begin with; ‘be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it’. Sometimes I struggle with the fact that it seems like those globalists and ‘elitists’ (btw, Thank you, James, for specifying! So many people just call them the elite, as if we’re to believe the elitists really are better than us) are the ones who actually are trying to fulfill that mandate! The Creator told the created to rule the planet. So many of us have abdicated our royal position of responsibility that its made it possible, even easy, for others to usurp it. Everything I’ve heard from JC (James Corbett, not Jesus Christ – lol!) exhorts us to take back that responsibility.
So in closing, pk, I’m unsure where you got that he was denying the existence of God or evil. And even if he had, I can tell you from experience that the approach you took in your comment most likely won’t win anyone over to our point of view. For what its worth.
I suppose I get the feeling that anarchists believe that without government there would be peace. As if governments are the cause of all aggression and violence. But this would be like saying just pretend bullies don’t exist and they will stop being bullies. Nope. You have to do something about bullies. And that is why we have laws, police and armies. Do they need reforming, sure. But abolishing, no. A town or commune will be in trouble if a large army comes against them. But if that town is protected by a much larger army, they might survive.
RE: “Humans chose to rebel while in paradise.” – Pkadams and “Adam and Eve…rebelled against the wisdom and authority of the Creator…” – hamirand
Did they really “rebel”? I tend to think that picture has been painted for us by religious dogma, as opposed to what is actually portrayed in the text.
After studying this stuff for a while, when I read that story, it seems to me that Eve may had a natural curiosity for wisdom — which I don’t think is a bad thing. Her mistake was lending an ear to the serpent and doubting the punishment of “death” for her disobedience to God’s command, then using her own rationale and partaking in the forbidden fruit. As for Adam, his mistake was heeding the voice of his wife despite what God had told him regarding the eating of it and its consequence.
In my mind “rebellion” is a strong word — a willful word. It seems to me that Adam & Eve may have been more thoughtless in their actions than willful. Yes, they chose to eat the forbidden fruit, but I don’t think they did so with the intent of defying God’s wisdom & authority. I think they were truly led astray by the Serpent, and they chose to rely on their own reasoning without concern for the forewarned consequence.
I’m not excusing them. I’m just pointing out a different perspective.
Unfortunately, I think we’ve been inundated by religious dogma that berates our humanity — the humanity that our Creator designed for us.
And, much of the religious dogma out there insists that mankind is insufficient in ruling himself, in governing his own affairs and in experiencing peace and prosperity in this life on earth. Some of it even teaches mankind to dismiss this domain (Earth) and surrender its dominion to the Powers That Shouldn’t Be, which is awful.
I agree with most of what you wrote. God is the one that sets up the seats of power and authority in this world and those that despise governments despise he that established them to punish evil and reward good. Obviously we ought not to be foolish and accept or otherwise approve of “corruption” in authority. James has claimed to have a faith that is basically “Christian,” but it doesn’t appear that his faith is based upon the words of God. I think I remember him saying recently that his “faith” had been influenced by his upbringing in a “Christian” home or family. He is an anarchist, as you might well know. Men are evil by nature as a result of the sin that entered into the world and men choose to rebel against God and do evil to others. That is exactly why men need government to maintain civil society.
The one thing I would admonish you on would be to consider that the word “human” is a macro evilutionary classification that rejected the notion that we were created in the image of God. A “human” is a fictionally “evolved” homosapien purported to have evolved from beasts(apes). It is also a gender neutral identification. God labels us man and mankind, as the man was made in the image of God and the woman is of the man.
Words have meanings and semantics are important. I will wrap this up with a link to a very well researched and sourced presentation of the history of the words of God for the sake of anyone reading this that might think that the scriptures were of the will of men.
Holy men of God spake as the Spirit gave them utterance and God has preserved every word of God for every generation so that we might know the truth. God’s words are historically accurate, scientifically accurate, prophetically accurate and literally true. Man could not write those words of his own will. They would be flawed, as man is fallible. God means exactly what he says.
Thank you for the thoughtful reply. As for James’ faith, there are many people who grew up in Christian families who do not submit to God. They are rebels in need of a savior. It is by understanding our own weakness and putting our faith in Jesus that we become strong IN HIM. We will always be mere man. Our job while living our brief lives is to glorify God by our lives and choices. My point in bringing up evil is that to deny it exists is to weaken our position in fighting it. I’m sure that James has a personal reason reason, we all do, for his beliefs. Usually the subconscious, basic reason we doubt God is pride reinforced by fear that God will reject us. We don’t want to admit that we deserve hell.
RE: “We will always be mere man.” and “… we deserve hell.” – Pkadams
How sad that you believe that. Because that sounds like something the serpent in the Garden would say about mankind. That’s probably because the seed of the serpent have been saying stuff like that for who knows how long at this point.
There’s nothing “mere” about being a man (unless you’re comparing him to the Creator). I pray you reconsider what you’ve been taught concerning our value as men & women in this world and discover the truth before you draw your last breath.
Apart from God, man has no value because he is fallen due to sin. Only by being born again do we become reconnected to our creator God and therein we get out value. In other words, God made man ‘very good’, but he rebelled. Therefore we are no longer very good in God’s eyes. But thanks to his grace and mercy, he offers a way to be forgiven and reborn as a new creation. This is what we call amazing grace, that although we don’t deserve it, God sent his son to die for our sins to save us. But death could not hold him. He is resurrected and rules at the right hand of God until he returns to judge the world.
Spoken like a true indoctrinated one. Sad. Very sad.
Where does Genesis say that man is “no longer very good in God’s eyes”? (Because if that’s the case, that’s pretty amazing that Adam — a created being — had the power to undo the Creator’s handiwork like that.)
The fact is *it is not in there*. The idea that God’s creation (to include mankind) is no longer ‘very good’ is a lie.
Why do you think Jesus had to die? He came to redeem us from the devil. The consequence of sin is death and separation from God. Jesus made reconciliation possible with his blood. But I know you don’t believe that Jesus is God, so we are not on the same page.
You didn’t answer my question.
It is clear that you have a belief structure that is based on **what you’ve been taught** about God and man and about Jesus and the devil and sin and heaven and hell and so on.
Instead of letting the Bible speak for itself — learning what it actually says (and doesn’t say) and seeking understanding of it by keeping everything in its proper context, you appear to be relying on what you’ve been taught concerning its subject matter as being the truth. (But how do you know you haven’t been deceived in your indoctrination?)
We are not on the same page because I’m using the Bible as my foundation of knowledge & understanding of its contents and you are using the religious indoctrination you’ve received to understand its contents.
In Genesis 3:17-19 God curses the creation because of Adam’s sin and he is told that going forward life will be hard and that he will eventually die. Adam and Eve are exiled from the garden, and their close personal relationship with God has been severed by their sin. (Genesis 3:22-24)
We see, then, that while we are created in God’s image,
“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14,
…that sin has marred that which is good.
“They have all turned aside, together they have become corrupt; There is no one who does good, not even one.” Psalm 14:3
And so:
“If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8
“For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead.” 1 Corinthians 15:21
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” John 5:24
What does it mean *according to the author* when Genesis 3:17 says, “God said, ‘cursed is the ground for thy sake?'”
It seems many think God is putting a hex on the ground or something, but the Hebrew word translated there as “cursed”, “arar” (H779), doesn’t hold that meaning. It’s a verb that according to Strong’s Definitions means “to execrate”, which means to abhor, utterly detest, curse. Given the immediate context and how that word is used throughout the Old Testament, it’s clear the word means “to execrate” and not “to put a hex on” (or something to that effect).
Adam’s punishment for his sin involved being relocated outside the garden where he was going to have to toil by the sweat of his brow to eat from the herb of the field, where thorns & thistles would be brought forth, for the rest of his days. Given his previous condition of being able to pluck fruit from established trees in a garden he didn’t have to plant, having to work for his food in the manner being described to him as a result of his seemingly insignificant transgression certainly warrants the ground outside the garden to be execrated, abhorred, utterly detested or cursed.
Besides, why would the Creator punish the ground for something Adam did? That makes no sense.
Furthermore, physical death was not a new concept introduced after Adam’s sin. Physical death was a part of the physical life cycle from the beginning. How else could the heavens & the earth and all that were made in them be considered “very good” without it? Without death, reproducing life would have eventually overpopulated the finite Land & Seas. Not to mention, decomposing organic matter is required to feed the earth, to keep her fertile and fruitful. Besides, if there was no “death” prior to Adam’s sin, then telling Adam the punishment for consuming the forbidden fruit was “to die” would have been meaningless to him.
Our western culture has been heavily indoctrinated with religious falsehood. For anyone wanting to understand what the Bible has to say, they really need to use their critical thinking skills and read what the Bible actually says (and doesn’t say) — starting from the very beginning.
RE: “…a humanist who believes that humans are perfectible…” – Pkadams
I think the Bible is pretty clear that humans are perfectible and are even called upon to be so. The question is what does it mean to be perfect?
May I? Thank you.
The guy in the mirror is perfect and the guy holding the mirror isn’t.
I often wonder if James asked himself before publishing what kinda blow back or blow up his contemplation, reservations and observations are likely going to produce out in the world?
Interesting thought. However, the guy in the mirror is not human, whereas the guy holding it is.
When I asked the question, I think I should have said *according to the Bible*, what does it mean to be perfect, since Pkadams referred to the Bible on the heels of asking his question, suggesting humans are not perfectible.
In answer to my question, I made the following post today: https://messyanic.com/2024/09/18/what-does-it-mean-to-be-perfect/
Fascinating summary of the things that go through Corbett viewers’ heads. Thanks I understand these issues much better.
Here is a short video by an American woman describing the larger emphasis on ‘freedom from’ in Germany and ‘freedom to’ in America.
A very simple example is the fact there are a lot more ingredients in McDonald’s food in America than in Europe. They have the freedom to poison and make Americans obese. Americans also have noticeably worse employment contracts (holidays, working hours, management coercion) than Europeans.
For me one of the biggest lies in history is Jefferson’s claim he wanted freedom from British oppression. He wanted to steal Native American land and carry out a horrifying genocide. America has created a global empire with 800 military bases oppressing and exploiting the entire world. A friend of mine in Singapore ordered a British mainframe computer. An hour later his boss got a phone call from the American ambassador telling him to cancel the order and buy IBM. That’s gangsterism not capitalism.
‘If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged’.
Noam Chomsky
Ah, it is always entertaining when the Euro-elitists chime in:
“Americans also have noticeably worse employment contracts (holidays, working hours, management coercion) than Europeans.”
Europe also has noticeably worse standards of living and has allowed their continent to be taken over by migrants even worse than the US. Your “free healthcare” is a joke, even if America’s is a joke as well.
“He wanted to steal Native American land and carry out a horrifying genocide.”
This is a far, far-left absolute gem of ignorance only a European could come up with. I bet you recite a land acknowledgement before every meal. Conquest is and was always part of human history. The “native Americans” brutally conquered and “genocided” each other for centuries before we arrived.
Now, run back to BBC TV to get your latest set of “facts” to spew in abject ignorance to those in your eternal echo chamber of ignorance.
To be fair the only reason the USA has not been ‘over run’ is that there is enough space to let the issue fester and develop slowly. The cancer growing hidden kills you just as dead as the one you see.
I’d argue that its probably too late to salvage the entire USA at this point without doing things that no one is actually going to have the means or the stomach to do.
The ONE thing Europe has going for it these days is that the people cant run off to the suburbs, or small towns, to hide from the diversity as easily as we can here in the USA…. they MIGHT actually face up to their issues while I think many in the US will be saying its not so bad until its way way too late.
While “free healthcare” is indeed a joke as obvious as “federal reserve”, it still does not happen that often in Europe that people go bankrupt over a medical intervention. It seems the medical industry in the US has a palpable advantage over anything we have over here when it comes to keeping the population down.
Various European agencies/lawmakers are at least somewhat efficient at keeping that trash that goes for food in US off the European tables. At the same time, it does seem one will have an easier time finding quality food in the US than in Europe, as long as one is so inclined and avoids the easy options.
Of course the people in US have one big advantage over socialized peoples of Europe: guns. Lots and lots of guns.
> Conquest is and was always part of human history. The “native Americans” brutally conquered and “genocided” each other for centuries before we arrived.
Are you hereby saying that European immigrants to the North American continent did not steal native land because natives have already likely stolen it from someone else? How ridiculous.
On the USA wanting ‘freedom’ I suggest you read “Albions Seed” which sets out the flavors of Englishman that settled the US in different geographic zones….the Planter idea of Freedom was very different from the Puritan and Quaker ideas, or even from the Boarderer idea of freedom (which is what most people imagine Freedom is today).
If we invented a language to replace English we would need to add at least three words to separate these ideas of freedom from one another.
As to the Americans wanting to take Indian land…..yes, of course they did. Just as the Indian tribes wanted to steal land from their neighbors and Just like the British wanted to take South Africa from the Afrikaners, (masses of whos women and kids they starved to death in concentration camps) and just like the Zulu and Bantu wanted to take it from the Bushmen,and each other, who they killed mercilessly.
Thats normal behavior for human beings….they like to steal each others stuff.
One day I think we will return to the old understanding of peoples forms of government- they suit the people that make them. This goes for our ideas of what freedom is.
Germans run in their lane and like to follow rules, americans ,from the southern parts anyway, like to think they can do whatever they like and get rich. Africans have strong men. Asians dont appear to be very big on freedom.
The most anoying thing about white people is they have fallen prey to the idea that everyone wants to be a european or an american and adopt our way of life
Merciless Zionist savages Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton destroyed a country (Libya) more civilised and progressive than America . Plus large parts of Syria and Iraq.
Send the refugees to Martha’s Vineyard or Tel Aviv not London or Stockholm.
The point about Native Americans is that Jefferson claimed to want freedom from British oppression. Americans were never freer than under British rule. It was a lie. It’s worth pointing out that many of the British ruling class (including the military) supported the colonists for exactly the same reason as Jefferson. Exploitation of native land. British trade hugely benefited from American independence.
It is claimed that Britain lost at Yorktown due to internal sabotage of a ship of reinforcements being ordered not sail.
Americans were, and are, free’er then the ENglish (in the sense of doing whatever they feel like) because
1) There is way more space to do what you like away from others
2) They system is somewhat decentralized to allow for locals to do things their own way
3) They were, and are, much much wealthier in the sense that they had (and to a degree still have) access to resources and opportunity that the average English man did, and does, not.
The idea of getting a big patch of free land was a big draw, not available in England since the Norman Conquest, and even today poor people in the USA can still own their own house (getting harder and dependent on where in the US they are)
That is one of the reasons that so many poors call themself ‘middle class’ over here….though the joke is how many ‘middle class’ english people earn less then working class types like plumbers….lol, people are funny 🙂
A good book on how power works is “The Populist delusion” by Neema parvini who basically chews up and digests elite theorists for us normies.
The powerful have their ‘castles’ of power and then other people try to grab or destroy those castles or build their own.
Law = force, not reason. That results in disorder, chaos. Order is achieved by reason, voluntary agreements, and violence in self-defense only.
Respect for reason first/foremost and violence as a last resort, violence to deter violence is civil. It respects rights, self determination, decentralized organization, allowing for experimentation.
Authoritarianism does not. It is politically immature, primitive, destructive.
Since Aristotle, we have had science, social interaction based on shared interests. It’s logical.
Force = Force (power to affect and change the world)
Reason = Logic WITHOUT POWER to affect the world
Law = Force + Reason
That Reason may be good or bad, positive or negative, but law is FORCE DIRECTED BY REASON FOR AN END (which may be a good or a bad end)
No one cares what the ‘law’ is when they have not eaten for three days….. and Law ideally exists to constrain those who dont care what right and wrong are even when their bellies are full.
As humans quickly out bred, survived without the physical attributes of the other species, it was not superior physical strength, it was our unique mental capacity, i.e., the ability to use senses to form precepts, our precepts to form concepts, and our concepts to form more & more extremely complex concepts. Our ability to think and be logical, is the power to gain knowledge that opens up the ‘verse to us. No other species has that ability.
To act is to put the abstract concepts into use. Action is not necessarily force. We can not force nature to do our bidding, nor can be violate laws of physics. That would be illogical, brute force. And when brute force rules, we self destruct. This is our present course, politically, self-destruction.
It is due to “The Most Dangerous Superstition” by Larken Rose. Superstition is belief based on emotions, without reference to, and in defiance of reason. To be faithful to the politics of authoritarianism, despite reality, is suicide.
“……As humans quickly out bred, survived without the physical attributes of the other species, it was not superior physical strength, it was our unique mental capacity, ….. Our ability to think and be logical, is the power to gain knowledge that opens up the ‘verse to us. No other species has that ability……’
You are making a serious error if you compare a ‘savage’ working out how to put a sharp point on a stick so he can kill a mammoth with the logic of Aristotle.
The savage is solving real world practical problems constrained by the physical world…. rich people serviced by slaves are free to let their reason take flights of fancy not possible for those who must still catch or grow their own food.
The Savage will never come up with a retarded idea like the Non Aggression Principle because he lives a life close to the edge of death which crushes stupid ideas in the egg.
The philosopher may talk at length about the merits of his logic and reason…and will do so for as long as he is pampered by his slaves (machines today i guess) and protected by men more savage then himself.
Aristotle is, in many ways nothing but a redditor in comparison, for all the utility of his ideas they still depend upon the point of the spear giving them a safe environment to exist in. He may be the flower of reason, but my grandpa always said $h17 on a stick is also a flower… 😉
I assume there is a refutation of my defense of reason, hidden somewhere in your response. I read it three times, slowly, carefully, trying to find it and I failed.
I can’t respond to an argument I couldn’t find.
A savage may “refute” an argument by killing the speaker but that does not address the ideas. To claim it does is proof of the power of violence over reason is to ignore science, engineering, primitive tool making, a physically inferior human’s survival while the other species around him/her went extinct. BEFORE THE SPEAR CAME THOUGHT. Show me other primates who use spears, clubs, shelters, fire.
1)You have ideas in your head
2)Savage cracks your head open with a rifle butt
3)Your ideas no longer exist, because the brain that contained them does not function anymore.
AGAIN…. you are conflating practical reason with logic and philosophy- example
“….To claim it does is proof of the power of violence over reason is to ignore science, engineering, primitive tool making,….”
The savage , ancient or modern, does not need to know logic or rhetoric or history or science to work out how to make a better war club….high level philosophy is a LATE stage of reason, after the edge of reality has been dulled and it is safe to engage in luxury beliefs like the inate goodness of man, the power of reason over violence, or the NAP.
I assure you, the last white people in Haiti were far far better educated and ‘reasonable’ then the former slaves who killed them all….. yet Haiti today is Haiti.
By killing the philosopher, what value does the savage create, e.g.,how is humanity better off? Is the result of war an increase in prosperity? Is peace or war conducive to survival, on net? Is deadly threat or voluntary cooperation more productive? Is slave labor and govt. more productive than capitalism, the free market? Is a mix of authoritarianism and anarchy stable, or is it unstable, drifting toward authority?
All reason is practical. It is humans who are unreasonable, or mistaken, and need to master themselves, correcting their ability to think.
It is our species ONLY means of survival. Violence is a failure to understand that. We must pass on that knowledge each generation or we risk the end of our species.
“….By killing the philosopher, what value does the savage create, e.g.,how is humanity better off?….”
Who said the savage had to ‘create value’?
Who said the savage care about an abstract concept like ‘humanity’?
Again…. the savage cares about solving a problem (getting your stuff and making it his stuff) and yes, he uses his reason to solve that practice problem.
The problem with folks like you is you are thinking categories of your mind are the same as categories of reality….you are trapped in the assumptions of your safe modern life and cultural baggage.
Also, you may have a touch of the curse of the smart kid (had it myself) in that you make the autistic assumption that those wonderfully interesting ideas in your mind are the truth and thus must matter deeply to others. I see this when you talk compare productivity of capitalism vs slave labour but fail to see THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT ….what is important to the actor is HAVING MORE THEN THE OTHER PERSON. The savage does not construct a generations long plan to do anything because he does not CARE about tsuff that afr away
The savage in our case above uses his reason to work out how to get the things he wants, he does not need to think much about what he wants or why he wants them because his instincts (hunger, lust,anger) guide him and reason is used only to ACHIEVE those ends not choose them.
There’s less and less savages though nowadays, so the guy’s ideas might have a chance to flourish in a not too distant future
“….It is our species ONLY means of survival. Violence is a failure to understand that….”
Reason is how the hunter works out the best way to kill his prey or the savage makes a better war club….. in many ways reason in our fallen world EXISTS TO DO BETTER VIOLENCE>…
you confuse the topping with the body of the cake….long term thinking and philosophy are the flowering….the add on…NOT THE SOURCE OR REASON FOR reason
Putting this here since no reply button
“…There’s less and less savages though nowadays,….”
There are fewer savages IN THE WESTERNIZED POPULATION but there are still plenty of savages amoung us….go walk in a ghetto if you want to see the wild life.
The popular example right now of IMPORTED savages is Haitians but I assure you that there are plenty of other people who have grown up in places much closer to reality then western Europe and America.
“….. so the guy’s ideas might have a chance to flourish in a not too distant future….”
History does not suggest that is possible.
All other times that a civilization has reached this soft stage it has been over run by more virile and ‘savage’ peoples.
What defense do you think his kind of thinking will produce to the influx of migrants who do not respect high level logic and reason??? Or against a nation state that is willing to grind up and accept mass casualties ??
A fun fictionalized example is the old movie “demolition man” where the over socalized, logical and reasonable society is unable to deal with a single antique criminal when he escapes into the wild. My favorite line is something like ‘we’re police officers…we’re not trained to deal with this kind of violence.” lol
I would recomend Glubbs “fate of empires” pair of essays for a more real world examples.
Technology, i.e., the mind’s manipulation of the physical, can be used to enhance life or destroy it.
The source of reason is humanity’s unique cognitive
ability. It is what other animal’s are capable of plus the ability to conceptualize.
As humanity grew better at using it, passing on our progress for the benefit of posterity, we called that “philosophy”. Philosophy is not the source of reason; it’s the product.
If tech exceeds our progress in ethics, we may self destruct, as a society or as a species, with nukes.
“…If tech exceeds our progress in ethics, we may self destruct, as a society or as a species, with nukes….”
What is ‘progress in ethics’?
Is there a goal that ethics is intended to proceed to???? WHO intended it thus???
You are suffering from the delusion of progress…. unless you are religious then there is no good or evil other then “What the powerful desire” ….. and tech is how they become powerful.
If your an evolutionary type guy you must admit that the blind cave fish has ‘progressed’ by becoming blind….. a broiler chicken has ‘progressed’ into being helpless and fragile, so if the savage wins has ethics ‘progressed’ to it being right for him having your stuff and eating you?
The issue is not that your wrong that tech is dangerous…it IS potentially dangerous. The issue is that your assuming that ethics have an end point to aim for…..without stating that such ethics can only be meaningful if they come from OUTSIDE of the material world
The end point of ethics is to maximize the survival of the species, LONG RUN.
You keep giving examples of short run gain. This is associated with anti-social, criminal activity of lower IQ or immaturity. It usually doesn’t end well.
This is typical of “wise guys” who are really bad at thinking long run, weighting life/death risk. They wind up dead or in jail. Not so “wise”, progressive.
“….The end point of ethics is to maximize the survival of the species, LONG RUN….”
On WHAT DO YOU BASE THAT ASSUMPTION? You might to read the first section of Abolition of Man by CS Lewis if you don’t understand that you are basing that end goal upon nothing but YOUR OWN PERSONAL PREFERENCES.
“….You keep giving examples of short run gain….”
If I kill you, take your stuff and rape my kids into your women THAT IS LONG TERM GAIN for my genetics (which you appear to have as a goal re ‘survival of the species’) In fact I can even argue that doing so is (using the goal of ‘survival of the species’) BETTER for the species since you were obviously weaker then me (else how dd I win?)
“….. This is associated with anti-social, criminal activity of lower IQ or immaturity. It usually doesn’t end well…..”
Hahahaha…..seriously, using class shaming is feminine. Do you REALLY believe that the Romans were “low IQ criminals” ? What about the knights that lorded it over the peasants of olde England? Hahaha.
“….This is typical of “wise guys” who are really bad at thinking long run, weighting life/death risk.
That is ONLY true now BECAUSE violence imposed by the rulers has created a system for people to work within.
“…They wind up dead or in jail…..”
Yes, BECAUSE the savage now puts on a cops uniform to do so….. the moment it pays him less to enforce the law then to just be a savage that system ends
Stop being like the fish who doesn’t know he is wet….society existing DEPENDS on violence directed at corralling and stopping violence unwanted by the ruling class
Read CS Lewis to understand that your philosophy stands on nothing but your own preferences….in which case it can only exist thru violence because without morals coming from God morality is just “the will of the powerful’
Surely you do not believe that bullies can be reasoned with?
That’s a good question.
True story.
I have a Doctor friend who I asked that same question. He retired, cashed out and works now for fun at crowd management. Crowd control . He said Dale Carnegie was his fall back on dealing with bullies in public. He was soon promoted to the luxury sky boxes where the psychos feel entitled to bully. He told me he would pay to do what he does now. Disarmed them with Dale Carnegie. Go figure.
While I do believe that some people have the gift of peacemaking and diffusing dangerous situations, I wouldn’t count on that for true psychopaths like the ones that put bombs on children or do experiments on living people or blame their wives after beating them. My dad was a Dale Carnegie graduate. He was a top salesman.
Another great episode, James. Listened more than once and downloaded the referenced PDFs for later reading. Planning to purchase Scott’s book, which must be a highly desired or rare book because even used ones are near full price. (If you have an academic account, the electronic version is available from various academic publishers for free, I think.)
A German secret society (The Order/Skull&Bones) has been positioning themselves into the United States framework for almost two hundred years.
About 15 men (now women also) a year (about 2500 since 1833, with 500-600 alive at one time) have been able to out position all other graduates and take the reins of our government.
HISTORY-What people believe has occurred in our past (winners write history books)
RELIGION-Controlling and legitimizing people’s spiritual beliefs
ECONOMY-The creation of wealth for use by The Order
PSYCHOLOGY-Controlling how people think about things
PHILANTHROPY-Creating a false “do-gooder” image
POLITICS-The direction of the State
MONEY-Means of holding wealth and exchanging goods
MEDIA-What people know and learn about current world events.
LAW-Authority to enforce the will of the State (a world law and a world court is needed for a world state)
CONTINUITY-The power to appoint who follows in their footsteps
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The US government by and for the people now imprisons millions. It takes half our income by force, over-regulates, punishes, tortures, slaughters foreigners, invades countries, overthrows governments, imposes seven hundred imperialistic bases overseas, and crushes future generations with massive debts.
When one takes into account the dark agendas of Technocracy, CCP, The Illuminati, Skull&Bones, etc. and the undeniable truth in quotes about our fascism (corporate/government collusion) from decades ago and very similar behavior world wide it is impossible to not understand a “same think” agenda of world domination is at hand:
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.”
– Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“I am more than ever convinced of the dangers to which the free and unbiased exercise of political opinion — the only sure foundation and safeguard of republican government — would be exposed by any further increase of the already overgrown influence of corporate authorities.”
– Martin Van Buren, Eighth President of the United States
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Gaddafi, days before being assassinated by NATO (Clinton) supported rebels:
“You are bombing the wall that stopped mass migration into Europe! Libya is a wall, you are destroying it you fools!”
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
I love it when synchronicity dances in my life. Yesterday I posted a new song about this:
A long time plan’s been going on
Keeps you in fear when you should be strong
Follow the rules stay where you belong IT’S ALL THERE
We’re taught their path of what is right and wrong
IT’S ALL THERE I swear The truth’s ALL THERE
Stan Monteith delivered a very good presentation titled “the brotherhood of darkness,” which accurately ties all of the secret societies of this world together.
Yeah, James did a memoriam for him back in 2014.
Part of my loss of not listening to any radio in 50+ years.
Only started with James and James (Corbett and Fetzer) web radio in 2007 or so.
I was a guest on Fetzer’s show back then.
But then, considering my level of political/social consciousness since the 1960’s I guess it just wasn’t something I needed as I was deep into my personal harvesting of information that got me where I am today.
PS: If you check out my site you may be surprised at the wealth of info done in song there.
Just looking at the behavior of Covid lockdown politicians, it is clear
that they themselves do not follow any rules.
They probably see themselves above the rules.
The deep-state may seem to work as one organization, but
I think they are more like different organized crime organizations.
They may seem to listen to each other and work together,
but look for a way to grow their power and their following.
Tao Buddhism has a slightly different look on anarchism.
Example: There is a tree in a forest and a man takes all the apples.
The man tries to sell these apples on the market.
A Tao Buddhist comes by and takes an apple away without paying.
He states that it was his apple, but it was no longer at the tree.
I would definitely enjoy what ManBearPig would say about the French right now.
Merci beaucoup.
Damned suits.
Sep. 11 1990, nonetheless. The Frockers in Stiff Shoes.
These stiffs seem to stumble over so many “rare opportunities” as to cause suspicion.
Didn’t I say that nice and polite?
Notice the senior Bushwhacker’s hand jive. When he’s uttering certain phrases, he covers them with arched hands. All the “good” things, right. Think about the energetic function of the arch. Ask those who live under arched bridges maybe if you haven’t a clue, eh? Arches. I’ve seen them installed in crucial spots. And totally screw the energies there. Basically, screw in the evil. Basic sorcery. All technologies are sorcery.
“one thousand wars”…prove it, one thousand exactly? I bet….”Where the rule of ‘law’ replaces (?) the “rule of the jungle” (???)…jungle “rules”? “law” rules? huh? hold on…..says the guy who couldn’t tell you how many tens of thousands of “laws” he’s supposedly the chief fart of. What a useless husband he must have been.
Anarchy is “subjected” to the “laws” of the “market”?
Dead useless anarchy there. “Anarchy” is a concept of a way of being, it cannot be seen as a “subject” which can be “subjected”. Although the author has definitely attempted to. In this guy’s definition, the “market” is a priori to anarchy. That’s kinda stupid thinking there. “The Market” replaces “Big Brother”.
Hard to imagine life without some kind of “top dog”. Yes, at this time it’s “The Market”. And “Market Man’s” three priorities are Money, Sex, and Power.
You’ll notice,if you’re willin’. Just as Larry King informed his wife long ago, “the guys want all the money”. The Money System, a great slave system , is their power tool. THEIR power tool.
There you have it. Money-Men-Power. Money, Sex, and Power.
A real hard nut to crack. Those are the “steel balls” referred to. In the Age of Iron Man.
If only there was a way to use their division and infighting against them. The way they try to do with us.
Does anyone know if the whole “Black Nobility” idea actually holds any water? As in, do a group of Venetians actually wield a great deal of power? I mean it sounds far-fetched to me, but then again, I used to believe the official narrative of 9/11, so who knows.
That’s a good question and the answer will be better received if you discover it yourself.
Below MeowKing states a related conjecture. The work required to find out about such organizations requires a lot of reading, extrapolation and piecing together the fragments of history. It will have greater meaning if you do this yourself. Believe me I was once exactly where you are today.
To start read Taylor Caldwell’s ‘ Captains and Kings’ . A thinly vailed biography of Joseph Kennedy. Then move on to Carrol Quigley’s ‘ Tragedy and Hope ‘
I commend you for even wanting to know, good hunting.
Here are some of what they,them,those do and it’s very confused at our level of understanding . Can you figure out what’s going on. I believe it relates to your inquiring.
Thanks for the recommendations- the Captains and Kings book sounds interesting, and I have heard great things about Tragedy and Hope before. I guess I sometimes look too much for easy answers haha.
It does seem that the US election is two factions competing. Say Peter Thiel on one side and Eric Schmidt on the other. But it gives me the impression of a fun “Round the world in 80 days” style wage,r made over cognac and cigars at the club. Not an existential bitter rivalry at that level. Its only the plebs outside the club to whom this is deadly serious stuff. And they think its very funny us hating each other over it.
100%. Whitney Webb has made the point before that Thiel and Schmidt are known Bilderberg Buddies. Seems reminiscent of Skull and Bones Bush vs. Kerry, Putin and Kissinger, etc.
A short clip of great American comedian Eddie Murphy. He doesn’t believe in voting (probably rigged), says a small number of men control the world. Trusts in God.
I agree its a cartoonish idea that theres a single script all the elitist follow to a T however does that mean theres no script at all? Clearly there are people in positions of power making plans and seeing to it those plans are carried out. I don’t believe its a coincidence covid (even tho its named 19 after the year) basically took place in 2020 a number having significant meaning so clearly there’s planning, forsight and a lot of thought that went into it, not to mention the common phrases repeated by politicians all over the world, the social distancing and masks ext. Having a ‘script’ of some sort doesn’t seem that far fetched even if its not the cartoonish version that plots every minute detail.
Are there competing factions among the elistist? I’m sure there are in the same way all humans compete with each other and disagree and fight. I just doubt it happens as much at the level of Theil/Diamond/Musk/Gates ext. These people seem more like convenient scape goats the real intergenerational organized crime families (Roths/Rocks/..?) have allowed to get rich and in the positions they’re in to divert attention away from themselves. My bet is the real power struggle is between families or even siblings. I know how much my family disagrees and argues and we’re middleclass with no influence or power. Can you imagine the family dynamics of the Rothschilds? I would bet there are some serious rivalries going on there.
That being said, I have not read the book James recommends on this topic and of course none of us ‘commoners’ have access to the inside scoop of billionaire families so my thoughts on this topic are of course purely speculative.
“Do We Ever Really Get Out of Anarchy?” by Alfred G. Cuzán [linked in the show notes, above] is an interesting and worthwhile short read.
A comment that gave me pause is, “Similarly, in the Western world, the more pluralistic politics of the United States are less violent than those of Italy, where politics are much more hierarchical.” [page 6 (marked p.156)]
As a European, my impression of American politics is that it is fairly violent in various ways such as assassination attempts, use of capital punishment, proliferation of arms, percentage of population in prison etc. My impression of Italian politics – not that I know much about it – is that it’s discordant and loses much time to paralysis within coalitions between parties.
What am I missing in the author’s comparison between these two countries? Is he merely saying that in the Italian parliament there is more shouting? Perhaps I should look into filibuster.
Thank you for answering my question James.
I wasn’t aware of that Cuzán paper. It will be useful in sharing these ideas for being concise.