The Gutenberg Revolutions Play in new window | Download | EmbedWATCH THIS VIDEO ON BITCHUTE / ODYSEE / Youtube The Gutenberg press was the catalyst for the Renaissance and the Reformation, but it shaped what we communicated as much as how we...

Censorship in the 21st Century Play in new window | Download | EmbedWatch on BitChute / LBRY / YouTube From search algorithm fine-tuning to social media shadow banning and filter bubble traps, this ain’t your granddaddy’s...

Strange Bedfellows: The India/Pakistan/China Triangle

They say politics makes for strange bedfellows, and if that’s the case then perhaps we don’t have to look any further than the images coming out of Astana last week for proof of that dictum. Astana, of course, is the capital of Kazakhstan, and last weekend...