The Dinos Are Coming!

by | Jan 11, 2025 | Videos | 41 comments

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You’ve suffered through the Golden Globes. You’re girding yourself for the Oscars. (Or, more hopefully, you shun these silly awards shows entirely.) But it’s almost time for the one you’ve really been waiting for: The 8th Annual Fake News Awards!

As usual, Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave their nominations for Fake News Story of the year in the comments section below. Please keep the suggestion specific (provide a link to the story in question) and please keep it to stories from 2024.

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  1. I’d love to nominated the supposed Car Bomb outside of Trump Tower. As far as I can see they were scrambling to cover up a faulty battery and turn it into conspiratorial nonsense. Imagine the repercussions of a fault battery on a Tesla Cyber Truck……Honestly; who rents a Cyber truck for a car bomb…….fireworks?…..thats just lithium.

      • James is too modest for that.

        Besides, we have new targets in the era of the ‘mainstream alternative media’ (c/o David Icke) and Mockingbird 2.0 to address & mitigate:

        James requires me to state the above X link is relevant to my supporting commentary above, in alignment with the general talking points and themes of the previous posts in response to. Now let’s let James get back to his recorded conversation wtih Ernest Hancock, where old libby Ernie rambles on loudly and incoherently for 55 minutes of their 1 hour podcast, inevitably alienating his base supporters.

    • you do realise this endeavour is becoming cumulatively increasing to be severely painful: Because the gems reaching the 10th, 11th, 12th place will not even get a mention while equally wonderful?

  2. There are so many to choose from, this is getting harder as the years go by James. The Clarissa Ward Syria prisoner would certainly be on the list. Particularly because it went from one bullshit story to another bullshit story, a little obvious and boring though. It’s almost as if Clarissa heard about the Dino’s and thought she’d try her luck.

    Although not a “fake” news story, and not from 2024, I will take this opportunity to mention Andrew Tate’s inaugural speech for the BRUV party. Hilarious/ridiculous on the face of it, and amongst other things, a perfect example of 5th generation warfare. I expect great things for the 9th annual Dino awards.

    • Yeah, this’ll be like Air Force One trying to beat the Titanic for best picture. I can’t think of a better Dino nomination atm.

  3. Ah my favourite time of the year, looking forward to it. I nominate the following news from April 2024 for the Fake News Awards.
    Remember this magical cashless Amazon shop, all powered by AI?? Turns out the “AI” checkout was actually powered by 1,000 human video reviewers in India…
    “Amazon Fresh kills “Just Walk Out” shopping tech—it never really worked”

  4. It is like getting hit in the butt with a saw blade and trying to determine which tooth hit you first.

    For me it is the ongoing mystery of who has been running the country. That in your face behavior that quite literally said/showed a bumbling, lying, pedophile, shell of a man pretending to be in control even in the midst of an obvious coup and now they’re doing as much damage as they can in their final days.

    So pick ANY news cycle and there will be plenty of nonsense to represent this.

    Our government (control/mind) has become an evil game of competing liars totally out of touch with the truth that they are supposed to be representing the citizens rather then the lobbyists, big everything from pharma to farming. An opportunity to get into positions of power for decades and become very wealthy.

    From New Year’s Eve 2023:


  5. I knew someone would propose the CNN Syrian prisoner joke, and sure enough that’s the first one I notice here. I can’t think of anything in 2024, or in any year, faker than that. My apologies for not coming up with something else to add variety to the awards episode, but among other things I’m lazy and my memory is bad.

    • For me the beauty if it is that you could see from the get-go that what they were trying to play as genuine (with straight faces) was F-ing comical to anyone with any powers of perception at all. They really believe that people are that stupid, but it is they that are stupid for believing so. Clowns on TV

  6. I hope to have more nominations but reading comments, first one that came to my mind was that Joe Biden pulled out of Presidential race. I don’t believe he did or that that was a true story. I don’t know how you would ever prove that. Another apparently fake news story is that VP Kamala Harris is black when all the research indicated she was of country of India heritage and her book basically fabricated black relatives. Because the POTUS race is over in the United States these might be old news items.

    I don’t have any particular stories in mind but I would nominate Justin Trudeau for at least honorable mention for something. Maybe for something new like a ‘Prorogie’ award or something like that. Best regards.

    • Some people I listen to are (still) saying this was staged. I dunno, I don’t buy it, but I guess I’ve been wrong before…

      I do like the rabbinical annointing of ears symbolism of that event’s intrigue:

      Trump is obviously going to have a lot more to do with the furtherance of Israel’s regional objectivfes and agenda.

      Too much ambiguity with an alleged ‘deep event’ such as this (alleged) assassination attempt by Crooks upon Trump for it to be considered a top contender for a Dino, imo. Apparently there were two assassination attempts on Trump in 2024? Might not be the last one leading up to his January 20th inauguration, who knows…

      Maybe it’s the msm’s inability or unwillingness to truthfully examine any nuance, taboo intrigues or otherwise engage in any real journalism in regards to a recorded event such as this one that makes it Dino worthy. I’ll allow it…

  7. This story from the New York Times
    Totally fake and deliberately misleading…

    “Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the Polio Vaccine”

    Also, Aaron Siri appeared with Tucker Carlson to discuss the actual details surrounding this article and the facts of the petition. But to the surprise of no one, this interview cannot be found on ThemTube anymore.

    • You mean Mr. CIA Tucker Carlson, that guy is such a deceptive POS. All these spheres of deception. Trump, Kennedy, YouTube, Alex Jones, Carlson, and so many more, just carefully crafter cul-du-sacs, to keep the goy confused.

      Kennedy should be so ashamed of himself, taking part in this BS. Israel/Zionists killed both his relatives, yet he serves them like a Shabbos Goy, disgusting.

      • Valid points… those you named all have handlers to some degree, I’m sure. My suggestion was simply pointing out the deliberate deception of the Dino-media for propaganda purposes in this instance.

  8. This is a great little French film that does a rather good job at giving a glimpse into the secrete societies.

    This is NOT a movie you would see made in Hollywood, or on YouTube, on Fox or MSNBC.

    It gives a good indication of reality, that the level of control is vastly more encompassing that the sheep can possibly understand. These monsters pulled off world wars, the destruction of Germany and Japan, creation of Israel, killed countless world leaders, JFK included, countless terrorism, 9/11 included, Covid, they created a monetized world while grabbing all of the money, yet people still think much of what the see is real. Many pondered the nonsense Trump fake assassinations, having to first dissect the “facts”, as they are fed to them, lol. Many think Trump is real, when he is just a face on the revolving door of America’s ZOG. If they are part of the world stage, they are actors. If you understand the Treaty of Versailles, and how it was an obvious tool to bring about WW2, you would understand how theatrical everything is, the only thing that is real are the horrors these globalists keep inflicting upon the us. They created Hitler, Churchill and FDR…all to create Israel and the foundations of the NWO. It is how oblivious people are that is truly so scary. Even though we now have the internet, people were FAR more away 100 years ago, than they are today. They starved tens, if not hundreds of millions, and people don’t get, the same mind that did that evil, is working to do it again, while we ponder the effects of fluoride, lol.

    • [SNIP – No bare links in the comments, please. Please re-post the link with a title and/or explanation of why people should be clicking on it. -JC]

      • James is trying to adversely impact the humorousness of my reponse post by forcing me to add a descriptive, instead of just allowing the funny to flow by a simple link click:

        Just leave the image link, James – it’s relevant pictoral commentary (ackshually, it’s just a sfw newpaper headline clipping) on the post I replied to. Don’t you have a cyber polygon forecast article to research for me?

        James ‘Big Brother’ Corbett all up in the comments section (j/k, James – you know we love you).

  9. Among other noteworthy headlines like Technopopulist Elon Musk is here to save “free speech” (but not free reach?) and that Trump is the “people’s choice” for freedom (read technocracy), I have to throw my “ballot” behind Peter Thiel and his “I’m a Libertarian, that loves monopolies and hates competition” as THE fake news (and build-a-bear/ bildeberger) of 2024. With his outsized control and influence of the US Executive and subsequently IT world order (Musk, Altman, Zuckerberg are all beholden to the Thielverse), I feel that this is the greatest impact of a FAKE NEWS headline of 2024.

    “For decades, Thiel has been championing his libertarian worldview,”

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