What We Learned in 2024

by | Dec 22, 2024 | Newsletter | 39 comments

So, you wanna know what we learned this year?

Well, I can take two approaches here. Either I can be my usual sarcastic self and lampoon all the ridiculous things the establishment and their media lapdogs tried to shove down our throats this year or I can be sincere and highlight things that we really should learn from the preceding 12 months.

But, as the meme says:

In the interest of keeping everyone happy all the time, here are 5 Things the Establishment TRIED to Make Us Believe This Year and 5 Things We ACTUALLY Learned In 2024.




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  1. I don’t know what “we” have learned as I don’t participate much in the pop culture world. But what I have experienced is our society is truly breaking down (intentionally) in most all fields.

    Unable to get any customer service where the person helping you is much beyond just having worked flipping burgers and knows nothing about the product or service.

    The medical practice doesn’t heal, they just treat symptoms from the Big Pharma Book of Rules.

    Narcissistic behavior is becoming so common in people a fool will spray food with poison, filming it just to be liked by unknown strangers.

    The Democrat party is has lost all sight of what it means to hold office and work for best interest of the people, not just Israel and big bank accounts. The Republican party is filled with wimps and much like the Dems, uncaring. How could people be locked up for a J6 “insurrection” for years with no protesting by anyone in congress?

    But on the good side, I have seen youtube videos of the most amazing level of human love and cleverness by young people that it gives me some hope there is a possibility resistance.


    • I just watched a video about narcissistic psychopathy http://www.richardgannon.com. Com and for some reason, this video made me think of the old Colonials and, what I bieve, they see as their “master piece” – the U. S. A.
      Need I write more?

      Yes, let’s look at the bright side (whatever that is…) and…

      Make Love not War.

      • >>Need I write more?>>

        Not if you are talking about the United States being the creation of London. Because in 1604, a group of leading politicians, businessmen, merchants, manufacturers and bankers, met and formed a corporation called the Virginia Company in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans into the North American continent.

        The Virginia Company had two branches, the London Company and the Plymouth or New England Company.
        The former responsible for the first permanent colony in America at Jamestown on May 14th 1607. The latter were the so-called ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ who “arrived” on the Mayflower in November 1620.

        And after the original American colonies won their ‘independence’ and an ‘independent’ country was formed after 1783, the Virginia Company simply changed its name to… the United States of America.

        There are two USAs, a USA and a usA. The united states of America with a lower case ‘u’ and ‘s’ are the lands of the various states.
        The United States of America, capital ‘U’ and ‘S’, which is the 68 square miles of land on which is built the federal capital, Washington DC and the District of Columbia.

        That means the United States of America is not a country, it’s a corporation owned by the same bloodlines who owned the Virginia Company, because the USA is the Virginia Company.

        If that is not it, please let me know to what you are referring.

        Indeed, the bright side…we have consciousness, most have food, shelter, etc. and decent health and are optimistic whatever is going on in DC will be possibly in our best interest.

        Merry Christmas.

        “I’ve never been on a career path, I’ve been on a road to consciousness.”
        EJ Doyle

        • 🤗

          Thanks a lot – I didn’t know it all but, hereby added my human memory..

          I have – for years, cosentrated on the “zexy” (disgusting) Nordics – mainly DK/N and, the child-sex-trafficking which they have never stopped (I doubt any Colonial ever did) – as well as the Danish 100% lies to, mainly their own people – maybe especially the facts they’ve never sold the so-called “US-Virgin Island’s to anyone and off course the fact about the so-called “free” Africans down there.. In 2012 there were still people who have never officially been freed….. ++++ more than 800000 documents with everything and nothing…. And off course a wreck of a old slave ship found at the bottom of the ocean outside airways coast in 1974….the real first wreck found, filled with bodies of slaves – shackled in hands and feet – children!

          This last sentence of mine was what gave made ne ask people I trust, to save a note about this somewhere it will be found.. ending “and the Scandinavian even raped the sceletons”..

          And a ton more… But, I have to work…

          Have a good day and, thanks again for sharing… The Danish West Indian Company still exist and, still make money for the sperm infested owners of the island whichthey sold to their good friend Jeffrey Epstein….. YRGH.. it never stops..

          When you do this kind of resd

          • @Jetmab
            >>….the real first wreck found, filled with bodies of slaves – shackled in hands and feet – children! >>

            There is so much dark history that has been hidden from humans, the shock of the truth could be so difficult to bear.

            CAUGHT IN THE DREAM (song)

  2. Our town still has fluoride in the tap water. About six years ago, we put a referendum on the ballot to end fluoride. We lost the vote 3:1. There is no sign of removing the fluoride from the City Council this year. Our protests and letters are ignored.

    I learned that Governor Gavin Newsom is an even bigger asshole than I thought. Now he’s declared a Bird Flu Emergency.

    I learned that the people in power enjoy, really enjoy, killing people.

    • “….Now he’s declared a Bird Flu Emergency….”

      Yes, I heard about that. From what I hear zero person to person cases.

      Did anything actually happen about that? Are they doing stuff in the real world or is it just so they can spend extra money without whatever oversight they have?

      • Duck, It’s a power play by Gov. Newsom. In his Bird Flu Emergency, Newsom can shift funds anywhere he wishes. He can lockdown the state. He can put in travel restrictions. He can do all the crap he did during COVID.

  3. It seems to me that what we’ve learned is that it is possible to poison the population and people aid and abet the process
    that many people seem to have completely checked out
    that many people see the illusionary world of media and disposable, toxic materials and food as the world they relate to
    that many people are completely afraid of nature, of animals, themselves and their neighbors
    that facebook and all the other creepy mind controls are working really well
    that trump is suddenly the friend of most of the so-called freedom fighters
    am i wrong?

    at the same time, some of us haven’t bought in- but it’s a pretty small number
    but maybe that’s an illusion , because we only know the people we know and there may be scores of people who still love this earth and find nature a welcoming place to be a part of
    i hope so
    i hope people are brave enough to resist- i hope they make use of their imaginations, their self reflection, their morals and scruples and don’t give up on themselves and others
    mostly i hope that people really practice love, self respect, self reliance, and stay out of the pity palaces
    valeri in fairfax

    • @democracyiscoming
      >>…that many people are completely afraid of nature, of animals, themselves and their neighbors>>

      The consequence of the brilliant but SOCIOPATHIC controller’s agenda that has been in progress for decades. Create us/them paradigm division between everyone they can…states, nations, schools, sexes, races, etc. The fundamental tools of deception are the encouragement of FEAR and a belief in SCARCITY. We have been engineered into a perception prison of belief and held in place by shackles of fear.

      The controller’s propaganda arm is the entertainment business and media. Sovereign thinking and behavior has been surrendered for “safety” and combined with the digital world of lies, misdirection, canceling, etc. the populace has reacted like trained animals living in a victim mentality and narcissistic behavior.

      All one really has for sure to count on is their friends and family.
      Grab your mate and dance to this:


        • Thanks. I wrote about this sort of thing after months of research in 2020/2021.

          Free pdf download or watch the vid:
          LINE IN THE SAND (essay)

          And have sung about it:
          IT’S NOT A VACCINE (song)

          I am a pure blood/pure mind (50 years no TV/movies)
          Been working on deep state/Skull&Bones/Illuminati, etc. since 1972.

          I’ve reached a saturation limit on anything but the most simple information now. Countless books, lectures (private and public;) and more just gave me everything I need to know now.

          – – – – – – – – – – – – –
          “Are you a God?” they asked Buddha. “No he replied.”
          “Are you an Angel
          “A saint?” “No.”
          “Then what are you?”
          Replied the Buddah, “I am Awake.”

          Stay focused friend stay close to home.

    • A small number is not zero, though.

  4. All the best of luck to everyone in 2025. We are going to need every bit we can get.

    • mkey, “Luck” you mean all of a sudden all the bad guys are struck dead by lightning? Not gonna happen.

      • Well, actually, I was picturing pianos falling on baddie’s heads.

        But seriously, I wish no ill fate to the bad people. Even if you executed newsome today, do you think they don’t have a substitute psychopathic maniac ready to take his place tomorrow? No, I want these useful idiots to live to a ripe old age and for the people to laugh straight to their stupid faces and send them packing to their graves, completely powerless to affect anything.

        For this to happen, luck is going to be required, as it’s an equivalent of an event that occurs once in a billion trillion quadrillion years, something like sending a great big mountain crashing down by farting in its general direction.

        • mkey, Governor Newsom’s evil nature and decades of grooming by the evil ones are not easily replaced.
          Who are you, Gandhi?

  5. Jimmy Six Pack, “Hillary, the NFL announcer, just said that aliens are invading Newark.”
    Hillary Homemaker, “About time something happened in this town.”
    Jimmy, “They say we should go to the basement and bring peanut butter.”
    Hillary, “What? No fois gras?”
    Jimmy, “You aren’t taking this alien invasion seriously, are you?”
    Hillary, “If an alien shows up, we’ll give him a cookie.”

    • If the invasion won’t be televised, they won’t even notice.

      • mkey, The “invasion” will be televised in living color. Of course, those who are color blind will miss the green in the green men.

  6. JAMES CORBETT quote:
    ”The power belongs to us. It always has.”
    —- —–

    Do you remember?…
    The Mushroom Cloud and the Social Contract on Declare Your Independence on Nov 29, 2024?
    James Corbett and Ernie Hancock “discuss a new idea for Ernie to seed into the public consciousness with his activist efforts: namely, that the (fictional) social contract will spontaneously combust in the wake of a mushroom cloud.”

    – No War Narrative –
    The strategy had a preemptive approach.
    Getting the Trump train to wear the “no war narrative”, to own it, to be invested in it, to incorporate it into the self-image of patriotic virtue.

    Recently Comedian Rob Schneider did just that.
    The power of suggestion, the power of creating a narrative that others wear.
    It was like saying, “Here are your new clothes. Put them on.”

    Sunday December 22, 2024
    Comedian Rob Schneider speaks at Turning Point USA’s “AmericaFest” event in Phoenix, Arizona.
    12:37 QUEUED
    “President Trump, who will be on the stage very shortly, has been handed a mandate by the American people to rid our government agencies that have been captured by the industries they are supposed to regulate.
    To end the war in Ukraine, and the slaughter of all those people.
    To end the war in the Middle East.

    To make America….”


    Turning Point USA – AmericaFest
    Thousands of freedom-loving patriotic Americans will come together in one place to celebrate the end of the year after embarking on a serious grassroots effort to change the tide of America. Thanks to the support of 380,000+ grassroots patriots, Turning Point USA reaches and impacts millions of students on campus and online.
    …After months of hard work and dedication from college students and communities across the country, it’s time to let loose and enjoy four days of inspiring speakers, music, dancing, and celebration.
    AmericaFest is not just a party, it’s a gathering of like-minded individuals who have fought tirelessly to make a difference in their communities and in the nation as a whole.


  7. Yes or No – Do you still beat your Mother?

    NEWSWEEK “Fairness Meter”
    Like the lede question about your Mother, it is a trap.

    Recently, Newsweek reported that Tavares city leaders voted 4-1 to remove fluoride on 12/18/2024.

    At the bottom of the article is a Fairness Meter.
    “Newsweek is committed to journalism that’s factual and fair.
    Hold us accountable and submit your rating of this article on the meter.”

    But LOOK!…
    Unfair Left Leaning
    Mostly Fair Left Leaning
    Mostly Fair Right Leaning
    Unfair Right Leaning

    However, the designers of this Newsweek “Fairness Meter” are irrefutable proof that fluoride damages the brain.

  8. I guess that I must have learned something. But I still wonder why Hannity rhymes with sanity.

    I amusing myself to death, reading these comments. Our inexorable decline seems to follow large, deep patterns of civilizations and power.
    Strange Days have found us, as Jim Morrison noted, almost 60 yrs ago.

    • Hanky,
      You are becoming a philosopher more each day. I’d say these strange days come from having to much leisure. To much leisure produces boredom which manifests in perversions, and those are generally considered strange.

      • Too much idle leisure. I agree.
        Allow me to philosophize** on this point. (Insert emoji).
        But I think that this is pretty much unavoidable, especially considering overall trends in the population, at large. We are never going to just relinquish most of the wondrous advantages technology has bestown on us. Nor should we, ideally. But can we ever avoid the harmful and constant pitfalls of distractions and over-indulgence? Certainly not quickly, on a mass scale. Of course, current social engineers simply think that narrowing down our lives is a good answer. Just add poverty, and the desperations of war, and voila, we have removed the sins of luxury!* It reminds me of the cut and burn mentality of the ‘healthcare’ paradigm. Remove the obvious visible feature. Superficial symptomatic changes, but no deep changes in the direction of wellness, are addressed.
        The conquering nations always rise and fall. We have no difficult physical frontier to conquer now, which once made us super tough (generalizing to the whole American population, again). Moralizing and analyzing will be in vain to oppose the slide to physical, mental, and spiritual sloth. You cannot enforce truly expanded awareness and spiritual evolution on even one other adult, let alone a whole society. We can work on ourselves, however, to overcome our mental inertia and reflexive defensive attitudes. This would require a turn from away from narcissism, and a turn towards an artful form of self-criticism that is not neurotic. Good luck.

        * Perhaps the aliens or plagues can help us with this, wiping out our comforts, and replacing them with fun new forms of terror and war. If we are nice, we may just be allowed assistance from Climate Change tm, instead.
        ** Don’t encourage me!

    • Well if it rhymes with insanity it must be on the lame Main Stream Dinosaur Media. Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes tell us what 13 years of The Corbett Report has been saying.


      Now ,which of those shell companies demo’d those asbestos laden buildings without the proper permits from the NYC Port Authority?

      Come on Leslie! Dig in there with those hard questions.

  9. “Knowledge is not power, execution is power.”
    Pam Popper

    On this side of the border, solutions take the form of action , action in learning .
    Pam Popper runs a clinic in Ohio to the betterment of people. You could substitute a word or two and solutions could be applied to political care as well as healthcare. She offers some Sage advice.


  10. Can’t get your link to work, but recognize your gal from another time you sent us a video.

    Found a vid of hers on utube. Just today said i need to have a convo w/ Next Door about using weight loss dope. Again. Hope she has stopped by now.

    Past late here… Want my supper/breakfast & pie…

    Happy New Yearing Y’all!!!

    idk where your Dr. buddy hails from, but some info is here:

    • Thanks for the heads-up Miss King.
      Working now.
      Happy Yappy Everything, 2025

    • Miss King,
      I have bad news. I might as well promise to write a book as figure this cut,copy paste ,sent,transfer or otherwise pass any inspiring opportunities to learn how to come up with solutions. I’m sorry, I’m not able.
      Might as well write a book…

  11. Correction suggestion:

    “Of course, the knowledge that our resistance has an impact is an insight now unique to this year.”

    now -> not.

  12. Thanks for the great article and encouragement, James.

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