Episode 468 – An Announcement From the Ministry of Toothbrushes

by | Oct 23, 2024 | Podcasts, Videos | 6 comments

Good news, comrades! This year the Ministry of Toothbrushes will not only meet its production quota, but exceed it! And what’s more, the technocrats have devised the one and only toothbrush that you will ever need (or be allowed to purchase)! . . . But some are questioning whether government is needed to produce toothbrushes at all. Let’s nip that heresy in the bud, shall we? . . .

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  1. Wonderful job by the Ministry of Toothbrushes! I always said you you had it in you, toothbrushwise.

    On a more serious note, I recall reading some years back that in ancient China, (10,000 years ago?) the Empire regulated the tuning of musical instruments. The understanding was that music is a powerful influence on society, so tunings were carefully managed in order to maintain harmony not only on earth, but also between earth and heaven. Tunings changed with the seasons of course, and tuner police checked up on musicians throughout the realm. Penalties for non compliance were not mentioned.

    Sorry to say I long ago lost track of that original article, or book, or whatever it was.

    I do not immediately discount these ideas. I too think that music is a powerful influence. I’d love to run some Bach or Tchaikovsky by the ancient Music Police. Not to mention, say, some fusion jazz, rock n roll, and a bit of death metal. I’d love to get their feedback.

  2. The only legitimate purpose for government is to supply other governments with weapons of war so that they can slaughter innocent civilians.
    Right Walter Block?

  3. While I strongly agree with the fundamental point that technocracy seeks to remove democratic and consumer choice..

    I’m sure everyone round here has heard of Anthony Sutton’s ‘Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists” and ‘Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis ‘.

    So it was the most extreme form of free market capitalism (banksterism) that created the planned economies of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Lenin and Trotsky’s revolution was orchestrated, funded by bankers. Marx and Engels were protected by the British government as they fomented revolution in upcoming European rival Germany.

    At the end of apartheid, the British had a problem. The ANC was communist. MI6 recruited a right wing lawyer called ‘Nelson Mandela’ who by the miracle of the free market made South African blacks much worse off than they had been under apartheid.

  4. There is a current local story about a bus owner who is trying to stop state regulation of bus services.

    Sandy Easdale (now a billionaire) was a drug dealing Greenock gangster who bought taxi and bus companies for money laundering purposes . He now controls all the independent bus companies in central Scotland due to his intimidating reputation.


    In my view, if there was no state we would find ourselves over run by criminals. Like Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Boeing, Moderna, JP Morgan Chase, JFK’s pal Sam Giancana, the CIA and so on.

  5. While it’s too early in the gloomy frozen chemtrailed day to make any intelligent comments, I’m gobsmacked at your choice of topics, again.
    No wonder I finally found that three-weeks-missing tooothbrush yesterday.

  6. “Who will build the roads? ” Well, there’s a lot to unpack in that question. A lot of hidden agendas there.
    Who? or with what? The concern is with the continuance of the machine and money way of “building the roads”.
    That’s how one person makes lots of money while others stand idle.

    I can answer that question though. First response is “I’ll help”.
    Seems that’s what folks said to one another all up and down the west coast US some few years ago.
    I was told so by a couple from Spain. They had gone to Burning Man to be married. Finding themselves in the dreaded US, they decided to check out the famed west coast.
    They too were gobsmacked. People were friendly, and took them home with them to visit and stay. And during their visits , they repeatedly would hear, in local gatherings, one person talk about a work project they were planning, and then hear near everyone listening immediately offer to help them with the project.
    This surprised the young couple from Spain. They told me that folks are not that way in Europe. And it’s true.
    An older woman from Sweden once told me how identically 100 per cent white Swedes will despise one another simply because they live in different towns.
    Alcoholic Europe.

    “Indian Running” Peter Nabokov

    Intelligent of you to pass up going to Sedona. Magnificent eye candy; attracts power trippers as does Mt. Shasta. But the worst of it is the roundabouts

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