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Good news, comrades! This year the Ministry of Toothbrushes will not only meet its production quota, but exceed it! And what’s more, the technocrats have devised the one and only toothbrush that you will ever need (or be allowed to purchase)! . . . But some are questioning whether government is needed to produce toothbrushes at all. Let’s nip that heresy in the bud, shall we? . . .
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Liberty on the Rocks 2024 – Use coupon code corbett5 for 5% off (and to support me)
Liberty On The Rocks 2023 – The Sedona Sessions – Now streaming
Pandora’s Box – “Part 1: The Engineers’ Plot”
Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth
Leonard Read’s “I, Pencil”
Wonderful job by the Ministry of Toothbrushes! I always said you you had it in you, toothbrushwise.
On a more serious note, I recall reading some years back that in ancient China, (10,000 years ago?) the Empire regulated the tuning of musical instruments. The understanding was that music is a powerful influence on society, so tunings were carefully managed in order to maintain harmony not only on earth, but also between earth and heaven. Tunings changed with the seasons of course, and tuner police checked up on musicians throughout the realm. Penalties for non compliance were not mentioned.
Sorry to say I long ago lost track of that original article, or book, or whatever it was.
I do not immediately discount these ideas. I too think that music is a powerful influence. I’d love to run some Bach or Tchaikovsky by the ancient Music Police. Not to mention, say, some fusion jazz, rock n roll, and a bit of death metal. I’d love to get their feedback.
Part of my expansion of reality/consciousness started with both the pragmatic and metaphysical aspects of music. It started with my Italian grandfather’s 78rpm records of opera and artists from Enrico Caruso to Mario Lanza.
The pop music of my teens wasn’t very interesting to me but sometimes fun for dancing, etc.
Later I developed a taste for jazz and classical, a great fondness for the Baroque. As an Armymedic in Stuttgart, our secretary, a German citizen, had season tickets at the beautiful Stuttgart concert hall and I was able to attend for free and saw the Stuttgart Symphonic do the Brandenburg Concerto, my most favorite piece.
In college after the Army I was introduced to the wealth of esoteric and such concepts about sound and music making. Often a bunch of us would sit around the living room high on hash or pot and spontaneously start playing rhythms on everything from pots and pans to actual bongos and such quite often all ending on the exact beat.
The influence of Eastern music, meditation, chanting, etc. introduced us to the power of sound making. Later, spending lots of time with Native Americans the true understanding for me became a tool of healing and manifestation. At one point the Shaman I was studying with in San Diego had a connection with medicine men and women in Teotihuacan and was gifted with ceremonial whistles over 100 years old for us to use in healing circles.
In the 90’s a friend and band member who was a sound editor for Francis Coppola and I went into a huge storage tank under construction at the C&H Sugar refinery in Crockett, CA where I lived. It had a fantastic reverberation rate and we took in a clarinet, bass and alto recorders, etc. and my tape recorder. The event became quite amazing as it was about 9pm and the huge sheet metal plates of the tank were cooling off and as we played and sang every once in awhile the tank would “twitch” and create a loud, mystical echoing that was right in conjunction with our music.
>>…tunings were carefully managed in order to maintain harmony not only on earth, but also between earth and heaven.>>
Yes indeed, if one detaches from the nonsense pop culture “music” of today the magic of sound making can be found.
A girl friend (concert pianist) and I went to a place in SF called The Audium that was a small geodesic dome within a building that had dozens and dozens of small speakers all over the ceiling/walls. They lowered the lights and the most interesting “sound” concert was done using different patterns of “hot” speakers.
One of my “gifts” that I have shared for over 50 years is my own songwriting and music. I often leave links here to my BitChute channel to share it. It is a combination of observations of human behavior from decades of social, political and professional psychological experience called Brain Food.
The only legitimate purpose for government is to supply other governments with weapons of war so that they can slaughter innocent civilians.
Right Walter Block?
While I strongly agree with the fundamental point that technocracy seeks to remove democratic and consumer choice..
I’m sure everyone round here has heard of Anthony Sutton’s ‘Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists” and ‘Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis ‘.
So it was the most extreme form of free market capitalism (banksterism) that created the planned economies of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Lenin and Trotsky’s revolution was orchestrated, funded by bankers. Marx and Engels were protected by the British government as they fomented revolution in upcoming European rival Germany.
At the end of apartheid, the British had a problem. The ANC was communist. MI6 recruited a right wing lawyer called ‘Nelson Mandela’ who by the miracle of the free market made South African blacks much worse off than they had been under apartheid.
Did you also know that Chairman Mao was at attendant at Yale-in-China?
“Yale has helped many young men begin their political rise to power. In the class of 1919, in addition to the 1,000 male leaders graduating in New Haven, Yale-in-China was helping a young man by the name of Mao-Tse-tung. “
Yes, that Yale.
Fascinating, thanks.
Oxford has a similar programme (Rhodes Scholarship) which captured global political superstar Bill Clinton.
What makes a “free market” or a capitalist? Read political philosopher Ayn Rand: “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal”. She grew up middle class under a mixed economic system in Russia, with some property rights, but which converted to communism, the 100% abolition of property rights. She lived thru the hell of forced collectivism, assigned living quarters. She escaped to America, only to have the political madness follow her. She saw businesspersons conspire with authority to form monopolies, while claiming to support property rights they violated. Benito called this “fascism”. She observed it to be no better than communism. It is at first, short term, but not long term.
China, under Mao, suffered until he died, then quickly, secretly started to allow some private property, fascism. It worked wonders, until it didn’t.
My point: Claims must be backed by facts. A capitalist doesn’t seek and support economic protectionism. A confused socialist might, and believe it was capitalism. One can’t be both, simultaneously.
The way to attack a concept you despise but can’t discredit honestly is to misrepresent it by mixing it with a contradictory concept forming an oxymoron. Rand called this term “the stolen concept”. Don’t be fooled by sophistry.
I couldn’t agree more. However there are unanswered questions presented in your broad idea. Ayn Rand , not my favorite but a person who makes an answer an illusive thing when looking at the questions she raises. That could be applied to the Editor- en-Chief and the biggest philosopher in the room. Can you flesh that out a little? Since I can’t find a book, a manifesto of the Editor I’m certainly keen to your last cautionary line , ” don’t be fooled by sophistry.”
There’s a lot of that going around here .
Some source material on common fallacies, 22 as a matter of fact.
Ayn’s works include, “The Virtue of Selfishness”, “For the New Intellectual”, “Intro to Objectivist Epistemology”. She wrote a monthly magazine “The Objectivist” for years, dealing with current events.
Three of her fiction works have been made into movies, “Atlas Shrugged”, “Fountainhead”, and “We the Living”. She wrote on art, “Romantic Manifesto”.
See her complete works at “The Atlas Society”.
Ayn has evoked two responses, strong admiration and vicious hatred, but not neutrality.
Thank you , I will. If I can find the answer to my question about the Editor- en-Chief there, I will be delighted.
According to his original autobiography book cover, Obama was born in Kenya.
Obama’s grandmother was a vice president of the Bank of Hawaii
It is likely his mother, father and step father worked for the CIA.
A Fox News investigation accidentally discovered that Obama never attended Columbia University.
A prominent Muslim claimed he got Obama into Harvard (YouTube)
John Pilger discovered Obama worked for a CIA front company (BIC)
He covered up the 2008 crash for the banks and bailed them out.
He’s a big time criminal.
You think? Q E was a complete theft and no doubt gave some juice to Fauci handlers / crooks to pull the next heist. It’s all gone South. Upside down and backwards. I can’t find any integrity outside my front door. Which leads back to my original post . Sophistry and the editor-en-chief. Time lines and locations coinkydinks. I’m just hoping someone has something good to say about it with conviction. The more American the better. Golbalism has no idea what a native American is capable of.
The problem is that corporations seek monopoly conditions, that’s why there are anti trust laws. They also make enormous efforts to influence governments (lobbying) and you could call that fascism. The real world is dirty and it always will be.
A memo was found naming all the people City group wanted in Obama’s cabinet. It matched all but one. Obama is probably the biggest scam perpetrated by the CIA. That’s another angle on this, the security agencies whose cold, unseen ghostly hands manipulate everything.
There is a current local story about a bus owner who is trying to stop state regulation of bus services.
Sandy Easdale (now a billionaire) was a drug dealing Greenock gangster who bought taxi and bus companies for money laundering purposes . He now controls all the independent bus companies in central Scotland due to his intimidating reputation.
In my view, if there was no state we would find ourselves over run by criminals. Like Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Boeing, Moderna, JP Morgan Chase, JFK’s pal Sam Giancana, the CIA and so on.
If it were not for the gubment, most of these entities would not even exist.
Very true.
“In my view, if there was no state we would find ourselves over run by criminals. Like Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Boeing, Moderna, JP Morgan Chase, JFK’s pal Sam Giancana, the CIA and so on.”
Isn’t that the case now though?
They are simply using the tool (or tools 🙂 ) of state as a proxy which lends an air of legitimacy to their rule. Also, it’s not those corporations per-se that are running the show as much as the creeps who own them. It’s easy to close, merge or rename a corporation giving the illusion of something good happening but the owners are still behind whatever comes next.
“Isn’t that the case now though?” They are simply using the tool (or tools 🙂 ) of state as a proxy which lends an air of legitimacy to their rule.
Yes it is. Thanks. Absolutely spot on. The United States resembles a country with little regulatory control of corporations.
“Also, it’s not those corporations per-se that are running the show as much as the creeps who own them”.
Yes, that’s Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street who not only own everything but also (apparently) each other. In financial terms individual corporations are an illusion because they have a single owner. Some corporations are criminal but they all benefit from loose regulation and legal implementation.
What about the privately owned Federal Reserve that has so much power ? America is a vast machine that transfers wealth from poor to rich. Public private partnership (the basic mechanism) will continue to be deeply embedded in the new world order according to the WEF.
Govt. = the biggest gang of thugs, with a distinction, namely it claims to protect/serve, and thereby is excused as well meaning but ignorant, incompetent, or partially corrupt. Why the “willful blindness”? Why pretend that a failed coercive politics isn’t just that? Abolish it! Stop supporting it and switch over to a tiny, local, voluntary governing system based on reason, rights, choice.
Do you believe a giggling bozo like Kamala Harris will be running the country ? It will continue to be run by big business and its army of lobbyists. The pipeline of money flowing to Ukraine ends up in the storage tanks of the American arms industry.
The tail is wagging the donkey.
While it’s too early in the gloomy frozen chemtrailed day to make any intelligent comments, I’m gobsmacked at your choice of topics, again.
No wonder I finally found that three-weeks-missing tooothbrush yesterday.
Maybe get an organite cloud buster.
Helps clear the sky . I’m going to make one soon
“Who will build the roads? ” Well, there’s a lot to unpack in that question. A lot of hidden agendas there.
Who? or with what? The concern is with the continuance of the machine and money way of “building the roads”.
That’s how one person makes lots of money while others stand idle.
I can answer that question though. First response is “I’ll help”.
Seems that’s what folks said to one another all up and down the west coast US some few years ago.
I was told so by a couple from Spain. They had gone to Burning Man to be married. Finding themselves in the dreaded US, they decided to check out the famed west coast.
They too were gobsmacked. People were friendly, and took them home with them to visit and stay. And during their visits , they repeatedly would hear, in local gatherings, one person talk about a work project they were planning, and then hear near everyone listening immediately offer to help them with the project.
This surprised the young couple from Spain. They told me that folks are not that way in Europe. And it’s true.
An older woman from Sweden once told me how identically 100 per cent white Swedes will despise one another simply because they live in different towns.
Alcoholic Europe.
“Indian Running” Peter Nabokov
Intelligent of you to pass up going to Sedona. Magnificent eye candy; attracts power trippers as does Mt. Shasta. But the worst of it is the roundabouts
We may choose to collaborate while insisting on negotiated compensation. It’s not “wage slavery” or nothing.
Worldwide, engineers prefer to work a SpaceX or Tesla, before NASA or Ford. Why? It’s day & night, an inspiring CEO or product over a public bureaucracy or a private one building an inferior product.
Okay James, you’re starting to convince me of your vision of anarchy. It’s not exactly what I thought it was. I still don’t have the optimism that you do that it will happen this side of the return of Christ. Great video. Happy Hump Day!
I read the Bible. I saw one contradiction after another. 1. I gave you free will so you could choose what I want for you. 2. Study these 10 “commandants” (not life suggestions) and if you don’t obey them I will torture you for eternity, without reprieve. (This I call “love”.)
Why would I put you, God, #1, over all gods? What’s in it for me to be ruled, instead of rule myself? Isn’t it “my life” not yours? Don’t I get to use my “free will”? Or, is it not really “free”, but with inhuman, horrible threats?
I just want to my one life to be mine because I live by reason, NOT faith.
RE: Episode 468 – An Announcement From the Ministry of Toothbrushes of Wednesday October 23.
This Corbett Report pre-release was an excellent way to promote Liberty on the Rocks 2024 – The Voluntaryism Conference November 1-3, 2024 (Fri, Sat, Sun)
5 minute mark
After announcing this year’s production target of toothbrushes,
Floss Compers, Overlord of the Ministry of Toothbrushes says:
”I will allow you a moment to process this wonderful news.”
…long, long solemn PAUSE 🙂 That pause had me grinning.
The satire script was superb! (And it was nice to hear Broc West’s voice in there.)
I was floored…
At the 13 minute mark, James Corbett remarks, ”the idea that government would ever actually try to do this is so obviously UNREALISTIC”…
… “But… If that is what you guessed, you guessed wrong!
You see, you might have thought the idea of a government attempting to control the production of TOOTHBRUSHES is stupid, silly, out there satire.
But I’m here to inform you that it is stone cold reality.”
Then follows clips from 1992 – Adam Curtis
Pandora’s Box – Part 1: The Engineers’ Plot (linked in the shownotes)
That was a nice finishing touch, when Corbett says:
”We’re going to leave it here today with the international anthem of the glorious state of Technocracy Inc.
Everybody Wants to Rule the World”
QUEUED VIDEO (with custom images)
From the anthem video:
NOTE the obsolete spelling of choice (i.e. choise)
Obsolete – No longer in use, and (of a term) no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated. See Wiktionary: Obsolete and archaic terms. Distinguish: an obsolete term is no longer in use, while the thing it once referred to may or may not exist; a historical term is still in use, but refers to a thing which no longer exists.
Great example of central planning. Coincidental to your toothbrush skit, the Daily Mail runs an article on supervised toothbrushing:
“full of beans” idiom in U.S. meaning: “not correct or truthful : full of nonsense”
EX: You be ‘full of beans’ if you think your vote counts.
Mexican FOOD Technocracy
During the summer of 2024, Mexico had their national election for representatives.
President Claudia Sheinbaum assumed office on October 1.
Tuesday October 22, 2024 – Associated Press via Yahoo
Mexico announces food and agriculture plan that could take the country back to the 1980s
~~WWW yahoo.com/news/mexico-announces-food-agriculture-plan-190008509.html
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s new president announced an agriculture plan Tuesday that could make the country’s food production and distribution look a lot more like it did in the 1980s, when meals in Mexico were dominated by tortillas, beans, instant coffee and cheap hot chocolate.
Four decades ago, the ingredients for those meals were often bought at government stores that stocked a few basic goods.
President Claudia Sheinbaum pledged Tuesday to revive those often shabby, limited government stores and continue efforts to achieve “food sovereignty.”
“It is about producing what we eat,” Sheinbaum said of her policy, whose main focus will be on increasing bean and corn production.
Sheinbaum appears to have a deep interest in boosting beans. On Monday, she said, “It is much better to eat a bean taco than a bag of potato chips.”
Agriculture Secretary Julio Berdegué said the focus would be on guaranteeing prices for farmers who grow corn used for tortillas and lowering tortilla prices by 10% after prices jumped a couple of years ago.
The government aims to boost bean production by about 30% in six years to replace imports of beans, and will set up research centers to supply higher-yielding bean seeds.
“Self-sufficiency in beans is a goal the president has set for us,” Berdegué said.
The government will also focus on supporting coffee production, but mainly for instant coffee, which it claims is used by 84% of Mexican households. The plan will also seek to support cocoa production, but mainly for powdered baking and hot chocolate, not fine chocolate bars…
[Current consumption trends explained in article.]
… The agriculture plan comes one day after Sheinbaum announced a complete “junk food” ban on salty, fried, processed snacks or sweetened beverages and soft drinks in schools, starting within six months.
But the government’s track record in actually changing consumer behavior is poor, columnist Javier Tejado wrote Tuesday in the newspaper El Universal. He reminded readers that the government banned junk food advertisements aimed at children in 2014.
“The result after ten years of prohibitions?” Tejado wrote.
“Things are worse than when they started in 2014; Mexicans have decided to keep consuming things they like.”
Even if you are correct, it is wrong to violate personal sovereignty. Why would you if truth, facts, reality are on your side? Why would you need physical force when you have logic?
Some may not listen, true. Also true, ITS THEIR LIFE, NOT YOURS! “Live & let live”. Respect!
James .
You are so smart and entertaining. You are a very inspiring person.
I’ve been watching you since your utube days .
I wanted to go to the event in Bath , but time, money and health didn’t allow that .
Just wanted to drop in and say thank you.
Much love. Im x
Wed Oct 23
Proof that the Federal Reserve cannot control interest rates
On Wed September 18, it was the first time in four years that the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates. They lowered the federal funds rate by 1/2 percentage point, 50 basis points.
Corbett published “the Ministry of Toothbrushes” on Wed October 23, coincidently the same day as the Markets recognized that the Federal Reserve technocracy was impotent at controlling the economy.
Oct 23
Gareth Soloway of Verified Investing says:
“We have the stock market heading lower in early trading. This is mostly based on the back of Yields going higher. So much talk over the last 24 to 48 hours about how much US debt is right now – 35 and change TRILLION.
And then, how no candidate running for President is going to be any sort of fiscally responsible candidate, and that again is causing concern.
What are we seeing? Well, we’re seeing yields go higher.
So remember the FED cutting 50 basis points just a month and a half ago. (Sept 18)
Well guess what?! Yields have done nothing. Interest rates have done nothing but go higher since then. Really remarkable.”
Gareth continues,
”Everyone likes to say how the Federal Reserve is in control. They control interest rates, and…that’s partially correct. It’s not all the way correct. As long as things remain okay, then the FED can control rates.
The problem is that ultimately if things get crazy, like the US debt continues to go nuts, no candidate for President is willing to even go near it and just wants to print print print print print — eventually the Markets take over, just like a parent comes in and says: “No no no no no, This is going to be where rates are going to be.”
So, the FED can only do so much.
And we’re seeing it here with the FED cutting rates and then rates actually going high, higher,
Remember that folks:
The markets will eventually put the market or the system underneath its thumb and make it do what it wants to do.”
CHART – 10 year Treasury Yield
The yield on the 10-year US Treasury note rose to 4.23% on Wednesday Oct 23, its highest in three months, as the outlook of expansionary fiscal policy magnified concerns of stubborn inflation and drove markets to expect a lower magnitude of rate cuts by the Federal Reserve….
According to the 10 year / 2 Year Yield Curve un-inversion, we will likely see an “official” recession in the coming months.
Here is the Federal Reserve CHART with previous recessions noted…
CHART – Stock Market Cycles
Does the Treasury notes fund these wars going on ? Will the notes for the support of these wars be payed back ? Win or lose how will we get a return on our investment in these democratic forces? Is that all we get , the spreding of Democracy in those lawless poorly run governments?
I ask you this as I would a neighbor across the fence.
Maybe John Titus and K. Austin-Fitts may have answered my agitated questions your chart share gave me. Thanks, hope all is well in the Empire of Texas.
GBW, Interesting teaser video by Titus and CAF.
U.S. Debt and U.S. Treasuries
National debt, also known as federal debt or public debt, is the historical accumulation of the U.S. federal government’s financial obligations.
The national debt increases when the federal government is in a budget deficit, meaning it plans to spend more than it’ll make over the year.
The government borrows money to fill this deficit by selling securities (i.e TREASURIES) to the public (debt held by the public) and to other arms of government (intragovernmental debt).
The above link (dated May 2024) shows debt by President.
It also states:
In February of 2024, the Government Accountability Office projected that by 2028, debt held by the public will increase to 106% of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), the highest proportion of the GDP ever. By 2025, the debt is projected to make up 200% of the GDP.
Japan is one of the major buyers for U.S. debt, for U.S. Treasuries.
Eventually, there will come a time when entities will not want to buy U.S. bonds (Treasuries).
The BOND market is massive! Much larger that the stock market.
Every country sells bonds to finance its debt.
A bond is a promise to pay a certain interest rate in exchange for the borrowed money.
Cities and Counties and School Districts, all kinds of corporations…all will sell bonds in order to borrow money.
It is a massive marketplace.
An interesting aspect to the bond market is the real estate market.
Taxing authorities (cities, counties, school districts) levy taxes on the property values.
Right now, property values are starting to slump in many regions…and will probably take a deep dive eventually because they are so over-valued.
Many of the property values were synthetically inflated.
This will affect the bond market because those government entities will have a hard time paying back their bonds.
It is a real mess…a real ponzi scheme…and buried in a morass of documents which are hard to see or audit.
If this ruse is exposed, all hell will break loose.
Thank you, hands full of unfamiliar items need messaging to become familiar when not used daily.
I appreciate you knowing and sharing.
I couldn’t get the corbett5 coupon code to work on the Liberty on the Rocks site, ended up having to use Broze5 to get the discount.
Thanks for letting me know. I passed your problem on to The Art of Liberty and they have corrected the coupon code so it’s working properly now.
Government says people do NOT have the right to any food they wish
John Moody tells his story of fighting the FDA on the Raw Milk front.
[John Moody won! Learn how it was done by individuals joining together with “I will not comply” in the following video.]
In the FDA legal brief, the agency said,
“There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular kind of food.”
“Comprehensive federal regulation of the food supply has been in effect at least since Congress enacted the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906… Thus, plaintiffs’ claim to a fundamental privacy interest in obtaining ‘foods of their own choice’ for themselves and their families is without merit.”
“There is no generalized right to bodily and physical health.”
“plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish.”
Friday October 18 – Dr. Eric Berg, D.C.
This Is CRAZY!
31:51 minute VIDEO
Take a stand to protect farmers’ rights and stop animal EID! Join us at the Rogue Food Conference to help stop mandatory animal ID laws that threaten our rights.
The USDA has proposed a new bill that requires electronic tagging of livestock to protect the environment, but could there be more to it? Interview with homesteader John Moody.
0:00 Introduction: This is CRAZY!
0:50 Welcome, John Moody!
1:13 Electronic identification of livestock
4:20 What’s the real agenda?
9:54 EID and the National Animal Identification System (NAIS)
16:28 How can I help support farmers?
20:06 The Rogue Food Conference
23:00 John Moody raided! – [RAW MILK – threat of jail and huge fines.]
[Much more of a description and links in the video shownotes.]
Rogue Food Conference – Ft Worth TEXAS Nov 8 & 9
The Rogue Food Conference organized by Joel Salatin works to organize pushback against regulations that make it difficult for the public to access real food from farmers.
Come learn how to stop RFID (radio frequency animal ID) EID (electronic animal ID) and other bad legislation, rebuild local butchering options outside the system, Raw Milk and Food Freedom strategies, and more.
Speakers include Joel Salatin, John Moody, Shawn and Amy Kelley, and more. (e.g. Representative Hageman)
Friday, Saturday, November 8th and 9th in northern Ft. Worth
The Met Church
11301 N Riverside Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76244
Near Golden Triangle Blvd off I-35W
Hageman Introduces Bill to Block Mandatory EID Ear Tags – PRESS RELEASE
EXCERPTS from the Press Release (above)
“A rule requiring electronic ear tags for cattle and bison means the government will know where every animal is and who owns it,”
said Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY).
“This will allow the government to build a registry, which is the first step needed to ban cattle in accordance with the Left’s anti-agriculture climate policies. Congress should stand up for American farmers and ranchers by blocking the electronic ear tag rule.”
“We need look no further than what happened in Ireland to recognize the threat of a USDA-driven EID mandate.”
“In early 2022 Ireland adopted an EID mandate, and by August 2023, its government was reporting that they needed to slaughter as many as 41,000 head of livestock – not because of a disease outbreak, but because of so called “climate change.”
A mandatory EID simply gives the federal government too much power.”
— Congresswoman Harriet Hageman
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
On May 9, 2024, APHIS issued the final rule which amends animal disease traceability regulations to require bison and cattle eartags to be both visually and electronically readable to be recognized as official eartags for interstate movement.
In 2013, APHIS created the animal disease traceability framework which recognizes visually readable tags, brands, tattoos, and breed registry certificates as official identification. This system continues to succeed and keep the U.S. as the producer of the highest quality meat in the world. APHIS’ proposed rule acknowledges this successful disease traceability system stating “Foreign animal diseases such as FMD have been largely excluded from the United States.
Thank you James! It gave a deeper understanding of just how anarchic we are ! I’m coming out with a new brand of diapers for politicians and corpulent kids, it’s DNC approved and the government has promised a yearly stipend! So , please go out and purchase a box of Nancy’s and Nadler’s nasty nappies, if you don’t your a Jackass “donkey” sizes are available for elephants too! Use the code ” Uniparty whore ” for 50% off your first order !
I hope you offer a bulk discount for those poopy catchers.
My region is loaded with dip-shits.
This is crazy, indeed. Batshit crazy, to be more specific. Imagine the hubris of those insane folk over at FDA.
Can someone please reconcile authoritarian workplace with a “voluntary” system, and call it “liberty”?
Nicely done!
VOTING in Texas
Nov 5th in the U.S. is the end of this voting season.
I no longer vote. It has been ages since I last voted, so I wanted to find out how they do it…
Q – What will I need in order to vote in person on election day or during early voting?
Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID at the polling place:
Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS
Texas Handgun License issued by DPS
United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
United States Passport (book or card)
Evidently, reports of crooked voting machines are coming in during early voting.
Oct 22, 2024 – Dallas Express – By Carlos Turcios
Tarrant Man Insists Machine Flipped His Presidential Vote From Trump To Harris
…But Carpenter says he encountered an issue. Although he insists he had selected former President Donald Trump as his choice, the printed ballot showed Vice President Kamala Harris instead.
“I went to the White Settlement Library to place my vote. Upon completing my ballot, I checked it on the voting machine monitor not once but twice before hitting the accept. All my selected candidates were correct. I hit the accept button and the paper ballot printed out,” Carpenter shared with The Dallas Express.
Carpenter then reported the incident to the election workers present at the site.
“As I checked that my selection for president had changed to the other candidate, I reported it to the staff controlling the poll. They took the ballot and gave me another one. They said they would destroy the first ballot, but they seemed to keep the bar code and only destroyed the text. The whole thing seemed a little out of control. They did not stop use of the machine I used to have it checked for mal functions,” Carpenter explained….
No ID required here in New York State. I intend to vote only on state and local representatives and a state proposal that would give trans rights in sports, etc., with little hope to outvote the woke democrat majority. With WWIII in the horizon, I don’t really think it matters much.
It’s worse than toothbrushes, and while I hate to post a link from X, I couldn’t resist when I saw that Elon has stuff in common with James. (Hi James. 🙂 Yes, I’m a bad man)
This story of strangulation by over-regulation from Elon Musk about the government requiring SpaceX to asses whether their rockets could potentially hit SHARKS and WHALES is side-splittingly hilarious.
Perhaps worth mention given US elections… is Vermin Supreme.
‘Why would you settle for the lesser of evils? Vote Vermin Supreme!”
Mandatory laws that will require tooth brushing are his agenda!
He also promotes pony based economics, and zombie power!
Nicer, I hope he wins. Best candidate I’ve seen so far.
My ideology is obviously better than yours as it can clearly solve all our needs, and wait till you see its coming Golden Age!
PS: in theory.