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via TheLastAmericanVagabond.com: Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss the recent regime change in Syria and the many moving parts of this developing story. We discuss the history of the war on Syria and the many players involved, including the West’s creation and development of the terrorist groups that currently control the destabilized nation. We also discuss the ongoing drone conversation and how this might play a part.
A Brief History of the War on Syria
Death of Syria by Eric Margolis
Syria After Assad: What to Know About HTS, Hezbollah, and Iran
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA
HTS Leader Julani Says Syria Won’t Be Used as a ‘Launchpad’ To Attack Israel
Abu Mohammad al-Julani: Putting lipstick on a pig
Bashar al-Assad releases first statement since he fled Syria
Syrian Girl on X: “The Syrian army didn’t run, they were ordered to stand down.” (video of soldier)
Report: Ukraine Sent Drones and Drone Operators to HTS Before Offensive That Ousted Assad
Report: Netanyahu Orders IDF To Occupy Syria’s Mount Hermon Until End of 2025
Al-Qaeda’s Specter in Syria from CFR.org
In a world where events that occurred in recent history: Covid, 2008 Banking Crisis, Syria, Iran, Iraq, 9/11, “assassination” attempt on Zion Don, Maui Fire, and so many other events, the main stream interpretations of these events has been misleading, inaccurate, distorted or lies, yet for most people this does not make main stream interpretations of historical events suspect, as it should. If you can’t get honest main stream accounts of what is happening now, why would you trust main stream history from hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. It should all be seen as propaganda, a desire to see things from a very particular perspective. As they say, history is written by the victors, sadly, most people don’t realize who the victors truly are, it ain’t us.
Syria, is and was all about Eretz Yisrael and the home of the Zionist NWO. They are making space for the returning Diaspora, that will leave the West when they pull the plug on America and Europe. The event that will be praised by the Zionist Christian cult because that means “Christ is on his way”…unbelievable people still buy into this nonsense in 2024/25. I guess if you can believe Zion Don is going to MAGA, you can believe anything. They invert the truth, and what is the opposite of MAGA…
Just about everything disastrous event, historically speaking, that has been a product of “human” endeavor has been at the hands of the secret society, the Masons/Zionists/Sabbatians.
-Burning of the Library of Alexandria-they stole the knowledge they wanted, then burned the place (multiple times to cover their tracks.
The Abrahamic “religions”-A blueprint for world domination. Giving banking over to one group of people. Oh yeah, nothing suspicious there.
-The plague-they introduced it to Europe, just like they did to the Americas, and dropped diseased bodies in the wells.
US-“Civil War”
“French” Revolution: Jacobins
Taking Control of Bank of England: https://www.donaldwatkins.com/post/the-rothschilds-controlling-the-world-s-money-supply-for-more-than-two-centuries
“Russian Revolution: Bolsheviks
Central Banking: Communist Financial Centralization.
WW1 & 2
Iraq War
Syrian War
Venezuela and many other Central and South American countries, through debt, drugs and destabilization.
Abortion, Circumcisers, Pornography, China as the world’s manufacturer with money stolen from America.
Yet they control “our” Media, Entertainment, Government, Religions, Pharmaceutical industry, Corporations, Social Media, Law enforcement (where is it again our police go overseas to be trained?), what could go wrong?
The word “Woke” is nonsensical, it is just word games this criminals use to trick the masses, the correct term is Marxism, they bring in Marxism before Communism. “Go woke go broke”, is the reframe of the misguided who cheer the purposeful collapse of the entertainment industry. No jobs for Americans.
Of course what Syria demonstrates is when the Zionists really want you out, they just make it happen. It seems they what much of this bloodshed/genocide done before Zion Don comes to power. They have big plans for him, he will be sold as a “peace maker”, magically ending all the Middle East conflicts (which are all Israeli controlled), only to bring on the horrors of a possible WW3.
Everything is on a time-line for this Zionist cabal, they keep nations weak until the time comes they destroy them. You can see this with Palestine and Syria, but you can also see it with America and the West. In what insane world would making Communist China the manufacturer of everything, in a Zionist controlled world.
In regards to all three of your excellency comments Rex…I offered the other day about the “Mud Flood” evidence now present for all to see. Basically it indicates a “Great Reset” in what is called the 1800’s.
Horse and buggy cultures with no power tools, no shipping to move tons of marble and steel, etc. yet world wide astonishingly beautiful and complex buildings now used as capitols, schools, etc.
Whoever or whatever is running the show has cleverly put lies, mistruths, misdirection, etc. into our meme. They are hiding what seems to have been a worldwide culture of peace and beauty to be replaced with an insanity of us/them paradigms of control, violence, greed and more.
I would offer that since we have absolutely no power to affect change in the madness without a true awakening of humanity to its imprisonment, calm down, celebrate the Winter Solstice with love ones if you have them and have the prepared mind for what ever crap is about to hit us.
I concur, there does seem to be a vail over humanity blocking our understanding of our true history. I think that is why the burned down the Library of Alexandria, that is after stealing many of its most important writings. That is their modus operandi, always go into situations with
secrets knowledge that your opponent (humanity), is oblivious to.
With the nonsensical history we are given, only logic, reason and observation is our guide.
There is an infinite number of examples of the self-destructive matrix they have constructed around us, none so explanatory as the grievous act of circumcision: a ubiquitous procedure, barbaric, cruel and cultish at its roots, is accepted throughout society as perfectly natural and beneficial, question it and you are a pariah. As long as any group has kind of control over your perspective, you/we are truly lost.
Genesis 17: “This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised. Every male throughout your generations, whether born in your house or BOUGHT WITH YOUR MONEY (IE: Slaves, aka. Americans) from any foreigner who is not of your offspring”.
Judaism was created to make masters
Christinaity was created to make slaves.
>>I concur, there does seem to be a vail over humanity blocking our understanding of our true history.>>
Indeed. The movement at hand to reveal our true history, be it called Tartarian, Mud Flood, etc. has evidence of ancient maps that indicate civilization/colonization all over North and South America long before the Columbus myth and his gentrification/murder of countless tribes using killer dogs and more.
I am not sure about the circumcision stuff as it difficult to compare when one can’t take it back and it is such challenging thing to try and compare regarding levels of pleasure and hygiene,
I was a teen Irish/Italian Catholic kid who got kicked out of being an altar boy and later left the church completely after a visit to the “rectory,” (caught up in the mystical side of Catholicism) to talk with a Spanish Priest about becoming a priest and the experience was so intense I said bye-bye. He must have been very truthful or I was very observant of the lies, etc, ??
>>As long as any group has kind of control over your perspective, you/we are truly lost. >>
For sure. But the challenge of course is to get a clue or insight that one is indeed under others influence. The operate conditioning using Freud, Skinner, Bernays, Pavlov, and today who knows what D.A.R.P.A. has come up with is so fundamentally powerful from peer group pressure and with today’s digital censorship, waking up is very hard to do.
Autodidactic knowledge process like many of us have done is almost a crime.
As to who “THEY” are, unless one gets outside their fishbowl reality, there is no chance of even discovering there is a “they.” My songs like Get Off The Phone, The Hidden Hand, The Robot Revolution, etc. all try to offer some growth towards a true sovereignty of thought and behavior. I’ve had 26,000 visits since last Christmas so there is some hope a few have been inspired along the way.
Everyone can’t do everything but everyone can do SOMETHING hey?
I think the perception of circumcision is important because it is a wholly unnecessary and arbitrary ritual that isn’t questioned, but it should be. It isn’t questioned, like so much in America, because we are not allowed to.
There is no question circumcision is barbaric and unnecessary, the very idea that cutting off a part of the human body because it may be more hygienic is ridiculous. Like most boys around the world, they are simply educated to keep that area clean, you don’t remove it.
Moreover, no one has the right to perform unnecessary surgery on an infant. Bodily autonomy starts at birth, it is not based on bias Zio- medicine and programmed social norms.
You don’t perform surgery on babies based on neglectable risk. Nations that don’t perform circumcisions, like Germany, don’t have a higher occurrences of the VERY RARE penile cancer. Furthermore, we don’t remove the breasts from female infants because they may get breast cancer, which is sadly, not rare. To be sure, some ADULT women who have a history of breast cancer in their families, do indeed have mastectomy, but that choice is made by an adult and by the person choosing the procedure.
My bother is a doc, none of his boys are circumcised, “if they want to get that done, they can get it done when they hit 18, their choice”. And I can guarantee you, none of his boys or mine, will be mutilating themselves in tribute to the Zionist mythology.
My life focus has been more about revealing the controller’s various agendas and offering solutions to clear one’s mind.
As to circumcision, it has never really been of any importance to me, but we all have our agendas of focus I guess.
I approach much in a stoic manner. If it is something I have no power over I don’t spend energy on it. I had been using my johnson for decades before I even knew it was an issue with folks.
I am more concerned with social/political issues.
Wish you had looked at the two links I provided. Far more important to me then wiener talk 🙂
Circumcision is not my focus, it is simply a marker, something people do their children with no good reason to support it. If you think is unimportant, that is your choice.
And I would say, the stoics certainly did not allow circumcisions, in fact it was a crime.
I did look at the two links and commented below.
But I don’t dismiss as inconsequential the so called, “wiener talk” as you do, rather it is a powerful signifiers. This is a matrix, everything is interrelated, vectors of a highly complex system of control. Allowing male babies in our society to be unnecessarily operated on, is a powerful sign of social and pollical control, whether you see it or not.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
I had reached my limit on that subject and made a joke, with the assumption that if you were a conservative you would be OK with that.
If you “really” did look at the two links, IMO, civilly you would have made a comment or observation about them as respect for an elder social/political activist with 60 years experience and a social/political singer/songwriter of high quality.
But then these days just don’t seem to have much of that going on in comment boxes. More want to be heard then “listen.”
All I can say is you need to check your ego, it clouds your mind. You could not “hurt my feelings”, that is rather silly. That perception seems more like projecting, like when you said “calm down”, such an odd thing to say.
The very idea you dismiss the point about circumcision, when that is part of a Jewish covenant with God, and what we are dealing with is a coming Jewish NWO, and you don’t get the connection, means you are not as aware as you think you are.
Don’t let you ego rule you, your opinion is your own, share your thoughts, not your hang-ups.
Good luck. I’m done here. You’ve become tiresome.
When your mind is soft, words have sharp edges.
Your need for pushing thousands of words every episode “speaks” volumes.
Indeed, no more attempting to have any civil communication with you is far beyond comfortable.
I’m all Irish, and I too had early dealings with the Church, Catholic school, Bible studies, and the like, but it was understanding contemporary Christianity that lead me away from road to prediction.
Today, our education system is more than happy to point out the crimes against Native American Indian cultures or Australian Aboriginals. The point is, that is as far as the thinking goes, never back to Europe and how those cultures suffered the same fate. Nope, history begins and ends when they say. That is CONTROL.
I had a manager who took me under his wing, very nice guy, but grossly misguided. He was very religious, he had done missionary work early in his life and would glow when telling me the stories of that work. He had worked in Africa and South America, and to my ears, it sounded like he was using the riches of the West to bribe indigenous people’s to abandon their faith. Food and medicine in exchange for their culture, all under the guise of “saving them”.
What was not lost on me, but which is lost on most, was my European culture in general, and my Irish Celtic culture specifically, suffered the same fate. The early Christians were like the ANTIFA of today, and that is NO coincidence, they have had a lot of practice destroying cultures other than their own. They would destroy statues, demonize people’s ancestors as “devil worshipers”, and destroy temples. Christianity was not spread with love and tolerance, but with a brutal force, very Zionist in nature. While the technique for spreading Christianity are rather different today, the results were the same, the Christianization of unique and indigenous peoples throughout history. I started to see Christianity not as a religion that had been lead astray, but that its very creation was to be a weapon against all cultures and humanity itself. I saw in Christianity the same conforming and homogenizing effect that globalist systems demand.
I am thankful that James allows for free thought and dialogue on his platform.
Obviously, I subscribe to this platform, so, to a certain degree, we share a like suspicion and skepticism in regards to the way this broken world works at a political and economic level.
At the same time, I can’t help but say, that comments such as yours (in this instance, especially), when it comes to your personal critique and sure analysis of the faith of others, and the history of that faith, according to your understanding, are extremely shallow to say say the least, and reflect absolutely no critical examination or intellectual study from within the faith tradition and history you so easily and openly condemn.
And what of the parallels you have made with it: Christianity and political Zionism, early Christians and Antifa? Really?
You rightfully highlight evils that have taken place in the name of Christ, and yes, you have your experiences and personal interpretations of those experiences, but your conclusions are quite laughable and ridiculous. I am sorry to say it now. I felt like I had to say it, though, as I see this kind of uneducated, uncritical, and nonsensical babble on a regular basis on platforms such as these.
What if we simply critically stuck to the principles this platform represents and not make fools of ourselves?
Your closing remarks are very good advice. I’m celebrating the Summer Solstice and believe the only thing to do is stay calm and have the prepared mind (as you say) to deal with whatever comes our way.
Telling people to “calm down”, is both assumptive and condescending. James Corbett has some of the best content on his site, but he collects prima donnas like Jay Leno collects cars.
Conveying the control Zionists have over our history does, in of itself not convey irrationality or irritation, it is simply information. That being said, often when people are given information that they don’t want or like, they will project those feelings onto those propagating that information.
You convey your opinions all day long on here, but how people deal with this growing existential threat is personal, and if you feel like celebrating, go for it, but this is not the venue for telling others how to act.
What do you mean “calm down”, whose not calm? I would not say my family is celebrating as much as in years past, hard to celebrate when your nation is supporting multiple genocides. But I don’t think being mindful of the great suffering going on in the world equates to being unsettled, quite to the contrary, mindfulness is all part of being in the present.
We each deal with the encroaching malevolence in our own way, marching on Washington, meditating on a mountain, or frantically typing away on a blog, to each his own, there is no one way.
“….The Abrahamic “religions”-A blueprint for world domination. Giving banking over to one group of people. Oh yeah, nothing suspicious there…..”
Again, please tell me where you got this information so I can read it for myself.
The thing about Bankers is that up until the last hundred years the jews did not control all banking- but bankers did tend to behave the same way, since there is a drive inherent in the fiat system itself.
It is important to remember, it was Israeli intelligence that was behind Trump’s immediately bombing of Syria.
Great info, but all these seemingly competing interests to destroy Syria, are not competing at all, they are ALL Zionist in nature, directly of indirectly, and that is certainly “demonstrably” true with the US Gov.
All governments are ZOG, you can parse these events anyway one wishes, but they ALWAYS benefit Israel.
When the media says “America and Israel fund these groups”, that is just another indicators of who runs America, Pat Buchanan called the American government “ZOG”, way back when he was on The McLaughlin Group. Yet even though we have seen endless examples of this fact, it is still lost on many. 9/11 was indeed an inside job…
You think Putin would have fan boys if he was not favored by the Zionists? During the 2014 Olympics games in Russia, the focus on those games by many in the media/Jon Stewart and the like, was about the lack of gay rights in Putin’s Russia (CCCP). This was of course applauded by the hapless Christian right who support anyone who criminalized groups they don’t like, as long as that group is seen as weak. To them “global homo” is far more a threat than the global financial predators.
The ONLY silver-lining to what is coming, is the nescience of so many that deny the obvious universality of what we are experiencing is the construction of a Zionist-NWO, will come to an end: Zion Don, Wars, riots, financial upheaval, terrorist attacks, WILL all be designed to bring forth the Z-NWO.
A couple of videos for the “Holidaze” for some deeper insight to the bigger story going on…
Fly on the wall
Dana Carvey/David Spade
Guest: Dr. Steven Greer (30 years of research, meetings with heads of state, scientists, Trump’s incoming folks, etc. on ET reality about to be exposed)
Fletcher Prouty How the term “Fosssil Fuels” came about
Those are interesting videos, but since I have never seen a UFO, I don’t believe in them. I certainly can imagine life on innumerable planets within this seemingly infinite universe, but they are likely too far away to ever interact with us.
Plus I don’t trust anyone from Hollywood, AND I know the powers that shouldn’t be have been pushing the idea of UFOs for quite some time.
Just like Zeus, Apollo, and Jesus, if they shown themselves to me, I’ll be the first to believe in them.
To me, when looking to explain the unknown, the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one (Occam’s Razor).
I don’t believe in leaps of faith: We know for a fact that the Zionists are masters at story telling and manipulation, and we know there is zero verifiable evidence behind any aspect of Christinaity (this lack of evidence is carefully constructed as a “test of faith”, how convenient), ergo, Christianity is a Zionist tool of manipulation. We know governments around the world have been developing drone technology, thus, unless I see a little green man piloting an UFO, I will believe such “drone sightings” are terrestrial and likely military in origin.
In this interview, you state that the events of the last month in Syria have severely weakened Hezbollah by cutting off its Iranian arms supply routes to Lebanon. I do doubt that this may be the case. First, HTS, with purportedly 20-30,000 fighters, is centered in Damascus and admittedly does not control most the the (former) country. Perhaps a third of their fighters do not even speak Arabic and are truly mercs, and thus very susceptible to bribery. Israel has done its best to cut off the Iranian routes through constant missile attacks into Syria for years, and I don’t see how the collapse of Assad has increased its ability to do so, which obvious in the past has proven, at best, partially effective. Israel’s further invasion extending their Golan occupation further, does not appear to be anywhere near any area where the Iranian supply lines have existed. So I would welcome a more detailed support of this assertion.
Also, the explanation of the collapse by sources who I find most compelling are based on Assad being suckered by the Gulf States and the USA by suggesting that if his government would build “better” links to the USA and reduce its links to Iran and Russia, the USA would eventually reduce or eliminate its crippling sanctions. This change of direction over the last few years reduced both Russia’s and Iran’s commitment to actively support his government, and particularly for Russia in particular to consider it a lost cause, particularly if it should reduce its ability to pursue the Ukrainian war.. I do not think that you gave sufficient emphasis to this as a causative factor for the collapse of the Assad government.