How to Search the Young Global Leaders Club – #SolutionsWatch

by | Mar 18, 2025 | Solutions Watch, Videos | 26 comments

John Sneisen of joins us today to give us a tour of his website,, which allows users to search the ranks of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders club and find out more about the background and connections of the globalist syndicate.

Video player not working? Use these links to watch it somewhere else!


SHOW NOTES – John Sneisen’s main website – Site for searching info on Young Global Leaders

Wikispooks and LittleSis – #SolutionsWatch

WEF – Klaus Schwab (founder of The World Economic Forum): “We penetrate the cabinets”

Harvard “Emerging Leaders” course

Tulsi Gabbard: “I’m honored to be selected as 2015 @YGLvoices – representing #Hawaii amongst leaders from around the world

Has Tulsi Gabbard Adequately Addressed the WEF Young Global Leader Question?

Bail-in: The Birth of the New Financial Order

What is the Global Shapers community?

The Outerrnet Founders Box: The Dawn of Digital Freedom


  1. dang if Peter Thiel didn’t test positive… I have not personally verified the statements made by a former municipal planning department renegade from California that purport the presence, in every municipal planning department (and every College library) in the United States, of the UN’s Plan 2030 brochure which describes how the implementation of Smart City building is to be regulated into compulsory compliance. Is this something that The Corbett Report might be interested in looking into?

    • THIS person, the late Rose Koire used to do talks about the UN globalizing planning….. IIRC she worked in Planning herself but I never looked into her background myself.

      I will say that planning is a massive lever for social engineering as EM Jones shows in his work on Urban renewal which was designed to break up neighborhoods and run urban whites into the suburbs

      Iirc Mr Corbehad her on a coupling times so she should show up in the search bar here

  2. Awesome episode! Thanks for providing these resources. Looking forward to hearing about the developing decentralized tools/tech for text communication and internet.

  3. The Mickey Klaus Hair Club, credit Walter Kirn.
    Everybody who’s anybody is in it, and we all wish we were too.

    “And he’s oh, so good
    And he’s oh, so fine
    And he’s oh, so healthy
    In his body and his mind
    He’s a well respected man about town
    Doing the best things so conservatively”

  4. I wonder how often the banksters, broligarchs and WEF psychos weaponize their own lists to discredit people that pose a perceived threat to their agenda.

    I mean if someone was on a trajectory to become a serious thorn in their side, all they would have to do to get a huge portion of the “truth and freedom”/alt-media community to turn on them, would be to throw their name on some lists, re-write some online history and get someone to “leak” it.

    I am curious what people here in this community think of the accusations that Pierre Poilievre was on their list or whatever?

      • @mkey

        Good point.

        Lots of people here are impressed with that Pierre Poilievre guy, I am not so convinced. He talks about getting rid of carbon taxes (which is nice) but then he is pushing for destroying the Boreal Forest and poisoning the great lakes for Lithium mining.

        I`ll tell you what does hold true power though, a handful of stratified acorns, hickory nuts and pawpaw seeds. Holding those living embryos in one hand is holding the potential for ten thousand food forests in your hand. That handful of seeds could liberate a thousand communities from dependance on big ag.

        Yes, true power is found in realizing that humans do not have any real power at all, though, there are some supremely powerful creative forces we can align with, enabling us to go along for the ride on a co-creative path to abundance.

        • You took the argument on the perma route, and that’s perfectly fine. My point was that these politicians people “elect” are mere puppets. People in power yanking their strings are also occluded by the dark.

          • @mkey

            You got me! I am known for my perma-routing 🙂

            I can take a conversation about physics, religion, politics or health and perma-route it so fast people do not know what him them!

            I meant no disrespect or to distract from your valid point, I am just strategizing for a community food forest and propagating trees right now so that is where my mind is at.

  5. That was a nice advertisement for the book “Reportage” at the end of the interview. I just ordered my copy the other day.

    These “Young Global Leaders” from the WEF seem very similar to other control freak organizations like “Skull and Bones”. It is nice to have an insider of some degree explain how they work so that those of us who are opposed to being controlled by them can learn how to create a system that works for the people.

    We can’t just take down the existing system without presenting something better to replace it. I think that Honest Money is a good place to start. However the Banksters will do everything they can to stop honest money, thus private communication is essential in order to get the ball rolling.

    Bitcoin was on the right track before it got hijacked. Now I like Gold and Silver.

    • Truthseaker

      “….We can’t just take down the existing system without presenting something better to replace it. I think that Honest Money is a good place to start…..”

      It’s NOT that honest money would be a bad thing to have, but let’s be honest- pretty much ALL of human history here has been some kind of oligarchy going on whatever the money system. It’s not like England was an egalitarian country the day BEFORE the Bank of England got magicked into existence.

      It will take more then just sound money to actually change anything.

    • “Bitcoin was on the right track before it got hijacked. Now I like Gold and Silver.”

      I like gold and silver too, very pretty minerals, I like heirloom seeds even more 😉

      I would also argue that they are just as (if not more) beautiful visually. Also, you cannot eat gold, silver diamonds, sapphires or rubies… nor can you plant them in the ground and increase their value 100 fold in a single season, while also building precious soil in the process and simultaneously increasing your health/emergency preparedness.

      • I tried to dig up a name….sorry I cannot remember, BUT who WAS that (now deceased I believe) CIA whistleblower who said that when they destroy the system, the most valuable commodity will NOT be gold or silver….the MOST valuable commodity will be heirloom seed!
        And now, with their stratospheric aerosal injection aluminum, poisoning our precious soils, the most valuable heirloom seed will be that which can survive their aluminum fallout.
        Over the past decade I have developed a basic heirloom seed cache that endures the fallout for everything EXCEPT sweet corn. Any suggestions for my high altitude arid conditions (with aluminum soil readings of 1.04 ppms… omg)….please? Best of luck with your planting season!

        • @RiggleBug

          Yes indeed, well the seed and the knowledge and skills to remediate soil, cultivate the seed, build soil fertility with free resources, preserve the harvests with low tech gear and save seed to perpetuate the cycle 😉

          Good point regarding the stratospheric aerosol injection programs.

          Yes knowing what plants can tolerate the aluminium (and other metallic nano-particulates such as strontium, barium and graphene oxide) in the soil and keep on growing is a good start.

          I would also say that knowing which ones have the biological proclivity to hyper-accumulate those substances in their tissue is just as, if not more important as well.

          I take a multi-pronged approach via companion planting plants and trees in my garden designs that are exceptional in their ability to hyper-accumulate heavy metals that are dangerous to human health when ingested and that way they suck up toxins and mitigate the amount other choice crops are exposed to in the soil.

          Some plants can tolerate substances like aluminium but do not absorb much into their tissues, other plants not only tolerate aluminium, they like to suck it up.

          Cucumbers for instance, hyperaccumulate aluminium, so I like to grow them in mostly homemade compost that I make in a covered area (using filtered water).

          Amaranth on the other hand, can tolerate aluminium, but does not suck up large amounts of it into the edible seeds.

          Other plants that I use to hyperaccumulate heavy metals for remediation (removal and not eating) are listed in this post below:

          All that said, considering how much we are being exposed to via spraying programs and so many products from the stores etc, I also take a multi-pronged detox approach for my body (assuming that some heavy metals will be in my food no matter how diligent my garden remediation efforts are). For aluminium, drinking Silica rich spring water is a great way to detox.

          Thanks for the kind well wishes, I hope your growing season is abundant.

        • For a high elevation aluminium tolerant (but not hyper-accumulating) crop I suggest taking a swing at growing either Rhodiola Rosea and/or Rhodiola integrifolia.

          They grow wild wayyy up in the mountains down here in Canada (and all the way to the arctic circle, over in Norway, Russia etc) so they are a great high elevation medicine crop.

          For more info on how to grow those two species and their many medicinal benefits:

      • I have some heirloom seeds as well, but I don’t see myself exchanging them for services.

        Anyway, there is a story in the Bible (Loaves and Fishes) about Jesus speaking to a gathering of about 5000 people some distance form where they lived. It was getting late, so one of the apostles came to Jesus and said that he should send the people home because they did not have enough food to feed them. This is when the Bible says that Jesus was able to multiply the Fish and Wine so that everyone could be fed.

        There is another vision of “The Loaves and Fishes” which was discovered in a cave about 1947 known as “The Deep Sea Scrolls” which contains a vision by Doubting Thomas. From what I have read this vision, that did not make it into “The Bible”, says that everyone who came to the event simply shared what they had and all were fed. Indeed, there would be no need for money if we lived in that kind of world.

  6. I ran into a very nice quote on youboob, I’ll codify it here:

    @Youragenius said: We followed the science and it simply wasn’t there, we then followed the money and found the science.

    • Yep, that’s a good quote. After all, money is the root of all evil. Those with lots of it, will tell you that it’s the Love of money that is evil. If money is defined as a store of value, then how much of it does one need to have before it becomes greed? And, greed is evil!

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