What’s Up With The Italian Mortality Rate? – Questions For Corbett #058

by | Mar 31, 2020 | Questions For Corbett | 156 comments

Tom from Scotland asks about the mortality rate of Covid-19, and why it is reportedly so much higher in Italy. James answers with an in-depth look at the numbers, how they’re being reported, and what’s being left out from the equation.

Watch this video on BitChute / LBRY / Minds.com / YouTube or Download the mp4

Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?

Italy: Only 12% of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as cause

Characteristics of COVID-19 patients dying in Italy

Smog levels way above safe limits in northern Italy

Water supply alert after 150 pneumonia cases in Brescia, Italy

A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19

The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus

Confirmed Coronavirus Cases Is an ‘Almost Meaningless’ Metric

Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection

COVID-19: Updated data implies that UK modelling hugely overestimates the expected death rates from infection

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic


    • That is pretty much in your face and at the same time cryptic as all of the economist covers are.

      I think magazines are used to pass messages out and around to those in the secret society circles.

      Maybe John Nash wasn’t so crazy when he was seeing messages in the magazines depicted in the movie “A Beautiful Mind.”

      Back in december of 2019 I went out to get new eye glasses – in the waiting room was this golf magazine – I forget the name if it – but on page 33 they had an article called “A New World Order of Handicaps” cryptic indeed when you look at the world and what is going on it seems the people are mentally handicapped by this unfolding psy-op. Then on pg. 100 (a whole number of completeness – meaning a finished endeavor) again appears “A New World Order.” It just struck me these two pages/articles so I went and looked at the table of contents – and it just looked like the way it read that there was a cryptic message there. I could feel it in my intuition as well – the hairs on the back of neck stood up. I forget what it all said… but it was if they were announcing something to their “fellow travelers”

      I knew that something big was being announced for 2020 and not more than 3 months into the year here we are!!!

      • I’ve heard a few interviews in the alternative media in the last three years where they have said that something big was coming in 2020 but they didn’t know what. Very odd.

      • Got that right.

        As long as one knows the esoteric lexicon, is somewhat symbolically literate and understands the greater context of the agenda; it is easy to see.

        Then you can point it out to the “blind” and they will find some way to discount it… calling it a cognitive bias or some other misrepresentation when it is right in font of them in plain site.

    • Thanks for the link scary stuff, why are the left media in the uk blind to this, off guardian are good on the virus but no mention of the bigger picture.

  1. It’s so weird that mainly we all know how these “pandemics” and “false-flags” are hype-jobs meant to push agendas, but each time we’re presented with these events we seem to throw all our previous knowledge out the window. It’s like we have a reset button that they press when these events happen where we go through the same cycle: people get worried, this might actually be the ‘real’ one, we need to change the world to fix the issue, oh wait it’s just another hype-job pushed by the government, now it’s too late to fix the issue, on to the next one. It’s absurd and infuriating.

    Each of these events reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. All this hype for a big facade in the end, and we keep falling for the facade each and every time.

    I shared this video on your recent article, but ill just post it here too so more can hopefully see it. David Icke said this video was banned from YouTube for it showing the lies behind the virus. I don’t know the validity of the video, so I’d love to hear everyone’s take on it so we can further solve this damn puzzle. https://youtu.be/GJ6VDNfzQFQ

    • Very interesting, this ties in with what I know in my local hospital, we have no one with the virus and my sister in the South of England was in her local hospital and there was no one there either.

      • First we started off with these videos showing people collapse in China and pouring blood out of their bodies. Now these videos are nowhere to be seen, at least for me, which leads me to believe those were fake/old videos (Reminds me of that video where they said Syria was being bombed or something but it actually turned out to be a festival or celebration of some sort in the U.S. I believe)

        Then we were presented with videos of how crazy the hospitals are getting, but at the same time we’re being shown mislabeled and misrepresented hospital footage that’s later being written off as an accident by the editing teams. Now we have the #FilmYourHospital trend showing how some of these supposed overran hospitals are in-fact empty (still looking into these to confirm the validity). Just lies lies lies.

        THEN we have the bodies being thrown into giant fridges on the side of the street in plain public view….with Johnny on the Spot always getting the golden footage of these scenes. More research has to be done, but the Corbett subscribers are doing a good job later on in this thread covering the lies behind this too.

        Fishy business!

  2. Another VERY INTERESTING factoid is that Italy has the FOURTH LOWEST death rate from the Flu, at just 3K on average per year, so given this is also a respiratory disease, the claimed several hundred percent of Covid-19 deaths is HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE!

    See my new video (and highly pertinent pinned comment):

    Deep-state JUMPS THE SHARK, locking down almost Covid-free India; my [worldwide] analysis of Flu vs Covid deaths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVtEugSdvGw

    • What a CROCK; in no surprise to anyone KKK gown wearing governor Northam, a Democrat (YES, it was the Democratic Party that birthed the KKK, not the Republican party, which was founded as the anti-slavery party!), has locked down Virginia until June 10, when out of a population of 8.5 MILLION there have been only 25 claimed Covid-19 deaths, with just 1,000 cases! Completely RIDICULOUS, although no where near as ridiculous as in India (by a factor of 165!), where they have a population of 1.4 BILLION, and prior to their March 25th COMPLETELY UNJUSTIFIED lock down, they had just 12 deaths…

    • Daniel, in the UK a factoid is a commonly believed fact that is wrong, I don’t know where you’re getting your figures from but I recently saw that 60,000 people died in Italy during the last three flu seasons.

      • The Flu stats were obtained by Champion Traveler from the WHO, and given they are a travel orientated site I think it is highly improbable they have the incorrect AVERAGE ANNUAL figure for Italy, which was published on “2018-02-13T23:44:21Z” (according to meta tag), so there has been plenty of time for any mistakes to have been corrected!

        As for the trivial comment about my use of the word “factoid”, which in the U.S. has the definition “a brief or trivial item of news or information.”, whilst this is not a great use of the word, with me just being told that I can only leave my house in Virginia until June 10, unless absolutely necessary, I say, GET A LIFE!!!

          • Any study that is promoting a Flu vaccine, whose efficacy is HIGHLY questionable, isn’t worth a damn in my opinion, and I note that 68k figure is an ESTIMATED number of influenza deaths over the four year period, which would equate to 17k per year.

            I think a good explanation for the average low influenza deaths in Italy (3k) is their warm Mediterranean climate, which is consistent with Spain’s (4.4k deaths), with similar population sizes (48k vs 60.5k). To suggest that Italy’s death rate actually exceeds the cold U.K. climate (16k deaths), is most dubious.

            That’s funny on the use of the word factoid, as I lived in the U.K. since my birth in early 1970 to fall of 2007 (my Mom was born in U.S., hence my U.S. citizenship), and I’m only familiar with the U.S. definition, of a minor interesting fact.

      • James, Steve Wright in the Afternoon’s Radio 2 show has a daily section about ‘factoids’ (I’m certain you must have heard it) which are all seemingly true. He’s been running it for years. Are you saying they’re all false, or that maybe he’s using the term ‘factoid’ in a sort of ironic sense?

        Yours confusedly, A. UK Resident

        • To be fair my Sharp Electronic Dictionary, featuring the Oxford Dictionary of English of 2003, states a factoid is “an item of unreliable information that is reported and repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact”, and in N. Amer, “a brief or trivial item of news or information”, but as I said in my last reply, I’m only familiar with the U.S. definition, although I can’t recall the last time I ever used the word. Perhaps it’s a generation thing, and the younger generation in the U.K. is adhering to the dictionary definition, although you would think they would more readily adopt the U.S. version.

  3. A question for you James: In the current context (and not only) where we are constantly referred to “official” sources, I’d like to hear your thoughts on the following: who funds the WHO? Thanks again for your great work!

      • Indeed, it is part of the UN; yet, neither the UN nor the WHO fund themselves.

        I know James has briefly touched upon this issue in a previous video.

        A brief research reveals interesting findings.

        1. For ex: a list of contributors for “research on diseases of poverty” in CASH (yes, CASH) between 1974-2015: https://www.who.int/tdr/about/funding/Contrib_table_cash_at_31_December_2015.pdf?ua=1 (contributors: Aventis Pharma SA; Bayer; GlaxoSmithkline PLC; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (contributions to the level of a states), etc. no need to continue). How can Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pay in cash $29 174 485? Or how any of the entities on the list pay in cash? Do they send to Geneva planes full of cash? And, why cash?

        2. Then you have the FA, “Setting the Record Straight on WHO Funding
        Debating the Money Behind the Global Public Health Agenda” (which one can read partially because of course one needs to pay to read that):

        I am sure there is more to this. Hence, my question. And, of course when referring to “official” sources msm forgets to mention this.

  4. There is a blogger in Italy who went straight to the sources to understand how the official deaths from influenza are calculated in Italy and he asked himself a simple question: is it possible to report the flu deaths in real time?

    Well, according to the ISS (the Italian equivalent of the american NHI), the answer is: no. Not possible.

    Source (in Italian):

    Here’s the punchline:
    Il sistema di sorveglianza prende in considerazione il numero di decessi per tutte le cause perché i dati dei decessi per influenza non sono disponibili in tempo reale. Infatti l’Istat ogni anno codifica tutti i certificati di morte, compresa l’influenza, e ne attribuisce la causa principale, un processo che richiede per rendere disponibili i dati di mortalità per specifica causa mediamente un periodo di due anni.

    Long story short: It takes 2 years (!!!!) to have official statistical data on influenza deaths. This is because the ISS must first collect and analyze ALL the medical records of all the deaths of a certain year ONLY AFTER the year is gone and make the necessary medical cross-checks in order to attribute the correct cause of death.

    There is only one case when the ISS reports real-time influenza deaths: those patients with complicated forms of influenza who die while in intensive therapy. The ISS, in this case, considers the attribution to “death from the virus” plausible and releases the data in real time. It doesn’t mean it is certain. Those deaths will still have to get through the two-year data-crunching phase. But it considers those deaths from influenza probable enough to be released in real time.

    And this where things get murky. The official government portal for coronavirus deaths:


    reports the TOTAL mortality of those infected (11.591 on March 31st). But this is wrong! Because those deaths should be analyzed and correctly attributed to coronavirus ONLY IN TWO YEARS TIME. Instead, they should only be reporting the death rate of those people who are in intensive care (a fraction of those 3.981 patients). This is THE ONLY number that should be legitimately and plausibly (according to the same ISS) attributed to coronavirus. But they don’t do that. And this is not they magically inflate the numbers, by actually not following their own published rules.

    The blogger’s video (in Italian):

  5. The ulimate underreported fact about covid,
    that should be among the most important facts: (known to the public)

    “…no countries have reliable data on the prevalence of the virus in a representative random sample of the general population.”

    Have no doubt, methodology to get very reliable results for general population using representative random sample exist.

  6. Repeat The Message
    Repeat The Message
    Repeat The Message
    Repeat The Message

    I can’t say it enough…”repeat the message”.
    Just like James Corbett in this video, who shows us where he has written about it before and we say the other day in an interview. James repeats the information.
    He has said it and written it before.
    He will say it again.

    People often don’t grasp a concept the first time.
    It takes repetition.
    Schools use this. Marketing companies use this. Propagandists use this.

    By just simply memorizing a few factoids, such as the Italy age and comorbidity data, any Corbett Report Member is armed.
    And can repeat it often, and to the same individuals in varied ways.

    Most Corbett Report Members know that when approaching a “normie”, you don’t throw a bathtub of information at them. Give them a small glass, something that they can easily swallow.

    Spreading this video is a great method of “Repeating the Message”.

    Anyway, I have said it often in the past, and am repeating it now…
    Repeat The Message.

    • How long have people been doing that for JFK? 9/11? Swine flu? The list is endless. And what has been the result? The vast majority of people are unwilling or unable to accept that their views on reality are incorrect. And in this one that is something vital to understand. For this is the year of all the marbles.

      We already have voluntary martial law. People are not coming outside in this dinky town. Lake City, Fluorida. I saw practically no one outside where I was at today. Admittedly, after riding my bike some 20 miles to get to town I didn’t travel much. But tomorrow I will. I repeat, the vast majority will never accept truth. But they will kill you for their social credit score.

      I think it’s obvious, not just from James’ video, but from the comments here, and even from using common sense, that the numbers are not trustworthy. Even if there wasn’t an agenda. But there is. And, I can’t stress this enough, I believe this to be the end game.

      Why not? If they stop, enough people might get pissed off enough to create an unpredictable result. This scenario has everyone demanding their rights be stripped. The collapse of the dollar will just intensify this demand. And they will hate you for being right if they ever figure it out. Which won’t be until it’s all over.

      There comes a time when it’s time to quit trying to convert people. Judgement Day is coming. Not in a religious sense, but a totalitarian regime sense. Now is the time for those who have eyes to prepare. Gardens are the best start. Preparing your place to give you the food and clean water you’ll need for when they crash the grid. Remember those drills?

      Jimbob, who really hopes he’s embarrassingly wrong. But I’m not.

      P.S. I’m really sick of them harping on the census as much as the corona cold.

  7. Fabrizio,
    Only if you have time and feel up to it…
    Could you do me a favor?
    If you happen to run across an Italian News Story on Ozone or Vit C IV, let me know.

    Just last night, until I tired out, I was looking at and trying to “decipher” some Italian YouTube News videos.

    Some keywords might be…
    Ossigeno Ozono Terapia
    COVID 19
    Professor Marianno Franzini
    and maybe other Doctors.

    It seemed like there might have been a few Italian News Reports about how Ozone Blood Therapy could be used to combat the coronavirus.

    (I know some stories mentioned how the gas alone can disinfect water or surfaces.)

    Anyway, let me know if you ever run across any Italian News articles or videos about…
    ~ Vitamin C Intravenous Therapy (IV)
    ~ Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy (Biophotonic Blood Therapy) (UBI)
    ~ Ozone Blood Therapy

    That topic is my bailiwick.
    I feel like they offer a solution to all the fear which the broad public have.
    Kill the fear…and the controllers lose control.

  8. Perhaps people have died.
    In larger population areas, there are likely to be a larger amount of deaths.
    Whether by the virus or by other things, or a combination of both.

  9. On March 15th or 16th, the state of Texas had its first death “from the Coronavirus” or “linked to the Coronavirus”, a man in his upper 90’s.

    On the CBS radio, they said that he was tested for the virus after he died.
    (Some of the newspapers did not say that last part.)
    One has to view these reports with suspect, because of the covert use of language. “from” “linked to”
    Did an autopsy occur? I doubt it.
    How did they have a valid test in Texas at that early date of March 15th?

    Corbett Report Member cu.h.j has some interesting first-hand reports…

    • I would go as far as to say that, if this man didn’t perish due to lung failure, he sure as shit didn’t die from Covid-19. If he were part of my family, I’d probably be livid right about now. The extent to these rat bastards are prepared to bank on other people’s death and suffering is unfathomable.

      • In one of the rare (as in only one I heard) corona cold deaths in Fluorida, they waxed on about this spry 81 year old who had also been fighting lung cancer for six years. Corona cold killed him.

        Jimbob, who will also stress in all his messages that this is the endgame and wants you all to prepare.

        • Police catch husband with gun in hand and wife dead with 4 bullet holes.

          I can hear the headlines now…
          Coronavirus Kills Wife – Husband, Grief Stricken, Holds Gun

  10. Yesterday, March 30, 2020, the White House Task Force Coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, says, “so in the flu models the worst case scenario is between 1.6 million and 2.2 million deaths. That’s the projection if you do nothing. So we’ve really never done all of these things we’re doing. We’ve put them into a model, we’ve looked at the Italy data with their self-isolation, and that’s where we come up with if we do things together, well, almost perfectly, we could get into the range of 100,000 to 200,000 fatalities. We don’t even want to see that.”

    Queued interview:

    • I can envision all of the mainstream video clips about massive death tolls, how we need to act now to save everyone, and other such fear mongering being made into a montage video to demonstrate how the MSM lies. It will be interesting to compare the final virus numbers (even if they can’t be trusted) when this is over, with the media prediction numbers occurring daily.

    • That’s going to be the basis for all argumentation from till eternity; had we not done these things, had we not abrogated these rights, had we not sunken the economy, had we not infiltrated all these new laws the death rate would have been gazillion times more. This is all the excuse week willed and week minded will ever need to rationalize their fear and complete absence of deliberation.

  11. number of corona virus deaths worldwide since Dec 1: 33,500

    average age: 74 yrs

    number of children under 5 who died from diarrhea since Dec. 1: 263,400

    average cost to treat / prevent one child diarrhea death: $1

    cost of rehydration salts to treat/prevent diarrhea deaths, 1 year: $780,000

    cost to economy, so far, current covid strategy: $2,700,000,000,000

    ratio of diarrhea deaths to covid deaths, Dec 1st to Mar 31st: 8 to 1

    ratio of total years of life lost, based on 72 yrs, life expectancy, diarrhea to covid, Dec to Mar: 18,500,000 to 1

    Total air time given by all major news outlets to preventable diarrhea deaths since Dec 1. 0

    colour of skin of under-5 diarrhea deaths: brown

    number of hours Trudeau spends on anti-racism virtue signalling: 10 gazillion

    number of movies on Netflix about end-of-the-world pandemics: 7

      • I just researched the various factoids, then crunched the numbers myself, so sadly my calculator is the source documentation. And I also did a bit of extrapolation.

        And I actually have no evidence that msm didn’t focus any time on diarrhea death, it is an assumption.

        I cannot stand by the exactitude of several particular numbers, but it is all in the ballpark, in terms of the orders of magnitude at least. Not very Corbett-like, I know, but hey, who is?

      • “Diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day…”

        For the $1, it was a rule-of-thumb when I worked in the development world in Africa, we’d say ‘one dollar’s worth of oral rehydration salts can save a child’s life’. which was true, they cost less than $1. This is the best source I have on this now:

        “However, worldwide, just 44 per cent of children under age 5 with diarrhoea receive the recommended treatment of oral rehydration solution”

        For the average age covid death, I cannot source that, the data was difficult to find, I had to get age breakdowns in one place, mortality % elsewhere, % of deaths over 70, and then % over 80, then crank them all together. It came out at 74 yrs. If I type ‘corona virus’ in my browser history……you can imagine.

        Coronavirus Could Cost the Global Economy $2.7 Trillion

        Netflix: Contagion, Pandemic, Cargo, 93 Days, Kingdom, The Rain, Black Summer

        • Nice! Comparing diarrhea to COVID-19 puts this into perspective. I’m sure there is a long list of other illnesses that the world could also focus on, but that wouldn’t benefit the agenda of those who benefit from this mass-hysteria event.

          • Another useful comparison would be mortalities in health care workers for covid to mortalities during SARS and H1N1.

            I just asked a nurse earlier this evening, with regards to nurses in the news who have died, if it would have been the same during SARS, for example. She believed it to be so. But to find that data…

  12. I’m on my 5th weed whacker. My palms are all full of calluses, the skin is so worn out I’ve lost three fingerprints. When they see me entering the garden department at the store, they cheer on, start grabbing their crotch, rub their palms and make cha-ching noises.

    • Weed Whacking – Color Me Shocked
      Corbett comes up with some great expressions.
      “Weed Wacking”
      “Color Me Shocked”
      “Jaw Wag” — a previous Corbett video

  13. Show me that they have a test that has passed cynical trials and that has certified accuracy in establishing exactly the right virus strain. Not a protein, not overblown DNA fragments. An actual virus.

    Positive or negative are two states. You can be either positive or negative, there is nothing in between. When you are ill, there’s about 10 thousand discrete, distinct steps between “healthy” and “ill”.

    If based on these test results the whole of western civilization can be brought down in a controlled fashion, I want the test to be beyond any doubt; beyond reproach; beyond question; it needs to have so many studies done to prove its effectiveness and accuracy that to read them all one would need to be fluent in 100 languages. The test has to pass a thousand blind tests, tested and tested again.

    This test is the corner stone of everything being laid in front of us and the generations to come. IT HAS TO BE ROCK SOLID.

    After that, we can start discussing statistics and consider what should be done to curb the effects. In a calm, contained manner, not amid mass hysteria.

    • ADVICE BEFORE READING: I worked with DNA/RNA sequences more than 4-5 years ago and it was a side part of my project, so not my specialization. Since then I have completely changed my field. What I mean is that I might be wrong because I have forgoten many things and if someone reads this comment and want to correct me, please be my guest.

      Having said that…

      I’ve taken a quick look at the DNA sequences they are using as a primers for the PCR (both forward and reverse for the coronavirus named 2019-nCoV_N1), which you can find in this website (https://www.biobasic.com/coronavirus-covid-19-primers), and I have compared them with the genbank sequence of one of the virus which have been sequenced (which you can find here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/LC528232).

      The size of the forward primer is 20 base pairs (bp), while the forward is 24 bp. The “space” between them (the one that the enzime polymerase fills with nucleotides) is 28 bp. In other words, they are analyzing 72 bp in a virus with around 30,000 bp. It seems that this region is very specific of this virus, for what I have seen using a tool named BLAST.

      Nonetheless, as these numbers show (and if I have made no mistake), they are just sequencing a very small region, so the whole virus have not been demonstrated to be in any of the cases in which they have used this technique.

      But not only this, as many people have said, myself included, the PCR only works to identify if a virus is or is not in a sample. IT IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL. Theoretically, although some people disagree, the type of PCR they are using (RT-PCR) would be able to quantify how much virus there is. But even if this were true, finding a big amount of the virus in a sample could be used only as an indicator of infection, but not as a diagnostic. For example, what symptoms does the patient have? Could he or she have another disease producing the same symptoms?

      People seems to forget that we have 2 kg of bacteria in our intestines and most of us are “carriers” of multiple virus, like the Epstein-Barr (90% of the population is positive for this virus).

    • Here’s the full version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zitiJHLoSs&feature=emb_logo

      Something about this video seems staged to me, and it’s not just because matey boy says “This is for real!” twenty three times (I know, I counted them).

      Could be wrong, I suppose, but it has my spidey senses tingling. They just happened to be doing this on the street, in full view of the public, and this nameless guy (bet he never surfaces) happens to be there broadcasting with his freakout. Have a look at that loading bay on Ashland place on Google Streetview. I’m not buying it.

    • I saw that video last night.

      Funeral Homes normally will not take dead bodies with infectious diseases.

      In order to contain any contamination, cooled storage trailers can be used to hold bodies.
      This is much simpler than bringing bodies into a building, risk contamination and also running out of cold storage space.

      In China, the zipped up dead bodies often went straight to a crematorium.
      The crematoriums were busy and posted “help wanted” ads.
      There were a few reports that some of the zipped bodies might have been still alive.
      (I got this info from watching lots of videos from Twitter feeds coming from China back in February.)

  14. And what does “pandemic” even mean? What numerical thresholds does the WHO use to determine a pandemic? On the WHO’s “Definitions: emergencies”, there is no definition for “pandemic” (note: there is a definition for epidemic though). https://www.who.int/hac/about/definitions/en/ On February 24, 2010, one can find some direction from the WHO (in response to H1N1): “A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease. An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges and spreads around the world, and most people do not have immunity. Viruses that have caused past pandemics typically originated from animal influenza viruses…” https://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/frequently_asked_questions/pandemic/en/
    On March 9, 2020, two days before declaring a worldwide pandemic, the Director of the WHO spoke out of both sides of his mouth: ” ….We are now in the countdown to the end of the outbreak…The outbreak may be ending – but our determination is not…Now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries, the threat of a pandemic has become very real…” https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19—9-march-2020 Two days later, the WHO Director makes “…the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic…There are now more than 118,000 cases in 114 countries, and 4,291 people have lost their lives. “https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19—11-march-2020
    Literally, a pandemic of crazy!

    • How do you deifine a pandemic of crazy? How many people have to go crazy for there to be a pandemic? I do, however, see a pandemic of stupid. Wherever one opts to place the bracket, as long as it’s below 99% the condition will certainly be met.

  15. I’ll be passing your articles along, John. Thank-you! I too have recently been looking into the germ vs terrain theory….yet one more thing that we’ve been lied to about. The list keeps getting longer and longer!

    • Thank you John for this explanation. I am just starting this hard journey (hard because I have been programmed in University -and in fact way before and after- to believe the current theories) and, for what I have seen so far, it makes a lot of sense.

      Something that current virologists fail to explain, although they have hypothesis (they always have), is how comes that “pathogenic” non-living set of molecules (proteins/DNA or RNA) exists in nature. Although viruses can resist external conditions, they need other cells to replicate -according to the accepted theory-. Were viruses more complicated (which allowed them to live by themselves) and then devoluted to a very simple “organism” which needed others to replicate?

      In Wikipedia (not the best source, I know) they give three possibilities for the origin of viruses (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virus#Origins), and all of them have serious flaws… If not, one of them would be accepted as the correct.

      To be honest, the hypothesis that you are explaining in your comment is much more logical than the others, and would explain lots of things, if not all, about viruses.

      I haven’t had time to read your articles yet but I will do it during the following days (by the way, the first image of the fish is great!).

    • Thanks, John
      I found these articles enlightening. I have read snippets of info about viruses over the years, and read extensively on polio in 2001. When I shared with my older sister who had had polio, it turns out she had been doing even more research than me; and we came to same conclusions.
      I remember following AIDS research and then HIV. I am realizing much of what didn’t make sense to me at the time was my spidey sense (as James C. says), kicking in.

      I love reading all the comments on Corbett Reports. Don’t comment often, but I learn so much, and find other sources and tangents to keep my mind occupied.
      So thanks all of you for all your posts!

  16. What about those drive in checkup points, or those tests? What if they use it to store DNA from each individual. After all people need to give all their information… Just an idea

  17. It’s like a ghost town here, where I live in the UK. A fire engine drove up our street tonight, the highlight of the week, and I had a chance to exchange with neighbours that we are under house arrest. My youngest grandchild was born shortly after Christmas and I’ve managed to see her five times before lockdown. My other two, who I have looked after five days a week, for five years, have me tell them a bedtime story on the phone so we can see each other, at least, but God knows this is breaking my heart. My family is wrecked by this plandemic. I’m 55 years old and I am certain this covid19-thing is a hoax. Even by Bojo’s government’s own admission on the .gov website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid

    • Yes, I came across this as well.
      Unbelievably, their OWN top team that deals SPECIFICALLY with very dangerous viruses have downgraded the virus on 19th of March, citing that fatality figures and spread are far less than what was expected, and in fact makes the statement that COVID-19 is no longer considered to be very dangerous. YET Boris Johnson, who has ALWAYS cited that his decisions were entirely based on Best Scientific Evidence, has expanded restrictions, regardless.
      So literally from the horse’s mouth:
      “They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall)”
      “The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.”
      It states further down, that SARS is still classified as HCID, although no new cases have been reported since 2004.
      BASICALLY they’re saying, COVID-19 is no longer a critical problem.

    • Quoting link
      …Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria.
      They have determined that several features have now changed;
      in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall)…
      …The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID….

      HCID data at link

    • I hear you, Completelycookie. It’s so frustrating. Why can’t anyone in the media call them out out on this?

      Similar story in US, with Dr Fauci, one of Trump’s senior advisers, saying one thing on one hand to the masses, and quite another in the New England Journal of medicine.

      I discovered this on Youtuber Richie from Boston’s channel. This first 5 mins are the relevant part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1aFt-k3tQ8

      It’s a global coup, for sure.

    • March 12, 2020 article with Scientific Study sourced link.

      Dr. Robert Rowen:
      Flu Vaccine May Make you more Susceptible to Coronavirus


      As a person scrolls up this Corbett Report Thread, Dr. Robert Rowen is mentioned repeatedly.
      Also, there are a lot of comments on Vitamin C Intravenous (IV) Therapy.
      Ozone and Ultraviolet Light come up with Dr. Rowen.

      Most importantly, as you scroll up, the possible shortage of Twinkies and Ding Dongs is noted by the news.

    • From the article:

      Can I get Flu from the vaccination?


      The vaccine contains already killed viruses or small parts of them that cannot cause the flu syndrome.

      If after the administration you feel mild symptoms similar to flu (muscle ache, slight fever) that could be due to the normal, and quite common reaction to the vaccination.

      If this lasts for more than a couple of days it is possible that you have been exposed to the virus shortly before the vaccination and the shot didn’t have the time to take full effect (usually this takes 2 weeks).

      Not much is certain in this world, but there is simply no way to prove these guys wrong.

      If you have Viber, you can join apply for WHO bot claptrap and a fresh load of propaganda right in your inbox. They also have a quiz. It’s priceless, of course.

  18. I’m not necessarily a fiction reader, I prefer science and fact overall.

    However my favourite quote is from Frank Herbert’s sci-fi novel Dune

    Litany Against Fear:

    “I must not fear.
    Fear is the mind-killer.
    Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
    I will face my fear.
    I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
    And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
    Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

    Words to live by.

    • I think in the past few years the world has become an increasingly miserable place to live in so maybe fear of living may become worse than fear of death.

  19. Mintaka says:
    Fear is the ultimate tool of control.

    I feel like the coronavirus fear of death is a mechanism which they are now using for the controlled demolition of the economy.

    The demolished economy and stressed, weakened populace makes it so much easier to implement various measures and increase their powers.

  20. Mintaka,
    I thought of you today when I finally dug up this
    New Zealand News Story – Vitamin C Therapy Brings Man ‘Back to Life’
    and how the family had to fight the hospitals to do it.

    Remember the story of Alan Smith from New Zealand, and his dramatic recovery from a coma with mega-dose vitamin C? That story went viral and was featured in the New Zealand version of “60 Minutes.” But some sources didn’t have it quite right. The mega-dose vitamin C was not by IV for the last two weeks. They were through a uniquely new oral C product.

    Alan pulled out of his coma from white-out pneumonia (lungs whited out in X-rays) and complications with leukemia. He had been on life support, and doctors were threatening to turn it off and let him die when his family intervened. They went through a series of sagas and legal hassles to get the hospital to administer IV C.

    The doctors complied at first, and there was enough improvement to convince the hospital staff not to pull the plug on his life support as they had threatened. But the hospital felt they knew better and stopped the IV C. Alan’s condition worsened. After legal intervention, they continued at only two grams IV C daily instead of the 50 grams daily before. Alan’s condition went into a critical limbo.

    Alan Smith only began to improve after taking Lypo-Spheric packets…
    The descriptive goes on
    the combination of vitamin C and essential phospholipids radically improved cellular bioavailability. Less than 20 percent of IV C gets into cells. But the Lypo-Spheric compound permits 90 percent of the C to get into cells. That’s because cell walls are made of fats. Vitamin C is water soluble….

    • There has been a lot of great news recently by the mainstream and “semi-alternative” media about Vitamin C Therapy for the Coronavirus COVID-19.

      I gotta get my notes together.
      Then I will write up something.

      Unfortunately, some of the places like a New York hospital are using very, very low doses of Vitamin C intravenously.
      It is like a BB gun to an elephant.

    • 1 tablespoon of pine needles in a tea has 7 times the vitamin c of an orange.

      Jimbob; who also wants you to know that too much of this will eat up your tooth enamel and pancreas.

      • Thanks, but I only came back because I believe this is the endgame and I see everyone just admiring the iceberg instead of discussing how to counter it. Thought I could change that, but I don’t think so now.

  21. I remember an article by the osteopath Association once where they stated some extremely low fatalities in that epidemic. Their cure? Wrap patients in blankets to assist the body’s ability to increase the fever. Unfortunately, modern osteopath’s seem little different from aleopathic voodoo priests.

    Jimbob, who treats himself and has been quite successful at curing his arthritis, MRSA, skin and lung cancers. Plus, bunch of broken bones. Now have you planted your garden yet?

  22. Most of my friends and friendly neighbors are 60 something or 70 something. I am 56. If I die my kids will be a burden on society as I still support them into their 20’s. Thanks all for wishing old people to die.

    • I am very sorry that you feel that we are wishing the death of old people, because it shows that:

      1) you clearly don’t understand the official data (not saying that it is true, but it’s the data all governments are looking at -if the look at any-) and,

      2) You are mixing feelings with the desire of knowing the truth of the events of this world.

      If you want a world of clones/robots/puppets, you are free to think that, of course, but Corbett Report, for what I have seen, is a website where people gather to share experiencies on their journey to the truth (we could speak a lot about the meaning of this word).

      Fear is an awful friend to have; I hope that you (and I) can say goodbye to him.

  23. fer67 says:

    …The security guards and the extreme measures are becoming more extreme here in Canada.
    Private security firms now walking around at grocery stores with bullet proof vests on.
    Shelves becoming empty because…
    staff can make more money sitting at home playing computer games
    ($2000/month is more than most grocery store staff earn in a month)
    than working.

  24. Shall I compare thee to a seasonal virus?

    COVID-19: a virus? Check
    Seasonal Flu: a virus? Check

    COVID-19: a pandemic? Check
    Seasonal Flu: a pandemic? Check

    COVID-19: total deaths 41,000 Check
    Seasonal Flu: total deaths 150,000 Check

    COVID-19: News coverage? Wall-to-wall, 24/7 Check
    Seasonal Flu: News coverage? Virtually none Check

    • “If the US has 30-60000 a year that’s a modest number wouldn’t you say?”


      I deliberately chose to be conservative with the number.
      The WHO estimates the yearly worldwide number to be 290,000 – 650,000 deaths.
      And they are very likely being conservative themselves.

  25. At Georgetown University, in 2017, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that there WILL be a SURPRISE outbreak
    (Less than 90 seconds)

    The Medical Industrial Complex of the U.S.

    Dr. Fauci was appointed Director of NIAID in 1984.
    NIAID – “National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases”
    NIAID is one of 27 Institutes and Centers under the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
    A part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), NIH is the largest biomedical research agency in the world.
    The umbrella of the “Dept of Health and Human Services” is massive, including the FDA, CDC, Medicare, and many more.

    It should be emphasized that the Medical Industrial Complex has never had an effective medical method of safely addressing viruses.

    It seems silly to think that suddenly the Medical Industrial Complex will be the solution to the World’s health, when they have no track record of effectively dealing with viruses.

    (Hat Tip to Corbett Report Member Joe of Dallas for passing along this clip.)

  26. Re-emphasizing Number of Comorbidities in Italy
    with Statistics in the United States

    I want to encourage folks to look at Corbett’s pdf link and
    Table 1. Most common comorbidities observed in COVID-19 positive deceased patients

    Note: In the pdf, only 2.1 % of the deaths had no other health condition.

    (comorbidity is the presence of one or more additional conditions or diseases co-occurring with a primary condition.)

    Now, I want to point out and underscore that the general population in the United States is very unhealthy.

    Heart Disease and its relatives such as high blood pressure, etc. is considered the Number One cause of death in the U.S. per the CDC.
    (a person bites the dust every 37 seconds per the CDC)

    Diabetes – The CDC says that 1 in 10 folks have it, but that 1 in 3 are right on the edge of having Diabetes.

    We could go on and on with how unhealthy Americans are.

    The Medical Industrial Complex knows what the statistics are for comorbidities with the coronavirus.

    The Medical Industrial Complex is a complete failure…
    …or perhaps not…
    …maybe the Medical Industrial Complex wants a sick population with conditions like heart disease and diabetes, because a weakened population is easier to control.
    After all, they are doing it now.

    • An unhealthy population is also a very good coustomer. Just immagine how much extra time and resources are expended on and by unhealthy people, mostly due to their terrible habits.

  27. After much mucking about with apples and oranges, I arrived at 0.9% as a true rate. Or about 5x deadlier to 10x deadlier than the flu.

    Also a trusted doctor independently told me (though two weeks ago) that by her estimates the real mortality rate (what most people in N. America seem use as the term) was between 0.6% and 0.9%.

    From what I have learned, and also again what this same doctor said, is flu mortality rates, for example, are not ‘real lethality rates’ as you put it. But rather based on hospital visits. Flu hospital visits and hospitalizations are counted, total numbers of people who have the flu are projected, mortality rate is based on deaths/confirmed cases (visits, hospitalizations).

    I do not know how they test for the flu. Assuming (can I assume such a thing?) that tests are not limited, or that assessments are made based on symptoms alone, then there is no shortage of ability to confirm a case. The general universally accepted mortality rate then for the flu seems 0.1%

    If there is a limit to testing for Covid, if only lab tests can make the designation, then mortality rates will not have same degree of accuracy as similar stats for the flu. I seem to be just repeating back what you are saying here, for some reason.

    At the same time, if a proactive testing is taken as a course of action, ie getting out and just testing as many people as possible, whether or not they are taking themselves into the hospital, (as they did in Germany?) this will skew the metric in the opposite direction, as per using the flu system as the standard.

    I think at this time, in my opinion based on my 2-week degree in epidimiology from the university of internet-land, it is a fair assessment to say that covid is 10x more deadly than the average flu.

    That is if you catch it. Lethality and transmissibility are two different things. An illness can be 100% fatal but if it is hard to catch, then no concern, no quarantine.

    It is my present very uninformed understanding that covid has a greater transmissibility than the flu. Much more easy to get than, say, ebola.

    In any case, the very fact that I need to spend a hundred hours trying to learn this stuff because our national broadcaster and its team of journalists ramble on for hours and hours without providing any real info, is enough reason to have some suspicion about the official narrative and be skeptical/wary of what is going on.

  28. upuaut, where I live we have not seen what is going on in Italy, no shortage of ventilators no surge. Low census at my hospital.

    there are reports of this disease being bad in other places and I think that this disease can be very bad in certain people, but the vast majority will get better, even the people that require hospitalization.

    I think that by using masks and more thorough hygiene practices and disinfecting proper testing (that meet the standards of accuracy required to give a legitimate result) and treatment of infected individuals would be a solution to this.

    The states (government) has no right to “lockdown” millions of people who are just trying to live. This is going to create extremely serious problems because in the US people were buying meds out of pocket, now they can’t afford them and they will die in their homes.

    This hype by the media on every channel is suspect, very suspect to me. I don’t think the governments give a crap about us and if it weren’t in their best interest, they would let this play out.

  29. Just a quick update about Spain, because at this moment the army is on the streets of my city (and others, of course), and they are located on hospitals and elderly residences, and also disinfecting the streets.

    I wonder how many old people will die of fear after seeing the army where they are. My own grandmother (91 years old) is with fear all day because she watches TV 24/7. When I talk to her she always says “be careful” in a trembling voice and, of course, she doesn’t pay attention of what I say to her, because “there is something which is killing people” (according to the news fear porn).

    I also ask myself what products they are using on the streets. Some say that they are using products which would affect pets (and likely humans), but they are being replied that the products only contain water and bleach. Who knows.

    What a great mix of heroes we are seeing on Spain in these days: doctors, nurses, cleaners, police… and the army. No doubting of the good intentions of most, if not all, of these actors (at least in low levels), but it is just very disturbing.

    • The road to hell is plated with good intentions, don’t forget that. Probably not very many people set out in the military to commit attrocities, but they do it all the time.

      As far as bleaching everything, that can’t be good for anyone. Are they just spraying that stuff around?

      • Yes, of course. I agree with you on this. I don’t defend the military because I am completely against them. But it doesn’t mean that there is good people on this and other institutions. The clear example is the doctor prescribing drugs or vaccinating because he/she thinks that they are helping. Most of the times, the true crime of humans is just ignorance.

        I have seen pictures of my city of military spraying an unknown product on normal streets (no parks or something like that). After seeing that I searched for news about it and I read about the bleach stuff, and that they were spraying “vital” points.

        Just as an example: https://www.elnortedecastilla.es/palencia/desinfecta-caracter-urgencia-20200401095043-nt.html.

        If you are interested on this, search in Google images the keywords “militares desinfectando coronavirus” and you’ll see lots of pictures.

  30. Covid-19 supposedly causes dry cough, increased temperature and breathing difficulties. Pneumonia being the number one concern regarding fatalities. Of course, there are many diseases that cause pulmonary failure, untold thousands die every year from it, long long before covid-19.

    Please explain how does covid-19 cause the death of someone who wasn’t even put on a ventillator. Do these people cough themselves to death?

    How many dead bodies were being carried by those convoys? How many convoys were there? How many bodies can the local infrastructure handle at full capacity? What was the capacity at the time the convoy(s) was(were) organized?

  31. And that also means that it’s not “misleading” at all to attribute these deaths to coronavirus

    Yes, it is absolutely missleading. I would even say that it is a crime to attribute deaths to something which hasn’t directly caused them. If they want to mention coronavirus in the medical record, okay. But not as a direct cause if it hasn’t been demonstrated.

    All what you are saying about the apparent numbers, shortages and so on, can be very easily explained. If you get all the natural deaths of Rome, for example, and concentrate them in the same place: can you tell me how many trucks would be needed to be filled of these amount of bodies? If thousands of citizens who normally wouldn’t go to the hospital because of the flu (or whatever), then decide to go to the doctor because they are afraid because they might have the coronavirus, what would happend to the whole health system of Italy (or any other country)?

    Why would they do that? What would someone carry out false falgs attacks? The answer is similar. If this is a psy-op and they want to destroy human freedoms, crack economies and change the whole world system, they obviously have to spend LOTS of money to create the biggest propaganda ever seen. In fact it is an investment, because as a document said (I don’t know if it was the one of the Rockefeller foundation), they would have benefits at the end.

    I really suggest you to read everything in this website: https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/, specially the famous letter by this Professor: https://swprs.org/open-letter-from-professor-sucharit-bhakdi-to-german-chancellor-dr-angela-merkel/

    And that being said, if everything were true, I would rather prefer dying of the virus than giving my freedom (more of it) to the Governments and the ones on top of them.

  32. Thanks Andre!
    I saw Dr. Kaufman in another video interview yesterday and he was great.

    I agree with you. James needs to seriously try to get an interview with Dr. Kaufman!

    In a nutshell his theory is that the test for COVID-19 is NOT finding a virus, but rather finding EXOSOMES, a natural part of all of our cells!
    The above video explains it all very well.

  33. Pablo, The FDA went after Jim Humble the same way.. He did an end around by declaring CLO2 a sacrament in a holistic church
    service. It is called MMS, Miracle Mineral Sacrament . I highly recommend its use.
    Fantastic in a netipot.

  34. MagicBullet,

    Here’s another article published the next day in the New York Times:


    But, if you’re promoting vaccines (and I know you’re not), even if to consider the efficacy of it, even to think for a moment, you know, that it may do some itsy-bitsy bit ‘o good if only within extremely small parameters, or whatever! You might find yourself hard up against the hard core! lol They will say you’ve fallen prey to the illusionists, the matrix, the devils themselves!

    Shit. Should I even post this?

    You know, it’s hard being half-baked the way that I am. I don’t think the MMR vaccine is a good thing, I don’t think the multitude of unnecessary vaccines pumped into newborns, infants, toddlers, and very young children is a good thing. I do believe this modern medical protocol is a causative factor in many of the growing ills we see in young people, including autism. But, I received a polio shot and a booster when I was 6 or 7 years of age, and I don’t believe it did any harm to me or anybody. A vaccine for TB? Doesn’t sound awful. Now they’re thinking it might be helping in warding off covid19. That also doesn’t sound so bad. If the TB BCG is administered mandatorily in Japan, maybe Corbett can weigh in on it. He might even breath a little easier for his kids, who knows?

    Also, if you didn’t know, better not go saying the moon landings were for real. Someone’s gonna take a pot shot at you! You’d have to be bedeviled by the controllers to say such a thing.

    What else?

    Oh, man, I can’t believe I’m about to say…. that if you think human industry may be playing one stinking iota in any little itsy-bitsy manner, shape or form effecting earth’s, you know, atmospheric, ah, um, atmospheric…. oh, never mind. No worries. Forget I mentioned it…..[shhh, shhh, you’ll be considered in cahoots with Greta, though it ain’t true….it really ain’t true]….but never suggest it, here!

    But, in no particular order: 9/11 an inside job? Yep. Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Nope. MLK assassinated by the FBI? Yep. Kennedy’s by the CIA? Yep. Magic bullet? Nope. 1963 Coup d’etat? yep. Government assassination of Malcolm X? Yep. Spontaneous pandemic? Nope. Pandemic? Nope. Manipulation of modeling numbers? Yep. Ultimate technocratic enslavement? Donno. Hope not. Any real solutions? Donno. Hope so. Peace and harmony in our time? Donno. Anywhere?…..Ever?……..Hope so.

    Sorry, MagicBullet, I’ve meant no harm, I’m just doing me at he moment, at your expense.

    You see, I’m here at The Corbett Report, though I’m only half-baked.

    Like, not fully cooked. lol


    • Hahahaa, been thinking about you, brother. lol

      Because…..saw this video and if Fito, the band’s drummer, doesn’t share some of your spirit, and sense of humor, maybe no body does.

      Loved the Chinese song he called “Tu-Ning”. Totally your sense of humor…. (“close enough for jazz”- haha)

      And, it ain’t bad boogie, neither. Check it out.

      Fito is you, or your alter-ego, something like that:


      By the way, if you didn’t get any iotas, don’t strain. Not worth it.


      • Yes, Canned Heat played at Woodstock, and I didn’t know that their song “Going up the Country” sort of became Woodstock’s anthem. I only read that now, but, I always felt it embodied the mood. I didn’t know much about Canned Heat prior to now. I didn’t know they were pretty serious dudes, musically, who studied their genre intensely. If you go to their website, they have a lot of their history and back story. Once, they even found some old bluesman in Chicago driving a cab, and brought him back to the fore. Pretty interesting.

        alexandre, I know when you question “Or…is it.” you’re thinking McGowan. I think McGowan was misinfo. And when he was of no further use, or when at last, he went a little rogue exposing the Presidio pedo gang, he was “de-commissioned”.***

        I hate to bring up McGowan again, but I just know in my bones, the man had got his history upside down and inside out…..

        I clicked on your link, but youtube is telling me to confirm my age due to content….I’m not going to confirm my age for those scum bags. So, what was the song? Maybe I can find it elsewhere.

        ***Personal candlelight conspiracy theory. Understand you read it at your own risk. lol

        • I found this:


          Is this link similar to the one you posted? I’ve seen it before.

          So, yeah, let’s call a truce on McGowan. You like him, I don’t. Neither opinion can get you a free ride on the subway, so fuck it. Haha, I’ll sneak this one in….so, fuck McGowan…. haha, tag. You’re it!

          But, seriously, ah, was there something else to discuss? Covid-19?

          It is extremely difficult to figure out what’s going on without resorting to conjecture.


          Hey Utah, hey all our NSA friends out there! I have some video sent from a friend from a friend showing literally dozens of body bags (yes, filled) lined up on the floor of what seems to be an area of a NYC area’s hospital’s morgue. VERY EFFING WEIRD!

          So, you tell me?

          Is this shit for real, or what?

          PS: I know which hospital, but I’m not going to say. Confidentiality being what it is…..

        • I’m about to take my last sip of the poison. You said you stopped drinking, but for anyone else out there….

          pomegranate syrup/or liquor

          coconut rum

          pineapple juice

          orange juice

          spiced rum

          light rum

          dark rum

          ….And you make this concoction as strong as you like. And as many times as you like, for as long as your supplies last.

          So, where I live, it’s a half hour to the witching hour. And, at the strike of fucking midnight, poof!

          G’nite alexandre. You’re a good man. Even if you believe in not-so-not-so-nut-so-not-so-nut-so…..ain’t-gonna-say-so….


          Good night, man!

    • mkey says:
      …the point is that self insulation now will indeed cause a second wave later.
      I agree.

      I have been thinking that all along, way back when we first looked at the Imperial College “curve”.

      One way or another, a majority of the population is probably going to get COVID-19.
      It is only common sense.

      Flattening the curve does nothing except to slow the progress of the spread.
      Perhaps, the “authoritarians” justify the shut-down so as to not overwhelm the hospital system.

      To me, this justification demonstrates that the Medical Mafia system is broken…they can not address viruses. They never could. They never had the tools, and now they want to promise the tools for this ‘ronavirus with vaccines!?!

      However, I do not even buy the justification.
      At this point, it is evident that they strongly want to destroy the economic system.
      They are trying every ploy in the handbook to tear the fabric off of our society.

  35. Is the cure worse than the disease?

    The age old question. An answer by the former Supreme Court Judge , Lord John Sumption:

    The real question is, is this serious enough to warrant putting most of our population into house imprisonment, wrecking our economy for an indefinite period, destroying businesses that honest and hardworking people have taken years to build up, saddling future generations with debt, depression, stress, heart attacks, suicides and unbelievable distress inflicted on millions of people who are not especially vulnerable, and will suffer only mild symptoms or none at all?

    Hasn’t this guy heard of UBI? Our lords will see to our faltering needs. Pardon me as I take my leave to do some genuflection exercises.

  36. FlyingAxblade, do I understand you correctly? You round up stray dogs in Raleigh and drive them to certain grocery stores where you work as a (part-time at each?) janitor and where you can give them free leftover food?

    Who are the robots? Do they help you clean the floors of the stores?

    Sorry to be such an idiot, but better that than to be a Covidiot (I borrowed that word from another commenter — don’t recall who).

  37. James, when I first saw Dr. Andrew Kaufman interviewing Dawn Lester and David Parker on their book, “What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease is Wrong,” I swear I thought Andrew was James Corbett! They may not look like identical twins, but they sure bear a striking resemblance to each other, don’t they?

    Speaking of that Kaufman/Lester/Parker interview, I’m sure I saw a couple comments from Dawn on one of the recent Corbett threads, but I can’t find them for the life of me. Could someone please steer me to the right episode? I want to thank Dawn for her contribution to squelching lies and promoting truth.

    Oh, the interview is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcBXMWho3aE

  38. Love your list, alexandre m.!

    (As you can see by my addition of “m,” I checked out the jazz video you gave us the link to — and not only one video, but several of ’em on your playlist. Impressive! Whose dog is that? He’s/she’s adorable!)

    After the Orlando Pulse Nightclub false flag went down, did you watch the YT videos made by Robin, the eyepatch guy from California? He called up everyone under the sun — the local police, the hospital, the FBI — and grilled ’em all good. Robin had previously covered Sandy Hook, at which time one or more of his channels had been taken down, so I don’t know if he’s still out there.

    Anyway, the Orlando event seemed to be rife with crisis actors, just as Sandy Hook was, and I was reminded of them both when I saw a “line” of supposedly sick people outside one NY hospital that the MSM filmed (a hospital one citizen journalist found empty, inside and out, the next day). Every single person in the line had their back turned to the camera. They looked like they’d just walked off a crisis actors’ bus and onto the “set” designed for the TV video cameras.

    • Before the arrival of Kalki, and the start of yet another round of the endless cycle, how about giving up your guacamole recipe? Sounds too good to keep it to yourself, right? I’ve been meaning to look up a recipe that sounds good, but, all the better to have an expert, customized recommendation. It’s not your pet conspiracy list, but your guac list of ingredients is what I’d like to see!

      Damn, you can’t eat conspiracy! You can imagine what it tastes like…..


      Also, I thought Letroca was an opera you were listening to. Didn’t know it was a word game. 🙂

      • Speaking of conspiracies vs. true stories, I like the one about the old man who drank pinga like a fish and the dead scorpion!

        I guess “pinga” can refer to other “things”, besides your Brazilian drink. I’m very impressed with the sweet way the AI pronounces these “pinga” phrases. Take a listen, it’s almost musical, but most definitely humorous:


        And then there’s real pinga music, too!


        While lolling about in conspiracies, fantasies and day dreams, how about I take the one in red, and you can have the one in purple?

        Actually, this pinga drink I would probably like – a lot. Not that I’d become a scorpion killer, but when I was in Santiago, I fell in love with Pisco! Hmm hmm good! Bought a bottle at the airport to take home with me, and I don’t know what happened, but the top was loose and I didn’t know it, so it was dripping down the isle on my way to my seat. By the time I sat down, the plane was smelling like one big Pisco sour.

        Enjoy the music. I can only wonder what pinga means in Sanskrit??

  39. When China sneezes, the world catches a cold…

    This is quickly turning into a Big Fat Nothing-burger!

    Bellwether countries like Italy and Spain have had their Covid-19 cases on the decline for the past week or two.

    In other highly suspicious news…
    US futures shot up more than 700 points last night, more than 12 hours before trading opened.

    Way before they released the “good news” declining Covid-19 numbers for today
    Must be just a coincidence (like the trading before 9/11).

  40. Hi James, Thanks for all the useful information.

    I don’t know if this is still the place to leave ‘questions for Corbett’ but I’ll leave it here for now.

    I’m sure you are aware of the interview with Richard Clarke conducted by Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy, ( https://youtu.be/bl6w1YaZdf8 )

    I feel like this is bombshell information! There seems to be proof that people on the inside of the CIA, specifically at alec station, had information about Khalid al-Mihdhar who they spied on at the Malaysia summit and found he had a visa for the US, later, they knew he was in the US, etc, and chose to withhold that information from the FBI for something like 18 months…

    Doug Miller, one of the FBI agents sent to the CIA tried to let the Bureau know but his cable was blocked by Tom Wilshire and Michael Anne Casey. Casey then sent something out within the CIA basically saying the FBI had been notified, so no one else would did it..

    Richard Clarke’s explanation doesn’t hold too much water either because the CIA had a long history of getting guys into ‘al qaeda’ so it would seem that the CIA either allowed 9/11 to happen or they made it happen… Does this kind of information set aside the need for debates on how the towers fell, etc?

    Anyway, my question is this… with all that in mind. Do you think the FBI really had no clue?

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