We have been told to live in mortal fear of online hackers, and, as the "cyber pandemic" narrative ramps up, the fear-mongering over Chinese, Russian and even North Korean cyberwarriors is going into overdrive. Strange, then, given this climate of non-stop...
Results for "cyber 911"

Interview 1289 – James Corbett on Cyber 9/11
by Corbett | Jul 26, 2017 | Interviews
via Press For Truth: The global war on terror has entered the digital age and it's no longer a question of if there will be an attack on the world wide web but when! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about what...
Bracing for “Cyber 9/11”
by Corbett | Jul 23, 2017 | Newsletter
As Al-CIA-da become the "good guys" (again), and I-CIA-SIS starts to crumble, and the latest boogeymen fail to strike a chord of panic in a boogeyman-weary public (remember the fearsome Khorasan Group, anyone?), it is safe to say that the old Global War on Terror...
The Internet Is Dead. Long Live the Internet.
by Corbett | Jul 10, 2023 | Newsletter
Have you heard the latest? Canadians are losing their access to online news thanks to a new bill that would make tech companies liable for so much as linking to news stories. French President Macron is mulling a social media shutdown in the name of quelling France's...
France Pretends NATO is About the North Atlantic
by Corbett | Jun 25, 2023 | Newsletter
Someone must have bought Emmanuel Macron a map. How else to explain his amazing geographical discovery that Japan is not, in fact, located in the North Atlantic? For those not keeping up with the wild, wooly world of geopolitricks, this latest round of cartographic...
The REAL Dangers of the Chatbot Takeover
by Corbett | Feb 20, 2023 | Newsletter
It's official: the chatpocalypse is upon us! Just ask our <sarc>friends</sarc> over at The New York Times: "A Conversation With Bing's Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled" Or consult the <sarc>experts</sarc> over at digitaltrends: "'I want to be...

Episode 430 – The Media Are the Terrorists
by Corbett | Oct 24, 2022 | Podcasts, Videos
Yes, it's true: the terrorists do hate you for your freedoms, and yes, the terrorists are out to get you. But here's the real question: Who are the terrorists? Join James for today's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where he explores the nexus between...
The Story of the Century Just Broke (And No One Noticed)
by Corbett | Oct 10, 2022 | Newsletter
If you're a good, credulous consumer of the lamestream media, you likely take it as a given that Russian hackers present the greatest danger to the human species in the history of our planet. Or is that Chinese hackers? Or maybe North Koreans? Meh, whatever. Details,...