
National Guard Invades the Classroom – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the freedom convoy rolls on as Quebec abandons unvaxxed tax; the next generation of nanoparticle vaccines are unveiled; and the National Guard invades the classroom to solve the teacher shortage.

Jacob Hornberger on Our Crisis-Filled Lives (video)

Jacob Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation joins us to discuss his recent article on “Crisis-Filled Lives.” In this conversation, Hornberger notes the various crises that have come to define our precarious existence in the maws of the welfare-warfare state and what we can do to reverse the Crisis and Leviathan effect.

Acceptance of and Commitment To Freedom – #SolutionsWatch (video)

Iain Davis of In-This-Together joins us once again, this time to discuss his latest article, “Acceptance of and Commitment to Freedom.” In this conversation, James and Iain move from an examination of the feelings of hope and despair that have been instilled in the population by the would-be social engineers to a conversation about how we can use behavioural psychology to reassert our power and regain our sovereignty.

The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! (video)

You’ve been waiting for it all year. So stop waiting. It’s here! The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! Bringing you the worst in dinosaur media lies, smears and outright fiction from the past year. Join your host Bent Krockman for a whirlwind tour of fake photos, fake fact checks, fake politicians and of course the fake story of the year. Also, stay tuned for a musical performance by the new pop hit supergroup, KABAAL . . . and a word from our corporate sponsor!

How to Eat a Pine Tree – #SolutionsWatch (video)

Michael Hoffman of Food Forest Montana joins us today to introduce us to the concept of food forests by teaching us . . . how to eat a pine tree? Learn about the abundance growing right under your nose in this edition of #SolutionsWatch.

Announcing the 5th Annual Fake News Awards

You’ve been waiting for it all year and now it’s finally here! The Dinos are back as The Corbett Report prepares the 5th Annual Fake News Awards for January 28th, 2022. Do you have a fake news story, a fake video, a fake photo, a fake fact check or a fake anything else that you want to nominate for this year’s awards? Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave their nominations in the comments below.


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