
Interview 1465 – Glyn Moody on the EU Copyright Directive

Interview 1465 – Glyn Moody on the EU Copyright Directive

Writer and journalist Glyn Moody joins us today to discuss his recent TechDirt article, EU Looking To Regulate Everything Online, And To Make Sites Proactively Remove Material. We discuss the recently-passed EU copyright directive, including the imposition of upload filters, and the recently-leaked working paper on the EU Digital Services Act. We also remember some of the successes that protesters have had in the wake of internet-killing copyright legislation in the past.
Interview 1462 – David K. Levine is Against Intellectual Monopoly

Interview 1462 – David K. Levine is Against Intellectual Monopoly

David K. Levine is an economist at the European University Institute and at Washington University in St. Louis. He is the author with Michele Boldrin of Against Intellectual Monopoly, an empirical study of the economics of intellectual property that concludes that IP is not necessary for innovation and as a practical matter is damaging to growth, prosperity and liberty.


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