
Interview 1425 – Financial Survival and the Disappearing Middle Class

Interview 1425 – Financial Survival and the Disappearing Middle Class

James joins Melody Cedarstrom on the Finanical Survival radio show for their regular, bi-monthly conversation. This time we discuss the disappearance of the middle class, universal basic income, the International Criminal Court, the Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi and the recent flare up between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.
Interview 1424 – Andrea Saltelli on The Crisis of Science

Interview 1424 – Andrea Saltelli on The Crisis of Science

What is the crisis of science, and what does it tell us about the interface between science and policy? Is there a way to stop the debate over the crisis from becoming a political battling ground? And, if not, what does this mean for the future of science itself? Join Professor Andrea Saltelli and James Corbett for this in-depth exploration of the philosophy of science today on The Corbett Report.
Interview 1421 – Bruce Levine on Resisting Illegitimate Authority

Interview 1421 – Bruce Levine on Resisting Illegitimate Authority

Dr. Bruce Levine joins us to discuss his book Resisting Illegitimate Authority: A Thinking Person’s Guide to Being an Anti-Authoritarian―Strategies, Tools, and Models. We talk about authoritarianism and anti-authoritarianism, how dissent has been pathologized by power structures in the past, how it is pathologized today, and how anti-authoritarians can fruitfully resist and dissent against oppressive power structures.


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