
Episode 161 – America: Freedom to Fascism

This week on Documentaries That Matter, The Corbett Report is pleased to present the audio of Aaron Russo’s landmark documentary, America: Freedom to Fascism, which starts by exploring the tax honesty movement and goes on to examine the foundations of the New World Order that are currently being laid. Please support Mr. Russo’s life and legacy by buying a copy of the dvd at freedomtofascism.com.

Episode 160 – Who Owns Your Property?

From Locke and the laws of nature to governments and the legal war of words, the question of property is not as simple as it appears, and the answers may surprise you. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we ask the question Who Owns Your Property?

Episode 159 – Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception

The Corbett Report is pleased to present the audio of the incredible ThinkFree.ca documentary, Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception. In this hour-long presentation, you will learn about the simple tricks and deceptions by which we are all stripped of our inherent freedoms and by the end of today’s episode you will be questioning things you never before thought to question…

Episode 157 – Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

On this edition of Documentaries That Matter we play the audio of the seminal 2007 Alex Jones film, Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement. This must-hear documentary breaks down the global government structure that is being engineered so that the elite can finalize their control grid and begin reducing the world population. For a detailed bibliography and to support the filmmaker by buying a DVD, please go to EndgameTheMovie.com.

Episode 156 – Foreclosuregate

The Corbett Report explores the robo-signers, the bogus assignees, the clouded titles, the securities fraud, the insurance fraud, the unlawful repossessions and all the other ways that trillions of dollars are being snuck out the backdoor of the American economy. This is foreclosuregate.

Episode 155 – The Secret of Oz

This week on Documentaries That Matter we present The Secret of Oz from researcher and filmmaker Bill Still. In this documentary, Bill Still explores the real problem behind our current monetary system and the extremely simple answer that has been known about for centuries…an answer contained in the real meaning of Oz.

Episode 154 – The Cross of Gold

What is the essence of money? Is it a store of value? Is it a medium of exchange? Should it be both, or should they be separated? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the history of William Jennings Bryan and the Populists, The Wizard of Oz, and the real nature of money.


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