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The specter of Operation Choke Point 2.0 has just been raised in a recent House Financial Services Committee meeting. But what was Operation Choke Point 1.0? And why should we be concerned about this latest attempt to debank “disfavoured individuals,” anyway? Find out all the details in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
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Watch: Federal Reserve head is questioned on controversial “debanking of disfavored individuals” | |
Time Reference: | 00:50 |
Choke Point: How the Government Will Control the Cashless Economy | |
Time Reference: | 04:15 |
Episode 394 – Solutions: Survival Currency | |
Time Reference: | 05:19 |
Become a Corbett Report member and help support this work | |
Time Reference: | 20:59 |
Banks have started to freeze accounts linked to the protests, Freeland says | |
Time Reference: | 21:58 |
Episode 413 – Give Send Gone | |
Time Reference: | 23:12 |
Operation Choke Point 2.0 Is Underway, And Crypto Is In Its Crosshairs | |
Time Reference: | 24:24 |
Federal Reserve Says Custodia’s Plans Would Endanger Itself and the Crypto Industry | |
Time Reference: | 31:13 |
Episode 394 – Solutions: Survival Currency | |
Time Reference: | 39:11 |
How to Win the War on Cash | |
Time Reference: | 39:44 |
Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch | |
Time Reference: | 40:02 |
Black Market Fridays – #SolutionsWatch | |
Time Reference: | 40:08 |
I`ll see your “operation choke point” and raise you an unstoppable heirloom seed and decentralized food sovereignty rebellion!
The imperialistic conquistadors tried their own version of “operation choke point” back in the day and look how that turned out 😉
You dont happen to sell heirloom seeds do ya?
I would really rather buy from a fellow corbetteer than a shop.
Its limited to what we can grow here in Norway but nature is good at making things work!
Hi Helanda
I do not have an official business focused on selling heirloom seeds but I do have an abundance of rare heirloom seed varieties in my collection and I like to share them with good people when I am able. In the interest in helping them find good homes all over I recently came up with a thing where when people sign up for a paid subscription to my substack newsletter they are offered the option of me sending them some heirloom seeds (it covers the shipping fees most of the time).
If I was not throwing all my fiat currency at getting my book printed right now I would offer to send you some as a gift but I have done that for a few hundred people in the last year and I just cannot afford to keep that up for the time being.
I also gathered a list of good heirloom seed companies (based in Canada and the U.S.) at the end of this article https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/seed-saving-to-save-the-future (though I am not sure which ones can ship to Norway).
I agree regarding how nature helps things to work, it is one of the things I love about seed saving (being able to co-create with nature by saving select seeds and helping increase characteristics like cold hardiness, drought tolerance, flavor and color over the years). 🙂
Thanks for the comment.
Hi Gavin
I must just say that you have some amazing corn and tomatoes!
I could sign up for an annual? 43$?:)
How much are substack taking? Just curious. If they take a good percentage I could wire it over.
I have sourced alot locally, like potatoes, carrots, salat and different onions, cabbage and some bell peppers.
So hopefully I will throw less fiat currency at the elite ( the fuckers ) going forward.
I am also so lucky that I can buy meat directly from farmers.
In the process of my first preservation round ever.
Hopefully the lamb is going to turn out good. Next up, a pig 🙂
Hopefully I meet someone who would trade meat for cannabis.
For the most part, I cannot take the credit for the amazing characteristics of the corn and tomatoes we grow in our garden. The beautiful colors, high nutrient density, vibrant flavors and resilience of the crops themselves is the result of the hard work and close observation of many generations of seed savers from cultures far and wide that worked with their hands, minds and their hearts to make those heirloom varieties what they are. I have intentionally created a couple different varieties via cross pollinating different varieties of tomatoes, peppers, goji berries and apples but most of my collection is the result of countless generations of work that came before me. I just do my best to honor their hard work and continue to preserve their legacy.
Sure! If you sign up for the annual that should cover shipping costs for the bigger seeds like beans and corn if you like. I have a certain selection of seeds I have been sending out to people who sign up for the annual subscription option but I can customize your heirloom seed package if you have preferences as to what you would like. Just let me know.
I am not sure how much substack takes as a percentage. Maybe 8-10%-ish? (If I was to guess). I appreciate the offer to do a direct wire but I am generally computer illiterate and super strapped for time this time of year (working long hours at my day job doing landscape design and installation) so substack would be better for me at this point in time.
Also, if you want you can just unsubscribe after doing the initial annual subscription (so that you do not forget about having subscribed and then get charged again next year, as my posts on substack may be sporadic at the times of year when I am working full time at my day job, so I do not know if one would consider the subscription to be a valuable investment aside from the initial heirloom seed bonus gift offer).
I admire your intent to throw less money at the parasitic banksters and their minions (via cultivating your own food and sourcing it out locally).
That is great about your local meat source, we know a local farmer that raises organic chickens and cows and she likes to barter with me for seeds, produce, herbs and work rendered (landscaping) so it is nice to know we have that option if we need to go that route.
Meat for cannabis! I love it, I have heirloom seeds for that too (though if I was gonna send them internationally I would typically do it in a separate envelope from the other heirloom veggie/herb seeds without a return address etc for obvious reasons). What are the laws like regarding Cannabis in Norway?
Thanks for the nice comment 🙂
Hi Gavin,
sounds good. I will subscribe on monday:)
And just connect with me when i do and we can customize the seed package.
Yeah, it’s illegal in Norway. But I have nullified the whole ordeal ages ago 😛
I did not sign anything 😛
Just paid a bunch of tickets:P
Thanks for subscribing! 🙂
I will send you an email via my protonmail account so we can stay in touch regarding the seeds.
Ahh okay, it is “illegal” (whatever that means, as I do not think some random guys agreeing on what plants are allowed and not allowed to be grown without my agreement means anything to me, so I grew what ever plants I wanted to here in Canada before it was declared “legal” by the multi-generational organized thugs aka “government” too). I am glad you nullified that silly “law” where you are as well.
Here in southern Ontario they have a rule in our municipality against having food gardens in our front yard (they mandate monocultures of useless imported grass) I also nullified that. 😉
Hey Gavin, I hope that you’re doing well.
I just watched this video https://rumble.com/v2fmc7q-the-amazing-healing-powers-of-celandine-true-pathfinder.html
about a herb called greater celandine.
I don’t remember you ever mentioning it but I figured that you must know about it.
Do you think that it would grow here in central Florida? And do you have seeds?
Like helanda, I would rather buy seeds from you than some company that I don’t know anything about.
Hey Steve
I am well thanks. Starting to build the calluses back I had neglected over the winter and getting the blood moving planting trees and mulching yards all day, feels good.
How about you? Did those Amaranth seeds you started a while back pull through?
I have not heard of that herb before but I am glad you introduced me to it as I think I may have seen some growing around here before.
If I see it again i`ll try to save some seeds for ya 🙂 (though that would likely not be until fall if I am correct in remembering that flower/leaf grows around here and I am able to properly identify it and save seed).
I am not sure if it would grow in Florida but some say it can grow in Zones 5 to 8 (given proper care) so it seems like it should be able to do well there (or are you zone 9?).
Strictly Medicinal Seeds is a company I trust and they appear to have some greater celandine seeds if you want to get them sooner than later.
I`ll check out the video when I have time, thanks for the comment 🙂
“Did those Amaranth seeds you started a while back pull through?”
Yes, they aren’t nearly as impressive as the photos made them look but the largest one is now about chest high and is blooming.
Pictures always lie I suppose. 🙂
I’ll check out the seed company. Thanks.
“Zionist” conquistadors…
In the 1970s my mum was in a babysitting circle, and they used beads to keep account of how much babysitting each one had done.
Just because fiat surrounds itself with gatekeepers doesn’t mean crypto cannot be used as a means of exchange.
You make a good point. So long as one stays in the De-centralized Crypto World and does not attempt to convert their funds into Fed Notes or some other fiat currency backed by nothing other than a corrupt government’s creed, they will not be tracked. It is only when one uses the Banksters Money that they make a claim over you.
When dealing locally, I can trade favors all day and get by without a tally, however when it comes to paying Real estate Taxes for the roof over my head, even the local Government wants Fed Notes. I see where Gold and Silver are becoming acceptable means of payment for Taxes in some States. This opens the door for De-centralized Crypto to Gold/silver Exchanges that would completely work around the Bankster’s Money. Once the Bankster’s Money is no longer “Legal Tender” their reign is done.
Yes, and local government is increasingly on shaky ground, trying to force us to pay for things we don’t want, like 15-min cities and spy cameras – also massive interest rates to banks for schemes that were passed as people took to the streets to protest them.
I remember being babysat in the 70s in UK with the same system except the beads extended to other goods and services in the community beyond babysitting. Man the 70s was a good time!
And we all knew that what Maggie did through the 80s had fucked us all, but what could we do in the face of the literal “Big Bang’ as it was known even then? How did all that hippie rebellion stuff switch like a light into greed is good and we all love Big B?
Perhaps 1984 wasn’t such a random title after all
Haha yup.
“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.”
– John C. Calhoun, Vice President of the United States
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the Government, to whom it properly belongs.”
– Thomas Jefferson
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”
– Andrew Jackson
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”
– James A. Garfield
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
– Amschel Mayer Rothschild 1838
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
(Banker Paul Warburg, 2/17/50 as he testified before the U.S. Senate)
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
The super national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller 1991
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (written 50 years ago)
“People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.”
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“The Fundamental Fact of Your Existence as a modern man or woman is that the bankers of New York and London want to reduce you to Debt Slavery. Accept that fact and move on to the solution. That is their plan for you. What is your plan for them?”
The Video Rebel
Nice list of quotes.
There were some interesting developments in my area during these past few days.
So, April’s fools day. The local news rag trumped up fake news about how one of the larger parking lots in the city is no longer going to be free. They staged a video showing people’s cars being picked up and being impounded. They offered some fake press releases with the local “officials” and event went as far to claim that “no, this is not an April’s fool prank”.
People, obviously, fell for it, hook, line and sinker. The parking lot was empty for a few days, and then they released another editorial article to explain how it was all just a joke, don’t hold it against us, it was all in good fun, it doesn’t matter that they story didn’t make any sense but we made you believe it still, because you are stupid and, after all they lies we pushed your way, you still trust us.
And then, in the news today, the stasi… erm, department of the interior proposed amendments to the “public peace and order law” that would fine people for “fake news” with sums up to 4000€. Which is basically 4x as large as the supposed average income on the national level.
How more obvious can it get?
I would be enraged at a fake news article like that, especially if I usually parked there.
…Of course, we see that kind of stuff daily in the media.
People did get upset over it, yes. I’ll have to probe my entourage to see if anyone has started getting fed up of this shit.
I will, of course, curb my enthusiasm.
Forty years ago I used to think that I could always escape the USA to a less enslaved place. Now, I realize the fight is everywhere, everyday. And it’s hard to tell who is winning with a controlled MSM. Got Gold?Silver?
The ‘fight’ is everywhere/everyday indeed. Thankfully the opportunities to invest in the living economy of the Earth are also omnipresent and the returns on that investment are universally recognized as valuable.
Who is winning?
Well, one could begin to answer that question by asking another:
Who is capable of thriving, nurturing their health, resilience, creativity, living joyfully and with purpose regardless of the current status of centralized infrastructures, governments/economies and regardless of what ever life throws their way?
These are worth more to me than all the jewels, gems, silver and gold on Earth!
I would also argue that they are just as (if not more) beautiful visually. Also, you cannot eat gold, silver, diamonds, sapphires or rubies… nor can you plant them in the ground and increase their value 100 fold in a single season, while also building precious soil in the process and simultaneously increasing your health/emergency preparedness.
So true, it is a global war against a global enemy. Likely Zionist Jewish in nature, at least by the perps, Chabad Lubavitch being the religious arm of the assault.
I keep telling my friends that live in California, the “Globalists” want you out. They are shutting down the movie industry (on one level good riddance to those Zionist Satanic POS, but the loss of those jobs and exports will suck-no jobs but the military for the goyim in America), they are moving it overseas.
You think these fires are not being set, especially when high winds are forecast. Oh yes ANTIFA/Sayanim sleeper cells are always working while we are just trying to live our lives.
Many similarities between the Maui fires and those in California, fires being started on unusually windy periods, and the general stand-down or MIA government officials. The mayors of LA and Maui both, were out of town during the arson events. And as always, so much of the problem being attributed to “incompetency”, which is a nice way to redirect away from the malevolence that is really going on.
On a side note, I thought it was interesting that that crowd protecting pilons that are USUALLY installed on Bourbon Street during events like New Years and Mardi Gras, where not installed, allowing for the killing of those people. Of course that whole story is suspect, this is only one aspect that is particularly reveling.
Back to California, I have been noting for some time the apparent closing down of the “entertainment” (Propaganda) industry. We have seen studio after studio making movies that loose money, for reasons most often attributed as “wokism” (As if Hollywood really cares about “minorities”, women, or gays, total nonsense): “Go woke, go broke” is the meme that was pushed, using our hate of wokism (see: Marxism) as justification and celebrate the destruction of ANOTHER American industry. They are masters of manipulation, they create woke/DEI, then use it to implode an industry, that makes us cheer as it burns down. This is what happens when you give one group, especially a group that hates you, control over everything. What could go wrong with giving a Jewish Zionist mafia control over the nation’s entertainment industry…100 years of Communist Anti-European filth.
Some time ago I saw a map of America, it had something to do with the UN’s “Agenda 2020” (since then moved to 2030), what was most interesting was how the map had much of California, Oregon and Washington marked out as “nature reserves”. That meaning no people would be living there. Mind you, the last thing the ZioComs that run the UN care about is nature, but they could use it to clear us out. The true intention I am sure is infinitely more insidious: possibly mining or opening the door for China to invade. There is a reason they have kept China so nationalistic, while tearing down all other nationalities, likely China will be the enemy America is conquered by.
You can expect more of this crap to go on in California
I have to add, the ZioComs are masters of redirection and subterfuge, using double speak to manipulate the population to act in accordance to their wishes, in many cases without ever having to fire a shot. California had great winter rains, yet they are still in a drought, why because Governor Gavin Newsom was focused on saving “native fish”, thus sending enormous amounts of water into the ocean, that should be used for farming and filling up reservoirs. But “Newsom cares about the fish”, yeah, that globalist POS cares about fish, more than likely just an excuse to limit food production and create the idea of water scarcity. Similarly, “Global Warming”, Covid, DEI/wokism are endlessly given as obfuscations, excuses, misdirection from what is really going on. They use these fears to herd the masses into one direction or another, always making sure not to create a stampede. The goal is slow and steady genocide.
I remember during the scamdemic, we saw states like Florida sold as “free states” and California as restrictive (which it most certainly was/is). It was how this obvious difference in the approach to the scamdemic was so publicized by the national media, that made me take notice. Florida was shown time and time again as far less restrictive, it was left to personal choice when it came to masks and vaccinations, whereas Commiefornia was the nanny state. This difference was pushed hard in the media, which always tells me there is an agenda afoot. They were purposely making California look draconian, while making other states look desirable. This publicizing Commiefornia’s governmental overreach, along with the lawlessness, homelessness AND most notably, the endless media hyping about how “people were leaving California in droves”. All this while simultaneous and insidiously, using their financial institutions to significantly drive up the cost of homes in California. There is no doubt they want Europeans, the “middle class”, out of California.
When you take away the lame excuses, and see this malevolence for what it truly is, it becomes a lot easier to discerned truth from illusion. This discernment is going to become more and more important as we go back into the era of Trump. It seems, most likely, Trump IS the Zionist’s endgame, at least for America
I will be reposting this for a while to try and circulate the concept, but it seems China is where America was when we fought the Zionist’s world wars for them.
They built up America to be their world police, but they are done with us now, and it looks like they have built up China to not only replace us, but defeat us.
Very interesting how the Chinese government had a policy to increase population, then a policy to limit population growth, all to bring them to where we are right now, the perfect confluence of population and economic down turn. Understanding, I believe through creatures like Kissinger, China has long been under the sway of the bankers. It is also no secrete America is under similar ZOG control, and while they have been building up China, they have been simultaneously undermining America’s health, wealth and education. Now, we see this purposeful removing the middle class from the West Coast (leaving the “ruthless cosmopolitan” millionaires and their immigrant servants). I don’t believe in coincidences, to me this is about opening the way for a possible invasion from China.
Great lecture on where China is right now, its military build up and stance…
I have been wondering the “why”, when it comes to things like Operation Choke Point. It could be to force us to take another jab, maybe Noahide compliance, or shut up about war with Iran and/or blind support for Israel. But there is another, even more sinister option, insure compliance with a military draft, a war with China. We see the war on Ukraine as a cautionary tale (and so many other examples) of fighting in a war when your leader (Trump being Zion Don, traitor of the first order) and the enemy are both controlled by the Zionist psychopaths, whom want to kill you.
This is all just pure speculation, but an idea that seems to be gaining credibility daily.
Don’t wait for them to debank you. Debank yourself today!
thats it, preempt the mofo’s, they hate being second off the blocks. When Ive received largish sums at the end of a build job (less than 10k), Ive taken it as cash,, they hate it, they ask me why? and what will I do with it,,? I tell them theyre asking me that because they were told to,, its rude, they blush, they back off quick smart.
Whats the difference (for the consumer) between cbdc’s & direct debit cards?
Journalists keep chanting “they’ll turn your money off, if we allow currency to go completely digital”. Isnt this already the case?
Debit cards are just one of many ways to access your commercial bank account. You can take your debit card to an atm and withdraw your money in the form of bank notes. With cbdcs there would be no associated bank notes. Its all digital and its not connected to any commercial bank (who presumably wouldn’t care what protest you attend ext), thereby making it way more centralized and at risk of being ‘turned off’. Of course they still can push on commercial banks today and ‘turn off’ your money but its not easy or straightforward process nor is it 100% effective since bank notes can still be used.
Great work as always James!
I would had flunked the pop quiz.
Fortunately, as James reviewed the information it all came back to me.
I remember the newsletter and especially the Suntrust story.
A couple points I want to mention…
James Corbett does a great job of holding our hand and guiding us through the data, even if it means him reading out-loud for us the important paragraphs in the script.
It is a good way to teach others.
Reviewing information really helps.
I also want to note that mental memory mechanism: “story”
That Suntrust story stuck.
It remained in the memory nodes with mental imagery.
I have noted in the past couple of days that I have been effectively removed from shopping online (not Zon which I do not use) as even Mercadolibre in Mexico demands 2-factor authentication suddenly, after years of just email.
They want Phone Numbers– enough that they’re willing to lose custom to get them – a concerted push into the digital prison?
This Episode on Operation Choke Point is very timely in that (after noting that James no longer takes Paypal) I submitted my previously properly functioning MasterCard (3 times), only to be informed of “Insufficient Funds”. It seems strange because only yesterday I used the same Card to donate to CHD, located here in the States and it worked fine.
As I just checked my Bank Account to see that it is nowhere near the limit, I noted that the $50.00 to CobertReport was in fact Declined 10 times. That also strikes me as odd.
I don’t know how James Palato can continue to get money to Japan, but you might want to keep that under your hat, eh!
I found a reply from CorbettReport in my in-box where I was able to find a link and Donate $50.00 by way of Paypal. So, it looks like MasterCard is worse than PayPal relative to my international transactions.
The documentary CBDC: End of money is found here:
again, James is 10 years ahead of everyone on these topics… as if he has a crystal ball in his basement 🙂
Thank goodness I got that $17 Cost Of Living Allowance from daddy and mommy. Might go to Hawaii or buy a new car :-/
Tuesday January 7, 2025 – FLASHBACK Operation Choke Point 2.0 (2023)
I find that these reviews help me to learn. Concepts become more solid, less foggy.
The reviews also help to direct my attention towards areas which I sometimes neglect.
“They’ll never use it on us!”
Famous last words.
If you’re interested in that in musical form, enjoy what spawns from my boredom. https://rumble.com/v65cb3j-hero-factory-v1.1b.html
I was a happy user of BTSE.Com. A year ago they informed me that being a Canadian, they couldn’t support my business any longer. I explained that I reside in USA:
Thank you for reaching out to us regarding updating your address to the USA. We appreciate your interest in continuing to use our platform.
However, we regret to inform you that due to regulatory and licensing restrictions, we are currently unable to provide trading services to individuals who are citizens of or reside in the United States. Unfortunately, this means we cannot proceed with the requested address update or identity verification.
For further details regarding the jurisdictions we are unable to service, please refer to our list of sanctioned and prohibited jurisdictions here.
We understand that this news may be disappointing, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Rest assured, we will announce any changes to these restrictions in the future as we strive to enhance our platform and services.
Please note that trade and deposit functions on BTSE will be disabled on January 31, 2024. Any assets involved in open orders at that time will be automatically liquidated, with the resulting funds deposited into your Spot Wallet on January 31, 2024.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at support@btse.com. We appreciate your understanding.
Warm regards,
BTSE Customer Support
All of this discussion about debanking, banks, ending or hyperinflating fiat currencies and regulation of cryptocurrencies is missing the point. What matters is the flow of money within the new economy with anonymous, untraceable cryptocurrencies, like Monero.
I would appreciate if James would update this post with his assessment of Monero in particular, and also the use of wealth generated in the Monero economy to untraceably invest in Bitcoin whose value relative to all fiat currencies must increase over the long term, in spite of any short term volatility. Monero can then be used periodically to move a portion of this accumulated Bitcoin wealth back into the “invisible” Monero economy, thus increasing its size relative to the size of the fiat/government-regulated economy.
Point of clarification:
Untraceable, anonymous financial transactions within Monero and any other cryptocurrencies like it that may come along in the future, is that both the sender and the recipient of funds must have out-of-band ways of validating the trustworthiness of the other party.
This could happen in person, as is common for all of us when friends agree to do personal favours for one another.
In the crypto world, there can be trust networks (A trusts C, who assures A that B is trustworthy).
Another approach that has been in place is to have users register an alias name with a “reputation” system. The reputation system collects data on the number and relative frequency of transactions performed by each alias, and also the number of complaints. The system collects escrow payments, and returns them if there is no complaint. If there is a complaint, the system collects confidential data from both parties, and either negotiates or arbitrates a solution. The outcome of this process is recorded and made available anonymously to all future users of the reputation system.
There are then algorithms that reputation system member A can use to (a) decide whether or not to engage with member B, and (b) what value of transaction to risk losing if an arbitration should be decided in favour of member B.
The entire reputation system is end-to-end encrypted, so no government or bank can interfere with or see into its operations.
The reputations of reputation systems are distributed by “word of mouth”, similar means to the ways people learn about anonymity in general, such as the existence and use of Monero, the Corbett Report, and anything else Freedom-oriented.
The powers that shouldn’t be would probably prohibit it
The things I describe are already in place. Because of modern encryption technology, the powers that shouldn’t be can declare that it’s prohibited, but they don’t know and cannot find out who is doing it, so they can’t stop it. Prohibition is an empty threat.
The choke point, de- banking by the Central Bank.
This interesting discussion between John Titus and Catherine A. Fitz at the Solari Report reveals the phantasmagorical powers of the central banks. What ? you may ask.?
I must admit my frustration at stopping the propaganda coming out of my acquaintances mouths mid sentence, I ask them while the foam is fresh on their lips,” who created that boogie man, who is financing and promoting that boogie man. Can you PLEASE take just one more step and see the face of evil behind that boogie man?
Hard as they try,( which isn’t much ) the picture is blurred, the portrait is undefined,wavey like the heat waves coming off the hood of Home Remedy’s Supplies’ truck hood on a 110° day in Dallas. Blurred, undefined, diaphorus Unknown.
Catherine goes on explaining her frustrations much as I’ve been doing. Sans HRS. Why don’t we hear of ISIS, Houthis , Cartel Drug lords, hell the IDF and there atrocities resulting in de- banking?
Look another phantom, there in the mist, ah shucks it’s gone like one of those UAPs.
Miss Fitz holds up a green thing to the camera. Yes a thing, a bound stack of papers , an instruction manuel on debunking the Central Bank. Crib sheets on how to describe, deactivate and disassemble the phantom by Movement.
I’m sure you are wondering what that green thing was?
It’s a BOOK, cliff notes for the student to cut through the mists of the future. A Book James a book.
I had to , what ?
I had to remember a quote, a quote that gives levity to our present predicament. Our situation is not so bad. As Dickens time? As Tito? Well it was said so long ago by Tacitus A.D. 55 – 120 he said, as quoted in Ox Quotes lll ed.
” These times having the rare good fortune that you may think what you like and say what you think.”
Hope it lasts long enough to de- bank the Central Bank. Also , James, er..ah times running out, this bit of blue sky is not going to last forever. Got a lot a quotes from Oxford here in my hands to prove that. So what’s the lay of the land professor?
Am i the only one that thinks this is good news?
Extraordinary good news! We should hope and wish for more and more debanking and chokepoints and what have you. It might very well be the only way to force our lazy asses into alternatives like monero and decentralized exchanges like haveno, which in return will make these parallel markets thrive. People won’t go there unless forced, they’re way to comfortable, so what better news than a scared State debanking more and more legit citizens? Makes me wanna whistle a happy tune 😉
Why complain? We could put an end to this policy by regaining control in Parliament. Here is how: