Corbett Report Radio 203 – Nuclear News from Iran to Fukushima

by | Aug 24, 2012 | Radio | 0 comments

Tonight on the broadcast James breaks down the latest news on the nuclear front, including the increased pressure on Iran from the IAEA and the latest worrying news about radiation from Fukushima.

Works Cited:

IAEA to press Iran for access but nuclear “clean-up” suspected

Former Iranian president: adopt detente policy in nuclear dispute

4 in Germany Accused of Sending Iran Nuclear Parts

The CIA and the Nuclear Black Market (Eyeopener Preview)

Senior Iranian Commander Dismisses Sanctions as Ineffective

Iran clings to Asian oil market as sanctions bite

As Iran’s oil flow to Asia, sanctions chipping away at merchants and factories at home

Plutonium traces detected at 10 locations in Fukushima

MOX plutonium fuel used in Fukushima’s Unit 3 reactor two million times more deadly than enriched uranium

Record cesium found in fish off Fukushima

#Antinuclear Japan: Nearly 90% Favor “Zero Nuke” Policy

Scientists fear increased genetic defects in Fukushima



  1. Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 8.26.2012 | Wiki World Order -
    [...] 6. (Video) Corbett Report Radio #203: Nuclear News from Iran to Fukushima [...]


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