Corbett Report Radio 226 – Pandemic!

by | Sep 26, 2012 | Radio | 5 comments

Be afraid, citizens! Be very afraid! The WHO is back in town, warning of a new potential pandemic threat. If that fact brings to mind flashbacks of the 2009 swine flu pandemic hype then you’ve been paying attention. Tonight on the program James breaks down the constant low-level conditioning to accept the next big pandemic scare, where that pandemic is likely to come from, and what might happen in its wake.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY/ Minds / YouTube (banned!) / Download the mp4


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  1. Prescient pod cast James. The crap unfolding in front of our eyes has been in planning a long time.The fraud is so blatant but so many people are going along with it. Do not take this so-called “vaccine”. It is a depopulation kill shot in my opinion.

  2. I really enjoyed Corbett Report Radio 226 – Pandemic!
    In a way, it was refreshing, like the sunshine coming through the window.

    Corbett goes over the exact same “Pandemic” fundamentals which occurred then as do now.
    Except then, most people were somewhat removed from the Iron Hand, and the sun was shining outside.
    In this 2020 era, the days meld together in constant overcast skies.

  3. I’m here from the Gootube blocked video. Mr. Corbett, it’s very scary how you nailed it back years ago.

    I have nothing to add besides my gratitude to you for doing this.

  4. James, you must have some inside intel of coming events, cause this video would have been perfect for today with just a few names changed for the sake of relevancy. Otherwise, this is exactly what is happening now. I hope a ton of folks come over to watch this.
    It’s unfortunate that we have such short memories… even those of us who have followed your work for years.
    Peace & blessings to you, your family and loved ones
    Nana Baakan


  1. The Corbett Report | Pandemic! (video) -
    [...] CLICK HERE for the audio mp3 of this radio broadcast. [...]
  2. Pandemic video Prepper News | Closet PreppersCloset Preppers -
    [...] CLICK HERE for the audio mp3 of this radio broadcast. [...]
  3. Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 9.30.2012 | Wiki World Order -
    [...] 7. (Video) Corbett Report Radio #226: Pandemic! [...]
  4. “Pandemic!” ~ The Corbett Report | 2012 The Awakening -
    [...] DOCUMENTATION: [...]

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