Episode 058 – Meet Carroll Quigley

by | Oct 5, 2008 | Episodes, Podcasts | 29 comments

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Running Time: 1:02:08

Description:This week we hear from Carroll Quigley and G. Edward Griffin about a secret society created by Rhodes to spread the British Empire around the world…which is still at work, attempting to set up a world government administered by bankers.


Documentation – Dynamic Duo radio program
Time Reference: 01:41
Description: Click here to find the link to the current program of the Dynamic Duo. If you see 1003081 or 1003082, you can download it and listen to James Corbett on Kevin Barrett’s radio program.
Link To: gcnlive.com
Documentation – GCN Live
Time Reference: 01:57
Description: Join GCN Live to get access to the Dynamic Duo podcast archive, where you can download the archived copy of James Corbett’s appearance on the program (Friday, October 3, 2008).
Link To: gcnlive.com
Documentation – Geopoliticalmonitor.com
Time Reference: 03:03
Description: An excellent source of geopolitical news and information. Enter the jcorbett coupon code when you purchase a yearly subscription and you will help fund The Corbett Report.
Link To: GeoPoliticalMonitor
Documentation – Banker Bailout Bill Contains IRS Police State Provision
Time Reference: 04:20
Description: REAL NEWS #1
Link To: Infowars
Documentation – Are we already dining on clones
Time Reference: 06:28
Description: REAL NEWS #2
Link To: Montreal Gazette
Documentation – Depression pill may damage men’s chances of having children.
Time Reference: 07:55
Description: REAL NEWS #3
Link To: MailOnline
Documentation – Bill Clinton DNC Acceptance Address
Time Reference: 09:37
Description: Text and audio of Clinton’s speech in which he name-checks Quigley.
Link To: American Rhetoric
Documentation – Carroll Quigley
Time Reference: 11:55
Description: Basic details of Quigley’s life and career.
Link To: Wikipedia
Documentation – The Anglo-American Establishment
Time Reference: 12:16
Description: One of Quigley’s most well-known and most discussed work.
Link To: Voltairenet.org
Documentation – Tragedy and Hope
Time Reference: 12:22
Description: Quigley’s best known and most-debated work. The quotations cited in this 2008 piece were from this inaccurate reproduction of the book (square bracket interjections, ellipses and all), but the quotations in the 2021 video are from the book as published.
Link To: Archive.org
Documentation – Carroll Quigley interview (1974)
Time Reference: 17:43
Description: A rare interview with the reclusive professor of history. All clips of Quigley in this episode come from this source.
Link To: Archive.org
Documentation – Project for a New American Citizen.
Time Reference: 26:47
Description: Not THAT PNAC. The good one. The student activist one at U of T.
Link To: PNACitizen
Documentation – G. Edward Griffin speech on Carroll Quigley
Time Reference: 27:10
Description: The legendary Griffin gives an excellent talk on the significance of the information presented in Quigley’s work.
Link To: PNACradio
Documentation – Barack Obama lying about his CFR/NAU ties
Time Reference: 40:00
Description: Just like the title says.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – Alan Greenspan speech at CFR conference
Time Reference: 40:22
Description: Greenspan praising the CFR and Rockefeller’s ability to dictate foreign policy in the States…isn’t that sweet?
Link To: CFR.org
Documentation – Dick Cheney ex-director of CFR talks to David Rockefeller
Time Reference: 40:46
Description: Cheney finds it funny that he lied to his constituents.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – Breaking the Economy in Order to Fix It
Time Reference: 47:32
Description: The Corbett Report has been reporting on the economic crisis (and how it has been engineered) long before Black Monday.
Link To: The Corbett Report
Documentation – Rockefeller quotation from Bilderberg 1991
Time Reference: 53:40
Description: WARNING: This Rockefeller quotation is almost certainly spurious..
Link To: The Corbett Report


  1. Carroll Quigley was a Harvard-educated historian who largely espoused mainstream views. He was a strong supporter of the UN and the EEC (which later became the EU). He believed that the American and British elites, including the secret societies mentioned above, were defenders of democracy, tolerance, and progress. Occasionally, though, he disagreed with their methods. He believed that the problem with American schools was that they were too lenient and soft, and promoted creativity and sentimentality too heavily to the detriment of discipline — exactly the opposite of people like John Taylor Gatto. Later writers such as G Edward Griffin and Anthony Sutton capitalized upon Professor Quigley’s research into elites in order to ascribe to them nefarious aims. Before Professor Quigley’s death, he disputed these later theories and claimed that his work had been misquoted.

    • Quigley was a firm capitalist and spokesperson for parts of the capitalist class.

      His work only told the middle classes and students like Clinton how the world worked.

      Before Quigley, the radical movements of the early 20th century could have told you much more about who ruled and rules the world. But radical ideas have been suppressed,while Quigley’s were published and shelved.

      • ‘..His work only told the middle classes and students like Clinton how the world worked…’

        True, I kinda think he wanted more people to read it though, if only for his own ego. He probably thought most people would agree with him that it was all mostly a good thing

    • That’s what makes James one of the only sources of news I trust. He knew his SH!T way back in 2008! And he corrects himself when he makes a mistake, unlike almost all other journalist would today!

  2. Lo and behold!!!

    Interesting that this podcast seemingly has spontaneously dug itself up just now, and dusted itself off! Lol

    But, now I’m wondering, have I very recently – like within the last 24 hrs, recently – confused Carroll Quigley with Anthony Sutton? I think I may have.

    In any event, this subject is very deep. I dare say that in reality, its bottom is about as deep as it gets, as human affairs go, further and deeper still, believe it or not, than go the archives of even The Corbett Report! 🙂

    Thank you, very kindly, for digging it up!

    Perhaps we will get to the bottom of it, someday.

    • [At 44.25 – ha ha ha, James, the spurious quotation alert! Spurious, indeed!]


      I wonder if you were reading from another edition of Quigley’s
      tomes, as Steve Smith points out above, the divergence of the written and spoken words. There were a number of such divergences.

      One slight divergence, or perhaps you simply misread, was when you left out the written word “radical”, where Quigley was describing “an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act.”

      Funny how Quigley used the term “radical” in describing those on the Right who saw Communist infiltration and perversion of the capitalist system. This precisely describes the G. Edward Griffin of 1969. In fact, I was rather surprised, and felt like I was suddenly living in a strange, alternative universe, to see just how radical and far-right Griffin was back in 1969! I mean, he was so radical that he could have probably made the ordinary conservative, expressing somewhat less angst than he, look like a Communist sympathizer! Basically, Griffin was advocating for ratting people out. The equivalent of the current “if you see something, say something.”

      So, it’s beyond ironic, then, Quigley’s assertion, claiming there was frequent cooperation between such seemingly disparate organizations, the so-called international Anglophile network (secretive Rhodes groups, presumably)and the Communists!

      What a world!

      But, as you end this podcast with Quigley touching upon, just about as briefly as Quigley could, the notion of the all seeing eye – the adopted symbol of the Masons – landing on the dollar bill as being “…a totally different story.”; there are, indeed, many layers to all this, with the Quigley exposition being but one.

      To be sure, it doesn’t start and end with Cecil Rhodes.

      Maybe Rhodes, himself, was a front man for a more established and more deeply embedded secret society that precedes him.

      Is it at all feasible to assume we could dig that secret society up?

      Should it even be attempted?

      • The secret society is in the open: it is called capitalism and if one is lucky enough to be in the .001% then they are part of the secret society.

        That the ruling class conspires against the working classes and dispossessed is not revealing in and of itself(it is the class struggle). That a small percentage of the world global elites, 85 according to Oxfam, have the combined wealth of half of the world’s poor is not a secret. It is an open sore, a moral calamity and a human tragedy.

        Capitalism accumulates wealth at the top as we see with the pandemic and billionaire’s net worth growth as well as corporate growth. That a private bank or banks representing private capital exist to further their own interests is also not startling.

        As to Griffith he was part of the John Birch Society. They were so far to the right they accused Eisenhower of being a Communist.

        Griffith is controlled opposition. Research his views he is not to be trusted.

  3. Twice now on Tucker Carlson have been reports of newly spotted… UFO’s! Suddenly the govt. is being transparent about their findings? And the best part, they show video. These recent aliens ships are… wait for it… 3 green pyramid shaped flying saucers. You can’t make this stuff up. Prepare for a reason for the world to unite, to fight hostile alien forces (HAARP reformed)

  4. Out of curiosity, I was trying to see if I could find out when the Masonic symbolism of the all seeing eye was placed on the dollar bill, and I came across an interesting website which mentions the year was 1933. The website states in brief and simple terms a short history of the development of secret societies and the diverse individuals involved, including, naturally, some of the usual, historical suspects, including Rhodes, of course.

    It’s worth a look…if only just quigley, ha ha:


  5. Incredible episode! To think this was broadcast in 2008! Keep coming across Bank for International settlements alot lately while doing research. So much is fitting into place at last – many thanks for all your excellent work James.

  6. I like that you replay older articles that are more or less timeless. I find most content creators only ever create new content, even when older content is replayable and relevant.

  7. The Council on Foreign Relations has been getting some serious competition from a little known, four decades old organization called The Council on National Policy (CNP).

    The CNP is by far the most representative of the nativist and fascist Republican Party. And they are also a ‘secret society’; little is known of their actual members or what they do when assembled.

    As the traditional multinational globalists search to conquer the world, so do the nativist fascists.

    The international ruling elite are organized up to a point.

    But there are definitive arguments,splits and rifts within ranks of members of the ruling elite. That is what you see now going on in the US with the Reichpubs and the corporate democratic fascists clash over ‘policy’.

    You also see it in Europe with the rise of French nationalism, to use one example.

    The real issue is of course economic and geo-political, meaning it has to do with imperialism and capitalism.

    China changes the global playground as well. Yes, it was built up by transnational corporations,but its power now seems uncontrollable.

    This is one reason we see a rise in international fascism. This, and the fact there is no alternative vision of the world that has traction.

    For more on the CNP, its ties to Dominionism, Discordianism, the religious right, Erik Prince, mercenaries, billionaire activists and 4th and 5th Generation Warfare see:

    The CNP, Dominionism, and the False Hope of #QAnon: A discussion with John Brisson


    and if interested read:

    How the CNP, a Republican Powerhouse, Helped Spawn Trumpism, Disrupted the Transfer of Power, and Stoked the Assault on the Capitol


    • weilunion

      I’ll listen to the podcast later but I looked at the article… and while its pretty interesting its spun too far into the left/right fake to be taken overly seriously

      First off… the Religious Right is pretty much nothing but a scam these days. Most Churches are not even conservative these days, most people dont even go anymore, those that DO go often dont vote on religious grounds.

      If Christian voters had any power to do anything the US would not have drag queen story hour and homo friendly schools in even the most conservative state… the culture war is OVER and they just drag the corpse out now and then to scare left wing voters.

      Dominionism, if it was EVER a real force in Gov (which I doubt TBH) was as much a scam on the religious as Democrat party socialism was on the poor.

      The capitol riots 100% benefited the transfer of power to Biden, since they gave an excuse to the Republicans to drop their stupid motions without having their base dump them.

      Trump was 100% as fake as Q …. consider that policy wise he was a Democrat of 20 or 30 years ago. Trump had zero intention of stopping the transfer of power… my prediction is that he will spent the next election cycle sucking up money and votes and keeping everyone where the rulers want them- conservatives split and Democrats terrified.

      The demographic flip has happened (about the same time as the religious one) in the USA, Whites are no longer the majority and are the only group that splits its vote left and right.. non white voters vote democrat ‘pretty much’ (yes, I know its not 100%) exclusively REGARDLESS of if they are religious or social conservatives.

      This means Republicans will be lucky to win any real power again and must content themselves scamming their donors….

      The Democrats will push super left (and corporate) and the Republicans will be the lite version of the same.

  8. Wow! I had to pause the video around the 5min mark. Jan Smuts was a president of Rhodes secret society?
    I only heard about him before from Allan Savory, the founder of Holistic Management who built upon the philosophy from Jan Smuts book “Holism and Evolution”. I wonder if Allan is aware of that background…..

  9. Excellent presentation!

    I don’t think I ever saw this from the archives, so glad you reposted it!

    It inspired me to go buy Joe Plummer’s Tragedy and Hope 101 book, and am avidly reading it right now.

    Thanks for reminding us about the “kabuki theater” of modern politics.

  10. lekp
    Families do like to recycle their names, especially if your fav aunt or something just dropped dead…maybe thats what happened?

    I dont have access to Ancestry.com or anything like that, did you find birth dates over lapping or familial connections?

    The new one is the one doing the TED talk on crypto i guess?

    Cant find a photo of OLD Bettina Warburg and dont have a newspaper archive subscription to see if one ever came up in the newspapers… did you have any luck?

    The Old one looks like a bad apple though just from this- psychiatry being as much a weapon as fractional reserve banking her dad pushed for..actually I think he was also a funder of the Bolsheviks too but I’d need to go check

    “..Between 1938 and 1943, Warburg was instrumental in organizing and financing the emigration of 154 Jewish psychiatrists and psychoanalysts from Germany and Austria. Much of this was done using her own and her family’s money.[4]..”

    Hmn…. getting them out in 1943 must have taken some pull

    “…Yeah right, as if the Warburgs are unknown…”
    How often do you see the really rich and important people in the news, lol?

  11. Back in the old days, I remember the excitement I felt as I read about the actions of PNAC…

    PNAC – The Project for a New American Citizen
    A Project for the New American Citizen was initially started in response to the growing number of questions surrounding the attacks of September 11th, 2001.
    In the Spring of 2006, Matt Dayton and Jon Roberts, two students at the University of Texas, watched a film called �Loose Change 2nd Edition� on the internet. After an exhausting realization that the official story of 9/11 was in fact a lie, the two good friends decided to start a student organization dedicated to raising awareness and asking critical questions, not only about 9/11 but a number of other issues they would soon discover.

    Over the past year the organization has hosted a number of different events, protests, and even managed to capture the lead engineer of the NIST Report, John Gross, denying the existence of molten metal at the base of WTC 1,2 and 7….[Often Cited Video]

    IMAGES and bits of timeline here…

    SEARCH on 911blogger brings up some things about them…

  12. Just found this
    And there
    “Wikipedia further says that this company was “[f]inanced by N M Rothschild & Sons” and “Rhodes succeeded over the next 17 years in buying up all the smaller diamond mining operations in the Kimberley area.”
    Lo and behold, they throw it at your face even at Wiki: Rhodes was a Rothschild front from the very beginning. They did not take over the lead of Rhodes’ organizations later in the process after his death, he created them with their money and thus leadership over him.

    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes
      “The son of a vicar, Rhodes was born at Netteswell House, Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire.
      A sickly child, he was sent to South Africa by his family when he was 17 years old in the hope that the climate might improve his health. He entered the diamond trade at Kimberley in 1871, when he was 18, and, thanks to funding from Rothschild & Co, began to systematically buy out and consolidate diamond mines. Over the next two decades he gained near-complete domination of the world diamond market, forming a massive monopoly.”


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    [...] http://www.corbettreport.com/episode-058-meet-carroll-quigley/ [...]
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