Episode 060 – A Bioterror False Flag

by | Oct 19, 2008 | Episodes, Podcasts | 42 comments

Running Time: 1:10:24

Description: Anthrax, bird flu and even the deadly 1918 Spanish flu are being toyed around with in secret government biological weapons programs. How safe do you feel?

Watch this video on BitChute / LBRY / Minds.com / YouTube or Download the mp4


Documentation – Banks borrow record $437.5 billion per day from Fed
Time Reference: 0:05:09
Description: REAL NEWS #1
Link To: Reuters
Documentation – Canadian Premier hopes to integrate economy with European Union
Time Reference: 0:06:32
Description: REAL NEWS #2
Link To: Infowars
Documentation – ‘Net filters “required” for all Australians, no opt-out
Time Reference: 0:07:44
Description: REAL NEWS #3
Link To: Ars Technica
Documentation – ‘operation dark winter’ 3
Time Reference: 0:09:48
Description: As a part of the 2001 ‘Dark Winter’ war game, scripted TV news clips were made to help make this drill as realistic as possible.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – Dark Winter
Time Reference: 0:11:18
Description: More information about the Dark Winter exercise held on Andrews Air Force Base just months before 9/11.
Link To: SourceWatch
Documentation – I Am Legend and Hollywood bioterror conditioning
Time Reference: 0:12:40
Description: From the Alex Jones Show, December 18 2007.
Link To: Infowars
Documentation – Scientists’ deaths are under the microscope
Time Reference: 0:16:09
Description: Globe and Mail article from 2002 that attempts to make light of the fact that an incredible number of world-class microbiologists started dying in mysterioius accidents around the world shortly after 9/11.
Link To: Free Republic
Documentation – The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists
Time Reference: 0:21:26
Description: What Really Happened article with links to more information about the dead microbiologists.
Link To: What Really Happened
Documentation – Microbiologist Death Toll Mounts As Connections To Dyncorp, Hadron, Promis Software & Disease Research Emerge
Time Reference: 0:21:32
Description: An article from Michael Ruppert of From The Wilderness.
Link To: Rense
Documentation – What Really Happened
Time Reference: 0:22:25
Description: An excellent source of links to news from around the world.
Link To: What Really Happened
Documentation – U.S. settles with anthrax mailings subject Steven Hatfill for $5.82 million
Time Reference: 0:29:00
Description: Information on Hatfill and his successfull lawsuit against the FBI.
Link To: LA Times
Documentation – Government Biological Weapons Legislator: Anthrax Inside Job Cover Up Continuing
Time Reference: 0:29:55
Description: Francis Boyle affirms that the anthrax attack was an inside job, and that more bioweapons will be used to scare the public into submission in the future.
Link To: PrisonPlanet.com
Documentation – Bioterror false flag watch: Anthrax & Avian Flu
Time Reference: 0:30:45
Description: An extremely informative thread on the PrisonPlanet forum about a possible bioterror false flag event.
Link To: PrisonPlanet Forum
Documentation – HHS PREP Act Declaration
Time Reference: 0:31:08
Description: The government is declaring a health emergency about a possible anthrax terror attack…sometime between now and 2015 (now THAT’S covering your bases!)….And, oh, by the way, if you die from the mandatory anthrax vaccine after they declare martial law they can’t be held liable
Link To: HHS
Documentation – Mailmen might deliver meds in next anthrax attack
Time Reference: 0:32:55
Description: Roll up your sleeve and take one for Uncle Sam! The postman only rings once when he’s got so many anthrax meds to deliver.
Link To: AP
Documentation – Mail carriers to bring drugs in anthrax attack
Time Reference: 0:33:13
Description: Mailmen anthrax meds tested in Seattle, Philadelphia and Boston.
Link To: Reuters
Documentation – Well-connected drug company obtained anthrax vaccine contracts despite side effects
Time Reference: 0:34:02
Description: The cure is worse than the disease…
Link To: Raw Story
Documentation – Mandatory Military Anthrax Vaccine
Time Reference: 0:35:38
Description: From CBS Evening News, Saturday, April 14, 2007.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – Bayer Sells AIDS Tainted Drug
Time Reference: 0:40:40
Description: Bayer came out with a drug called Factor 8 for hemophiliacs. However, it was quickly discovered that the drug (which was made primarily of human blood products) was tainted with the AIDS virus. The FDA wouldn’t allow Bayer to sell the drug domestical
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic
Time Reference: 0:41:08
Description: This article should be read by every human being on the planet. Get it out to everyone you know. Contains information on GM foods, the WHO tetanus sterilization program, and, of course, the mysterious doomsday vault.
Link To: Global Research
Documentation – “Inevitable pandemic” will kill 75,000 in Britain
Time Reference: 0:42:45
Description: Funny how they even know how many people the pandemic will kill…even though they nothing about its biology yet…unless…
Link To: TimesOnline
Documentation – Bird Flu Hoax
Time Reference: 0:43:46
Description: An extremely interesting documentary from Dr. Alma Ott. Recommended viewing. The section played in today’s episode comes from part 3.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – Rumsfeld and Tamiflu
Time Reference: 0:47:24
Description: If Snopes confirms it, you better believe it’s true!
Link To: Snopes
Documentation – Recreating the Spanish Flu?
Time Reference: 0:48:29
Description: If Jeffery Taubenberger worked in a Chinese, Russian or Iranian laboratory, his work might well be seen as the “smoking gun” of a biowarfare program.
Link To: Sunshine-Project
Documentation – The Pentagon’s alarming project: Avian Flu Biowar Vaccine
Time Reference: 0:52:58
Description: Key information about weaponized avian flu, bird flu vaccines, and the 1918 Spanish flu.
Link To: Global Research
Documentation – Alex Jones – BioShield, Eugenics, Govt. wants YOU TO DIE.
Time Reference: 1:00:41
Description: Well said.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – Main post office plans emergency drill today
Time Reference: 33:17
Description: More conditioning to convince the public that there’s anthrax in every envelope.
Link To: Sign on San Diego


  1. Is there any chance the Corbett Report will cover the mysterious and abnormally large number of the holistic / naturopathic doctor deaths in the USA starting a few years ago?

    Perhaps it’s Big Pharma at work, or much ado about nothing. I’d like to know.

    You may wish to contact Holly Seeliger, aka Zoon Politikon for more information on it. She’s among the few I’ve seen cover it. And she’s a huge Corbett fan. (Tell her hi from me.)

    Thanks for being the Sunshine disinfectant!

    • Yes, I think that Dr. Mercola’s wife was, at one point, keeping a list of those doctors who died mysteriously. Our own pediatrician, a real advocate for patient choice, including with vaccines, died rather mysteriously (he was in perfect health) a few months before the campaign for forced vaccinations for public school students started in California.

  2. It’s not a hoax.
    It’s a covert operation.
    The virus is the cover story.
    The real game is 5G, total surveillance, and centralization à la CPC.

    The respiratory illness, the pneumonia, in Wuhan could easily have been caused by the polluted air and the recent 5G rollout in Wuhan. There is no proof that the Wuhan respiratory illness (WRI) was caused by bat soup nor the corona virus. None. The virus hunters of the WHO found what they were looking for, because they could already find it everywhere, as they could find other bugs everywhere.

    South Korea and northern Italy also have polluted air and recent 5G rollouts. Is this a co-incidence?

    The greater risk is not biological today. It is political, the totalitarian tiptoe, the further erosion of civil liberties and freedoms to assemble and even worship – under misguided notions of health, illness, and prevention.
    Do you accept the idea of the “aymptomatic carrier”? Do you accept that no matter how healthy you feel, no matter how healthy you keep yourself, that you are suspected of being an “asymptomatic carrier”? Do you believe this?
    If this were about public health, then why are they not studying healthy people?

    Beyond 5G, despite pushback in Switzerland and the City of Brussels, vaccines are so far playing a cameo role, but look at the scientific committee of the WHO and their affiliations to see where this is going and why.
    There are other ways to maintain health and to strengthen the immune system that do not require virtual incarceration and in-house arrest under a medical-industrial-academic-entertainment complex.

    NoMoreFakeNew.com, globalresearch.ca, and off-guardian.org are other excellent sources of information and analysis of publicity about what is happening, if you search for the truth and can think freely.

    • ben.r, thanks for mentioning those websites. For the past several years, I’ve been reading all the posts written by NoMoreFakeNews.com blogger Jon Rappoport. He’s a “medical cartel” buster extraordinaire.

      Jon’s best work on the “pandemic” is, in my view, his three-part audio series that Catherine Austin Fitts published as a “Special Solari Report” on April 1st: https://home.solari.com/the-creation-of-a-false-epidemic-with-jon-rappoport

      Each part is important, but if I had to pick just one, I wouldn’t miss the third, in which Jon lays out “the true goal of the false pandemic.”

      In introducing the series to her followers, Fitts borrows a quote from a propaganda consultant named Ellis Medavoy whom Rappoport interviewed for one of his books, The Matrix Revealed. The quote is so powerful that it’s worth repeating here:

      “A step‐op is one in which the bad guys keep going, one intrusion after another. It isn’t just West Nile, it’s West Nile, then SARS, then Bird Flu, then Swine Flu. It’s all one package, with the idea, in this case, that they’ll slowly wear down the resistance and people will buy in, will buy the story, the lie. They want to people to OBEY. That’s the whole essence of this op: OBEY. It isn’t only about fake epidemics and getting vaccines. It’s about operant training in OBEYING. Get it? In general. Obey us. We command, you go along.”

      Thankfully, most Corbett Report members know better than to willingly subject themselves to operant training. We’d make pretty poor soldiers, I suspect.

      • Thanks for your reply.

        I am disappointed in some friends and family that they appear to be so frightened that they have lost the ability to think independently of the official narrative and to ask questions. So I write to you.

        As you suggested, I listened to the last third of Rappoport’s audios posted by Fitts. I also have read his articles and admire his research, experience, and clear insightful writing. He is much better, when he is writing or talking about what he has seen or what others have seen (unlikelihood of a bio-weapon, snitching on neighbors with a cough, and fights in supermarkets about not enough social distancing) then he is about speculating who is behind this and what the future looks like.

        Like others, he puts his finger on the fact that many people who are already living on the edge of despair are being pushed over the cliff now, losing their jobs, their income, and their ability to make ends meet.
        Yeah, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation have their fingers in the pie, but the individuals responsible we may never see nor hear of. Gates, Soros, and certain politicians are their front.
        Obedience to authority? Trying to get this is nothing new. It may be the reason for compulsory education, beyond learning to read and write.

        I still think that the game, as Rappoport points out, is 5G for total surveillance, centralized, and also forced vaccinations. They have much greater value, with much pushback in process recently, but who knows? in Switzerland and Brussels, Belgium, there has been political pushback to forced 5G rollouts. Will these continue? Can others learn from them?

        The real question, to me at least, is: what are you going to do?
        Corbett’s response: listen to my ‘Solutions’ podcasts and act on them. Am starting to do this, for example thinking of possibly setting up a local “freedom cell” to exchange information locally and freely, because an even more frightening prospect than what Rappoport describes is the possible suppression of dissent, including outlawing questions of the official narrative or questioning the totalitarian tiptoe.
        Also, it is possible to ask questions in public of the undecided or the uncertain, such as “what is the proof that the Wuhan pneumonia was caused by the bat soup and not by the bad air and recent 5G in Wuhan”? “Is the PCR test reliable?” “What about the confounding co-morbidities?” “Who profits from the fear and panic and virtual prison camps everywhere?”

        Most disconcerting to me, but overlooked by Rappoport, at least in his third talk, is the imminent possibility that vaccines will be forced on us.

        So my question to you is: what are you going to do, if you receive a letter, an email, a phone call, or a knock on the door that says, “we are from the public health authorities, and to protect the public, we are offering you a free vaccine, which by the way is compulsory”. What are you gonna do?

        [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

        • ben.r, sorry for the slow response. I’ve been exploring various links much of the day. I’m glad you find some consolation in conversing with fellow Corbetteers when your fear-filled family and friends act blind, deaf, and dumb.

          Like you, I’m puzzled by Jon’s not mentioning the mandatory vaccine aspect of the agenda in laying out the “goals” of the globalists, especially since he’s written about that subject extensively — and even lumps all his “V” posts into TWO categories, no less: vaccinegate and vaccines.

          I also wasn’t sure why Jon mentioned those two foundations but left out other key protagonists in the unfolding horror show.

          Aside: ReallyGraceful’s March 31st video gives a 14-minute glimpse into the family history, early childhood, education, and pre-MS days of a certain child prodigy (whose father, I hadn’t realized, was a chum of the Rockefellers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wuMkShZ42o

          What would I do, you ask. I’m not prepared to say, although I know it’s wise to think things through wisely and understand and account for every possible scenario. Because my whole life I’ve trusted only God to resolve any and all challenges, whether they involve health or finances or relationships or moral dilemmas, the most honest answer I can give comes from Proverbs 3:

          5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
          6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
          7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

          • Hi, thanks for your reply. Listened to the other two podcasts by Rappoport, who clearly describes the origin of the panic. Also listened to the bio about Bill Gates. Was already familiar with some of this. They overlooked the fact that what made him rich, MS-DOS, as you may recall, if you are mature enough, he bought from Seattle Computer Products. The picture with Epstein is certainly disconcerting. I am not defending Gates in the least. The picture does not prove that Gates was or is involved in Epstein’s probable activities à la Franklin Scandal, Franklin Cover-up, Ted Gunderson, The Finders, sra, all of which I am aware of by reading. The only consolation for me is that I am not participating in this network. If your faith gives you peace of mind, good for you. I’m skeptical by nature. What qualifies Gates to talk about health and vaccines? Nothing. This is worth pointing out, and I’m not jealous of him either. Perhaps he is not all bad. Perhaps there is a bit of the devil and the angel in all of us. Whichever one you feed, grows. Hoping that this is under 500 words, boss.

    • There is no hard evidence for a connection to 5G, corbettreport with Derrick Broze and other truthers discussed this and provided evidence and checked alleged evidence. This is basically kookiness.

      • Thanks for your reply.

        The point is that there is no evidence that the Wuhan pneumonia was caused by the corona virus! None. Sure, if the virus hunters from the WHO were on the case, they were going to find something, but it was something, the corona virus, that has already been there for years at least in some people. Read Dr. Wodarg for details – wodarg.com. Wodarg watched close-up the swine flu hoax of 2009, so he was naturally skeptical with his report of an “international emergency”. See also research into the “gut microbiome” and you find that the fear and panic is way out of proportion to any public health risk.

        True, there is no proof that the polluted air and the recent 5G rollout in Wuhan caused the pneumonia in Wuhan. It is a theory, a guess, a hunch, with no less validity that the viral theory. Have you ever breathed the air, or tried to breathe the air where it is as polluted as it is in Wuhan? (There were public demonstrations, almost riots, in Wuhan last August, to complain about the polluted air there.) Look it up. If you have ever breathed such air yourself, then you know that that bad air alone can cause pneumonia, even without the recent 5G rollout.

        Do your own research on 5G, starting on this channel. There are many studies that demonstrate that 5G can also damage the health of some people severely, though not everybody acutely. So yes, you have a point, there is no proof of the air pollution/5G theory of the Wuhan pneumonia, but equally, there is no proof of the viral theory. The effect does not prove the cause, as Jon Rappoport puts it.

        For further analysis, I recommend Dr. Tom Cowan MD and his observations about the history of radio frequencies, health, and the current fear and panic in this ten-minute presentation (in English with subtitles in French) –


        Wake up.

        Do you trust the WHO? Think twice, at least once for yourself. They are not there for you. Or maybe they are there for you, but they are not there for me and my fellow travelers.


  3. I wanted to post this video – there are reports and videos coming in from around america of military hardware being moved.


    If you ask me this is only the beginning.

    The stage is just being set for WW3 and the people of the earth are the enemy of the one world state – but a grand stage show is being set up to foster the end goal of their sick idea of population reduction and “purification.”

    The justification for a chinese attack on america has been set.



    If you ask me this is where it is heading – keep your eyes on the dates – they always like to do things by the numbers – April 19 – May 1 is the baal ritual of fire sacrifice, these are the next set of dates to be mindful of.

    America is going to be destroyed as it has always been the plan, the time draws near. Stand strong, never bow to tyranny and remember that the “race” is not for fittest but for those who can endure unto the “end” – and never forget that this whole new world order and all its bullshit will come to pass away. We are going to need an act of Providence to turn things around at this point. Similar to when the illuminati rider who was struck down by lightening that led to the routing out of that secret order in Germany because of the hidden documents that were found sown into his jacket.

    Short of that.. It is now in the hands of the ignorant in the public and military – they either wake up or we all go under this bullshit these “elite” assholes have planned…

    Do your best to wake those around you and keep your heads about you, follow your hearts and don’t be driven by fear!

    Be I Strong

    Feel the Vibes
    lets “trample the beast” get your evidence because “we know all bye byes”


    • Thanks Alexandre, that is pbs which is public broadcasting station here in america.

      That girl did have a russian or eastern european accent for sure.

      They are getting ready for war or to round up people or both.

      How is 2000 vehicles needed for a training exercise?

      Right after that video – youtube had this one cued up next on South Korean
      troops training in the mojave desert, in california


      They are certainly getting ready for something and people are seeing these equipment movements all over – if you look at the comments in the first video I linked in the last post – someone from Canada reports equipment being moved up there as well.

      Strategically america has its zones and if there was going to be one state that would turn against the feds in a take over it would be texas. The north eastern part of the us is lost – there are not alot of guns up there compared to other areas of the us. People in the north east us are the most brainwashed in the whole country and are for the most part afraid of guns. But there are guns up there scattered – in the south east is another story there are tons of guns down here, almost everyone has guns, it is part of the culture here. California will be lost – in fact I remember talk of california selling off one of its ports to china. No need to invade – they will just pull in, park and project out into the country from there. This has all been set up…

      We have to watch both hands of the magician – his one hand has virus in it – his other hand is off doing something else, we have to be mindful of this.

        • I myself am not a fan of big cities like new york or los angelas. I have been to both. In fact I went to musicians institute right out of high school in hollywood.

          Cities to me are atro-cities on the earth. It disconnects people from the earth and it is too much of everything unnatural concentrated into one area. A completely unhealthy condition.

          I left the philadelphia suburbs to get away from the madness up there and moved to the appalachian mountains 8 years ago. I couldn’t stand all of the stimulation and the rat race that goes on up there and in places like it.

          Now this guy here is one of the cool guys as far as I am concerned – John Plant of Primitive Technology:

          The world can fall apart and he will just keep on going with out a hitch.

          Or Will Bonsall

          Ben Falk

          These are the guys that have the solutions for humanity to pave the way forward outside the new world order and after its total collapse and destruction.

          If america has a wise man it is Wendell Berry:

          They are the cool guys in my book!

        • No problem my brother… when ever you get to it.

          I myself have been overloaded with information that past so many weeks.

          Today I got out and did some work on the property and then just sat on the porch, sung and played guitar to the mountain.

          til next time…

        • Yeah they are some amazing people around in these times who have the solutions wither they know about the conspiracy or not – such is life – good people just do good common sense things.

          You didn’t fail in your garden projects – you just made some mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes while they are learning how to do something – I guarantee you if you keep at it you will learn to transcend those hurdles, but it does take work. In the long run it is always ones attitude towards what they are doing that makes or breaks the outcome. If you tell yourself you can’t do it, then by default you set yourself up to fail.

          Just consider that when you started guitar – it took time and practice to be able to play the way you do today and it is like that with everything, sometimes the learning curve is steeper depending on what you are doing.

          The reason I say that Wendell Berry is America’s wise man is because of a book that he wrote called “The Unsettling of America.”

          In that book he is basically writing about the conspiracy that took place in america in regards to how the big agricultural companies took over the farming in this country and was destroying and turning farmers into debt slaves. It is on the must read book list that I have for all americans and those abroad as well.

          He could see it because he is just common sense farmer from Kentucky(if I remember correctly) who also has some sort of literary degree and skills. He is extremely intelligent and full of common sense wisdom.

          His book contains one of the solutions to heal what this new world order has done to agriculture across the planet.

          Our farmers should be the most respected people among us – There is a old man that lives near me, he has been farming in these mountains his whole life. He is 91 years old and still plants a garden every year, as far as I am concerned he is one of America’s national treasures. He is such a cool guy!

          If anything to answer your question, “Was he co-opted or fooled,” I don’t know where he stands on the false environmental movement – but at the same time I think there is a real concern in regards to the environment. The NWO will always take problems either real or faked and bend them to their advantage. But, Berry if anything he may be fooled by their game, but I am not sure. Greta? not sure…

          To have a real discussion on the environment is huge and can’t be done here…

          Here is some one else who has done some good farm work – if we were enlightened as a people we would settle the whole earth like this man has – he has recreated the garden of eden:


        • Yes! Exactly, specialization and compartmentalization has so much to do with how the “elite” manipulate society and the people and Wendell Berry calls that out in The Unsettling of America so very well.

          That book is written from this place of wholeness in how he approaches the subject of agriculture and american culture from such a broad place.

          The caretaker can teach you alot I am sure, you should talk to him and get a garden going because it is looking, that in the next steps coming, that food is going to be weaponized against the people to corral them down the cattle shoot we see forming up.

          Yeah the environmental thing is the utmost of importance. I have bees and tried to build a bee business – but I lost almost all of the bees each year until I couldn’t keep throwing time and money into it any longer. It was a huge loss from me on so many levels. But the bees taught me things by working with them and it is like that with all of nature – if you listen nature will speak to you and teach you things.

          Music is a part of nature – it is pure nature at the vibrationall level.

          But the UN has high jacked the problems that they have created in nature to suit themselves – it is just problem – reaction – solution at the earth/nature/environment level. All of their industries polluting the planet and then they try and pin that on the people. The industrial revolution was the first step towards enslaving man in what is becoming technocracy today. There is the truth of it. They don’t want us to be self-sufficient and they want us uprooted from the land. That is their game – to divorce from our resources which are in the land and to make us dependent on them through the resources that have robbed from everyone culture, peoples and nation on planet earth.

          Now geoengineering is one of the main things they are using – it is why the earth weather systems are going haywire because they are doing it and they blame it on climate change – yeah the climate is changing and they are the ones doing it. At the same time – the sun is heating up and I think there is a reason for that but it would take too long to explain here in full.

          In short, what if the sun was a living being – like the earth is a living being and that the sun is reacting to bad vibrations from what is happening on earth. The fire is coming to cleanse out the bad vibration. I think something like this is going on and that is part of why they want to blot out the sun with their geoengineering.

        • Exactly my brother!!!

          The whole tone scale superimposed over itself at half step intervals is a great example!

          Music is an aural model of the whole universe and all of life – simply because it has manifested from it.

          All of Creation was sung into existence – it wasn’t the word – it was MUSIC!

          In the beginning was the void and out of the void came the universal song of all creation – it is a song without beginning and a song without end, playing into eternity both into the past and into the future forever in the moment!

        • No, I don’t hate you at all.

          You can have your taste in regards to it. I am not specifically into the neuroscience thing either.

          But I really like Pat Methney and I can appreciate when he talks about his musical experience.

          When he talks about playing from that place where the body meets the mind. I believe he is talking about that silent place where creativity can really manifest from.

          I am sure you have had those magical moments where you are playing with people and you are tapped into to something bigger than the sum of all of the musicians. I think he was attempting to make mention of that experience as a musician. As soon as the other guys get in there they miss the point because there experience is much different than the actual musicians experience.

          Maybe I am pulling things in from other sources because it was a while ago when I watched this talk.

          I know Pat doesn’t know about the conspiracy and is left leaning. The guy is so consumed by music that he most likely never has taken the time to look into the subject.

          Maybe he will since his tour has been cancelled because of the corona op, I think we are going to be witnessing the separation of the wheat from the chaff in the coming days…

          Alot of people are going to wake up and at the same time a alot will also get drug around by their fear and fall into the trap that has been set.

          We will see how things play out…

        • Yeah – I was paying attention earlier when you posted the Barry Harris talk and downloaded it then. I haven’t taken the time to watch it through – just the beginning to see what he was going to be talking about.

          I go into it for a few minutes and seen that he has a very specific taste in regards to harmony.

          I am interested in hearing what he has to say…

        • That experience is what I seek on a constant basis in regards to playing. I feel it can be cultivated and it can only come about with a letting go and then from that the music is born.

          Jazz is unlimited on so many levels, so the real out there stuff is that exploration. Like Ornette Coleman, the originator of “free jazz.” He caught alot of flak for what he was doing when he got started – but he was the innovator in regards to harmony, rhythm and form.

          It takes a cultured ear to really listen to jazz and appreciate. It seems to me when people hear jazz who are not used to hearing it – they try to intellectualize it and you have to get the mind out of the way to really hear it.

          Thanks for link – I got it downloading now, and I still have to listen Barry Harris talk as of yet.

          I would love to continue this conversation in email but spring is on in my area and with this end game psy-op unfolding I need to get into growing some food and doing the homesteading thing. I wasn’t planning on it this year but circumstances have changed that. I also need to keep doing my music thing, writing songs and doing talks as well for my video channels. Then there is keeping my finger to the pulse of what is going on as well, it all has me pretty busy.

          Here is a free jazz song that I did that is 10 guitar tracks all improvised:


          You can contact me at this email – it is just a junk email account to me – i got it when I signed up for youtube. You can contact me there and I will give you my main email from there. When I have the time we can continue the conversation…


          til next time…

        • Thank you my brother! But I don’t believe in luck, for me it is Creation, Truth, and Guidance! No fear of the illusion of death because all of us will walk out that door, so here is to life eternal!

          Anyway, I will be be around on the comment board and if you feel like writing through the email, feel free…

          May you stay free in mind always, eventually others are going to have to catch on and it will manifest on earth or the idiots and psychopaths will destroy it. I have a feeling through that this is the last time these fallen angels are going to be doing this kind of shit – we are going to catch them and the ages long deception will be finished here on earth in our time!

          So fire upon the wicked spiritual center of the new world order disease, Fire Pon Rome!!!

          till next time…

  4. One question that comes to mind about the 11 dead microbiologists is, did these people know each other, or had they worked with each other?

    If there was a strong association or collaboration among all these scientists, that could be a big clue that something was up.

    Twelve years later, maybe this was just a coincidence and not an indication of Arkancide. But it does make one wonder.

  5. Thanks for nice example how standards for propaganda have been decreased.

    Astonishing to me how they are producing such stupid articles (tonnes of similar crap out there), so inconsistent, they are contradicting to themselves many times in the article.

    An example: antibody test should provide information if one had overcome infection, but it’s hard to say immunity is permanent (it’s probably not, since we don’t have firm immunity for cold), nevertheless immunity passports are excellent idea to fight disease.

    Next, the author is unlearned (should go clean toilets) or lying.

    “…. if we’re not able to test everyone, we have no way to really answer questions such as how widespread the infection is…..”

    Representative random sampling is widely used method to get very reliable data about population. It’s been used for decades and someone writing about science should be aware of it, no excuse acceptable.

    “..give survivors of the infection confirmation that they are now immune, meaning they no longer pose a threat to others and could potentially return to work and public life.”

    survivors ……potentially return…

  6. “Or, perhaps better yet, how do we keep people from getting so rich and powerful that they are able to entice others to do evil for them?”

    A “billion-money” question!!!!!!!

    “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” Voltaire.

  7. In 1950, the U.S. navy harnessed the disease Serratia marcescens (“SM”) in a wide-scale biowarfare test. SM produces a bright red pigment and is useful because it is easy to see. The U.S. navy harnessed the bacteria’s unique characteristic in “Operation Sea Spray.” A minesweeper sprayed SM two miles off the northern California coast. See Rebecca Kreston’s blog “Body Horrors” for Scientific American.
    The idea was to assess the susceptibility of large cities to biological attacks. This exercise proved more successful than hoped. Post-Operation testing found germ infestation in surrounding suburbs as well as the metropolis. In the MIS mind, collateral damage was inevitable, and the death of a few seniors and sick people was well worth the price of keeping America (not counting Canada and South America) safe. Besides, you can’t make an omelet, etc., and the government should not deprive taxpayers of a multi-billion-dollar program for one glitch.
    Eleven residents checked into a Stanford University Hospital complaining of urinary tract infections a week after the Operation. One man died. Scientists who diagnosed the microbe labeled it the first recorded outbreak of Serratia marcescens. This is the good news.
    DoD performed similar tests across the U.S. for twenty years when Richard Nixon halted germ warfare research in 1969. (Ed. Note: I learned this from the attorney who sued the Navy for killing his mother with a “mild flu aerosol.”) The experiments became public knowledge in 1976.

    Paraphrased from: In 1950, the U.S. Released A Bioweapon In San Francisco. Smithsonian Magazine: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/1950-us-released-bioweapon-san-francisco-180955819/

    See also: Serratia infections: from military experiments to current practice. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/infections-due-to-serratia-species/abstract/1

    Law of Armed Conflict Deskbook, 2015 – Library of Congress-THE MEANS AND


    • “Currently, do you think chemtrails might’ve sprayed any biological pathogens?”

      That’s certainly a possibility. Here’s another possibility. A completely different angle, that’s uh, very illuminating…

      Chemtrails and 5G:

      Mark Steele (weapons systems head of display expert):
      “It’s all inter-connected. The metalized particulates, that would allow the 5G phased array, so basically the RADAR, it would allow it to identify you and watch you. It can identify you in your own home 24 hours/day 7 days/week.”

      Sacha Stone (film-maker and founder of the New Earth Project):
      “For the last x amount of years we’ve been through chem-trailing and now the cat is out of the box. We’ve had these nano-particulates raining down on humanity for years now, impregnating our bodies by best accounts staying inside our bodies.

      Those nano-particulates, what you’re saying are creating, building up a kind of a phosphorescence glow capability so that we could be flagged up, in our homes behind concrete and steel, inside bunkers in the basement. Doesn’t matter where you are, the 5G will be able to now triangulate, map and read you because you as a living being are impregnated with these nano-particulates which are acting as a kind of transmission and reception technology.

      Mark Steele:
      “It’s exactly. Absolutely exactly.”

      • I agree – The geoengineering aerosols and the electromagnetic frequency capabilities of 5g, the cell phone towers, HAARP type antenna systems that they have set up around the globe, satellites as well are part of one huge system that can track, trace, manipulate the weather, influence minds and so on.

        This is one of the most important subjects in regards to the over all picture. They have weaponized the electromagnetic spectrum!

  8. Thank you Dawn. I just finished watching and also plan on buying the book. A lot of interesting content and information. I have much research to do.

    Yesterday, there was a CNN post on instagram that stated “Experts say coronavirus can spread by talking or even just breathing” Gotta love the “Experts say”. That will reel them in easily. I really wonder how many people looked more into that statement and did research. I would think most would just see that and spread it to family and friends as truth.

  9. The problem I see with the ‘pyramid cap’ ever releasing a true bioweapon pathogen is that it would kill indiscriminately, perhaps taking them out as well. These germs also tend to mutate quickly within a population and could either become more or less deadly, though usually the later , but which psychopath wants to take that chance of their pre-immunization failing to protect?

    The current event appears to be a first world spanning effort coordinated by various globalist institutions such as the U.N/WHO, the World Economic Forum and the captured or otherwise controlled national state entities and their authoritarian agencies like the USA and its CDC. While the released pathogen seems innocuous enough the hype, fear propaganda and policy reactions makes this effort of a half simulation, half drill gone live and simultaneous Beta test that is being closely monitored an apparent NWO success.

    If the testing proves a true success we can expect more events of this nature as this method seems to be generating much more success in covering up, while at the same time advancing, globalist agenda across a wide spectrum of fronts and levels within those fronts. We instinctively know this as we watch the parade of useful idiots performing their public duty to accolades from the majority ‘normies’ who not only swallow but cry out for the whole scenario of top down authoritarian dictates. This as financial theft on a scale never seen before takes place before our very eyes with nary a concerted cry of “Robbery!” being raised.

    To wit this post by a former FEMA administrator giving her analysis of the World Economic Forum’s Covid Action Platform which lays out the disruptions this covert operation is made to achieve and the globalist goals to be initiated in response to these purposeful disruptions. If you are bothered by the religious views of this presenter skip ahead to the 5 minute mark. However, her introduction does speak to her bona fides.

    • bladtheimpaler, I’m glad you shared the WEF’s Covid Action Platform, as seen through the eyes of former FEMA employee Celeste. You may have felt, as I did, a shiver listening to her recount the reason she escaped its clutches.

      I’d been puzzled as to why, everywhere we look in the media (including on all Covid-19-related YouTube videos), we see up-close illustrations of the physical virus — multi-colored spiked balls. Now I finally see what the spikes represent metaphorically. Scary stuff.

      Agree it’s best to not skip her five-minute intro if one wants to understand where Celeste is coming from.

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpQFCcSI0pU 10 min by laowhy86
    title: “I Found The Source of the Coronavirus”
    he is a normie (in a good sense), spend years in China, speaks Chinese and sources his evidence back to Chinese (in Chinese) websites.

    I had to sigh at one moment where I asked myself, did he try to check this website with archive. The link cannot be seen, so no chance I could check it. Also spelling Chinese characters into a search machine would be a huge nuisance to me.

  11. The reference video in which expert man calmly explains that virus = fungus seed is right out of the blue nonsense on its face. Fungus ‘seeds’ are called spores. You can obtain them from the gills of any mushroom and look at them under a microscope and you don’t need a degree in biology to see that these spores are enormously larger than any virus and are altogether different in every way. These can be cultivated to grow into white threads of fungus that can grow and spread over moist wood or fresh bull’s shit and eventually bud with new mushrooms.
    There are virus strains that infect fungal cells but these most certainly don’t grow into anything. A virus isn’t alive. It’s a parasitic little short strand of RNA or DNA in a simple protein capsule. It only does 2 things:
    1. Insert its RNA/DNA into a host cell,
    2. Hijack the cells machinery to churn out copies of itself, either immediately or following a dormancy period, until the cell dies and its membrane pops releasing a swarm of new viruses.

  12. Brian, thank you for these links. It is so difficult to keep track of all the information that pours in daily from the various sites I read.

    These are some very good. succinct updates. I am grateful to see so many people, particularly experts in their fields, questioning and outright contradicting the insanity that is saturating the globe today.

    Thank heavens for the Corbett Report and other other alternative sites. There may not be definitive answers yet but it is reassuring to be able to connect with like-minded people.

    I am going to use these links as my back-up when friends and family give me that jaw-dropping stare at my “cavalier” attitude – i.e. no face mask, gloves or bottle of bleach to wipe down everything I touch in the course of a day. (that probably sounds snarky – I am really trying to respect everyone’s belief system in the midst of this craziness)

    I will continue to check in with this site.

    Thanks again.

  13. “He went on radio etc and of course made some new “determinations” as they’re called here. Result: 10 minutes on a long line to go in the supermarket, almost every one with masks (and acrylic glasses!), marks on the ground for “social idiocy” and the whole bag of frogs, including a store on a gas station that was kinda close, kinda open.”

    I don’t know if it was because it was the day before Good Friday, but in my small town, Ontario all the grocery stores had line-ups of 20+ minutes to enter the store and from past experience, 20+ minutes to line up to pay.

    Many of the people in the lines are wearing masks.

    I had an idea. When you get in line, wear a t-shirt or hold a sign saying “9/11 Was An Inside Job!” just to brighten their day and lighten up their fearful faces. 🙂

  14. Does anyone else have Police Officers in their supermarkets????

    In my rather small town upper-middle class supermarket. Police officers!

    Wearing masks of course.

    Every day it’s something different at this market.

    The latest “determination” is a long black rope separating shoppers from cashier area by 3 feet. You have to walk the width of the store to get in line – 6 feet apart – they actually have red squares on the floor for you to stand on – and wait until the supermarket masked concierge tells allows you to move to a cashier. Who has to spray down everything after you pick up your bags (not your own re-usable!) and leave.

    I stopped at exit on the way out to speak to the police officer.

    Me: Why are you here?

    PO: To make sure they don’t go over the limit.

    Me: Wow. Scairy.

    PO: I know.

    Me: I’m not talking about the virus.

    I Just watched Spiro Sourkas video about Bill Gates/WHO/Johns Hopkins Event 201.

    Has anyone see this? I mean it has to be a big fat joke, correct? It has to be, right? Because if it is not – we are in big trouble. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend watching clips.

    I know James, and now other independent journalists, has been warning about the censorship and possible internet shut-down, but to hear it from the horses mouth? Scairy.

    If I did not believe in a power greater than all this I would feel really doomed.


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