Episode 282 – The IPCC Exposed

by | Sep 28, 2013 | Episodes, Podcasts | 9 comments

The IPCC has released its latest assessment of the state of climate science, and this time it’s even more dire than their 2007 assessment. Global warming is “unequivocal” and humans are the “dominant cause” to a certainty of 95%. But how are these uncertainties calculated? And how does the IPCC process work anyway? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we dissect the latest IPCC hype and examine the organizations processes and conclusions.

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CNN Hypes the IPCC AR4 Report
Time Reference: 01:14


BBC Hypes the IPCC AR4 Report
Time Reference: 01:25


ABC Hypes the IPCC AR4 Report
Time Reference: 01:33


Global Hypes the IPCC AR4 Report
Time Reference: 01:47


ABC Hypes the IPCC AR4 Report (again)
Time Reference: 02:08


Episode 110 – Climategate
Time Reference: 04:08


Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails
Time Reference: 04:16


Climategate is Still the Issue
Time Reference: 04:19


Crimatologists Found Guilty of Hiding Data
Time Reference: 05:04


Climate CONsensus, Carbon CONtrols, Truther CONvicted – Sunday Update
Time Reference: 32:56


The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert
Time Reference: 09:44


Author Donna Laframboise on The Bolt Report
Time Reference: 10:00


Interview 434 – Donna Laframboise
Time Reference: 13:09


CNN Hypes the IPCC’s AR5 Report
Time Reference: 13:52


Sky Hypes the IPCC’s AR5 Report
Time Reference: 14:17


Sky Hypes the IPCC’s AR5 Report
Time Reference: 14:25


Democracy Now Hypes the IPCC’s AR5 Report
Time Reference: 15:06


IPCC models getting mushy
Time Reference: 17:58


Judith Curry: Leaked IPCC report discussed in the MSM
Time Reference: 22:18


The 2009 Video Archive DVD
Time Reference: 33:24


Episode 087 – The UN Doesn’t Love You
Time Reference: 41:25


Time Reference: 42:15


Time Reference: 42:18


Time Reference: 42:21


“Trees” by Red Tail Hawk
Time Reference: 44:50


    • A golden comment from the comments section on youtube.

      When I was stopped by a Green Party recruiter I said I didn’t believe in climate change he asked why not and I said well as I remember in basic science Co2 is kinda good for plants so how is it a problem? His answer… that’s a different kind of Co2 ??I told him to get some research done he might find out otherwise ??

      • To be completely honest, if you’re stopped on the street by someone talking about “climate change” they almost certainly infer that it is “man (and woman) made” and very probably don’t even see the distinction themselves.

        But otherwise, if it may lead to a serious discussion terminology used should be as specific as possible.

        • If you have access to a similar group, pose the question “what is man made climate change skeptic?” I’d bet my monthly subscription you’ll get the same reaction 😛

          People have been conditioned to react emotionally to these subjects, let the imagination run rampant and let critical thinking run on fumes walled behind a fake wall in the basement, right next to where Poe bricked up his wife and the cat.

          I still maintain this is important (mandatory) only for an objective discussion, if something of the sort is even at all possible. Maybe one on one with someone you have tied up in the attic and have no plans cutting lose until they start changing their mind.

          It’s a great comeback for a wide range “climate change denier” assault. Of course, to the person employing such an attack proper wording will probably mean less than nothing.

    • Another hilarious bit. I’m grinning but I should be crying, really.

      Democracy Dies In Darkness And Superstition

      Our best hurricane president was Barack Obama. He had just barely over one half hurricane per year compared to more than three while Grover Cleveland was president. And that makes sense because if you remember in 2008 Obama said that he healed the planet.

  1. This is just another aspect of the corporate Zionist money machine. Hollywood for a decade has been making movies about how Earth is dying, how there is no future, for reasons one can speculate. I believe this is part of their destroying society matrix, making kids forget about the future and just live for today, a way to ensure a societies fall.

    The media is owned by the corporate Zionists, Congress and certainly the President are as well. They want more and more taxes collected, turn us more and more into money slaves, working just to pay them.

  2. Funny how those “most concerned about the climate”, are the least concerned about other great threats to the Earth principally war and nuclear waste.

    The inconsistency of those pining on about the evil of global warming, and indifference to obvious threat all around us, that are aspects of the global Zionist regime.

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