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The House of Saud is in crisis as MBS consolidates his hold on the kingdom and prepares to transform Saudi Arabia in his image. But what is behind the purge, and how does it relate to the future of the world monetary system. Join James for a classic Corbett Report debriefing on the Saudi purge and the rise of the petroyuan.
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Marwa Osman on The Corbett Report | |
Time Reference: | 02:47 |
5 Things You Need to Know About the Saudi Purge | |
Time Reference: | 08:50 |
The Death of King Abdullah and the Future of Oil Geopolitics | |
Time Reference: | 11:09 |
Saudi Arabia reshuffle as king appoints nephew to crown prince post | |
Time Reference: | 11:28 |
Saudi king empowers young reformer son in succession shake-up | |
Time Reference: | 12:12 |
New Saudi committee to investigate public corruption opens ‘new era of transparency’ | |
Time Reference: | 12:49 |
House of Saudi Cards: The Inside Story | |
Time Reference: | 13:54 |
A coup in the House of Saud? | |
Time Reference: | 16:39 |
The inside story of the Saudi night of long knives | |
Time Reference: | 17:07 |
“Explosive” Leaked Secret Israeli Cable Confirms Israeli-Saudi Coordination To Provoke War | |
Time Reference: | 22:58 |
IDF chief to Saudi newspaper: ‘Israel ready to share intelligence on Iran’ | |
Time Reference: | 23:03 |
Sharmine Narwani on the Changing Face of the Middle East | |
Time Reference: | 26:06 | | |
Time Reference: | 30:46 |
Corbett Report Extras | |
Time Reference: | 31:01 |
How Big Oil Conquered the World | |
Time Reference: | 33:29 |
Why is the MSM (Finally) Reporting on the Petrodollar? | |
Time Reference: | 39:19 |
Weak oil prices squeezing Saudi Arabia’s coffers, but reserves won’t run dry – for now | |
Time Reference: | 42:24 |
Saudi plans spending cuts, reforms to shrink budget deficit | |
Time Reference: | 42:28 |
Saudi Arabia seeks $6B-$8B bank loan to shore up state coffers | |
Time Reference: | 42:32 |
Oil Price Swings Spark Cigarette Taxes In Saudi Arabia | |
Time Reference: | 42:37 |
Saudi Arabia to increase domestic petrol prices by 80 percent | |
Time Reference: | 42:42 |
China, Saudi Arabia form comprehensive strategic partnership | |
Time Reference: | 44:28 |
China and Saudi sign 14 deals worth US$65 billion | |
Time Reference: | 45:08 |
President Xi attends inauguration ceremony of China-Saudi joint refinery | |
Time Reference: | 45:08 |
Exclusive: China offers to buy 5 percent of Saudi Aramco directly – sources | |
Time Reference: | 47:37 |
China crude futures becomes new force |
Time Reference: | 48:37 |
Episode 320 – Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War | |
Time Reference: | 50:37 |
While I follow the gist of MBS seeking to shore up his position I find it difficult to ascertain what the implications are on the global scale. There are so many subplots between groups and sub groups that dominate the running of this planet. Besides the international banking cartel and their entourage of multinational corporations, there are in no particular order allied groups of allied national elites and their many interconnections, such as Israel supplying western technologies to Russia, mainly acquired from the USA, while at the same time opposing Russia on the Syrian front. Then there is the world of organized crime, especially the oligarchical Russian Mafia with its threat,violence and payoffs ‘system’ for infiltrating and corrupting all government agencies from the FBI to the US Justice Department to some say the state of Israel in large part and gaining mainstream economic influences when laundered money makes its way into the legal economy, through connections to persons like Trump et al. How does one begin to develop a unified theory of the world’s power structure with so many variables that could be in flux at any given moment? I have often wondered how the banking cartel manages to keep organized crime from conducting a ‘hostile’ takeover…or maybe they haven’t?
bladtheimpailer says: … I find it difficult to ascertain what the implications are on the global scale. There are so many subplots between groups and sub groups that dominate the running of this planet….
I agree.
We may have to wait until next Season’s Game of Thrones to find out more.
The whole world scenario has so much going on…Obama, Trump-Hillary-Russia-pedophiles, Brexit, immigration, advancing Technocracy, China’s Sesame Good Citizen, Oil, Currency, Bitcoin, etc. Like Corbett points out, being attentive and sharing information can help us sort stuff out.
I gotta laugh. Like the mute character named “Hodor” in Game of Thrones. Who in an early episode of Game of Thrones would have thought?… (2 minutes)
“Winter is coming.”
I’m sure this is a common theme of tyrants throughout history but I find it interesting how you were reporting about how Xi Jinping used an “anti corruption” campaign to solidify his power in China, and was successful enough that now he is being compared to Mao Zedong, the “Father” of communist China. This MBS guy is using a similar agenda, to solidify his power, to become as powerful as Ibn Saud, the “Father” of Saudi Arabia. Combine this with the your observation about China trying to replace the dollar as the world reserve currency and that this MBS guy is upsetting people in the CIA, it seems that China is the one pulling the strings in this chaos and MBS could be nothing more than a potential puppet to the Chinese government.
I first became interested in the beginning developments of the Saudi coup around April/May 2016. I put in many hours of reading/viewing videos about Saudi Arabia during that time.
One aspect which prompted me was “Why the 28 Pages would get lots of Press, then suddenly not, then suddenly Press again?”
If a topic is pushed in the MainStreamMedia, we know there is an agenda behind it.
One take-away from my studying about the Royalty/Saudi Arabia, is that corruption and nepotism and power struggles are rampant. And the elite (of which there are many) are draining the coffers dry.
Quite literally, the country would eventually collapse into chaos if this trend is not stopped.
I am not saying that MbS is a “good guy”. But the trend needs to change.
There are so many “ruling” councils / committees of Royalty, each with their own agendas, it is a wonder that anything ever gets accomplished in government.
The Saudi history of coups and power struggles is fascinating. They happened often.
One example: Around 1964, when King Faisal came to the thrown and his elder brother “King Saud” was ousted by other Royalty, there was only about $50 left in the Royal Treasury. King Saud was a playboy and would give away gold watches with his picture on them.
Some videos and information here
I second that herrqlys. I think Engdahl’s follow-up to A Century of War – ‘Myths, Lies and Oil Wars’ is equally important in getting a grip on the historical context up to and beyond the US Gulf wars. In that book, the myth referred to is the myth of oil scarcity that derives from the ‘accepted’ theory of the geological origins of oil. I don’t know enough on the subject to know whether this has subsequently been proven true or otherwise, but the prospect that the basic assumption underlying all on the origins of oil, and the implications of that basic assumption being incorrect (if true), are fascinating. In his book, Engdahl postulates that the necessity of maintaining the myth of oil scarcity to support its price is what drove much of the recent history of western interventionism in the ME up to the time the book was written (2012). He also predicted the rise of China as a world player in this arena and elsewhere. It would be fascinating for James to interview Mr Engdahl to gain his opinion on the more recent history – the further rise of China, the shift in alliances, the emerging new markets, and the potential shift in the flow of that ‘scarce’ commodity from west to east.
The possibility of “Abiotic Oil” seems real to me.
Almost two years ago to the day, Mr. Corbett interviewed F. William Engdahl.
(CorbettReport’s “Search” function.)
Thank you! I’ll check that out. Serves me right for jumping onto the post without checking that first!
When the reality is they’re just two sides of the same coin?
Ditto on what you said herrqlys.
(Sidenote: When Goldfinger came out, you had to be over age 17 to see it in the theatre because it was too risque. My Father who had read some of Ian Fleming’s books, insisted that my brother and I see the movie and so he bought our tickets to get us in.)
Okay. Call me a Conspiracy Theorist.
Hacking of the Oklahoma Oil Data website just prior to the Saudi Purge
In late October, I went to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) website to retrieve some oil data.
I couldn’t get to the information. Finally, I figured out that the website had been hacked.
This is significant. Oklahoma and Texas are two big U.S. players for gas/oil production. The Oklahoma Oil industry depends heavily upon the data at the OCC. All the latest reports of drilling operations and what different companies are doing is catalogued and mapped at the OCC. Anyone and everyone involved with Oklahoma oil uses this website. Billions of dollars are involved. For example: Speculators or oil companies keep close watch on who is buying what interests and which wells are producing high volume.
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission remained offline for about one week. By around Halloween, it came back online.
Oklahoma has had its share of covert activities, from 9/11 Hijackers to the Oklahoma City Murrah bombing.
Aubrey McClendon (the oil guy who brought fracking to Oklahoma) pulled a Michael Hastings type car crash a day following his indictment for bilking millions of dollars by cornering the purchasing of mineral rights. It would be silly to think that he was the only top executive to be involved.
So, whether or not the OCC hacking is tied to the Saudi Purge… well, at this time we don’t know. But the timing is weird.
Nov 15, 2017 article World’s Biggest Private Equity Firm Raises $1 Billion To Invest In Oil
On the back of renewed confidence in higher oil prices, the world’s biggest private equity firm, The Carlyle Group, is looking to raise US$1 billion to create a new fund for investing in oil and gas outside the U.S., Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing banking sources.
The Carlyle Group is looking to raise interest for a new energy investment fund overseas after its fund Carlyle International Energy Partners (CIEP) has almost completely spent the US$2.5 billion in funds raised when it was launched on 2013.
The goal of the CIEP fund was to make global opportunistic investments in oil and gas outside of North America, with primary investment focus on oil and gas exploration and production (E&P), midstream and downstream, refining and marketing (R&M), and oil field services (OFS).
Saudi Press – Al Arabiya
According to Wikipedia, Al Arabiya is a Saudi-owned pan-Arab television news channel. “…Some believe that Al Arabiya was created to be a direct competitor of the Qatar-based Al Jazeera. As a response to Al Jazeera’s criticism of the Saudi royal family throughout the 1990s, relatives of the Saudi royal family established Al Arabiya in Dubai in 2002….”
Nov 19 – Arab League holds emergency meeting on ‘Iran violations’
– QATAR is being demonized. –
“…The documentary addresses how former Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa seized power through a coup… …To achieve his dream, he established new and contradictory alliances, supported extremists and terrorists and attacked and undermined his neighbors….”
– Stories focusing on the Anti-Corruption Campaign –
Just prior to the Purge
CIA files shows depth of al-Qaeda’s relationship with Iran
(one minute) –
– Top Story – Nov 18 – (grin)
Egyptian police on Saturday arrested a pop singer known as Shyma after she appeared in a music video in lingerie while suggestively eating a banana, officials said….
PeaceFrogs says: You obviously don’t know the difference between Shiite and Sunni HomeRemedySupply, for you to actually believe this b.s ?
Silly Frog.
Read the top paragraph.
Geez…Look, I posted “Saudi Press – Al Arabiya” because this is the Saudi PR news. It gives us insight as to their agenda and the official Saudi perspectives.
I never said “Oh! This is the real way things are”.
PeaceFrogs, Often you run half-cocked trying to incite needless arguments among Corbeteers. Someday, someone will grab a gigger. I like you, but cut down on the coffee.
Ha! I am laughing and laughing.
Still laughing.
…and more laughing.
I think that possibly we are already in the middle of WW3.
It might be being fought in “diplo-speak & proxy alliance formations”.
Great VISUAL video via Corbett Report’s “Recommended Viewing” from his article “When Robots Rule the Markets…”
Saudi Arabia’s anti-corruption purge (13 minutes)
Kind of boggles the mind as to why the MSM isn’t covering this global crisis doesn’t it?
Who owns the MSM? Oh, now I get it. 🙂
My hypothesis is ;- Post WW2 it has been The Bilderberg Group driving the Western agenda,…and that has basically been driven by Rockefeller & his lackey Henry K…& seems to me the crux of this is about the interests of Security, Private Central Banking (FED, Rothschild et al) & Oil…and to a lesser degree “Wall St Ind Complex”….The key here is THE MONEY BOYS OWN THE MEDIA, & also Politics, & also thus the PS & Military ..They also “own” The IMF debt pushers & WB criminals…so go figure?…Seems the keys of the Caddy are with them…as they control the “creation of Western capital & currency”…& pull all the strings via Bilderberg eta la
And also seems to me their main plan is expand their Empires footprint to attain “Word Domination” basically FOR THEMSELVES via control of Money/Govts….This also serves numerous interests & “fellow travellers” but they are peripheral…..The split China & Russia gambit now seems kaput…We know how ruthless the Status Quo are for “control & retention of their global Money & assets” so perhaps LOOK out… ….It well could be a HOT WW3…But is it at all necessary in this day and age”?….Due to technology, is it not all obsolete thinking?… .The old narrative is “energy & resources are scarce”…but in fact today are they?…Energy is everywhere….food is cheap….housing & education & medial CAN be chea,……plenty of even rain water from roofs for all our water needs…So seems it’s really all about “profits” & control for the the 1%….
I posit we need to move from the MAD mutually assure destruction period…to the Mutually assured Defence period ..& verifiable arms controls & limitatiuons etc…far better for prosperity, development & peace & Justice… .but far from progressing to a “verifiable defence detente” I would not be surprised if the greedy bankers might very possibly use their “Media & Money & power/control” to cause Western Govts to start War 3 …& possibly kill 6 Billion innocent people simply to keep their swindled loot & power…WE KNOW HOW RUTHLESS THEY ARE!….they will be worried ATM as they are looking at the prospect of the China Russia/BRICS agenda destroying their Western Capital & currency racket…….so I personally suspect we are at a very critical juncture…
Since it has not been mentioned, I am curious: does anyone give credence to Ben Fulford’s POV on this? I am referring to his assertion that the Saudi purge is part of the ongoing process of eliminating the Khazarian mob that is raping the planet.
December 12, 2017
Saudis Plan To Hike Gasoline Prices By 80% In January
…As part of its plan to gradually eliminate fuel subsidies, Saudi Arabia plans to raise domestic gasoline prices by 80 percent in January, and make them level with international prices until 2023 or possibly 2025, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday, quoting a person familiar with the Kingdom’s plans….