Interview 1938 – From Musk Till Don with James Corbett

by | Mar 15, 2025 | Interviews | 20 comments

via ShitShooting101: We discuss the JFK documents “find” and potential release; investments in AI; Elon’s role in the new world agenda; Controlled Opposition; the first world absorption of neighboring countries; immigration truths, and much more! The must listen of all must listens!

NOTE: This is an audio podcast, not a video.


Shit Shooting 101

FBI says it found 2,400 new JFK assassination records

President Trump, Where Are Those Long-Secret JFK Records?

What If I Told You There is No Epstein List? – The Nick Bryant Podcast

Trump hedges on declassifying Epstein files

Elon Musk Ally Tells Staff ‘AI-First’ Is the Future of Key Government Agency

DOGE will use AI to assess the responses of federal workers who were told to justify their jobs via email

Lawyer cites fake cases generated by ChatGPT in legal brief

Sports Illustrated found publishing AI generated stories, photos and authors

Episode 429 – Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster

The Strange Story of Peter Thiel Part One / Part Two / Part Three

Palmer Luckey and other defense tech leaders see Trump’s victory as a win for the industry

Anduril’s Chair Consulted With Trump on Revamping US Military

New Defense Companies That Will Boom Under Trump’s Presidency

Context is Everything (image of man being framed for attacking another man by camera)

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the “Smart Wall”


  1. I feel your pain James.

    I get more and more people asking me about “AI said this” now and it is exasperating.

    Yesterday it was a statist that apparently loves the idea of Algorithmic Governance.

    He told me that he asked “AI” to teach him about anarchism and voluntaryism and that it basically told him those ways of living are “utopian” and that he should vote harder and trust his mommy and daddy figures in governments labelling themselves as “democracy”.

    I also get people asking me to look at fake pictures of plants and trees made by these AI generator thingies. They want to know where they can find the plant or tree in the fake picture and I tell them it doesn’t exist, then they get mad at me and get all defensive.

    It happens so often that rather than deal with these erratic, matrix steak eating, defensive and undiscerning people I just play dumb and tell them I do not know the plant so they will not yell at me (I think they call that “sandbagging” when an AI program does it).

  2. A bumper sticker saying “I am Gay” normally sends the message that the driver recently had a bad break up with his girl friend and she snuck around and put it there.

  3. This current administration that is being sold as the savior of the citizens is raft with Zionists and others who have the same ol’ same ol’ agenda…to control humanity. Some reoccurring money man guest on Fox is pushing for digital currency for the “safety of America” just like so many things get pushed for control wrapped in fear…various “pandemics” and health conditions to shortages of this or that, as I have offered here before:
    The fundamental tools of deception are the encouragement of FEAR and a belief in SCARCITY.

    Lots of folks over the years have been trying to warn the citizens about the coming take over of humanity, the 1000 cuts of death in Education, Business, Law Enforcement, Congress, and on and on. When I first started watching TV in 2016 there were some great youtube video makers talking about this as well as the disappearance of analog signals. Gone.

    The removal of analog to digital communication set up was just one of the “1000 cuts” as it gave them both surveillance and production control on those with “smart” equipment that contains both audio and video surviellance “to help give you better programing.” They can switch off appliances, bank accounts, etc. Again, for those who appreciate the insights I have had for decades about social/political control, I was singing about the dangers of AI in the Summer of 1978:
    and the dangers of cell phone addiction recently…
    GET OFF THE PHONE (song)

  4. The feeling of coming into the station is pervasive. Not that I know I’m even on a train, plane or transport of some kind, I’m coming into the next stop.
    Jim Mars , one of those Texans with cahonies and large hat size was a great source for alternative knowledge of JFK and the witness body count. Resembles Clinton body count. That alone could account for thousands of unreleased FBI documents.
    Now if , the modern if has been molded to replace malthesance of cause and effect, premeditated murder . Now if, has many confusing and contradictory cause and effect. Natural cause now is the prevailing of the ruling party when murder would easily be suggested to have occurred. Anarchy with a clause. The aggression clause. We are so upside down now. The bottom is the top and the top has stopped acting freely while the base has become liberated.
    Hail Liberte`.

    Seems the station up ahead is a platform of no holds bared. The gloves are coming off and now is the time to arm ones local community. Be on the same page.

    • People,
      It’s as simple as… If . If the state does “it” than it’s legal. If you do “it” it’s illegal. When should the people form militias ?
      If… the state is deemed egregious than US citizens have to be assembled to determine the…ifs. Seems at that point an elected representative no longer represents but will necessitate the individual to represent his own interests in the form of assembly, best … If…?
      This tedious…listing of… ifs , need to have a nonemergancy framework well before hand. A non political framework? A convention? A conference? A continuity of community , association by…district, county, city ?. The darkness of how many ways this could go down to ethnic, religious, cult, gang…? There is a lot to consider and prepare before the flames lick at the eves of our homes. We may all be Palestinians now and the local cops are going to have a morbid fear of the unorganized militias, mobs. It all is framed by …ifs.
      If they do that, we will do this. That all becomes clear when local militias organize, train and communicate goals. Not one shot need be taken when you show a tyrant your intention. If…and when… may lead to anarchy over slavery if…
      The militias may retrain the statist into voluntary thinking. If…they form before they are needed. If…
      They will be formed to protect American values. Statist ideology is one of those values. However the other side outcome may be quite different in the end

      • “….If they do that, we will do this. That all becomes clear when local militias organize, train and communicate goals…,”

        If they are stupid enough to organize by the internet they will be a very short lived militia. Blackpilled over on odyssee did a VERY good and VERY long series (“PatCon Edition “ ) on how those groups were taken apart back back in the day when Boomers were still young enough to act.

        Seriously the PatCon Edition videos were worth a watch

  5. This is brilliant. It summarizes everything I would like to get officially investigated by a court of law so we can restore right regulation. Does anyone know of an honest legal team to get this into Federal Court that can see the problem is one of corruption and administrative law and the need to restore right Federal regulations like Honest Services law that would enable us to prosecute the prosecutors in the Federalist Society that narrowed the Honest Services laws to only make it criminal for a prosecutor to take a bribe. This “deregulation” essentially has given prosecutorial immunity to capture and corrupt the entire judicial system which is what we have now. What is our legal recourse? We can’t wait for the lawyers and law schools for answers because they created the problem and are letting people like me into court or politics or even enabling us to organize around our problem or need for redress.

  6. I run Ai locally (offline) with open source models. You do need to check references if provided, but if you know how to ask properly, the responses can be accurate. There is an entirely new domain of employment created surrounding this called “prompt engineering”. I would not be so quick to laugh and scoff at all of this, especially when you understand the models we have access to are far less “evolved” then the models “they” have access to. If you can afford a server rack with 64GB of VRAM I would recommend getting one now and learning how to run models locally(while still possible),,,and most importantly, download the model weights(while still possible) thanks to Andreessen and IBM and others in silicon valley who are extracting creative ideas from the world via huggingface. IBM did the same thing back in 2016 on a smaller scale through Oxford University. There was an Open source model that very clearly got pushed under the radar recently due to its phenomenal performance named Athene V2. I should add to all this, language models will pick up on and reflect the type of person using them. If you speak to it like a red neck from Albama it will respond in kind, If you speak to it like an academic who knows the domain, it will step up to the plate. Language models are a tool, you need to learn how to wield it.

    • What do you use your model for if I may ask?

      I have played with AI online but never bothered locally- I did have an urge to have AI create reports on things in ten styles of my favorite writers but came to the conclusion that while it could make a cool search engine and point me to stuff it was too untrustworthy and unpredictable to trust. I kinda think an unreliable tool is more dangerous then no tool but I am no expert hence my question.

      “…..There is an entirely new domain of employment created surrounding this called “prompt engineerin…..”

      lol, that made me think of the (Asimov??) story where the kid had a reader robot and no one read anymore and most people worked as “keyboard guards” for the Multivac AI. I guess prompt engineers would be the magicians or priests forming the right and pleasing prayers. 🙂 lolol

      • Coding for signals processing, precisely what they were originally designed for. I have also used them for structuring and exploring more complex ideas for applied physics but you really need to know what you’re doing to avoid rabbit holes. i.e. you need an existing background to weed out hallucinations. It needs to be a 72B parameter model or don’t bother, the smaller models are okay for simple coding and simple ideas but if you want correct recall of historical specifics or very complex, inflected codes you need large models with high bit quantisation (5 bit +). Ideally you would run the full weights but not realistic unless you have 10’s of thousands of dollars. I suffer with 2016 Pascal processors. but still workable. If you have the money get a set up with V100’s. Still financially accessible for many and very functional. the next step up to modern hardware is very costly and services Silicon Valley directly… better to compromise.

        • Catalyst
          “…I have started collating material from Webb and Corbett to train a model when I attain better gear.…”

          I had that idea- the idea of having my own virtual Mr Corbett to create reports at my request IS super appealing (thing I think he mentioned that he finds the idea creepy… which it kinda is, lol)

          If you do that maybe you should add Mae Brussels stuff into it. Feeding it her raw data clippings and the books she read would be kinda a massive undertaking but the audio is available in cd

          There was was a project to post her stuff with transcripts and you can buy the disks of her work from the website.

          Mention of the Mae Brussels project . Not sure how that’s going, #check


          With the caveat that I am not an expert can you tell me what you think of my counter point

          that getting an AI to write a summary of regular history based on say google books is going to give you a good result getting it to write a history based on conspiracy theory is going to be harder because it’s going to have to many blind spots where there is no info.

          I bet that an AI could see the patterns in events but would not think it could construct a proper theory of what’s going on….

          What do you think?

          • I think you have answered your own question, indeed the Ai will see the obvious patterns and fill in the “blind spots”. But in all honesty there are no real blind spots, it is more about narrative control, and when your story is more complete because it relies on substantiated historical data “there” LMM’s will chuck a wobbly. What’s more, as I alluded to earlier, am LMM with less paradox will be inherently more accurate. Absolutely part of the agenda to have people reliant on these things, but the end game will see these sh!t stains on society oust themselves, which is rather f#cking funny i think. In the end they are tools, not animals with claws and teeth, or horses, but just probabilistic behaviours….just like humans 😀

            “I bet that an AI could see the patterns in events but would not think it could construct a proper theory of what’s going on….” well for starters the Ai doesn’t think, it infers. But indeed the whole point is to build an LLM that has those blinders taken off.

            “I had that idea” well you had an idea, a different one as it were. This LLM would be available to all.

          • more’s to the point, the LLM would not just be Corbett or Webb. We are forced to use their base models with the entire internet on it and major curation, it’s just that there is some alignment put back into it that references reality, a red pilling of sorts. And yes, can become a massive undertaking but not far off.

      • I have started collating material from Webb and Corbett to train a model when I attain better gear. I crawled their websites a couple weeks back 😉 imma call the model “Con’s piracy”. The theory is if you remove all the lies and paradox from the model it should (in theory) be “smarter”. So silicon valley might just need to shoot themselves in the foot to get the ideal model….pretty funny sh!t.

        • Gonna grab articles (selectively) from TLAV as well. Ryan’s team does good work. Will only be an 8-bit LoRA training of an existing model but it will be good enough to put very real claws and teeth back on the animal.

      • I would recommend getting some server gear though because, pending war, capable silicon will become expensive and sort after. There you go James. a parallel economy, of sorts.

        • There is a lot of good information out there. Don’t forget Catherine Austin Fitts. Maybe from her substack
          solarireport substack

          Also a lot of Derrick Broze. He has a lot of information and programs/mini series.

          Thanks for doing this. If you get a few 100 people to release all of that information online? AI would pick it up? I don’t know how it works, I am about as tech savvy as, “which button do I push to start the machine?” and “what a mouse in the computer box? (Then a lot of screaming.)

          But I do find this very interesting. Thanks.

          • @G The idea is to train a language model using carefully curated information and text such that the model responds with complete arguments surrounding all the musings and “nuances” of historical reality. Current models are declawed and defanged before release, the process of LoRA training places a layer of weights in front of a model that steers its behaviour, akin to a horse bridal. This way we can mount people like Whitney and Corbett on an abused but powerful horse. Or like putting a pair of the glasses from the movie “They Live” on to the Language model. Silicon valley have far better models securely locked away and the ones we see have been lobotomised. Even if we could get the models they have we don’t have the hardware to run it on. Silicon Valley set up huggingface to steal ideas from the general populous on mass so as they could apply any good ideas to there own secreted models. It won’t be rice, beans and the illusion of parallel societies that take down silicon Valley, it will be Silicon Valley’s own refuse and common sense. The reason Webb’s and Corbett’s sites are so good is the articles are not only well researched but well edited. I will certainly be looking at other sites such as Fitts and Broze.

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