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Corbett Report member Octium connects the dots between two seemingly disparate Corbett reports: one on silicon valley and the other on the Georgia guidestones. So who is William Shockley, what does he have to do with the guidestones, and what does this all have to do with eugenics and computers? Find out in today’s intriguing exploration.
Episode 359 – The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know
Interview 1079 – Michael Bennett Solves The Georgia Guidestones Mystery
That good ole Ausie, Octium. Thanks!
I’m gonna say it agin…
I thoroughly enjoy The Corbett Report Community.
It is fun, extremely informative, sometimes contains “laugh-out-loud” witty humor or links to extraordinary beauty, and I could go on and on.
Folks here are sharp. And ‘real’. And friendly.
It is a nice crowd to travel life with.
The Corbett Report website’s subheader:
Open Source Intelligence News
Amen brotha (and sista)
Hey James, how did you end up posting a video about the Georgia guidestones on the very day that someone blew one of them up with high explosives? Just curious if somehow you heard about the explosion and quickly posted your flashback?
Thank you for all you do,
Jeff Hicks
Hi James. Did you post this video because the Georgia Guidestones just got wacked?
Georgia Guidestones are now completely leveled.
Georgia Guidestones, the monument with the inscription “maintain humanity under 500,000,000”, has been partially destroyed.
Had dreams of tablets cracking into pieces last night too. Hopefully a good omen!!
I hope this is posted in response to the Guidstones getting blown up rather then being an indicator Mr Corbett crackingthe code that something is going to happen suddenly 😉
I do recall that weird thing where YT videos surfaced of someone cracking a specific block and dishing out pieces like it was the Berlin wall…. actually I wonder nowthat no one found out who the hammer guy was
Found it
Hey… Luke Smith did a pretty good up close look at the guide stone some years back
Happened on it looking up the two above
Ding dong, the stones are dead. hehehe
Alright… who blew up the Georgia Guidestones!? ?
“…Alright… who blew up the Georgia Guidestones..”
Nice try FBI…. 😉
Seriously though MY money is that its either a magic ritual destruction to usher in some kind of New Aeon…they take that trash seriously
If its not that id bet the Glow in the Dark types got some Spaz to do it as an excuse to crack down on conspiracy theorists….. anyone got any other ideas? 🙂
You got me! Lol
I think both of your theories are plausible. Like s511 said further down the thread, they sure demolished and cleaned that up real quick! It’s almost as if they were covering something up. ?
They’ll “catch” a couple “far right extremist” suspects in a few days. The media will describe them as “religious fanatics,” believing in wild conspiracy theories. “These men were purportedly anti globalism and anti Davos/WEF. We need to start cracking down on these insane conspiracies and the crazies who believe in them!”
I can see it now
It was Climate Change!
Best answer!
maybe the granite was identifying with the ground more than the sky?
In a somewhat related topic, James, have you seen the documentary about transgenders called “What Is a Woman”?
The interviewer asks a psychiatrist where transgender started and she mentioned two men: Alfred Kinsley and John Money.
When the interviewer asked her why none of us had ever heard of these men, she replied something to the effect of “powerful people don’t want us to know”.
Perhaps you can apply your great research skills and do a video on these guys? Perhaps there are Eugenicist backgrounds with them as well? Since we know that transgender is leading us to transhumanism?
You should look up The Trans Industrial Complex by Scott Howard printed by Antelope Press….. it’s a college textbook level dig into who funds the Trans movement…. you can find some interviews but pretty much he’s only allowed on far right podcasts.
Trans goes back further as a religion thing (castrated “Priestesses” and such) but in modern times you should look at magnus hirschenfeld who inspired Kinsey’s and AFAIK actually was involved with attempted womb transplant trans operations (fatal
Infection killed client as I recall)
Abigail shrier book “irreversible dammage” is a good look at the human side of the trans contagion but Scott Howard is the guy who names names and follows the money
Dr judith reiseman died a year or so ago and she was a big one for calling out Kinsey… getting air time was always the issue
I think it was Tim Tate who did the Franklin doc that got pulled from TV who made “kinseys pedophiles ” you can get that on YouTube I think
I found it interesting that the state immediately came in with bulldozers and knocked down the rest of the ’guidestones’ and took them away. No permits or permission? Gone, no crime scene to investigate. Where is Columbo when you need him?
Does make you wonder huh? Mighty fast turnaround ?
Georgia Guidestones Now Completely Demolished Just Hours After Explosion
The Georgia Guidestones Get Bulldozed To The Ground Just Hours After A Section Was Destroyed By Explosives
… Dawn White of 11Alive reported that workmen had gone in to flatten the remaining standing pieces of the Guidestones. A video taken at the location shows several pieces of construction equipment as well as stone blocks stacked in a pile. It’s being reported that the remaining standing pieces were deemed unsafe, and needed to be flattened. But it seems odd that this would be done just hours after the initial incident in the middle of an active investigation.
Image – Provided by WMAZ-TV MaconCrews level rest of Georgia Guidestones after damage from explosive device.
A person who lives approximately five miles from the scene of the incident reported to the NBC station WYFF that they were awakened by a loud boom. At first light, they made their way to the structures, which are sometimes referred to as the “American Stonehenge,” and saw the devastation there….
The video of the demolition shows a “digger”, which is very different than a dozer.
and yes, james, did you choose that topic just before it trended?
Corbett Report ODYSEE Video
From Silicon Valley to the Georgia Guidestones
(7:15 minutes)
Following the bombing of The Georgia Guidestones on Wednesday July 6, 2022, featured on the HomePage of The Corbett Report was…
FLASHBACK: From Silicon Valley to the Georgia Guidestones (2019)
Dark Clouds Over Elberton (2015) – Georgia Guidestones (+ FLASHBACK: Michael Bennett solves the Georgia Guidestones mystery)…
…is in James Corbett’s “Recommended Viewing” for his 7/9/2022 article:
The Assassination of Abe
How to hurt a stone !
Drill into it, lets say 10 cm.
Put acid into the drill holes, wait, refill.
If it is in a climate with cold, just fill the holes with water.
It will crack.
Old technology, that works.
No need for explocives.
You can also drill a hole, and use some seeds, will do the work.
And it looks nicer.
Fire also do the work, with water, rapid cooling.
You could say this would work with a politican too !
Give them vaxx, and wait, or heat theyr balls, and cool them.
Or plant a seed into theyr brains. Hard, but can happen.
The book by “Robert Christian,” “Common Sense Renewed” can be found here:
Who owns the land under the Georgia Stones? The local authority, always has. Check Really Graceful latest video to see the evidence
Dark Clouds Over Elberton – full version of the documentary talked about in “Interview 1079 – Michael Bennett Solves The Georgia Guidestones Mystery”
And here’s one more possibly relevant tidbit that may or may not be related to Dr. Kersten of the Georgia Guidestones:
Dr. Felix Kersten was the personal masseuse/physician for Adolph Hitler. There’s a book about him called “The Memoirs of Doctor Felix Kersten” where he talks about saving many people from the concentration camps. He died in 1960 so he would have been old enough to be an uncle of the other Dr. Kersten perhaps?
Thanks mrei for the interesting document.
by “Robert Christian,” “Common Sense Renewed”
So this guy says he made the Guidestones. The hubris! ” Increasing crises may make mankind willing to accept a system of limited world law… With such a system we could eliminate war and provide every person an opportunity to seek a life of purpose and fulfillment.
How is that working out? Anyone feeling more purposeful and fulfilled since global governance increased?
I’m doing a deep dive on Rudolf Steiner, who had an “idiosyncratic inner encounter with a being he took to have incarnated under the ‘motto’ Christian Rosenkreuz, but who had, he believed, other nominal identities, such as the very remarkable Comte de Saint-Germain (? – 1784), according to Tobias Churton in his book The Invisible History of the Rosicrucians, Chapter 104.
The documentary Dark Clouds Over Elberton reveals that the man presenting himself as R. C. Christian was a doctor named Herbert Kerstein, who was a racist and white supremist with KKK associations. The plaque at the bottom of the stones, addressed ‘TO WHOMEVER COMES UPON THIS PRESENTATION’, reveals ties to the Rosicrucian’s and that R. C. Christian is Christian Rosenkrentz (1378-1484).
Rudolf Steiner also expressed white supremacist views, and according to this article, Steiner believed that “the superior white race would come out on top”, “through some sort of extinction of the other races”. The article also draws attention to the fact that the Aryan race theory was Rudolf Steiners, and results in “non-Aryan children being treated differently in Waldorf schools because of their race, based on Steiner’s philosophy”.